PANORAMA Don’t miss this year’s Holiday House Tour WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 2018 | Serving South Carolina since October 15, 1894 $1.00 C1 Canty new school board chair; Baker now vice Coroner: Leader emphasizes trustees’ work must build upon foundation set BY BRUCE MILLS nizational meeting” — their first likely — and that’s how it turned
[email protected] meeting after the Nov. 6 election, out. in which five new board members The first order of business was Man dead The Rev. Ralph Canty is the new were elected to office. Every two the election of the new chairman, chairman of Sumter School Dis- years immediately following the and there were three nominations trict’s Board of Trustees, and for- November election, the board has from the board. Johnny Hilton mer Superintendent Frank Baker the organizational meeting to re- nominated Canty. Baker nominat- is the new vice chairman. organize, if necessary. ed fellow new board member in creek That’s how the votes stacked up With the five new trustees on Brian Alston, and new Area 2 Monday night for the board’s two the nine-member board now, a was shot top officers at the trustees’ “orga- split vote on the new officers was SEE BOARD, PAGE A8 Police name acquaintance Summit hits on all cylinders they hope has information BY KAYLA ROBINS
[email protected] Officers have named a man in connection to what is now being ruled a homicide after an autopsy revealed the 31-year-old Sumter man who was found dead in a creek last week was shot to death.