Omtrfc Centenary History of the Old Merchant Taylors

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Omtrfc Centenary History of the Old Merchant Taylors OMTRFC CENTENARY 1882-1982 A HISTORY OF THE OLD MERCHANT TAYLORS' RUGBY FOOTBALL CLUB O.M.O.M.T.R.F.C.T.R.F.C. RECORD 1882-1982 PPom"Int POints!'",m$ 1'1.o)'I:dPlaycd \\onWon ,-Lo t DrawnDu....-n 1'01For ",l;'~l.• ea on Playedl'bv.,d Won,,"00 I.,~t L',...:Irawn.... n Forh" ",/:'1.• "'-1582·83 6 4, , 2 0 """"I19JO·J130-31 2 t6 IO10 ,2 100300 2'i lR81-~ • 19 ,.\0 7•, 2 1931-32IQ}l-}:? 29,.""13I) 1511 I1 2,.. 0 ""25·1 1884-85 20" ,9 7 1I 1932-331932·)} 30lO 17 1113 0 r9 '"303'"~ ~O ~9 I) • 1 ,5-..6 '" 11 7, 2 1933-3-119J).}4 ,. 11 13 ,2 351'" ,..21 (I'om"(P 1nl S\~tmy.tcm'" 19k351914·lS 31II 1411 11I- ,2 30'" 312m lW\-87- 7 1115 4, 6 ,5 35 11I1 1935·19J5·1636 ~6» 1·1 12 0 256"'" 257 • ~, 1!lll7-887- ISI 10 4•,,4 61" 21 1936-37193cr-J1 29,. 12" 1511 ,2 '"30-1 2 ,,8-...9 2311 16 ,2, 5 117 26 1937·319H-38 3111 13"1115 11 220"" 219l~9 1889-9(1 _6 19 1, I 31 26 10 15 1, 173 9- 0 ,. " •6 182 " 1931918·J9·39 10 11 I7l m 1890-9190· 1 19 10" 7 , .. 2" 1939-1519W-IS SH:l)l>:DE" 0 IW\\ ORIRLDI> WAR\HR '" 1891-9291·92 2·1" 13I) 3) 160 "3111 19·15-16I~S·lb 25 10 1I 19 137 1891·9)92·93 "2 19 ,,5• 2 176li6 ...5-1 19161946-1717 21" • 12" ,I '"156 292 (fr)'r'IncrcJ.cIJICRaIotJ"lromfrom 2"to 31 Pomt})POlnlS) 1917-11'H7-lS "30lO ,•9 21" 0 233'''' 370 1893-9193-91 2 ,9 12 7 9 97 19·11~'l--49-19 31II 10 19 •,2 '"2662M 3 0 ISQ~·9S1-95 "21 7 "II 3) "61 81"I 119-51949·'j{) II 16 17" 1, 326.» 276 1895-%95-96 ,."29 1010 " ,9 9 I11 1950-5119'iO-SI ""30lO 1016 1, 226,,. 2lJ.I< I 19 ,I \76 271 18%-9796-97 10 14 1 130Ik'" '"II' 2 19S1·'i21951-52 30lO "7 17. ISlJ1-9897- 27 11 IZI1 I I 2 211 1952-5319'i2-'j) 31 6 20 ,5 \61 317 " " '82 11 • " '61 '""7 t89iJ-9Q9 -99 "26» "11II 1113 ,2 110'10 '"IIII), 19'i3-5-119'i'·~ 2 10 '"16 ,2 I 3 327 1~-1900I 99-1900 ,.26 1,1 11 1I 210 20110' \954-55I~-SS 29" 11 .."16 ,2 ~ll'"01 276".'" 1900-lH190 -01 24 17" ,4 3) 63 71 19IcnS·')65-56 "29 11II 1115 3) I 277 1901-621901·02 "24 16 ,5 3, "'.2 '0110-1" I19"lt>-S756-57 "3111 1511 1·1 ,2 21'" 317 lClO2·0l190 -03 "23ZJ 1113 ,2 ".2262..'6 113 1957-519'i1-'iS 31II 11II "1117 3I '"320'10 ".'"326 I90HHI 03-01 25 14 11II• 0 193 II 195, -59 _9 1311 1115 ,I 210lib Jl 1901-0519\1lOS 24 "10 11I1 •0 10'201'" ,..29'''' 1959-6019'i9·60""32 13I) 1115 1, 2,... 6 370"nb (.\\ookm(Modcrn ~ring" \".1luesValuc \J,;>pN)dOplCd) • I1964)./)10-61 3-1"~ 16 16 ,2 222n2 29 190'5-06 _9 ,.. 1961-62 II rl "', 19 5·06 16 12 ,I 316 36-1 I 61-62 32 1511 11 3I 306.. 