Project ID: GFS-2002

The Design and Construction of the : Contractor’s Perspective

and Contemporary Considerations

A Major Qualifying Project Report Submitted to the Faculty of

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for The Degree of Bachelor of Science

By: Emma Fields Rebecca Johnson Julia Saldanha

Advised By: Paul Marrone Gillermo Salazar

March 25, 2020

Abstract The Wachusett Dam is located in Clinton, , and was constructed beginning in 1895. This project reviews the original construction of the dam as documented in archival photographs and reports. It also develops the construction schedule for the work directly managed by the contractor who took responsibility after October 1, 1901. It then analyzes the productivity of modern plant and equipment supporting construction operations and compares the results with the ones observed more than 100 years ago. The design of the dam’s structure is also reviewed.


Acknowledgments We would like to thank everyone who assisted our team throughout the course of completing our MQP (Major Qualifying Project). We would like to thank our advisors Professor Paul Marrone and Professor Guillermo Salazar for taking their time to guide us week after week with understanding and knowledge. We would also like to thank Professor Mingjiang Tao for his direction and guidance on the capstone design portion of our project. We would like to thank the West Boylston Historic Society for inviting us to present some of the details of our project for its members. In addition, we would like to thank the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR), the Massachusetts Water Resource Authority (MWRA). Finally, we’d like to thank Ranger Andrew Leahy, from the DCR, and Mr. John Gregoire, from the MWRA, who on separate occasions, both escorted us across the walkway of the Wachusett Dam which is closed to the general public. Mr. Gregoire also allowed us to enter the out-of-commission powerhouse structure while sharing more knowledge of the Water System with us.


Executive Summary

Figure 1: The Wachusett Dam and Pool The Wachusett Dam in Clinton, Massachusetts was constructed between 1895 and 1905 as an extension of the Boston Water System. This dam was conceptualized and built more than 100 years ago in an attempt to meet the growing water needs of the expanding city of Boston after the development of plumbing and the sanitary sewer system in the late 1850s (Boston Standard, 2013). The goal of this project was to develop a deeper understanding of the practices used to construct the Wachusett Dam compared to today’s methods. To accomplish this goal, the following objectives were completed: (1) Recreation, to the best possible degree, of the original construction schedule of the Wachusett Dam, (2) Analyzation of the productivity of modern plant and equipment supporting construction operations and compared the results with the ones observed more than 100 years ago and (3) Review of the structural design of the Dam to better understand the implications of the design on the construction methods. The objectives were completed by reviewing the Annual and Engineering Reports of 1900 to 1906, photos taken during the original construction, research of modern practices, and research of retaining wall design. Additional resources included trips to the Wachusett Dam, interviewing staff from the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) and the Massachusetts Water Resource Authority (MWRA), and consulting with Professor Mingjiang Tao, a WPI faculty member from the Department of Civil Engineering.


Using the Annual Reports, the original construction schedule of the Wachusett Dam was determined, from the point in time when the contractor took over the excavation of the site until the masonry of the Dam reached the height of the waterline. The duration of each major activity was determined, along with the total duration of all activities being from October 11, 1900, until April 11, 1903. Using the knowledge of the original construction, modern construction practices for Dams were researched. A fleet of equipment was chosen and activities were compared to the original activity durations. Every activity duration that was analyzed for the present-day schedule was significantly shorter than the original duration. Lastly, the structural design of the Wachusett Dam was reviewed to quantify the extent of its structural integrity and to better understand how it has been standing and operating successfully for more than 100 years. The chief engineer for the Wachusett Dam, Frederic P. Stearns, designed the Dam with a “very large” factor of safety to minimize the risk of failure. The factor of safety against overturning, which is the most probable way the dam would fail, was found to be about 5.5 (more than double the minimum requirement of 2). All three of the original deliverables were ultimately accomplished. These objectives enhanced the knowledge in relationships between activities, scheduling in primavera, interpersonal skills, modern equipment, and the structural design of Dams. They ultimately allowed for relationships between construction activities to be better understood, for past and present interpretations of the Wachusett Dam construction schedule of events to be created. The review of the dam’s design ultimately revealed a high factor or safety, which confirms the dam’s ability to continue standing more than 100 years after it was originally constructed. In completing these objectives soft skills of critical thinking, problem-solving, dependability, and teamwork through the various tasks and deadlines we were required and developed. These skills will continue to be useful throughout our careers and professional lives. Recommendations were made that the next Major Qualifying Project team either continue the scheduling process up until the last rock is placed, recreating the rest of the original schedule using modern equipment and practices, construction of the spillway, construction of a section on the CMRR realignment from the North Dike to the tunnel at Clamshell, or creating a cost analysis of the modern equipment used in the Plant and Equipment and compare it to the original cost of the project. For a longer-term project, it could include stripping the basin soil and constructing the dikes.


Capstone Design Statement The Wachusett Dam was designed and constructed over 100 years ago. The understanding of the engineering concepts of the 19th century were very limited in terms of applied science, experimentation, and computational mechanics. They did not have the benefit of the advances in these areas attained since then. Therefore, design and construction practices at the time incorporated experience and sound and conservative engineering judgment in their approaches. The fact that the Wachusett Dam today stands structurally safe and functional after more than 100 years provides a meritorious testimony of their approaches. The capstone design objective was to conduct static analysis of the dam to prove its structural integrity. This report conducts a design review of the Wachusett Dam structure as a retaining wall. In conducting this review the weight of the Dam was calculated, as well as the pressure on both the upstream and downstream sides of the dam, the various depths (of the water, of the toe slab, and of the toe), and the resisting and overturning moments. The weight was calculated using the Engineering Report of 1905. In the report the materials used were identified along with the total volume of each material. Using this information, the density of each material could be multiplied by the total volume to get the weight. The necessary dimensions of the dam were also found in a cross-sectional drawing of the Dam from the Engineering Report in 1900. The other values (pressures and moments) were calculated using the given weight and dimensions. All of these values could then be used to determine the factor of safety against sliding and against overturning. A high enough factor of safety would prove the stability and structural integrity of the dam. In accomplishing this capstone design, several realistic constraints were addressed. The following constraints are addressed below: economic, environmental, social, and health & safety.

Economic: The construction schedule and operations and their corresponding economic implications were analyzed in detail. Scheduling is an important part of any construction project as delays can affect the economics.

Environmental: The creation of a dam does change the ecosystems of the surrounding environment. However, after the operation of a dam begins, the uses allowed surrounding the

VI dam is highly regulated and protected. Therefore, the positive impact on the surrounding environment tends to outweigh the negative.

Social: The Dam was created to serve the Boston Metropolitan people with enough clean drinking water for their growing population. A static analysis ensures a minimal risk of failure, which means that no one will be without enough water.

Health & Safety: A static analysis is an essential part of the construction of any structure. It ensures a minimal risk of failure, which is necessary in ensuring the safety of nearby residents.


Professional Engineering Licensure In the of America, Civil Engineering Professional Licensure is governed by the state in which the engineer is practicing and is obtained after fulfilling certain requirements and passing an exam. The license represents ability, trust, and achievement (NSPE, 2019). The license provides a means to earn clients’ trust and demonstrate one’s capabilities as a practicing engineer. For an engineer it also illustrates one’s achievements in their professional career and why the engineer deserves respect. Civil Engineers are required to be licensed, unlike other types of engineering, because Civil Engineering directly impacts the safety and wellbeing of the public (Kumar, Mattei, Musselman, & Smith, 2016). To become a Civil Engineer, one must pass the Principles and Practices of Civil Engineering (PE) Exam. One qualifies to take the exam after working under a licensed Civil Engineer for 5 years. Prior to that, one must have graduated from an ABET-accredited college or university and passed the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Exam. Both exams are governed by the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (NCEES), a non-profit organization made up of engineering and surveying licensing boards. The boards of the NCEES represent all of the United States and territories. Obtaining a professional license means that the engineer accepts the technical and ethical obligations of the profession (ASCE, n.d.(b)). To keep the license the engineer must continue to exhibit their competency in the profession and improve their skills and continue learning throughout the course of one’s career and renew their license every year to every few years depending on their state of residence. A licensed Civil Engineer is the only engineer that can stamp and submit plans and drawings to a public authority for approval. They are responsible for their own work, those who work under them, and the wellbeing of the public who their work affects (NSPE, 2019). All licensed professionals must follow the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Code of Ethics at all times. The Code of Ethics was adopted in 1914 and models the professional conduct necessary for professional Civil Engineers (ASCE, n.d. (a)). There are 8 Canons, which to summarize state that Civil Engineers shall: hold safety paramount, work in areas of competence, issue true statements, act as a faithful agent, have a reputation by merit, uphold professional honor, continuing professional development, and treat all persons fairly (ASCE (a)). Shall any professional violate this code a procedure will be followed to implement the appropriate response or disciplinary actions. State and ASCE regulations should be followed at all times by

VIII professional Civil Engineers to not only avoid loss of license but more importantly, to ensure the safety of the public.


Table of Contents 1. Introduction…………………………………………………………………..……………1 2. Background………………………………………………………………………………..2 2.1. Importance of Dams……………………………………………………………….2 2.2. Boston Water System……………………………………………………………...2 2.3. The Wachusett Dam……………………………………………………………….3 2.4. Construction Planning and Project Management………………………………….5 3. Methodology………………………………………………………………………………7 3.1. Objective 1: Recreating the Construction Schedule………………………………7 3.2. Objective 2: Incorporating Modern Practices to Recreate Construction………...10 3.3. Objective 3: Capstone Design: Dam Design Review……………………………10 4. Original Construction Schedule of the Wachusett Dam…………………………………12 4.1. Continuation of Deep Excavation with Hoist……………………………………14 4.2. Plant and Equipment……………………………………………………………..14 4.3. Rubble Masonry………………………………………………………………….18 4.4. Powerhouse Structure……………………………………………………………19 4.5. Process Piping……………………………………………………………………19 4.6. Railroad Trestle Bridge………………………………….22 4.7. No Water Through the Gap………………………………………………………23 5. Presenting to the West Boylston Historical Society……………………………………..24 6. Comparison of Original Construction Present-Day Construction……………………….26 6.1. Rail Branch…………………...…………………………………………………26 6.2. Cableways………………………………………………………………………..27 6.3. Deep Excavation with Cableways……………………………………………….27 6.4. Compressor Plant………………………………………………………………...32 6.5. Open Quarry……………………………………………………………………...33 6.6. Batch Plant……………………………………………………………………….39 6.7. Gravel Pit………………………………………………………………………...40 7. Design Review of the Wachusett Dam Structure………………………………………..43 8. Conclusions………………………………………………………………………………49 References………………………………………………………………………………………..50


Appendices…………………………………………………………….……………..…..…...... 53 Appendix A: MQP Schedule………………….………...……………………………....53 Appendix B: Annual Report Notes…………………………………………………..…54 Appendix C: Preliminary Construction Schedule Spreadsheet………………….……...63 Appendix D: Primavera Questions for Ruth…………………………….……………...66 Appendix E: Field Trip 1 Report……………………………………….………..……..67 Appendix F: Field Trip 2 Report………………………………………...……………..86 Appendix G: Questions for Mr. Gregwoir……………………………….…………..…94 Appendix H: Wachusett Dam Statics Analysis…………………………………..…….95


List of Figures Figure 1: The Wachusett Dam and Pool…………….………………………………………….IV Figure 2: Map of the Early Boston Water System (DHAW)……………………………………..3 Figure 3: The Wachusett Dam……………………………………………………………………4 Figure 4: View Across the Wachusett Dam………………………………………………………5 Figure 5: MQP Schedule of Tasks………………………………………………………………..7 Figure 6: Sample of Preliminary Construction Schedule…………………………………………9 Figure 7: Wachusett Dam Preliminary Construction Schedule - Tabular Format……………….13 Figure 8: Wachusett Dam Preliminary Construction Schedule - Bar Format…………………...13 Figure 9: Deep Excavation at the Dam Site From the South…………………………………….14 Figure 10: Map of Placement of Equipment……………………………………………………..15 Figure 11: Completed Construction of the First Cableway System……………………………..15 Figure 12: Cableway Towers of System 1 and 2 - Eastern Side…….….….….…………………16 Figure 13: Pictured Right - Boiler Stack for the Air Compressor Building (MWRA)………….17 Figure 14: Wachusett Dam Construction Site Concrete Mixer Portion of Batch Plant.……..….18 Figure 15: Wachusett Dam Construction Site Gravel Pit……………………………………….18 Figure 16: First Rock of the Dam to be Set Marking the Beginning of Rubble Masonry Placement………………………………………………………………………………………..19 Figure 17: Wachusett Dam Powerhouse Under Construction…………………………………..19 Figure 18: One of Four 48 in Cast Iron Pipes Placed to Run Through the Dam………………..20 Figure 19: Portion of the 700 ft. Flume at the Wachusett Dam Construction Site……………...20 Figure 20: Lower Gatehouse Foundation Formwork……………………………………………21 Figure 21: Pool Structure During Dam Construction……………………….……….….….…....22 Figure 22: Wachusett Dam and Completed Trestle Bridge for Central Massachusetts Railroad.23 Figure 23: Beginnings of the After Flume Removal……………………..23 Figure 24: Modern Site Layout………………………………………………………………….27 Figure 25: Swing Depth Factor………………………………………………………………….28 Figure 26: Bucket Fill Volume Representation…………………………………………………29 Figure 27: Large Excavator……………………………………………………………………..30 Figure 28: 8-20 CY Dump Truck……………………………………………………………….31 Figure 29: Trailer Trucks Ranging From 28’-53’………………………………………………34


