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This paper appears in the publication, International Journal of Synthetic Emotions, Volume 1, Issue 1 edited by Jordi Vallverdú © 2010, IGI Global

automatic, dimensional and Continuous recognition

Hatice Gunes, Imperial College London, UK Maja Pantic, Imperial College London, UK and University of Twente, EEMCS, The Netherlands abSTraCT

Recognition and analysis of human emotions have attracted a lot of in the past two decades and have been researched extensively in neuroscience, , cognitive sciences, and computer sciences. Most of the past in machine analysis of human emotion has focused on recognition of prototypic expressions of six basic emotions based on data that has been posed on demand and acquired in laboratory settings. More recently, there has been a shift toward recognition of affective displays recorded in naturalistic settings as driven by real world applications. This shift in research is aimed toward subtle, continuous, and context-specific interpretations of affective displays recorded in real-world settings and toward combining multiple modalities for analysis and recognition of human emotion. Accordingly, this article explores recent advances in dimensional and continuous modelling, sensing, and automatic recognition from visual, audio, tactile, and brain-wave modalities.

Keywords: Bodily Expression, Continuous , Dimensional Emotion Modelling, Emotional Acoustic and Bio-signals, , Multimodal Fusion

InTroduCTIon Despite the available range of cues and modalities in human-human interaction (HHI), Human natural affective behaviour is mul- the mainstream research on human emotion has timodal, subtle and complex. In day-to-day mostly focused on facial and vocal expressions interactions, people naturally communicate and their recognition in terms of seven discrete, multimodally by means of language, vocal basic emotion categories (neutral, , intonation, facial expression, hand gesture, head , , , and ; movement, body movement and posture, and Keltner & Ekman, 2000; Juslin & Scherer, possess a refined mechanism for understanding 2005). In line with the aforementioned, most and interpreting information conveyed by these of the past research on automatic affect sensing behavioural cues. and recognition has focused on recognition of facial and vocal expressions in terms of basic DOI: 10.4018/jse.2010101605 emotional states, and then based on data that

Copyright © 2010, IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited. International Journal of Synthetic Emotions, 1(1), 68-99, January-June 2010 69 has been posed on demand or acquired in emotional displays using a dimensional (rather laboratory settings (Pantic & Rothkrantz, 2003; than categorical) approach. Gunes, Piccardi, & Pantic, 2008; Zeng, Pantic, Roisman, & Huang, 2009). Additionally, each modality—visual, auditory, and tactile—has baCkGround rESEarCh been considered in . However, a num- Emotions are researched in various scientific ber of researchers have shown that in everyday disciplines such as neuroscience, psychology, interactions people exhibit non-basic, subtle and linguistics. Development of automated and rather complex mental/affective states like affective multimodal systems depends signifi- thinking, or (Baron- cantly on the progress in the aforementioned Cohen & Tead, 2003). Such subtle and complex sciences. Accordingly, we start our analysis by affective states can be expressed via tens (or exploring the background in emotion theory, possibly hundreds) of anatomically possible and human and recognition. facial expressions, bodily gestures or physi- ological signals. Accordingly, a single label (or any small number of discrete classes) may ThEorIES oF EMoTIon not reflect the complexity of the affective state conveyed by such rich sources of information According to the research in psychology, three (Russell, 1980). Hence, a number of researchers major approaches to emotion modelling can be advocate the use of dimensional description of distinguished (Grandjean, Sander, & Scherer, human affect, where an affective state is char- 2008): (1) categorical approach, (2) dimensional acterized in terms of a small number of latent approach, and (3) appraisal-based approach. (e.g., Russell, 1980; Scherer, 2000; The categorical approach is based on Scherer, Schorr, & Johnstone, 2001). research on basic emotions, pioneered by It is not surprising, therefore, that automatic Darwin (1998), interpreted by Tomkins (1962, affect sensing and recognition researchers have 1963) and supported by findings of Ekman & recently started exploring how to model, anal- his colleagues (1992, 1999). According to this yse and interpret the subtlety, complexity and approach there exist a small number of emo- continuity of affective behaviour in terms of tions that are basic, hard-wired in our brain, and latent dimensions, rather than in terms of a small recognized universally (e.g., Ekman & Friesen, number of discrete emotion categories. 2003). Ekman and his colleagues conducted A number of recent survey papers exist on various experiments on human judgment of automatic affect sensing and recognition (e.g., still photographs of deliberately displayed Gunes & Piccardi, 2008; Gunes et al., 2008; facial behaviour and concluded that six basic Zeng et al., 2009). However, none of those focus emotions can be recognized universally.These on dimensional affect analysis. This article, emotions are happiness, sadness, surprise, fear, therefore, sets out to explore recent advances in anger and disgust (Ekman, 1982). Although human affect modelling, sensing, and automatic have suggested a different number recognition from visual (i.e., facial and bodily of such basic emotions, ranging from 2 to 18 expression), audio, tactile (i.e., heart rate, skin categories (Ortony & Turner, 1990; Wierzbicka, conductivity, thermal signals etc.) and brain- 1992), there has been considerable agreement wave (i.e., brain and scalp signals) modalities by on the aforementioned six emotions. To date, providing an overview of theories of emotion (in Ekman’s theory on universality and interpreta- particular the dimensional theories), expression tion of affective nonverbal expressions in terms and perception of emotions, data acquisition of basic emotion categories has been the most and annotation, and the current state-of-the- commonly adopted approach in research on art in automatic sensing and recognition of automatic affect recognition.

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On the other hand, however, a number in a systematic manner. In this approach, ma- of researchers in psychology argued that it jority of affect variability is covered by three is necessary to go beyond discrete emotions. dimensions: , , and potency Among various classification schemes, Baron- (dominance) (Davitz, 1964; Mehrabian & Rus- Cohen and his colleagues, for instance, have sell, 1974; Osgood, Suci, & Tannenbaum, investigated cognitive mental states (e.g., 1957). The valence refers to how agreement, concentrating, disagreement, think- positive or negative the emotion is, and ranges ing, reluctance, and interest) and their use in from unpleasant to pleasant feelings daily life. They did so via analysis of multiple of happiness. The arousal dimension refers to asynchronous information sources such as facial how excited or apathetic the emotion is, and it actions, purposeful head gestures, and eye-gaze ranges from sleepiness or to frantic direction. They showed that cognitive mental excitement. The power dimension refers to the states occur more often in everyday interac- degree of power or sense of control over the tions than the basic emotions (Baron-Cohen emotion. Taking into account the aforemen- & Tead, 2003). These states were also found tioned, a reasonable space of emotion can be relevant in representing problem-solving and modelled as illustrated in Figure 1a. Russell decision-making processes in human-computer (1980) introduced a circular configuration Interaction (HCI) context and have been used called Circumflex of Affect (see Figure 1b) and by a number of researchers, though based on proposed that each basic emotion represents a deliberately displayed behaviour rather than bipolar entity being a part of the same emotional in natural scenarios (e.g., El Kaliouby & Rob- continuum. The proposed polars are arousal inson, 2005). (relaxed vs. aroused) and valence (pleasant According to the dimensional approach, vs. unpleasant). As illustrated in Figure 1b, affective states are not independent from one the proposed emotional space consists of four another; rather, they are related to one another quadrants: low arousal positive, high arousal

Figure 1. Illustration of a) three dimensions of emotion space (V-valence, A-arousal, P-power), and b) distribution of the seven emotions in arousal-valance (A-V) space. Images adapted from (Jin & Wang, 2005) and (Breazeal, 2003), respectively.

