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Vol. 67 No. 49 May 2013 bring more cheer January 6, 2013 S. Viswam Youth comes of age Kuldip Nayar Though revelers stayed on the look forward to the new year with Violent Economic “Reforms” thoroughfares in major cities till hope and anticipation. and Violence against Women the early hours of the New Year Vandana Shiva Day celebrating the arrival of 2013, However, the second fortnight of really entered the new year December proved to be a particularly I witness- on a somber note, an undercurrent demoralizing one that left the entire Vandana Shiva of despair, helplessness and gloom country shell-shocked and driven to dominating the general mood. The sustained self-introspection about - Why I am culpable year being kicked out had brought no the growing vulnerabilities faced Sujan Dutta cheer to the country and its people. It by women in India. A single horrific was marked by controversies galore, episode involving a 23-year-old and groups led by Anna Hazare kept medical student from Uttar Pradesh Moment of Profound Grief brought home to the nation some Uday Dandavate reminding the people at large and the government all through the year and realities of the ground situation day in and day out that corruption concerning the safety and security Liberty and Gun Culture was the major ailment affecting of our women, who constitute half K. S. Chalam the nation’s health and well-being. the country’s population. The girl With the economy in the doldrums was raped, beaten up, brutalized and The rusted steel frame in the wake of the global recession, humiliated by six men in a moving Harsh Mander with two-digit rate of inflation bus in New Delhi and thrown out making living more expensive on the streets. Her boy friend was Communal Riots Riots -2012 and with a government paralyzed assaulted. The story would have Asghar Ali Engineer by the formidable challenges it was had a customary ending but for the clearly unable to cope with, there was fortuitous coincidence of a police Editor : very little for the citizen to be happy patrol vehicle passing by the spot G. G. Parikh about. Indeed, in retrospect, it would where two helpless souls were in Managing Editor : Guddi seem that 2012 turned out to be one great agony and were taken care of of the worst post-independence immediately by shifting them to a D-15, Ganesh Prasad, years, since it dampened the mood hospital. The customary story would Naushir Bharucha Marg, of virtually every section of the have been that the rape episode - 400 007. society from the rich to the poor, would not have been exposed but from the urban to the rural, from would have been buried by the Email : [email protected] the corporates to the factories and victims, their parents and any others plants. There was good reason to in the civil society who might have 2 JANATA, January 6, 2013 come to know of it. In the event, Between the lines the plight of the victims came to public notice, and the media did its duty by highlighting the tragic and Youth comes of age unfortunate aspects of the victims. The rest, as they say, is history. Kuldip Nayar Seldom in the recent past has a single episode roused an entire How heavenly to be alive when belatedly, asked the political parties nation and made them conscious of the youth is asserting itself. Even to make proposals, indicating that their guilt in allowing hundreds of the sons and daughters from well- the Manmohan Singh government rapists escape the law and hundreds off families joined the protests. I was at a loss. of victims and their families enduring recall the Quit India movement in agonizing periods of trauma and 1942 when on the call of Mahatma Hurriedly, it appointed a shock. Seldom in the recent past Gandhi people came on to the probe committee and a judicial has such a comprehensive, vast streets to demand the British to quit. commission to suggest new, harsher and multi-dimensional coverage There was a spirit of sacrifice and laws. Former Chief Justice of India given by the national media (of all J. C. Verma was appointed to head languages and regions) to a single dedication in their demonstration. the commission. I wish this process episode. Rarely, if ever, has the This time one felt his or her had been gone through after a joint plight of a criminally assaulted personal loss in the death of the session of parliament as demanded girl has endeared herself to the 23-year-old after being gang raped. by the opposition. Then suggestions entire nation, and never before have made by MPs could have been so many cursed so many targets Young faces, lighted by the candles (principally the police and other law- they carried, adumbrated the idea incorporated in the proposed laws. enforcing authorities) for inaction of India which knew of no caste, The nitty-gritty of improving the and irresponsibility, and never before no religious identity. It was a united legal apparatus is all right up to a has such extraordinary resolve on nation mourning the death of its point. But what the government public display of readiness to take proud daughter. It looks from protest fails to realise is that its thinking follow-up action on atrocities on marches and condolence meetings is out of date. It is still stuck in women. In a sense, a young girl’s that the gang rape has awakened the the status quo while the youth courage and bravery, her sacrifice nation to brutalities against women wants parivartan (change). and her tragic death unified a nation as well as non-functioning rulers. and inspired one and all to ensure That the stir was peaceful despite The system is too effete to that her death would not go in vain. lathi-charge and water canons shows restore confidence in the majesty the maturity of participants. of law and to ensure protection Millions of words have been to all, particularly women. The printed in the newspapers of India, The rulers had no clue of why government’s own record is poor. and of the world, highlighting the such defiance had taken place and It has done very little to combat need for rendering justice, through what they should be doing. Initially, corruption which dominated the tight laws and stringent punishments, they did not want to come in the open debate until a few months ago. To to rape victims and victims of all to address the gatherings because inspire confidence, the least that kinds of violence against women. there was no connect between them New Delhi could have done is to The government has been flooded and the students. None in the ruling have made the Central Bureau of with advice, suggestions for action, leadership had fathomed the anger. Investigation (CBI) independent. and description of the concrete steps Then the government panicked and The agency continues to function at it could take to make it difficult for leaders like Delhi chief minister the whim of the ruling party. rapists and criminally minded men Sheila Dikshit wanted to interact to assault women. The government with the students squatting at Jantar One thing which has come as has given the impression that it has Mantar, India’s Hyde Park, but she a surprise to me from the current remained sensitive to the public was refused entry to the place. Home protests is that the youth wants (Continued on Page 5) Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde, to remain apolitical. No notice JANATA, January 6, 2013 3 was taken of the presence of Aam Aadmi Party, born out of Gandhian Violent Economic “Reforms” and Anna Hazare’s movement to have Growing Violence against Women Lokpal (ombudsman) at the centre to combat corruption. The youth Vandana Shiva seems to prefer people’s movement to a political party. Today the brave and courageous Could there be a connection I find that there is some survivor of the Delhi gang rape between the growth of violent, awakening in the political parties breathed her last. This blog is a undemocratically imposed, unjust too. They appear to have started tribute to her and other victims of and unfair, economic policies introspecting their own conduct. violence against women. and the growth of crimes against From the statements they have women? made, it is evident that they want Violence against women is as old to rise above party considerations as patriarchy. But it has intensified I believe there is. on violence against women. This and become more pervasive in the evokes hope that the government recent past. It has taken on more Firstly, the economic model and the opposition will reach a brutal forms, like the murder of focusing myopically on “growth”, consensus on the steps to stop the Delhi gang rape victim and begins with violence against women even molestation and eve teasing. the suicide of the 17-year old rape by discounting their contribution to The problem is the male. Without victim in Chandigarh. the economy. changing his mindset, there can be no gender equality. He still treats Rape cases and cases of violence The more the government talks women as a thing of pleasure. His ad nauseum about “inclusive growth against women have increased chauvinism has not lessened over “ and “financial inclusion,” the over the years. The National Crime the years as the remarks by some more it excludes the contributions Records Bureau (NCRB) reported people’s representatives, MPs and of women to the economy and 10,068 rape cases in 1990 which MLAs, made after the gang rape, society. According to patriarchal increased to 16496 in 2000. With prove. The society is seething with economic models, production for 24,206 cases in 2011, rape cases anger and wants immediate justice sustenance is counted as ‘non- jumped to incredible increase of for which neither the police nor the production’. The transformation court is prepared. 873 percent from 1971 when NCRB of value into disvalue, labour into started to record cases of rape. non-labour, knowledge into non- The younger generation of And Delhi has emerged as the rape knowledge, is achieved by the politicians may cleanse the capital of India, accounting for 25 most powerful number that rules environment. And it is heartening percent cases. our lives, the patriarchal construct to see that the baton in Pakistan has of GDP, Gross Domestic Product, been passed on to Bilawal Bhutto The movement to stop this which commentators have started who now heads the Pakistan People’s violence must be sustained till to call the Gross Domestic Problem. Party (PPP), founded by Zulfikar Ali justice is done for every one of our Bhutto. Bilawal’s speech on the fifth daughters and sisters who has been National accounting systems death anniversary of Benazir Bhutto, violated. which are used for calculating his mother, shows maturity at the age growth as GDP are based on the of 24. I believe he wrote the speech And while we intensify our assumption that if producers himself and denounced terrorism as struggle for justice for women, we consume what they produce, they well as dictatorship, which have not need to also ask why rape cases do not in fact produce at all, because allowed Pakistan to come of age. have increased 240 percent since they fall outside the production Whether his sister would have been 1990s when the New Economic boundary. better is of the same type of debate policies were introduced. We need which raged in India when Rahul to examine the roots of the growing The production boundary is a (Continued on Page 6) violence against women. political creation that, in its workings, 4 JANATA, January 6, 2013 excludes regenerative and renewable “growth” is “inclusive” is by its what explains the increasing use of production cycles from the area inclusion of ever larger numbers in police to crush non-violent citizen of production. Hence, all women its circle of violence. protests as we have witnessed in who produce for their families, Delhi. Or, in the torture of Soni children, community, society, are I have repeatedly stressed that Sori in Bastar. Or, in the arrest of treated as ‘non-productive’ and the rape of the Earth and rape Dayamani Barla in Jharkhand. Or, ‘economically’ inactive. When of women are intimately linked, the thousands of cases against the economies are confined to the market both metaphorically in shaping communities struggling against the place, economic self-sufficiency is worldviews, and materially in nuclear power plant in Kudankulam. perceived as economic deficiency. shaping women’s everyday lives. The A privatized corporate state must The devaluation of women’s work, deepening economic vulnerability of rapidly become a police state. and of work done in subsistence women makes them more vulnerable economies of the South, is the to all forms of violence, including This is why the politicians must natural outcome of a production sexual assault, as we found out surround themselves with ever boundary constructed by capitalist during a series of public hearings on increasing VIP security, diverting the patriarchy. the impact of economic reforms on police from their important duties to women organized by the National protect women and ordinary citizens. By restricting itself to the values Commission on Women and the of the market economy, as defined by Research Foundation for Science, Fourthly, the economic model capitalist patriarchy, the production Technology and Ecology. shaped by capitalist patriarchy is boundary ignores economic value based on the commodification of in the two vital economies which Thirdly, economic reforms lead everything, including women. When are necessary to ecological and to the subversion of democracy we stopped the WTO Ministerial in human survival. They are the areas and privatization of government. Seattle, our slogan was “Our World of nature’s economy, and sustenance Economic systems influence is not for Sale”. economy. In nature’s economy and political systems. The government sustenance economy, economic talks of economic reforms as if they An economics of deregulation value is a measure of how the earth’s have nothing to do with politics and of commerce, of privatization and life and human life are protected. Its power. They talk of keeping politics commodification of seeds and currency is life giving processes, not out of economics, even while they food, land and water, women and cash or the market price. impose an economic model shaped children unleashed by economic by the politics of a particular gender liberalization, degrades social Secondly, a model of capitalist and class. Neoliberal reforms work values, deepens patriarchy and patriarchy which excludes women’s against democracy. We have seen this intensifies violence against women. work and wealth creation in the recently in the government pushing mind, deepens the violence by through ‘reforms’ to bring in Walmart Economic systems influence displacing women from their through FDI in retail. Corporate culture and social values. An livelihoods and alienating them driven reforms create a convergence economics of commodification from the natural resources on which or economic and political power, creates a culture of commodification, their livelihoods depend - their land, deepening of inequalities, and a where everything has a price, and their forests, their water, their seeds growing separation of the political nothing has value. and biodiversity. Economic reforms class from the will of the people they based on the idea of limitless growth are supposed to represent. This is at The growing culture of rape is in a limited world, can only be the root of the disconnect between a social externality of economic maintained by the powerful grabbing politicians and the public which we reforms. We need to institutionalize the resources of the vulnerable. experienced during the protests that social audits of the neo-liberal The resource grab that is essential have grown since the Delhi gang policies which are a central for “growth” creates a culture of rape. instrument of patriarchy in our rape –the rape of the earth, of local times. If there was a social audit self reliant economies, the rape of Worse, an alienated political class of corporatizing our seed sector, women. The only way in which this is afraid of its own citizens. This is 270000 farmers would not have JANATA, January 6, 2013 5 been pushed to suicide in India since the new economic policies were I witness- introduced. If there was a social audit of the corporatization of our Sangeeta Das food and agriculture, we would not have every fourth Indian hungry, I am appalled at the lop-sided of photographers, journalists and every third woman malnourished, relay of events and incomplete and every second child wasted and reporters. images being telecast by some of stunted due to severe malnutrition. the news channels on TV, regarding We were all sitting on the road India today would not be Republic the incident that happened at India peacefully and listening to the of Hunger that Dr Utsa Patnaik has Gate yesterday at around 5:30 PM. written about. painful account, of the mother of ‘Kiran Negi’, a 3 yr old who has I was there. We were all on the The victim of the Delhi gang rape been brutally raped and disfigured other side of India Gate towards the has triggered a social revolution. We and killed, by her attackers. Even the Dhyan Chand Stadium. must sustain it, deepen it, expand sloganeering had stopped. it. We must demand and get speedy I think I need to paint the correct and effective justice for women. Many young and old men of Delhi picture for the nation. Except for We must call for fast track courts were standing around us in a 3-4 CNN IBN and NEWS X, most to convict those responsible for layer human chain to protect us from other channels are not showing the crimes against women. We must any hooligans or nasty elements. It peaceful gathering. Thus it gives out make sure laws are changed so was like a Chakravyuh. the wrong message to the nation, to justice is not elusive for victims of the politicians, to other women that sexual violence. We must continue Members of the Asmita Theater there was violence. the demand for blacklisting of Group, including Mr. Gaur, were constantly walking around the politicians with criminal records. There was no violence, no circle. Young boys and girls of his provocation…The police attacked And while we do all this we team were repeatedly requesting without any warning. I have been need to change the ruling paradigm through section 144 earlier. At and talking to people to not resort which is imposed on us in the least there should have been one to violence, not to panic or run or name of “growth”, and which is warning issued to us to get up and throw stones, not to damage public fuelling increasing crimes against leave, peacefully, before they started property, and not to hurt or abuse the women. Ending violence against hitting us. female protestors. women includes moving beyond the violent economy shaped by capitalist Naina Kapur, of Vishakha There were many volunteers patriarchy to nonviolent peaceful, Guidelines fame, was there with me. distributing biscuits and water to economies which give respect to Smita Bharti of Saakshi, an NGO every protestor. women and the Earth. working on Sexual Harassment on We were talking to the ‘Aam (Continued from Page 2) women, was there. Nafisa Ali was standing behind us, Arvind Kejriwal Janata’ of Delhi on how to tackle anger and helplessness. One can was sitting just two rows in front of the violence on women and children only hope that the government’s me, Arvind Gaur of Asmita Theater starting from ourselves, our homes commitment to bring justice to the Group was there asking all the and communities. victim will be translated into action people to sit down and listen to the soon. Let the first few months of talks. We were simply talking. 2013 reassure the people that the agony that they endured would be There were about 200-250 girls I had just finished my packet of replaced by satisfaction that new and equal or more number of men biscuit when the police, hundreds of laws are in place to ensure that of all ages. There were young girls, them from Delhi Police and RAF, no offence against women will go some children, families and some charged at us from behind, without unpunished. elderly people along with hoards any warning. 6 JANATA, January 6, 2013

They first attacked the men from the outer circle. Finally we managed the good from bad, what protection behind, breaking their Chakravyuh. I to duck behind press vans and can we expect from them? Instead stood up to see what the commotion escaped via Shahjahan Road. I thank the men of Delhi, the boys was about, and immediately fell as of Delhi, who helped all the girls to most girls didn’t get enough time Do I look like a hooligan? Was escape from the wrath of the Police. to stand up. I hugged Smitaji as we I armed? Was I provoking the fell on each other and there was a police or creating a nuisance? Was I request the PM and the Home stampede over us. I resorting to violence, by sitting there and listening to, or sharing Minister to believe that “I, the Some of the men from the circle our personal grievances of Sexual woman of India,” am not violent or ran for their lives, but most of them harassment and assault? You judge the ‘Shame of the nation’... that we ran towards us and hugged us and for yourself. have to be ashamed that the world fell on us and took the initial blows is watching. I was not offensive. of the Lathi Charge. Agreed, that in such gatherings, But I will definitely stand up again I couldn’t see anything; I just some nasty elements do infiltrate and to defend myself, my mother, my create a ruckus, but the police didn’t heard the two cracks of a split daughter and my kind. Let the world seem to have the basic sensibility bamboo stick on my back, butt watch. and thighs. Then I heard the police to differentiate between hooligans screaming, Harazadiyon, Randiyo, and some young girls, children, and elderly people. and then I saw a boot kicking my sangeeta-das/i-witness-the-good- knees and shin. If the Delhi Police and RAF lack people-of-delhi/10151383785584595 They hit Smitaji on her lower-back the basic cognizance to recognize Monday, 24 December 2012 at 13:13 and spine. The boys of ASMITA, and some more men pulled us all up and (Continued from Page 3) and brutalised in India but the nation all of them formed protection girdles Gandhi was nominated in preference could not save the girl’s life. Malala around the girls to push us out of to his sister, Priyanka. Yousufzai in Pakistan had to escape the range of the water cannons and the country because of Taliban’s charging men in Khaki and Blue. I wish Rahul Gandhi would determination to kill her. Education for women was her demand which Visibility was poor due to fog and tear a page from Bilawal’s book. The latter is clear and categorical goes against the Taliban ideology. I tear gas; many girls were hit; even believe that Malala wanted to come when we were running away and in spelling out his ideology based to India for medical treatment but the saying, “Ham jaa rahen hain, hame on the values of liberalism and government was scared to let her in. mat mariye”,…. they were hitting democracy. His particular mention She had to fly to London. the boys rampantly, constantly of minorities’ rights is a departure from the past dominated by bigotry spitting abuses on the girls. Many The fight for women’s equal women reporters were also hit and extremism. It is not to suggest rights is a long and arduous journey and chased, their vans attacked, that Rahul is not liberal or democrat. and requires patience, courage and equipments broken. Some girls still But his five-minute speeches do not sacrifice. The society wants the managed to pull a few lathis and give a peep into his thinking or his youth to lead it because it has found gave it back to the men. I don’t know ideas for the future. This is important the political parties failing. It wants what happened to the children in the because he is the Congress party’s a movement to give equality to group and how the aunties in saris candidate for prime ministership in women. People have felt appalled managed to run. I just hope they are the 2014 parliamentary election. all well. over the gang rape of the girl at Both Rahul and Bilawal should Delhi and the stoning of Malala in There was not a single ambulance join hands to fight against the Pakistan. Do Rahul and Bilawal have in sight; the entire C- Hexagon of brutalities perpetrated on women the commitment to the principle that India Gate was empty, barring the in India and Pakistan. The public in men and women are equal? As for police. We walked for almost 45 both countries feels helpless against support, they can depend on the min, as there was no way out from the goonda elements. A girl was raped youth which has come of age. JANATA, January 6, 2013 7 Guilt - Why I am culpable - The day molten grief could not mask years of our collective

Sujan Dutta

I learnt at the barricades today I am culpable because I have having resolved that they shared that the personal is the political. So girlfriends who have taken abuse in none of my sense of culpability. I am culpable. Culpable of the gang male company that I could not strike rape and murder of a co-citizen. out against not only because I was At a huddle under a tree, Yogendra scared but also because I thought it Yadav, social scientist and guide to I am culpable because I am a was the done thing to meld into the the Aam Aadmi Party, talked of man. Because I have encouraged environment. inviting suggestions for what is to be lewd jokes, sexist jibes and dirty talk done. He told the men and women about women. So today at Jantar Mantar, around him that it was important to I walked around looking for answers. stay networked and they debated I am culpable because I don’t dare Most over there were looking for forming a forum of the disparate to stop the flurry of bad language answers themselves. It did look like groups. around me every day, in almost men had outnumbered women in the every gathering, that have to do many huddles from the crossing at Near the crossing with Parliament with genitalia, of wanting to do this Parliament Street right up to Kerala Street, members of the CPM’s to someone’s mother or someone’s House. The huddles were discussing All India Democratic Women’s sister, knowing fully well that it what to do next. What do I do to Association (AIDWA) held a black is not for the motherhood or the myself? badge demonstration and Brinda sisterhood but in the full knowledge Karat accused the government of that whoever she is, she must be a The huddle I watched most hoodwinking the public. woman. closely was the most rumbustious. A group of young men mostly in Between this group of the Left So I will say today from the their twenties. and another, also of the Left, I met police barricades of New Delhi and Nidhi, who came from Greater from among the tens of hundreds They were shouting the loudest. Kailash-I with her daughter who who walked on, sat on and slept Around four in the afternoon, as will be old enough to vote in 2013. on the roads and sidewalks of they gathered and accosted a police She had tried to calm down the gang Jantar Mantar, that I am culpable officer with abusive slogans, a bottle that dropped whisky on a mournful of nurturing the environment and fell out from someone’s bag and gathering. climate in which such torment can broke on the road. be inflicted on a girl. “We really need a strong leader The smell of cheap whisky wafted to find a way out because right now I am culpable because as a student at that barricade and the protesters we are all directionless,” she said. in Calcutta’s Jadavpur University, dispersed. Earlier in the afternoon, I once cracked a lewd joke on an that same group had rigged up a A fellow-traveller herself who eccentric teacher who was so deeply loudspeaker and said it was going has hit the streets but does not know engaged in scholarship that she did to Sushil Kumar Shinde’s house where to go. So I asked if she meant not care what she wore and how she to demand the home minister’s a strong leader like Narendra Modi? looked. resignation. “You see, it is really for them to I am culpable because I have Most of the crowd ignored them, decide” — and she pointed to her shouted at my mother during assuming that they were in Jantar daughter. “We have never given her quarrels, more than once: “Why are Mantar to provoke trouble. These any reason to be communal but then Bengali women so difficult?” men were not looking for answers, she is from a different generation — 8 JANATA, January 6, 2013 they do not know of the (demolition Moment of Profound Grief of) the Babri Masjid (1992) or of 2002 (the Gujarat riots). If she thinks Narendra Modi is the man to vote Uday Dandavate for, she will.”

