On a Sequence Arising in Series for It
mathematics of computation volume 42, number 165 january 1984, pages 199 217 On a Sequence Arising in Series for it By Morris Newman* and Daniel Shanks Abstract. In a recent investigation of dihedral quartic fields [6] a rational sequence {a„} was encountered. We show that these a„ are positive integers and that they satisfy surprising congruences modulo a prime p. They generate unknown p-adic numbers and may therefore be compared with the cubic recurrences in [1], where the corresponding ^-adic numbers are known completely [2]. Other unsolved problems are presented. The growth of the a„ is examined and a new algorithm for computing a„ is given. An appendix by D. Zagier, which carries the investigation further, is added. 1. Introduction. The sequence (an) that begins with (1) a{ = 1, a2 = 47, a3 = 2488, a4 = 138799, a5 = 7976456, a6 = 467232200, and which is defined below, is encountered in a set of remarkable convergent series for it. These are (see [6]): (2) W = ^-(-.og|i/|-24£(-l)^c/«), where A7is a positive integer and U = U(N) is a real algebraic number determined by N. Some of these series are remarkable because of their almost unbelievably rapid rates of convergence. For example, for N = 3502, (2) converges at 79 decimals per term and its leading term, namely --¿¿=rlOg£/, /35ÖT differs from m by less than 7.37 • 10~82. In this case, (3) t/ = U(35Q2)= (2defg)~b, where (4) d= D + ]/D2 - 1 , e = E + JE2 - 1 , f=F+]/F2-\, g = G+Jg2 - 1 , for the quadratic surds D = |(1071 + 184v/34), E = ¿(1553 + 266v/34), F = 429 + 304v/2, G - ^(627 + 442/2 ).
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