Figure 30: Process of Deforestation………………….………………………………………….35 Figure 31: Stages of Explosive Usage…………………………………………………………...37 Figure 32: Hydraulic Drill……………………………………………………………………….37 Figure 33: 10 CY Hydraulic Bucket……………………………………………………………..37 Figure 34: Dry Mobile Batch Plant……………………………………………………………...39 Figure 35: Wachusett Dam - Free Body Diagram……………………………………………….43


List of Tables Table 1: Material & Designate Fill Factor Range………………………………………………28 Table 2: Calculation for Excavator……………………………………………………………..29 Table 3: Comparison of Dump Trucks…………………………………………………………30 Table 4: Duration of Loading and Hauling of Soil……………………………………………..30 Table 5: Calculation for Rock Excavator……………………………………………………….31 Table 6: Dump Truck for Rock Hauling………………………………………………………..32 Table 7: Duration of Loading and Hauling of Rock……………………………………………32 Table 8: Deforestation of Quarry……………………………………………………………….33 Table 9: Stripping and Hauling of Quarry Path………………………………………………...35 Table 10: Stripping and Hauling of Quarry…………………………………………………….36 Table 11: Blasting and Opening of Quarry……………………………………………………..38 Table 12: Deforestation of Gravel Pit…………………………………………………………..40 Table 13: Stripping and Hauling of The Gravel Pit…………………………………………….41 Table 14: Comparison of Activity Durations…………………………………………………...42 Table 15: Dimensions of the Wachusett Dam…………………………………………………..44 Table 16: Materials Used & Weight of the Dam……………………………………………….44 Table 17: Section Weights of the Dam………………………………………………………....45 Table 18: Moment Arm Calculations…………………………………………………………..46 Table 19: Moment Calculations About the Toe………………………………………………..46


1. Introduction The Wachusett Dam in Clinton, Massachusetts was built between 1895 and 1905 as an extension of the Boston Water System. This dam was conceptualized and built more than 100 years ago in an attempt to meet the growing water needs of the expanding metropolitan area of Boston after the development of plumbing and the sanitary sewer system in the late 1850s (Boston Standard, 2013). More than a century after the completion, one might wonder how the construction of such a structure was conducted, since technologies differed so much between the early 1900s and today. What construction equipment and resources were available then and what are some new technologies that have taken their place? How would the size of the required workforce differ between the past and now? Would there be a difference in timeline between the construction of the dam in the past vs. if the dam was constructed using today’s technology? In order to answer the questions above and to learn more about the Wachusett Dam, how it came to be, and the evolution of construction as a whole, the report fulfilled the following objectives: (1) Recreated, to the best possible degree, the original construction schedule of the Wachusett Dam, (2) Analyzed the productivity of modern plant and equipment supporting construction operations and compared the results with the ones observed more than 100 years ago and (3) Reviewed the structural design of the Dam to better understand the implications of the design on the construction methods. These objectives were accomplished through the use of archival research and relevant knowledge from previous and current course work. In the following sections, this report addresses relevant information about the Wachusett Dam, a detailed plan of how the goal and objectives were accomplished, and the results of each.


2. Background Dams and reservoirs are built with the intention to benefit human society in many ways (Front Ecol Environ 2011). They can be found all over the world tackling the same goal. Many places face the difficulties of providing water for people in areas of rapidly increasing population. One of these areas was the growing city of Boston, Massachusetts in 1795 where demand for freshwater was beginning to grow larger than the supply that was available at the time. Boston’s needs for better sources of freshwater were met in the late 1800s with the construction of new dams and reservoirs. The Wachusett Dam became a large contributor of freshwater to Boston once it was completely constructed in 1905. Not only is the Wachusett Dam still an integral asset to the Boston water system today, but review of the construction of the dam from 1895 to 1905 gave key insights into how construction and project planning took place in the past. Due to the dam’s construction taking place over 100 years ago, the project management skills and planning required to build such a project differ from those that are used today, based on differences in resources available at that time compared to what is available today. 2.1 Importance of Dams Dams are defined as structures built to restrict the flow of moving bodies of water (Lieb, 2015). This barrier of water flow creates reservoirs through water buildup, which leads to mitigation of floods, securing water supplies, and providing hydropower that benefits humans by allowing improved human health, expanded food production, and economic growth (Front Ecol Environ 2011). The management of water resources can also be controlled by dams and reservoirs. Dams and reservoirs are built to benefit human society but in order to do so, dams interrupt the ecological connectivity of rivers while the water storage in reservoirs releases patterns that affect the downstream flows. 2.2 The Boston Water System Before the inception of the Boston water system in 1795, the first dam in the United States was constructed in 1640 by some of the earliest settlers of what is now Scituate, Massachusetts (Lieb, 2015). The residents of the City of Boston relied on more primitive water collection methods in the past, compared to those that are known and used today. Wells, rain barrels, and a freshwater spring that once existed in the Boston Common were all commonly used for people to collect water for anything from drinking to bathing (MWRA. 2015). As the city of Boston grew throughout the 1700s, a more plentiful source of water was needed to meet

2 its growing needs. The earliest “water system” that provided the Boston area with water was built by a private company. This company ran wooden tubes from Jamaica Pond to Boston to supply the city with water. Within 60 years, this original water source to Boston went out of commission due to water purity issues and further population growth. This led to the need for the city to find a source of pure water elsewhere. Boston’s previously mentioned population growth and water purity issues from unsanitary water sources are what led to the current Boston water system’s inception. Indoor plumbing was also adopted throughout the 1800s, which led to an even greater, unforeseen need for water. What became the solution to Boston’s water needs is made up of many different reservoirs and dams. The Cochituate water system began construction for this reason in the mid-1800s and includes the Cochituate Aqueduct and Mystic Mains. The and came about in the 1870s when the Irish Potato famine caused a swell in the population of Boston to about 200,000 people.

Figure 2: Map of the Early Boston Water System (DHAW). 2.3 The Wachusett Dam Construction on the Wachusett Dam began in 1897, following the construction of the Sudbury Aqueduct. The Wachusett Dam is a masonry gravity dam that was constructed between 1895 and 1905 in Clinton, Massachusetts. The Dam, which still stands today as shown in Figure 3, has a height of 200 feet from the lowest point of excavation to the top of the dam, and was built to provide the metropolitan Boston area with fresh, usable water with a maximum capacity of 65 billion gallons (MWRA).


Figure 3: The Wachusett Dam The cost to construct the Dam in 1895 was 27.5 million dollars. Today the equivalent cost would be about a billion dollars, which accounts for an inflation rate of 14%. Frederic P. Stearns was the chief engineer and mastermind behind the Wachusett Dam. The design was well ahead of its time, as it was one of the largest stone masonry dams in the world at the time it was built (MWRA, 2015). The Wachusett Dam project bolstered Stearns’s reputation as an engineer, and in 1905 he went on to become the president of the American Society of Civil Engineers (WGB). His work on the Wachusett Dam was so impressive that he even went on to participate in the design and construction of the Panama . Today, the grounds of the Wachusett Dam and Reservoir are run by the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR). The Massachusetts Water Resource Authority (MWRA) controls the functions and maintenance of the dam. The Reservoir covers 108 square miles of land and is open to the public for various recreational activities (, 2019). However, the DCR Rangers regulate all activities and prohibit many activities to protect the roughly 3 million people who drink the water (, 2019).

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Figure 4: View Across The Wachusett Dam 2.4 Construction Planning and Project Management In order to form an interpretation of the construction schedule for the Wachusett dam, knowledge of Construction Project Management and the concepts that comprise it is necessary. Construction Project Management is a field that covers different sub-areas that make it up as a whole. Those involved in the Construction Project Management oversee the completion of construction projects from beginning to end. They bring order to what would potentially create a hold up within a project, such as a delay in delivery of materials to a project site, inclement weather causing a jobsite to shut down or delay in completion of tasks critical to completing the project on time. Project managers are responsible for organizing and scheduling projects, controlling project costs, procuring and coordinating resources, as well as other various changes that occur throughout the life cycle of the project. Scheduling is an extremely important part of Construction Project Management. Project scheduling allows important tasks and deadlines to be established and an appropriate sequence of events to be put in place. The implementation of such a timeline for activities to be completed is a crucial element of projects being completed on time and within the specified budget. One of the older, yet still most widely used methods of scheduling is the critical path method. The critical path method is a model used for scheduling sets of project activities. This

5 method is carried out by listing all tasks involved to complete a project, listing which tasks are dependent on others, and giving an estimate of the time each activity will take. Using this information, the longest length of dependent activities can be determined from the beginning to the end of the project. Once the longest length of critical activities, also known as the critical path is identified, the total float, or amount of time the activity can be delayed without lengthening the project, can be determined. Although scheduling is very important, construction rarely stays exactly on schedule. It is common for a project to fall behind schedule, but with good planning and communication from the Project Managers, it can sometimes be avoided. Falling behind schedule can be caused by many factors, such as bad weather, delayed deliveries, sub-contractor faults, money problems, and more. A good Project Manager needs to account for potential issues from the start and also be able to efficiently mitigate issues as they arise while trying to avoid a late finish date. In Project Management, the software PRIMAVERA is used for scheduling a tracking of a project’s activities. To do so for the construction of the Wachusett Dam, Primavera project- planning software was used. This software was used to better specify the activities and their start and end dates. PRIMAVERA allows for the creation of a work breakdown structure in order for the activities to be better categorized. Once all dates have been set, the software distinguishes critical activities, creating the critical path of the project. Critical activities are activities that need to be fully completed before the next one begins. Paying close attention to the dates on those activities prevents project delays.


3. Methodology The goal of this project was to gain a better understanding and appreciation for the construction of the Wachusett Dam and how modern practices would have affected the original construction of it. Three main objectives were completed in order to achieve this goal. First, a phase of the original construction schedule of the Dam was recreated. Next, a portion of the original construction schedule using modern technology and practices was reconfigured. This objective was important not only to understand how past construction practices differ from the current building climate. Lastly, a portion of the design of the Dam was analyzed to show how the Dam is able to still remain structural sound today with all the force of the water acting on it. To complete these objectives knowledge gained from college courses in Civil Engineering and work experiences were applied, in addition to research. In achieving the project goal, exceptional problem solving and engineering skills were demonstrated and further developed. A breakdown of tasks needed to complete the project goal and objective can be seen in Figure 5. A detailed schedule that was used to accomplish the Major Qualifying Project (MQP) can be found in Appendix A.