Copyright © 2010, IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited. International Journal of Synthetic Emotions, 1(1), 68-99, January-June 2010 71 positive, low arousal negative, and high arousal through changes in all relevant components negative. In this way, as argued by Russell, it including cognition, motivation, physiological is possible to characterize all emotions by their reactions, motor expressions, and feelings. The valence and arousal, and different emotional advantage of componential models is that they labels could be plotted at various positions on do not limit emotional states to a fixed number this two-dimensional plane. of discrete categories or to a few basic dimen- However, each approach, categorical or sions. Instead, they focus on the variability of dimensional, has its advantages and disad- different emotional states, as produced by dif- vantages. In the categorical approach, where ferent types of appraisal patterns. Emotion is each affective display is classified into a single described through a set of stimulus evaluation category, complex mental/affective state or checks, including the novelty, intrinsic pleasant- blended emotions may be too difficult to handle ness, goal-based significance, coping potential, (Yu, Aoki, & Woodruff, 2004). Instead, in and compatibility with standards. Therefore, dimensional approach, observers can indicate differentiating between various emotions and their impression of each stimulus on several modelling individual differences become pos- continuous scales. Despite exhibiting such sible. How to use the appraisal-based approach advantages, dimensional approach has received for automatic emotion recognition remains an a number of criticisms. Firstly, the usefulness open research question due to the fact that this of these approaches has been challenged by approach requires complex, multicomponential discrete emotions theorists, such as Silvan and sophisticated measurements of change. Tomkins, , and Carroll Izard, who Even with over a century of research, all argued that the reduction of emotion space to of the aforementioned issues, and in particular two or three dimensions is extreme and resulting the issue of which psychological model of in loss of information. Secondly, while some emotion is more appropriate for which con- basic emotions proposed by Ekman, such as text, still remain under discussion. For further happiness or sadness, seem to fit well in the details on different approaches to modelling dimensional space, some basic emotions be- human emotions and their relative advantages come indistinguishable (e.g., fear and anger), and disadvantages, the reader is referred to and some emotions may lie outside the space the works by Scherer (2000) and Grandjean (e.g., surprise). It also remains unclear how to et al. (2008). determine the position of other affect-related states such as . Note, however, that arousal and valence are not claimed to be the ExPrESSIon and only dimensions or to be sufficient to differenti- PErCEPTIon oF EMoTIonS ate equally between all emotions. Nonetheless, Emotional information is conveyed by a broad they have proven to be useful in several domains range of multimodal cues, including speech and (e.g., affective as reported by language, gesture and head movement, body Yang, Lin, Su, & Chen, 2007). movement and posture, vocal intonation and Scherer and colleagues introduced another facial expression, and so forth. Herewith, we set of psychological models, referred to as com- provide a summary of the findings from research ponential models of emotion, which are based on emotion communication by means of facial on (Scherer et al., 2001). The and bodily expression, speech and nonverbal appraisal-based approach, which can also be vocalizations, bio-potential signals (physiologi- seen as extension to the dimensional approach, cal signals, brain waves and thermal signals). claims that emotions are generated through Figure 2 illustrates examples of sensors used continuous, recursive subjective evaluation of for acquiring affective data from these cues both our own internal state and the state of the and modalities. outside world. This approach views emotions

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Figure 2. Examples of sensors used in multimodal affective data acquisition: (a) camera for visible imagery, (b) microphone(s) for audio recording, (c) various sensors for bio-potential signal recording and (d) infrared camera for thermal imagery

FaCIal ExPrESSIon human facial behaviour, Ekman and Friesen developed the Facial Action Coding System Ekman and his colleagues conducted vari- (FACS) for coding fine-grained changes in the ous experiments of human judgment on still face (Ekman & Friesen, 1978; Ekman, Friesen, photographs of deliberately displayed facial & Hager, 2002). FACS is based on the enumera- behaviour and concluded that six basic emotions tion of all facial action units, which are related can be recognized universally: happiness, sad- to facial muscle actions, causing changes in the ness, surprise, fear, anger and disgust. Several facial appearance. In addition to this, Friesen other emotions and many combinations of emo- and Ekman (1984) developed Emotion FACS tions have been studied as well but it remains (EMFACS) as a method for using FACS to score unconfirmed whether they are universally only the facial actions that might be relevant to distinguishable. Although prototypic expres- detecting emotions. sions of basic emotions like happiness, surprise, As proposed by a number of researchers and fear are natural, they occur infrequently in (e.g., Plutchik, 1984; Russell, 1997), different daily life and provide an incomplete description facial expressions could also be mapped to vari- of facial behaviour. To capture the subtlety of ous positions on the two-dimensional plane of

Copyright © 2010, IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited. International Journal of Synthetic Emotions, 1(1), 68-99, January-June 2010 73 arousal-valence. This is illustrated in Figure 1b, compared to, for example, bodily expressions where a series of facial expression photos was of sadness. mapped onto Russell’s (1997) arousal-valence Behavioural studies have shown that dimensions (Breazeal, 2003). posture can communicate affective dimen- To date, however, Ekman’s theory of basic sions as well as discrete emotion categories. emotions and the FACS are the most com- Kleinsmith, Ravindra De Silva, and Bianchi- monly used schemes in vision-based systems Berthouze (2005) identified that scaling, attempting to recognize facial expressions and arousal, valence, and action tendency were the analyze human affective behaviour (Pantic & affective dimensions used by human observers Rothkrantz, 2003; Zeng et al., 2009). when discriminating between postures. They reported that low-level posture features such as orientation (e.g., orientation of shoulder axis) bodIly ExPrESSIon and distance (e.g., distance between left elbow and left shoulder) could effectively discriminate Researchers in and human between the affective dimensions. development have long emphasized the fact In general, dimensional models are con- that emotional states are expressed through sidered important in affect sensing as a single body movement (Argyle, 1975; Darwin, 1998; label may not reflect the complexity of the Hadjikhani & De Gelder, 2003). However, affective state conveyed by a body posture or compared to research on facial expression, the gesture. It is also worth noting that Ekman and expressive information body gestures carry has Friesen (1967) considered expressing discrete not been adequately explored yet. emotion categories via face, and communicating The main focus has been that of map- dimensions of affect via body as more plausible. ping bodily expression onto discrete emotion However, communication of emotions by bodily categories. Darwin (1998) was the first to movement and expressions is still a relatively describe in detail the bodily expressions as- unexplored and unresolved area in psychol- sociated with emotions in animals and humans ogy, and further research is needed in order to and proposed several principles underlying obtain a better on how they contribute the organization of these expressions. Fol- to the perception and recognition of various lowing Darwin’s early work, there have been affective states both in terms of categories and a number of studies on human body postures A-V dimensions. communicating emotions (e.g., Argyle, 1975). Coulson presented experimental results on at- tribution of six emotions (anger, disgust, fear, audIo happiness, sadness and surprise) to static body postures by using computer-generated figures Speech conveys affective information through (Coulson, 2004). He found out that in general, explicit (linguistic) messages, and implicit human recognition of emotion from posture is (paralinguistic) messages that reflect the way the comparable to recognition from the voice, and words are spoken. If we consider the verbal part some postures are recognized as effectively as (linguistic message) only, without regarding the facial expressions. manner in which it was spoken (paralinguistic Van den Stock, Righart, and De Gelder message), we might miss important aspects of (2007) also presented a study investigating the pertinent utterance and even misunderstand emotional body postures (happiness, sadness, the spoken message by not attending to the non- surprise, fear, disgust and anger) and how they verbal aspect of the speech. However, findings are perceived. Results indicate good recogni- in basic research indicate that spoken messages tion of all emotions, with angry and fearful are rather unreliable means to analyze and pre- bodily expressions less accurately recognized dict human (affective) behaviour (Ambady &

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Rosenthal, 1992). Anticipating a person’s word speech (Cowie, Douglas-Cowie, Savvidou, choice and the associated intent is very difficult: McMahon, Sawey, & Schroder, 2000; Cowie et even in highly constrained situations, different al., 2001). Scherer and his colleagues have also people choose different words to express exactly proposed how to judge emotion effects on vocal the same thing. Yet, some information about the expression, using the appraisal-based theory speaker’s affective state can be inferred directly (Grandjean et al., 2008; Scherer, 2000). from the surface features of words, which were summarized in some affective word dictionar- ies and lexical affinity (e.g., Whissell, 1989). bIo-PoTEnTIal SIGnalS The rest of affective information lies below the Numerous findings in suggest text surface and can only be detected when the that the activation of the autonomic nervous semantic context (e.g., discourse information) system changes when emotions are elicited is taken into account. The association between (Levenson, 1988). linguistic content and emotion is language- While the visual modality including facial dependent and generalizing from one language expressions and body gestures provides a visible to another is very difficult to achieve (Ortony proof of affective arousal, bio-signals such as & Turner, 1990). electroencephalography (EEG) and functional When it comes to implicit, paralinguistic near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) provide an messages that convey affective information, the invisible proof of affective arousal (Savran et research in psychology and al., 2006). The signals commonly referred to as provides an immense body of results on acous- physiological or bio-signals (Changchun, Rani, tic and prosodic features which can be used to & Sarkar, 2005; Savran et al., 2006; Takahashi, encode affective states of a speaker. For a com- 2004) and used in affect sensing research field prehensive overview of the past research in the to identify emotions can be listed and described field, readers are referred to Juslin and Scherer as follows. (2005). The prosodic features which seem to be reliable indicators of the basic emotions are the continuous acoustic measures, particularly • Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) provides pitch-related measures (range, mean, median, a measurement of the of skin conductance and variability), intensity and duration. For (SC). SC increases linearly with a person’s a comprehensive summary of acoustic cues level of overall arousal or (Chanel, related to vocal expressions of basic emotions, Kronegg, Grandjean, & Pun, 2007). readers are referred to Cowie et al. (2001). • Electromyography (EMG) measures the However, basic researchers have not identi- muscle activity or frequency of muscle fied an optimal set of voice cues that reliably tension, and has been shown to correlate discriminate among emotions. Nonetheless, with negatively valenced emotions (Haag, listeners seem to be accurate in decoding some Goronzy, Schaich, & Williams, 2004, Na- basic emotions from prosody (Juslin & Scherer, kasone, Prendinger, & Ishizuka, 2005). 2005) as well as some non-basic affective states • Blood Volume Pulse (BVP) is an indica- such as distress, , boredom, and sexual tor of blood . Since each heart beat (or interest from non-linguistic vocalizations like pulse) presses blood through the vessels, laughs, cries, and yawns (Russell & Fernández- BVP can also be used to calculate heart Dols, 1997). rate and inter-beat intervals. Heart rate There have also been a number of works increases with negatively valenced emo- focusing on how to map audio expression to tions, such as anxiety or fear. dimensional models. Cowie et al. used valence- • Skin temperature (ST) describes the tem- activation space, which is similar to the A-V perature as measured on the surface of the space, to model and assess emotions from skin.

