Spartan Daily Serving the San Jose State University Community Since 1934

VOLUME 64 NUMBER 43 FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1975 PHONE: 277-3181 'Publish or perish' demands linked to faculty promotions

By Mark Stafforinl tenure policies. Bunzel reportedly said he would have that's a fairly widely held view," A California State Universities and The master plan was written by a allowed Fleissner the position if he Dr. Robert Sasseen, dean of faculty Colleges (CSUC) task force on joint committee of the California could have been considered for and chairman of university's retention promotion, retention and tenure Legislature. promotion to a senior rankby giving a and tenure committee, said the faculty reported recently that guidelines set In its report the committee said, "We paper at a professional meeting or here is not in a publish or perish down by the chancellor's office are not likewise reaffirm the vital teaching publishing an article, lur example. situation. being followed by some campuses. mission of the California State Dr. David Elliott, chairman of the "I have seen too many cases where The task force said the quality of Universities and Colleges. Speech-Communication Department teachers with scholarly achievement teaching should bebut is not being "We are alarmed to find on some and a member of the task force, have been denied tenure because of assigned the highest weight among all campuses that publication or Ph.D. disagreed with Duman. poor teaching skills," Sasseen said. criteria for promotion, retention and requirements are given more "I don't think our policy, as stated, is "If there's a misunderstanding," he tenure. significance than good teaching in contrary to the recommendations of the said, "it's that teaching is not the sole Reaction of faculty and ad- employment promotion and tenure." first task force (the Ad Hoc committee) criterion. ministrators here is mixed. Bunzel was not available for com- or what the present task force has "It can still be given the highest Some say SJSU is following the CSUC ment, but in a September 1973, address recommended," Elliott said. weight without being the sole guidelines while others say the campus to the faculty he said a publish or perish "However, I'm not sure the criterion." is in a "publish or perish" situation. situation did not and would not exist at university is in fact complying with its Dr. Paul Brown, chairman of The task force is reviewing the 1970- SJSU. own policy," he added. Recreation and LiesureStudies 71 report of the Ad Hoc Committee on The Academic Senate set retention There is "no doubt that the university Department and chairman of the Procurement and Retention of a and tenure guidelines in the 1973 demands good scholarship," Elliott Academic Senate, agreed with Sasseen. Quality Faculty. Faculty Reference Book giving a said, but there "is some doubt that it "To my knowledge it's (the chan- That report said evaluation of teaching ability primary emphasis, requires good teaching to the same cellor's policy) being followed" Brown teaching ability should be given "but Bunzel added his publish or perish degree." said. primary emphasis for promotion, dictum in approving it," Duman said. "There is a pervasive belief on But Dr. Arnold Schein, chemistry retention and tenure. In approving the guidelines, Bunzel campus that scholarship receives first professor and chairman of the said, "Scholarly or creative The faculty here is in a "publish or consideration and everything else Academic Senate's Professional achievement is also to be expected for perish situation," said Robert Duman, follows after that," he said. Standards Committee, said the com- promotion to associate professor and letters associate director of extension services Elliott added that Bunzel's emphasis mittee has received many most especially for promotion to the the and president of the local chapter of the on scholarship is partly responsible for asking for reforms and changes in rank of professor." tenure United Professors of California. this belief. promotion, retention and "He, in effect, imposed his view Duman said President John Bunzel Asked if the faculty is in a "publish or policies. against the wishes of the Academic think has placed more emphasis on research perish" situation, Elliott said, "I Continued on back page and scholarship than on good teaching. Senate and the master plan," Duman said. Duman said the president is in Kenneth Fleissner, assistant violation of the Master Plan for Higher professor of foreign languages, was Rico's staff defends Education in California and the recently denied the position of chair- chancellor's promotion, retention and man in his department. NNW retreat expenditure

By Terry LaPorte wanted to try something new in the A 8336 expenditure for an A.S. executive." executive retreat held last August in "We had a good year this year and Aptos has been defended by the staff of one of the reasons was the retreat," A.S. President John Rico. Rico said. AS. council was divided on the use of Rico added the staff may not hold a the retreat. retreat this year. The use of student money for the "We'll have a low turnover in the retreat was questioned by a student staff this semester so we could representative from Sedition at the probably accomplish the same things April 9 council meeting. by staying on campus," Rico said. "I'm against spending A.S. money for Thawley and information officer executive retreats," councilwoman Dickason also said the trip was wor- Loretta Wilson said. thwhile. "Council should have a tighter rein on Siversten, who described herself as the executive account," she said. the "staff shrink," agreed the trip was "You've got to live high for $336," necessary. councilman John Banks said. Siversten said she conducted workshops and discussions to promote Other council members, including better communication between staff councilman Brian Mohr, have defended members. the Rico staff for the use of the retreat. "They were able to talk to each other Participating in the retreat were so their values were expressed. There Rico, Vice President Rich Thawley, were no hidden agendas," Siversten Treasurer, Stephanie Dean, former said. treasurer Evelyn Coombs, information "The workshops dealt with basic officer Lee Dickason, executive communication skills, how you talk assistant David Welch and former without defense. executive assistant Al Farley. "The whole student government Also included were vice presidential should do it every year," Siversten assistant Terry Johnson, personnel said. officer Laurie Graham, office Siversten added the council and secretary Beryl Petersen and staff program commission members should psychologist Wiggsey Siversten. also go on a retreat. Rico said the trip was necessary to "But that's utopian. They never have Photos by Lorren Au allow the staff to get to know each other that much money," Siversten said. and express goals and plans. "There's been less in-house fighting "You can't do that in a working en- in the executive staff this year than Medieval street actors touch students' souls vironment," Rico said. with any other group. They found ways Rico said the trip was paid from an to communicate," Siversten said. Humor with a message entertained about 250 people yesterday on Seventh Street The Lamb's Players is a San Diego based theatrical troupe presenting their experimental program account in his Siversten said she had been involved Filled with one line wit, the street actors performed "The Hound of Everyman," performance free to students. executive budget. with a retreat with A.S. President Rudy a story of a peasant named Everyman who must decide whether to follow God or The Players will present "Hark! The Ark" today at 11:30 a.m., also on Seventh "I have the authority to use the Leonardi's staff in 1973 as well as Lucifer. Street and free of charge. money that way," Rico said. "We retreats for faculty departments. Deadline Top administrators may not show for CAR is today Open hearing on econ set for today Today is the deadline for picking up Computer Assisted Registration (CAR) forms for fall semester classes. Forms are available from 8 a.m. to 6 An "open hearing" to discuss the hearing. gain a voting majority in the depart- power to make all curricular and p.m. in Library South. Academic Senate's liaison committee Executive Vice President Burton ment. personnel decisions as long as the The course schedules, according to a recommendations on the Economics Brazil said he would not be at the The disputes in the Economics department is without its voting rights. Department stemmed from the ad- CAR spokesman, will be available Department has been called for today meeting and Academic Vice President The liaison committee also recom- ministration's overruling of several Monday in the bookstore. by the committee's chairman. Hobert Burns said he was not yet sure. mended: Students must see their department departmental votes on chairman, According to Lu Vattimo, Academic The liaison committee Monday advisors and have the CAR forms retention and promotion. a new chairman should be chosen Senate secretary, Dr. George Moore, released its recommendations to the signed and returned by May 16. as of September 1976, chairman of the liaison committee, has Academic Senate for a solution to the SJSU President John Bunzel, in Students must see their department scheduled the hearing for 1 p.m. today conflicts within the Economics September, stripped the faculty of its a committee of three faculty advisors and have the CAR forms in Eng. 327. Department. voting rights, citing "internal con- members should be set up to monitor returned by May 16. signed and flicts" that allegedly made the department, forms Vattimo said Moore has invited all the Students who fail to turn in the The report, which goes to the Senate department incapable of self- register members of the committee to attend an before the deadline will have to on Monday, recommends restoration of governance. interim chairman should be for classes during walk-through the hearing, but admitted there is no appointed from outside the department, faculty voting rights as of September is now governed by registration. guarantee they will all attend. The department 1975. committee, chaired by Dr. the regular chairman should be Final class schedules will be mailed Two of the committee members who an executive Willis, chairman of the selected from two candidates, one of to students in July, the spokesman also are also high ranking administrators Several professors have objected that James Department. whom would come from outside the said, and fees must be returned by July yesterday said they have other com- the delay in restoring voting rights will Economics committee has the department. 31. mitments that conflict with the open allow "administration supporters" to The executive George Moore Page 2, April 25, 1975

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' "r--) Radio-TV offers alternative; council shouldn't shut off funds