In the largest of the huddles, It’s a moment of profound grief Aristotle once said, “At his best, mostly of members of the CPIML for India. The 23-year old victim of man is the noblest of all animals; (Liberation)’s front, the All India mass rape in Delhi passed away in a separated from law and justice Students Association, the boys Singapore hospital on Saturday. The he is the worst”. The mass rape and girls had kept up a steady Times of India called her Nirbhaya, in Delhi is only a symptom of a sloganeering. The rhythmic chants meaning fearless. Until her last decadent culture evolved alongside to the beat of two tambourines breath Nirbhaya demonstrated a an environment thriving on political was drawing a large crowd that I will to survive. She wanted to come patronage, which has scant respect was scanning for a familiar face. back home and make sure that the for the rule of law. Liberalized India, A woman walking from huddle perpetrators of the heinous crime especially in the cities, has turned to huddle with a placard that read are punished. From her hospital bed its back on a culture of sacrifice and “shamed” hanging from her neck Nirbhaya gave a detailed statement simplicity, and embraced greed, crossed my path again. to the police. With her passing away, indulgence and arrogance. The mass every Indian hangs his/her head in rape in Delhi is a wake up call. The discussion here was whether shame. the students should break the police Survival of the planet and future barricades and head to India Gate The news of this barbaric of a nation depends on responsible tomorrow. But the debate on the behavior brought thousands of behavior by citizens. Today we are fallout and costs of taking on the angry protesters to the gates of witnessing clear signs of citizens police was going to be long. Presidential palace and turned Vijay raising their voice against oppressors Chowk - the square connecting the and the corrupt; the real need, at Beyond them, near the television Prime Minister’s office, Presidential the same time, is to fight the enemy outdoor-broadcast vans, the men palace and the Parliament house into within each of us. We need to pay and women who had gathered were a - protest venue. attention to the moments when we demanding a “funeral with full state discriminate against and deny justice honours” for the girl who died this For a nation in search of a to others on the basis of their gender, morning far away from home in the righteous path to modernization, religion, race, skin color, age or Singapore hospital. But the streets the mass rape in Delhi is a reminder caste. We need to be conscious of here are fed up with the tokenism of the dark realities of Indian the example we set for our children of symbolism. That is why Jantar society. Popular Bollywood actor when we endorse denigration of Mantar is today such a venue. and producer Amir Khan, brought a woman in the media. We need focus on the need for social reforms to be careful about responding The hypocrisy of the demand is through his TV serial Satyameva favorably to chauvinistic rhetoric too much to digest. For four days Jayate. Premiered on May 6th, 2012, from political leaders. Politics of now, I have had an understanding the show highlighted issues such of just how skewered the girl was. identify is increasingly making us as female feticides, child sexual There was a Safdarjung Hospital intolerant of diversity and sowing doctor at a gathering I went to abuse, dowry, medical malpractice, seeds of hatred and violent thoughts earlier this week who is the friend honor killings, insensitivity towards in the community. of a friend. the physically disabled, domestic violence, overuse of pesticides It is also high time that Even through the tragedies of leading to pesticide poisoning, the protectors of law are held personal and professional life — I alcoholism, untouchability, plight accountable. The rule of law must have covered three wars — that of senior citizens and water crisis. apply equally to everyone. In have by now put so much iron into India is today faced with a moment Nirbhaya’s case the protectors of law of truth as the world watches the must be held responsible, and the (Continued on Page 9) developments with horror. perpetrators of the crime must now JANATA, January 6, 2013 9 face punishment for manslaughter. It is estimated that 60 percent of Liberty and Gun Culture police force in Delhi is deputed for VIP security. This misuse of K. S. Chalam law enforcement resources needs to be checked. The nexus between politicians and the criminals needs Liberty, equality and fraternity, by the French Revolution and the the three noblest values that the to be broken. We cannot allow Enlightenment in Europe. The humankind had specified to eternity nations that were engaged in criminals to wander around the were originated in the French free trade and colonial plunder streets unafraid of consequences. Revolution. It was on 26th August made schoolmen to reflect on the 1789 that the National Constituent human condition and the future of Nirbhaya’s death must lead to Assembly of France had adopted civilization. In the area of economics consequences- for the perpetrators them as part of Rights of Man and or political economy, Adam Smith’s of the crime, for those who failed to Citizen. It had profound influence on Wealth of Nations was considered as protect her and for the VIP’s who are the course of history in different parts a landmark that discussed the merits cornering limited resources available of the world particularly after the end of exchange as an intrinsic value of for providing security to common of colonialism. The Constituent self-interest. He was critical about citizens. Assembly of India had also adopted the Mercantilists (including East (Continued from Page 8) Justice and the three values as part India Co.) who used state power the soul, that narrative of the girl’s of its preamble to the Constitution for protecting their activities and torment sits on me like a heavy on 26th November 1949. The notion therefore expanded the concept of burden of guilt. of liberty is liberally being used liberty to restrict the functions of now by some libertarians to argue the state to few activities. In this Among the lost faces of Jantar against the confiscation of guns context, he had explained how “the Mantar today I have been looking in the USA as an infringement of benevolence of the butcher, the for one to share that burden with. liberty as suggested by some, after brewer, or the baker, that we expect In Jantar Mantar and on television, the recent Newton school incident in our dinner, but from their regard for three days now, a phrase that Connecticut, USA. to their own interest”. Under the has been overused is “change the same paradigm, J. S. Mill explained mindset”. But it has to begin with In fact, the three values are the boundaries of liberty from a me. inseparable and it is difficult to utilitarian perspective (On Liberty). think about one without visualizing It might, indeed, save me — men- the remaining two. They are so The issue of liberty that was folk like me — from wallowing in interconnected. The present United intensely debated during the 1980s the depravity that we make. It might States of America as a colony of the under the aegis of World Bank is save me because it will make me European nations won independence being raised again now in the context more equal and not the ogre that I in 1776, and the people of France of Sandy Honk Elementary School feel I have become. presented the Liberty statue to USA shoot out where 27 children were in 1886 as a mark of respect. We need killed. Barak Obama is seen deeply So, at dusk, I crossed a line I have to understand this background in moved by the incident and seems to set for myself in journalism. Be the order to appreciate the significance of consider bringing reforms to contain interested observer, not the story. As the notion of liberty about which not the menace. There are protagonists the candle-lit procession silently set only the Americans but their friends who argue that control of right to out from Jantar Mantar I joined in all over eulogize the freedoms they possess and keep arms is a road as one of them. enjoy including the ‘Gun culture’. to curtail liberty as guaranteed in Some of our Indian libertarians who the US Constitution. But, the so- And then I saw her at the barricade would like to emulate the American called universal right to bear arms in front of Parliament Street police values should recognize the costs in the USA is related to the Second station. She was among the silent involved in sustaining the system. Amendment in the 18th century protesters. We were together for when there was no professional years. No longer so. But I want to tell The history of the world became army. Therefore, an amendment her most of all: yes, I am culpable. curious with the verve bestowed was brought in to create an armed 10 JANATA, January 6, 2013 citizenry as “a well regulated militia, as of the liberty principle. It was in the third world including the being necessary to the security of debated as to how individual liberties common property resources, family a free state, the right of the people are to be subsumed to get protection norms and values are useless, devoid to keep and bear arms, shall not be under the state or even for the survival of any merit to bring economic infringed”. of a democratic state. Philosophers growth. Therefore, liberty as a and scholars like Robert Nozick, value is necessary to strengthen Unfortunately, the background Milton Friedman and others have the free market mechanism and and the circumstances under argued for uncompromising priority property rights should be promoted which the provision was made for libertarian rights irrespective to exploit the resources for our have not been reflected upon while of the consequences. But, Karl own benefit. Referring to late John deliberating on the liberty to hold Popper (Open Society fame) one Rawls, his friend at Harvard, Sen has arms. The primary function of a fire of the defenders of liberty and the joined issues with him on ‘priority arm is protection. The argument greatest philosophers of the 20th of liberty’. Sen has stated that a goes on, that if everyone is armed century has argued that society persons’ ‘liberty should get just the massacre would not have taken is a voluntary association of free the same kind of importance (no place. The religious groups argue individuals respecting each other’s more) that other types of personal that ‘if we don’t uphold sanctity rights and need to be governed advantages - incomes, utilities and of life at every stage, why bother by the framework of protection so on -have’. The liberty and rights at any stage (policy of abortion). given by the state. Amartya Sen has may have political significance Some have even gone to the extent of addressed the issues raised by these and is possible to address them quoting Luke “let him sell garments scholars in his “Development as under procedural transgression. and buy sword” to substantiate the Freedom” to explain that expansion Therefore, one can think of the argument that everyone should of freedom is both a primary end unfreedoms and deprivations even posses arms. It is surprising to find and also the principal means of in advanced countries where health on the Net that someone has cited development. In this context, he care, sanitary arrangements, clean the private letter sent by Thomas has drawn our attention to Marx’s water, functional education, gainful Jefferson to his nephew Peter, “to insistence that rights cannot really employment, social security etc led advise the gun. While this gives precede the institution of state. to movements like Occupy Wall a moderate exercise to the body, Contesting the western view of Asian Street in the recent period. Are the it gives boldness, enterprise, and values as authoritarian, Sen has above issues really worthless to be independence to the mind. Games eminently illustrated how Ashoka considered as rights so that priority played with the ball and others of was a universalist, Confucius did can be given to liberty and forget that nature, are too violent for the not recommend blind allegiance about the consequences? body and stamp no character on to the state and Gautam Buddha’s the mind. Let your gun therefore emphasis on ‘the middle path’ The political and civil freedoms be the constant companion of your to tell the westerners that India are constitutive elements of human walks”. It is really preposterous of as an ancient civilization had all freedom and are “a handicap in libertarians to quote a letter written these values absorbed (with some itself”. They are important to enrich about two hundred years ago when exceptions). human life through expansion of there was no armed militia/police substantive freedoms that improve to protect the people, to a period The paradigm of liberty seems the elementary capabilities to avoid when America has emerged as super to have originated in the Judaic starvation, undernourishment, power to abrogate the status of conception of ‘sin’ and human premature mortality etc. In fact universal police. Further, it speaks dignity by birth with a colonial Herbert Hart questioned the very lowly about the competence of mindset of ‘white man’s burden importance of personal liberties American law and order machinery of modernizing’ the non-whites. compared to economic needs of life and the state itself. Yet, USA has 54 Scholars like Upendra Baxi opine and death. It is not the self-interest guns per 1000 population one of the that the invocation of rights as part of that guides the brewer, the baker or highest in the world (while 15.65 UNDHR is essentially Western. It has the butcher now but the persuasive crore applications are pending). also some subtle arrogance to convey mechanism of corporate market that they alone can liberate our minds strategy. How can we think of giving The Social Contract theory has and souls and in the process give us priority of liberty to bear a gun that also appeared during the same period development. The social institutions (Continued on Page 15) JANATA, January 6, 2013 11 The rusted steel frame

Harsh Mander

In the early, relatively idealistic the trenches of public service as price. The Petroleum Minister thinks decades after freedom, there was a civil servant, and applies to this that he can distribute any number significant public faith in the experience the surgical insights of a of petrol and kerosene depots at his uprightness and political neutrality razor-sharp mind. discretion. An impression exists that of the higher civil services. It the State of India is an open treasury Saxena is scathing in his assessment was elite in social character, but that can be looted at will.” of the Indian bureaucracy today. It considered sympathetic to minorities is “a troubled institution” riddled and the poor. Strong words, but Saxena with “a lack of professionalism, is not alone in his withering There was less engagement the creation of redundant posts, assessment. Even the official in development initiatives, but unsatisfactory structures of reward Second Administrative Reforms generally greater fairness in and punishment, and an inability Commission (2008) is no less situations of communal violence, to deliver services adequately”. caustic: “the state apparatus is ... and some implementation of Postings are often “dictated by tardy, inefficient and unresponsive” redistributive justice laws such as vested interest of mafia gangs, with “most functionaries serving no land reforms. organised criminals, builders’ lobby, useful purpose.... Corruption is all- contractors”. He observes that “over pervasive, eating into the vitals of The image of the higher civil the years, whatever little virtues the our system, undermining economic services plunged in the seventies, civil services possessed — integrity, growth, distorting competition especially because of its supine political neutrality, courage and and disproportionately hurting the submission to the injustices of the high morale — are showing signs poor and marginalised citizens. Emergency, but also because of the of decay”. Newer values emphasise Criminalisation of politics continues continuous erosion of its reputation “political loyalty, flexibility”, unchecked, with money and muscle for probity. The eighties saw its social and several senior officials “have power playing a large role in base broadening, but also its far become a link between politicians elections. ... Abuse of authority at greater — and open — complicity in and the business class”. all levels in all organs of state has large communal and caste pogroms, become the bane of our democracy.” and plummeting integrity. Since the Today many civil servants in the 1990s, the expectation that loosening course of their career “lose much of Another official paper in 2009 bureaucratic controls over industry their dynamism and innovativeness, brought out by the Department of and trade would curtail corruption and end up as mere pen-pushers and Administrative Reforms in 2009 is completely belied. Instead, the cynics, with “stagnation in their agrees, again with remarkable new commitment to globalised intellectual capabilities”, “decline candour, that “the state and its private markets has spawned an era in self-esteem”, “disillusionment, apparatus, including the bureaucracy of undisguised crony capitalism, pliability and corruption”. They are treated not so much as a means and the ethic of public welfare has have become agents of exploitation of generating public goods but as been abandoned as outdated and in a state structure which now (is)... a means of generating benefits for anachronistic. authoritarian, brutal, directionless, the particular group that controls and callous to the needs of the poor”. the state”. In an important recent monograph The Indian State is “being treated as by National Social Watch, scholar a private property of those who are Saxena lays blame also on the administrator NC Saxena, a public at the top, and this culture of using people, who “have unfortunately intellectual of great integrity and executive power for private gains accepted the position as fait accompli social conscience, diagnoses the has become the norm since then. So and resigned themselves to their fate. maladies of India’s higher civil the Housing Minister thinks that all They too tend to seek short cuts services and suggests an imaginative government houses and shops are her and exploit the system by breaking range of possible prescriptions. private property, and she can allot rules or approaching mafia gangs Saxena worked for decades in them to any one she liked, often for a (Continued on Page 15) 12 JANATA, January 6, 2013 Communal Riots Riots -2012

Asghar Ali Engineer

Like other years in the post- politics in our country. their properties nor did they allow Gujarat era, this year too witnessed Muslims to protect themselves. The several riots and riot-free India Maharashtra, which was governed properties so damaged are estimated remained just a dream. India is too throughout by the Congress except to be worth Rs.two cores. vast and complex a country and one in 1995-2000 when it was ruled cannot expect uniform development by -BJP Government, It is also alleged that earlier a all over the country. North, Central has always been communally very Muslim candidate was defeated by and Western India is far too sensitive sensitive state. This year too i.e. using communal and Reddy card in to communal politics. South, it must in 2012 the first reported riot took Mahboobnagar and the same is being be said, is less prone to communal place in Maharashtra in Pachora on used for Sangareddy also. With violence though Andhra Pradesh and 22nd March though it was a minor still more damages the total loss Karnataka are more communally one. Police reportedly displayed came to 3.2 crores. The oldest and sensitive than Kerala and Tamil its usual bias and arrested mostly biggest hotel of Sangareddy is Grand Nadu. Muslim youth. It started with Hotel, pan shop and bakery. The dispute between two fish traders, owner Ishtiaqur Rehman, told the This year, as we will see, a Hindu and a Muslim and quite a investigators that their establishment witnessed a major communal few Muslim properties were burnt was looted while police officers violence between Bodos and Bengali down. watched silently. The police even speaking Muslims in Kokrajhar beat up his brother and broke his leg. and other districts. After Gujarat Some disturbances occurred in Mr. Rehman clearly mentioned the it was indeed a major outburst of Gaya (Bihar) when there was incident names of those who looted his hotel, communal violence. Assam has of stoning on Ramnavmi procession the people belonged to the BJP and certainly developed communally 2nd April 2012 but were immediately yet no action was taken. sensitive politics since AASU controlled by the district movement and Nelli massacre administration by lathi charging the Hyderabad, in A.P. witnessed of 1983. U.P. too witnessed six crowd and firing in the air. Not much rioting from 8th to 12th April. Needless riots after Akhilesh Yadav, son of damage was done. This again shows to say Hyderabad Charminar area Samajvadi Party leader Mulayam that if administration is alert and is extremely sensitive area and Singh Yadav, took over after state government has given proper witnesses communal violence elections in U.P. in May 2012. instructions a riot can be easily regularly. Both Ittihadul Muslimin controlled or prevented. and BJP compete with each other for Only Bihar remained almost Muslim and Hindu votes and their riot-free thanks to a new pattern Sangareddy district of A. P. came politics is communally oriented. of politics introduced by Lalu under spell of communal violence Prasad Yadav and continued by on 29th March. Some Muslims were It all began with the priest of Nitish Kumar. Both need to be demonstrating outside the police a temple noticing green colour congratulated for making Bihar station against image of Ka’ba sprayed on the wall of the temple almost riot-free for a period having been desecrated. Police did and leg pieces of cow placed on the of 20 long years. It is no mean not pay much attention to the Muslim grill. The priest informed the local achievement. They have carefully demand and instead asked them to BJP corporator by about 7 a.m. balanced caste and communal disperse. Hearing about the Muslim and by 7-30 a.m. a crowd of locals forces. One wishes Congress could protest, it is alleged that members of gathered and the crowd swelled to learn a lesson from Bihar as the RSS gathered together and started 200 by the time police arrived with Congress Governments have never attacking Muslims, looting their its dog squad. The crowd of agitated given us riot-free governance in the shops, etc. The police, it is alleged people started pelting stones at entire post-independence period. remained mute spectator and took Muslim shops and houses in the area. And of course BJP is the main no action against the culprits. They Inmates had already left fearing for culprit in promoting communal neither protected Muslims and their lives. Violence continued and JANATA, January 6, 2013 13 spread to other areas as well. Two it was some kind of conspiracy than 15 civilians were also injured. motor cycles were burnt and several either by those who were not given Several vehicles were set afire. buses were damaged. tickets or by those who lost power. Anyway it was a major riot and no On 14th June Damnagar in Amreli, There was lot of tension in the explanation is forthcoming as to who Saurashtra district got affected by Charminar area and it became a was involved. Mr. Azamkhan visited communal violence when a piece of national news. Also even as the the place and apologized for what land was at the centre of controversy situation in Saidabad-Kurmaguda- happened and assured that those on which a temple was being built Madannapet areas was brought involved would be punished. and Muslims claimed that it was land under control on 8th April, reports belonging to a cemetery (Qabrastan). started coming of desecration of 6 The riot started by a very petty They came face to face and fought more places of worship in different incident. It was Friday and a drum each other. The two groups were areas of Hyderabad – 4 Masjids and filled with cold drinking water was armed with sticks, pipes and swords. 2 temples between 9th and 12th April kept outside the door of the Jami’ Two rounds of private firing were pointing to a clear and obvious Masjid. A Hindu came and put his also reported. Ten persons were conspiracy to foment communal hand in the drum and took water injured four of whom were injured violence by instigating religious from it. It was on 2nd June just before seriously and four shops were gutted. sentiments of both Hindu and Friday prayer. A Muslim from the Muslim communities. mosque objected and an argument On 24th June Pratapgarh, U.P. started and soon others got involved witnessed fury of communal violence What was heartening was that and rioting began in all its fury. Four between Dalits and Muslims took. A religious leaders and elders of persons died in this rioting. Of them Dalit girl was gang raped though it is both communities condemned such one was Hindu and one Muslim and not clear by whom. This incident was misuse of religion and timely police two unidentified charred bodies were too close to Kosi incident of early action prevented major disaster recovered. June for SP to be comfortable with. waiting to happen. The fact that The Dalits of Pratabgarh collected general elections and A.P. Assembly The fury of rioting was such near the Muslim locality and set elections are going to take place just that Additional Director General fire to their houses. These Muslims two years hence (2014) also played of Police Shri Yadav observed that are mostly weavers (Ansaris) and its own part. The Muslim grievance “We have seen some riots, but I am many men from this community is that police had arrested more seeing a whole locality rioting for the work in Bhivandi. Many women and than 14 Muslim youth and only 4 first time. This is why we think that children would have died but for the Hindu and shown 28 Hindu youth someone was instigating them. We fact that it was marriage season and absconding. The police maintained cannot rule out that this communal many men had come from Bhivandi that still investigations were going tension was created keeping in view to attend marriages and they could on and these figures were not final. the local body elections.” Well save old men and women. But certainly it shows the trend. whether it was due to local body Next major riot took place in elections or some much wider These men complained that the Kosi Kalan in Mathura District of conspiracy the very beginning of the police just looked on and took no U.P. This happened immediately SP regime was marked by communal action against the rioters. The Circle after the victory of Mualayam Sing violence. Muslims were certainly Officer V. S. Rana was suspended for Yadav’s party in U.P. Everybody was disillusioned. his partial role. surprised that though SP had won th with overwhelming Muslim support Among most sensitive cities in On 29 June Buldhana in communal violence started no sooner Gujarat is Baroda (Vadodra). Even Maharashtra came under volley of very minor incident can cause major communal violence when some than the Chief Minister was sworn th in. Muslims thought they would be rioting in the city. On 11 June a dispute in Sakher Kheda village more secure and better protected minor incident of road accident behind the Dargah of Hazrat under SP rule but something quite brought two communities face to Dawoodshah Baba resulted in attack opposite was happening. face and they started pelting stones on two Muslims of which one died and other missiles. The police rushed and the other was severely wounded. Everyone was greatly shocked by to the site lobbed teargas shells The person who died – Sheikh a major riot right at the beginning and resorted to lathi charge. Six Taj – had objected to a stone being of SP’s term. Some thought that policemen were injured and more put in the small drain opposite the 14 JANATA, January 6, 2013