1906-01I 06-07 14 17 276 1962-63I 62-63 22 11 ,9 ,2 299 191 25" " 3• '"'711 27. " 11 '" 190H181907-0 "lO30 12• "I)17 I1 37HS 3 1963-1963-6-1 "32 , 2·1 0 215'"liS '"106 , , •3 531•• 1908·0')190 -09 25 "1115 9 ,1 31-J.I:! 263'" 1964-651964·65 "33II 9 "21 • 259 1909·1019 9·10 "_6 1115 11II 0 ",495 '"16.16 1965-66I 65-66 32 ,9 "20 3• 23'" Hi'"175 1910·11I'HO-II "30 I 11II •,I 5 21821 1966-67I 66-67 35" 11 22" ,2 292'''' 591 IQll1911-1212 17""7 19 0 71 169 1967-1967-6 31" 10 "21 0 ""2762U,I 6601'" 1912·1)1912-13 26 "15 10••,I 31ll.'" 15'" (1%8,(I 6 , 71,11, 75,7'S. "187& 81l)o,~r.nlo I vcr. ea." TourTuw ReRl"ultJulls Fxdudcd)hduJnf) 191j-14191 ·14 '"2717 "16I ,,2 III)H 158'"15 11%8·69 6 -69 311111 I ,2 301 511 19111 14-118 FIRH~Tr \\\X' ORI!)RLD \X'\1"\RR I1969-9·70ro 30lO 12 I" 0 337'"m 497'" ~g~lIw • 1918-19II -I Onc:ne matchINKh pla)'wplayed agaInst dwthe &honIhool 00n 1970-711910-71 3010 ,9 2010" 1 "',269 511'" 15thI"rh M;lr~hlarch I191919 16 0 (Try(fTllocrca)a110Incrca,cd 10 111'0011')POInt') '" 1919-20 ,.6 11 15 0 _29 39119'• 1971·72 3515 9 2·1 ,2 33.58 957 21 12 9 • _56 211 1972-73 37 10• 26 I 351 932 1920-211920·21 12 ", •0 '" 211 1971·n 17 10 " , )" '"'H! 1921·221921-22 "26 1311 1113 0 ''''363)61 JZ5325 197J.74I 73-74 II,.. 12 21" ,I 3Q3191 7QO 19U·2}1922-_3 27'" 12 1114 •1I 262 22116 6 1974·75197·1-75 31 ",9 2321 ,2 273171 670""fl71l 1923--4192)..?1 2 13 14 1I 3 I 310 1975-1975-7676 33B 3) 2Q,. ,I 257157 7267» " II 11 '")" '10 " 1921·2'i1921-25 "26 15 ,2 m22,.. 26 1976-171976-77 JlH 11 20 ,2 372I7Z 570 • 270 1977-7 32 III 11 II '"373 1925-261925·_6 26" 10" 1114 ,2 17. 372l7Z 1977-78 lZ '"11 3• 1>1 l7l 192b-271926- 7,. 2" 1511 13 1I lOl03 30110' 1978·19197 -79 29 " I 3) 21·121\ 371m 1927-2819 7-2 2 "1612 ,266.. 206106 1979·1979-800 "3)6 16• "19 ,I 37)" 19,.. • 191980-810- I 35 \0 22 3 245 45 \92S.:N192 -2 ,.,24 12" 12 0 246216 361)6' 15 10 " I '58 1929-3 "9 14 14 •,I 3_2 325 191981-821- 2 3111 ,9 22 0 :m273 12.120 1929-lO " 11 11 m l25 " • '" O.M.T. HONOURS I'r\"$llknl Kugb)' FOOlbclll Union; E. l'resC'otl ....................•....... 1920·22 M. F. Walen.................... 1923·24 lion. Treasurer Kugby FOOlbclll Unum; E. I'rneou... 1924·33 M. F. Waleu 1933·47 I'rnllkm Surrey Coumy K.F.U.; M. Shearman 1882·801 M. F. Walen.................•........ 1907·09 l'rCSI\kn1 Mllldl~x Counly K.F.U.: E. I'rneon......... .......•....... 1929-33 11.11. Hays 1937-46 l'rCSlde:m Ilcnfor<bhlre Coumy K.I:.U.: K. W. Wcst . .....• 1961·64 I'rcside:m Kenl Counly K.F.U.: H. R. R~..... 