Figure 5: MQP Schedule of Tasks The schedule of tasks was used to stay on track throughout the course of the 3 terms and was created based on the deadlines originally given to us by our advisors. However, the schedule changed several times throughout the course of the project. 3.1 Objective 1: Recreating the Construction Schedule The first objective was to recreate the original construction schedule of the Wachusett Dam, from the point when the McAurther Brothers, the construction company awarded the project, contract began until the masonry reached the water level. To begin, the following general activities were set: Deep Excavation, Plant and Equipment, Rubble Masonry,


Powerhouse Substructure, Process Piping, CMRR, and Water. A work breakdown structure was created in primavera using these activities. The annual reports and photos of construction were looked through to dig out additional information about the activities such as the dates that they occurred. All of these annual reports and historical photos can be found on the Digital Commonwealth website. The first time reading through the reports was focused on citing key information. The notes taken from this initial reading were reformatted several times. The first time, they were color-coded based on activities. After the following readthrough, they were categorized not only by activity but also by year. This strategy allowed for a very clear way to comb through the notes for relevant information and proved to be beneficial throughout the course of the project when the results were analyzed. The collection of historical information about the Wachusett Dam that was collected also proved to be useful when attempting to understand construction practices of the past, and how construction culture of the past has influenced the construction culture of today. A copy of all iterations of our notes can be seen in Appendix B. The final read-through of the reports was to look for dates and the resources used for each activity. A spreadsheet was created to neatly organize the information. See Appendix C for the table of activities, dates, resources, and citations. The annual reports provided many of the start and end dates of the project’s major activities, but some were not entirely clear. For the activities that were not clearly called out in the annual reports, the historical pictures of the construction of the dam helped in making educated guesses regarding the start and end dates of each activity. Reasoning was also used to determine relationships between activities based on the dependence of certain activities on others. Each activity was at least briefly discussed in the corresponding annual report. Then, pictures taken that year were looked for to determine the start and end date by the first picture taken of the activity and the last picture taken of the activity. Resources used for the execution of each activity were found through the reading of the annual reports and studying the historical photos. This allowed crews to be created. With a crew created, the process became easier to distinguish each activity with a certain crew. Before inputting this information into PRIMAVERA, they were kept track of in the excel sheet shown in Appendix C. Once this research was complete, all of the start and end dates and relationships between activities were inputted into the Primavera file of the work breakdown structure. Figure 6 shows

8 a portion of the preliminary construction schedule. The information collected was also used to create a CPM network in order to link the activities in a logical, orderly fashion and ran a CPM computational schedule to verify the dates we confirmed for the activity via the annual reports.

Figure 6: Sample of Preliminary Construction Schedule For assistance with Primavera, Ruth Ducharme, a scheduler for Shawmut Design and Construction, was contacted. A list of questions discussed with Ruth can be seen in Appendix D. Two field trips to the Wachusett Dam also took place throughout the course of the project. Pictures and narratives from each field trip can be seen in Appendices E and F. The first field trip occurred on Saturday, September 28, 2019. This field trip enabled us to see all aspects of the Dam structure as they are today. The field trip helped to develop a better understanding of the research that was conducted. Furthermore, the trip offered a way to visualize what the Annual Reports discuss and where the photos were actually taken. The second field trip to the Dam was accompanied by Mr. Gregoire, an employee of the MWRA. Mr. Gregoire toured inside the powerhouse structure to show how the dam operates. This field trip also helped to develop a better understanding of some of the assigned project activities such as: the Powerhouse Structure, the Lower-gate Chamber, and Pipes through the Dam. Mr. Gregoire was interviewed to ask several questions that arose about the operation of the Dam to further our knowledge and research. A list of questions and responses can be found in Appendix G.

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3.2 Objective 2: Incorporating Modern Practices To Recreate Construction Schedule The second objective was to reconfigure one phase of the construction schedule using modern equipment. The recreated, original construction schedule was reviewed and the resources that were used for each activity identified from the annual reports and original pictures. Once this research was completed and analyzed, the mobilization of the Plant and Equipment activities were picked to see how the mobilization differs with the use of modern equipment. Research was conducted on the modern equipment that would now replace the original construction resources. Research was conducted using numerous reputable construction websites and two main textbooks: Construction Methods and Management by S.W. Nunnally & RSMeans Site Work & Landscape Cost Data. The research was focused on differences in equipment from then to now, and how that would change the components of the plant, the site layout, and the durations of activities. A reasonable fleet of equipment was constructed. A comparison of activity durations of original construction activities versus what the modern activity equivalent would be was completed. This allowed a visualization of how modern equipment would change the components of the plant and how durations of original activities would be impacted if the Wachusett Dam were to be built today. 3.3 Objective 3: Dam Design Review The fourth and final objective was to illustrate and analyze the design of the Wachusett Dam. For this capstone design aspect of the project, forces acting on the Wachusett Dam that affect its stability were evaluated to prove how the dam is still safely standing today. Using the dimensions of the Dam given in the Engineering Reports, a free body diagram and a narrative about how the Dam was constructed were created. Additionally, the factor of safety of overturning and sliding was determined. A factor of safety expresses how much stronger a structure is compared to what it needs to be to not fail due to the loads it is subject to. Therefore, factors of safety are used to prove the structural integrity of the Dam. To accomplish this objective different values needed to be determined such as weight of the dam, pressure on both the upstream and downstream sides of the dam, the various depths (of the water and of the toe), the resisting and overturning moments of the dam, and the factor of safety against sliding and overturning. The weight of the Dam is not directly listed in any reports,

10 but the volume and type of stone and mortar are. An estimation of the total weight of the dam was determined after considering the volume and density (weight per unit of volume) of all rubble masonry. Most of the other values were calculated from dimensions given in the annual report. For necessary equations to use in the analysis, Principles of Foundation Engineering, by Braja M. Das was used. The various forces acting on the dam were used to determine the hydrostatic pressure, which is the pressure of water pushing on the upstream face of the dam, and the passive earth pressure acting due to the soil on the downstream face of the dam. After consulting with Professor Mingjiang Tao, Associate Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, passive earth pressure was disregarded because it is a force that combats sliding, but it is minimal compared to the pressure of water or the total weight of the dam. Due to the significant pressure of the water, and the tall height of the dam, it is more likely to fail due to overturning, rather than sliding, and passive earth pressure does not protect against overturning. The hydrostatic pressure was used in determining the overturning moment and the factor of safety against sliding and against overturning. Each factor of safety was verified to check that it was greater than 2, which is the minimum factor of safety necessary for any structure. Professor Mingjiang Tao was consulted twice during this process. Professor Tao teaches Foundation Engineering at WPI. The first consultation was after doing research on the dam and retaining wall design. Through collaboration with Professor Tao, it was also discovered that the Wachusett Dam is more similar to a retaining wall than a dam since there are only water forces acting on one side of the dam. The dimensions of the Dam were determined and the approach was set up. Professor Tao looked over the approach and provided useful literature to use for calculations. The second consultation was used after all calculations were complete. Professor Tao then reviewed the calculations to confirm accuracy. Using the critical investigation of the dam, in delivering the capstone design, problem-solving and technical skills were used and demonstrated.


4. Original Construction Schedule In order to truly understand the Wachusett Dam construction process and timeline, a detailed analysis of the available documentation of the work performed on the dam by McArthur Brothers Construction. The original construction schedule is based on six major sections. Each of which has major activities needed in order to complete them. Annual Engineering Reports of various construction tasks, figures and measurements were kept by the dam’s engineers to document the details of these six major sections and their respective activities. These reports from the years 1900 to 1905 were used as reference material and are cited in the following format: (AR-year, page number(s)). More detailed notes taken from the annual reports can be found in Appendix B. The schedule starts with the continuation of deep excavation of the construction site with hoists leading into the plant and equipment portion of construction. Setting up the plant and equipment was critical in beginning the construction of the structure of the dam. The plant portion of construction consisted of the branch rail and the quarry, where the material for the dam was delivered to the worksite, the gravel pit, where the stone was separated, the batch plant, where the mortar was made, and the compressor plant, which powered the entire site and all of the equipment needed to build. Immediately following the completion of plant and equipment mobilization comes the beginning of rubble masonry. The powerhouse substructure construction commences during the plant and equipment phase and overlaps with some activities. Process piping installment also overlaps with other sections due to the relationships between construction activities. Last to be constructed is the CMRR (Central Massachusetts Railroad) trestle bridge. The activity of constructing the bridge also overlaps with other major activities, but was completed before the process piping installation started since the CMRR bridge passes over the downstream portion of the river. The figures below show our finalized schedule of the original construction of the Wachusett Dam; the first highlighting the start and end dates of each task required to complete the construction events McArthur Brothers was responsible for within their scope of work, the second highlighting the relationships between activities.


Figure 7: Wachusett Dam Preliminary Construction Schedule - Tabular Format

Figure 8: Wachusett Dam Preliminary Construction Schedule - Bar Format


4.1. Continuation of Deep Excavation with Hoist The Massachusetts Water Board (MWB) was the owner of the project during the time of construction and was responsible for the beginning activities of stopping and rerouting the and beginning the deep excavation of the construction site. The deep excavation with hoist began with MWB in 1897, with the contract for work being signed to stop the flow of the water in order for the dam’s construction to commence. The continuation of the deep excavation with hoists from where the MWB left off was picked up by the McArthur Brothers on October 15, 1900 (AR1900 7-8).

Figure 9: Deep Excavation at the Dam Site From the South This activity continued until the cableways were erected and was finally completed on December 24, 1900. This activity consisted of eight derricks being operated. (AR-1900, 120) (AR-1901, 84-88) 4.2. Plant and Equipment The plant and equipment construction schedule consists of various activities. The activities are the construction of the rail branch, cableways, the deep excavation with cableways, the compressor plant, opening the quarry, building the batch plant, and forming the gravel pit. A site map of the plant can be seen in Figure 10. McArthur Brothers began construction of the rail branches as soon as their contract work began due to the necessity of it for the production of every single other activity. Construction of the plant started on October 11, 1900, and ended on November 20, 1900 (AR-1900, 120) (AR- 1901, 86). The branch track constructed throughout that period was 5,490 feet long from the Central Massachusetts Railroad to the dam site. An additional 3,030 feet was added and

14 completed in early April 1901 to connect the quarry to the dam. The additional 3,030 feet was carried over the Central Massachusetts Railroad and Boylston St. (AR-1901 85).

Figure 10: Map of Placement of Equipment for Construction of the Wachusett Dam The cableways activity is an example of the urgency of expediting the construction of the rail branch. In order to commence the construction on the cableways, the construction of the rail branch had to be completed. Therefore the construction of the cableways started on December 2, 1900. The first cableway was put into operation on December 24, 1900.

Figure 11: Completed Construction of the First Cableway System Construction of the second cableway ended on January 26, 1901 (AR-1901, 84). The cableways were used both in the daytime and nighttime for the movement and removal of material to and from the main construction area that had been excavated for the dam to be constructed. The cableway systems remained in use from January 1901 to 1903 (AR-1903, 93). (AR-1900, 120)


Figure 12: Cableway Towers of System 1 and 2 - Eastern Side (MWRA) The deep excavation with cableways, a continuation of the deep excavation work previously started by the owner, commenced as soon as the first cableway was completed on December 24, 1900. The cableways were integral to this phase of construction as they were necessary to remove material such as soil and eventually rubble rock excavated from the site. This activity was completed on December 1, 1902 (AR-1900, 120) (AR-1902, 6) (AR-1903, 93). Excavation only occurred throughout the night time while masonry was worked on throughout the day until June 8, 1901 (AR-1901, 88). An air compressor plant was constructed to meet all the power needs of the dam construction site. At the time of the dam’s construction over 100 years ago, compressed air powered all of the machinery needed for construction such as derricks, which picked up and moved material around the construction site. This activity was a predecessor to opening the quarry, as the compressor plant was needed to power the tools such as drills that were necessary to begin the process of mobilizing the quarry. The compressor plant construction started in December 1900 and ended on December 31, 1901. Its construction consisted of day and night work up until November 23, 1901 (AR-1901, 6, 84-86). Although, the power to the dam was first used on April 18, 1901 (AR-1901, 84). The power was brought due to the erection of the air compressor plant being completed at the beginning of 1901 (AR-1901, 6). After the completion of the air compressor plant, most of the machinery had been operated through compressed air (AR-1901, 84).


Figure 13: Pictured Right - Boiler Stack for the Air Compressor Building (MWRA) With the construction of the air compressor plant being completed on April 18, 1901, the mobilization work to prepare the quarry for the beginning of dam construction began on April 15, 1901, and ended on June 5th, 1901. Mobilizing the quarry meant preparing it for use throughout construction since this is where all of the stone came from. The work to prepare the quarry for future rubble masonry acquisition consisted of drilling and blasting rock. This work of mobilizing the quarry was carried out by using 60 ton, 10-wheel locomotives, 29 flat and gondola cars, four 4-yard dump cars, and 8 derricks. The skips and scale boxes were placed on flatcars which were hauled to the dam. The quarry tracks were officially removed in October of 1903 (AR-1903, 93). (AR-1901, 6, 86-87) The batch plant was constructed for mixing and supplying mortar to be used throughout the rubble masonry placement process. Mortar was used to fill the smaller spaces between large rubble stones and smaller rocks which are called spalls. Installation and mobilization of the batch plant lasted about 4 months from March 1901 to June 1901. It consisted of 2 cement storehouses, each with a 4,500 barrel capacity and a sand bin with a 370 cubic yard capacity (AR-1901, 86). Sand ran through 2 cars which were under the bin and was followed by supplying and mixing the mortar in the 2 cement storehouses (1 for natural cement and 1 for portland cement). After the mortar was mixed, it was placed onto skips that were placed on small cars on the lower tracks. They were then hauled by horses under the cableways in order to be delivered to the site (AR-1901, 86).