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• Electrocardiogram (ECG) signal mea- exists a correlation between mammals’ core sures contractile activity of the heart. body temperature and their affective states. This can be recorded either directly on Nakayama, Goto, Kuraoka, & Nakamura (2005) the surface of the chest or alternatively conducted experiments by monitoring the facial on the limbs (more sensitive to artefacts). temperature change of monkeys under stressful It can be used to measure heart rate and and threatening conditions. Their study revealed inter-beat intervals to determine the heart that a decrease in nasal skin temperature is rel- rate variability (HRV). A low HRV can evant to a change from neutral to negative affec- indicate a state of , whereas an tive state. Vianna and Carrive (2005) conducted increased HRV can indicate a potential another independent experiment by monitoring state of mental stress or . the temperature changes in rats when they were • Respiration rate (R) measures how deep experiencing fearful situations. They observed and fast a person is breathing. Slow and that the temperature increased in certain body deep breathing indicates a relaxed resting parts (i.e., eyes, head and back), while in other state while irregular rhythm, quick varia- body parts (i.e., tail and paws) the temperature tions, and cessation of respiration cor- dropped simultaneously. responds to more aroused emotions like Other studies also exist indicating that anger or fear (Chanel et al., 2007; Haag contraction or expansion of the facial/bodily et al., 2004). muscles of humans causes fluctuations in the blood flow rate (e.g., Khan, Ingleby, & Ward, There is evidence suggesting that measure- 2006, Khan, Ward, & Ingleby, 2006, Khan, ments recorded over various parts of the brain Ward, & Ingleby, 2009; Tsiamyrtzis, Dowdall, including the amygdala enable observation of Shastri, Pavlidis, Frank, & Ekman, 2007). This the emotions felt (Pun et al., 2006). For instance, muscular activity results in a change in the approach or withdrawal response to a stimulus volume of blood flow under the surface of the is known to be linked to the activation of the human facial and/or bodily skin. Thus, tensed left or right frontal cortex, respectively. or contracted muscles (e.g., in anger or stress) As stated by Arroyo-Palacios and Romano result in higher skin temperature. (2008) physiological or bio-signals offer great Unlike other bio-physiological sensing, possibilities for automatic affect recognition. the use of infrared thermal camera does not However, exploiting their full potential has been rely on contact with the human body. Thus, impossible to date due to a lack of consensus non-invasive detection of any change in facial among psychologists about the nature, theories, and/or bodily thermal features relevant to models, and specificity of physiological patterns detecting, extracting, and interpreting human for each emotion-space dimension. Needless affective states is feasible. For instance, Pavlidis, to say, establishing standardization on key Levine, and Baukol (2001) and Tsiamyrtzis et areas such as stimulus for the identification of al. (2007) have shown that there is a correla- physiological patterns, physiological measures, tion between increased blood perfusion in the features to analyze, and the emotional model to orbital muscles and anxiety and stress levels be used will greatly advance the state-of-the- of humans. Similarly, Puri, Olson, Pavlidis, art in this field (Arroyo-Palacios & Romano, Levine, and Starren (2005) reported that users’ 2008). stress level was correlated with increased blood flow in the frontal vessels of forehead causing dissipation of convective heat. ThErMal SIGnalS A generic model for estimating the relation- ship between fluctuations in blood flow, skin A number of studies in , physi- temperature, and facial/bodily muscle activity is ology, and behaviour analysis suggest that there not yet available. Such a model could enhance

Copyright © 2010, IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited. 76 International Journal of Synthetic Emotions, 1(1), 68-99, January-June 2010 our understanding of the relationship between speech (DePaulo, 2003) in the case of decep- affective dimensions and the facial/bodily tive behaviour. thermal and physiological reactions. Compared to visible channels of face and body, the advantage of using bio-signals for recognizing affective states is the fact that physi- PoSEd VS. SPonTanEouS ological recordings cannot be easily faked or ExPrESSIonS suppressed, and can provide direct information about the user’s affective state. Most of the studies supporting the universality of However, people express and communicate emotional expressions are based on experiments emotions multimodally. Hence, more research related to deliberate/posed expressions. Studies efforts and studies on posed vs. spontaneous reveal that humans recognise both deliberate/ expressions in a multicue and multimodal posed and involuntary/spontaneous emotional context are needed if we are to obtain a better expressions equally accurately. However, delib- understanding of the natural communication of erate expressions are significantly different from emotions in HHI to be later used in HCI. spontaneous expressions. Deliberate facial be- haviour is mediated by separate motor pathways and differences between natural and deliberate daTa aCquISITIon facial actions may be significant. Schmidt and Cohn (2001) reported that an important visual Recordings of affective behaviour may be cue signalling a smile as being deliberate or those of posed behaviour (i.e., produced by spontaneous is the temporal evolvement of the subject upon request), induced behaviour the smile. Extensive research has been further (i.e., occurring in a controlled setting designed conducted by Cohn and colleagues in order to to elicit an affective reaction such as when identify temporal and morphological differ- watching movies), or spontaneous behaviour ences between deliberately and spontaneously (i.e., occurring in real-life settings such as displayed facial affective behaviour (Ambadar, interviews or interactions between humans or Schooler, & Cohn, 2005). between humans and machines) (Banziger & In daily interactions, a particular bodily Scherer, 2007). expression is most likely to be accompanied by The easiest way to create a database of a congruent facial expression being governed acted affective displays is by having an experi- by a single emotional state. Darwin argued that menter direct and control the recorded displays. because our bodily actions are easier to control Depending on which modalities are recorded, a on command than our facial actions, the infor- number of sensors can be used: cameras for face mation conveyed by body movements should be and body expressions, microphones for record- less significant than that conveyed by the face, ing audio signals, a motion capture systems to at least when it comes to discerning spontane- record 3D affective postures/gestures, and so ous from posed behaviour. Ekman, however, forth. (see Figure 2). When acquiring spontane- argued that people do not bother to censor ous affective multimodal data, the subjects may their body movements in daily life; therefore, be recorded without their knowledge while they the body would be the more reliable source are stimulated with some emotionally-rich stim- of information (Ekman, 2003). This is also in ulus (e.g., Zuckerman, Larrance, Hall, DeFrank, agreement with recent findings in research in & Rosenthal, 1979). Due to the ethical issues, nonverbal behaviour and communication, which making recordings without subjects’ knowledge state that truthful and deceptive behaviour dif- is strongly discouraged and the current trend is fer from each other in lack of head movement to record spontaneous data in more constrained (Buller, Burgoon, White, & Ebesu, 1994) and conditions such as an interview settings, where lack of illustrating gestures which accompany subjects are still aware of placement of cameras

Copyright © 2010, IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited. International Journal of Synthetic Emotions, 1(1), 68-99, January-June 2010 77 and their locations (e.g., Littlewort, Bartlett, & stimulated with emotionally-evocative images/ Lee, 2007; Pantic & Bartlett, 2007). videos/sounds. The variation of the skin conduc- 3D affective body postures or gestures can tance at the region of interest is then measured alternatively be recorded by utilizing motion (Takahashi, 2004). Hence, the bio-potential capture systems (e.g., Kleinsmith & Bianchi- affect data acquisition is induced and, due to Berthouze, 2007). In such scenarios, the actor its invasive nature, the experimental settings is dressed in a suit with a number of markers provided do not encourage spontaneity. on the joints and body segments, while each Creation and annotation of affect databases gesture is captured by a number of cameras and from face and body displays has been reviewed represented by consecutive frames describing by Gunes and Piccardi (2006). Various visual, the position of the markers in the 3D space. audio and audio-visual databases have been Recording physiological and bio-potential reviewed by Zeng et al. (2009). The existing signals is a bit more complicated compared to databases where emotion is labelled continu- the aforementioned recordings. In the brain- ously and data were made publicly available for computer interface (BCI) or bio-potential signal research purposes are listed in Table 1. Overall, research context, the subject being recorded very few of the existing multimodal affect usually wears headphones, a headband or a cap databases contain spontaneous data. Although on which electrodes are mounted, a clip sensor, there is a recent attempt to collect spontaneous and/or touch type electrodes. The subject is then facial expression data in real-life settings (in

Table 1. Representative databases created for dimensional affect recognition.

