[email protected] Classical Mechanics -260 Archimedes mathematically works out the principle of the lever and discovers the principle of buoyancy 60 Hero of Alexandria writes Metrica, Mechanics, and Pneumatics 1490 Leonardo da Vinci describ es capillary action 1581 Galileo Galilei notices the timekeeping prop erty of the p endulum 1589 Galileo Galilei uses balls rolling on inclined planes to show that di erentweights fall with the same acceleration 1638 Galileo Galilei publishes Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences 1658 Christian Huygens exp erimentally discovers that balls placed anywhere inside an inverted cycloid reach the lowest p oint of the cycloid in the same time and thereby exp erimentally shows that the cycloid is the iso chrone 1668 John Wallis suggests the law of conservation of momentum 1687 Isaac Newton publishes his Principia Mathematica 1690 James Bernoulli shows that the cycloid is the solution to the iso chrone problem 1691 Johann Bernoulli shows that a chain freely susp ended from two p oints will form a catenary 1691 James Bernoulli shows that the catenary curve has the lowest center of gravity that anychain hung from two xed p oints can have 1696 Johann Bernoulli shows that the cycloid is the solution to the brachisto chrone problem 1714 Bro ok Taylor derives the fundamental frequency of a stretched vibrating string in terms of its tension and mass p er unit length by solving an ordinary di erential equation 1733 Daniel Bernoulli