Editor: that the Spartan Daily has a news Television News Center offers a viable One of the most often heard com- monopoly. alternative to the Daily. plaints on the San Jose State campus is But this isn't true. The Radio Last Tuesday the A.S. budget com- mittee voted to eliminate the RTNC 4bQQ from its budget. One of the reasons 141 (;)(//TT/A/G- 771/S GAME Z dl/ST //T HAVE clERQY lORDS POWERS OF CCAt29W7e4770N1' Prof offers insider's view given for this action was that the RTNC doesn't serve very many students. This reasoning doesn't really hold up when Spartan Daily of struggle over abortion you consider the following: The RTNC also produces a five minute show of campus news for Editor: challenged. Twenty teeth that will KI.OK, a 50,000 watt A.M. station in San I've been growing and developing for never cut. A tongue that will never Jose. The KLOK show is heard by sixteen weeks now. (About four mon- taste. Two hands never to feel your thousands of listeners throughout the ths.) The womb is comfortable, warm clasp. Lips that will never learn to kiss. bay area. and secure. I'm alive. Yet, tomorrow Legs that will never run a race. Really, I'll be dead. Because my own mother is I've got all those body parts. I am. I The RTNC does a half hour television live. show on opinion planning to destroy me. campus goings-on for channel It'll be anticeptic, though. My cord Yet, some "enlightened," people are 54. The TV show is aired at 5:30 will be cut with a sharp, clean knife. trying to convince you that silencing Saturday night, one of the best time And I'll be covered up so mother will my heartbeat is not a crime. slots a news program could possible never have to see my face. Like an Why, I've even got designs on my feet have. appendectomy, almost. that prove I'm the only me. But my feet Liaison Committee's members don't count. They don't bother printing She says I cost too much money. And In addition, the RTNC produces there are other things in life more rejects. special news shows for KSJS. In fact important than raising babies. Besides, No, Reverend Maher isn't living in the RTNC was the only campus news must be available for questioning I'm just an "Organism," something the middle ages. His critics are living in organization to give full coverage to the like an amoeba. I'm not legally or the dark ages. After you've heard their recent student elections. scientifically qualified as a human plastic arguments and their erudite The Academic Senate Liaison organizations, to hold open being, yet. (Everything has to be rationalizations, ponder your heart. With these facts in mind it seems Committee's recommendation for meetings all along, perhaps it editorial ) proved scientifically and legally your feelings. obvious the RTNC serves not only the realized the im- reinstatement of voting rights to would have nowadays.) Remember, there will never be students on this campus, but the entire the Economics Department as of plications of its report. Wait! Please wait, Mother! Please another me. And, even if the Catholic community as well. September 1975 is a cruel hoax. have been underway. But using "personnel matters" look at me. Listen to me. I've got two Church could forgive you, how could I? On the one hand the committee If the voting rights are not as a cover, the committee met for eyes that will never see a sunbeam. Please , Mother, don't destroy me. George Sampson says the removal of those rights restored until September, the months behind closed doors. Two ears that will never hear your Dennis Martin KSJS news coordinator was an unwise decision, while on administration will assure itself of Before the committee delivers its song. A brain that will never be Assistant Professor, Advertising Senior, Journalism the other hand the committee a majority, thereby accomplishing report to the floor of the Academic would perpetuate the penalty. the same thing it has sought all Senate, where only Senators are By waiting until September along: complete control. allowed to speak, it should hold an before giving the faculty its right to If the Liaison Committee truly open meeting, not just a Article on foreign student conflict run the department, the Liaison believes the removal of voting "hearing," to discuss its recom- Committee would deliver the rights was an improper solution to mendations. department to those same forces the department's problems, then Committee members, all of who were outvoted in the last the first step should be immediate whom have signed the recom- department election. reinstatement of those rights. mendation, must make themselves draws criticism from two angles While the department has been It looks as if the committee has available to answer questions from run by Dr. James Willis and the been snowed by the university the campus community. Editor: I would prefer not naming any names. Executive Committee, administration. Failure to do so is the worst kind what took place at these sessions. As a former Spartan Daily reporter (If it seems important to anyone, the preparations to stack the faculty If the committee had agreed, as of evasion and has no place in the Finally, at the end of the interview, and a graduate of SJSU's Journalism groups are Iranian Students the reporter asked me if there was with conservative economists and it was urged by the Spartan Daily academic community. Department, I am appalled at the ar- Organization, Organization of Arab anything which I felt should be said in other administration supporters and many other campus Phil Trounstine ticle in which I was quoted in Friday's Students, and Chinese Students' regard to student-community relations. newspaper. The story, as printed, did Association). I replied that I wanted to emphasize not in any way reflect my statements. He asked what the nature of the just one thing: there are many people in Let me begin at the top. First of all, conflict is. I stated that it was not the community who really would like to A.S. Council should not pull plug my association with the foreign ideological but was methodological. He get to know some of the students, and students at San Jose State goes back asked me to explain. I said that it was the average American is not like the some 12'2 years, and is in no way my understanding that everyone motion picture image of Americans, related to my employment at the belonging to these organizations agreed but is really a nice person. Therefore, it Campus Christian Center. about the goals, but that there was would be good for students to try to on campus radio-TV broadcasts I am a member of the Intercultural some question as to how the goals cultivate their relationships with Steering Committee, on which I have should be achieved. American community members. served as the activity chairman, I also stated that I can not attest to As your readers will probably note, The A.S. budget committee has The music, sports, en- publicity chairman, and this is my this as being a fact, but that this is what there is quite a bit of discrepancy made a budget cutback it should ( editorial tertainment and feature fourth year as chairman for the I had been told. I explained this by between what took place in the in- not have made. ) programming are specifically International Food Bazaar. stating that, since I do not speak the terview and what was printed in the In cutting the Radio-TV News geared to SJSU students, unlike languages of the groups in question and article. It has been, and always will be, my (RTNC) meager $2,000, Second, any other was not present at any of their Barbara J. Dunn Center's RTNC provides Bay Area radio station. intention to further good relations meetings, I have no way of knowing ICSC Food Bazaar Chairman A.S. would slam the door on an broadcast majors a vital forum for In short, KSJS and RTNC do an between foreign students and of community learning their important source trade. excellent job on a limited budget. Americans of both the student and the news. * * Perhaps, as some committee They complement one another, outside community. RTNC's "Catch 30" news members have charged, RTNC is with RTNC providing the news, The was added later. program, with major national and purpose of the interview, as Editor: not now serving a significant feature and documentary explained to me by the reporter, was to In reference to the printed interview The parts of the interview not in the international stories, a lively number of students. programming for the station. discover what the community thinks of with me which appeared Friday, April story included my statements ex- campus report and its foreign students. 18 under Armand Ghieuw's byline. It in plaining why my countrymen feel as If that's true, the reason is more Cutting away of $2,000 from "documentary corner," serves two no way represents my personal they do when foreign students get in- RTNC is First, I was asked what the com- significant functions. likely linked to its lack of funding ill advised. nor volved in domestic issues such as the munity thinks of foreign students. I said opinions of Arabs and Persians, First, the program allows than its programming. The money can doubtless be does it accurately reflect the interview farm workers strike, etc. that there are many people in the students a quick summary of the Students and faculty who want saved in other ways, without I gave. While I support the foreign students' community who would like to get to news, brought to them by fellow information on campus events, as eliminating RTNC's contribution to right to take an active stand, I also know foreign students better. I personally like and respect Arabs students with an intense interest in quickly as possible, can now turn to the campus community. and Persians in general. There is a insist he has a corresponding respon- community information dissemination. "Catch 30's" 5 p.m. news show. Phil Trounstine The second set of questions dealt with vocal handful in each group who cause sibility to try inform the as a world why the community does not get to problems for themselves and their that America's position be insular know the foreign students. I said that it organizations. power no longer allows her to here should be the responsibility of the Unfortunately the community hears and that what happens the Dial-A-Ride should be combined community members to take the about them not the silent majority, who domestically does indeed, affect initiative, as the students are guests in are a decent, hard-working, beautiful rest of the world. this country. people well worth knowing and being As for their caustic comments friends with. regarding our foreign policy; I don't with previous bus route system The biggest obstacle to un- That my countrymen and the Daily like them, but I am forced to concede derstanding between the community choose to believe the vocal minority there is much truth and justice in some and the students is the failure of the speak for and accurately represent of what they say. Public By Lynne Lajeunesse transportation should be the community members to understand the ALL Arabs and Persians is their error Our Friendship Family program easiest, Santa Clara County's population is fastest and most all-inclusive involvement of the students in politics. and loss. It is also true that their silent which in the past has done much to comment ) system available far too large and spread out to have a to county residents. Very often, their attitude is, "Why don't majority is just as silent as their educate foreign students and the With more dial-a-ride system as the sole means of planning, comparison and you go home and complain about your American counterpart for whatever community as to each other's needs, public transportation. The concept, with revamping of revision dial-a-ride could function in government? Why do it here?" reasons. etc. was completely ignored. This several buses to accomodate some other capacity and Santa Clara offers an excellent op- Yet the Board of Supervisors is It is difficult to explain that going As for ISA causing problems with program wheelchairs, could serve as a shuttle county could have an efficient, con- portunity for all concerned to truly determined to make the system work home and speaking out can mean regard to the International Evening, service for the handicapped. venient public transportation system as does any friendly apparently regardless of the costs torture and even death for the students that's an outright fabrication. They communicate involved. involved. were invited to participate. They did relationship between Americans and Most recent in a long series of The solution to this misun- not. They didn't oppose or threaten foreign students. Americans refuse to give any problems the supervisors are faced derstanding, which I offered later in the anything at any time. When group a chance to be heard and with is the dicision to either buy out the interview, is in my opinion to get to As for OAS and the International foreign favorable circumstances, taxi cab companies and "perfect" dial- know the community members on a Evening, their representative chose not known under if any, alter- a-ride ("perfect" dial-a-ride? ) or to personal (social) basis, develop a to attend meetings two and three nor to you leave them, few, part, account for pay damages to the companies and "trust" relationship so that they participate in any way although he was natives which may, in less than abandon the entire project. believe what you say is the truth, and the committee chairman. When he their being heard under demonstrations, Reports indicate that a final decision then to inform them about political attended meeting four (three days favorable conditions maybe reached sometime in May. situations at home. At that point, they before the program) the program was etc. ). On the whole the county would be are likely to listen and to understand. set. Lea Vlastelica off if the supervisors abandoned lie, in the name of his organization, Junior, English better Although this is not everything that dial-a-ride system. tried to dictate certain things and was ICSC Office Director the current was said, it is the crux on that subject. voted down by the committee not me, The previous bus system should be The next set of questions which the where upon he resigned and withdrew Editor's note: revised to include much more of the reporter posed dealt with whether OAS from participation in the event. Armand Ghieuw's notes show he county than the previous routes there are internal conflicts within any The community at large knew nothing accurately and fairly represented hi covered. of the foreign student groups. interviews with both Viastelica and dial-a-ride concept if used in of all this and still doesn't, so there is no The C- conjunction with the previous route I replied that I have heard that such change in their attitude. Dunn. O CAVII,0' 601), I A'AVP/ Iff S4Y1 IT JOT A FEW 1000 MILLION SWATS XIV' Spartan Daily stands behind the system does not have to be totally conflicts exist in three of the groups. The above was not part of the in- The abandoned. When he asked which ones, I stated that terview, but like several other items story.