The Montreal Affective The Vera am Mittag Database SAL database Voices Database speech database Reference Belin, Fillion-Bilodeau, and Douglas-Cowie et al., 2007 Grimm, Kroschel, and Gosselin, 2008 Narayanan, 2008 Data Type Posed induced spontaneous Modalities Emotional speech Audiovisual: Audiovisual: facial expressions, emotional facial and bodily expressions, speech emotional speech Subjects 5 male and 5 female actors 2 male and 2 female subjects various participants in the interacting with an artificial show listener Categorical anger, disgust, sadness, fear, not applicable not applicable Annotation , happiness, , sur- prise, neutral Dimensional intensity of valence, intensity intensity of arousal, and continuous annotation for Annotation of arousal, and intensity of each intensity of valence valence, activation, and discrete emotion category dominance. Annotators 30 observers 4 Feeltrace coders 17 observers Content 90 emotionally-coloured pro- Humans interacting with a 12 hours of audio-visual nunciations of the word ‘ah’ Sensitive Artificial Listener recordings of German TV (SAL) in a Wizard-of-Oz talk show “Vera am Mittag”, scenario segmented into dialogue acts and utterances Public Availability Yes yes yes Online Provision No no no

Copyright © 2010, IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited. 78 International Journal of Synthetic Emotions, 1(1), 68-99, January-June 2010 the context of autism disorder; El Kaliouby model a robot’s interpretation of facial expres- & Teeters, 2007), such an attempt is lacking sions. Shin (2007) asked human observers to when it comes to multimodal human-affect rate static facial expression images in terms data. As already mentioned above, acquiring of A-V dimensions on a nine-point scale. The data in fully unconstrained environments with images were labelled with a rating averaged multiple sensors involves ethical and privacy over all observers. As described previously, concerns together with numerous technical the FeelTrace annotation tool is often used to difficulties (placement of sensors, controlling annotate audio and audio-visual recordings (e.g., the environmental conditions such as noise, in the case of the SAL database). illumination, occlusions; consistency, repeat- When it comes to annotating body gestures, ability, etc.). This impedes significantly the there is not one common annotation scheme progress in this direction. that has been adopted by all research groups. Kleinsmith and Bianchi-Berthouze (2007) re- ported results for five observers that were asked daTa annoTaTIon to rate static body postures on a seven-point Likert scale in terms of four affective dimen- In general, annotation of the data, both for posed sions: valence (pleasure), arousal (alertness), and spontaneous data, is usually done separately potency (control), and avoidance (avoid/attend for each channel assuming independency be- to). Postures that received an average observer tween the channels. rating of < 3.8 were labelled as low intensity In general, for databases containing audio postures. Postures that received an average data, the annotation tool FeelTrace is commonly rating between 3.8 and 4.2 were labelled as used. Feeltrace allows observers to listen to af- neutral intensity postures. Finally, postures fective behaviour recordings (and watch them in that received an average rating of > 4.2 were the case of audio-visual recordings) and move labelled as high intensity postures. their cursor within a 2D emotional space to rate Using the categorical and dimensional their impression about the emotional state of the models simultaneously enables analysis of subject (Cowie et al., 2000). Emotion classes mapping between categorical and dimensional based on Feeltrace can be described as follows: spaces. The Montreal Affective Voices Database positive activation, positive evaluation; positive (Belin et al., 2008), for instance, includes 10 activation, negative evaluation; negative activa- ratings for each data sample: perceived valence tion, negative evaluation; negative activation, (from extremely negative to extremely posi- positive evaluation; and neutral (close to the tive), perceived arousal (from not aroused to centre of the 2D emotional space). For instance, extremely aroused), and perceived intensity of for the Sensitive Artificial Listener (SAL) data- eight targeted affective states: happiness, sad- base (see Douglas-Cowie et al., 2007; Table 1), 4 ness, fear, anger, surprise, disgust, pleasure, and observers provided continuous annotations with pain (e.g., from not angry to extremely angry). respect to valence and activation dimensions, Jin and Wang (2005) analyzed emotions in using the FeelTrace annotation tool. spoken Chinese and reported that and anger In general, when annotating or labelling are commonly associated with similar high affective behaviour from facial displays, six level of arousal while surprise, disgust, fear, basic emotion categories and the Facial Action neutral, and sadness are commonly associated Coding System (FACS) are used. There exist with lower levels of arousal. As far as valence very few studies focusing on labelling facial is concerned, joy was commonly associated expressions using the dimensional approaches. with high levels of valence. Differences in the For instance, Breazeal (2003) mapped a series ratings in terms of the arousal dimension were of facial expression photos onto Russell’s A-V reported to be smaller than those reported for emotion space (see Figure 1b) and used this to the valence dimension.

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Annotating brain-wave, thermal, and Gao (2008), or a hierarchical scheme where the other signals in terms of affective states is not first level focuses on intensity (high, medium, a straightforward process and it is inherently low), and the second level focuses on emotions different compared to visual or audio record- with high (happy, fear, anger), medium (happy, ings. For bio-potential signal annotation, the neutral, sad) and low (sad, neutral) arousal (Xu, level of valence and arousal is usually ex- Jin, Luo, & Duan, 2008) could potentially ease tracted from the subjects’ responses (Kulic & naïve observer’s annotation task. Development Croft, 2007; Pun, Alecu, Chanel, Kronegg, & of an easy to use, unambiguous and intuitive Voloshynovskiy, 2006). This is mainly due to annotation scheme remains, however, an im- the fact that feelings induced by an image can portant challenge. be very different from subject to subject. Self- Another major challenge in affect data an- assessment of valence and arousal is therefore notation is the fact that there is no coding scheme a preferred way of labelling the data (Chanel that is agreed upon and used by all researchers in et al., 2005). The subjects are generally asked the field and that can accommodate all possible to rate their response to the stimuli in terms communicative cues and modalities including of intensity of few affect categories (Kulic & facial and bodily expressions, vocal intonation Croft, 2007). When a dimensional approach is and vocalization (e.g., laughter), bio-potential used, intensity scores such as low, medium and signals, etc. Addressing the aforementioned high are usually scored for arousal and valence issues is necessary if we are to advance the dimensions (Kulic & Croft, 2007). state-of-the-art in dimensional affect sensing Overall, researchers seem to use different and recognition by making the research material levels of intensity when adopting a dimensional comparable and easy to use. affect approach. Shin (2007) asked the observers to rate static facial expression images in terms of A-V using a ten-point Likert scale (0-very aFFECT rECoGnITIon positive, 9-very negative), (0-low arousal, A typical approach to affect recognition is 9-high arousal). Yang et al. (2007) use a range to categorize input samples into a number of between -1.0 and 1.0, divided into 11 levels, for emotion classes and apply standard pattern rec- annotation of emotions in the A-V space. The ognition procedures to train a classifier (Yang final annotation is then calculated as the mean et al., 2007). This approach proved reasonably of the A-V values of all observers. successful for categorical emotion recognition Obtaining high inter-observer agreement (Gunes et al., 2008; Pantic & Rothkrantz, 2003; is one of the main challenges in affective data Zeng et al., 2009). However, is this approach annotation, especially when dimensional ap- suitable when it comes to dimensional emotion proach is adopted. Yang et al. (2007) report that recognition? We attempt to find answers to this mapping emotions onto the A-V space confuses question by examining the problem domain and the subjects. For instance, the first quadrant surveying the state of the art in the field. (high arousal, high valence) contains emotions such as excited, happy, and pleased, which are different in nature. In addition, the Feeltrace ProblEM doMaIn representation is criticized for not being intui- tive, and raters seem to need special training to Affect recognition is context dependent (sensi- use such a dimensional labelling system (Zeng tive to who the subject is, where she is, what et al., 2009). A hybrid coding scheme combining her current task is, and when the observed both dimensional and categorical descriptions, behaviour has been shown; Pantic, Nijholt, & similar to that of Zhang, Tian, Jiang, Huang, and Petland, 2008). It must be carried out differently

