ROUND 3 INTERVIEW July 19, 2019


Q. I was going to ask you, do you want to talk or how good the SF Giants are playing right now?

JULI INKSTER: Well, I think it would be easier to talk about the Giants.

Q. I know, I know, but probably more people want to hear about Solheim Cup. This team of Morgan and Paula, Team Pink, are making you think, aren't they?

JULI INKSTER: You know what, that's their job is to make me think. They're so good together. Alternate shot, I know what I get every time I put them out there, and they're good best ball. They're just a good team.

But yeah, I've got a lot of good teams out here playing right now. Some young ones, some veterans. I think it's just great for me to be out here just to watch them. We don't get to play alternate shot that much. And for them, especially the younger gals, to be able to play it a couple months before the Solheim I think is huge for us.

Q. What do they have to do to get themselves on the team, and have you told them if you win this tournament, I'm going to put you on?

JULI INKSTER: No, I have not, I have not told them that. Well, play well here. They've got four more tournaments, so they need to really turn it up. The thing is when I started this thing, I told everybody you've got two years to make the team. If you make me pick you, you can't rely on that. And I think they know that, but I would love to see them make me sweat.

Q. Who else are you out here watching and excited about?

JULI INKSTER: Well, the - group, they're electrifying. They're fun and they're energetic. I love watching them.

Went out and watching Marina Alex a little bit today because I don't get to watch her much. Ally McDonald, I watched her a little bit. And Lexi and Cristie didn't have the best day today, so I watched them a little bit and then I decided not to watch them anymore.

Q. When you're out watching, what are you looking for? Like you know that their games are all good, but what specifically are you looking for?

JULI INKSTER: I'm looking at how they react to a missed shot or how they react to a missed putt, do they have their head up, do they have their head down, what's their pace

1 like. And then, you know, how they are as a teammate out there. Are they picking the other person up, are they slapping them on the head or the butt. I look for a lot of things, but I'm really out here just trying to watch how they play alternate shot, I think that's big for us.

Q. Good to see you here. Good to see you wearing a good hat, too.

JULI INKSTER: Always a pleasure to be with you.