Dargah. He was attacked by a crowd were named in the complaint. killed thanks to Kanorias with sharp weapon and killed and (Shivbhagtas carryingGangajal to near the Dargah there is a Hindu In July itself Assam witnessed Shiv Temple) when they insisted cemetery and often tension builds a major communal clash between passing through a Muslim locality of up and communal hatred is spread. Bodos and Muslims of Bengali Bareili. Bareili is a sensitive town. It Buldana is a sensitive district in origin. It began around 19th July is also a centre of Baareili Muslims Maharashtra. It is ridiculous that though skirmishes between them and there is also mausoleum of communal violence can break out were going on for several days. I Hazrat Yusuf Razakhan, the founder on such petty issue. It shows how have already written in detail about of Bareili School of Muslims. It had communal propaganda is doing it when communal violence began witnessed communal riots a few damage to inter-group relations. on its causes etc. Suffice it may years ago which persisted for several to say here that it was one of the days on the occasion of Prophet’s Next was the turn of Sahibabad most major riots in post-Gujarat birth day. Though no one was killed in Ghaziabad district of U.P. On riots of 2002. The difference is more than 20 persons were injured. 8th July again a small incident of that in Gujarat about 2000 people two motorcycles clashing with each were killed and Modi-led BJP Next riot took place again in other and some argument between Government was actively involved U.P. in Bijnor on 22nd September. Hindu and Muslim riders took in committing the massacre but The provocation came from a serious form of communal clash in in Assam about 100 people were Panchayat which took place in Basta which one person was killed and killed and Assam Government of Chandpur area of Bijnor district. several others injured, The Hindus was not directly involved but was The bars were completely closed belonged to Tyagi community responsible by way of slow action. after communal violence broke out. and Tyagis entered into a Muslim The police controlled the situation. locality and began attacking Muslim Another significant difference Three persons were arrested for shops and houses. In this melee was by way of number of refugees. provocation from amongst the someone fired and one Tyagi boy In Gujarat loss of life was much Panchayat members. It is said that a was injured and died while being higher but number of refugees few days before communal clashes taken to Delhi. This further invited was not as high as in Assam. It broke out some Muslim youth wrath of Tyagis and they took full is estimated that in all there were had beaten up son of Chandpur liberty to attack and burn Muslim four and half lakh refugees, both block Pramukh Surendra Kaur. She properties. Property worth crores Bodos and Muslims but Muslims was former chief of Panchayat. A of rupees was destroyed. If police far outnumbered the Bodos. It was Panchayat was held in Basta and had taken prompt action after initial indeed a massive problem. Also they provocative speeches were made and events, things would not have taken remained in some make-do refugee then communal violence followed. such a serious turn. camps in very pitiable condition for more than three months. These Next Ghaziabad again witnessed On 13th July members of Tablighi refugees lost everything except communal violence in which sevrn Jamat from Delhi were visiting clothes on their bodies. Muslim youth were killed on Sitapur in U.P. and were passing 15th September. These disturbances through the lanes and bye-lanes of The Assam communal violence took place because some torn pages Sitapur when the son of a Samajwadi made Indian Muslims once again of Qur’an were found scattered. party happened to pass that way and very insecure like the Gujarat riots The protesting Muslim mob went to was riding on motorcycle. He had and in Mumbai during the month police station and it is alleged that to wait because of crowd and began of Ramadan they took out a huge they indulged in breaking furniture abusing Imam who was leading the procession consisting of some 45 and setting fire. The police resorted Tablishi people. The crowd became thousand people which resulted in to firing in which seven persons violent and set fire to the house violence on the streets of Mumbai were killed. of Chandrakumar Singh, the S.P. in South Mumbai. Once again activist; it is alleged the crowd set the atmosphere was charged with The Qur’anic pages were found fire to some 13 motor cycles also. communal tension. scattered on railway line and some The S.P. activist also alleged that objectionable things were written the violent crowd took away seven On 24th July Bareilli in U.P. on these pages along with a mobile lakhs cash besides jewelry, T.V. set, witnessed another communal number. When someone rang on etc. that were looted. Many Muslims riot in which one person was that number the person started JANATA, January 6, 2013 15 abusing and using vulgar language. communal violence there. Faizabad (Continued from Page 11) And when the mob went to police has a special place due to Ayodhya station to take action, police did not being very close. In fact Ayodhya and politicians for favours”. But act promptly and violence followed. and Faizabad are twin cities. solutions also lie potentially with Faizabad was on fire and it is said the people: a “free press, judicial activism, and civil society action has The Government has adopted police deliberately came late. Even emerged as a big corrective factor tough attitude towards miscreants Fire brigade is reported to have on the arbitrary use of executive and has also announced Rs. 5 lakh delayed its arrival causing much power”. In a later column, I will for each of the dead. Action is being more damage. taken against guilty police officers review some of Saxena’s suggestions also especially those who directly Even Bhadrasa, 18 kms. from for reforming the civil service. fired on Muslim youth and killed Faizabad experienced communal But how fair is his comprehensive them. disturbances. Eyewitnesses said indictment of the civil services today? even security forces became part My work on hunger, homelessness We had minor communal riot in of mob. Police role was very very and mass communal violence takes Raver and Jalgaon in Maharashtra partial and this too in SP regime me to distant corners of the country, too on the occasion of Ganesh in U.P. The Indian Express dated where I have encountered many festival when Hindus insisted on 10th November gave details of idealistic young officers, braving taking the Ganesh procession from video footage showing the police great odds in impoverished regions, a Muslim locality and Muslims in very bad and doubtful role. often racked by conflict, trying to took objection. The police did not It was openly partisan. Radoli, make a difference. There are among allow procession to be taken out otherwise a peaceful place near them unknown unsung heroes, from there. Four houses were set to Faizabad also came under spell of sometimes courageously standing fire. Police has arrested 39 from one up for justice against their own community and 41 from the other communal violence. But in Radouli governments who are complicit in and thus controlled situation. 10 policemen stood in rioters’ way. Thus there are some policemen who communal massacres, corruption Akot in Maharashtra witnessed are true to their salt. or forceful dispossession of poor th communities. But still there is justice riots on 25 October when someone From above account it would be allegedly Muslims attacked Durga in Saxena’s overall despair about seen that as usual most of the riots procession. Four persons were killed the corrosion of India’s steel frame, started on petty and sometimes and Over 17 houses and 16 shops and its betrayal of its duties to the personal quarrel and soon assumed were and 10 vehicles were burnt. people of India and the Constitution. Burnt Muslims localities were very communal shape. This is effect of If it does not reclaim its mantle of badly affected as various miscreants constant communal propaganda. defending the public good with entered these localities and burnt Secondly, with few honourable courage, impartiality and integrity, houses and attacked people. A exceptions the role of police is very its decline may be terminal. house caught fire by electrical partisan and often they become –The Hindu malfunctioning according to the part of the mob and even indulge in (Continued from Page 10) police authority and rumour spread looting and plunder. It takes neither lead to unintended consequences that house was burnt the police proper preventive measure nor does like killing hapless children? Is intervened and Durga procession it control once riots break out continued and idols were immersed. individual liberty superior to human However, disturbances started again U.P. was very badly affected. life? Has human civilization not on Wednesday and Muslims suffered Nine riots took place in eight months demonstrated in its long history the most. Many of them lost roof over after Mulayam Singh Party came to intrinsic worth of ‘kindnesses as their heads. power. Muslims were badly shaken against animal brutality’ (even they that they voted for Mulayam Singh operate within their boundary)? Are Next it was turn of Faizabad and Mulayam Singh hardly took we incapable of surrendering our where communal violence broke any effective measures to control little freedoms, being members of a out on 25th October. It was alleged communal violence and made society, to make our fellow humans that someone had broken the arm Muslims feel much more insecure. comfortable and to reinforce the of a Durga idol. Obviously it was Mulayam Singh is strong on rhetoric line between human and animal a deliberate conspiracy to start and very weak in delivery. kingdom? R.N.I. NO. 1855/1957 16 JANATA, January 6, 2013 P.R. No. MH/MR/WEST/275/2012-2014. Posted on every Wednesday at Mumbai Patrika Channel, Mumbai GPO-1

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Printed and Published by G.G. Parikh on behalf of Janata Trust. Printed at Mouj Printing Bureau, Khatau Wadi, Girgaum, Mumbai-400 004 and published at D-15, Ganesh Prasad, Naushir Bharucha Marg (Sleater Road), Mumbai - 400 007. Established 1946 Price : Rupees Five

Vol. 67 No. 51 The best and the worst January 13, 2013 S. Viswam How to address a social evil? K. S. Chalam A national, societal or a domestic same time, another surprise, a court crisis, they say, brings out the best has already begun the trial of the six Say No to Nuclear Energy and the worst in human beings. accused, one of them in the juvenile Neeraj Jain The December 16 gangrape of a court since he is a minor. So keen is young girl on board a running bus the public interest in the trial that the in New Delhi by six men proved to court could not accommodate the An Equal Society be a good reference point to test the large number of visitors and had to D. K. Giri saying. Hundreds of young men and evict them, and order the proceedings women, and number of older citizens, to be held in camera out of the view Death of Congress in Andhra deeply moved by the episode, are of the media. still to come to terms with it. This Y.V.Reddy can be seen in the attendance at the That there is an urgent necessity for India Gate venue in New Delhi of a putting tough laws on the statute book This new politics large number of people daily. Many is not disputed. Nor are there any of them come with flowers to offer wide differences over the common Yogendra Yadav to the memory of the brutalised understanding and assessment woman, many of them in rage over that even the laws already in force Initial Setback to the incident, but all of them airing and available to the law enforcing Opposition Unity the view in public that the sacrifice authorities are not being implemented. of the woman should not go in vain. There is, to no one’s surprise, wide For the first time, a tragic event, none consensus over the assessment that Shivnath Prasad passes away too flattering to the self-esteem of the police, all through the country, the citizenry, has served to unite the and in rural India in particular, entire country in support of a common are not sincere in using the law to Editor : cause, namely, the ensuring of the punish the guilty. On the contrary, G. G. Parikh safety and security of our womenfolk the police are known to collude with and girls. This development criminals, and more often than not, Managing Editor : Guddi represents the surfacing of the best become criminals themselves. It is D-15, Ganesh Prasad, in human beings at the time of a crisis. partly because of police indifference Naushir Bharucha Marg, Surprisingly, the government, and its failure to protect the victims Mumbai - 400 007. usually distant and detached from that the families of victims do not public opinion, is moving speedily feel enthused about registering rape Email : [email protected] to strengthen the laws against rape, complaints. When the police refuse violence and abuse of women. At the to accept FIRs, and instead, bully the 2 JANATA, January 13, 2013 victims to stop pursuing the cased, Between the lines what are the citizens supposed to do?

Leave this aside. Another unfortunate aspect of the Communalism legitimized implementation of laws is the politician-police nexus which is Kuldip Nayar a hard reality one witnesses in all parts of the country. The politician No doubt, the Bhartiya Janata community. Muslim terrorism has and those he supports get away Party (BJP) is less rhetorical than no chance against Hindu terrorism with even major offences because before in its references to Muslims. simply because of the numbers. the protection he offers the police, There can be two reasons for this. who in turn make the innocent the One, the party has its eyes fixed on I realize that some Muslims scapegoats and impose hardships the scenario after the parliamentary out of desperation have taken to on them. Several commissions elections in early 2014. It would violence. But this is the path Hindu have been appointed to look into need the support of secular parties militant organizations like the Bajrag the police functioning, but the to have a majority in the Lok Sabha, Dal, Ram Sena and Vishwa Hindu reforms suggested by each of them the lower house. Any adverse remark Parishad want the community to are in cold storage. Now that the against the Muslims may cost the take. The guilt of these organisations government says that it is alive to party and endanger its chances of has been proved from the bomb the problems that have been thrown constituting a viable coalition. blasts at Malegaon, Ajmer and up by the gangrape, one can only Hyderabad. Initially, the suspicion hope that the issue will be dealt with Two, the BJP feels that it can was on Muslims—as is the police comprehensively and the nation will afford to give the impression of being practice—and the Muslim youth was not have to agonise again as it did liberal at a time when soft Hindutva picked up. At Hyderabad, they were during the last few weeks. has engripped even the leftist parties. beaten by the police. But a detailed The Congress is seen steadily losing investigation revealed a Hindu hand. Now, let us turn our attention to its secular credentials in the past another development directly falling few years. If any proof is needed, In fact, the random arrests of out of the horrendous episode of the Gujarat assembly elections gave Muslim youth are the biggest worry December 16. There have been a it amply because the party never of the community. A delegation, spate of statements and comments touched in its poll campaigns the including Hindus, has met Prime and reactions from a wide spectrum ethnic cleansing which the state Minister Manmohan Singh to seek of the population. Put together, chief minister Narendra Modi had remedy. His promise to take action they represent the surfacing of the attempted in 2002 with the help of has lessened the number of Muslim worst in our ranks. It is all the more the BJP cadres and the police force. youth’s detention, but the community unfortunate that many of those who The Congress thought that it might is far from satisfied. Many Muslim have pontificated on the subject of alienate the Hindu vote by talking young men are still rotting in jail, women, crime against women, rape about the killing of Muslims during awaiting their cases to be posted for and violence against women happen the election campaign. hearing. Worst is the loss of their to hold responsible positions or years which could have been utilized even public office. The RSS chief This must have come as a shock to in pursuing higher studies or doing Mohan Bhagwat, for example, the Muslims throughout the country some useful work. incredibly enough said that rape is because they vote, by and large, an occurrence only in India (urban) in favour of the Congress. Yet, it Had there been accountability, and not in Bharat (rural). He is must be the biggest dilemma of the such chauvinist deeds by the police among those who hold the view that Muslim community to find out which would not have taken place. Young women provoke rapes by venturing party is liberal. The radicalization of men have been released when law out of their houses scantily clad the community is not the answer, as courts have found that there is no and emulating western dress habits. it is happening. This would be used evidence against them. Who made (Continued on Page 3) as an evidence to stigmatize the the mistake? Who is responsible JANATA, January 13, 2013 3 for illegal arrests? He should be saw before partition is just below limitations, India is determined to punished if the impression that the surface even now. The political walk the path of secularism. There the Muslim youth was picked up parties bring that frenzy to the fore if cannot be any compromise on the without any rhyme or reason is to and when they find it advantageous basics. be removed. to them in elections or some other (Continued from Page 2) occasions. Even after 65 years of I am more worried about the independence, secularism has not Vibha Rao, head of Chhattisgarh’s increasing distance between Hindus taken roots. What it boils down to state women commission, has said and Muslims. True, they have no is that the spirit of accommodation that women invite men’s attention by social contact with one another. is drying up. their dress and boldness and hence But the give-and-take attitude is they must be held as responsible for languishing. The only redeeming One way to give secularism a the offence as the rapist. The worst factor is that there has been no major chance is to punish those who in comment is, wonder of wonders, riot after the Gujarat carnage. This any way harm it. The destructors from Asaram Bapu, a spiritual guru does not mean that the country has of the Babri masjid are yet to be with a large following, making wild managed to curb communalism. punished. In the same way, Modi statements bordering on the absurd Assam is a recent example. has not been touched for the killing and shocking. For instance, this of 3000 Muslims. Convenience or gentleman would want women about I was recently in Kerala. I found pragmatism comes in the way and to be raped or otherwise humiliated, even the leftists contaminated. the guilty go scot-free. But imagine to catch the feet of the rapists and This is one state where Christians the effect it has on the Muslims. call them her brothers instead of are spreading their arms as the The BJP chides the Congress for trying to protect themselves as Hindus and Muslims are doing at the its complicity in the 1984 killings effectively as they can. There there expense of amity. Strange, the best of Sikhs and the Congress gives it have been many other equally of economic ideology fails when back to the BJP by spelling out what absurd and bizarre comments from the feeling of religious superiority happened in Gujarat. As debating those who should know better. takes over. In our backyard, Uttar points, the two happenings carry They all reflect an antediluvian and Pradesh, small communal riots have weight. But, what about secularism, anachronistic mindset that has no taken place in hundreds. The media India’s ethos? place in modern India of the 21st has not given them any publicity. In century. More than changing laws, fact, it does not talk about communal I have an uncomfortable feeling changing the thinking of our netas riots unless they are really big ones. that communalism is getting seems more necessary and urgent. legitimacy. More and more people On one hand is the example of are turning fanatics. Even the police Delhi where students of all castes or the other security forces have and religions came together to not escaped contamination. Little Madhu Dandavate protest against the gang rape of do they realise that democracy a 23-year-old girl and showed has no meaning if pluralism is not By that when it was the question of there. Hatred and bias have to be resisting tyranny, all were together. eliminated from body politics, if B. Vivekanandan On the other, a procession through democracy has to survive. Price: Rs. 20/- a “wrong” route brings out swords from sheaths. I am amazed that Akhruddin Owasi in Hyderabad could dare Janata Trust I really believed, like the to give a virulent speech to D-15, Ganesh Prasad, Congress leaders Abul Kalam Azad communalize the atmosphere. I am Naushir Bharucha Marg, and Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan, that equally astonished that the crowd Grant Road (W), communalism was the creation of the cheered him. He has no place in Mumbai 400 007. British and it would go after they had a country like India because such quit. But I have been proved wrong. people are striking at the very The same type of madness which I roots of secularism. Whatever the 4 JANATA, January 13, 2013 How to address a social evil?

K. S. Chalam

The recent appalling incident of otherworldliness and the belief crimes against women, particularly gang rape in Delhi has shaken the system that the perpetrator would against some of some social groups conscience of the whole nation. meet his “karmafala” subsequently. either in the villages or in cities Though Delhi has witnessed several Along with this fatalistic attitude to (the present Delhi case may be an such incidents in the past including life, the social division of society as exception) are a fall out of the belief the brutal Geeta and Sanjay Chopra castes or communities and within system and the believers in such kidnapping, raping and killing each group as ruling and ruled (or institutions. The Indian state has in 1978, the present episode has servitude groups) has made many done lot of introspection and brought happened in a capital city of a perpetrators of crimes of rape as several legal instruments to deal with country that is projected as the so- casual and relaxed. the aberrations of a bygone era. Yet, called future power house of the we see today there is no change in world. The news of the incident Rape or gang rape is a social issue the crime against women if we go spread like wild fire and there were as it involves several actors in the through the statistics maintained by wide ranging protests from different process as seen in the Delhi episode. the department of Home. Therefore, quarters of the social spectrum. The The subtle belief that certain groups the creation of new laws or reform influence of electronic media on are meant for the pleasure and of existing ones, relating to rape the impulsive reactions of people in service of the dominant groups or in the Indian context, need to be the urban areas on sensitive issues individuals has further complicated examined from a holistic perspective like this now is different from the the matter. Those who are not rather than a momentary reaction to 1980s. It needs to be dispassionately familiar with the rural and tribal life a genuine emotional outburst. discussed and solutions for a and society do not understand this permanent eradication of the evil are phenomenon and fail to appreciate Keeping the above issues in mind, to be sought by everyone. There is why this is also happening in the we may discuss the following for a no doubt Indian legal frame work has cities. It is a known fact that majority meaningful consensus to arrive at on been subjected to change and reform of the migrants are from the rural the proposed changes. time and again on the basis of public areas carrying with them not only demand and on its own introspection. their physical bodies but also the Some Suggestions There are several structures which mindset that was insensitive to such 1. The IPC 375 has defined rape are in place including the Law incidents as they are almost universal and it has been further elaborated Commission, Women’s Commission against certain groups in the villages with new concepts and ideas like and so on. But, the present incident from where they migrate. The issue custodial rape, marital rape and is to be reckoned under the growing of Khairlanji in rural Maharastra sexual intercourse. The women’s awareness of the people about the of Bharat is a well known case organizations are not happy in the Human Rights and the vigilant civil about which the so-called civil use of terms like “Eve Teasing” society activists and the role of society never bothered except the rather they wanted to use terms netizens. dalits. This is not to cite the social like sexual abuse or crime in institutions like Devadasi system such incidents. This may be The incidences of rape are much which may be a social contract to considered as important input higher in countries like South protect them for the service rendered since it is loaded with important Africa, USA and elsewhere in to the dominant. This should not messages. terms of the number, but the Indian be confused between the private situation appears to be different from contract of a male and female 2. In most of the cases, the them not only in terms of levels of agreeing to live together as wife and investigatve agencies are not literacy and cultural differences husband sometimes in a patriarchic in a position to obtain concrete but also the social phenomena of bond. In fact, the perpetuation of evidence as per procedures JANATA, January 13, 2013 5