Figure 14: Wachusett Dam Construction Site Concrete Mixer Portion of Batch Plant Mobilization of the Gravel Pit took place from the start of March 1901 to June 1901, the same time the batch plant was being constructed. At the gravel pit, a cylindrical screen was used to separate sand and rocks. Figure 15 shows the screen. The screen would separate the sand into one box and rocks into the other. Then, horses would deliver the separated, necessary material to the dam site. To complete this process 2 crews were used. One man and horse remained at the gravel pit site, and there were 2 wagon crews that went back and forth from the gravel pit to the dam.

Figure 15: Wachusett Dam Construction Site Gravel Pit 4.3. Rubble Masonry The placement of rubble masonry was able to commence right after the completion of mobilizing the quarry, the batch plant, and the gravel pit, in June of 1901. The construction of rubble masonry started when the first stone was placed on June 5, 1901, and continued throughout the construction of other future activities until September 1903. Masonry work was suspended 2 times throughout its course of construction. The first time masonry work was suspended on December 3, 1901, and returned on March 24, 1902. It continued throughout the

18 year until it stopped again on December 8, 1902, and resumed on March 21, 1903. Both suspensions were caused due to winter weather conditions. (AR-1901, 6, 90) (AR-1902, 105) (AR-1903, 93-95)

Figure 16: First Rock of the Dam to be Set Marking the Beginning of Rubble Masonry Placement 4.4. Powerhouse Structure The construction of the powerhouse structure started in 1900 and was worked on along with other activities that commenced around the same time (AR-1900, 120). The foundation of the structure was completed at the same time as the lower gate chamber in 1902 (AR-1902, 6). The entire powerhouse was completed at the end of 1903 (AR-1903, 6) (AR-1904, 7).

Figure 17: Wachusett Dam Powerhouse Under Construction 4.5. Process Piping Similar to the plant and equipment, process piping consisted of 5 activities. The activities necessary to complete the process piping are: placing the pipes through the dam, the construction of the lower gate chamber, construction of the conduits to the pool, the pool structure, and weir and erosion apron.


In order to begin process piping, the 48 inch cast iron pipes had to be placed through the dam. The start of this activity began on September 1, 1902 (AR-1902, 108). The 48-inch pipes were laid by placing various valves and pipes in the upper and lower gate chambers.

Figure 18: One of Four 48 in Cast Iron Pipes Placed to Run Through the Dam There was an extension with the aqueduct to connect with the lower gate chamber and also a permanent wall was built on one side while a cofferdam was built on the other side of a channel 42 feet wide. The upper part of the flume was connected with the upper gate chamber and a temporary wooden screen across a 6-foot channel was placed above the upper gate chamber to prevent ice and any other material from entering the pipes. When these pipes were ready for use, the lower portion of the flume was removed which led to the extension of the masonry of the dam 50 feet from where the flume once connected with the portion of the dam that had been constructed thus far (AR-1902, 109).

Figure 19: Portion of the 700 ft. Flume at the Wachusett Dam Construction Site The larger ends of these pipes were connected with the waste conduits built of Portland cement concrete and they continued to increase in size until reaching 10 feet in diameter (AR-1902,


110). They continue as that size until reaching the pool (AR-1902, 110). The construction of the pipes through the dam was completed on November 20, 1902, when water was first turned on through the pipes (AR-1902, 109). The formwork of the lower gate chamber started on May 18, 1902, when the first concrete masonry was put in place in its substructure (AR-1902, 108). The foundation of the lower gate chamber was completed in 1902, as stated in the powerhouse structure section, although, this activity was completed on April 19, 1903 (AR-1903, 101).

Figure 20: Lower Gatehouse Foundation Formwork The construction of the conduits to the pool started in March of 1902 (AR-1903, 96). This activity began once the pipes were connected to the conduits and finished when the last masonry was put in place on November 30, 1902 (AR-1902, 110) Since the construction of the pool conduits started in March 1902, the construction of the pool structure also started in March 1902 (AR-1902, 110). The construction continued on and during August and September. A considerable force of men and teams were engaged in excavating earth from the lower part of the waste channel and they hauled the material to the fill under the outer pool (AR-1903, 96). The pool structure was completed on November 14, 1903 (AR-1903, 97).

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Figure 21: Pool Structure During Dam Construction The construction of the weir and erosion apron started in March, 1901 (AR-1901, 92). This activity consisted of the use of 1 derrick on the spillway below the pool (AR-1901, 90). The construction of this activity was carried on and completed on November 30, 1902 (AR-1902, 110). 4.6. Central Massachusetts Railroad (CMRR) Trestle Bridge Construction of the Central Massachusetts Railroad Trestle Bridge consists of two major activities. The activities and their specific orders are CMRR pedestals and the CMRR trestle bridge. Construction of the CMRR pedestals started on the Boylston Street abutment on June 4, 1902. By December 31, 1902, all of the masonry work had been finished except 4 pedestals out of the 32 total on the bottom of the valley. The 1902 MWB Annual Engineering Report reads “the concrete masonry foundations for these pedestals were in place, and the stone had been delivered but not set. A considerate amount of stone is still to be deposited in the bottom of the valley, to protect the pedestals from erosion” (AR-1902, 118). These had to be done before the water goes through the pipes and downstream and also before constructing the trestle bridge. With the completion of most of the pedestals, the construction of the trestle bridge commenced on January 1, 1903 (AR-1903, 106). This bridge was built under the day labor forces to allow the Central Massachusetts Railroad to cross the downstream portion of the river once the dam was completed (AR-1903, 106). It was then completed on November 7, 1903, since all of the work covered by the contract was completed except the portions which needed the railroad

22 to be built on its permanent location across the waste channel and cableway tracks (AR-1903, 106).

Figure 22: Wachusett Dam and Completed Trestle Bridge for Central Massachusetts Railroad 4.7. No Water Through The Gap Having no water going through the gap is a milestone which is only completed when the masonry is high enough, all of the process piping is complete and ready to operate, and everything in the river bed is complete. This is the last scope scheduled for this project. A “gap” in the dam once existed where the flume resided. The flume had been removed and rubble masonry laid down in its place, allowing the dam to begin serving its intended purpose of stopping the Nashua River to create a reservoir. This milestone occurred on April 11, 1903 (AR- 1903, 97).

Figure 23: Beginnings of the Wachusett Reservoir After Flume Removal


5. Presenting to the West Boylston Historical Society On December 10, 2019 Teams A and B of the Wachusett Dam MQP Project presented their project to the West Boylston Historical Society. The purpose of this presentation was to present the technical aspects of our MQP projects to citizens of West Boylston who may not have had the same technical engineering experiences, knowledge, and understanding that each team member possessed. In preparation for the presentation, each team member was assigned one aspect of the project to review and present in front of the audience. The overall presentation was divided into five sections by Professor Marrone: Site Preparation, Stopping the River, Plant and Equipment, Rubble Masonry, Process Piping/ Bypass. We each reviewed our materials separately and recorded ourselves delivering the material of our respective PowerPoint slides for Professor Marrone’s review and comments before the day of the final presentation. We also held one in-person presentation session where each team member presented for both Professors Salazar and Marrone. The presentation event was organized by Steve Carlson, who coordinated the event through the West Boylston Library. Anna Shaw, the library’s director, was responsible for advertising the presentation to her patrons via a regularly-distributed newsletter. In terms of expectations for the event with the West Boylston Historical Society, a turnout of about 30 people was expected, and who were assumed to have little previous knowledge of the Wachusett Dam aside from some basic facts. Going in, the students were not expecting too many technical questions or technical knowledge from the audience that the students were trying to impart knowledge onto. While the lecture was seemingly well-received, the enthusiasm of the audience was pleasantly surprising along with the extent of knowledge possessed by many the audience members already had about the dam and its technical aspects. A younger audience member even gave us a piece of new information about the masonry worker who set the first and last stone of the dam. Overall, the presentation at the West Boylston Library for the West Boylston Historical Society was meant to help the presenting students improve on public speaking skills as well as overall skills of presenting technical information in a way that the average person, with basic knowledge, is able to understand. The presentation tested knowledge about the project and gave an idea of key concepts to look into based on the questions from the audience that forced harder or different thinking. Another lesson learned by the presentation is to not underestimate the

24 audience that material is presented to, as they may be just as knowledgeable as someone of the craft. Audience members may even have knowledge, questions, and ideas that can further spark curiosity for engineering and help the presenter to see that learning is a continuous process that can be facilitated by those around us.


6. Comparison of Original Construction to Present-Day Construction The mobilization of the plant and equipment was needed to be ready before the operational construction commenced. The scheduling of the plant and equipment includes activities such as the production of the rail branch, cableways, deep excavation with cableways, compressor plant, opening the quarry, the batch plant and the gravel pit. Each section of this chapter defines the purpose of the activity and reports the duration for the execution of these tasks according to the original construction. It then describes the approach used to provide for the same needs of using modern equipment and methods and determines the corresponding duration for the execution of these tasks. One hundred years ago, this process took 164 days to complete. Although, assuming the activities had to be done back to back with no overlapping in the schedule, this process would’ve taken 588 days to complete. The objective was to recreate this schedule using equipment and methods from the Twenty-first century. Each activity was focused on individually, and resulted in a modern duration of 38 days. 6.1. Rail Branch The production of the rail branch was a crucial part for the plant and equipment when the dam was originally constructed. It was needed to transport rock and soil to their designated locations. The original length of the rail branches were described in Chapter 4.3, and the original location rail branches are shown in Figure 10. This activity had to be completed before any other activity could commence. The original duration to create the rail branch was 51 days. When reworking the schedule with modern equipment, this addition of a rail branch was no longer needed because dump trucks will be used on existing roads instead. The only path that needed to be opened was a path to the quarry, although the duration for this is accounted for in Section 6.5. Therefore, the new duration of this activity is zero. The use of the dump trucks is integrated in the following activities in accordance with the amount of material needed to be hauled. The roads used by the dump trucks are shown in Figure 24.


Figure 24: Modern Site Layout The road from the Wachusett Dam to the gravel pit is 0.6 miles. To the North Dike it is 2.5 miles long. The road between the quarry and the gravel pit is 1.1 miles, and to the North Dike it is 4 miles. Lastly, the distance between the gravel pit and the North Dike is 2.9 miles. 6.2. Cableways During the original construction, cableways were needed in order to continue the deep excavation. The cableways were used to remove material such as soil and rubble rock by lifting the material and transporting it between each of the two cableways, as shown in Figure 10. Once transported to the desired cableway, the material was put on skips that were placed on the railroad in order for it to be sent to the desired destination. The total duration to complete this activity was originally 38 days. The building of the two cableways is no longer needed because it will be replaced with the use of excavators and dump trucks. Therefore the duration for this activity is zero. The use and quantity of the dump trucks and excavators are integrated in the following activities in accordance with the amount of material needed to be hauled. This activity will be replaced with the use of excavators and dump trucks. The amount of excavators and dump trucks is further specified in the following activities. 6.3. Deep Excavation with Cableways Before the mobilization of the plant and equipment, deep excavation commenced with the use of hoists. Deep excavation needed to be continued during the plant and equipment phase once the cableways were mobilized. The cableways were needed due to the large sized rubble rocks that needed to be moved. The original duration of the deep excavation with cableways was 240 days. Using modern equipment, this duration was cut down to a total of 24 days. In order to

27 calculate this duration, the continuation of the deep excavation was broken down to two activities: earth moving and rock moving. These two activities involve the use of excavators and dump trucks. The first step was to find the most appropriate and productive excavator. This was calculated using the cycle time per hour, swing depth factor, heaped bucket volume, bucket fill volume, and job efficiency. This calculation had to be done separately for the earth and rock because they each have a different bucket fill volume. Figure 25 shows a diagram of the swing depth factor.



Figure 25: Swing Depth Factor The swing depth factor is the angle of swing between the excavators bucket and the location of the dump truck. Table 1 shows the correspondence of different materials along with their fill factor range.

Table 1: Material & Designated Fill Factor Range (Bucket Rating Hydraulic Excavators. (n.d.))

To better demonstrate each fill, Figure 26 shows a diagram of the bucket fill volume of each material.


Figure 26: Bucket Fill Volume Representation (Bucket Rating Hydraulic Excavators. (n.d.)) There was a total of 43,000 cubic yards (CY) of soil to be hauled (AR-1901, 92). For the moving of the soil, it was calculated that a large 3CY excavator would be the most productive. The soil used in the calculation was a mix of sand, clay, and rubble rock. The values used for the cycle time per hour, swing depth factor, heaped bucket volume, bucket fill volume, and job efficiency are shown in Table 2.