9 9 April 25, 1975, Page 3 Panel explains r1111;77111111111111111 Concert planned to test amphitheater feasibility WILEY MOTORS sexual activity Cars from An outdoor the SUBG, in which board on the outcome of today's amphitheater $199 to $1299 may be built next to the members, tried to come up concert, according to By Donna Avina church's moral rules, and Student Union if student with a good way of putting Barrett. littlirit Credit The many phases of laws, take away this bir- reaction to an experimental the reserves to good use. 1 1 4 1 S. 1st. S.J sexuality - from baboons to thright "so that by concert being held today at Dr. Robert Griffith, 275-0260 275-0261 humans - were the topics of a adulthood, our capacity to be 11 a.m. is favorable. professor of art, suggested twohour, panel discussion sexual is either damaged or The Student Union Board the outdoor amphitheater at the Science Bicentennial (...2.stroyed." of Governors iSUBG) has saying, "Instead of using the Forum Wednesday in the Clark disputed Sigmund arranged a concert by the money on something that Student Union. Freud's analysis of women 125member University doesn't really improve the Speaking before an as passive sexually. Chorus and the Brass aesthetics of the building, we audience of 100, were He said Dr. Kinsey's 1939 Ensemble in the S.U. "pit" should plan on something DRUG CO. panelists Tom Clark, a study on human sexuality area, which is the patio next that everyone can get use out Jr. 'V 4 alleriteL NIccODIRNIAnthony Campagna, Berkeley sexuality found a "huge discrepancy to the S.U. games area. of." Pharmacist psychotherapist; Julie between moral codes and Celeste Brody Tom Clark The performers will The suggestion of the Professional Johnson, a Stanford actual life." various stages of life, Clark social life of the baboon determine the suitability of amphitheater was met by OPEN UNTIL behavorial sciences Kinsey found women to be said sexual activity does not families. the pit for theatrical pur- the board with over- graduate, Dr. Celeste Brody, very sexual, which totally and in the middle years She said human males poses, and questionnaires whelming approval, and MIDNIGHT SJSU professor of education, tears down the American because, "Sexuality is more compete in the same way as will be passed out to students feasibility studies were 2nd and Santa Clara Si and Larry Korn, a Stanford stud philosophy." an attitude than it is baboon males do for the asking their opinion. begun soon after. 5.1,.. 998-8400 Ph.D candidate. He said parents have a chronological age." attention of the females. If reactions are favorable, "I'm all for the project," Iliii.X.16110 -- The first hour of discussion way of creating and rein- Julie Johnson, who had During the second hour, the amphitheater may be said Ted Gehrke, program entitled "Human Sexuality - forcing sexual fears in just returned from 10 months entitled "Masculinity built and paid for out of the commission advisor, adding Stolen Birthright," was children which carry over of studying baboons with Feminity: the illusion of $200,000 "expansion reserve that he felt the theater would opened by Clark's into adulthood, and make the Jane Goodall in Africa, said difference," Brody, a fund" available to the SUBG be put to good use. *STAR MOTOR Ar declaration that, "Human adult unable to be truly in- human sexuality could be feminist, declared that for various projects. S.U. Director Ron Barrett, sexuality is our basic bir- timate. compared to that of primates masculinity and feminity, as The money has been ac- however, said he has mixed IMPORTS thright." "Masturbation, the main , from the stand point of male- we know it, to be is an cumulated by the SUBG for feelings about the project. "As we are alive, we have sexual expression between female sexual behavior. illusion of difference." the past eight years as a "I'm for it if it doesn't cost '10% DISCOUNT SPECIAL STUDENT the right to pursue our birth and adulthood," he Baboons males, like Larry Korn, currently means of paying for struc- a whole lot of money and it is sexuality which transcends said, "is looked on with human males, are built involved in a genetic tural and aesthetic im- put to good use," he said, ON SERVICES AND BODY DISCOUNT the legal mechanisms of this parent disapproval and often larger than the females, and engineering experiment at provements of the S.U. "but I'm against it if we have ON society," he said. punishment when in ac- spend most of their time on Stanford, closed the buildings. to tear up Ninth Street." REPAIRS ON ALL ALL NEW FIATS Clark, a training director tuality it is perfectly normal the perphiery except during discussion saying that The idea for the am- Today's concert is, ac- AND NEW PEUGEOTS for planned parenthood, and healthy." mating, while the females humans "fail to accept their phitheater came up at a cording to Barrett, "one of FOREIGN AND SEE THE ALL NEW charged that society and the Describing sexuality at control the cultural and animal natures." "brain storming" session of several experiments" which will be conducted to deter- DOMESTIC MODELS PEUGEOT DIESEL SEDAN mine the feasibility of the & WAGON WITH 35 MPG project. The final decision about 375 SO. MARKET ST. 286-6500 Econ radicals hold forum constructing the theater depends heavily, however, PRESENT STUDENT BODY CARD FOR DISCOUNT By Jeff Mapes grounds,not on the basis of deteriorating standard of speech that lasted almost an Davis said the only place Six radical economists competency." living is resulting because hour. Keynesian policies worked peppered their discussion of Professors "have to "U.S. capitalists must have Niebyl said the economics was in "Hitler's Germany the U.S. economy with bitter kowtow to the ad- their profits," said South- professors have been under fascism." criticisms of the SJSU ministration" to stay in the worth. criticized for not teaching When Nixon said he was a We've Moved. Economics Department Economics Department, He said the "depression we enough quantitative Keynesian, the "statement during a teach-in held Davis snapped. are now in is precisely a analysis, but it "is precisely was a lot truer than we Wednesday in the Student Parnes charged that the crisis of imperialism," since qualitative analysis that is realized," Davis added to Sales Union. administration planned to the system must continually needed," Niebyl said to long laughter from the audience. Discount More than 100 people keep Dr. James Willis as expand. applause from the audience. Dowd addressed the heard Martin Davis, head of the department even The way to solve previous John Maynard Keynes, the audience about the alter- assistant professor of before the election for economic problems has been British economist who said natives to capitalism. Darkroom Supplies economics, lead off the chairman that Willis lost. by going to war or by finding government intervention is Dowd said the short term speeches saying the "world At that time, last Sep- new markets for products, needed to stabilize the changes should be quan- , is in turmoil, and that is a tember, President John Southworth said. economy, was accepted titative-"more jobs, lower good thing." Bunzel took away depart- Quantitative change will when it was realized he prices and so on." Speaking in addition to ment voting rights citing not solve the economic "didn't topple any pillars," Change should then con- Expert Camera Repairs Davis were, fired economics "severe internal dif- crisis, Niebyl said in a Niebyl said. centrate on a different professors Andy Parries, ficulties." structure of mass con- Camera Electronic Service Gayle Southworth and Doug Parnes said control of sumption, income and V. Dowd, temporary lecturer information is crucial, wealth, Dowd said. 171 S 3rd St., S J who has recently been of- because the administration Lab man's death fered a probationary "hid behind nooks and teaching status. crannies" and prevented the Eco'nomics lecturers Rob true story from emerging. due to overdose McBride and Karl Niebyl He said the control of in- also spoke at the forum that formation is also allowing Preliminary reports in- analysis is complete. lasted more than four hours. large corporations to dicate that Tom Belisle, 28, The investigator's report Conservative economists squeeze smaller companies SJSU chemistry laboratory' on file at the coroner's office are "unable to explain what out of business and increase technician, died of a drug indicated Belisle had un- the hell is going on and what the concentration of capital. overdose last Sunday, ac- dergone plastic surgery on to do about it," Davis The recession will wipe out cording to the county his face on Thursday and charged. the gains minority groups medical examiner. was given 50 valiurn tablets The only people who are made in the last decade, Evidence of some drugs when he was discharged GET IT ON making sense of the current McBride said. were found during an from Kaiser Hospital on economic crisis are being "Ghettos and barrios act autopsy performed on Saturday. as an economic shock ab- Belisle, according to Dr. fired from SJSU, he said. Seventeen of these were sorber," bearing the brunt of John Hauser, medical This is because the depart- missing when Belisle IN MEXICO the recession, McBride said. examiner. ment is being run on became ill that night. "ideological and political High unemployment and a Hauser, who performed the examination, said Belisle The tests will take six to died under "suspicious eight weeks and a final cause circumstances" and he of death will not SUMMER. be deter- THIS would not sign a death mined until they are com- Hughes Airwest has a free, certificate until a drug plete, according to Hauser. far out campus briefs T-shirt for you. To get one. Just fly with us to Mexico this summer, and LONG HAIR take advantage of our Get It On In Mazatlan vacation package., The University Choir and be shown at 6:30 tonight on OUR SPECIALTY When your last final is over. the Brass Quintet will per- KQED, channel 9. and your nerves are worn as low as form at noon today in the REGULAR your pencil. get away from it all in