and precedents that results in prolonged litigation leading to Say No to Nuclear Energy exasperation of the victim. It is therefore, necessary to strengthen Neeraj Jain the infrastructure like forensic labs that deal with cases of The plain truth about nuclear for thousands of years! this kind and may be split to energy is – it is not safe, clean and have units exclusively to deal An even more monstrous problem with cases of this nature so that green. On the contrary, it is, to use is the problem of waste disposal. immediate disposal of the cases a phrase in the Bhagwad Gita, a Each 1000 MW nuclear power plant can be made possible. There is ‘Destroyer of Worlds’. Nuclear generates 30 tons of radioactive explosion of technology and it energy is generated in a nuclear waste annually. This waste is possible to find out from the reactor when nuclear fuel (uranium contains elements like Plutonium experts particularly from bio- 235) kept in the reactor core is split technology and related fields up, releasing huge amounts of heat. and Technetium, and is intensely to devise methods to find out This heat is used to produce steam, radioactive and remains so for techniques to nab the culprit which in turn is used to drive a more than 2 lakh years! There is instantaneously. turbine to generate electricity. no safe way of storing these deadly wastes; they are generally stored 3. As of now, the victim is supposed During this fission process, more in temporary storage sites near the to go to the police station to than 200 types of new, highly reactors. Everywhere, the waste is report and it is almost a torture radioactive elements are created. leaking, leaching, seeping through for the victim to narrate such The reactor core of a 1000 MW the soil into aquifers, rivers and incidents if a lady constable is nuclear power plant contains an seas, to ultimately enter the bodies not present. Is it not possible to amount of long-lived radiation of plants, fish, animals and humans. take the investigating team to the equivalent to that released by 1000 Its consequences are going to be with place of incident or to the victim Hiroshima bombs! Many of these us for the rest of time! along with the electronic gadgets radioactive elements will continue Accident-prone to record and communicate the to emit radiation for thousands of same to the station if necessary years. The impact of this radiation Finally, because of the complex instantaneously to snitch the on the human body is deathly: it nature of nuclear technology, nuclear culprit? causes cancer, infertility, premature reactors are inherently prone to aging, kidney problems, and several accidents. No amount of safety 4. The Law and Order enforcement other diseases, and also mutates devices can prevent them. This agency can also think of a special the reproductive genes – causing was eloquently brought out in a team consisting of only women all kinds of diseases and birth report by some of the world’s most from the local community deformities in future generations. distinguished scientists presented representing different caste to the European Parliament in groups so that the victim can Even if nuclear reactors operate 2007 which examined the safety directly go to them and report. normally, their environmental costs records of nuclear plants in several The group should be given a are terrible. People living near the countries. They came to the stunning statutory status to produce their reactors are inevitably exposed to conclusion that “since Chernobyl, evidence as legal. radiation leakages: the diabolical catastrophe has, on several elements created in the fission occasions, only narrowly been 5. As in the advanced countries reaction leak out of the reactor into avoided.” In other words, sooner like USA, student volunteers the environment through a number or later, a catastrophic nuclear areto be named and equipped to of ways. The consequence: they accident was bound to happen, and it deal with such cases not only on will continue to suffer from cancer happened in Fukushima. An accident the campuses but also elsewhere and other deathly diseases and needs a reason; the earthquake and children will continue to be born tsunami happened to be it. Even after (Continued on Page 7) with mental and physical deformities Fukushima, if we still do pay heed 6 JANATA, January 13, 2013 and do not shut down each and every Ratnagiri district of Maharashtra, the energy is as safe as the government nuclear reactor all over the world, government is proposing to import and the nuclear industry is claiming sooner or later, another catastrophic six giant-sized, 1650 MW, reactors it to be, why this law? accident is bound to happen again, from France. It is also planning to set in one of the world’s 430 operating up massive nuclear power parks in Combine all this, and it is reactors. the coastal areas of Orissa, Andhra obvious that we are heading for a Pradesh and Gujarat. Six to eight huge catastrophe. If an accident Sun Setting on Nuclear Energy reactors, of 1000-1650 MW, will be were to happen at Madban, in Because of these terrible effects, installed at each nuclear park. the minimum entire Western most countries around the world Maharashtra, including Pune, would have stopped building nuclear To prove the safety of India’s be contaminated; and if it happens plants. The US has not ordered a new nuclear program despite the massive at Kudankulam, Kerala and Tamil plant for nearly 40 years now, since tragedy in Japan which has brought Nadu would have to be evacuated! October 1973, and Canada since out in grim detail the dangers of Are we going to allow this? 1978. A majority of countries of nuclear energy, India’s nucleophiles Western Europe have banned nuclear are making the most outrageous Alternative Solution power plants. After Fukushima, statements. For instance, they are As the people of Japan are now countries which had nuclear plants, claiming that India’s reactors are learning through bitter experience, like Germany and Switzerland, have of superior design and our safety how can a technology which can be decided to close down their existing record is better than Japan’s! The so devastating be called sustainable? nuclear reactors too. truth is that India’s Department of The genuinely safe, and actually the Atomic Energy and its subsidiary, only environmentally sustainable Three months after the Fukushima the Nuclear Power Corporation of solution, to the country’s energy accident, on July 13, the Japanese India, are notoriously inefficient crisis and our future growth needs Prime Minister, in a television and completely untrustworthy. is: maximizing energy efficiency address to the nation, stated that They have built and operated their and using renewable energy sources. Japan should learn from the disaster much smaller 220 MW reactors Through measures such as increasing and called for a complete phase- so carelessly that nuclear experts generation, transmission and end- out of nuclear power. He stated: worldwide have labelled them use efficiency, it is possible to reduce “Through my experience of the the “least efficient” and the “most electricity demand by a whopping March 11 accident, I came to realise dangerous in the world”. There 30-40 percent! That would not only the risk of nuclear energy is too have been hundreds of accidents at wipe out the entire power sector high. It involves technology that India’s reactors! Some of these, like deficit in the country which is less cannot be controlled according to the accident at Narora in UP in 1993, than 20 percent, there would be our conventional concept of safety.” very nearly led to a Chernobyl- no need to build new power plants like meltdown. And now we are for the next few years!! But just But Not in India! entrusting these organisations with taking efficiency improvement The huge scale of the the responsibility of supervising the measures would not be enough, as Fukushima disaster has however construction and subsequently of efficiency improvement often leads left the Indian government and operating imported reactors five to to an increase in demand. Therefore, nuclear establishment unfazed. seven times bigger than the reactors along with improving efficiency, It is determined to implement its presently installed in the country! it would also be necessary to curb ambitious plans for a quantum jump demand by imposing curbs on in nuclear power generation, from To make matters worse, bowing luxurious and wasteful consumption 4780 MW at present to 63,000 MW to pressure from its foreign nuclear of electricity. In that case, our future by 2032. Two Russian-built 1000 plant suppliers, the government growth needs can easily be met from MW reactors are nearing completion of India has passed a Nuclear renewable energy sources. Even the in Kudankulam in Tamil Nadu; Liability Law, indemnifying foreign government admits their potential a powerful people’s movement equipment suppliers of all liabilities to be: Wind Energy - 48,500 MW; has prevented them from getting in case of an accident in a reactor Small Hydro Power - 15,000 MW; commissioned. At Jaitapur, in supplied by them!! If indeed nuclear Biomass Energy - 21,000 MW; and at JANATA, January 13, 2013 7 least 50,000 MW from Solar Energy. opportunity. India’s rulers have sold nuclear program, sooner or later, The actual potential is much much their souls to the devil for a price that a major nuclear accident is bound more. Furthermore, while nuclear would have shamed Faust! to take place in one of our nuclear electricity costs are rising, renewable reactors. And if that happens, its energy costs are rapidly falling: Friends, costs are going to so huge that it will wind energy is already cheaper At each and every place in the destroy India. than conventional electricity; solar country where the government is photovoltaic energy costs are rapidly proposing to set up nuclear plants – We must support these struggles. coming down, are already much Kudankulam in south Tamil Nadu, Young and old, students and teachers, cheaper than nuclear electricity, and Jaitapur in the Konkan region of working people, all of us must join are expected to become cheaper than Maharashtra, Gorakhpur in Haryana, these struggles and demand of the grid electricity costs by 2015-20. Chutka in Madhya Pradesh, Kovvada government of India: Even if construction begins now, it in Andhra Pradesh and Mithivirdi would take at least 10 years to build in Gujarat – people are waging 1. Scrap the Kudankulam and a nuclear power plant. By then, it determined struggles. These peoples’ Jaitapur nuclear power projects! would have become unviable. struggles are not for getting a better Scrap all new nuclear power compensation package from the plants. The Real Reason for Nuclear Push government. The people of these Why then are India’s rulers regions are actually fighting for all 2. Phase out all existing nuclear indulging in this madness of of us, for the people of the entire plants at the earliest. constructing nuclear power plants? country. They are demanding that One important reason: to provide the nuclear plants be scrapped. They 3. Invest massively in energy saving foreign corporations and big Indian realise that if the government of and development of renewable corporations another opportunity to India continues with its diabolical technologies. make huge profits. Ever since 1991, when the government began the (Continued from Page 5) globalisation of India, successive when a report or information is equally applicable to him. An governments have been running received. amendment to the rape law or the Indian economy solely for juvenile law can be brought in maximising the profits of giant 6. It is not only the perpetrators of accordingly foreign and Indian business sexual abuse but also the abettors houses – through schemes like are responsible for the increase 8. There is a need to look at the SEZs, privatisation of public of rapes and crimes against curriculum of schools not only to sector corporations and financial females of different age groups sensitize the students but, more institutions at throwaway prices, in India. We cannot overlook the than students , the teachers and allowing them to plunder mountains, terrible impact of the cinema, their training to convert them as the forests and rivers for their immense media and social norms and mentors and guardians of students mineral wealth displacing lakhs institutions that promote directly while they are in the school or of people, allowing them to take and indirectly such anti-social college. The punishment for any over education, health and other impulses among youth. We need criminal activity on the part of essential services and mint super to devise mechanisms to deal with the teacher should be no less than profits, and so on. With nuclear the increasing menace emanating removal from service through a power on decline in the West, the from them due process of investigation. global nuclear industry is looking to Asia, especially China and India, 7. There seem to be some discussion 9. Are we not aware of the fact that for markets. And so the Manmohan about the age of the juvenile most of the newly emerging evils Singh government has decided to offender. If the boy is competent in our society are a byproduct promote nuclear energy in India. and potent to commit rape, is of the policies that we have This is expected to provide foreign it not a sufficient condition to adopted in recent times? Can nuclear corporations and their Indian declare him as adult and all the we do something about it or feel collaborators a $150 billion business provisions of law should be made helpless? 8 JANATA, January 13, 2013 An Equal Society

D. K. Giri

Equality between human beings, regional entities and so on. If we say, arguing that unless people irrespective of their differences in wish to avoid conflicts, we must are rewarded for their extra-work, social, political, cultural, physical, or treat fellow human beings as equals creativity, they will not strive for economic conditions is the key value despite difference in sex, abilities, more. This is where Marx’s unique for a Democratic Socialist, for any rank and status, etc. Some thinkers concept of ‘economic determinism’ progressive person in public life. It argue that when people are inherently comes into play. We cannot ignore is also the main guiding principle for unequal, one cannot treat everyone the drivers, mainly economic ones, building a just, fair and harmonious equally. There is a point in this; in for people’s activities for growth, of society. Inequality in societies have equal treatment, rich or powerful course the fruits of that growth can been accepted and interpreted by will be privileged and the weak and be redistributed for creating equal many thinkers as “given”. To quote a poor will be deprived. So it is said, conditions in the society, and looking few, Darwin suggested that “it is the “if you treat everyone equally, you after those who cannot manage survival of the mightiest or fittest”; are treating some people unequally.” by themselves due to inherent Karl Marx said, “man exploits That is why we have preferential inabilities. One could divide people man”, in societies that are known treatment for the weak, marginalised into at least four categories in by different classes and inevitable and vulnerable; that is why there is their attitudes to inequality and struggles between them. preferential quotas in jobs, economic policies to mitigate it. Traditional support by the state, in order to equalitarians who support measures Some would say, people are born create equal conditions for people to tackle inequality at all levels; unequal, so one cannot treat them all to pursue their aspirations, and avail traditional free-marketeers, who equally. So how do we understand the life chances; to create the level oppose measures to tackle inequality and adopt the concept of “equality” playing fields. This begs another at any level, both at the top and as the key organising principle for a strategic question on equality, which the bottom; the middle class, will society? What do the people think is: equality of what? support in a limited way taxing the about equality and what should we rich, but not really alleviating the do about it. Conditions or Outcomes poor, and finally the progressives, Orthodox Socialists would argue who will support at all levels, Inequalities and Conflicts that we can have a just society I would call them Democratic It is beyond doubt that treating only when we have equality of Socialists, who support measures to people unequally or exploiting the outcomes. This means people have tax the rich, they have more positive inequalities created or inherent in same income, same services in attitude towards those at the top than societies leads to conflict, then to health, education, housing and other the traditional equalitarians, without violence, which destroys peace infrastructure. The entrepreneurship, having negative attitudes towards and harmony, retards growth and differentiated skills of individuals those in poverty or being opposed development. All conflicts in will have opportunity to flower, but to tackling inequality at the bottom. societies arise out of inequalities will not be rewarded by economic when some people treat other people gains but will generate social Attitudes to Equality as inferior, outsider, not one-among- goods for common use. Society What are some of the popular them and so on. Hindus, Muslims, will be richer, healthier and will attitudes to the question of equality? Christians and Jews treat each grow collectively, where citizens It will be useful, in formulating an other as enemies; men treat women individually will enjoy the same ideological platform, to conduct as weaker sex and exploit them, benefits. Others would contest this a survey on people’s attitude so the conflicts occur between strategy as untenable, too idealistic to towards inequalities. On the basis of social groups, ethnic categories and achieve. This will also kill initiative, secondary data, one could somewhat economic groups called classes, entrepreneurship and growth, they map ‘the moods on high salary, JANATA, January 13, 2013 9 super-rich, income gap, progressive blame people who do not achieve making and governance, these need tax and benefit system, low-incomes, in a world of infinite possibilities? to be separated. One could have quality of life for all, and living We tend to emulate those who multiple identities on the basis of with some inequalities. Most people achieve. We do not stand up for language, religion, region, etc. but support high salaries in general as the poor because he is a looser. By has single citizenship. In dealing they tend to believe that these are taking economic criterion alone with an individual, citizenship “deserved inequalities”, meaning we cannot possibly bring about the should override all other identities. people earn, these on the basis of quality of life. This is where Marx Such strategy will preserve ability, effort, performance, etc. The failed. We need to see life in many secularism, nationalism (on the basis egalitarians and the austere would other dimensions, sociability or of citizenship) and multiculturalism. say people do not deserve such high social capital, cultural expression, Any social-cultural identity should salaries and they do not need it. freedom of thought, expression and be respected, preserved unless it However, the argument in favour of belief, the freedom to be different conflicts with citizenship values high salary remains that it is a reward and so on. That is how we can and responsibilities. Indian society for excellence and entrepreneurship. measure peoples’ well being. The is not only diversified – it is also Although people may support newest dimension is environmental hierarchical and communalised. salary differentials, people support security. Having clean environment An individual is perceived, and tax and benefit system and other cannot be compensated by economic reacts only in relation to his or her redistributive policies on the ground prosperity. So, the equality of life community. Communitarianism of fairness and equality. People can be secured by redefining the cuts both ways, it fosters intra- will support distributive policies quality of life. community solidarity, but at the same based on ‘progressive universalism, time, it suppresses individualism where the coverage of benefit Equality and Diversities and independent action by citizens. is wider. But, when it comes to Equality is often confused with Therefore a balance needs to be unequal life chances due to historical uniformity which militates against maintained between individual and conditions, people support targeted diversities. This is a debatable the community. interventions to improve life chances point, especially in countries like for disadvantaged population. In India where diversities are seen as Conclusion order to build a consensus on an impediment to equality. A lower Most of the positions taken by tackling income equality, there has caste, a person of other religion, Indian policy makers are a balance, to be explicit admission of the fact or region is treated inferiorly. For compromise or conciliation between that some inequalities will exist. historical reasons, in India lower two contrasting views. Life is not And attempts must be made to castes are also the poor class, hence seen in terms of binary opposites, but improve quality of life in general. the caste is synonymous with class. a middle path. This is understandable While tackling the negative effects That is how Indian policy makers and desirable, as there is room for of inequalities like crime, terrorism, have sought to create equality by many options, not only black and instability, improvement in quality adopting affirmative action for the white. But how to draw this balance of life for all should be the goal lower castes/class. This has, while and who does it is critical. The through egalitarianism. The quality providing distributive justice to integrity of persons maintaining this life calls for debate about the social certain castes, made ‘caste’ a category balance is often questioned as the and economic values that guide and for political mobilisation. This also scale seems to be fitted to one side direct a society, not just materialism has brought other diversities into or the other. Therefore, in addition and consumerism we experience conflict with the notion of equality. to maintaining the balancing act, a today. Concepts and practices of secularism clear understanding, definition of or multiculturalism have not helped political categories (citizens) and Equality of Life the process of equality building. social-cultural categories (identities) If there is enough feeling of The way out of this is to separate is important. While making policies, solidarity for redistribution for citizenship and identity. These utmost care needs to be taken to see progressive taxation, why there is two distinct concepts are confused whether such policies promote or so much inequality to-day? Why in India in our desperation for are we in a situation, when we national integration. For policy (Continued on Page 12) 10 JANATA, January 13, 2013 Death of Congress in Andhra


YSR Congress party has come that queered the pitch for Moily by with him to the Congress party. It up recently after the sad demise of complaining to Sonia who promptly is an over-simplification of the caste Y.S Rajashekar Reddy. He was the put her foot down on the Yatra. If calculus that had prompted them Congress Chief Minister of Andhra only she had heeded Moily, their to woo Chiranjeevi and his flock. Pradesh (AP) from March 2004 to man on the spot, Jagan could still The central managers also did not September 2009. He was killed in have continued in the Congress, have a proper idea of YSR’s hold a helicopter crash in September though waiting in the wings for an on certain segments of the public in 2009. His son, Jagan Mohan Reddy, opportune moment to be anointed the state which incidentally included Jagan for short, a new member of CM. the traditional vote banks of the parliament by then, in his late thirties, Congress. To equate Chiranjeevi in more a budding industrialist at that The state government is politics with YSR is an egregious time wanted two things. One was directionless, swaying to the mood blunder. And that Jagan is not just that he aspired to step into the shoes of the day ever since YSR died. a pushover must have dawned on of his father as AP’s CM. Two, he However urgent the problem, the them by now. Last but not least, wished to visit the families of those state government left the whole the Janpath’s bosses’ response to who died of shock at the unusual business of thinking to their masters the Jagan’s increasing popularity death of his father. It is true that in Delhi at 10 Janpath. The state in the by-polls was to unleash YSR won the hearts of the common rulers behaved as if their business the CBI on the young man and people, the poor, the downtrodden, is “not to reason why…but to do shut him down in jail, for as long or die.”The result was that the through several welfare measures by as possible, spinning out charge Congress in the state was rendered sheet after charge sheet in the all- which they were touched as never bereft of any value or dignity in the encompassing “disproportionate before. Even if the Congress high eyes of the electorate. Contingents assets case.” Indeed legal troubles command turned down the first on of MPs, Ministers, and MLAs had have a way of morphing into account of his being a greenhorn in dawn only jeers and suppressed political gains. The fact is, the administration, they couldn’t have smiles. Congress will have to meet the objected to the second as it impacted Jagan challenge politically and not the family sentiment. The high Those dealing with the problems through the “disproportionate use of command, is incidentally, neither of the state from Delhi were only investigative assets.” The Congress high-minded nor in command of the shooting themselves in the foot. The high command’s responses had thus situation. The issue was thoroughly response to KCR’s fast for a separate produced the opposite effect of what mishandled. Jagan, his mother and Telengana, for instance, was Home was intended besides showcasing sister were deeply hurt after the Minister, Chidambaram’s mid-night the state government as an utterly tete-a-tete they had and felt spurned declaration in parliament, conceding helpless and useless appendage by Sonia Gandhi at her residence in the demand which infuriated incapable of doing anything on its Delhi. The situation could still have other parts of the state. Srikrishna own. been saved, if the sensible Veerappa Commission was a wise decision Moily, the then in-charge of AP but its report was left on the shelf. Otherwise, the state government affairs, had been left free to handle The vacuum created in the party by would have objected to the arrest of the situation. He tried to assuage the death of YSR and the exit of his Jagan during election time. The CM their feelings by giving a formal son Jagan was sought to be filled by could also have protested the arrest nod to the ‘Odarpu Yatra’ , to which luring Chiru and his party into the of one of his colleagues by the CBI Jagan felt an unstoppable surge, in congress, on the daft assumption for signing a GO that benefitted fulfillment of the pledge he took at that the 15 percent vote that his an investor in Jagan’s companies, the place where his father’s remains party polled in the 2009 general when he was a minister in the YSR were found. It was Ahmed Patel election would automatically shift cabinet. Having been in the loop JANATA, January 13, 2013 11 during YSR’s time a Chief Whip and Ingratitude be left to stew in his own juice and later, as Speaker, the CM shouldn’t YSR delivered, on a golden become a spent force, answering have allowed the CBI to inquire platter, 29 and 33 Look Sabha seats, legal calls, coming and going to into the whole gamut of the YSR from Andhra Pradesh, for UPA jails, besides being branded an regime, which means questioning I and UPA II, in 2004 and 2009 oddball of corruption and a stark the very basis of the Congress rule in respectively, which were crucial power seeker. Along this road to the state, for the entire period from to the Congress under Sonia, for 2014 when the next election comes, 2004 to 2009. It doesn’t lie in one coming to power, on both the the young leader, the new party and and the same party, group, or person occasions. While they are still the YSR mystique would have paled to rule the state for as long as six enjoying the fruits of power, YSR, into insignificance to the extent that years, and question the same rule after his death, is being depicted the small group of supporters that in the court of law, in cahoots with as a villain in the vain hope that he remain, will anyway, crave to return, the opposition, while yet continuing would soon be forgotten, and that like prodigals, to Congress, as the to rule the state. It is tantamount to Sonia and her son Rahul – soon to only way to survive. playing a double game, practicing become the Prime Minister - would duplicity of the worst order, while replace him in the minds of the With some such well-laid at the same time, fooling the public people of Andhra Pradesh. But to scheming in mind, the high- for having elected them, twice, in their utter dismay, it turned out command set off to clinically implement the plan: A Congress 2004 and 2009, and also fooling that their credibility was soon on MLA, P. Shankar Rao was chosen their own party, implying it was the line, and that YSR dead is far to file a PIL in the High court for complicit in ruling the state. It more powerful than YSR alive. The a probe into the disproportionate should have occurred to them that Congress high command, in other assets of Jagan, to which the TDP during election time, the media words, had shot its bolt to erase the leaders “impleaded.” So, it was ought not to be touched, and instead YSR mystique from the minds of joint effort on part of the Congress they had issued GO’s for almost the AP electorate, but in the process, and the TDP that influenced the closing down the daily newspaper it appears to have shot itself in the high court to set the CBI on Jagan. and TV news channel belonging to foot. What Macbeth, the helpless victim of vaulting ambition, thought Shankar Rao was made a minister Jagan, which the high court had of of King Duncan, before doing away as a reward, in ten days. But what course disallowed. with him, can be applied to YSR defies any sense of public morality is that the Chief Justice of the High When the CBI had questioned the while in power. “….Besides, this Duncan hath borne his faculties so Court who ordered investigation by 26 GOs issued by the same cabinet meek, hath been so clear in his great the CBI and ED into Jagan’s assets, under YSR, which presumably office, that his virtues will plead like was made the chairman of the AP benefitted Jagan’s companies, as his angels, trumpet tongued, against the Human Rights Council, as soon as successor, the incumbent CM could deep damnation of his taking off;” he retired. have filed a counter; instead, he The Congress high command is exposed as many as six of his senior joined in this operation by Chandra The very next day the High ministers to CBI action and handed Baby, Chiranjeevi, Lagadapati, Court ordered the CBI enquiry, 28 over a minister to CBI custody. The Undavalli, etc to drive away his batches were searching the houses principle of collective responsibility spirit from AP, but it refuses to go and offices of Jagan, his relatives was tossed out of the window. It and only looms larger and larger, and friends, while 700 of the CBI seemed as though the Congress threatening to eclipse them all, had raided the Saakshi daily office. high command has set the CBI into politically, as the day of reckoning In Chandra Babu’s assets case, the the cabinet like the cat among the approaches in 2014. CBI waited until he got the stay pigeons, throwing the Congress order from the division bench. party in the state in utter disarray Ever since Jagan launched his “Why dint they search Sonia’s house and no Congressman had the heart own YSR Congress Party (YSR in the Bofors case, Botsa’s in the to work for its success. Sonia’s cabal CP) on March 12, 2011, plans were Volkswagen case, Rosiah’s in the had thus cut off its nose to spite its afoot, to throw him into the snake- EMR case, and of all the 6 ministers face in the state of Andhra Pradesh. pit of litigation, so that he would for issuing those 26 GO’s” asked 12 JANATA, January 13, 2013

