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[email protected] Current Protein and Peptide Science, 2016, 17, 000-000 1 The Coronin Family and Human Disease Xiaolong Liua,*, Yunzhen Gaoa, Xiao Linb, Lin Lia,b, Xiao Hanc and Jingfeng Liua,b aThe United Innovation of Mengchao Hepatobiliary Technology Key Laboratory of Fujian Province, Mengchao Hepatobiliary Hospital of Fujian Medical University, Fuzhou 350025, People’s Republic of China; bThe First Affiliated Hospital of Fujian Medical University, Fuzhou 350007, People’s Republic c of China; Biotechnology Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing Please provide corresponding author(s) 100081, People’s Republic of China photograph size should be 4" x 4" inches Abstract: The Coronin family is one of the WD-repeat domain containing families that are diverse in both of their structures and functions. The first coronin was identified in the cytoskeleton composition of Dictyostelium discoideum, which was discovered to regulate the actin functions. So far, 723 coron- ins have been identified throughout the eukaryotic kingdom by bioinformatics analysis in 358 species. In mammals, 7 coronins have been identified to date, which are named through Coronin 1 to Coronin 7; all of these iso- forms contain two structurally conservational region: a 7-bladed β-propeller scaffold in N-terminal and a C-terminal vari- able coiled coil domain. Although some studies were showing that mammalian coronins have regulated the actin dynam- ics, recently many other functions such as calcium signaling regulation, cAMP signaling regulation, have been also re- ported beyond the actin modulation. Furthermore, many diseases have been found to be extensively associated with the abnormal expression of coronins, such as auto-immunity, bacterial and virus infection, neuronal behavior disorder and cancer.