Copyright © 2010, IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited. 80 International Journal of Synthetic Emotions, 1(1), 68-99, January-June 2010 in the case of acted behaviour than in the case duraTIon oF EMoTIonS of spontaneous behaviour (see the previous sec- tion of this article), and both configuration and Determining the length of the temporal window temporal analysis of the observed behaviour are for automatic affect analysis depends in prin- of importance for its interpretation (Ambadar ciple on the modality and the target emotion. et al., 2005). Except of these issues, which are Levenson (1988) suggests that overall duration typical for any human behaviour interpretation, of emotions approximately falls between 0.5 and have been discussed in various papers and 4 seconds. He points out that, when mea- (e.g., Pantic & Bartlett, 2007; Pantic et al., suring at wrong times, the emotion might be 2008; Vinciarelli, Pantic, & Bourland, 2009), missed or multiple different emotions might be there are a number of additional issues which covered when too long periods are measured. need to be taken into account when applying a For instance, when measuring bio-signals, for dimensional approach to emotion recognition. surprise the latency of onset can be very short, These include reliability of the ground-truth, while for anger it may be rather long. Overall, determining duration of emotions for automatic the existing literature does not provide a unique analysis, determining the baseline, dimensional- answer regarding the window size to be used to ity reduction, modelling intensity of emotions, achieve optimal affect recognition. Also, there is high inter-subject variation, defining optimal no consensus on how the efficiency of a choice fusion of cues/modalities, and identifying ap- should be evaluated. Current affect recognizers propriate classification methods and evaluation employ various window sizes depending on the measures. modality, e.g., 2-6 seconds for speech, 3-15 seconds for bio-signals (Kim, 2007). rElIabIlITy oF ThE Ground-TruTh EMoTIon InTEnSITy

Achieving inter-observer agreement is one of In dimensional emotion recognition the inten- the most challenging issues in dimension-based sity of an emotion is encoded in the level of affect modelling and analysis. To date, research- arousal (Kulic & Croft, 2007). Different emo- ers have mostly chosen to use self-assessments tions that have a similar level of valence can (e.g., Pun et al., 2006) or the mean (within a only be discriminated by their level of arousal. predefined range of values) of the observers’ For instance, at a neutral valence level, low ratings (e.g., Kleinsmith & Bianchi-Berthouze, arousal represents while high arousal 2007). Chanel et al. (2005) report that although represents excitement. Intensity is usually it is difficult to self-assess arousal, using classes measured by modelling it with discrete levels generated from self-assessment of emotions such as neutral, low and high (e.g., Kleinsmith facilitate greater accuracy in recognition. This & Bianchi-Berthouze, 2007; Kulic & Croft, finding results from a study on automatic analy- 2007; Wollmer et al., 2008). Separate models sis of physiological signals in terms of A-V are then built to discriminate between pairs emotion space (Chanel et al., 2005). It remains of affective dimension levels, for instance, unclear whether the same holds independently low vs. high, low vs. neutral, etc. (Kleinsmith of the utilised modalities and cues. Modelling & Bianchi-Berthouze, 2007). Measuring the inter-observer agreement levels within auto- intensity of shown emotion appears to be mo- matic affect analyzers and finding which signals dality dependent. The way the intensity of an better correlate with self assessments and which emotion is apparent from physiological data ones better correlate with independent observer may be different than the way it is apparent assessments remain unexplored. from visual data. Generalizing intensity analysis across different subjects is a challenge yet to

Copyright © 2010, IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited. International Journal of Synthetic Emotions, 1(1), 68-99, January-June 2010 81 be researched, and it is expected to be a cum- frame of the input facial video, Wollmer et al. bersome problem as different subjects express (2008) extract 4,843 features for each utterance, different levels of emotions in the same situation Chanel, Ansari, and Pun (2007) use 16,704 EEG (Levenson, 1988). features, Kim (2007) uses 61 features extracted from speech segments and 77 features extracted from bio-signals. The problematic issue here ThE baSElInE ProblEM is having fewer training samples than features per sample for learning the target classifica- When targeting spontaneous behaviour analysis tion, which may lead to under sampling or a and moving toward real-world settings, one singularity problem. To alleviate this problem, of the basic problems is the Baseline Problem dimensionality reduction or feature selection (Nakasone et al., 2005). For tactile modality, techniques are applied. Linear combination The Baseline Problem refers to the problem techniques such as Principal Component Analy- of finding a condition against which changes sis (PCA) and Linear Discriminant Analysis in measured physiological signals can be (LDA) and non-linear techniques such as kernel compared—the baseline. For visual modal- PCA (KPCA) have been used for that purpose ity, The Baseline Problem refers to finding a (e.g., Chanel et al., 2007; Gunes & Piccardi, frame in which the subject is expressionless 2009; Khan et al., 2009), and so have been and against which changes in subject’s motion, feature selection techniques such as Sequential pose, and appearance can be compared. This is Backward Selection (Kim, 2007). However, usually achieved by manually segmenting the how to optimally reduce the dimensionality of recordings, or by constraining the recordings continuous multicue and multimodel affect still to emotional prototypes, or by having the first needs to be explored. frame containing baseline/neutral expression. For the audio modality this is usually achieved by segmenting the recordings into turns using GEnEralIzaTIon energy based Voice Activity Detection and processing each turn separately (e.g., Wollmer Should automatic affect analysers be able to et al., 2008). Yet, as pointed out by Levenson generalize across subjects or should the rec- (1988) emotion “is rarely superimposed upon ognition be personalized? When it comes to a prior state of “rest”; instead, emotion occurs affect recognition from bio-potential signals, most typically when the organism is in some the overall amplitudes of the patterns recorded prior activation.” Hence, enforcing existence are found to be dependent on the user, suggest- of expressionless state in each recording or ing that personalization is required to ensure manually segmenting recordings so that each consistent recognition of significant patterns segment contains a baseline expression are for these signals (Conati, Chabbal, & Maclaren, strong, unrealistic constrains. This remains a 2003). Kim (2007) also found that at times great challenge in automatic analysis, which subjects are inconsistent in their emotional typically relies on existence of a baseline for expression. Kulic and Croft (2007) reported analysis and processing of affective informa- on the problem of saliency: subjects seem to tion. vary not only in terms of response amplitude and duration, but for some modalities, a number of subjects show no response at all (e.g., only a dIMEnSIonalITy subset of subjects exhibit heart-rate response). This makes generalization over unseen subjects The space based on which emotions are typically a very difficult problem. Chanel et al. (2005) recognized is usually a feature space with a very emphasize the need of training and evaluating high dimensionality. For example, Valstar and classifiers for each participant separately due Pantic (2007) extract 2,520 features for each

Copyright © 2010, IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited. 82 International Journal of Synthetic Emotions, 1(1), 68-99, January-June 2010 to the aforementioned inter-subject variation. tion and machine learning, and more recently When it comes to other modalities, most of to researchers in the fields of data mining and the works in the field report only on subject knowledge discovery. One approach, which dependent dimensional affect recognition due has become popular across many disciplines, to limited number of subjects and data (e.g., is based upon the combination of multiple Wollmer et al., 2008). classifiers, also referred to as an ensemble of experts and/or classifier fusion. For an overview of work done on combining classifiers and FuSIon for theoretical justification for using simple operators such as majority vote, sum, product, For affect sensing and recognition, modality maximum/minimum/median, and adaptation fusion refers to combining and integrating of weights, the readers are referred to the work all incoming monomodal events into a single by Kittler, Hatef, Duin, and Matas (1998). representation of the affect expressed by the Decision-level data fusion can be obtained at user. When it comes to integrating the multiple the soft-level (a measure of is as- modalities the major issues are: (i) when to sociated with the decision), or at the hard-level integrate the modalities (i.e., at what abstrac- (the combining mechanism operates on single tion level to do the fusion), and (ii) how to hypothesis decisions). integrate the modalities (i.e., which criteria to Feature-level data fusion is assumed to use). Typically, the multimodal data fusion is be appropriate for closely coupled and syn- either done at the feature level in a maximum chronized modalities (e.g., speech and lip likelihood estimation manner or at the deci- movements). This approach assumes a strict sion level when most of the joint statistical time synchrony between the modalities. Hence, properties (maximum a posteriori) may have feature-level data fusion tends not to generalize been lost (Corradini et al., 2003). To make well when the modalities substantially differ the multimodal data fusion problem tractable, in temporal characteristics (e.g., speech and the individual modalities are usually assumed gestures). Therefore, when input from two independent of each other. This simplification modalities is fused at the feature level, features allows employing simple parametric models for extracted from the two modalities should be the joint distributions that cannot capture the made synchronous and compatible. The asyn- complex relationships between the modalities. chrony between modalities may be of two kinds: More importantly, this does not support mutual (a) asynchrony in subject’s signal production estimation (e.g., using the audio information to (e.g., the facial action might start earlier than inform the visual information processing; Cor- the vocalization), and (b) asynchrony in the radini, Mehta, Bernsen, & Martin, 2003). recording (e.g., video is recorded at 25 Hz, The assumption of mutual independence of the audio is recorded at 48 kHz, while EEG different modalities is typical for decision-level is recorded at 256-512 Hz). Feature-level fu- data fusion. In this approach, a separate classi- sion becomes more challenging as the number fier processes each modality and the outputs of of features increases and when they are of these classifiers are combined at a later stage to very different natures (e.g., in terms of their produce the final hypothesis about the shown temporal properties). Synchronization then affective behavior. The decision-level data fu- becomes of utmost importance. Recent works sion is the most commonly applied approach have attempted synchronization between mul- in the field, especially when modalities differ tiple multimodal cues to support feature-level in temporal characteristics (e.g., audio and fusion for the purposes of affect recognition, visual modality). Designing optimal strategies and reported greater overall accuracy when for decision-level fusion has been of interest compared to decision-level fusion (e.g., Gunes to researchers in the fields of pattern recogni- & Piccardi, 2009; Shan, Gong, & McOwan,