S.U. "pit" area between the S.. Mexico ft's a lot closer and HAIRCUTS 2.50 Cheaper than Europe. games area and Ninth The India Student In Mexico, there's a whole slew Street. Association will show films MAN OF TODAY of great things to keep You busy all S.. tomorrow night at 8 in SPECIAL Morris Dailey Auditorium. summer. "What's up Doc?" is HAIR DESIGN, Meet new people, (50% of whom Admission is $1.50 for tonight's Friday Flick. It will are likely to be of the opposite sex). students $2 general. CUT. STYLE 6.50 flicker at 7 and 10 p.m. in Dance III dawn. Get a suntan. Hitchhike Morris Daily Auditorium. NO APPT. NECESSARY to exotic places (or bring along your Admission is 50 cents. bike and ride to them). Eat food so e The Rudolph Seltzer good it'll drive your tongue crazy. Ride "Aztecs" will perform Singers will perform MAN OF TODAY a burro. Drink some of that good tonight at the Joint Effort tomorrow night at 8:15 in the Mexican beer. Pick a papaya. Run Coffeehouse. Shows will be Concert Hall. BARBER SHOP barefoot on a deserted beach. Crack at 8 and 10:30. Admission is Admission is $1 students 110 SA.N TOMAS AQUINO ID- open a coconut. Fish for giant fish. Learn a little Spanish. Or lust lay back $2 for students and $3 and $2 general. OWN 7 DAYS general. 3784135 TO 7 "1- and forget your G.P.A. So get together with a friend, pack your bags and make your reservations. A film produced by For more information, call your Travel Agent or Hughes Airwest free T-shirt, too. Community of Communities, We'll give you Paradise For Pesos. And a a student group that works with ex-mental patients, will 5 days/4 nights in Mazatlan. $53" for the whole enchilada. Use this Get It On In MazatIr1 package to get acquainted with Mexico at rh entertainment by ISRAEL'S beginning of your summer. Or to unwind at the end of your trip music You get 5 days 4 nights r %parts'''. liaily roe Eli Lehay accommodations. Round - Inn pot the shakes rust dreaming about Mes,co Please rush Serving the San Jose Slate INDEPENDENCE PARTY more mlormatiod because I want to Get lt On in Mazatlan University Community (singer) trip transportation from the Since 1934 airport to the hotel. An orientation trip around Second c leis postage paid at San Sat April 26 7:30 p.m. Women's Gym Jose, California. Member Of Mazatlan. A margarita that'll California Newspaper Publishers knock your eyes out. All fitiON1 and the Asia, iated Association Mexican food, room and Press Publisheddaily by San Jose 41.50 donation Israel Emergency Fund StATI State University. except Saturday. beverage taxes. A Get It On `,unday and Monday, during the T-shirt And all of Mexico &lege year The opinions ex Not military use but for hospitals, hAsh MANI pressed herein are not necessarily ti di) with ls I I310:134, those of the Associated Students, schools, etc. ,(11011' or the folk dancing me Collect. Administration speaker HUGHES AIRWESTN 1 111 North Highland. Hollywood, ia 900/1 and Department of Journalism ..{41,1;11 Ath 21 tiSing Subscriptions an epted only on a remainder of semester basis Full academic veer, Se each Semester. SA SCI Olt ,arrrius price per COPY, 10 cents Phone 277 3111 Advertising 277 falafels 31/1 Press of Erich Printing, San 105e Page 4, April 25, 1975 'Harry and Tonto' minor but warm

By Mary Edwards Actor Oscar for his One of the more pleasant, characterization, is so if minor, films around these perfectly suited to the role days is "Harry and Tonto" that it's hard to imagine any it's the sort of movie we can other Harry. look forward to seeing on TV Carney moves into his part a few years from now. extremely slowly, but he The movie is a long, close gradually adds surprising look at Harry Combes Art dimension and insights into Carney), a retired college Harry's quiet nature. instructor who, after being Unfortunately, it takes unwillingly uprooted from more than one strong his Manhattan apartment, character to make a perfect embarks on a cross-country moviein depth and im- odyssey with his cat com- portance, the supporting panion, Tonto. characters are merely walk- Harry and Tonto are not as ons. young as they used to be Ambiance not enough Harry is 72, Tonto 77 (by The relaxed, fantasy - human standards )and tinged ambiance of Harry's they resent losing their trek west, though, enor- quiet, comfortable life of mously appealing, is not a Elton John is The Pinball Wizard retirement. strong enough support for an An attempt to put down entire film. roots with Harry's son Bert Writer -director Paul Columbia Pictures Rober1Stgwood Sax 12.1S1t11 and his noisy family is JOHN GOODRICHHe will present his Master's Dance concert tonight and Saturday. Mazursky allows us to hopelessly unsuccessful, so Tommy PG develop a real fondness for 1.,11.10/ho.,..- .. . . , Pete Townshend they head west to visit his Harry, but we're left wishing daughter ( ) in Ann-Margret Oliver Reed Roger Daltrey Elton John that he had given us just a Master's dance concert tonight , and another son little more to walk away Eric Clapton I ) in Los John Entwistle Keith Moon with. Angeles. Paul Nicholas Harry gets younger The Harry we see is Jack Nicholson Robert Powell Pete Townshend The low-key adventure isolatedfrom his own life Tina Turner The Who they find along the way and from ours. And though , Hanyllenn Pete Townshend . , Ken Russell Could be new beginning Beryl Venue t. 4 Christopher Stamp . Robed Stig-mood comes as a satisfying sur- that isolation is pleasantly h. Ken Russell plq1'101S,14/1a, II 1,1 dr!* , prise to Harry, and the undemanding, the dreamy farther they get from their effortlessness of it all is not tal51(.1.013 a lar-taa- 1:00 3:10 5:20 7:30 9:30 John Goodrich, graduate Arts, according to Goodrich. University at Hayward and There are two group Midnite Special Fri.& Sat.I1:45 old existence, the younger he as rewarding as total in- dance student, will present a Modern dances came to SJSU two years ago. dances, two trios, a duet, and Advance tickets at all Bass Outlet becomes. volvement might have been. _ 5Aitu5A t.t.t_E AT No Passes Accepted Master's Dance Concert The concert numbers are He hopes to make a career a Goodrich solo. Harry is a remarkable old tonight and tomorrow night all "modern dances," set to of teaching dance. The dance names, which include "Delta One," manintelligent, gentle, in the Dance Studio, PER the music of such artists as Several starts "Whatsit," and "Plus One," patient, understanding and 262. Benjamin Britton and Pink Goodrich began were also created by genuinely likeable. And Art Floyd. choreographing the concert The concert, created and Goodrich. Carney, who won the Best put together by Goodrich as One of the numbers is last January, and he says to a master's performed to a percussion several times he had to More may come alternative Sound all Super includes six dance score that Goodrich wrote "throw everything away and Today at 5 p.m. Goodrich thesis, it, CLOSING SOON! numbers and has been himself. start all over because just will present a lecture- year and a half in wasn't working." demonstration of two of the g--)01E nearly a A dance major for five 10-1.41,411 the making. dances in the concert, also in years, Goodrich earned his The dances "just PER 262. owesq\ Goodrich, 33, will earn a degree at California State evolved," Goodrich ex- The concert will be free masters in Theater Arts with plains, out of rehearsals and and will be performed r 1 SAVINGS creative emphasis if the classes. tonight and tomorrow at 8 masters committee grades p.m. him satisfactorily. He will Win terland Goodrich's endeavor may NO also be required to describe 'Steppenwolf' signify the beginning of more STI 'DENT RUSH and evaluate his concert. 1SAWYNIEN student efforts in this 15 Min. This is the first master's to feature direction. 'Wain) concert done in Theater to be shown STUDENT DISCOUNT DOWN Two other graduates are ISIAH) with I Di preparing a combined For GROUP SALES tali C-W rock 776-71;11 '01 at Camera 1 master's concert for next Irr Atl.. I.,, 11, lynard Skynyrd and year, and Goodrich says a Charlie Daniels will play The film version of Her- third student also has one in No Payments their country rock at Win- mann Hesse's "Step- the making. Until July terland this Saturday and penwolf ," starring Max Von Sunday night at 8 o'clock. Sydow, will be shown tonight with approval Tickets, which cost $5 in through Sunday at the of your credit advance or $6 at the door, Camera I theater in San 114our are available at the San Jose Jose. Stretched Box Office. *tAI Dominique Sanda also Regular Price Quality stars in the film, which was San Jose directed by Fred Haines. HOME and GARDEN Primed Novelist Henry Miller said , SECONDS & CLOSEOUTS $369.80 the movie is like nothing he's Canvas ever seen"It will stun and bewilder, but it will also oar. VASQUE exhilerate and intoxicate." 1/3 tO 1/2 OFT RETAIL 10a Nee navra rang ane caroang H U 90 52 Y1 96 91 100 102 104 al. 111111 I A coutnciedS Oe Showing with "Step- . loam SR lun 10to4 MON. thru SAT. -- ant" al 'moat penwolf" will be "Sleuth," wino Many starring Sir Laurence sizes available: Woos to COM ORO Olivier and Michael Caine. 281-2525 MitligttlteS The Stock too .5.. INN Showtimes are 7:30 and 10 to p.m., and tickets cost $2. 30" X 40" AU. BOER IN 'UNDO From 11 to III NARROW-MEDIUM-WIDE 15% OFF II SANK CARDS CHM VS Save SUNNYVALE SAN JOSE 04, testa at cameo MI Alma. At. , td ate .w....n Otlyaatad SJ PAU- 2443473 292.9416 WALLPAPER CAMBRIAN SAN JOSE $7847 PICTURE FRAMES mi./ dna Base & ad 1.4 frt. Rata Cover Incl. 377-5771 578-2412 Wt FIT THE HARD TO FIT Pioneer System Special YOU HAVE Shopping for stereo components can be a no biting experience, especially if you're looking DIRTY CLOTHES for a good moderately -priced music system. (and it costs money to clean them) Today's Special might be something you wouldn't want to miss. Pioneer Here's .'break for you and your cleaning bill' XS 434 Stereo 1 Receiver, ALX Model 50 Speakers, and a BSH $1.00 DISCOUNT ON ANY 2310X automatic record player complete witt. ! base, cover and a magnetic cartridge. Super * $3.50 DRY CLEANING ORDER $29133 System at a Super Price. * Take advantage of this and save yourself a dollar! * ROYAL CLEANERS * HMOS Et 6 Mon Thru Fri 96 Sal 287 0933