Vijayamma, Jagan’s mother, on the stage, and the audience echoed Shivnath Prasad passes away with her . Shivnath Prasad, a source of centering Kadamkuan in Patna to In this context, Chief Minister, strength to the socialists and social him. During JP’s prison days at Kiran, had fired a broadside that activists of West Bengal and Bihar Chandigarh, Shivnathbabu was the Jagan was spreading lies that Sonia passed away on December 13, 2012, only person who used to keep on was responsible for his arrest. Are in Calcutta at the ripe age of 95. His regularly visiting him. In an article we so naïve to believe that all father Brajkishore Prasad was a very incorporated in the JP centenary this hurly-burly about Jagan took senior Congress leader of Bihar and volume published by JP centenary place behind her back, and that she a devoted Gandhian from the days committee, West Bengal and Mittal was kept in the dark by her close of Champaran Satyagraha till his publications, Delhi, Shivnathbabu confidants – Gulab Nabi Azad and death. Shivnathbabu, however, did had narrated his experiences of Vayalar Ravi? The central leadership not choose to be a political activist. JP’s prison days, particularly the has grown blind to the sensitivities Once he said to this reporter that mishandling of JP’ treatment. of the public. The party in AP is what he disliked was the discrepancy Shivnath Prasad was associated in power because YSR did take between the professions and with West Bengal based JP Antodaya his administration to the doorstep practices of some political leaders Nidhi as a trustee. of the downtrodden, despite its and workers around him during many defects, as never before. his early days. However, being a With Shivnathbabu’s sad demise, Notwithstanding that, everything is younger brother of Prabhavatidevi the socialists and JP admirers have being done by the same party, after and brother-in-law of JP, he could lost a friend in need and deed. his death, to malign his name and not keep any distance from them. As erase his memory. and when JP and Prabhadi came to – Sandip Das Calcutta, Shivnathbabu’s residence “Doctor, heal thyself” of 6C Short Street became their (Continued from Page 9) The funny thing is that the critics home. In fact, it would be difficult hamper equality. For Democratic who make charges of corruption are to find any political leader of any Socialists, equality is the watchword, themselves corrupt. And so, their party, not to speak of socialists and but it is observed interdependently charges, however seriously made, Gandhians, who had not visited 6C with its other core values – liberty, are not taken seriously by the public. Short Street. Many internal meetings justice and solidarity. Like Marxists, A columnist, for example, has of the socialists also took place there. Democratic Socialists will not barter written thus: “Chandra Babu talks At the time of the beginning of liberty for equality or vice versa. A as if he is Andhra Anna Hazare, but Bangladesh liberation struggle Prof. just, fair society is built on all the four the people know him as a master Samar Guha and this reporter had principles of Democratic Socialism, manipulator who can manage legal occasions to discuss the issue with although equality admittedly, is the cases against him to come up before JP at this place. On the eve of the most compelling of all. judges of his choice.” When, in a Emergency, besides the Navnirman tit-for-tat, Jagan’s mother filed a Samiti meetings, joint meetings with Janata petition in the High Court asking the non-Congress parties (except Subscription for a similar probe into his assets, the CPI) with JP took place at this Annual Rs. : 260/- a single bench ordered an enquiry. address. Shivnathbabu’s hospitality Three Years : 750/- But he saw to it, that the probe on all such occasions was pleasing. was quashed in a division bench Demand Draft / Cheque on by bringing in Mukesh Ambani Shivnath Prasad formed a trust in Mumbai Bank of Reliance who sought his own the name of his father, Brajkishore in favour of inclusion as a party, which was just Prasad which is involved in many Janata Trust a ruse to divert the main case from philanthropic activities. When JP the Chief Justice Lokur who held became very ill, he transferred all his D-15, Ganesh Prasad, some shares with the Reliance, by responsibilities of Mahila Charkha Naushir Bharucha Marg, Samiti and other organizations Mumbai 400 007 (Continued on Page 13) JANATA, January 13, 2013 13 Initial Setback to Opposition Unity

Efforts for consolidating all President of Loktantric Samajvadi The alternative political agenda opposition forces to present a viable Party, Vijay Pratap, Dr. Bhagwan suggested includes programmes alternative against the disastrous Singh, Ram Gopal Sisodia, Dr. such as: opposition to FDI and policies of the Congress and the Udit Raj, Raj Kumar Jain and Satya privatization of water, electricity, BJP, got a severe setback when Prakash Malviya, Socialist leaders, food and fuel; ban on projects Mulayam Singh Yadav, President of Prof. Ishwari Prasad, Thampan which cause mass displacement the Samajwadi Party, the main force Thomas, Vice President of Hind and destruction of environment; behind the effort, absented himself Mazdoor Sabha. employment based development; from the crucial meeting held in strong machinery to control Delhi on 8th January, the memory The meeting decided to set up corruption and crimes against women day of late Madhu Limaye. a forum of All India Socialist and and other weaker sections; use of Democratic Forces to pursue the Indian languages in administration; Although the letter inviting all efforts to build an alternative of Non- electoral reforms to free election leaders outside the UPA and NDA Congress-Non-BJP political parties from money and crime influence and was written by Mulayam Singh, he and various people’s movements. firm commitment to social justice. th had to miss the date, due to 150 Atul Anjan For AB Bardhan, Convenor, Coordination Committee anniversary of UP Assembly, which was to be addressed by the President (Continued from Page 12) of India, Pranab Mukherjee. invoking a dubious convention “not thanks to the patronage extended by before”, which ultimately landed The meeting was held as follow up the TDP and YSR governments. The the main case before a division list of the new rich, spawned under of the resolution passed in previous bench rather favorable to him . the TDP and YSR dispensations in meeting held on October 27, 2012, Sussex University’s Institute of conditions of crony capitalism, is on the occasion of release function Development studies conducted a long one, and Jagan probably is of Dr. Lohia’s debates in parliament, a survey on Naidu’s rule during one of them. which was addressed by Sarvashri 2002-04 for an affiliate of the World Sudhakar Reddy, General Secretary Bank, which had its operations in 1. The Hindu editorial Dt 29.5.12 of CPI, AB Bardhan, veteran leader AP at that time. The survey stated 2. The Hindu editorial Dt 29.5.12 of CPI, Deb Brat Biswas, President of that the CM Naidu had very close Forward Bloc, Abani Roy, President links with the Chief Justice of the 3. Mopidevi Venkataramana, of RSP, Sharad Yadav, President AP high court through a couple the excise minister in the of JD(U), Nama Nageshwar Rao, of advocates who enjoyed the cabinet until recently. He was TDP leader, Pappy Reddy, veteran confidence of both the CM and the also minister in-charge of Socialist of Andhra Pradesh, Joseph Chief Justice. These two lawyers infrastructure in the YSR cabinet. Toppo, Representative of AGP, Dr. later became judges . It was an open He is charged by the CBI as Udit Raj, President of Indian Justice secret that Chiranjeevi made a lot having signed a GO benefitting Party and Mulayam Singh Yadav. of money while distributing tickets N i m m a g a d d a n P r a s a d o f The meeting had decided to set up to contest in the 2009 elections VANPIC who is one of the a coordination committee under the to young aspirants on behalf of investors in Jagan’s companies. convenorship of AB Bardhan. his newly started “Praja Rajyam 4. Act 1, Scene 7, Macbeth Party”. Recently a few days before The meeting of 8th January, 2013 the by-elections, currency of rupees 5. Vijayamma’s stump speech at was attended by about 150 persons. forty crore worth was seized in his Anatapur and Rayadurgam, It was presided by Sharad Yadav daughter’s house in Chennai. As for Saakshi Telugu daily Dt 6.6.2012 and addressed by veteran journalist, Lagadapati, this highly ambitious 6. A.B.K Prasad, Saakshi Telugu Kuldeep Nayar, in addition to Congress MP had a vaulting growth daily Dt 4.12.2011 Mastram Kapoor socialist writer, from a commoner to a leading power Atul Anjan of CPI, Raghu Thakur, magnate and realtor in the state, 7. Ibid 14 JANATA, January 13, 2013 This new politics

Yogendra Yadav

Our reactions to the current spontaneous, they are invariably Gandhian or the Naxalite type that protests triggered by the gangrape preceded by an intense media gaze turned its back on the middle class in the capital reveal a paradoxical and accompanied by live television comfort zone in a quest to connect state of mind. We welcome the coverage. Both these readings have to the real, if remote, India. The new spontaneous nature of these protests, an element of truth, but both of them citizen-activist is engaged in the underline the fact that most of the miss the real point. politics of an extended self whose ordinary women and men who limits are not pre-determined. joined these protests were not Urban street protests, first against mobilised by any organisation corruption and now against the This new politics does not speak and caution against the entry of violence that targets women, are the the formatted language of 20th “political elements”. At the same beginning of a new kind of politics century ideologies. Familiar slogans time, we criticise the protesters that has come up to fill a gap in like “we want justice” barely conceal for the lack of a clear agenda, we our democratic functioning, that the new message; the “justice” blame the movement for allowing articulates pent-up grievances that they want is neither a liberal order miscreants in, and bemoan the lack have no redress in our system. The nor a socialist or feminist ideal. of clear leadership. We applaud the new citizen-activist has a narrow Therefore, any attempt to judge cause but regret the consequence. social profile, but not necessarily these protests and their demands This could be seen as collective a narrow social vision. Product of from the certitudes of the received hypocrisy: we want politics, but our situation, this politics does not ideologies is not very helpful. At not from the front door. Or, it could follow a prescribed script. This the same time, these protests are be read as a quest for a new kind development institutes a new kind not merely about negating. The anti- of politics that doesn’t look like of uncertainty in our democratic corruption and anti-gender violence politics in the conventional sense. life. It offers resources to deepen our protests seek an alternative, even if democracy, yet it carries the seeds in a warped language, such as the This is a subtle but crucial of destabilising the system. Like demand for capital punishment. difference that leads to two opposite all democracies, it depends on how They seek alternatives here and now. but partial readings of these protests. political forces handle or mishandle Theirs is a politics of feasible good. Those who celebrate these protests the situation. welcome the arrival of a new citizen- This politics also invites us activist — conscious, determined We must learn to place this to think beyond the binaries of and very angry — who will now new citizen-activist outside our individual or collectivity. These hold political power accountable. comfortable binaries. These are protesters do not carry the obvious They name this new actor according not a bunch of urban well-off markers of caste or community that to their own taste — aspirational netizens out to secure their self- tend to dominate our public life. or egalitarian — and hope that interest at the expense of the rest Nor do they enter as members of the this new citizen is going to usher of society. Despite superficial established political organisations, in an India of their dreams. This resemblance, these protests are parties or their mass fronts. Their romantic picture invites the critics profoundly different from the anti- desire to keep “politics” out is to point out, rightly so, that many Mandal agitation backed by the clearly a quest for freedom from of these protesters are in the urban same social group. These protesters the stifling frames of traditional areas if not in the metros, they seek something beyond their own political organisations. At the same are mostly middle classes and self, they seek to connect their own time, these protesters are not free overwhelmingly men, even on this lives and problems with the rest of of all identities; the affirmation of issue. They do not forget to remind society. At the same time, theirs is gender identities is symbolic of us that these protests are not quite not the selfless renunciation of the the acceptance of other identities. JANATA, January 13, 2013 15

Theirs is not an anarchist desire movements could not. Perhaps, swiftly and how well this new to keep away from all forms of the poverty of political judgement energy gets to shape the core of organisation. This new politics is in our ruling establishment has party political contestation in our waiting for a new political form prematurely inflated the power of democracy. But one thing is quite and seeks a radical amendment to this movement. Their long-term certain: democratic politics has to the existing form of party politics. staying power, their force, and contend with a new animal now, indeed their direction is as yet someone our political establishment We do not know as yet if that unclear. It would depend on how cannot call back at its will. is going to happen. Indeed, this new phenomenon carries negative –The Indian Express possibilities as well. It would not be real if it did not. Camera-happy crowds out on the streets demanding instant gratification is not exactly a recipe for good governance. Such protests can be hijacked by authoritarian leaders. They can turn inwards, in terms of articulating the narrow interests of the protesters. Rural India Focus They can push the governments into hasty populist measures that achieve very little for the objectives that PRESENTING THE NATION WITH A REPLICABLE the protesters set for themselves. MODEL OF RURAL DEVELOPMENT And chaotic protests can simply die without leaving a legacy, making life more difficult for future crusaders. ADIVASI WEEKLY EYE RUNS THREE GIRLS CAMPS AT HIGH As of now, this new, as yet HOSTEL THE YMC SCHOOLS AT TARA, HOSPITAL, inchoate, and partially visible PANVEL TARA, PANVEL politics is playing the role of a much-needed corrective in the YUSUF MEHERALLY CENTRE FINANCE A CATARACT SURGERY system. It has already begun to AND YOU disturb settled and cosy equations 10 to 15 eye operations are performed There are ways in which you can join the at the weekly eye camp held at the of power and create moments of YMC movement in bringing education, Maharashtra State Government funded accountability, though not structures healthcare, women empowerment, hospital building. Sponsor a cataract employment generation, relief and growth operation for Rs. 15,000/-. of responsiveness. Anna Hazare’s to our rural villages. Visit our Centre, CONTRIBUTE TO THE SCHOOL fast had our government and parties volunteer your help, buy our products, become a Life Member. You could also CORPUS bending backwards, at least for support the cause by donating to our various some time, in a way that bigger initiatives. YMC runs 3 high schools - 2 Marathi, 1 Urdu medium. With only 2 of these on mass movements could not do. SPONSOR AN ADIVASI GIRL'S HOSTEL goverment aid, the Centre needs Rs.1 Exposes by Arvind Kejriwal and STAY crore as corpus to run the 3rd and maintain, conduct extra-curricular Prashant Bhushan made the political It takes Rs.15,000 per year to meet the activities in all 3 and finance its building expenses for supporting a girl child's stay at expansion plans. Give generously. establishment more nervous than the hostel in Tara, Panvel Taluka. any parliamentary debate. Similarly, the present protests against the Yusuf Meherally Centre Visit, violence perpetrated on women D-15, Ganesh Prasad,1st Floor, Call: (022)-2387 0097, Naushir Barucha Marg, Fax: (022)-2388 9738 or have made the police and their Grant Road (West), E-mail : [email protected] political masters answerable in a Mumbai 400 007 way that decades of painstaking work by women’s and human rights R.N.I. NO. 1855/1957 16 JANATA, January 13, 2013 P.R. No. MH/MR/WEST/275/2012-2014. Posted on every Wednesday at Mumbai Patrika Channel, Mumbai GPO-1

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Printed and Published by G.G. Parikh on behalf of Janata Trust. Printed at Mouj Printing Bureau, Khatau Wadi, Girgaum, Mumbai-400 004 and published at D-15, Ganesh Prasad, Naushir Bharucha Marg (Sleater Road), Mumbai - 400 007. Established 1946 Price : Rupees Five

Vol. 67 No. 52 Jaw-Jaw not War-War January 20, 2013 S. Viswam

Blood at the border Whichever way one views the is rightly incensed over the action. Kuldip Nayar current disturbing crisis in India- Nonetheless, both sides should avoid Pakistan bilateral relations, maximum provoking the other into extreme A New Course for restraint, patience and tact seem to steps which will have only negative European Union be the factors that must be given the implications for bilateral stability D. K. Giri highest priority in dealing with it. and peace. It is always better, even War is an option, undoubtedly, but it if exasperating, to jaw-jaw than war- Postal Woes is one that wisdom demands should war. S. N. Sharma be exercised when all alternatives are exhausted. Neither country can This advice applies equally to afford a war. Especially a war that the hotheads in the two countries Crime and Punishment could assume nuclear dimensions who start pressuring the respective Rajindar Sachar with or without cause or provocation. governments to attack the other the Given the brutality of the Pakistani moment there is an incident. We Ploughing a Lonely Furrow Army’s action along the Line of have witnessed this phenomenon in B N Uniyal Control, it is only to be expected our country. The first to lose her cool that tempers will run high in India was the Leader of the Opposition in and that the government will come the Lok Sabha, Sushma Swaraj, who My Pakistan trip under maximum pressure to take demanded ten Pakistan heads for the Ram Puniyani action. The past record suggests, and one head the Indian army lost. Wiser Pakistan’s latest offensive confirms counsels prevailed after the Prime Status of women in India that Islamabad and the Army resort Minister’s much-delayed statement to military steps to divert attention that after the barbaric act along the from domestic problems. It cannot LoC, there cannot be business as usual Editor : be purely coincidental that Pakistan with Pakistan. Those responsible will G. G. Parikh should be enmeshed in a serious have to be brought to book, he said. It political crisis domestically which makes no sense that Pakistan should Managing Editor : Guddi may well see phenomenal changes continue to deny the incident. As in the government set-up. These are much is at stake for Pakistan as there D-15, Ganesh Prasad, testing times for both the neighbours. is for India in the maintenance of good Naushir Bharucha Marg, The attack on Indian positions that neighbourly relations. Mumbai - 400 007. resulted in the merciless killing of two Indian soldiers, one of whom was It is unfortunate, and that is Email : [email protected] beheaded was horrendous and beyond putting it very mildly, that cross- the pale of civilized conduct. India border provocation should have 2 JANATA, January 20, 2013 been attempted at a time when the Between the lines bilateral atmosphere had vastly improved and when progress was noticeable on many fronts. Trade Blood at the border was getting a good chance of being the instrument to promote relations, and a visa regime was being put Kuldip Nayar in place. Now, the trade talks have suffered a setback, and the visa-on- It is an unfortunate coincidence chief, was at the border before the arrival scheme has been deferred by that the border clashes and ceasefire clashes. Pakistan on its part should India, hopefully only till the present violations between India and order a probe. Maybe, it is the doing crisis blows over. It has taken some Pakistan have been at a time of of irregulars who, regretfully, seem time for the restoration of normalcy. the anniversary of the then Prime to constitute part of Pakistani’s Now, things are on the brink of Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri signing combative force. The country is slipping back. Much good work the Tashkent Declaration some 37 already experiencing violence from has been lost, and both sides have years ago to bind the two countries within. The Taliban are daily killing begun blaming each other. India into a peace pact. He consecrated it 20 to 25 Pakistanis and there is no too cannot be entirely blameless, with his death. Yet the Declaration place which is beyond the range of but delicate situations need to be could not avert the 1971 war, nor the their guns. handled delicately. subsequent skirmishes. When there is unabated domestic Strange, there was not even a Even at the risk of facing violence and when Pakistan is mention of the Declaration either fighting against the Taliban in the domestic flak, especially from the by the media or by the political main opposition party, the BJP, the Federal Administrative Area, it is not leadership. It appears that the two understandable why it should open a Prime Minister has persisted with countries have remained jingoistic. a policy of engaging Pakistan in front with India. In fact, Islamabad One incident happens and the entire has withdrawn some forces from the peace negotiations. Public opinion accumulated bias comes out. in India is clearly divided on the Indian border to fight on the west. Prime Minister’s policy. Some Beheading soldiers is nothing Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) sections feel that Pakistan cannot be new. The army on both sides has has declared publicly that it would trusted. Some feel that as the bigger indulged in it before. What is concentrate on the threat posed by country and the more powerful annoying is Pakistan’s flat denial internal forces instead of engaging neighbour India should be tolerant. of the incident. The brigadier at India. Therefore, there is no question There is much merit in the Prime the flag-march meeting came with of unnecessary hype. Minister’s stand. After all, as has a prepared text and returned to New Delhi should realise that often been said, India and Pakistan Pakistan after reading the brief. Pakistan is its front state. If it ever are neighbours, whether one likes it There was no regret, no grief. goes under, India would be directly or not. One can change history but threatened by the Taliban and face not geography. The UN probe to verify facts could have been a possibility. But since the danger of destablisation. The policy should be how to retrieve India has put Pakistan on test. New Delhi stopped the International The message that has gone out is Court at The Hague from taking up a Pakistan from the hopeless situation that provocation can be tolerated Pakistan complaint against India on it is in. A weak Pakistan is a threat to only up to a point. In this context the plea that the two countries settle India, however powerful. their disputes bilaterally, it could not the reaction of our army chief Gen. Any escalation of tension or a bring in a third party. Bikram Singh is noteworthy for its suitable retaliation at an appropriate studied restraint. He has warned However, the incident is too time would only aggravate the that if Pakistan does not respond serious to be left at that. India situation. The dialogue is the only to India’s appeals, there will be should make the evidence public, way to improve and it should never retaliation but at a place and time particularly when it is alleged that be suspended or downgraded. (Continued on Page 8) Hafiz Saeed, the Lashkar-e-Toiba There is no option to talks. Pakistan JANATA, January 20, 2013 3 foreign minister Hina Rabbani Instead of analyzing the situation into Kashmir may be true. But the Khar, otherwise irresponsible in her dispassionately, they have supported security forces in the valley are statements, has said emphatically the stand of their country. Regretfully, strong enough to chastise them. The that the dialogue between the civil society is always on the side fallout of tension affects the people countries should not be affected by of the establishment whenever in Kashmir. They feel more insecure. skirmishes at the border. there is a clash on the border or The killing of elected panchayat when a dispute assumes dangerous members has made 30 others to Indian foreign minister Salman proportions. Were the two civil resign. Khurshid has shown restraint and societies to put their weight behind maturity in his response. But the peace and call a spade a spade, their On the other hand, the image government’s decision to keep the voice would matter. of the Hurriyat leaders gets more new positive visa policy on hold tarnished. Most Indians link their will only lessen people-to-people New Delhi’s estimate that the visit to Pakistan last month to contact which is essential for better ceasefire violations were meant to understanding. Prime Minister give cover to terrorists to sneak (Continued on Page 9) Manmohan Singh’s statement that business with Pakistan cannot be Gandhi Memorabilia as usual is understandable when the BJP is demanding a harsh reply. Yet Kamal Morarka, who had bought day, the items will be taken to my experience shows that Islamabad the memorabilia at an auction in Bihar’s Gandhi Maidan, as part of resiles from its rigid stand if and London last year, received them at the campaign. when New Delhi steps back and the airport after, they were held up in reflects. We have to learn how to live customs for eight days, on January Other than the soil and charkha, with intransigent Pakistan. Director 8. ‘I am proud to have brought the memorabilia includes Gandhi’s General of Trade, Ismail Khan, in this back. But, I am saddened that spectacles, his hand written letters, Pakistan occupied Kashmir said that the Indian government did not a prayer book and a record disc. trade and travel across the ceasefire try to recover them and also put As described by the auctioneers, line would remain suspended until down strict conditions on the use the soil and grass blades, stained the skirmishes subsided. This is an of the memorabilia to waive off with Gandhi’s blood when he was unwise step which will hurt Pakistan custom duty’, said Morarka, who assassinated in Delhi in 1948, were as much as India. reportedly paid around 2 crore to collected by one P. P. Nambiar who buy the items and Rs. 22 lakhs as then gave it to someone named For some reasons, former military custom duty. The bloodstained soil Antony in 1996, who in turn from where Mahatma Gandhi was directed them to the auction. officers on both sides have turned assassinated and his iconic charkha out to be more hawkish in their were part of the 29 items brought ‘Tests are also conducted on the comments. I was shocked to hear back to India on Tuesday, soil to confirm the authenticity,’ Admiral Iqbal of the Pakistan Navy said an official from Chauthi ‘I have decided to hand them reminding India about the Muslim Duniya Publication. rule in the country for 1,000 years. over to Anna Hazare and Chauthi Equally jingoistic was the suggestion Duniya Publications who will take Gandhi’s granddaughter Usha by a retired army major general that it across India,’ he said. Gokani, who is the chairperson of the solution to India’s problems At a ceremony to honour Gandhi Memorial Trust, however, with Pakistan was through a military the memorabilia, Hazare said: was not aware of the belongings action. Both should realise that the ‘Gandhiji’s items are very returning to India. ‘Gandhi engagement of the two countries significant to Indians, and it will belonged to the world and his would not be a street brawl. They inspire us to bring about a change belongings should not be kept with have nuclear weapons and the worst in the country. We have planned one person. It should be kept in can happen. to take it around the nation to National Museum so that they stay promote his values.’ On Martyr’s safe,’ said Gokani. Civil society in both the countries has proved to be disappointing. –Mughda Variyar 4 JANATA, January 20, 2013 My Pakistan trip