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2007). Gunes and Piccardi (2009) identify the can be summarised as follows (Wu, Oviatt, & neutral-onset-apex-offset-neutral phases of Cohen, 1999). facial and bodily displays and synchronize the input video sequences at the phase level (i.e., • The feature concatenation used in feature- apex phase). Although this method has been level fusion results in a high dimensional used for categorical emotion recognition, if the data space, resulting in a large multimod- temporal information and duration of emotions al dataset. are explicitly modelled, this method can be eas- • Decision-level fusion allows asyn- ily extended to dimensional affect recognition. chronous processing of the available Savran et al. (2006) have obtained feature/deci- modalities. sion level fusion of the fNIRS and EEG feature • Decision-level fusion provides greater vectors on a block-by-block basis. In their flexibility in modelling, i.e., it is possible experiments a block is 12.5 seconds long and to train different classifiers on different represents all emotional stimuli occurring within data sources and integrate them without that time frame. This method can be easily ap- retraining. plied to facilitate multimodal dimensional affect • Using decision-level fusion of-the-shelf recognition. However, choosing an appropriate recognisers can be utilised for single mo- time-window may pose a challenge. dalities (e.g., speech). Outside the affect sensing and recognition • Decision-level fusion allows adaptive field, various techniques have been exploited channel weighting between different mo- for implicit data synchronization purposes. For dalities based on environmental condi- instance, dynamic time warping (DTW) has tions, such as the signal-to-noise ratio. been used to find the optimal alignment between two time series. This warping between two time However, one should note that co-occur- series can then be used to find corresponding rence information (i.e., which multimodal cues regions between the two time series and to de- co-occur at the same time, which co-occur in termine the similarity between them. Variations time with one occurring after the other, how of Hidden Markov Models (HMM) have also often are the co-occurrences, etc.) is lost if been proposed for this task. Coupled HMM decision-level fusion is chosen instead of and fused HMM have been used for integrating feature-level fusion. tightly coupled time series, such as audio and As pointed out by Kim (2007), a user visual features of speech (Pan, Levinson, Huang, may consciously or unconsciously conceal his & Liang, 2004). Bengio (2004) presented the or her real emotions as shown by observable Asynchronous HMM that could learn the joint cues like facial or vocal expressions, but still probability of pairs of sequences of audiovisual reveal them by invisible cues like bio signals. speech data representing the same sequence of So, how should the fusion proceed when there events. There are also a number of efforts within is conflicting information conveyed by the the affect sensing and recognition field to exploit modalities? This is still an open question that is the correlation between the modalities and relax yet to be investigated. Another issue to consider the requirement of synchronization by adopt- in affective multimodal data fusion is how to ing the so-called model-based fusion approach optimally fuse information with high disparity in using Bayesian Networks, Multi-stream Fused accuracy (Kim, 2007). In addition, classification HMM, tripled HMM, Neural Networks, and so methods readily available in machine learning forth. (for details, see Zeng et al., 2009). and pattern recognition may not be suitable Overall, typical reasons to use decision- for emotion-specific problems. The design of level fusion (i.e., late integration) instead of emotion-specific classification schemes that can feature-level fusion (i.e., early integration)

Copyright © 2010, IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited. 84 International Journal of Synthetic Emotions, 1(1), 68-99, January-June 2010 handle multimodal and spontaneous data is one to be illustrative rather than exhaustive. Table 2 of the most important issues in the field. summarizes representative systems for dimen- sional affect recognition from a single modality. Table 3 summarizes the utilised classification EValuaTIon methods and the performance attained by the methods listed in Table 2. Table 4 summarizes The evaluation measures applicable to categori- the systems for dimensional affect recognition cal approaches to emotion recognition are not from multiple modalities. Table 5 summarizes directly applicable to dimensional approaches. the utilised classification methods and the For example, Wolmer et al. (2008) use the Mean performance attained by the methods listed Squared Error (MSE) between the predicted and in Table 4. the actual value of arousal and valence instead According to the dimensional approach, of the recognition rate (i.e., percentage of cor- emotions are represented along a continuum. rectly classified instances). However, whether Therefore, automatic systems adopting this MSE is the best way to evaluate the performance approach should produce continuous values of dimensional approaches to automatic affect for the target dimensions. Little has recognition, remains an open issue. been paid so far to whether there are definite boundaries along the continuum to distinguish ThE STaTE-oF-ThE-arT between various levels or intensities. The most common way to explore this issue is to The most commonly employed strategy in quantize the arousal and valence dimensions automatic dimensional affect classification is into arbitrary number of levels or intensities. to simplify the problem of classifying the six Kleinsmith and Bianchi-Berthouze (2007), for basic emotions to a three-class valence-related instance, use a back-propagation algorithm to classification problem: positive, neutral, and build a separate model for each of the affective negative emotion classification (e.g., Yu et al., dimensions for discriminating between levels 2008). A similar simplification is to reduce the of affective dimensions from posture (high-low, dimensional emotion classification problem to high-neutral, and low-neutral). Wollmer et al. a two-class problem—positive vs. negative and (2008) use Conditional Random Fields (CRF) active vs. passive classification problem—or for discrete emotion recognition by quantising a four-class problem—quadrants of 2D A-V the continuous labels for valence and arousal space classification problem (e.g., Caridakis, to four and/or seven arbitrary levels. Kulic Malatesta, Kessous, Amir, Paouzaiou, & Kar- and Croft (2007) perform quantization into 3 pouzis, 2006; Fragopanagos & Taylor, 2005). categories (low/medium/high), and Chanel et Glowinski et al. (2008), for instance, analyse al. (2007) consider 3 classes, namely, excited- four emotions, each belonging to one quadrant negative, excited-positive, and calm-neutral. of the A-V emotion space: high arousal positive Karpouzis et al. (2007) focus on positive vs. valence (joy), high arousal negative valence negative or active vs. passive classes. (anger), low arousal positive valence (relief), The only approach reported in automatic and low arousal negative valence (sadness). affects sensing field that actually deals with Automatic dimensional affect recognition continuous emotions is presented by Wollmer is still in its pioneering stage. It is worth noting et al. (2008) for emotion recognition from the that dimensional representation has mostly been audio modality. Emotional history is modelled used for emotion recognition from physiological using Long Short-Term Memory Recurrent signals. Hereby, in Table 2 and Table 3 we briefly Networks (LSTM-RNN) which builds upon summarise automated systems that attempt to the principle of recurrent neural networks by model and recognize affect in the continuous including memory cells. LSTM-RNN architec- dimensional space. This overview is intended ture consists of three layers: an input, a hidden,

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Table 2. Overview of the systems for dimensional affect recognition from a single modality

System Modality/cue Database # of Samples Features Dimensions Glowinski et Visual, movement Their own 40 portrayals Gesture dynam- 4 emotions: high al., 2008 expressivity ics arousal (anger and joy) and low arousal (relief and sadness) Khan et al., Thermal Their own Not reported facial feature neutral, positive 2009 (neutral, points from and negative pretended and images emotion catego- evoked facial ries expressions) Kleinsmith Visual, static body subjects display- 111 images Features from Valence, and Bianchi- posture ing various the motion cap- arousal, potency, Berthouze, body postures ture system and avoidance 2007 given a situation description Lee and Emotional speech spoken language 1187 calls, a combination of negative and Narayanan, data obtained 7200 utter- acoustic, lexical, non-negative 2005 from a call cen- ances and discourse emotions tre application information Martin, Carida- Visual, body TV interviews, 50 video coarse estimate emotional kis, Devillers, movement spontaneous samples of of the overall activation of a Karpouzis, and emotional movement quan- whole video Abrilian, 2009 TV interviews tity in a video Shin, 2007 Visual, posed static 287 images Facial features pleasure- facial expression Korean facial displeasure and images expression data- arousal-sleep base, 6 subjects dimensions Vogt, André, Emotional speech Offline speech Not reported variety of acous- positive-active, and Bee, 2008 emotion recogni- tic features like positive-passive, tion framework, energy, MFCC, negative-active, sentence set pitch and voice negative-passive in German, 29 quality mapped on the students emotions of joy, satisfaction, an- ger, frustration Wollmer et al., Audio SAL, 4 subjects 25 recordings, variety of acous- positive-active, 2008 1,692 turns tic features positive-passive, negative-active, negative-passive

and an output layer, and models long-range human performance due to its capability of dependencies between successive observations. modelling long range time dependencies. The Long Short-Term Memory cells ensure that However, there is no agreement on how to events lying back in time are not forgotten. When model dimensional emotion space (continuous/ compared to other classification techniques quantized) and which classifier is better suited like Support-Vector Regression, LSTM-RNN for automatic, multimodal, continuous affect achieve a prediction quality which is equal to analysis using a dimensional representation. The surveyed works also report a number of