r THE ALCO% GASLIGHTER Elton John is The Pinball Wizard HI-FI/ TV CEN1ERS TREATER e$LN Open Daily 9:30-9, Sat. 9-6, Sun. 12-5 LIVE MELODRAMA ( .110 N. t.mes SIty.m Wnyll 80S0 2ND ST, OPEN DAILY 9:30-6 SAT. 9-6 SUN. 12-5 Tommy LOCATED CONVENIENTLY TWO BLOCKS FROM SJSU CAMPUS AND VAUDEVILLE Ito WI,, Atte Ittanititnyd 400.a. Discount SAN JOSE SANTA CLARA LOS ALTOS Student Ann-Margret Oliver Reed Roger Daltrey Elton John Eric Clanton John Entwistle Keith Moon 80 So 2nd or 79 So 3r11 St. 285511 Camino Real 491b II Camino Neal Idadtight Sill,., Cent, (um lit.. bums Ill Paul Nicholaso.,lase., Nicholson Robert Powell Pete Toymshend Tina Turner The Who Fitt PANNING Fridays with AS card Poe Invotstuud Ken Russell Beryl *Hue (.15tstoutuo 500..4 297-7111 2983050 9611.7222 Mated Sloiatood Non Anse* $2.75 CAMPBELL STEVENS CREEK ALMADEN IN SAN FRANCISCO NORTHPOINT THEATRE. II,, ,..", gstur,rb,r, 625W Campbell Are 3585 Stevens Creek Blvd 1033 Bicmom Hill Rd Reservations 378-9721 CENTURY?? 567 9990 S..1.. CENTURY 21 741, "11,19 H CENTURY 21 1,11 1111: tail; MI I Ii Westgate Ilear S. 10011E111, Mdtr 11,11e, lump) . ticket 001515. Call T E C E T.I- X lot tnforrnatton A35.31149 400 E. Campbell Ave. kelt available tor all tnaitres at all BASS 379.7210 241.6326 267.7300