Ram Puniyani

The invitation to attend the warmth and affection and the food of different communities staying in seminar on South Asian Minorities all gave the pleasant feeling of being different localities. The segregation in Islamabad, Pakistan and other very much at home. While one learnt of communities along geographical meetings in Karachi, promised to that the plight of minorities is dismal lines is a bit different than what is be an exciting affair, as apart from in most of the South Asian countries the phenomenon of ghettotization other things it might have been on which the papers were presented of Muslim community in many a an opportunity to see the ‘enemy in the seminar, one also realized that cities in India. Karachi with its broad country’ in person. I thought of the human rights activists in Pakistan roads and slow traffic reminded combining the visit to Islamabad and are very vocal and are keeping the me of our own Mumbai nearly five Karachi with a trip to Jhang, the place torch of democratic values aflame decades ago. Conversation with taxi where I was born, slightly before the with great courage and sincerity. derivers’ is so much revealing about tragedy of partition. I realized VISA the things in a city. My driver was to Pakistan is quite a difficult task as The banquet hosted by organizers a young man from Peshawar. He VISA for each city is to be obtained was an occasion to interact with had to come to Karachi due to the separately so I dropped the idea of the well known names in Human Taliban nuisance. Taliban, in a true going to Jhang and restricting my Rights movements from Pakistan, fundamentalist fashion, are imposing visit to Islamabad and Karachi for like I.A. Rahman. I Could lay dress-beard code on the people and which I had the invitations. The my hands on Rahman’s booklet, are killing people for any slight discussion about the proposed trip ‘Pakistan: Neither A State nor a disobedience. This young man told to Pakistan with friends and relatives Nation’ which gives a very accurate me that they used to organize, music had a standard response: Ohh… understanding of the state which and dance, week long celebrations you are going to Pakistaaaaaan… came into being more due to the at the wedding times. Now Taliban be careful! The impression being machinations of colonial powers has put a sort of ban on that. The given was not only that it is Pakistan, than for the aspirations of average Taliban intimidation is forcing large which is masterminding all the terror Muslims. Incidentally majority of segments of population to shift from operations in India, not only that it’s Muslims and particularly the poorer Peshawar to Karachi, in particular. a country with terrorists strolling the lot, the artisans, farmers stood He also informed about what many street and killing people at will but against the idea of Pakistan. Indian writers are calling as soft also that it is an ‘enemy country’ due power of India, the Bollywood. For to its wars against India, its meddling The banquet dinner was a surprise this young man, three Khans of our Bollywood are semi gods, like he in the issues of India and it harboring for another reason also. In the middle celebrated when Shah Rukh Khan’s the terror dens by the dozen. of the lovely food and equally team won in IPL and he sported engrossing conversation, I had been Mangal Pandey moustache and Islamabad so lost in the homeliness of milieu kept the hairs like Mangal Pandey Islamabad sounded like an and the accompanying songs from as depicted in the film. It’s no secret exclusive ‘Capital city’ with non- my favorite old Hindi films that I had that Hindi films and Indian music are Government employees being a to tell myself oh I am not in India but a craze there. small fraction of the population in am in Pakistan. The singing troupe the city. We could see the Raval playing the music was very good and Malyalee Comrade in Karachi Lake, from the nearby beautiful hill. the choice of songs from old Hindi I happened to meet innumerable The lake separates this capital city films was a real treat of the day. friends who are struggling it out from the nearby Ravalpindi. What India’s Soft Power not only to strengthen democracy came as a pleasant surprise was the but also to build bridges with India. feeling of being at home in the city, Staying in Karachi was a different the language spoken, the people, the ball game. Here one was in the middle (Continued on Page 15) JANATA, January 20, 2013 5 People’s Commisssion

Ghar Bachao ghar Banao Andolan MCGM has promised to hold That is why Rajiv Gandhi Awas withdrew its 10 days long agitation meeting of officials and consider Yojana has not yet taken off! on January 10, after having received our recommendations to hold public certain concrete decisions and hearings at level of community We, 1200 persons, sat on hunger directions for further process on / unit of 3000 families, during strike for nine days in May 2011 the issues related to housing rights development planning process- in Golibar- Mumbai and the State and land scam with corruption in Existing and Planned Land Use. Government through Chief Minister Mumbai. and Chief Secretary gave written With all the issues responded to, promise and notified two enquiry The State Government has agreed the Andolan decided to step back committees to investigate into SRA to enquiry by the Principal Secretary, and out of Azad Maidan but with related complaints. However, with Housing into SRA projects in 6 a warning that if all decisions are false reasons those were shelved localities- Golibar, Ambedkar Nagar, implemented and promises not and High Powered Committee was Mulud, Ramnagar-Ghatkopar, fulfilled, we will march straight to asked to investigate. Nothing has Chandivali, Sion-koliwada and Mantralaya with intensified struggle. happened even after one and a half Indira-nagar Jogeshwari, defining year. And when we declared a long 10 days long battle converted the modus operandis involving all march and indefinite action in the Azad Maidan into a battleground, last week of December, the SRA stakeholders and holding public but with much creative activities forwarded those to HPC. Its now, hearings. beginning with prayer in the morning in January, during our mass action and spirited songs till late night. On the 10th hundreds of women that the CM has admitted an enquiry Young activists burnt candles at through the Principal Secretary, and men from various slums reached night and returned with mashaals Housing with same modus operandi Mantralaya. They insisted and made to their homes, only to return back and a guarantee that if illegality/ their way into Mantralaya and at early in the morning. Food came irregularities are proved, action will least 500 people filed their individual from different communities in be taken against the builder/s. We applications for Rajiv Awas. slums as well as from supporter have accepted this. organisations. The State has also taken and However, in order to facilitate conveyed a firm decision to take National Alliance of People’s and for further investigation, it RAY ahead and Mandala RAY Movements - Ghar Bachao Ghar is necessary to have a People’s project proposal to the Municipal Banao Andolan have decided to Commission that will hear the Corporation of Greater Mumbai. form a People’s Commission of people and give its verdict. Their enquiry into the massive corruption work will certainly not overlap with The Municipal Corporation of and repression in projects of slum but compliment the official enquiry. Mumbai through the Commissioner, rehabilitation and re-development has agreed to provide all amenities in Mumbai. The People’s Commission will in slums we have listed from eastern have Justice (Retd) H Suresh as its and western suburbs as per 5- A of NAPM with its mass-based Chairman with Sudhakar Suradkar, Slum Act, a review for the same will organisation has brought forth former IG, Chandrashekar, architect, be carried in next 7 days. corruption in SRA in the form of Amita Bhide-TISS and Simpreet fraudulent documents and fake Singh-social activist as members. It’s promised by MCGM to look house-sale in many cases. into the violations of law, if any in Terms of Reference of the Sion Koliwada and Jeevannapar It is our firm belief that it is Commission are: 1. To investigate redevelopment projects as well because of such a flawed scheme (in a participatory and transparent as wherever public amenities are like SRA, the truly equitable housing manner) into illegalities and destroyed before people getting schemes through self-development irregularities in SRA and shifted out. projects are not being implemented. redevelopment schemes in Mumbai, 6 JANATA, January 20, 2013 beginning with a priority list. 2. To assess the documents and draw A New Course for European Union conclusions on the fraud and the resultant impact of the scheme, D. K. Giri on the benefits and beneficiaries, loss to people, and loss to the state exchanger. 3. To estimate the The European Union once hailed and its three partners have decided to magnitude of corruption and any as the best regional integration have a follow-up meeting in Turin, officials, politicians, developers and project, and recently awarded the Italy in February, this year. The others, responsible for the same. 4. Nobel Peace Prize, is, in fact, groping Paris meeting focused on economic To suggest and plan action against for survival and rejuvenation. The issues, and in Turin, the agenda is the accused, identified through ominous signs are: the bankruptcy the political union of EU. investigation. 5. To identify the flaws of the State in Greece, the galloping and anti-poor clauses/provisions unemployment rate in most countries The strategies on which a in the housing policy, laws and (Spain leading with 40 per cent), “New course for Europe” is being rules. 6. To suggest any alternative Britain considering even rethinking charted are “growth, solidarity and housing scheme/s and/or amend its membership of EU as the Prime democracy”. Before we discuss these SRA Schemes. 7. To recommend Minister, David Cameron just new approaches some reflections on any change in the planning pattern, promised to do so in 2015 if he why European Union is on the back process and laws and rules related returned to power. Will the European foot now after over 50 years of its to housing for the urban poor and Union fall apart? Can it be revived? birth is in order. middle class people of Mumbai. 8. There are efforts made at various To publish and release a detailed levels to steer European Union out Underemphasizing the Political report on the enquiry and take it of the present crisis. The Foundation Union to the communities as well as the of European Progressive Studies, a Way back in 1973, Johan Galtung, Government authorities. Brussels-based Think Tank of Social had predicted, in his famous book, Democrats in Europe is engaged “European Community: A Super The Commission will complete in exploring options for EU’s Power in the Making”, that Europe investigation within one month would emerge as a super power. His through 1) conducting public revival. They are organizing series predictions were based on Europe’s hearing, 2) analysing/inspecting of seminars to do so. It got together documents, 3) interviewing three Social Democratic Party Think attitude to USA, then called the First government officials and citizen Tanks of the three founder Member World, USSR, the Second World, the groups, NGOs, 4) photography, States of the EU – France, Italy rest of the countries, the Third World structural analysis, etc. and any other and Germany – Fondation Jean and Europe’s own logic of internal tools decided by the Commission. Jaures, Italian Europei, and Friedrich integration. Professor Galtung Ebert Stiftung respectively, to thought that the European part of The Commission’s expenses will generate creative ideas to address NATO would grow autonomously be met through voluntary donations. the crisis in Europe. They invited and coincide with the Western Report of the Commission will be 100 academics from EU and US to European Union, with support of the submitted to the Government of a seminar in Paris on the theme of United States. The US would have Maharashtra and Government of “Renaissance for Europe”. Parallel liked to reorganize NATO so as to India and will be released to the Civil to the seminar, the leadership from give more prominence and profile to Society and all slum communities in the three countries and EU officials Europeans with a European Secretary Mumbai. addressed an audience of over 2000 General, and a European Supreme –Ghar Bachao Ghar Banao in Paris reiterating their commitment Allied Commander in Europe. US Andolan, Janta Jagruti Manch, to uphold EU integration. This was would have liked to leave the highly Shahar Vikas Manch, Ramabai a unique event as the progressive intractable European problems to the Ambedkar Nagar Bachao Samiti, leaders from these countries pledged noisy and quarrelsome Europeans Nagari Niwara Haq Samiti, Waghini Sangathan, SRA Sangharsh Samiti, to re-Europeanize the politics in their rather than having to solve them. Bruhanmumbai Niwara Samanvaya respective countries. Following the NATO would have emerged with Samiti success of this event in Paris, FEPS two distinct pillars. In relation to the JANATA, January 20, 2013 7

Second World, it would have been a business with China when the the civil society and the market. As continuation of Western European latter was rolling its tanks over the the political parties become weak, pattern of dominance, increasingly students protesting in Tiananmen greater cooperation between market, with political-military rather than Square for civil liberties and political civil societies and the governments economic. Relative to the Third rights. Such disconnect between is what is called for at present in World, it is a direct continuation political values and trade confirmed European Union. With rapid growth of European colonialism, with India’s first Prime Minister Nehru’s in migration, and intra-European economic rather than military means suspicion that European Community mobility, a new social texture of like in the past. Within European was an “exclusive rich man’s club”. diversities is being more visible in Community, Franco-German When I asked the EC officials the hitherto mono-cultural societies. alliance would have driven the during my studies on relations This development calls for dialogue integration and growth of Europe to between India and European Union, between different communities, and a big power. Although Paris-Bonn they were ambivalent and had no new rules engagement by the states. axis was largely responsible for the convincing answers. birth of European Community out A Growth Economy of a synergy between Germany’s A Democratic Europe It is difficult to analyse and plan economic and France’s political The progressive politicians form growth policies for the whole of interests. However, on international the three countries emphasized European Union, which has wide politics, it was not obvious that democratic governance to be the variations among the economies Paris-Bonn axis was that firm. As main pillar of a new course. They of the member states. There are a commentator said, “France’s released a manifesto at the Paris some problem areas though which negative obsession with Germany, meeting, which reads “Europe is are common to most of them. First, and the German suspicion of our shared heritage; it is our duty the public private sector debt has French, must be overcome, before to strive to build a more united, reached an unsustainable level in a truly independent Europe, with democratic Europe.” They lamented many countries. Second, the public a truly independent defense can be that “the lack of effective, democratic sector participation in the economy realized.” However, Europe is far European economic governance is quite high affecting innovation from an emerging super power, so clearly threatens to drag Europe and competitiveness. Thirdly, the Professor Galtung’s logic of thinking into recession”. European Union is public and private saving rate is may have been right then, but his ignoring the fights against poverty quite low affecting the pool of predictions have not come true. and inequalities, lacks policies which investment capital. Fourthly, the promote jobs and growth. They business funding model is too reliant There is another aspect of argue that the economic policies on debt financing, increasing the politics that EU de-emphasised should lead to solidarity and equality risks and instability in the economy. in its integration process, which in Europe. The economic policies Therefore, in order to rebuild the is the political values it promised need to be aligned with the realities economy for sustained growth, these to uphold. European Union began of each member country, and have four problems have to be addressed by as a messenger and agent of to reflect European Union values. the policy makers. The EU economic peace and harmony, it sought to More important, the policies have model has been a combination of promote democracy, pluralism, to be implemented as per the rules Keynesian economics and post- decentralization, human rights and of new shared European sovereignty. war social democratic traditions. good governance. As a Union of The new economic model must 27 countries, upholding of these European democracies supposed combine phenomenal powers of values would have demonstrated to to be old and developed, fail to meet individuals and private sector with the world, the values of unity and the social and economic aspirations social democratic values, which, in collaboration. But European Union of the people. It is more established actual terms, mean decentralized became preoccupied with economic through its institutions, rather than governance, promotion of issues at the cost of political values, in people’s consciousness and innovation and entrepreneurship. which undermined its freshness in activism, a vibrant democratic The approach is best explained international politics. For example; discourse. The complacence needs by Freidman when he said, “the European Union was doing brisk to give way to greater activism by greatest advances of civilization, 8 JANATA, January 20, 2013 whether in architecture, or painting, process. It is now obvious that set a new course with new ideas. The in science and literature, in industry both these strategies – widening Social Democratic actors seem to or agriculture, have never come and deepening - have not gone be deeply engaged with the process from centralized governments”. concurrently. Member countries of restructuring European Union. In order to boost economic were added without bringing them One wishes them well, because growth, European Union needs to in alignment with existing members the success of EU should inspire restructure its industries focusing on in terms of economic, social and greater integration across the world environmental transformation. The even political conditions. The EU should promote industries based imbalance has caused instability, in the interest of greater good. Also, on technological excellence and mainly economic, as was witnessed when the world is torn by conflicts low-carbon. The aim is to provide recently. Therefore, for EU to and competition, European Union highly skilled and lasting jobs. The bounce back to meet its economic signals hope and confidence in challenges of climate change could and political aspirations, it needs to building a harmonious world. also be addressed by promotion of green technologies. Expenditure for whom? Solidarity at the Centre Stage Bapu Heddurshetti has said Heddurshetti to give up the habit of In order to ensure the stability of (Janata, December 30, 2012) trying to score debating points over the Euro, observance of solidarity that if at least 50 per cent of the an opponent and engage in creative is necessary by the Member States. development expenditure be made dialogue so that vulnerable sections European Central Bank was allowed on agriculture because 66 per cent of our country receive fair deal at the to play a major role in combating of our population is dependent on hands of the policy-makers. the financial crisis as the leadership agriculture (as suggested by me in an –Pannalal Surana failed to come up with right policies. article in Janata (December 16, 2012), This is high time that the Budget then hardly one per cent expenditure be (Continued from Page 2) Treaty is supported by measures made on education and health because focusing on growth, employment, teachers and doctors constitute less of India’s choosing. This is a sober equity and solidarity. Furthermore, than one per cent of our population. reaction which testifies to the fact financial regulation needs to be that India is trying hard to diffuse tightened so that the finances serve In the first place, the argument the tension and not play with fire the real economy. The decision that at least half of the development by forcing a war on the two nations. making process needs to be revised expenditure be made on agriculture. India-Pakistan relations need a in Europe. Inter-governmentalism is based on the fact that agriculture is continued stretch of peace to firm alone does not lead to good decisions. suffering from adverse terms of trade. up and get consolidated. We should All the institutions of European According priority to agriculture in not sacrifice long-term objective Union must work interdependently development expenditure will help for short-term gains, political or with greater scope for co-decision uplift the standard of living of the military. making. farmers and agricultural labourers as also it will stimulate all-round Janata To be fair, European Union economic activity of the nation because Subscription has been a unique and innovative it is the base of our economy. experiment in regional integration. Annual Rs. : 260/- But it has rapidly grown in numbers It is ridiculous to suggest that Three Years : 750/- and seems to be incoherent. It started expenditure on education and health Demand Draft / Cheque on with 6 countries in 1951, became be made in proportion to the numbers Mumbai Bank 9 in 1973, then 10 in 1981, 12 in of teachers and doctors. Those services in favour of 1986, 15 in 1995, 25 in 2004 and 27 are to be provided, not to teachers and in 2007 with Romania and Bulgaria Janata Trust doctors, but to a very large section of D-15, Ganesh Prasad, joining the EU. There has been a our population who are needy. debate for years in EU on ‘widening’ Naushir Bharucha Marg, and ‘deepening’ of the integration Well, may I appeal to Bapu Mumbai 400 007 JANATA, January 20, 2013 9 Postal Woes