Table 2: Calculation for Excavator The swing depth factor of 1.33 is based on a swing angle of 45 degrees. The bucket fill volume for soil has an earth common fill factor of 0.8-1.1 (Nunnally, 2007). Therefore, an average of 1 was used for the calculation. Lastly, the value for job efficiency is an assumption that the workers are productive 50 minutes out of the entire hour. After multiplying the cycle time per hour, swing depth factor, heaped bucket volume, bucket fill volume, and job efficiency, this resulted in a productivity of 498.75 Loading Cubic Yards (LCY) per hour which is also equal to 8.31 LCY per minute. The next step was to find the appropriate dump truck that correlates with the productivity of the excavator chosen. The dump truck will travel 2.5 miles from the Wachusett Dam to the North Dike in order to dump the soil and return back. This is a round trip of 12 minutes. With an assumption of a 2 minute dump time, this results in a total travel time of 14 minutes. The path

29 that the dump truck will travel is shown as a green line in Figure 24. Dump trucks at different capacities were then compared as shown in Table 3.

Table 3: Comparison of Dump Trucks Dump truck capacities can range from 8 to 20 CY (Fortier, 2014).The load time for the trucks was calculated by dividing their capacity by the excavators productivity per minute. A tri- axle dump truck with a 20 CY capacity was chosen to be used in this activity. It takes 2.41 minutes to load. Once the first truck leaves to the North Dike, an additional 5 trucks can be filled. This process satisfies the excavator’s productivity of 498.75 LCY/hr. With a workday of 8 hours, the total productivity in a day will be 3,990 LCY/day as shown in Table 4.

Table 4: Duration of Loading and Hauling of Soil Since there is a total of 43,000 CY of soil to move, and 3,990 CY can be moved each day, the total duration of moving the soil is 10.78 days, or 11 days. Refer to Figure 27 for a representation of the large excavator that would be used and Figure 28 for the 20 CY dump truck.

Figure 27: Large Excavator (Hensley Industries, n.d.)


Figure 28: 8-20 CY Dump Truck (Trucks, n.d.) For the rock hauling, there was a total of 24,370 CY of rock that needed to be moved (AR-1901, 92). The procedure to calculate the modern equipment needed and it's modern duration was similar to what was done with the soil. It was also found that the most appropriate excavator was a Large 3 CY Excavator, as shown in Figure 27. For the calculation of the excavator, the variables were the same as the soil with the exception of the bucket fill volume as shown in Table 5.

Table 5: Calculation for Rock Excavator Poorly blasted rock has a fill factor of 0.4 - 0.7. Therefore, the average value of 0.5 was used for the bucket fill volume (Nunnally, 2007). These values resulted in a productivity of 249.38 LCY/hr, or 4.16 LCY/min. The next step was to find the appropriate dump trucks that correlated with the excavator and travel time. Each dump truck completes a 4 minute round trip from the Wachusett Dam and Reservoir to the gravel pit (399 MA-62 Clinton, MA). With an assumption of a 2 minute dump time, the total travel time is 6 minutes. Various dump trucks with different capacities were compared and a dump truck with a 16 CY capacity was chosen to be most appropriate for rock hauling, as shown in Table 6.


Table 6: Dump Truck for Rock Hauling It takes 3.85 minutes to load a 16 CY dump truck. During the round trip, an extra 16 CY dump truck can be loaded. With a total of two 16 CY dump trucks, shown in Figure 28, it satisfies the productivity of 249.38 LCY/hr. In an 8 hour work day, this gives a productivity of 1,995LCY/day as shown in Table 7.

Table 7: Duration of Loading and Hauling of Rock With a total of 24,370 cubic yards of rock to move, a total of 13 days is needed to complete the rock loading and hauling. This activity will reuse the Large 3 CY Excavator from the soil loading and hauling activity and it will need 2 16 CY dump trucks. Because the soil loading and hauling takes a total of 11 days, and the rock loading and hauling takes 12.22 days, these activities result in a duration of 24 days. This duration can only be feasible if the equipment mentioned in this activity, 1 Large 3 CY Excavators, 6 20 CY dump trucks, and 2 16 CY dump trucks, are used. The use of these equipment replaces the need to have railroads and cableways. 6.4. Compressor Plant In the past a compressor plant was needed in order to operate machinery such as derricks and drills. The compressor plant had to be completed in order to begin the process of mobilizing the quarry because derricks and drills needed to be used. This activity originally had a duration of 92 days. This activity is no longer needed because the modern equipment is hydraulic based, such as the excavators, or filled with diesel, such as the dump trucks. Hydraulic fluid can be found at a local AutoZone or a tractor supply store (Search Results for: hydraulic fluid, n.d.). As for diesel, it can be bought from certain gas stations. Therefore, the modern duration is now zero because the duration of the modern equipment used in replacement is further identified in the opening of the quarry.


6.5. Open Quarry The original duration of opening the quarry was 37 days, but the modern duration was calculated to be 8 days. In order to calculate the modern duration, the opening of the quarry was divided into three activities which are: deforestation, stripping and hauling, and blasting and separation of the rocks. The quarry size is 2.22 acres (10,744.8 square yards) and the size of the path that needed to be opened in order to access the quarry is 2.23 acres (10793.2 square yards) (Metterhausen, F. (n.d.)). A healthy forest contains about 40 to 60 trees per acre (Healthy Forest Initiatives, n.d.). The average of 50 trees per acre was used for calculations, meaning a total of 223 trees needed to be removed in the deforestation process. The equipment needed in the deforestation process was one Harvester, one Forwarder, thirteen 4-Axle Trucks, and one 48 Foot Trailer, which is shown in Table 8.

Table 8: Deforestation of Quarry A Harvester is a cutting and bucking machine (Used For Logging, n.d.). One study reported an “average delay-freecycle time to travel to the tree, cut and delimb it, and cut the stem to length was about 1.29 minutes per tree” (Huyler & LeDoux, n.d.). With 223 trees in the

33 quarry, it will take about 4.78 hours to completely harvest. A forwarder is used to transport timber from a felling area to a timber-yard on the roadside (Used For Logging, n.d.). It takes 1 to 1.72 minutes per tree to process the trees into bunches to forward to a landing. This process averages to about 1.29 minutes per tree (Huyler & LeDoux, n.d.). The total time for the forwarder to place the trees on a 4 axle log truck is 4.78 hours. The 4 axle log truck legal weight limit is 80,000 pounds (lbs) (Niman, Stringer, & Grigsby, 2018). Tree weights vary from 1,500 pounds to 16,420 pounds depending on the inner diameter and circumference (Patterson, & Doruska, n.d.). Using an average weight of 8,960 pounds per tree, the total weight of all trees is 1,993,600 pounds. This totals to 9 trees fitting in each truck. Therefore, a total of 25 trucks are needed to clear the site. A 48 Foot Trailer is then needed to clear the branches and wood leftovers. Dimensions of a 48’ Trailer Truck is shown in Figure 29.

Figure 29: Trailer Trucks Ranging From 28’-53’ (Trailer Dimensions, n.d.) A 48’ Truck Capacity is 3,465 cubic feet (ft3) (Trailer Guide, 2015). Each tree has an average volume of 13.4 cubic feet (Huyler & LeDoux, n.d). This means the total number of branches left over is 2,981.5 cubic feet. Since a forwarder has a minimum production machine hour (PMH) of 463 ft3 and a maximum of 734 cubic feet per PMH, the total time to load the truck will be 4.9 hours (Huyler & LeDoux, n.d.). After adding the duration of each task in this activity, the total duration of deforestation is 2 days. The entire process of the use of the harvester, forwarder and loading of the trees onto a truck is shown in Figure 30.


Figure 30: Process of Deforestation (Used For Logging, n.d.) Before stripping the quarry, the stripping of the path to the quarry had to be done. A total of 1 Large 3 cubic yard Excavators, shown in Figure 27, and 7 20 CY Dump Trucks, shown in Figure 28, are needed in this activity as shown in Table 9.

Table 9: Stripping and Hauling of Quarry Path. In order to have a smooth path, the Quarry path is stripped down 1 foot which makes the total stripping volume to be 3,597.3 CY. This was found by multiplying the quarry size of 10793.2 square yards by the depth of stripping done (1 foot). With 1 excavator, it will take 7 hours to strip the path. Meaning, one full work day will be dedicated to the stripping of the path. The

35 excavator will then load the 20 CY dump trucks. It takes 2.41 minutes to load a dump truck. The dump trucks have a round trip of 16 minutes from 150 Boylston Road in Clinton, MA to the North Dike (located at Clinton High School). A total of 6 more dump trucks can be filled during a round trip. This will then conclude that stripping and hauling will have a duration of 2 days. The next step was to strip the quarry itself and haul the stripped soil. A total of 2 Large 3 cubic yard Excavators, shown in Figure 27, and 7 20 CY Dump Trucks, shown in Figure 28, are needed in this activity as shown in Table 10.

Table 10: Stripping and Hauling of Quarry The Quarry is stripped 1 foot down to reach rocks which makes the total stripping volume to be 3,581.6 CY. This was found by multiplying the quarry size of 10,744.8 square yards by the depth of stripping done (1 foot). With 2 excavators, it will take 4 hours to fully strip the quarry. These 2 excavators will begin stripping at opposite ends until meeting in the middle. Once stripping is complete, one excavator will be reused to load the 20 CY dump trucks. Similar to the dump truck used in the stripping of the path, it takes 2.41 minutes to load and they have a round trip of 16 minutes from 150 Boylston Road in Clinton, MA to the North Dike (located at Clinton High School). Therefore, 6 more dump trucks can be filled during a round trip. For the stripping and hauling of the quarry the total duration is 1.5 days. Although, the total stripping and hauling of the path and the quarry combined is 3.5 days which is being rounded up to 4 days. The last step in the quarry was the blasting and separation of rocks. This activity was done in cycles as the building of the Dam progressed. The equipment needed for this are one Hydraulic drill, thirty-eight explosives, one 10CY Hydraulic Bucket, and one 53’ Flatbed Trailer, as shown in Figures 31-33 and described in Table 11. 36

Figure 31: Stages of Explosives Usage (PlantHire RockBlasting, n.d.)

Figure 32: Hydraulic Drill (, n.d.)

Figure 33: 10 CY Hydraulic Bucket (Volvo L260H Front End Loader: Two full buckets for one full truck, n.d.)

Space Intentionally Left Blank


Table 11: Blasting and Opening of Quarry In order to blast through granite rock, a drill with a 6 inch diameter and 11 inch depth is needed (Nunnally, 2007). A hydraulic drill can drill 52.5 ft/hr which equals to 38 drill holes in 1 day (Nunnally, 2007). Each drill made is filled with an explosive which is equal to 38 explosives. Assuming it will take 1 hour to prepare and blast, the duration of one blasting cycle is 1.125 days. After each blasting cycle, seperation of the rocks is needed. The total of rocks seperated in the quarry was calculated using the proportion of rocks in the Dam. Because the blasting was done 1 foot under what was stripped, there was a total rock volume of 3,581.6 CY. This was found by multiplying the quarry size of 10,744.8 square yards by the depth of blasting done (1 foot). The Dam was built with 54 percent large stones, 17 percent spalls, and 29 percent mortar (AR-1902). Therefore, 71% of the Dam was made of large stone and spalls. Using the ratio of 54% of large stones out of the total 71% of total rock, 76% of the rock volume is large stones. The total volume of large rocks is 2,722 CY. Each large rock is about 2.3 CY in size (AR-1902).


After dividing the total large rock volume of 2,722 CY by their individual volume of 2.3 CY, there was a total of 1,183.5 large rocks. The total amount of spalls was calculated by subtracting the total rock volume of 3,581.6 CY by total large stone volume of 2,722 CY. This gave a total of 859.6 CY of spalls to be seperated. In order to separate the large stones, a 10 CY Hydraulic Bucket was needed along with a 53’ flatbed trailer. The productivity of the 10 CY Hydraulic Bucket was calculated using the same equation used for the Large 3 CY Excavator. The productivity of the 10 CY Hydraulic Bucket came out to be 652.50 LCY/hr which is equal to 5,220 LCY/day. By dividing the total large stone volume of 2,722 CY by the productivity of 5,220 LCY/day, the total duration was 0.5 days to place on a 53’ flatbed and separate into its own pile. The separation of the spalls began once the large stones were complete. Using the same 10 CY Hydraulic Bucket, the total duration was 0.2 days. To that end, the total duration of blasting and separation for 1 cycle was 1.8 days which is rounded up to 2 days. With the deforestation duration of 2 days, stripping and hauling 4 days, and blasting and separating 2 days, the total duration of opening the quarry was 8 days. Because the heavy machinery mentioned in this section are hydraulic based and the flatbed truck requires diesel, this further demonstrates why the mobilization of the compressor plant is no longer needed. 6.6. Batch Plant Installation and mobilization of the original batch plant lasted for about 4 months. For modern purposes, a dry mobile batch plant, shown on Figure 34, will be used to reduce the duration of mobilization down to 4 hours (Dry Concrete Batch Plants, 2020).