April 25, 1975, Page 5 ACit111011' itWitflD NO)IINF.F. Tracks ters grapple with Huskies BEST DOCUMENTAILY I I, ,!..;I I. il' 1'6iIII:1 . . be a pru Ow By Nick Nasch Washington State are 7-1 in dual meet com- two years, ' he said. I, will oppose Jeff Taylor. The only Spartan in both vocative movie, underlining once again The pivotal dual meet of (University)," said Ernie petition going into their meet In 1973, SJSU won, 73-72, Taylor placed second at the shot. put and discus, .rrorS we made in Vietnam and. I hope. he SJSU track season takes Bullard, SJSU track coach. with the Huskies. and were victorious, 75-70, last year's National Weeks will face a pair of serving as a warning to us to never again )lace tomorrow when the "If we lose these and win Washington has lost the last season in Seattle. Collegiate Athletic Huskies in both events. Spartans host the University Association outdoor track involved in a similar situation It is the rest well have a bad previous four meetings of the There will be some out- Weeks' season's best in the get )f Washington at 11 a.m. on championship meet. season," he said. two schools. standing individual mat- discus is 176 feet. certainly a strong, stimulating movie- Bud Winter Field, 10th and The Spartans lost to UCLA Bullard expects a close chups in the Spartan-Husky , This season Ripley has CLAIBORNE PELL (Rhode Wan" Alma streets. 15,93-61, Senalot March and defeated meet. battle. vaulted 17 feet 8 and Taylor Washington's orys "There are only three big Washington State April 5, 79- "It will take our season's Pole vaulter Dan Ripley, 17 feet 6. Chambul and Robin Earl dual meets on our schedule- 75. bests as a team to win. We've SJSU's world amateur in- have discus season's bests of UCLA, Washington and On the season the Spartans just gotten past them the last door record holder at 18 feet In the sprints Spartan Ron 191 feet 10 and 174 feet 4, Whitaker, who has season's respectively. bests of 9.4 in the 100-yard AND Wasick leads football grads dash and 20.5 in the 220-yard In the shot, Weeks, who dash, will meet up with has a season's best of 56 feet MINDS Pablo Franco. 614, will meet the Cougars' Russ Vincent and George Franco has run 9.4 for the Sutherland. 100 and 20.7 for the 220 this 327 3240 Theatre NOW Varsity-alumni game tonight year. Vincent's season's best is AQUARIUS 1 60 feet 5, Sutherland's 55 feet PAL() AL 10 PLAYING "Whit and Franco will 10. Former star defensive varsity in the annual Var- Ploger on the alum's side. are battling for the starting have quite a duel. lineman Dave "Wildman" sity-Alumni spring game. Kimball's two-year un- spot. Two Redshirts are on Remember Franco ran his Wasick will be playing at "There is no way the derstudy at Quarterback, hand: Blair Thomas, who 9.4 on a cold day," Bullard SYMPOSIUM 7:30 Friday night in Spartan varsity will clobber us 054/ Roger Proffitt, is the transferred from Houston said. Stadium. like they did in last year's probable starter as Coach and Steve DeBerg from A key to the meet may be NEIGHBORHOOD RELATIONS AT SJSU CAMPUS! And unfortunately for the game," said alumni coach Al Darryl Rogers feels that he Fullerton JC. The other the success of Spartan Mike Recent controversies have developed regarding the many rehabilitation 1975 varsity football team, he Cementina. has the most game ex- candidate is Jim LeJay from Weeks. will be playing for the The alumni team will be a perience and is coming along Pasadena City College. housing projects which surround our campus. alumni. hard opponent for the varsity well. Some of the quality Wasick and last year's to beat with people like "We're getting better," Learn about it AND express your concerns. returnees include linebacker Oldies but Co/dies record-setting quarterback, Wasick, Kimball, Mike said Rogers. "Not good Ekern, defensive backs Union Craig Kimball, are two of the Hopkins, Larry Houston, enough, but we're getting Carl Next Tuesday * * Umunhum rm * * Student Rick James and James stars who will go against the Larry Zajonc and Ron there. . speakers 10:00 am The '75 Spartans return Ferguson, and receivers Plus cartoon special Where: Morris Dailey John Aquilano-Director, Job Corps Center with their entire crop of Maurice Hill and Gary Monday April 28 Rev. R. Kenneth Bell -Director, Council of Churches running backs including Maddocks, and defensive back Wilson Faumina. Two showings of Santa Clara County Walt Robinson, Mary 7:00 & 10:00 Hansen, Gibson p.m Lt, Bartte Mellott, San Jose Police Department Stewart and Steve Bruce. Tickets for the game, Admission -50i are inexperienced Paul Christie, Director, San Jose Urban Ministry But they priced at $1, will go on sale at quarterback, defensive John Murphy, Director, Community of Communities tonight at 6 at Spartan For more info, call 277-2188 11.1hOiti in tennis tourney back and in both lines. Stadium. Three other quarterbacks Bob Hansen, No. 3 singles netter, but unseeded in the Noah's Ark Pre-School 730 So Second St San Jose. phone 175 0461 Rates. player at SJSU, and former tourney, was upended Full time-S90 per month, Part Spartan net star Dennis Sunday by eighth-seeded tIme-03 per 0 day or 55 per full 7-6, 6-2. 'EARLY BIRD" Bargain day Qualified stall Friendly at Gibson remain in contention Greg Shephard, $1.50 Per Adult rnosphere. for the Northern California The Spartans travel to Sun. thru Thurs. 7,15 to 7-45 PM Experienced Thesis Typist-Mashr's Stanford for a re-match iss.41.1 Sectional Championships 1... Reports-DissertatIons. Marianne Tuesday with the Cardinals. TROPICAIRE 111.10 classified Tarnberg - 137 Escobar Ave. this weekend ; in Moraga. C410.11. Telephone 3564248, Los Gatos Hansen, No. 7 seed in the Stanford won, 8-1, the first No. I 2384144 52,300 I ACRE REC. SR 16 Calculator needs help to operate FOR SALE Prot. Typing-fast, accurate. tourney, will face fourth- time the teams met earlier SJS '73 404.262 7576 9 its keyboard Reg 589 95, now S.59.95 CLINT EASTWOOD as LAND AGENT personals Can edit theses, reports, etc. announcements 5 MON.SAT. SPARTAN BOOKSTORE. seeded Charlie Hoeveler in this month. Inspector Harry Calahan in Dependable -Mrs. Aslanian 798.4104 the quarter-finals, which Unlike the contest here, in "DIRTY HARRY" Help Wanted for c ***** sing. Caii CAMERAS I II 540. Single Adults, Enrich your life by cents per pg. + Gene 791 2525 Student Typing SO begin today. which three of the matches "MAGNUM FORCE" (RI ***** SELF-HYPNOSIS. Help Monet. 540, Leica 50mrn -colasp lens attending coffee, fellowship I Bible paper steno services extra, 396 S improved grades, irn. Yashica-35mrn.coupled range Gibson, who ended his were held in Spartan Gym, yourself to $110 study, 8 45 10 15 an, Sundays. Bit 11th St. Call Tamma 998.0352 proved perception, improved finder 540. Mike 795.8876 after 5,20. 0 Sweden Restaurant (behind Sears, college career here last all of Tuesday's action will memory., improved concentration, housing San Carlos 8. Meridian) Provision VW Parts& Repair. Call Gertie's 218 TROPKAIRE improved creativity. Licensed Well tereo cassette recorder for children We. 9:30-7:00. season, upset No. 3 Chris be held in Stanford's outdoor Practitioner. 371.2992. 535 and Garrard Record Changer 515 beginning at No. 2 Good condition 377.1537. Chapin of Walnut Creek last tennis stadium, Residence Club Coed Your paper read, edited for a modest BALLET-Collegeage classes at San Jose Do you really care about Handicapped Ihey tkie Ghetto Wail.), building. great location, fee. Experienced and thorough. Sunday, 6-3, 6-3. Gibson is 2:30 p.m. Eunice School of Ballet. Essential BASENJI PUPPIES-4 14 months old, Beautiful People? Would you like to share a parking, linen & maid Tutorial approach. Expert typing, Hank Pfister accounted for "BLACK GESTAPO" (RI "technique" for beginning and in backless, AKC shots, excellent private nice apartment with him? If you unseeded in the tourney. color T.V. Ping pone, kit short notice. Joe 371.4497. terrnediate students. Small classes; watchdogs gentle dispositions, ISO. service, would. please call Brian Hall. 290 "MAN OF IRON" (RI inside courtyard, He will face Don Kierbow the Spartans' lone victorty in Individual attention Beverly 353.0594. chen facilities, 2308. "5 ON THE BLACK free coffee. 21.50 week SAVE THIS AIN Grant, Director. 241.1300. grand piano, of Tiburon today. the first Stanford match Eufrazia Mo share. Before you purchase any Hi Fm stereo HAND SIDE" '73 Kawasaki 500 Mach III Sissy bar & share: 79.50-8410 109.50-up single. 202 So. lltn St. Queen: We Made It! It's great to be equipment, color ZV's. tape, car Hansen defeated Larry when he blasted John NATURE DESIGNS Focus pad, Rack, Windshield $11517 Best 293.7374. back with you. I hope we are stere0, and accessories. check with Wedding invitations and accessories Offer. Ph, 279 3013. Pho always Axtell and Gary Cordell in Whitlinger, 6-4, 6-4. together. Let's got married. Love, us for discount pricing to SJSU with a creative new look are students and faculty for most major straight sets, but was ex- Whitlinger, defending EL RANCHO 2041 246- Sir. 794 available in hundreds of sizes, styles NEW NIKOMAT FT14K 130.00. Mother Olson's-10 locations-19.50 brands. Distributor prices on tape and colors. Traditional creamy 4485. tended to three sets in NCAA singles and doubles 20.50 wk. share, 27.08 4 26.50 wk 0100.00 Reward for Information and speakers. 9984693. white, flowery pastels, bordered or S1.75 POR CARRO single-discount or monthly rates. leading to Recovery of Stereo Equip. beating Len Saputo last champion, is holding his own plain. Town and County Duplicating Instrturont SR-I6 Calculator. A(110,11, Pilltl11,11 122 N. Ith St. Pho. 793-7374. Stolen Thurs., April 10. Cali 998.8221. TYPING-TERM PAPERS, THESES, in doubles play, but lost to carries a wide selection of quality Best schoolyear boy. Was 509 95. weekend. "SIMON BLANCO" ETC. EXPERIENCED AND FAST. and wedding invitations. Deal direct for now 559.95. Come on in and look if 269.8614. Tim McNeil, No. 5 Spartan UCLA's Billy Martin "NO HAY CRUCES decided savings! Special offer for over. SPARTAN BOOKSTORE FREE ROOM AND BOARD for un- derstanding female to share with USC's Butch Waits since EN EL MAR" SJSU students-Present this ad and Unw Hair removed Dv man. Voice defect. Call 298.2308 receive a special discount on any PRIMO STUFF: SCUBA, comp. Registered Nurse Electrologist. Ph. losing to Pfister. order outfit, wtks, rig, wts, dep g w suf. after SAKI 11=111 265 lin 1 9 P.M. 7186 Lincoln Ave Town and County Duplicating mit. Ins, snrkl, so en. S395 TAPE PHOTOGRAPHY Baseballers 10321S. Sunnyvale Saratoga Rd REC. r-r, $20. 10-SPEED, Nishiki BRIDAL FAIRE Shaklee Mode, le Id High quality Wedding Photograph), Cupertino, CA. 253.1131 semi-pro. 5150. EL EC GU I T IL AMP SUPERLAROE I DORM - IDEAL Cleaners. Natural food supplements anywhere in the San Francisco TOYOTA-DATSUN -MAZDA S50 GUITAR, stl. str. S100. Mike 295 FOR 2 OR 3 FURNISHED, CAR Bay and personal care products Call us One low price of 588 includes Sandwiches-all kinds. 9419. Let it ring. PETS I 1 3 BATH 5160 439 S. 4th Area. Stanley and Gall 1116 5806 "Luv" OWNERS "Cout the full service of a PROFESSION- meet Tigers HERO's. We accept Food Stamps. CALL 9900619 126 E. San Salvador btwn 3rd end Ith The only tickets you have are ter AL PHOTOGRAPHER, sixty color YOU ARE THE CAUSE OF INFLATION!! Sts. parking? Buy my 1 Raider Season prints of your choice, a gold and Wedding" album. If you are still paying highest prices for service and repairs tickets. Call 286-3448. Ask for Judy. - - white "Our Stockton Xesli 40's CLOTHES FOR RENT-1,2,3 Minn turn. apts.., complete set of color slides, and COMPARE OUR PRICES Antiques, nostalgia. rustics, etc The 1967 CAMARO 327 AM.FM TAPE blk, from campus II unit complex). B RIDE KEEPS ALL NEGATIVES. Paradise Shop 3210 S. Bascom. STEEL RADIALS MINT CON Summer 535-545E55 pm. week. Fall There is no extra charge tor DEALERSHIP QUALITY WITHOUT DEALERSI1IP COSTS S160.5220.S32g, per mo. 487 So. 6th. Photography anywhere m Northern EUROPE-ISRAEL-AFRICA-O' The Spartan baseball team DITION 51,000 CALL 998.1423 OR SP RIENT Student flights year round. (FREMONT). Ph. 289.91183 or 259.1939. California. and no time limits. An Independent Service Depar Iment The Christian Science Orsanization 797.7117 Contact ISCAs11687 San VIncente will be hoping to improve on would like to invite everyone to its Additional retouched textured color Factory & Dealer Trained prints may purchased at any Blvd number 4 L.S. Calif 90049 Thursday evening meetings at 7:33 House Trailer 22 H. -located in park, 11th St., S.J. be its 5-4 Pacific Coast Athletic SUMMER RATES 6355. tifne. with Sn 7's at S1.00 NM. and 8 TEL. 17131 8265669. 826.0955 Certified Th. Service Department Licensed pm in the Student Chapel (located 11 mis. from campus. 5500 Rent in I bdrm, small 2 for 10's at S200 each. All work is Association record in a between the rnens and womens Park is S55 monthly Call 287 1363 berm. 3595 The Alameda, S.C. 984.0610 berm,, or irge 2 apts. See guaranteed to your satisfaction. LOW COST TRAVEL gyms). call 298-0102. single game tonight at 7:30 in mgr. apt. No. 1 or Make an appointment to see our Europe, Orient& South America samples-then decide Open every TRAVEL CENTER Stockton. !Wad DANCE! this sensuous 2435 Durant Avenue FURNISHED I SDRM APT Clean I evening until '10 p.m. For FREE (18-16) meets the art and keep in shape, for summer help wanted Berkeley. Ca 94704 SJSU Quiet Water & Garbage Pd. Tenant B RIDAL PACKET call 257 3161. 410,-*-4,-**--*4 ****** Beginning -Advanced classes 14151 548 7000 University of Pacific. Phone, 578 6819 for info. NEW park. Near SJSU $530 mo. Summer April 25-26 April 27-29 CLASSES STARTING NOW! rates available 294.7332 or 292.4059. Spartan ace Jeff Gingrich IMPORTANT!!! Father needs help Professional Typist, test, accurate. LOWEST COST POSSIBLE Air Fares to Europe from 1100 round trip. eighth for 2 children at home Live in - GIRL Clean, Quiet Studio Apt. 0105 + dependable. Mrs. Alice Emmerich will be gunning for his FRIDAY FLICKS presents WHAT'S flights from Prepare evening meal -Free Rent. dep. All util pd. Near SJSU 288 8356 249 2864. (London). Low Cost season and fourth PCAA win. uritThr UP DOC? starring Barbra London to East and West Africa and Streisand. This hilarious fast Call Billy IS 267 1060-Other times eves. PHOTOGRAPHY. Gentle. Tel Aviv. All Main Europeen Cities. He will be going against noted need moving flick is sure to keep you 267 2462, WEDDING Natural Color, photography for BRITISH EUROPEAN TRAVEL 937 elm led laughing. Friday Apr 25 in Morris All Larry Prewitt, who struck wedding You keep all photos Saratoga Ave., San Jose, Ca 646. Dailey Aud. Two Mows: 7$ lOpm SO HOUSE SITTER NEEDED from June 2 DORM. FURNISHED HOUSE FOR your Fa Tot ts. taken plus the original negatives and S252. out 18 in his last outing. cents. By Alpha Phi Omega. 27th July 20th. Fitton minutes from RENTS Ms. from SJS. Girls only. San Jose State off 280-For more Call after 5 PM 374.6704 a free white embossed album. Prewitt is 2-2 on the season in thentmen Budget priced tor highest quality FLIGHTS ft. memo 130 savings on a SR -16 Texas information call 923.1935 after 5 pm work Please call for details London. Amsterdam. Zurich, Frank the PCAA. iimmem. aims Instrument Calculator Reg SI39 95, or 319.3107 days-Sue. GIRL Clean, Owlet Pvt. Rm. Kit. priv. S70 + dep All util. pd. Avail. June Photography by Dale Maggio 292 fort & New York LOWEST AIR the tall Mond man now 55995. Where else can you find FARES TO EUROPE The two teams will tangle with one beads shoe GUYS AND GALS Various essitions July.Aug Near SJSU. 288.8356 eves. 2601 Evenings such a bargain? SPARTAN BOOK BEEHIVE 377 3460 in a noon doubleheader Michael Caine & STORE open in several depts inside work 00 3607 Bercaw Lane, San Jose Sir Lawrence Olivier & 11 00 contacting renewal accts or outside Saturday at San Jose's i/ Getting Married? Discount Flowers FALL RE01 ION-Consider work installing window shades. No Need Iwo female roommates to share at 7 30 exper. req. Comp training siry. 292- three bedroom house. Easy freeway does inc a florist does at Charter Flights, Hong Kong -Tokyo- Municipal Stadium. Anthropology L Education (Annul) Taipei Bangkok, Asian Pacific, 9076. Pacific Solar Control MSS $90 per month. Cali 293 3525 the price with twice the quality 1961: How culture Is transmitted, access. 2940902 Coach Gene Menges has KM ANN ilf`Y)1`,.4A Almaden Exprnvy, S.J. Bill Beam WHY PAY MORE? 12 years of Aga (after 4p.m.) a hotisarld Role of Schools In Cult, Transmit., satisfied customers. Phone 996 1252 selected Steve Gordon- Influence of culture on Percept. & Cal. Poly? Grad MOW seeking BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Earn big roommate for loft style apartment for free estimate Do you need a constant compartion for Forbes as his starting pit- Learns. How minority grps are yOur summer travels? SR16 Texas by schcel. Aeolic. of dollars for yourself or favorite In San Luis Obispo. Walk to classes. it 11 00 at 8 45 dilladvtgd Instrument Calculator. Reg. 089.90, cher for the first game. Any Anthro. in Educ. Research Opport. campus group Demonstrate a new Move in June 15. Call Tim 263 6741. bike theft alarm. Thousands of TYPING SHORT NOTICE now $59.99. SPARTAN one of three pitchers may for res. In local schools. 9:30.10:15 T REASONABLE My home-267.3119. BOOKSTORE. Th. potential sales in area. Do it part or 2 bdr. home-dining room, living full time. Min, invest. 02,592 is req. room, fire pi, share yard. 5150 dep start the second game. NORTH VALLEY SEC ***** IAL Summer Were in W. Germany Socurred by Inventory. Form an mo 155 11th 316.4192. S275 Term board + up to Shortstop Dave Jost, who 366 S. 1st Street organization and let us show you SERVICE Papers - Resorts, free room I manuscripts ..letters. 73 cents a mo. College Cred Call 867 2200 four Camera One 6.4' automotive how you can make S's Call Or write FOR RENT Quiet toe Rooms Fur $250 had nine hits in his last 295-6308 Page Kitty Carter 362-1923. x 354 be leading the Cinema MKT C.P. 1659 Scott Blvd. Suite 26, nished studios and One Bedrooms. games, will Admiss. $2.00 S. Clara Ca 95050 400 247.3637 ni-vr Carpets, Swim Pool, Recreation Spartan hitting attack. Journeyman Mechanic will save you S Room With Dead Bolt Security