1968·71 I'RESIDENTS OF HIE CLUB MonlBgIIC." Shc:armall. •. ••• 1882-1921 J. R.lllingwonh... .... 1968 Ilerbcrt 8.lIa)'l......... ..1922-1948 I hs Gr:KC The Archbishop of S,r Wilham HldI:l1on.. 1949·50 York, Dr. F. D. Coggan . 1969 Dr.J. G. F.lIO$ken 1951·52 K. M. Wilkms. .. 1970 F. W. M. Draper..... .. .. 1953-54 11. L. Grn:r 1971 E.lluslusson , 1955·56 R. G. Turnbull................ .. 1972 RI. lIon.l.ord lIalky, 0."1 1957 L ByWlller 1973 S. W. Goble.. .. 1958 Sir Jarnes Bro n........ .. 1974 G.II~n . .. 1959 11. R. Rose 1975 N. I'. 8ulcy 1960 His llooour judge No;akcs 1976 Sir In-lOg Ganc.......... 1961 His Gr:KC 'I'm- Archbishop of I". R. COvc-Smllh 1962 C:l.mcrbury, Dr. E D. Coggan 1977 o O·N. 1I0ds0n 1961 G. W. Boorh 1978 SIr 1:'T1nglon Kevilk 1964 1bc Hoooul'1lbleSir IrvmcGouldmg 1979 KI. Rev. JOO$l de: Blank 1965 A G. \'(1. Brown 1980 I)~vld Duc:11 . 1966 F. Laws Johnson 1981 w. M. M~rcgor ..... 1967 T. F.lluskisson 1982 CAIYfAINS L I-I. Gunner)' . .. 1882 Ko M. Wilkins 1914·J7 G. 11. \l:'clls ISSl T. F. Huskisson 1918 L U. Gunner)'.. .., ••• " .•• ,. 1884-9(1 N, Wyndh<un·Smllh , .. , .. ,, 1945·46 J:.I'rncoll. 1891·95 T. F. lluski$$Oll 1947-48 E. li. Gunnery. .. .... .. .. 1896 R. A. I-Iuskisson 1949·50 H. R. SWlllman ..••...••..••..•••.. 1897·98 D. \'('hile 1951 M. F. Walers 1899·1900 R. A. Huskiuon 1952·53 11. M. W. Wyau 1901 D. G. S. Baker 1954·58 N. C. FlC1chc:r •...•••..••••.•.••••... 1902 W. H. 1\lhenon 1959-60 G. T. Hankm .. 1903 G. F. Brown.............. 1961-63 C Bourns. , .•........ 1904 1. W. MacgrcgQr 1964 j. I~. Ral'hacl..... 190'H910 ,\\. J. C!tri5tlC 1965 E. N. Fuller. .. 1911 R. 11. I'elham 1966-67 W. I. 01eesman .•••••• , •••• , ••••.••..• 1912 1- W. Birch 1968·70 G. lIuskiuon . t911 N. W.Gnffin 1971 F. G. TollWOflhy 1919 1'. 11. l.ighlbody 1972-73 G.llusklsson 1920·21 j. W. Birch.. _ 1974·75 R. Covc·Smnh . 1922·27 R. K. Hurl 1976·77 F. F. Spragg 1928·)() D.Gwynnc-Joncs , 1978 R. F. Tcbbuu.. 1931 S. I'. Jenkins . 1979·80 L. Byv."lIlcr 1932·33 C.C Pollard....... ..• 1981· OMTRFC CENTENARY 1882-1982 "lltlJlh, tfldur1lnce. COllnlge. judgtmtnl, and ,00,,: all • sense or rair play. IIrt Il.Jn~ upon lht (oolbJll rlC'ld." 'AllIltlla .IId Football' Tht Badmlnluo Ubr1lry by Sir Mont.gut Shtllnnln 1887. Foreword As someone who has been fairly closely associated with the Old Merchant Taylors' Rugby Football Club for more than half its first hundred years. it gives me great pleasure lO be asked to write a brief foreword for this book.
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