Figure 34: Dry Mobile Batch Plant (Dry Concrete Batch Plants, 2020) A dry mobile batch plant “[has] sand, gravel, and cement feeding to batching plant[s] that pass the numerical or manual scale. Then all the raw materials are discharged into a chute into the

39 truck. At the same time, the water is weighed, or volume metered and discharged into the mixer truck through the same charging tank. At last, all the material mixed and transported to the site” (MEKA, n.d.). It is a time and cost efficient alternative which mixes dry aggregates and is used with concrete mixer trucks in order to add wet ingredients. The past duration on this activity was 66 days, whereas now, it is only 4 hours which has rounded up to 1 day. Although with the time it will take to order and to arrive on site, an extra day has been added. Therefore the modern duration for this activity is 2 days. 6.7. Gravel Pit The last aspect of the plant is the gravel pit. The original duration of work done in the gravel pit was 66 days but it has now been brought down to 4 days. The gravel pit was used for storing the rubble masonry needed to build the dam and its location is shown in Figure 24. The gravel pits size is 3.7 acres (Metterhausen, F. (n.d.)). Using the same information that was used for the quarry, the gravel pit is to have an estimated 185 trees. The gravel pit will be deforested, as shown in Figure 29, and undergo stripping and hauling of earth. During deforestation, the equipment needed is one Harvester, one Forwarder, twenty-one 4 Axle Trucks, and one 45’ Trailer Truck, as described in Table 12.

Table 12: Deforestation of Gravel Pit 40

The difference between the 40’ and 45’ trailer truck is that the capacity for the 45’ truck is 2,700 ft3 (Trailer Guide, 2015). A representation of the dimensions of a 45’ trailer truck is shown in Figure 33. This makes the total duration of the deforestation 1.5 days which is rounded up to 2 days. The last activity is stripping and hauling. The equipment needed is 2 3 CY Excavators, shown in Figure 27, and 7 20 CY Dump Trucks, shown in Figure 28. The calculation for the amount of the equipment is shown in Table 13.

Table 13: Stripping and Hauling of The Gravel Pit Using the same strategy as for the quarry, 2 excavators start on each end and will meet in the middle. Once the stripping is complete, 1 excavator will be reused to load the dump trucks. The calculations for the dump trucks were similar to how it was done in the quarry. The dump trucks will travel from the gravel pit to the North Dike and have a total round trip time of 14 minutes. A total of 6 more dump trucks can be filled during a round trip which concludes that the time to clear the site will take 1 day. Therefore the duration of stripping and hauling is 2 days. Adding the duration of the deforestation with the stripping and hauling, the modern duration is calculated to be 4 days. The mobilization of the gravel pit is the last aspect of mobilizing the plant. As mentioned previously, the original duration of mobilizing the plant for the Wachusett Dam was 164 days. Although, when placing the activities back to back the total past duration was 588 days. When using modern equipment, the new duration for this process is 38 days.


Table 14 shows the final comparison between the activities with the past duration and the modern duration.

Table 14: Comparison of Activity Durations This table shows how, no longer needing the rail branch, cableways, and compressor plant, the duration automatically drops 181 days. And with the use of modern equipment, the modern duration goes down to 38 days which is nearly one tenth of the original duration.


7. Design Review of the Wachusett Dam Structure The Wachusett Dam was constructed by skilled masons and laborers. Laborers placed rubble (large rocks approximately the size of a table). Spalls (smaller rocks) were used to fill large gaps between the rubble. Skilled masons then filled in the remaining gaps with mortar. The mortar was essentially flung into the crevasses. The masons had to be trusted to ensure that there were no gaps remaining because there was no way to test this at that time. This process was repeated little by little until the masonry was complete. One of the objectives of this project was to conduct a structural design review of the Wachusett Dam Structure using static analysis. A static analysis was done because in doing so you determine the factor of safety of the dam. The factor of safety represents how strong a structure is compared to what it needs to be for regular usage. A large factor of safety in a static analysis would mean that the structure is more likely to satisfy the other types of analyses listed. A static analysis was picked as opposed to the other analyses based on the resources we had available and the fact that a Dam is most likely to fail due to sliding or overturning, and a statics analysis examines both of those things. As part of the static analysis, a free body diagram of the Wachusett Dam was produced. The completed free body diagram of the Masonry Gravity Dam can be seen below in Figure 35.

Figure 35: Wachusett Dam - Free Body Diagram


Dimension Description Length (feet)

Total Height 199

Height of Dam above ground level 110

Height above ground to water line (h1) 90

Depth of Toe (h2) 89

Stem Width (at water line) 25

Stem Width (at ground level) 81.5

Base Width (b) 176

Stem Width - 25’ (at ground level) 56.5

Width of Heel Slab 22.25

Width of Toe Slab 72.25 Table 15: Dimensions of the Wachusett Dam The total weight of the dam was determined to be 2,438,988,795 pounds. The materials of the dam are granite, portland cement, and natural cement. The annual reports list the volume of each material used to construct the dam. These volumes were multiplied by the density to determine the weight, then all weights were added to determine the total weight of the dam.

Material Volume (ft3) Density (lbs/ft3) Weight (lbs)

Granite 7,402,671 172 1,273,259,412

Portland Cement 2,189,781 89.90 196,861,311.9

Natural Cement 4,926,960 196.65 968,886,684

Total Volume: 14,519,412 Total Weight: 2,439,007,408

Table 16: Materials Used and Weight of the Dam By dividing the total weight by the total volume, an average density for the Dam was calculated to be 167.98 lbs/ft3. This average density was used to divide the weight into 5 different portions as seen in the FBD. The weight was divided in order to simplify further calculations and determine how much weight was acting at each of those particular points of the dam. Each of the weight forces (W1, W2, W3, W4, & W5) was calculated by multiplying the

44 average density by the cross sectional area of that section. The forces of each were determined as follows:

Section Average Density of Cross Sectional Area Weight (lbs) Dam (lbs/ft3)

W1 167.98 25’ x 110’ 461,945

W2 0.5 x 56.5’ x 90’ 427,089.15

W3 0.5 x 22.25’ x 89’ 166,321.20

W4 81.5’ x 89’ 1,218,442.93

W5 0.5 x 72.25’ x 89’ 540,076.70

Table 17: Section Weights of the Dam

Next, the hydrostatic pressure (PW) was determined. Hydrostatic pressure is the lateral pressure on the dam due to the weight of the water stored behind it. The pressure was determined 2 using the equation: PW = 0.5KaƔWh . For water, Ka is equal to 1 (for soil it would be less than 1). The hydrostatic pressure was determined to be 499,855.2 lb. Traditionally, the next calculation would be to determine the passive earth pressure (PP). Passive earth pressure is the lateral pressure against the toe slab of the dam due to the soil. The pressure is only applied to the toe slab by the soil as the dam begins to fail by sliding. However, in the case of the Wachusett Dam, the passive earth pressure was not calculated because it was not necessary for a dam of this size. Due to the Wachusett Dam’s height and substantial weight, it is more likely to fail due to overturning rather than sliding. Passive earth pressure helps to prevent sliding, but since the

Factor of Safety due to sliding is sufficient even when neglecting PP it is not necessary to factor in that force. The next step of the static analysis was to determine the overturning moment about the toe (MO) and the resisting moment (MR). The overturning moment is based on all of the horizontal forces of the FBD, and the resisting moment is based on the vertical forces. A moment is determined by multiplying the force by the moment arm. A moment arm is the perpendicular distance from where the force acts to where the moment acts. In the case of a dam, both moments

45 act about the toe. Tables 18 and 19 illustrate each force acting on the dam and how each moment was calculated.

Perpendicular Distance from Length Calculation (ft) Moment Arm (ft) Toe to:

PW1 89’ - (90’/3) 119

PW2H 89’/2 44.5

PW3H 89’/3 29.67

W1 176’ - 22.5’ - (25’/2) 141.25

W2 72.25’ + (56.5’/2) 100.5

W3 176’ - (22.25’/2) 164.88

W4 72.25’ + (81.5’/2) 113

W5 72.25’/2 36.13

89′/2 PW2V 176’ - 164.87 푡푎푛(75.96)

89′/3 PW3V 176’ - 168.58 푡푎푛(75.96) Table 18: Moment Arm Calculations

Force Load (lbs) Moment Arm (ft) Moment (lb-ft)

PW1 252,720 119 30,073,680

PW2H 479,504.86 44.5 21,337,966.27

PW3H 239,752.43 29.67 7,113,454.60

ΣH = 971,977.29 ΣMO = 58,525,100.87

W1 461,945 141.25 65,249,731.25

W2 427,089.15 100.5 42,922,459.58

W3 166,321.20 164.88 27,423,039.46

W4 1,218,442.93 113 137,684,051.10

W5 540,076.70 36.13 19,512,971.17


PW2V 119,909.62 164.87 19,769,499.05

PW3V 59,954.81 168.58 10,107,181.87

ΣV = 2,993,739.41 ΣMR = 322,668,933.50 Table 19: Moment Calculations About the Toe

The overturning moment about the toe (MO) was determined to be 37,187,134.6 lb-ft and the resisting moment (MR) was determined to be 308,673,746.9 lb-ft. Using these values the

Factor of Safety Against Overturning (FSO) and the Factor of Safety Against Sliding (FSS) were determined. The Factor of Safety Against Overturning (FSO) was determined by dividing the resisting moment by the overturning moment: FSO = 322,668,933.50 / 58,525,100.87. It was determined to be 5.5. The Factor of Safety Against Sliding (FSS) was determined using the

2 2 (훴푉푡푎푛( ɸ′ )+ 푐′ )푏 3 2 3 2 ’ equation: FSS = where ɸ2 is the angle of internal friction of the soil at the toe 훴퐻 ’ ’ ’ and c2 is the cohesion of the soil. The soil at that depth is rock, and ɸ2 of rock is 30° and c2 of 3 rock is 208,854.34 lb/ft (University of Texas, 2020). The Factor of Safety Against Sliding (FSS) was determined to be 222.5 (had passive earth pressure been accounted for, this value would be even higher). Hand calculations for the entire analysis can be seen in Appendix H. Both factors of safety were more than double the bare minimum value of 2, which is consistent with the engineering reports statement that the dam was designed with a “very large factor of safety.” Each factor of safety illustrates that the Dam should not slide or overturn due to the pressure of the water. These are the two ways a dam would most commonly be expected to fail. In addition to a static analysis there are other analyses that could have been done, or could be done in future projects. These include: seepage analysis, an analysis of climate effects, or analysis of the impact that various natural disasters could have. Each of the analyses is very complex and requires many more resources and research in order to complete them. Even when only analyzing the statics of a dam, it is still important to have a basic understanding of a seepage analysis, as seepage is an extension of statics. Additionally, there is evidence of seepage through the Wachusett Dam. As a result of the large weight of the Dam, and observed through “spy” holes at the bottom of the dam, the seepage will not cause any major consequences. Seepage is a result of groundwater flow and can cause instability of soil masses.


