Planning Committee Report of the Director of Place and Community

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Planning Committee Report of the Director of Place and Community Planning Committee 4 June 2018 Agenda Item 4 Contact Officer: Claire Billings Telephone: 01543 308171 Report of the Director of Place and Community LOCAL GOVERNMENT (ACCESS TO INFORMATION) ACT, 1985 All documents and correspondence referred to within the report as History, Consultations and Letters of Representation, those items listed as ‘OTHER BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS’ together with the application itself comprise background papers for the purposes of the Local Government (Access to Information) Act, 1985. Other consultations and representations related to items on the Agenda which are received after its compilation (and received up to 5 p.m. on the Friday preceding the meeting) will be included in a Supplementary Report to be available at the Committee meeting. Any items received on the day of the meeting will be brought to the Committee’s attention. These will also be background papers for the purposes of the Act. FORMAT OF REPORT Please note that in the reports which follow 1 ‘Planning Policy’ referred to are the most directly relevant Development Plan Policies in each case. The Development Plan comprises the Lichfield District Local Plan Strategy (2015), saved policies of the Lichfield District Local Plan (1998) as contained in Appendix J of the Lichfield District Local Plan Strategy (2015) and an adopted Neighbourhood Plan for the relevant area. 2 The responses of Parish/Town/City Councils consultees, neighbours etc. are summarised to highlight the key issues raised. Full responses are available on the relevant file and can be inspected on request. 3 Planning histories of the sites in question quote only items of relevance to the application in hand. ITEM ‘A’ Applications for determination by Committee - FULL REPORT (Gold Sheets) ITEM ‘B’ Lichfield District Council applications, applications on Council owned land (if any) and any items submitted by Members or Officers of the Council. (Gold Sheets) ITEM ‘C’ Applications for determination by the County Council on which observations are required (if any); consultations received from neighbouring Local Authorities on which observations are required (if any); and/or consultations submitted in relation to Crown applications in accordance with the Planning Practice Guidance on which observations are required (if any). (Gold Sheets) AGENDA ITEM NO. 4 ITEM A APPLICATIONS FOR DETERMINATION BY COMMITTEE: FULL REPORT 4 June 2018 CONTENTS Case No. Site Address Parish/Town Council 17/00686/OUTM Land East Of Gorse Lane Former Fradley Airfield Fradley And Fradley Streethay 17/00977/OUTMEI Land On The East Side Off Birmingham Road Lichfield Lichfield 17/01328/FULM Land At 61-83 Main Street And 1-11 Lullington Road Clifton Clifton Campville Campville 18/00415/FUL Land At 61-83 Main Street And 1-11 Lullington Road Clifton Clifton Campville Campville 18/00155/FUL 1 Hood Lane Armitage Armitage With Handsacre 18/00250/FUL 74 Park Road Alrewas Alrewas 18/00276/COU Boora Newsagents And Post Office 5 Cannock Road Burntwood Chase Terrace Burntwood 18/00384/FUL Manor Croft Manor Park Kings Bromley Kings Bromley 18/00467/FUL Fish Face Willow Court Tamworth Road Lichfield Lichfield ITEM B LICHFIELD DISTRICT COUNCIL APPLICATIONS, APPLICATIONS ON COUNCIL OWNED LAND AND ANY ITEMS SUBMITTED BY MEMBERS OR OFFICERS OF THE COUNCIL CONTENTS 18/00604/FUL 11 Field Road Lichfield Lichfield Scale: Dated: 1:3,000 June 2018 LOCATION PLAN Drawn By: 17/00686/OUTM Drawing No: : D i s t r i c t C o u n c i l H o u s e F r o g L a n e Land East Of Gorse Lane L i c h f i e l d © Crown Copyright S t a f f s W S 1 3 6 Y Y Former Fradley Airfield Database Rights 2015 Lichfield District Council T e l e p h o n e : 0 1 5 4 3 3 0 8 0 0 0 Fradley e n q u i r i e s @ l i c h f i e l d d c . g o v . u k Licence No: 100017765 61.3m To wing Path Co ventry Pond Canal New Bridge Pill Box The Beeches Swinburn H AY E Pond N D LA D NE ra in Pill Box Issues Piggery MS Hangar 2 E N A L E S R O G Warehouse 17/00686/OUTM OUTLINE APPLICATION FOR THE DEMOLITION OF EXISTING STRUCTURES AND REDEVELOPMENT OF THE SITE FOR RESIDENTIAL PURPOSES (USE CLASS C3), PUBLIC AND PRIVATE OPEN SPACE, CAR AND CYCLE PARKING, TOGETHER WITH LANDSCAPING AND ASSOCIATED WORKS (ALL MATTERS RESERVED EXCEPT POINTS OF ACCESS) LAND EAST OF GORSE LANE, FORMER FRADLEY AIRFIELD, FRADLEY FOR FRADLEY PARKS DEVELOPMENT LTD Registered on 25/05/17 Parish: Fradley RECOMMENDATION: (1) Subject to the owners/applicants first entering into a Section 106 Legal Agreement under the Town and Country Planning Act (as amended) to secure contributions/planning obligations towards; 1. 