on auto repairs Major repairs on Wanted, Political Science Tutor Locks 620 So 9th Streit! 251.4817. PARIS...AMSTERDAM send your Foreign cars. Minor only on knowledgable in Calif. State gad MADRID LONDON new STUDENT I D CARDS American cars. Ex. VW tune.up $25 5300 per hour 216.2469 after 5 pm Private room 8, bath. Beautiful total, all work guaranteed. STEVE Ask for Ann Sense for male student. 525 week or SHIPS. .RAIL PASSES...LOW GEODES 347.3841. 5100.00 month. Linda Wong 2250192 COST TRANSATLANTIC Lab Assistant II Is IS hrsesk, prefer FLIGHTS. YOUTH HOSTEL message IN. WANTED MUSTANG MACH 1 1970 sci.engrg mal, In exchge room San Willow Olen House for Rent $3110-3 CARDS. FREE TRAVEL Joint 351. CALL JEFF 941.1558 Jose suburban townhouse, Kit prin., Bine! 2 Ca Huge family rm. FOR. INTER EUROPEAN FLIGHT pool, etc 923.8793 or 743.1090 complete Kitch. Kiri Schools. Can BOOKINGS...WORK in the 209-8657 8.10 pm. ABROAD CONTACT MICHAEL Female Nude Models needed for OR ROI AT STUDENT SERVICE coffee houe Summer Environmental SUMMER & FALL APPLI. Apts. 8, WEST. 235 E Santa Clara, No. 710, effort Photography Workshops. Class will Balcony 230 E San Salvador St SAN JOSE CA. 9S113 14081 7874301, Spartan include weekend field trips In July & across from Duncan Hall 12 min TUESDAY. WEDNESDAY OR Aug. Call David Kohler evenings for dash to class) Ph 2946029 a0131 THURSDAY BETWEEN Mm. --17 presents WHAT'S FRIDAY FLICKS interview 226 $174 only Ask for J noon UP DOC? starring Barbra Daily! Streisand. This hilarious fast moving flick is sure to keep you laughing. Friday Apr. 25 in Morris rariesified Rates Each Print Your Ad Here. 50 Dailey Aud. Two shows, 7 & lOpm add (Count apptok 3/ let lers arid spaces for each line) cents. By Alpha PIIi Omega. One Two Three Four Five tional AZTECA day days days days days day 3161., $1.50 2.00 2.25 2.40 2.50 .35 In concert for sale 4 lines 2.00 2.50 2.75 2.90 3.00 .35 5 lines 2.50 3.00 3.25 3.40 3.50 .35 8 lines 3.00 3.50 3.75 3.90 4.00 .35 Flocked Velvet Posters-- large variety 9200 each Few summer king sire Each additional line add: Print name Phone Indian bedspreads SS SO incense .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 2 shows: 8pm and llpm pack of 25 tor so cents Large vriety Address of patches Iron transfers imported Minimum Three Lines One Day walking canes from Ind. Pipes and Semester rate (all issues) 525.00 Enclosed is S For paraphanahas Strobe lights Large City Days variety of black lights, one block Check a Classification Deadline, from the college. ME. San Fernando SEND CHECK, MONEY ORDER two days prior to pub- SI. I) Announcements ii Help Ala rit ed L: Services OR CASH TO: lication Automotive .1 HOUSIIIll ii Transportation Consecutive publication dates on- $2 General 33 "'T Ise Rugs 'n Leather." Tye dye SPARTAN DAILY CLASSIFIED Students ind,a Bedspreads $S . Bracelets i Entertainment Lost and I 011nd ii Travel SAN JOSE STATE UNIVERSITY ly rings inokers S7 SO Purses & For Sale Personals SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95114 'No refunds on cancelled ode.) rugs 400 E Wiiiiains St

Page 6, April 25, 1975 Club 'takeover' charged by Arabs, Iranians

By Ray Manley Persian students on campus. among foreign student groups. foreign student's culture and their politics when in their Spokesmen from Arab and Iranian student groups have "We never claimed to represent all foreign students or Bickering opposed countries, culture and political reality are inseparable. charged the director of the Community Committee for even all of our own nationality," said Khoury. The OAS and ISA say they are opposed to political Degrading proposal