As a result, if not properly accounted for, seepage can cause catastrophic failures to structures such as dams and similar. Seepage calculations are very complex for “real” structures and use a lot of approximations. The statics of the structure are needed in order to calculate seepage. When calculating seepage, it is normal practice to create a flownet, or a two-dimensional drawing of flow lines under the structure. (Budhu, 2007)


8. Conclusions The Wachusett Dam located in Clinton, Massachusetts was constructed over 100 years ago between 1895 and 1905. This report fulfilled the following objectives: (1) Recreated, to the best possible degree, the original construction schedule of the Wachusett Dam, (2) Analyzed the productivity of modern plant and equipment supporting construction operations and compared the results with the ones observed more than 100 years ago and (3) Reviewed the structural design of the Dam to better understand the implications of the design on the construction methods. These objectives were accomplished through the use of archival research and relevant knowledge from previous and current coursework. The recreation of the original schedule began with the continuation of deep excavation with a hoist on October 15, 1900 and ended when there was no longer water through the gap on April 11, 1903. To recreate this schedule, relationships between the activities were distinguished in order to further specify the activities duration. Once this was complete, each assigned activity was presented, which enhanced their interpersonal skills. Next came the recreation of the Plant and Equipment with modern equipment and practices. This recreation gave a better understanding of the advances in technology due to the schedule decreasing from 590 days down to 65 days. Lastly, the Dam’s FSO was calculated to be 5.5 and the FSS to be 222.5. The importance of these objectives were to distinguish relationships between activities, create schedules, enhance interpersonal skills, understand capacities of equipment and how it affects durations, and to understand the forces on a Dam and how it affects its safety factor. If there is any continuation on this project, it is recommended that the next team continues the scheduling of this project until the last rock is placed. The next project team can also recreate the rest of the modern schedule by researching and using information in this paper. Another recommendation is that the next team computes a cost analysis of the modern equipment chosen in the Plant and Equipment and compares it to the original cost. The next team can also research the construction of the spillway or a section on the CMRR realignment from the North Dike to the tunnel at Clamshell. Another recommendation for a long range development can include stripping the basin soil and constructing the dikes.


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Appendix A: MQP Schedule


Appendix B: Annual Report Notes

Key: AR 190# - Annual Report Number by Year (#) - Page Number from Annual Report

Continuation of Deep Excavation with Hoist AR1900 ● Discusses excavation - before our contract ○ the project team picked it up in mid october (7-8) AR1901 ○ excavated a small amount of material at the dam - by the end of year - (84) AR1902 ● Excavation completed during 1901- AR1902 (6) AR1904 ● Continuing excavations ○ 59900 cubic yards of earth excavated through the year ○ 36819 cubic yards of rock excavated AR1905 ● Excavation of waste channel was completed upon removal of cableways and change of railroad to permanent location

Rail Branch AR1901 ● Early june - negotiations of central mass railroad (83) ○ Field force to do surveying ● A branch track, 5,490 feet long, from the Central Massachusetts Railroad to the dam site, was built in 1900. A part of this track serves as the main track from the quarry to the dam, but it was necessary to build an additional 3,030 feet, which was completed early in April To carry this extension over the Central Massachusetts Railroad and Boylston Street, where there is an electric car line, a pile bridge about 800 feet long and having a maximum height of about 32 feet was built. (85)

Cableways AR1901 ● building of cable ways (6) ● Beginning or year - 1 cableway erected (84) ● Jan 26- second cable way completed (84) Deep Exc w/ Cableways


AR1901 ● Excavation only at night (masonry in day) - june 8 1901 (88) ● Excavation difficult - boulders, large and small, packed very close together, with the interstices filled with cemented gravel, encountered (88) ● Some caving of upstream slope- treated as occurred (88) ● Overhanging granite cliff and other rock - removed by blasting (88) ● To not to disturb the walls of the cut-off trench, lines of 3-inch holes, 6 inches apart on centres, were drilled to the bottom of the trench ; the rock in the centre of the cut-off was then removed' by careful blasting, and large steel wedges were used in the side holes to remove the rock near the walls of the cut-off. (89) ● deep recess, about 20 feet in width, was cut into the face of the granite cliff, with considerable difficulty and delay, by the same methods (89) ● Last part of rock before masonry - barring and wedging, scrubbed with brooms and washed with water (89) ● Excavated mat. → cableways → grading on westerly hillside or dumped on cars → quarry (89) ● Considerable earth was excavated from the site of the power house, pool and conduits, and used to refill the deep excavation on the down-stream side of the dam, after the masonry had risen high enough to permit this to be done. (89) ● End of year - excavation in wasate channel and trench (89) ○ Mat. dumped on upstream side of dam

Compressor Plant

AR1901 ● Considerable progress in: erection of the air compressor plant (completed early in the year), building of cable ways, installation of other portions of plant (6) ● End of year - plant complete (6) ● Power at dam first used april 18 (84) ○ Since then practically all machinery has been being operated by compressed air ● Compressor plant- info first paragraph (85)

Open Quarry AR1901 ● Great progress opening quarry to take out stone (6) ● By end of year had done considerable work in stripping at the quarry, 11/4 miles from the dam. (84) ● 60-ton, 10-wheel, standard-gage locomotive, 29 flat and gondola cars and 4 4-yard dump cars are used to haul stone (86)

Batch Plant


AR1901 ● at the end of the year had done a large amount of work in installing plant (84) ● Supplying and mixing mortar - 2 cement store houses near head of cableways (86) ● Sand bin (86) ○ Sand will run into either of 2 cars which are underneath bin ● Sand track to mortar mixer (86) ○ Installed below space between cement houses ● Cement wheeled from either house and dumped from platform into mixer (86) ● After mixed → skips → placed on small cars on lower track → hauled by horses → under cableways → delivered to work (86) ● Gravel Pit AR1900 AR1901 AR1902 AR1903 AR1904 AR1905

Rubble Masonry AR1900 ● Discusses dimensions of dam (8) ○ Made from quarry granite stuck in cement mortar ● Mortar - 2 parts sand, 1 part cement (110) ● Small stones used as beds for larger stones and to fill gaps (110) ● Triangular section of dam at deepest part laid with portland cement (110) ● Portions of excavation not filled by masonry will be refilled with earth (110) ● Earth to be raised 34 ft against base of dam (110) ● The up-stream face of the rubble where earth is to be filled against it will be made with specially selected stones, so as to have small joints, and these joints will be very carefully pointed, with a view to making them water tight. As an additional precaution, about 10 feet in thickness of clayey material will be deposited against the up-stream face of the dam, and carefully compacted in thin layers. (110) ● Ashlar laid with ½ inch joints (110) ● Long heads of ashlar provided at frequent intervals (110) ● There is a very considerable slope on the down-stream side of the dam, which will tend to hold the ashlar in place, and, in addition, it will be securely bonded to the rest of the dam by frequent long headers. (111) AR1901 ● First stone - june 5 (6)


● 28,000 cubic yards of dam masonry laid (40 ft above rock bed) (6) ● By spring 1903- considerable water can be stored behind dam (6) ● Nov 15, 1904 - planned completion of dam (6) ● 8 derricks in operation at dam - max (86) ○ Equipped with bull wheels ● Masonry - jun 5 to dec 3 [stop for winter] (89) ● number of derricks in operation has been 7 on the masonry of the dam (90) ● Masonry used for filling the cut-off and that immediately above the rock over the whole foundation of the dam has been laid in Portland cement mortar (more about Portland Cement in this paragraph) (90) ● Above the limits of the Portland cement work natural cement Mortar used (90) ○ Back to portland cement when frost became a factor ● 17,703 barrels of Giant Portland cement and 8,892 barrels of Union natural cement have been used (90) ● The stone in the triangular section of the dam, where Portland cement was used, was laid with beds inclined upward toward the down-stream face of the dam at the rate of 1 vertical to 4 horizontal. Above this section the stones in the down-stream half of the dam have had their beds inclined upward at the rate of 1 vertical to 6 horizontal. (90) AR1902 ● 28000 cubic yards of masonry laid out and reached a height of 40 ft above bedrock in1901- AR1902 6 ● 65000 cubic yards of rubble stone masonry laid out and had reached a height of 96 feet above bedrock in 1902- AR1902 6 ● The work of building rubble masonry was resumed on March 24, and, although the weather was unusually favorable for the season of the year, the masonry was laid in Portland cement mortar mixed in the proportion of 3 parts of sand to 1 part of cement until April 12 .(112) ● Toward the latter part of the season masonry which was likely to be exposed subsequently to the action of frost was laid in Portland cement mortar of the kind above stated, and after November 15 all masonry was so laid. After November 28 the sand and mortar were heated and salt was added to the mortar, 4 pounds being used to each barrel of cement. (112) ● The work of laying masonry was not started on mornings when the temperature was lower than 18° above zero, and not with this temperature unless the day was clear and a higher temperature was expected. (112-113) ● Between April 12 and November 15 most of the masonry was laid in natural cement mortar, mixed in the proportion of 2 parts of sand to 1 part of cement (113) ● The largest amount of rubble masonry laid in the dam during any week was during the week ending August 30, when 9 derricks were in operation, and 2,751 cubic yards were laid. (113)


● The building of the concrete masonry was done almost entirely at night, when one of the cableways could be spared to convey the con-crete, which was mixed in the cubical mixer on the side hill, to the bottom of the valley. (113)


● This excavation was begun on January 29, and was continued with a day force until March 21, when work on the masonry of the dam was resumed. (93) ● AR1904 ● Carrying up of main/stone structures ○ Abutment to the east end of dam near Boylston Street ○ Bastion at the west end of the dam nearly built to complete height ■ Divides dam from waste-weir ○ Most of masonry work on waste-weir completed ○ All but a small portion of waste channel completed ■ Extends along the ledge from the weir to the river below the dam. ■ Distance of 1240 ft ■ Excavated and made ready for use. ○ Granite arch bridge constructed across lower end of channel ■ 131 feet long ■ Spanning 35 ft 6 inches ■ Enables access to dam on the west side of river ○ Substructure (gates and valves for lower gate-chamber) ■ Built 1903 ○ Superstructure (Powershoue?) ■ Built 1904 ■ 104 ft 6 in long, 74 feet wide, height of 59 feet ■ One large room that will contain power-producing machinery ■ Also several smaller rooms for operations ■ Exterior walls made of stone from the quarry ○ Upper gate-chamber ■ Built within main dam structure ■ Water is introduced at ports or openings in wall and carried through sluice-gates by 4ft pipes through the dam structure (So basically what the project team saw in the elevations and powerpoint video from Marrone) ● Masonry Elevations ○ reached an elevation of 345 ft the preceding year (1903?) ○ Rached average elevation of 396ft above boston city base in 1904 ■ 130 ft above original river bed ■ 188 ft above lowest point of the foundation ○ 19 more feet still to be added ● Stone Masonry Details


○ Totaling 82333 cubic yards ○ 16561 barrels of portland cement used ○ 61739 barrels f natural cement

AR1905 ● Masonry of the Wachusett Dam reached substantial completion this year ○ Granolithic surface to form the top of the dam must still be laid ● Dam Dimensions ○ Highest point of the dam is 415 ft above boston city base ○ Lowest point, in cut off trench, is 186.8 ft above city base ○ Max height of the dam, 228.2 ft ○ Length of dam, including corewall, is 1476feet ● Masonry Details ○ Total used was 263, 412 cubic yards ○ 10761 cubic yards of brick and concrete masonry ○ 81103 barrels of Portland cement ○ 182480 barrels of natural cement ● Arch bridge also completed ○ Completed upon removal of cable-way towers ○ Bridge crosses waste channel 225 ft below waste-weir, length of 170 feet, spanning 58 feet over waste channel

Powerhouse Structure AR1902 ● Pictures AR1902 106,108 ● Foundation complete same time as lower gate chamber foundation in 1902- AR1902 6

Pipe Through Dam AR1902 ● Cast Iron pipes which pass through the Dam from upper to lower gate chamber have been put in place and largely constructed in 1902-AR1902 6 ● Beginning early in September 1902, the 48-inch cast-iron pipes which pass through the dam from the upper to the lower gate-chamber were put in place. AR1902 (108) ● Activities between start and finish: Layed 48-inch pipes; placing the various valves and pipes in the upper and lower gate-chambers ; extending the aqueduct to connect with the lower gate-chamber ; building a permanent wall on one side and a coffer-dam on the other side of a channel 42 feet wide, connecting the upperpart of the small flume with the upper gate-chamber ; and placing a temporary wooden screen across this channel 6 feet above the uppergate-chamber, to prevent ice and other material from entering the pipes. 59

When these works were substantially ready for use, the lower portion of the small flume was removed, and the extension of the masonry of the dam to a point 50 feet beyond the flume was begun. AR1902 (109) ● Water was first turned on through the pipes on November20 1902- AR1902 (109) ● At their larger ends these pipes connect with the waste conduits built of Portland cement concrete, which continue to increase in size until their area is equivalent to that of a circle 10feetindiameter, and they continue of this size to the pool. (110)

Lower Gate Chamber AR1902 ● Pictures AR1902 106,108 ● Foundation of lower gate chamber completed in 1902- AR1902 (6) ● At the easterly end of the dam a night force was organized on May 8, to resume excavation from the trench between the easterly end of the masonry constructed during the previous year and the small flume, also to excavate for a foundation for the lower gate-chamber. AR1902 (107) ● On May 18 the first concrete masonry was put in place in the sub-structure of the lower gate-chamber AR1902 (108)