S. N. Sharma

The Janata (December 23) has card in large post office. What to say Patra Card in Hindi which means done a great service to the common of the village and small post offices! international. It should be renamed man by publishing Niranjan Halder’s Antarpradeshiya Patra Card. article on Destruction of the As Halder has pointed out, Indian Postal System. Most of our the delivery of postal articles has I hope this practice of throwing countrymen are, like the writer of become chaotic and it is seldom light on the working of an these lines, computer literate. They that one is able to receive a letter organization meant for the service do not possess a computer and if they within ten days of its posting. The of the general public will continue. manage to have one, they are unable Janata is the worst sufferer, to quote The telephone set-up is under the to operate it. The postal system is, an example. Though it is posted in Ministry of Communications and I therefore, of immense importance a central place, like GPO it takes will like to take up the issue for this to them. I will like to refer to some more than ten days to be delivered purpose. of the problems faced by the people. in Goregaon West. (Continued from Page 3) To begin with, the postal authorities The Goregaon post office close to renewed ceasefire violations. They often issue brief advertisements the Goregaon (West) railway station advising the people to write the Pin and the busy Aarey Road, is visited are held responsible for requesting Code number after the name of the by a large number of customers. I Pakistan to internationalize the town or village where the letter has must appreciate the efforts of the Kashmir problem. Such moves by to go. In April, 2009, I went to an SPM for managing the functioning the Hurriyat alienates in India even important post office in Goregaon of the post office in a space which is the liberals who want a solution that West to purchase a copy of all India around 200 sq. feet. I think the post respects the special status given to Pin Code Directory. On payment of office is situated there since the times Kashmir in the Indian constitution. Rs. 40/-, the sub-postmaster gave me when it was serving less than 25 2000 edition of the directory which percent of people it is serving today. What the ceasefire violations have had become obsolete following the I wonder if the PMG of Mumbai has done is a blow to relations between creation of Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand ever visited the place to ascertain India and Pakistan. They have been and Uttarakhand as well as change the difficulties of the people all the improving for the last few years in the names of Bombay, Calcutta, year round. There is no question of and would have been strengthened Bangalore and many other places. the existence of a urinal in the area. after the resumption of trade and The directory cost me Rs. 40/-. I am the new visa policy. The clashes told that a new edition of updated There is not a single letter box on the border have pushed the two directory has been published and it on the road from the Goregaon countries to the starting point. There costs ‘only’ Rs. 300/-. A 300-page Telephone Exchange to the Bata should be a way to go forward. all-India Railway Time Table at a centre, and the letter box which Hockey and cricket players should glance with a lot of information costs used to be at the intersection of S. not be barred from playing. Rs. 35/-, but the postal administration V. Road with Piramal Nagar was wants a customer to pay Rs. 300/- for removed more than four years ago I wish the two sides to consider a Pin Code Directory. for technical reasons. the ceasefire line sacred. This was The postal authorities have The Inland Letter Card, like post converted into the Line of Control introduced a single side writing cards, is not meant for commercial (LoC) through Shimla Agreement. space post card for those who want purposes. But the scores of corporate The then Prime Minister, Zulfikar to convey a short message. The other bodies are for some years using it Ali Bhutto, hailed it as the “line of side is available for advertisements as a means of communication to peace” in an interview to me. And it and address. The issue of this sort of the share-holders which must be has been seldom violated for the last post card was a good idea but you stopped. (Incidentally, the letter two decades. Blood at the border has will not be able to purchase this post card is known as Antardeshiya scotched even a limited hope. 10 JANATA, January 20, 2013 Crime and Punishment

Rajindar Sachar

The gang rape of the young girl 14 years. The Supreme Court medical opinion this castration is not who is rightly to be remembered has categorically held that life of permanent effect. It also requires as Nirbhaya has at last shaken imprisonment means for life. close regular personal supervision collective conscience of the nation. Amended law can further clarify this of the accused which is difficult – it For this, the credit must be given and also provide that no remission is also recoverable. This alternative to the youth, students who took will be given by the state and also is not acceptable to our civilized the fight to the streets. They rightly no parole will be given earlier than nation. shooed the politicians because many 30 years, and then also for a short of the political parties have within period. I feel that life imprisonment In my view though the setting up them legislators not only as accused in fact is a greater punishment of fast track court is welcome that I but facing cases of rape. because the accused will feel the am of the view that the directive from mortal hurt throughout his life. the High Court to the lower courts Of course to fight this evil of to hear the matter day to day unlike rape we must stop commoditizing There is anomaly that though the the present practice where there are the women and treat them as equal, law provides for life imprisonment, series of adjournments will itself individual personality of their own. it also creates an exception which serve the purpose immediately. Of permits a court to award sentence course this requires the prosecution There has been a public demand of minimum of 7 years or 10 years to mandatorily file the charge sheet that the punishment for the rapist for some special reasons – this is within 10 or 15 days of the arrest which at present is life imprisonment unacceptable. I cannot understand of the accused. This will result in should be substituted by capital why if once a rape is proved there the trial to be concluded within the punishment. I can understand the can be any reason for the Court outside limit of two months. anger of the public but both on not to sentence the accused for the practical ground and from human life imprisonment. There can be no All political parties are shouting rights aspect, capital punishment extenuating factors once a rape is and purporting to show their concern is now banned in 178 countries of proved – it is the most abhorrent for the women. May I in all humility suggest that if this high sounding the world. Above all we have the crime. hallowed and persuasive views of attitude is genuine, let them pass the three greatest Indians: Gandhiji, Incidentally, the Central Women Reservation Bill which is Jayaprakash Narayan and Dr. Government which is talking on pending for years as a first item in the Ambedkar who were strongly against making law stronger against the next Parliament Session. This will capital punishment. I respectfully rapist needs to explain as to what be a fitting tribute to the memory of follow them. was the special or secret reason Nirbhaya. which made P. Chidambram, the Even as a practical measure it then Home Minister, recommend Madhu Dandavate is not correct to assume that the to President Patil to commute the By capital punishment will reduce the sentence to life imprisonment of a rapes. A survey conducted by United person who was convicted of rape B. Vivekanandan Nation concluded that research and murder. has failed to provide any evidence Price: Rs. 20/- that death penalty would have a Some have suggested chemical castration. This is more out of greater deterrent effect then life Janata Trust imprisonment. justified anger but is neither effective or in consonance with civilized laws. D-15, Ganesh Prasad, The suggestion for death This is on a parity with a theme of Naushir Bharucha Marg, penalty is mostly advocated on punishing for theft by cutting the Grant Road (W), a misapprehension that the life accused’s hands as it was in the Mumbai 400 007. imprisonment means only for middle ages. Even according to JANATA, January 20, 2013 11 Status of women in India.

India is experiencing an awakening of conscience, triggered by the barbaric gang rape of “Nirbhaya”, a 23-year-old college student in Delhi. Angry protesters are demanding that the government act quickly to punish the perpetrators of this heinous crime. Candle light vigils are taking place all over the country. College students are pushing for the passing of new laws to ensure harshest possible punishment for crimes against women. Social media and traditional media are buzzing with debates to identify appropriate approaches for eradicating violence against women. India is going through a cathartic moment. During this time of reflection I remember my mother, late Pramila Dandavate, who championed the cause of oppressed women of India. She passed away in Delhi on January 1st, 2002. A decade after her death, crimes against women continue to occupy the center stage of national discourse. Pramila Dandavate championed women’s cause at various levels. She took a lead in mobilizing and educating women around the need for social justice through Samajwadi Mahila Sabha; she focused on the importance of bringing dignity to women by providing them opportunities for economic independence. With this objective in mind she set up Sunanda Sahakar, a women’s cooperative. She also realized the importance of non-violent resistance against perpetrators of social, economic and political injustice as a means of protecting women. Along with Mrinal Gore, Mangla Parikh and many other women socialists, she founded the Mahila Dakshata Samiti to advocate for women’s causes and consumer rights by providing legal aid and counseling to underserved women. As a Member of Parliament, she was instrumental in introducing private member’s bills that included Dowry Prohibition Act Amendment bill, Registration of Marriage Act, and Amendment to the Representation of People Act. She led a national campaign for a Constitutional amendment for reserving 33 percent seats in the Parliament for women. She also campaigned for and achieved the establishment of a National Commission of Women for India. This article presents Pramila Dandavate’s ideas on the status of women in India, expressed through a compilation from her published works and presented in the form of a fictitious interview.

–Uday Dandavate with editorial inputs by Rohini and Isha Dandavate

Tell us a bit about what that women’s issues need to be and establish ownership over inspired you to work for women’s addressed at different levels. her reproductive power and her emancipation. womb was a logical corollary. What is at the root of violence With decline in the status of My association and participation against women in India? women in family and society in the Rights of men and women Revival of fundamentalism matriarchal society was replaced is as old as fifty years when I in our society is one of the key by patriarchal. A reference to joined Rashtra Seva Dal, a causes of increased crime against the story of Shwetaketu in the voluntary organization established women. There is an urgency to Hindu mythology would not be by S. M. Joshi, N.G. Goray and liberate the Indian mind from a impertinent. Shwetaketu prevented Madhu Limaye, to counteract discriminatory attitude towards his mother from going out with [the] communal influence of the women. In early nomadic stages of another man. He was the first Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh and human civilization, men looked up person to prescribe moral codes for to inculcate values of democracy, to women with awe as only women women. He invented the institution socialism and secularism. could produce another human of marriage, which has been the being. Women were worshipped foundation of family since then. In 1961 I was invited to join as goddesses and enjoyed equal In the patriarchal family women a committee formed by the Hind freedom with higher status in the were confined to the four walls of Mazdoor Sabha, then headed by society. After settling down as an home and their status declined to Maniben Kara;[the committee] agricultural society, a slow change a secondary position. wrote a charter of Rights of Modern started affecting women’s status Indian Women. This early exposure and role. Concepts of ownership of Later religions, which were to systemic approach to solving land and property were developed. established by men, strengthened women’s issues made me realize Desire to control woman’s fertility patriarchal values and gave religious 12 JANATA, January 20, 2013 sanction to the subjugation of rights rendering them powerless recipient of welfare programs, but women. To justify the discriminatory and dependent on men for their as partners in development planning. code of behavior, all religions have very survival. Conditioned under Fourteen years after the first report condemned women as inferior human patriarchal values of accepting a of the CSWI, two more reports, beings who were created by god for secondary status in the family, Shramshakti, a report of the national men’s service and entertainment. women cherished qualities of self- commission on self employed Hindu scriptures consider her as a sacrifices, silent submission to male women and women in formal sector, seductress, Christianity consider domination and invisibility. Hence under the chairmanship of Ela Bhatt her as the sinner who tempted stability of family for generations and the National Plan perspective Adam to eat the forbidden fruit and has depended on the sacrifices of for the 8th Plan - both admitted that according to Islam, she is the earth its female members. Stability of there was not significant change in which man sows his seed hence family will remain illusory as long in the lives of Indian women. she is the property of man who needs as it rests on the total sacrifices The National Plan Perspective protection but no freedom. and subordination of one partner in launched by Late Rajiv Gandhi, the family. Strength of family will termed women the largest group of In the popular scripture Ram depend on the concept of equality, “Backward citizens”. Charit Manas, Tulsidas says, “Dhol.. mutual respect and democratic ganwar...sudra...pashu...nari sakal functioning of the family. Some of the key statistics from tadan ke adhikari”, which literally the National Plan Perspective speak means “Drums, the illiterate, lower The best indicator of women’s for themselves. caste, animals and women deserve status in society is their ratio to • 75 percent of the women are to be beaten up” in order to get [the] male population. In most of illiterate them to perform to their maximum the countries the number of women capacities. We need to think about is less than men. In the Indian • 90 percent women work in how vast majority of illiterate India continent the decline of female unorganized sector that draws much of their wisdom population is alarming. There is • 51 Lakh matriculate women are from the scriptures can be liberated continuous decline in the female registered unemployed from such attitudes towards women. population since 1901, with the Economic inequality, oppression, exception of a little rise in 1981. • 64 percent pregnant women suffer social division like castes, class, Female infanticide and neglect of from anemia communal, ethnic or religious those who survive has contributed • One out of every 18 women runs separatism have always affected to this phenomenon. the risk of dying during pregnancy women more than men. But the recent revival of fundamentalism is What is government’s role in In contrast, it is important to see pushing women to more subjugation improving the status of women in the contribution of Indian women. and oppression. These forces are India? Indian women contribute 50 percent against the basic concept of equality. The first assessment of the to the agricultural production. [Their] Politicians have not hesitated to status of women in India after tireless labor of providing basic sacrifice women’s human rights for independence was made by the amenities to the family like food, electoral gains. They surrender to the Committee on Status of Women water, rearing and bearing children communal forces. Shaha Bano case in India (CSWI) in 1975, the on which depends the survival of the is an example. International Women’s Yyear. The family is not recognized. Women committee arrived at the conclusion and [their] labor remain invaluable What are your views on the status that the status of women in India had and this labor is never evaluated of a woman in the family? declined after independence. The in economic terms. Her income is To make women accept their decade following publication of this considered to be supplementary. inferior status and subjugation report, witnessed an alarming rate of However, different studies reveal a without protest, all religions have increase in crimes against women totally different picture. Thirty five glorified motherhood and put mother and at the same time in mobilization percent of the families in India are on the pedestal of goddess. However of women against crimes. There headed by women, which depend in the process, cunning men deprived was an increased emphasis placed solely on the income of the women. them of all economic and property on including women, not just as Out of the 65 percent of the remaining JANATA, January 20, 2013 13 families, women’s contribution is reformist movement, gender justice • Concepts of women’s rights in 50 percent to the family income. and equality was one of the major the decision making process in Ninety percent of the women who thrusts of Gandhiji’s philosophy. the family and society must be constitute unorganized sector have His influence on the political leaders materialized. always remained outside the ambit of immediate post independence of the labor laws. However, Equal period was instrumental in the • Population policy should be linked Remuneration Act, Factory Act incorporation of the Articles 14- up with the status of women and Minimum Wage Act, which were 15 and 16 of the constitution they should have final authority created to protect women have guaranteeing equality, forbidding in deciding about the number of actually affected them adversely. discrimination and extension of children they should have. Women labor became costlier leading special privileges for advancement • Men must be made aware of to employers retrenching women. of backwards, irrespective of caste, their responsibility towards Modernization of agriculture and religion and sex” When the issue of reproductive health of women. industry has also rendered traditional reservation of seats for women in the skills of women redundant. More legislatures was discussed, women • Atmosphere in the family should and more women cultivators have members of the constituent assembly be democratic, In which all turned into agricultural laborers. opposed it at [the] assembly and members can express themselves Coir and Tobacco industries, which parliament level but favored it at freely to develop mutual respect were employing women have [the] Panchayat and Zilla Parishad and concern. thrown out thousands of women level. Similar views were held by after modernization. Also, structural women politicians till mid-seventies. Through her sacrifice, Nirbhaya, adjustment programs imposed by However a shift in their stand the 23-year old college student has international financial institutions became clearer with the declining stirred the nation’s conscience. It is have affected a number of social number of women in both the a perfect opportunity to address what services including education, health, state and the central legislatures each one of us can do to rise above and aggravation of illiteracy and Demand for 33 percent reservation our inherent biases ingrained from maternal mortality of poor women. for women at all levels started centuries of discrimination against Women [already] constitute 73 gaining ground. A murmur for women and commit ourselves to a percent of the [world’s] 1.3 billion this demand became a thunder by future where Indian women live life poor. The structural adjustment the time Panchayat Raj Bill 1992 with respect, security and dignity. program is driving them [further] became effective. Participation of into impoverishment. women in decision making process- This article has extracts from right from the family to the highest following published works by So how do we empower women? level is essential for democracy. This Pramila Dandavate: Literacy and education are demand still remains a dream. most powerful instruments of 1. Empowerment of Women empowerment of women. An What are your recommendations educated and employed woman for enhancing the status of women 2. The Family today – Strengths stands a greater chance of getting in a family? and weaknesses respect and equal status in a • Men must be encouraged to share 3. Role of women in national family. Real credit for bringing domestic work with women to development common women into mainstream enable them to participate in of politics goes to Mahatma Gandhi. activities outside of their homes 4. Challenges of Gender equality Transformation and empowerment so as to widen their horizons, before the Asia pacific region. of women through their participation (Seminar organized by IUSY Asia • By guaranteeing property rights in Satyagraha movement under Pacific region) to daughters and wives. Women the leadership of Gandhiji was must be made economically 5. Text of the memorandum acclaimed by Late Kamladevi independent. presented to the President of India Chattopadhyaya in following words, “ Mahatma Gandhi could achieve in • Domestic labor of women 6. Janata Dal Memorandum for a day what social reformers could should be considered as their the 81 constitutional amendment not for hundred years of social contribution to the family income. bill, 1996. 14 JANATA, January 20, 2013

Book Review Ploughing a Lonely Furrow

B N Uniyal

Of all his contemporary once adorned as the Union Home generation and finally won a seat in politicians in Uttar Pradesh, Minister, but there too his tenure the UP assembly in the first election Chaudhary Charan Singh is the was fleeting: just four months. held before independence in 1937. only one who stands out to the eye There was nothing remarkable as a character. Compared to him, Every time he fell from office, about him until then. He was one his contemporaries like Chandra Charan Singh blamed his fall on the of the many such emerging leaders Bhan Gupta, Kamalapat Tripathi machinations of his factional rivals. thrown up in the mass movement for and Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna Sometimes, he bemoaned that he freedom under Mahatma Gandhi. were at best mere politicians. Two had fallen because he was the only He first came to notice when he others of the time come to mind: straight man in the midst of so many introduced a bill in the assembly socialist leader Dr. Rammanohar crooks. His disappointed followers in 1939 to protect farmers from the Lohia and his maverick follower, blamed his unbending nature. sharp practices of foodgrain dealers Raj Narain. Each of them was a Political correspondents close to or arhtis. That bill drew the contours character in his own right but, of him said that it was all due to his of his lifelong concerns and causes the two of them, while the first was failure to build a faction of his own he would espouse and despise. a national leader and in every way a in the party. His opponents blamed Paul Brass has dealt with these class apart from Charan Singh, the his casteist image which they said concerns in good detail, drawing second was, though remarkable, in had narrowed him down to being a up a vivid and by and large a fair a totally different category. mere Jat leader. There is some truth and unhesitant portrait of Charan in every one of these statements. Singh as a vigorous champion of all Measured by his political At the end, it was basically his peasant causes of his time. mission, Charan Singh was largely plain inability to make friends. a success but, measured by his He was too much of a moralist I must use this opportunity to political ambition, he was an utter and disciplinarian, too stern, too admit that I owe a debt of gratitude failure. Thrice opportunity came cut and dry, too stubborn and too to Paul Brass. It was his Factional his way and he even grasped it but demanding of his followers, utterly Politics in an Indian State, first then failed dismally to hold on to lacking in the dirty of politics. He published in 1965, that first gave it. Twice, in 1967 and 1970, he was, therefore, never able to create me a glimpse into the intricacies of became chief minister and once, a substantial following or build a the many sided and complex politics in 1979, he ascended even to the faction in the party or outside for of UP where I began my career as office of the prime minister but all himself. Most of his life, he was, a political correspondent in the late the three times he fell flat on his therefore, forced to plough a lonely 1960s and the early years of the next face in a matter of months. His first furrow. decade. I used his book as a primer term as chief minister lasted 11 in politics and learnt much from it. months and the second just eight. Charan Singh was born in a This latest work of his is in a way As prime minister, he lasted in office reasonably well off Jat peasant a continuation of that first book on for a mere 170 days between July family in 1902 in a village in UP politics. The book tracks Charan 28 and January 14, 1979 and then the Meerut district of western Singh’s career up to 1961 and is slipped off the high chair rather UP, studied law, practiced as an only the first part of a multi-volume disgracefully becoming the first advocate at the local district court, project on politics of northern India. and the only prime minister so far joined the Indian National Congress As far as Charan Singh is concerned, who never faced parliament. Even a in 1927, participated in the freedom a second volume will take the greater ambition of his was to sit in movement, went to jail on several readers through the remaining years the chair, his hero, Sardar Patel, had occasions like everybody else of his of his career up to 1987. I am sure JANATA, January 20, 2013 15 those interested in UP and national several measures to eliminate caste of Mohajir Qaumi Movement, politics of these years and Charan from public life. He stood for supported by many Muslims who Singh’s role in those tumultuous simplicity, honesty and sobriety in left for Pakistan from India. They events will wait anxiously for the personal life, integrity and probity could not get due rights in Pakistan promised second volume. in public sphere, Hindu Arya Samaj and are now organized enough to values, stringent enforcement of get represented in Pakistan Senate Paul Brass’s portrayal of law and order, and a strong but and corporations. The legendary Charan Singh is sympathetic, even highly disciplined bureaucracy in Karachi press club has been able to appreciative, but never over the administration. He was strong in his maintain its independence, despite board. He has himself admitted his advocacy of the causes and equally the pressure of military and it keeps admiration for his subject. He has, strong in his criticism of what he inviting the diverse speakers to however, made no attempt to gloss despised, such as, the moneylenders, speak about their views on matters over Charan Singh’s failings or foodgrain dealers and lower level controversial, on the lines which shortcomings or his lack of sufficient babus in government, especially, may be against the ideas of ruling concern for the landless agricultural those connected with revenue labourers and caste groups placed administration like tahsildars and cliques. One of the favorite themes lower in the social hierarchy than patwaris. What did him in at the end of talks there was, ‘Shared heritage: the landowning backward peasant was his intolerance of those who Common aspirations’, where the castes whose causes he championed disagreed with him and his total commonality of our cultural past all through his life. In that respect lack of understa nding of modern was highlighted and a need for broad his portrayal in the book is honest, currents in science and technology. cooperation between these two so if nothing else. Although during his called ‘enemy nations’ is articulated entire life time, Charan Singh was An Indian Political Life: Charan in a very positive manner. portrayed as a kulak and casteist Singh and Congress Politics, 1937 leader, he was really not a champion to 1961, Paul R. Brass, Pp. 575, of rich or large farmers. Nor was 2011, Sage; available at Bahri Sons, a he a casteist. The charge of a New Delhi. casteism was thrust upon him by the Leftists. At the most, he may be (Continued from Page 4) called a reluctant caste leader. At the One remarkable Comrade from our end he became one against his best Kerala, B.M. Kutty is a very popular wishes. He strongly resented being figure in Karachi. Kutty Sahib, as he called a Jat leader. “How can you is generally addressed there is part of say that,” he would often rail, “I am most of the progressive campaigns a champion of all peasants and of no and movements, shaping and guiding particular caste.” He has, no doubt, the younger lot into the values much to show for his championship needed for a democratic society and of peasant causes like his role in secular sate. This Malyalee doyen zamindari abolition, consolidation is there from last six decades and of land holdings. his autobiography is aptly titled, ‘Six Decades of exile: No regrets’. Charan Singh had an abiding interest in the welfare of the tiller Other friends and comrades from peasants. He was a Gandhian in the media, trade unions and Karachi tradition of Sardar Patel, strongly University were not only warm but Price: Rs. 20/- opposed to almost everything that also expressed how much they long Jawaharlal Nehru represented for the state of affairs where military ideologically—capital intensive can be packed off to the barracks and Janata Trust big industry, cooperative farming, civilian society is able to have its say D-15, Ganesh Prasad, Naushir westernized English-speaking urban through the democratic government. Bharucha Marg, middle class, Muslim appeasement Grant Road (W), Mumbai 400 007. and Sanatani Hinduism. He was The very concept of Islamic state against caste too and suggested also meets its nemesis in the form R.N.I. NO. 1855/1957 16 JANATA, January 20, 2013 P.R. No. MH/MR/WEST/275/2012-2014. Posted on every Wednesday at Mumbai Patrika Channel, Mumbai GPO-1

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Printed and Published by G.G. Parikh on behalf of Janata Trust. Printed at Mouj Printing Bureau, Khatau Wadi, Girgaum, Mumbai-400 004 and published at D-15, Ganesh Prasad, Naushir Bharucha Marg (Sleater Road), Mumbai - 400 007. Established 1946 Price : Rupees Five

Vol. 68 No. 1 Little to choose January 27, 2013 S. Viswam

Shinde spoils Rahul’s launch In the broader picture against the Congress party’s euphoria over Kuldip Nayar context of finding durable solutions to the “historic coronation” of the India’s myriad problems, assumption “yuvaraj”, Rahul Gandhi or in the On Latehar Incident of power at the Centre either by the BJP’s discomfiture over the plight Congress or the Bharatiya Janata of its erstwhile president Nitin Right to Food: Nutritional Party has little or no relevance. There Gadkari who has had to yield place and Social Dimensions is very little to choose between the to Rajnath Singh for the high office. K. S. Chalam two. An alternative to either, in the The celebrations in the Congress over form of a Third Front, is a theme all Rahul Gandhi’s elevation as vice- Anarchy sans Rebellion regional parties love to talk about from president and the circumstances, not Karan Kharb time to time, but no political leader or very flattering, in which Gadkari has grouping is committed to the cause or been eased out and Rajnath Singh Deprived Children has genuine interest in it. Experience inducted show that both the parties Arun Chavan tells us that political parties struggle have become highly personality- for and seize power ostensibly to centric. Both the parties revolve Rape Rage promote national interests but in around personalities rather than Nandana Reddy reality their own. Again, experience around ideology or principle or tells us that this is not a cynical view service. Relay Fast at Mumbai but is well-grounded. So much could have been done to take India really Like his father Rajiv Gandhi, Fishworkers’ Demands forward by the Congress and other Rahul has been a reluctant politician. parties which have enjoyed power During the last ten years, the crown at the Centre and in the states in the was offered to him more than thrice, last six post-independence decades. and yet. like Caesar, he rejected it as Editor : Yet, so little has really been done. many times as it was offered. Now, G. G. Parikh The rich have grown richer, the poor ahead of the 2014 polls, the young man has succumbed to pressure. Managing Editor : Guddi poorer, and the political class has flourished and thrived. This may Though he has been number two to D-15, Ganesh Prasad, sound simplistic, but nonetheless it is Sonia Gandhi all these years, and Naushir Bharucha Marg, an assessment which the aam aadmi been treated as such by the rank and Mumbai - 400 007. holds true in the country. file, the formal anointing, and that too at a party conclave where a session Email : [email protected] Against this background, we of the AICC was also held, puts find no cause either to share in the the official seal on the promotion. 2 JANATA, January 27, 2013

The stage has been set by the Between the lines Congress for the party’s number two to become prime minister in 2014, if the party and the alliance it Shinde spoils Rahul’s launch commands win the contest.

