Financial Modeling and Optimization Under Uncertainty
1 Financial Modeling and Optimization under Uncertainty Sixth Summer School on Optimization and Financial Modeling Garich, Munich, October 9–11, 2002. Location: Munich University of Technology, Center for Mathematical Sciences, Mathematical Finance, Boltzmannstr. 3, 85748 Garching, Germany. Special Events: Wednesday, 6pm: A Guided Tour of Munich. Thursday, 3pm: Guest lecture by Dr. Rudi Zagst: ”Managing Interest Rate Risk”. Thursday, 7pm: Summer School Dinner, location to be announced. Acknowledgements: The GAMS Summer School would like to thank the Center for Mathematical Sciences, University of Munich, and Professor, Dr. Rudi Zagst for hosting the School. Main Course Materials: PFO: Zenios: Practical Financial Optimization Book LIB: Nielsen/Zenios: A Library of Financial Optimization Models FO: Zenios (ed): Financial Optimization FinNotes: Nielsen (notes on CD: fin notes.pdf, a brief overview) Models: found on the CD in directory Models,afewingamsfinance. GAMS Summer School 2002 2 Course Outline: We meet at 9:00am. Lunch 12–13. Coffee 10:30–11 and 14:30–15. Finish around 16:30. Wednesday: Fundamentals. Classical Models. The GAMS System. • Financial Risks and Optimization • Dedication Model: Starting simple: variables, constraints, objective • PC-Lab. GAMS: Installing, the GUI, the language, solving models. • Borrowing and Lending, Lot-size constraints, Transaction costs • LUNCH • Immunization: Theory and models • Mean-Variance (or Markowitz) Model. • PC-Lab: Exercises on the models covered today. Text: LIB: Chapter 1, Sections 2.1, 2.2, Chapter 3. PFO: Chapters 2, 3 and 4; FinNotes: Sections 2.1–2.3 and 5. Models: dedication, BondModel, FinCalc c, FinCalc d, Trade, Immunization, Fac- tor, FactDir, MeanVar, MeanVarMIP, MeanVarShort. Thursday: Utility Theory.
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