Conduits to Pool AR1902

● At their larger ends these pipes connect with the waste conduits built of Portland cement concrete, which continue to increase in size until their area is equivalent to that of a circle 10feetindiameter, and they continue of this size to the pool. (110) ● The building of these structures was carried on from time to time during the year, and the last masonry was put in place November30. (110)


● The four parallel 10-foot concrete waste conduits from the lower gate-chamber were constructed in 1902, and were described in the last annual report. (96)

Pool Structure AR1902

● The building of these structures was carried on from time to time during the year, and the last masonry was put in place November30. (110)


● At the end of the year only a short length of wooden flume remained to be constructed,between the pool and the spillway, in order to complete these works for conveying water. (110)


● During 1902 the waste conduits, some of the lower courses of the spillway and part of the pool were constructed ; so nmch of the pool being then built as would serve, in connection with a wooden flume,to convey the water discharged by the four 48-inch pipes through the dam to the river below the spillway. (96) ● During August and September a considerable force of men and teams was engaged in excavating earth from the lower part of the waste channel, the material being hauled to the fill under the outer pool. ●

Weir & Erosion Apron AR1901 ● the number of derricks in operation has been 1 on the masonry of the spillway below the pool. (90) AR1902

● Work has been continued on the spillway and apron a short distance below the pool ; and the apron, which consists of ashlar paving on a rubble masonry foundation, has been completed. (110) ● some of the dry stone paving below the apron has been put in place (110) ● The building of these structures was carried on from time to time during the year, and the last masonry was put in place November30. (110)

AR1905 ● Waste-weir running northwestern from the dam was completed ○ Standards places on the weir to secure plash-boards provided to prevent the waste of water from waves passing over the crest of the weir

CMRR Pedestals AR1902

● Adjoining the tunnel on the west is the site of the steel viaduct across the valley of the river, and the masonry, consisting of 2 abutments and 32 pedestals, is included in the contract for Section 2. (117)


● Work was commenced on the Boylston Street abutment on June 4, and at the end of the year all of the masonry had been finished except 4 pedestals on the bottom of the valley. The concrete masonry foundations for these pedestals were in place, and the stone had been delivered but not set. A considerate amount of stone is still to be deposited in the bottom of the valley, to protect the pedestals from erosion. (118)

CMRR Trestle Bridge AR1903

● These bridges have been built by a day- labor force. (106) ● No work was done under this contract after November 7, as all of the work covered by the contract was then finished except those portions which cannot be done until the railroad can be built on its per-manent location across the waste channel and cable way tracks.

No water through gap AR1903

● No water passed through the gap after April 11. (97)


Appendix C: Preliminary Construction Schedule Spreadsheet

Start Activity Date End Date Duration Relationships Resuorces Citation 8 Derricks; force increased in Jan. when 2nd cableway put in operation; night shift began on Feb 28, 1901 until AR-1900 Jun 8 --> only night (120); shifts; blasting; last AR-1901 Continuation of Deep Oct. 15, Dec. 24, until cableways are part completed by (84) (86) Excavation w/ hoist 1900 1900 complete barring & wedging (88)

PLANT & EQUIPMENT Nov. 20, 1900 (ext. to start immediately; AR-1900 quarry built must be done before (120); Oct. 11, in Early Apr anything else can AR-1901 Rail Branch 1900 1901) happen "a small force" (86) AR-1900 (120); rail branch must be AR-1901 Dec. 2, complete befoer this Used in daytime and (84); AR- Cableways 1900 Jan 26, 1901 can begin night time 1903 1903 93 Early AR-1900 December (120); 1901 (likely AR- sometimes 1902(6); Deep Excavation w/ Dec. 24, between the start Once first AR-1903 cableways 1900 1st and 5th) cableway is done (93) AR-1901 Early April, (6); AR- 1901 (by Day & Night Work 1901 (84) Compressor Plant Dec.1900 Apr. 13) predessocer to quaryy until Nov. 23, 1901 (86) 60 ton, 10-wheel locomotive, 29 flat and gondola cars, 4 AR-1901 Apr. 15, 4-yard dump cars; 8 (6 X) (86) Open Quarry 1901 June 5, 1901 derricks; mat. --> (87)


skips/ scale boxes placed don flat cars, hauled to dam

2 cement storehouses Early June - each have 4,500 1901 (had to barrel capacity; sand March be before bin - 370 cubic yd AR-1901 Batch Plant 1901 first rock) cap.; (86) Early June 1901 (had to 2 crews; 1 man and March be before horse on site & 2 AR-1901 Gravel Pit 1901 first rock) wagon crews (86)

7 derricks; Masonry AR-1901 work suspended in (6) (90); Early April Dec 8 1902 and AR-1903 1903 (had to returned March 21 93; AR- be before no 1903; Masonry 1902 water suspended Dec 3 (105); Rubble Masonry (1st June 5, through start once plant is 1901 resumed March AR-1903 rock-flow line) 1901 gap) complete 24 1902 (95)

AR-1902 (Had to be (6); AR- before no 1903 (6) Powerhouse water thru (96); AR- Structure 1902 gap) 1903 1904 (7)

PROCESS PIPING AR- Sep 1 Nov 1902(109 Pipe Through Dam 1902 20,1902 ) AR-1902 (108); May 18, (Had to be AR-1903 1902 before no (101); (formwor water thru AR-1904 Lower Gate Chamber k started) gap)1903 (7) Conduits to Pool March Nov. 1, AR-1903


1902 1902 96 11/21/1903 (i think this needed to be completed AR-1902 end of befor eno (110); March water thru AR-1903 Pool Structure 1902 the gap) (97) AR-1901 (90) (92); 11/21/1903 AR- end of (see 1902(110 Weir & Erosion March comment ); AR- Apron 1902 above) 1 derrick 1903 (97)

CMRR must be done before June 4 December water goes thru pipes 4 pedestals left to AR-1902 CMRR Pedestals 1902 31 1902 down stream complete after dec (118) CMRR Trestle January 1 November 7 once pedestals are AR 1903 Bridge 1903 1903 done (106)

No Water Through when masonry is high AR1903 Gap 4/11/1903 enough 97


Appendix D

Team B: Primavera Questions For Ruth

1. What are the steps to successfully import and export excel sheets into primavera?

2. When creating our project in primavera, the project team set the start and finish date as October 1 1901 and June 4 1905, but it brought the dates back to present time when the project team finished the set up. How can the project team change dates back to the 1900s instead of manually doing it 1 by 1?

3. What is the best approach into adding citations onto primavera? Is creating activity codes the best option?

4. How can the project team allot resources to different activities in primavera? (i.e. crews of workers, number of horses, materials)


Appendix E

Wachusett Dam Field Trip 1 ~ Team B

1. South Dike


2. Location of temporary railroad

3. Pedestals of the old trestle bridge


4. Last Rock: The last rock is easily identified because it is the shortest amongst the others due to the fact that they had to trim it down to fit in place


5. There is a bump out of the dam that is visible from the top view. This bump out is where the 4 pipes for the powerhouse go through.


6. The powerhouse sits on top of the dam. Below the three windows is where the 4 pipes run through.

7. The four pipes go to the left of the powerhouse and under the pool. The pressure then creates bubbles which cause the fountain.

8. More pictures of pool.




9. Views of the dam


10. View from the B end of the Dam.

11. Reservoir side of the dam. The building on the left was built at a later time as powerhouse to support other pipes.


12. View from bottom of Dam.

13. Our hands on the Dam.


14. About 20 year's ago seepage occurred on the dam which was the reasoning for this installment.

15. Standing on the first rock.

16. Spillway used to be made out of wood and they recently changed the material to aluminum


17. Overview of spillway including bridge made for railroad path.


18. Railroad path on bridge shown in photo 16.


19. The path shown on the left was the temporary railroad since the train was ready before the track. The path on the right, above the bridge, is where the anticipated railroad was.

20. The rocks on the side were used for the riprap on the North Dike.


21. This hole was for a railroad path.

22. Closer photo of bridge.

23. Spillway after the bridge.


24. Abutment for railroad.


25. Old railroad path on the poolside. The bridge was curved for aesthetics once construction was done.

26. The church is now just a monument.

27. North Dike: is now a baseball field


28. North Dike: Behind the highschool in Clinton.

29. Old railroad path on North Dike.

30. Riprap: Stone was used from the rocks in picture 19.



The trip allowed us to see the Wachusett Dam and the area surrounding it in its current state. We were able to observe what we have been reading about the dam in the annual reports and viewing in the historic photos. The trip allowed us an opportunity to compare the dam as it stands today to those photos and reports of activities that occurred more than a century ago. The experience we had on our field trip will help us as we continue our research to have a better understanding of what we are seeing/reading. The Dam as mentioned, was also much bigger seeing it from the bottom in person. Lasty, this gives us a better understanding for when we all go over the historical pictures during our MQP meetings we will know the location of where the activity happened.


Appendix F Field Trip #2 - November 5, 2019 Wachusett Dam Upper and Lower Gatehouses Team B

1. The first of four large generators that once created hydroelectric energy within the Lower Gatehouse. The generators have been out of commission since the mid 1900s because the production of power in this way became too costly. You can also see a smaller generator attached to the larget, which provided power to the Lower Gatehouse building.

2. Door and balcony looking out onto the generators from the office of the engineer.


3. All four generators within the Lower Gatehouse; two with smaller generators attached and two without.

4. Moveable gantry hanging above the generators that was once used in the process of moving and replacing large generator parts. The gantry is no longer in commission and may not be moved along its track due to safety concerns.

5. Cool inscription on generator 3. 87

6. This pipe used to provide water to Lancaster Mills. MWRA discovered that they were not legally responsible to provide water to Lancaster mills and no longer wanted to be responsible for the upkeep of the pipe which runs underground. It has since been shut down and cut to prevent the flow of water. Lancaster mills now receives water from the town.

7. Below are photos of one of four larger pipes that run under the dam and Lower Gatehouse. This pipe recently broke, which caused the aqueduct that was once fueled

88 by the dam to be shut down. The aqueduct cannot reopen until the pipe is repaired. The Cochituate Aqueduct currently feeds boston with water in its place.


8. Team B enjoying their time on the field trip!

9. In the distance, you can see a water quality testing buoy floating on the water, constantly doing its job of testing water quality


10. An exclusive look into the upper gatehouse of the dam. Here, removable grates of varying sizes are kept and installed to prevent anything from fish to leaves from entering the water supply.

11. A look at the dam’s spillway, half of which was renovated for an automated way to release water as the dam’s water levels rise.


12. The generator that powers the new spillway featuring Professor Marrone. It runs on vegetable oil in order to avoid potential petroleum contamination to the water supply.

13. And finally… The beautiful pond of the Wachusett Dam.

Reflection: This field trip allowed us to further develop some background knowledge of the Dam. We were able to grasp a better understanding about how the Dam operates and how it is maintained by the MWRA. Additionally, a portion of our assigned construction activities are related to the process piping, so being able to go inside the different 92 structures where the pipes are, helped us to visualize the construction of the structures that we have been seeing in the historical photos. Lastly, Mr. Gregwoir was able to answer all of our questions to help to inform our background section of the report. While the trip did not inform us about the original construction schedule, gaining a deeper understanding of the operation of the Dam is still important.


Appendix G Team B: Interview Questions for Mr.Gregoire

1. How long have you been in charge of taking care of the dam? Has been in the MWRA since 2004. Before this he used to be in MBC. Some of the things that his job consists of is taking care of all inspections, maintenance and other projects.

2. What are some issues you have encountered throughout these years ? How have you and your team approached them? Some issues encountered were that the rates went up steeply early on so dams could be maintained and PCB was used in caulking back in the day causing 7 million dollars to be spent in order to handle the contamination. Although the biggest issue was meeting the spillway design flood requirements. The spillway was split in half and 2 feet was added onto the original. In order to renew the spillway, they removed all the granite and numbered them in the order they removed them. Once they added the 2 feet, they put the granite back in order and at the end, 2 rows of granite was left over and thrown away. Now the dam is compliant with the new spillway in cade of major flooding.

3. What changes have been made to the dam and its operation The Wachusett Dam and most of the other dams maintained are high hazards meaning they must be inspected every 2 years. More than 22 million dollars has been spent on maintaining the Dam so far. They get their funding through rate payers. Rate payers are the people who pay for the water.

4. What other dams do you maintain? If any of them are newer, how do their operations differ? Maintains 28 dam structures and the Wachusett Dam is one of the oldest. The newest they maintain is the Windsor Dam, Quabbin Reservoir. The Wachusett Dam is one of two gravity Dams and the rest are earth embankment Dams.


Appendix H Wachusett Dam Statics Analysis - Capstone Design Calculations