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Table 3. The utilised classification methodology and the performance attained by the methods listed in Table 2

System Classification Results Glowinski et al., Only preliminary analysis no classification Only preliminary analysis no clas- 2008 reported sification reported Khan et al., 2009 linear discriminants (LDA) 83.3% for posed for 3 classes: neutral, happy and sad; 57.1% for 7 classes; 72% for evoked neutral, happy, sad, disgust and angry. Kleinsmith and a back-propagation algorithm with a separate 79% for both the valence and arousal, Bianchi-Berthouze, model for each of the 4 affective dimensions and 81% for both the potency and 2007 avoidance dimensions Lee and Narayanan, discriminant classifiers (LDC) with Gaussian Improvement of 40.7% for males 2005 class-conditional probability and k-nearest neigh- and 36.4% for females via fusion of bourhood classifiers (k-NN) to detect negative information versus non-negative emotions Martin et al., 2009 discriminant analysis 67.2% for pretended, and 72% for evoked expressions of neutral, happy, disgusted, surprised, and angry emo- tions Shin, 2007 a 3-layer neural network with 2 output nodes of Only coarse comparison btw. NN and pleasure-displeasure and arousal-sleep mean A-V human annotation Vogt et al., 2008 Naive Bayes and support vector machine classi- an average of 55% for a 4 class fiers to distinguish between the four quadrants of problem the A-V space Wollmer et al., 2008 Long Short-Term Memory Recurrent Neural Net, 0.18 MSE using speaker dependent Support Vector Machines, Conditional Random validation Fields, and Support Vector Regressor

additional challenging issues as summarized acted or not, rather than on the used algorithms in Table 6. and classification methods. All of this makes Overall, automatic human affect recogni- it difficult to quantitatively and comparatively tion based on a dimensional approach is still in evaluate the accuracy of the A-V modelling and its infancy. As can be seen from Tables 2-5, the the effectiveness of the developed systems. comparison of results attained by different sur- As a consequence, it remains unclear veyed systems is difficult to conduct as systems which classification method is suitable for use different training/testing datasets (which dimensional affect recognition from which differ in the way emotions are elicited and an- modalities and cues. Opportunities for solving notated), they differ in the underlying model of this problem can be potentially searched in other emotions (i.e., target emotional categories) as relevant research fields. For example, the A-V well as in the employed modality or combina- dimensional approach has been mostly used for tion of modalities and the applied evaluation affective content classification from music or method (Arroyo-Palacios & Romano, 2008). videos (e.g., Xu et al., 2008; Zhang et al., 2008). Wagner et al. (2005) argue that for the current Therefore, methodologies in these fields seem multimodal affect recognizers, the achieved more mature and advanced compared to those recognition rates depend on the type of the in automatic human affect recognition field. utilized data, and whether the emotions were Zhang et al. (2008), for instance, perform affec-

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Table 4. Overview of the systems for dimensional affect recognition from multiple modalities

System Modality/cue Database # of Samples Features Dimensions Caridakis, facial expres- SAL, 4 subjects Not reported Various visual neutral and four A-V Karpouzis, sion, body ges- and acoustic quadrants and Kollias, tures and audio features 2008 Chanel et al., Tactile, physi- Their own, 1 Not reported EEG and pe- arousal and valence 2007 ological subject, recall of ripheral features past emotional events Forbes-Riley audio and text student emo- Not reported variety of negative, neutral and and Litman, tions from acoustic and positive emotions 2004 tutorial spoken prosodic, dialogues text-based, and contextual features Haag et al., Tactile, physi- Their own, 1000 samples heart rate, BVP, arousal and valence 2004 ological 1 subject EMG, skin conductivity, respiration Karpouzis et facial expres- SAL, 76 Passages, Various visual negative vs. positive, al., 2007 sion, body 4 subjects 1600 tunes and acoustic active vs. passive gestures and/or features audio Kim, 2007 speech and A corpus of 343 samples EMG, SC, either of the four A-V physiological spontane- ECG, BVP, quadrants signals ous vocal and Temp, RSP physiological and acoustic emotions, using features a modified version of the quiz “Who wants to be a millionaire?”, 3 subjects Kulic and Tactile, physi- Their own, 2-3 examples heart rate, 6 affect categories Croft, 2007 ological context of for each affect perspiration (low/medium/high- human-robot category rate, and facial valence/arousal) interaction, 36 muscle contrac- subjects tion Wagner, Tactile, physi- Their own, 25 recordings physiological negative (anger/sad- Kim, and ological 1 subject listen- for each emo- signals ness), positive (joy/ Andre, 2005 ing to songs tion pleasure), valence and high arousal (joy/ anger), low arousal (sadness/pleasure)

tive video content analysis from MTV clips in main reason for this choice is the fact that they terms of A-V space by employing a clustering do not have apriori knowledge of how many method called Affinity Propagation (AP). The affective categories a classifier should output.

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Table 5. The utilised classification methodology and the performance attained by the methods listed in Table 4

System Classification Explicit Fusion Results Caridakis et al., a feed-forward back-propagation Not reported reported as reduced MSE 2008 network to map tunes into either of for every tune the 4 A-V quadrants or the neutral state Chanel et al., 2007 linear discriminant analysis (LDA) Not reported 67% accuracy for 3 class- and support vector machine (SVM) es (negatively excited, positively excited, and calm-neutral), and 79% accuracy for 2 classes (negatively vs. positively excited) using EEG, 53% accuracy for 3 classes and 73% accuracy for 2 classes using peripheral signals Forbes-Riley and AdaBoost to boost a decision tree Not reported 84.75% for a 3 class Litman, 2004 algorithm for negative, neutral and problem positive emotions Haag et al., 2004 separate network for valence and Not reported 96.6% for arousal, 89.9% arousal, each with a single output for valence. node corresponding to the valence or arousal value Karpouzis et al., a Simple Recurrent Network that Not described 67% recognition accuracy 2007 outputs either of the 4 classes (3 using the visual modality for the possible emotion quadrants, and 73% using prosody, one for neutral affective state) 82% after fusion (whether on unseen subject/data is not specified) Kim, 2007 modality-specific LDA-based clas- Decision level fusion 51% for bio-signals, 54% sification; a hybrid fusion scheme and hybrid fusion by for speech, 55% applying where the output of feature-level integrating results from feature fusion, 52% for fusion is fed as an auxiliary input feature and decision decision fusion, and 54% to the decision-level fusion stage level fusion for hybrid fusion, subject independent validation. Kulic and Croft, 3 HMMs for valence (low, me- Not reported an accuracy of 64% for 2007 dium, and high) and 3 HMMs for novel data arousal (low, medium, and high) Lee and Narayanan, discriminant classifiers (LDC) with Decision level fusion Improvement of 40.7% 2005 Gaussian class-conditional prob- for males and 36.4% for ability and k-nearest neighbour- females via fusion of hood classifiers (k-NN) to detect information negative versus non-negative emotions Wagner et al., 2005 k-nearest neighbour (kNN), linear Not reported High vs. low arousal 95%, discriminant function (LDF) and and negative vs. positive a multilayer perceptron (MLP) to 87% recognize 4 emotion classes

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Table 6. Reported challenges for dimensional affect recognition

System Challenges Encountered Chanel et al., 2007 EEG signals are good for valence assessment. Peripheral signals better correlate with arousal than with valence. Peripheral signals appear to be appropriate for modelling calm-neutral vs. excited dimension, but are problematic for the negative vs. positive dimension. Haag et al., 2004 Estimation of valence is harder than estimation of arousal. Karpouzis et al., Disagreement (frame-based) between human observers (annotators) affects the performance 2007 of the automated systems. The system should take into account the inter-observer disagree- ment, by comparing this to the level of disagreement between the ground truth and the results attained by the system. Kim, 2007 Recognition is subject and modality dependant. Kulic and Croft, There is a considerable inter-subject variability in the signal amplitude and its length. Hence, 2007 it is hard to develop a system that can perform well for all subjects and generalize well for unseen subjects.