13% Affordable housing (or as subsequently agreed via a revised viability appraisal); 2. On-site Public Open Space; 3. The formation of a maintenance management company to maintain the Open Space, Community Areas and unadopted roads; 4. Contribution towards Primary Education School Infrastructure; 5. Contribution towards off-site sports pitch provision; 6. Contribution towards enhancement of public transport services; and 7. Residential Travel Plan. Approve, subject to conditions as set out below: (2) If the S106 legal agreement is not signed/completed by the 7 September 2018 or the expiration of any further agreed extension of time, then powers be delegated to officers to refuse planning permission based on the unacceptability of the development without the require contributions and undertakings as outlined in the report. CONDITIONS: 1. The development hereby approved shall be begun either before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission, or before the expiration of two years from the date of approval of the last of the reserved matters to be approved, whichever is the later. Application(s) for the approval of the reserved matters shall be made to the Local Planning Authority before the expiration of seven years from the date of this permission. 2. The development authorised by this permission shall be carried out in complete accordance with the approved plans and specification, as listed on this decision notice, except insofar as may be otherwise required by other conditions to which this permission is subject. 3. This is an outline planning permission and no phase of development shall be commenced until details of the layout of the site including the disposition of roads and buildings; full road construction details including longitudinal sections, street lighting and means to drain the roads, existing and proposed ground levels and finished floor levels; the design of all buildings and structures; the external appearance of all buildings and structures including materials to be used on all external surfaces; the means of pedestrian and vehicular access and parking layout including cycle parking facilities for each dwelling; and the landscape and planting of the site shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority by way of reserved matters application(s). 4. If within 12 months of the date of this decision notice, a start on site has not materially commenced, the applicant shall submit an updated viability assessment for the development hereby permitted, which as submitted, does not include affordable housing compliant with Local Plan Strategy Policy H2. If the updated viability assessment demonstrates that the scheme is viable, a scheme for the provision of affordable housing as part of the development will be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The affordable housing shall thereafter be provided in accordance with the approved scheme and shall meet the definition of affordable housing in Annex A of the National Planning Policy Framework. CONDITIONS to be complied with PRIOR to the commencement of development hereby approved: 5. Prior to the submission of any Reserved Matters, pursuant to Condition 1, a Masterplan for the development of the site shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The Masterplan shall be in accordance with the parameter plans listed in this decision and shall include (subject to the provisions of condition 21) a 200 metre buffer from the nearby piggery, as detailed in drawing no. P16-1059 001-2 Rev C. The Masterplan shall also identify the locations of equipped areas of play. Proposals contained within applications for the approval of Reserved Matters pursuant to Condition 1 shall thereafter conform to the approved Masterplan. 6. Prior to the submission of any Reserved Matters, pursuant to Condition 1, a Design Code for the entire site shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority. The Design Code shall include and codify the following matters: Built form (i) Character areas; (ii) Building forms and types; (iii) Corner treatment; (iv) Elevational composition; (v) Placement of entrances; and (vi) Building materials palette. Public realm (i) Street types and Road Hierarchy; (ii) Landscape design principles; (iii) Boundary treatments; (iv) Surface materials palette; (v) Planting palette; (vi) Integration of car parking and cycle parking; (vii) Types of refuse and recycling storage; and (viii) Footpaths and cycle networks. Proposals contained within applications for the approval of Reserved Matters pursuant to Condition 1 shall conform to the approved Design Code. There shall be no amendment to the approved Design Code, unless such an amendment is first agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority. 7. Each application for the approval of Reserved Matters, pursuant to Condition 1, shall be accompanied by a statement that demonstrates that such details of reserved matters accord with the design principles of the approved Masterplan, pursuant to Condition 5 and the Design Code pursuant to Condition 6.
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