International Students ( CCIS I with attempts to take control "But Vlastelica has no rtight to speak in the name of the bickering between campus groups. They do not try to force They said Vlastelica and Dunn proposed kissing and Khoury said. sponge throwing booths for an ICSC food bazaar. of a campus foreign student organization. foreign students or to take a position on any issue between their political ideology on anyone else, "padding" Also charges of "pitting foreign student clubs against each foreign students," he added. The OAS and ISA also charged Vlastelica with "Selling kisses is degrading, and no foreign student would relatives and Khoury said. other" have been leveled against Lea Vlastelica, director of Relationships close the 15-member ICSC committee with her do it. They would have to get an American," CC1A. The OAS and ISA have good relations with the community, friends. The kissing booth proposal was voted down, Vlastelica Vlastelica, a junior majoring in English, has denied all their spokesmen said. The three American students at large on the committee said. charges. They said they believe it is important for foreign students have at times, recently been filled by Vlastelica's daughter friend of Vlastelica, and The CC1A is run by community members to promote to have close relationships with the minority and Third World Linda, Marty Bridges, a close NEED A cultural exchange between foreign students and the campus people living in the campus area. Barbar Dunn, a former student here. SILVA community. The community has responded well to their cultural- The ISA and OAS contend Dunn's presence on the com- TRAILER? Charges leveled political programs, the OAS and ISA spokesmen said. mittee is improper because she is not a student. Samir Khoury, Organization of Arab Students (OAS) They said they do not desire the support of groups like the According to Vlastelica, Dunn is serving on the committee TRUCKS, PICK UPS, representative and chairman of the Intercultrual Steering Rotary Club if it means compromising their politics. at the committee's request. LARGE VANS the Iranian Bunzel questioned Dunn was a graduate student at SJSU and has six units of Committee I ICSC 1, and a spokesman for Headily available on Rotary Club to incomplete to make up before receiving her masters degree, short notice Students Association (ISA ) made the charges. Vlastelica said the ICSC could not get the All Major Credit Cards Accepted November when Vlastelica said. The ISA spokesman requested the Spartan Daily withhold sponsor any events after an incident last SINCE 1936 78S. 4thClose to SJSU Library his name because he fears his association with ISA could foreign students questioned President John Bunzel on his Bridges served briefly as vice chairman of ICSC last year, endanger his life or the lives of his relatives in Iran. stand on a proposed tuition hike for foreign students and his according to vlastelica. ICSC is an umbrella A.S. committee for all foreign student actions stripping Economics Department faculty of their Vlastelica said it is easy for any student to obtain a position groups. It includes representatives from eight organizations, voting rights. on the ICSC because few students desire the slots. A.S. Social Awareness four foreign students at large, three American students at The incident occurred during an open house at the Inter- ICSC unapproved large and two faculty advisers. national for foreign students at which members of the The OAS and ISA also claimed the members of the ICSC Film Series Presents Handful complain Rotary Club and representatives of Food Machinery Cor- had not been approved by A.S. President John Rico and the Vlastelica said the charges have come from only a handful poration were present. A.S. Council as is required by the A.S. constitution. of Arab students. Since then, Khoury charged, Vlastelica has been ap- Vlastelica said there had been a mix up this year about the "It is a small group of Arabs, not over 10, who have been proaching other foreign student groups and criticizing the submission of a new ICSC constitution. hollering. The Persians have not been involved in the con- OAS and ISA for weakening community support. The A.S. Council lost the constitution, and Rico allowed the flicts all year," she said. Vlastelica takes advantage of the political differences ICSC to continue functioning without approval until the According to OAS and ISA spokesmen, their groups between the various foreign student groups, he charged. constitution could be reviewed and approved, Vlastelica said. represent 80 per cent of the Arab and about 50 per cent of the Vlastelica said she has never tried to cause dissention The ISA and OAS further claim Vlastelica tries to divorce Minority 'inferiority' disputed State set to block Attica (1974) refugees Four years after the Attica rebellion we find 61 prisoners Indicted and Nelson Rockefeller as our vice president.... Geneticist hits race theory Attica is bringing it all back norne. SACRAMENTO (AP) 1 California is looking for legal S.F. State Strike (1969) in the roadblocks to throw It was the longest University strike so far. It stars our By Karen Minkel than blacks. statement of the problem." used by scientists such as path of the refugees from very own John Bunzel in his fozmatlye years as hatchet The claim that some races "Shockley has some sort of To begin with, she said, Shockley. They differentiate South Vietnam, state of- man for Hayakawa. His best role. are intellectually inferior to belief that a certain amount "intelligence has not been between black and white, she ficials said Thursday. others due to genetic of intelligence points are adequately defined by IQ said, in a sociological type of But Secretary of Health Finally Got The News inheritance was disputed on carried on white genes," Gill ratings. The ratings only definition. and Welfare Mario Obledo (1970) a particular kind of There is nothing scientific campus Wednesday by Dr. said. measure admitted state government trees is a clocunsentai y ceffe,eriq the Black ,,,)1 ker'S views Ayesha Gill, UCLA Their theory rests, Gill ability and a limited aspect about this definition at all, has absolutely no authority of the working conditions inside Detroit's auto factories. geneticist. explained, on four points: of a person's ability." she said, and the "races" over immigration matters, The assumptions and IQ is a reasonable The tests are based on they use are not races in an which are the sole concern of definitions used to back up measure of intelligence; recall and familiarity with sense. the federal government. Sunday that kind of argument are According to IQ, some items taken largely from a Scientifically, races are "I propose that no April 27 50 unscientific and inaccurate, races are less intelligent white culture, she said. "simply populations of the refugees be accepted until she told a biology graduate than others: "So what is measured is same species that differ definite plans are proposed 7Et 10 PM seminar. Intelligence potential is how familiar you are with a from other populations in the by the federal government," Student Union Ballroom The theory Gill attacked passed alring genetically white middle class frequency of some genes," II Obledo told a Capitol news maintains some races are within a racial group (known background," Gill said. Gill explained. conference. genetically inferior to others as heritibility ), In addition to this, Gill According to the popular Irk in terms of intelligence Since intellience explained, measures of definition of race, social, political and even measured by IQ tests. potential is passed along, the intelligence can not economic, Ayesha Gill 90 North 26th St Major proponents of this intelligence differences be compared from one group language factors are im- Fidelity Printing theory are William Shockley, between the races will to another because of the portant, Gill said, but not biological because the San Jose, California a physicist at Stanford remain. part environment plays. biology. arguments maintain darker University and U.C. But, Gill declared, "This Gill also attacked the But it is very important races are biologically in- Berkeley's Arthur Jensen, a argument is full of fallacies. popular definition of race that the definition used be ferior. psychologist. They claim the There is hardly a population white races have a greater geneticist in the world who capacity for intelligence would go along with this Some profs charge SJSU Psi Chi with 'publish or perish'

honors Continued from page one campus chapter of the pressed preferences," "Letters deal with the fact Congress of Faculty Elliott said, but also "as a that state universities and Associations. consequence of the great TYPESETTING for Books and Brochures top prof colleges are primarily Smith and Elliott agree difficulty in assessing teaching institutions," with Dr. George Moore that teaching ability." "Breaking down the Schein said, "yet publication "teaching is a very difficult "The university needs to 40 FONTS 9 TO 24 POINT IN LINE barriers between student seems to be a requirement thing to evaluate." Moore is redouble its efforts to and instructor" is what Dr. for promotion." a history professor and distinguish between good Including Spanish "We have not seen a former chairman of the and not so good teaching," Calvin Thomson, professor 286-1907 of psychology, says helped publish or perish problem in Academic Senate. Elliott said. him get elected this year's (the school of) science," "It's much easier to Psi Chi "Professor of the Schein added. evaluate research and Year" award. "We have been in a publish publication," Moore said. The SJSU chapter of Psi or perish situation at least This is another reason for Chi, national psychology since President Bunzel has the overemphasis of honors society, gives the been here," said Dr. Richard scholarship, they said. Calvin Thomson award each year. Smith, chairman of the Scholarship is given more Natural Sciences Depart- emphasis "not only because offwith Oly. Thomson has taught Top it at "Instead of trying to be a ment and president of the of President Bunzel's ex- SJSU since 1955, is a 'fountain of knowledge' to published psychology my students," said Thom- scholar and is graduate son, "I try to work with the student coordinator in the student, and share my psychology department. knowledge. Where have all the flowers gone? Right on the front of Olympia's Thomson's concentration "This helps make learning / Flower Girl T-Shirts. is experimental psychology a lot more fun, and I think Made of 100% cotton and and he instructs several that's important." ji machine washable, they come in a experimental psychology r variety of colors and 4 adult sizes. Own Thomson was elected by a classes at SJSU. your very own flower person for only student ballot, in which all $3.95. Full grown and ready to wear. It ...... students in the Psychology heats waiting for a bud to bloom. rf There IS a % Department were given a THE i difference!!! chance to respond. PREPARE FOP, BROKEN EGG Over 35 rers The ballot judged MCAT nreipenente professors on their ability to 970 OMELET HOUSE communicate with students OAT flatet -We break eggs for your pleasure." professional knowledge and AT class presentation. 340 N SANTA CRUZ AVE LOS GATOS 354 2,11. GRE , Courses that are ATGSB constant(' vedette 0 CAT , renews el clefs lesions and for us. CPAT Special from FLEX , klake"I`r van for ECFMG Please mail me a chest-full of Oly's flower girl. Enclosed is my check or money order in the amount of $ for (number) Flower Girl T-SlArtisl. NAT'L MED BUS S M L XL Color: gold. natural. light blue. sand. (Circle and color desired I THOUSANDS HAVE La Plazita RAISED THEIR SCORES MEXICAN RESTAURANT Please print. This will he your mailing lithe'. PS Taylor Street NAME San r renown, (7 9a I I A value like this is rare in todaV's times ADDRESS Hundreds of students have already come in with a coupon like this one and think of it c. CITY STATE ZIP as a super offer. Why don't you try it out . Complete and mail order form to: Olympia Brewing Co., P.O. Box 200S, Olympia. MN today' Wit. 98507. Make check or money order payable to: Olympia Brewing Co. IPlease ,,cAsTiUN.As .E91E5 buys two enchiladas : do not send cash.) Allow four weeks for delivery. us, kW okkakok Ls Plazita 998-9199 0:rne,a Breams Company Olympia Wastimgron oty g with rice and beans 4C B9 E. San Fernando 121213311411111 (between 2nd and 3cd) offer good until May 1 with this ad