Another good example on how to handle data potentially benefit from the aforementioned comprising continuous values comes again from methodologies. the affective content analysis field. Yang et al. There exist a number of studies that focus (2007) model emotions as continuous variables on dimensional modelling of affect in the context composed of arousal and valence values, and of empathic companions (e.g., Nakasone et al., formulate music emotion recognition as a re- 2005), educational games (e.g., Conati et al., gression problem. This choice is based on the 2003), game interfaces (Kim et al., 2004), and fact that the regression approach is inherently speech analysis (Jin & Wang, 2005). Although continuous, and exhibits promising prediction interesting as the first attempts toward applica- accuracy; it learns the predicting rules ac- tion-oriented systems, these works are usually cording to the ground truth and, if categorical based on manual analysis and do not attempt description is needed, the regression results automatic dimensional affect recognition. can be easily converted to binary or quaternary In summary, the issues pertinent in dimen- results. Various types of regressors can be used sional affect recognition include reliability of the for this task: the multiple linear regression ground-truth, determining duration of emotions (MLR), support vector regression (SVR), and for automatic analysis, determining the baseline, AdaBoost.RT, etc. The ground truth is obtained dimensionality reduction, modelling intensity by averaging subjects’ opinions about the A-V of emotions, high inter-subject variation, de- values for each input sample. The emotion fining optimal fusion of cues/modalities, and plane is viewed as a coordinate space spanned identifying appropriate classification methods by the A-V values (each value confined within and evaluation measures. [-1, 1]). Then Yang et al., train two regressors to predict the A-V values. The arousal and valence models are weighted combinations of ConCluSIon and some component functions, which are computed dISCuSSIon along the timeline. Yang et al. (2007) train the This article discussed the problem domain of two regressors separately under the assumption affect sensing using a dimensional approach and that the correlation between arousal and valence explored the current state-of-the-art in continu- is embedded in the ground truth. Although the ous, dimensional affect recognition. context is different from that of human affect sensing, affect recognition researchers could

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The analysis provided in this article indi- To address this problem Kim (2007) sug- cates that the automatic affect analysis field has gests that emotion recognition problem should slowly started shifting from categorical emotion be decomposed into several processes. One recognition to dimensional emotion recognition. stage could be recognizing arousal through Existing dimensional affect analysis systems physiological channels, while recognizing va- mostly deal with spontaneous data obtained lence via audiovisual channels. The second stage in less-controlled environments (i.e., subjects can then be resolving between are taking part in interactions, subjects are adjacent emotion classes in the 2D space by not always stationary, etc.), and can handle a cumulative analysis of user’s context informa- small number of (quantized) affective dimen- tion. A more thorough investigation is needed sion categories. However, note that real-world to test this suggestion and propose a similar set settings pose many challenges to affect sensing of processes to be applied when other cues and and recognition (Conati et al., 2003). Firstly, it modalities are employed. is not easy to obtain a high level of reliability One of the main disadvantages of bio- among independent observers annotating the potential-based affect recognition systems is affect data. In addition, when subjects are not the fact that they are cumbersome and invasive restricted in terms of mobility, the level of and require placing sensors physically on the noise in all recorded signals tends to increase. human body (e.g., a sensor clip that is mounted This is particularly the case for bio-signals. No on subject’s earlobe, a BCI mounted on the sub- solution has yet been proposed to solve these ject’s head, etc.; Takahashi, 2004). Moreover, problems. EEG has been found to be very sensitive to In general, modelling emotions continuous- electrical signals emanating from facial muscles ly using the dimensions of arousal and valence while emotions are being expressed via face. is not a trivial problem as these dimensions are Therefore, in a multimodal affect recognition not universally perceived and understood by system, simultaneous use of these modalities human observers. It seems that the perception of needs to be reconsidered. Additionally, dur- arousal is more universal than is the perception ing recordings, the fNIRS device is known to of valence (Zhang et al., 2008). Similar findings cover the eyebrows. This in turn poses another have been reported by Kleinsmith and Bianchi- challenge: facial features occlusion. However, Berthouze (2007), who found that ratings of new forms of non-contact physiological sensing arousal contained very small variability among might facilitate better utilisation of psycho- different observers, when body postures were logical signals as input to multimodal affect mapped onto affective dimensions. Also, for recognition systems. audio modality variability of ratings of arousal To the best of our knowledge, to date, only appears to be smaller than that of valence (Jin & a few systems have been reported that actually Wang, 2005). Wolmer et al. (2008) also reported achieved dimensional affect recognition from that automatic analysis results for activation/ multiple modalities. These are summarised in arousal are remarkably better than those for Tables 4 and 5. Further efforts are needed to valence when using audio information. Yet, identify the importance and feasibility of the valence appears to be more stable than arousal following important issues. in dimensional facial expression recognition from static images (Shin, 2007). Having said • Among the available remotely observable the above, it can be concluded that stability of and remotely unobservable modalities, inter-observer agreement on valence and arousal which ones should be used for automatic is highly dependent on the modality employed. dimensional affect recognition? Does this Hence, this makes the problem of obtaining a depend on the context? Will the recogni- reliable ground truth for multimodal recordings tion accuracy increase as the number of a true challenge.

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modalities a system can analyse increases? systems? Will focusing on shorter or longer • Kim (2007) found that speech and physi- observations affect the accuracy of the rec- ological data contain little complementary ognition process? information. Accordingly, should we use • In real-world uncontrolled settings it is very equal weights for each modality or should difficult to elicit balanced amount of data we investigate the innate priority among for each emotion dimension to be elicited. the modalities to be preferred for each emo- For instance, a bias toward quadrant 1 (pos- tional dimension/state? itive arousal, positive valence) exists in the • Chanel et al. (2005) report that although SAL database portion used by (Caridakis et it is difficult to self-assess arousal, using al., 2008). So, how should the issue of un- classes generated from self-assessment of balanced data/classes inherent to real-world emotions facilitate greater accuracy in rec- settings (Chanel et al., 2005) be handled? ognition. When labelling emotions, should one use self assessment or independent ob- The most notable issue in the field is the ex- server’s assessment? Which signals better istence of a gap between different communities. correlate with self assessment and which Machine affect recognition community seems ones correlate with independent observer to use different databases compared to psychol- assessment? ogy and cognitive sciences communities. Also • How does the baseline problem affect rec- for annotation of the data, a more uniform and ognition? Is an objective basis (e.g., a frame multi-purpose scheme that can accommodate containing an expressionless display) strict- all possible research aims, modalities and cues ly needed prior to computing the arousal should be explored. and valence values? If so, how can this be The systems surveyed in this article rep- obtained in a fully automatic manner from resent initial but crucial steps toward finding spontaneous data? solutions to the aforementioned problems, • Considering the fact that different emotions and realization of automatic, multimodal, may have similar or identical valence or dimensional and continuous recognition of arousal values (Haag et al., 2004), should human affect. the affect recognizers attempt to recognize distinct emotion categories rather than A-V intensities? Does this depend on the aCknowlEdGMEnT context? How should affective states be mapped onto the A-V space? Should we Current research of Hatice Gunes is funded by follow a hierarchical framework where the European Community’s 7th Framework similar affective states are grouped into the Programme [FP7/2007-2013] under the grant same category? agreement no 211486 (SEMAINE). The work • How should intensity be modelled for di- of Maja Pantic is funded in part by the Euro- mensional and continuous affect recog- pean Research Council under the ERC Starting nition? Should the aim be personalizing Grant agreement no. ERC-2007-StG-203143 systems for each subject, or creating sys- (MAHNOB). tems that are expected to generalize across subjects? • In a continuous emotional space, how should duration of emotion be defined? How can this be incorporated in automated

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Hatice Gunes received the PhD degree in computing sciences from the University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Australia, in 2007. From 2006 to 2008, she was a postdoctoral research associate at UTS, where she worked on an Australian research council–funded Linkage Project for UTS and iOmniscient Pty Ltd. She is currently a postdoctoral research associate at the HCI2 Group, Visual Information Processing Section, Imperial College London, U.K. working on a European Commission (EC-FP7) project, and is also an honorary associate of UTS. Gunes has published over 30 technical papers in the areas of video analysis and pattern recognition, with applications to video surveillance, human-computer interaction, emotion recognition and affective computing. She is a member of the IEEE and the ACM.

Maja Pantic received her MSc and PhD degrees in computer science from Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands, in 1997 and 2001, respectively. Until 2006, she was an assistant and then an associate professor at the same university. In 2006, she joined Imperial College London, UK, Computing Department, where she is reader in Multimodal HCI, and University

Copyright © 2010, IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited. International Journal of Synthetic Emotions, 1(1), 68-99, January-June 2010 99 of Twente, the Netherlands, Department of Computer Science, where she is professor of affective and behavioral computing. She is the editor in chief of Image and Vision Computing Journal and an associate editor for the IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B. In 2008, she received European research council starting grant, as one of 2.5% of the best young researchers in Europe in any scientific discipline. Her research interests include computer vi- sion and machine learning applied to face and body gesture recognition, multimodal HCI, and affective computing. She has published more than 90 technical papers in these areas and she has more than 1500 citations to her work. She is a senior member of the IEEE and a member of the ACM.

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