Rahul Gandhi’s track record after Kuldip Nayar he entered politics a decade ago is unremarkable. He has not shown January 30 is the day when his intent. He looked as if he was himself up as a vote getter. Indeed, Mahatma Gandhi was shot dead out to defame the BJP and the RSS. he has lost many a battle for the by a Hindu fanatic for partition I have no quarrel with him because party in many states. His leadership of India. Gopal Godse who killed both bodies are out of step with the qualities have remained well-hidden. him remained unrepentant and said principles of secularism we pursue. The public movements like the in his defence in the Punjab High anti-corruption, or the mass protest Court, where the case was heard: What Shinde should have done is against the gangrape in Delhi or the “Gandhi was a hypocrite. Even after to produce evidence on which he has angry upsurge of common people the massacre of the Hindus by the based his disclosures. A white paper against the beheading of an Indian Muslims, he was happy. The more before the next session of parliament soldier failed to provoke young the massacres of Hindus, the taller in February is an appropriate Rahul to come out in solidarity with (he raised) his flag of secularism.” measure. At a time when Islamist the aam aadmi. But. admittedly, he terrorism has already become a has impressed one and all by his India paid a heavy price to uphold nightmare for the authorities, Hindu sincerity of purpose, his eagerness the values of pluralism. Yet a similar terrorism can be a greater threat to do good for the people, his kind of incipient group has crept up, because it will contaminate the uninhibited demonstration of moral with the same ideas of eliminating majority community. Communalism support to the villagers and the those who are of different religion by the minority community can be deprived classes, and his humility. or who have stuck to the ideal of tackled. But when it embraces the On whether he is prime minister secularism. This group is attacking majority community, it can become material, no unbiased assessment India’s polity relentlessly and fascism. is available. Yes, the prime minister adding to its followers in the name considers him possessing enough of religion. Prime Minister Manmohan merit, talent and competence to join Singh has alleged again at the same his Cabinet. Rahul has stayed away Union Home Minister Sushil conclave that Hindu nationalist from the government on the excuse Kumar Shinde has said that “reports terrorism is not the answer to that the system as constituted is have come during the NIA (National Muslim one that comes reportedly unable to deliver the goods. Investigation Agency) probe that from Pakistan. This may be correct BJP and RSS conduct terror training but it does not help the situation It is now taken for granted that the camps to spread terrorism.” He developing in the country. BJP’s prime ministerial candidate further said: “Bombs were planted in will be Narendra Modi. There Samjhauta Express, Mecca Masjid A Muslim intellectual from has been also speculation that an and also a blast was carried out in Pakistan has emailed his comment: inexperienced candidate like Rahul Malegaon. We will have to think “While there is no denial that there Gandhi will find Modi’s challenge about it seriously...” is a Pakistani connection in some of formidable. The saving grace for the terrorist attacks in India such as the Congress is that not all sections The statement may be a bit 26 November there should be also of the NDA support Modi. Bihar sensational and I wish Shinde no doubt about the equally true fact Chief Minister Nitish Kumar is an had not made it at this time when that Indian Muslims themselves outspoken critic of Modi. He may be there is a fallout in India on what have many reasons to fight back on a candidate himself. There are other is happening at the border. And the Indian state that is treating them aspirants in the NDA also. Modi’s the facts he used at the Congress unfairly for now more than 60 years (Continued on Page 10) conclave at Jaipur raise doubts about in India, just keeping in view the JANATA, January 27, 2013 3

Babri masjid attack and murder of importance and has become a lame The 2014 election may turn out Muslims in Gujarat.” duck prime minister. to be a contest between secular and non-secular forces. However, He further says, “in an True, Rahul made a good, the BJP will think twice before increasingly violent world where the emotional speech at Jaipur. But what nominating Gujarat chief minister West is waging war for colonization did it say, even if it is assumed that he Narendra Modi. One, he will of natural resources and political wrote it himself? The observations polarise the country and, two, the influence everywhere one should like overhauling the system or BJP will find it difficult to organise not be surprised to find out that fighting against corruption are allies if he is projected as prime violence creates new violence. empty words. How can he be taken minister. The party should recall Every action has a reaction as we seriously when he knows that how the Vajpayee’s first government have seen on French misadventure his brother-in-law Robert Vadra had to resign after 13 days in office in Mali and Algiers.” has dishonestly acquired lands in because no other party was willing Haryana? to join hands with it. Those who do The response of the BJP is not learn from history are doomed understandably hostile. It has People in India and abroad to repeat it. demanded an apology from the want to know Rahul’s views on prime minister and has threatened the burning problems facing the Verma report a bandh throughout the country. country, not a goody-goody speech. Yet after readmitting Kalyan Singh, He has never uttered a word on the praiseworthy who was chief minister when the international scene. Ordinarily, it Socialist Party (India) welcomes Babri masjid was demolished to the may not be necessary to comment Verma Committee report for last brick, the BJP’s anger has lost on such subjects. But since he is a declining to recommend death sting. It should be defensive in its candidate for prime ministership he sentence to a rapist and also for approach. has to allow a peep into his mind on recommending review of AFSPA. these topics. Nonetheless, Shinde’s disclosures We, the people of India and have lessened the sheen of Rahul My hunch is that Rahul may not particularly the youths should orient Gandhi’s anointment as number two be the Congress candidate for the themselves to behave in a humane and civilized manner while dealing in the Congress. But this has not prime ministerial position in the with women. Law enforcement mattered with the party men who next election. Sonia Gandhi, who machinery can be helpful only have suddenly begun calling Rahul, reportedly wept on his elevation when people at large cultivate civic not Mr but Ji, the nomenclature fearing that power was like poison, virtues. the party uses for respect and may carry on with Manmohan Singh acceptability. as long as he lasts, if the Congress Demand to repeal AFSPA is an heads the post-election government. old demand raised by the people By elevating Rahul from the Rahul may step in after Manmohan of Manipur and other N.E States position of secretary-general to that Singh. as also by the citizens of Jammu & of vice-president of the party does Kashmir state. It is high time the not declare as if he is its nominee Some other person may also Central Governmentt bows to the for the prime ministership in the be a possibility. Already Finance wishes of the people and do away 2014 general elections. He says Minister P. Chidambaram has with draconian laws. Armed Forces he will build up the party. It looks engaged a tutor to learn Hindi. Sonia should not be deployed for curbing rather odd that his mother, Sonia Gandhi is herself giving prominence insurgency, which is by now on Gandhi, the president and he the to Parliamentary AffairsMinister decline. Vigilant populace is the true Kamal Nath and has nominated vice-president, should be together custodian of public law and order. him to lead the delegation at Davos. building the party. But then the Local police should be more duty- Congress, engripped by the dynastic Commerce Ministrer Anand Sharma conscious and people-friendly. politics, cannot help. It has to carry is only a delegate, although in the out Sonia Gandhi’s wishes, even past the Commerce Minister has Pannalal Surana, though Manmohan Singh has lost headed such delegations. Chairman, Central Parliamentary Board 4 JANATA, January 27, 2013 On Latehar Incident

The PUCL condemns the recent deaths, disappearances, torture, entitled to due process of law. We incident of mutilation and placing killings, sexual assaults, mass believe that this commitment is the IEDs inside the bodies of CRPF burning and destruction of villages; very faith of an open society and also personnel killed in an encounter with many other acts of untold miseries that adhering to this commitment is Maoist forces in forests of Latehar has made life for adivasis in these an effective way of converting all to in Jharkhand. Placing IEDs inside areas one of a `living hell’. the democratic and peaceful path. the abdomen or stomach of dead We would like to point out men seriously endangers lives of In this scenario, the PUCL would that when Indian citizens are uninvolved others like doctors and like to reiterate its resolution of the abducted or killed as ‘informers’ or medical personnel who perform post Ranchi National Convention held on public servants are killed, it is the mortems. Such acts of desecration 1st December, 2009 and calls upon responsibility of the State to bring of dead bodies is unacceptable and the Government and the Maoists to the guilty to book. The State must inhuman, constitutes a violation of cease all hostilities and engage in a assert its authority, but strictly within all acceptable norms of human rights dialogue. We also believe that open the bounds of the law. We hold that and robs the dead of their dignity. and free access to the public, civil a Maoist is an Indian citizen, who society and the media should be might have violated the law of the It is the PUCL’s understanding permitted in these areas so that all land and is entitled to be tried by a that under no circumstances can acts information gets reported, and no court of law like any other citizen of brutality be justified, even if they restrictions should be placed due to who might have violated some law. be in response to equally heinous and threats of the Government or Maoists A Maoist, no matter how serious the brutal acts unleashed by the security or other Naxalite groups. We also allegation against him, is entitled forces, as we are seeing presently. reiterate the urgency of equitable to be tried like Nathuram Godse We equally stress that whatever the development in the tribal areas. The and Ajmal Kasab. Godse had killed circumstances, the security forces PUCL also firmly believes that for Gandhiji and Kasab was not even must act within the bounds of law. every death, including as a result an Indian citizen. No matter how of action by the security forces and serious the situation, the State must As pointed out by the PUCL the police, an FIR should be lodged act within the bounds of the law. national council resolution of August followed by fair investigation and Equally, when the personnel of the 2012, `Operation Greenhunt’ just trial. launched by the security forces agencies of the State violate the law and police of the Central and We have had a consistent stand on and commit brutalities and human State governments in nine states the question of violence as a means rights violations, it is important that across central and eastern India, of settling disputes or conflicts of they be prosecuted and not granted purportedly to counter the Maoists whatever nature, whether socio- impunity and protection. has, apart from claiming hundreds economic or political. This was The spirals of violence and of lives of both Maoists as also the articulated in the PUCL National counter-violence in the troubled police and Central Forces, killed Convention held on March 7 1982, at areas of Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, thousands of ordinary tribals and Madras (now Chennai), “The PUCL Odisha and other states is grim and others caught in the cross fire. Vast reaffirms its faith in the democratic life threatening. The PUCL, through areas of mountainous regions in way of life. It appeals to all to use to this appeal, is therefore giving a these states have become cordoned the utmost the agencies and methods national call for a “Humanitarian off by Central Forces and a virtual available in an open society. Apart Respite” and appeals to the Central siege of terror launched by the from other factors, violence, even for and State Governments, the security CRPF, para military and police laudable objectives, will legitimise forces and also to the Maoists, to forces against local citizens. This counter-violence by the State and agree to an immediate ceasefire, has resulted in unending spirals other groups”. We reaffirm that even stopping of armed engagements and of violence resulting in encounter those who have taken to violence are engage in talks. Prabhakar Sinha V. Suresh National President National General Secretary Peoples Union of Civil Liberties JANATA, January 27, 2013 5 Right to Food: Nutritional and Social Dimensions

K. S. Chalam

The Right to Food is considered and the future of the Bill is now further indicated that any article, as one of the important components hanging in balance between (to use flavor that enters the preparation of the Fundamental Right to Life an old terminology) libertarians and of food or declared by government in the Indian context. It was also the egalitarians. It is a known fact as food comes under the category recognized in the International that the rights are not sanctioned or of food. Food grains are defined as Covenant on Economic, Social and ordained just like that in any part of rice, wheat, millets, sorghum, maize, Cultural Rights of 1966, reiterating the world; they are fought and won etc. It seems most of the activists the responsibility of every state by those who are passionate about and some experts are disquiet with to make everyone to be free from the wellbeing of mankind. The story the definition of food grains and are hunger. The convention on the Rights of food security in India appears to anxious as to the supply and the cost of Child particularly with reference follow the same course. involved in procuring the same. It is to Art 22, 23, 24, 26, and 27 and alleged that the bill is kept pending the Apex court of India recognizing There are several ad hoc due to the fact that there is no the right to food as integral to Right programmes and schemes drafted consensus on the amount of subsidy to life have pushed the entitlement either by the Planning Commission and the proportion of people (poor) to to food as an enforceable right or by the individual departments of be brought under the priority, general by virtue of Article 32 of Indian government to meet the challenges and excluded categories. As the constitution. The World Conference of scarcity of food to vulnerable expert policy makers are examining on Human Rights through its Vienna groups in different parts of the the issue within the framework declaration 1993 reaffirmed that, country. The major concern in all of a free market paradigm rather “human rights and fundamental these schemes seems to be to address than a constitutional and welfare freedoms are the birth right of all the immediate threats like drought, consideration, it is difficult to arrive human beings; their protection and famine, tsunami, etc. As against at an immediate solution. promotion is the first responsibility this, the Food security Bill 2011 The debate on the food security of governments”. contained enough provisions that or the right to food has clarified that would ensure the entitlements to ‘every person shall have physical, The National Human Rights meet the aspirations of millions of economic and social access, at all Commission through its the destitute Indians once it is passed times either directly or by means of deliberations and proceedings has in the Parliament. financial purchases to, quantitatively established the legal foundation and qualitatively adequate, sufficient for the right to food. It seems the Content of Food and safe food which ensures an international pressure through the The discourse on food security or active and healthy life’ ( Art 4 Millennium Development Goals right to food seems to have concerned NFSB). It seems this unambiguous and the paradigm of Globalization more about the provisioning of mention of access to adequate food and with the consistent struggle of food and little worried about the is a cause of concern to some experts some individuals and NGOs induced kind of food, habits of people, who knew about the performance the NAC finally to draft the National the cultural background of the of the agricultural sector for the last Food Security Bill 2011 (NFSB). beneficiaries and the content of few years. Interestingly, several issues came food. Unlike in some of the Anglo- up for consideration in the process Saxon countries, the food habits, the The whole issue of the Green of litigation and public discourse on ecological conditions, culture, etc. Revolution that took place under right to food both in the Judiciary are not uniform in India to make the supervision of the state and and in the Legislature debates. a homogeneous prescription of the its overwhelming performance The executive through the aid and content of food for all Indians. The in meeting the growing needs advice of the expert groups of draft bill however has defined under of the population seem to have different persuasions have actively 2(k) that food shall mean any article slowed down after 1990. In fact, participated in the deliberations used for human consumption. It has the negative growth rates for some 6 JANATA, January 27, 2013 years was a great source of anxiety is doubled and our exports have also intake as a source to measure poverty and even experts started looking at increased substantially. This data and since 1970s. It is considered that a clouds (monsoon) for solutions. It is information have implications for person in the rural area with hard presented in the Economic Survey the food security of people who have labor needs 2400 calories per day of 2011 that the compound rates of different habits in obtaining proteins while the urban norm is fixed at growth of the yield and production of rather than through a package of 2100 calories to deem anyone rice, wheat and coarse cereals during vegetarian items like pulses. In living below that level as poor. The 1981-2011 are not uniform and have fact people in the rural areas obtain calories are then indirectly obtained a declining trend (chapter 8). The protein foods with their own effort from different items of consumer above three items are considered and have to retain or obtain pulses expenditure data. Though the idea by the experts as the food basket which they may exchange for other of nutrition is scientific and is being for the entire country and therefore, low cost calories. used by scholars to determine the it is really a problem for NFSB to health and wellbeing of people, its commit and strain the economy Dimensions of Food habits application in India to estimate the (according to them have other The story of poverty is known poverty levels has been a subject of priorities). Even the investment to scholars who are familiar with great controversy. It appears that late in the agriculture sector in terms the struggles of the oppressed. VKRV Rao, the noted economist of the gross capital formation has Interestingly, economists have has said that the poverty line thus also declined and the policy makers entered this field allegedly calculated is only a ‘nutrition line’ seem to have failed in recognizing appropriating the concept of poverty and someone called it ‘starvation the problem in a country where originally developed by sociologists. line’. The contention about the basic 60 percent of the population relies Though the accusation is partially data to estimate the priority, general on agriculture for succor (even in correct, economists have made the and excluded groups to provide 2011). One cannot be blind to these subject a source of great professional subsidized food under the discourse facts while examining the NFSB. In enterprise by incorporating of Right to Food seems to have not fact, these details provide a vision dimensions of measurement to been resolved largely due to this for a different frame work probably it. In fact, the issue of poverty hullabaloo. specifying right to land and security was first taken up by nationalist of common property and livelihood leaders like Dadabhai Nawroji who Experts in the area of poverty resources. had published ‘ Poverty and Un- studies mostly under the direction of British rule in India’ where he has World Bank sponsored studies have There is no doubt that the rate calculated the cost of ‘rice or flour, concluded that economic reforms of growth of the economy and its dhal ,mutton, vegetables, ghee, oil have substantially increased the global orientation particularly to and salt’ that came to about Rs 15 rate of growth and thus reduced the western styles of living has to 35 at 1867-68 prices in different poverty levels in India. This is the changed the consumption pattern regions of the country. Rammanohar sum and substance of 600 pages of the population during the same Lohia, an economist by training had anthology on ‘the Great Indian period (1987-2010). The Economic also given figures and discussed it in Poverty Debate’ published by two Survey quoting the 66th round of the Parliament. But, this concept has World Bank experts Angus Deaton NSS has provided data to show somehow drifted from its original and Valerie Kozel. Interestingly, how the consumption expenditure initiation and is now going round none of the articles in the book on cereals both in rural and urban the statisticians and nutritional touched the core of the poor in India, areas have declined. There is a experts. This has attracted the wrath Adivasis, Dalits, Service castes, marked change in the consumption of the common man for the failure Minorities and Women. It seems habits of people as more amounts to address their empirical reality some of the experts are guided by of money are being spent on rather than exhibiting skills of the so-called nutritional experts milk and milk products and the measurement of some experts for (not from NIN) who appears to have expenditure on pulses has remained the last five decades. advised government experts that plummeted. Fascinatingly, there is there is significant development in marginal change in the expenditure The theory of poverty has the country and therefore people on non-vegetarian food items like entered the public domain through are adapted to sedentary life (based eggs, meat, fish, etc. Similarly, the Planning Commission that has used on European standards) and the production of fish during the period nutritional standards or calorie norm 2100-2400 is very high and JANATA, January 27, 2013 7 outdated. It is better to reduce the proteins and other nutrients for good is a nutrition or calorie gap here. values to 1776-1999. We do also health, growth and maintenance The NIN and other agencies have come across arguments like, as the of human body and mind’. The recommended dietary allowances for height and weight of Indians being National Institute of Nutrition a child of 6+ years as1350 calories very low, the above calorie standards (NIN) and National Nutrition per day and in the age group of 7-14 would lead to overfeeding and a Monitoring Bureau (NNMB) have about 1690-2100 calories depending waste. been conducting studies to provide upon the sex of the child and body information and data on nutritional weight . It is difficult to get any It is a strange logic and is far aspects of Indian population at answer to this gap from published from our everyday experience. It different age groups. The NFHS documents and we may have to infer is common sense that 60 percent of provide data that show the impact that it will be supplemented by the the population still depends upon of malnutrition on the growth of the families, welfare hostels, etc. But, agriculture and even if allowance human body, mortality rates, etc. some of the indigenous people like is given to mechanization in some In fact the WHO in collaboration adivasis, mushahars ( Bihar Dalits) pockets, majority of the farm workers with FAO and other international have their own methods of meeting do hard labour. Even in the urban organizations like UNICEF have the satiety by eating rats, 50 leaves, areas workers who come under been providing technical assistance 46 fruits, 15 flowers,14 tubers, 11 BPL category use manual labour. and standards on this subject. Most seeds, 4 gums, fish, beef, pork and The average height and weight of our institutes seem to follow other items. The question is - do they of the elite and the poor is slowly the standards prescribed by the consume them with human dignity rising and we have different social agencies. The recommended dietary that is fundamental in a paradigm or ethnic clusters with different allowances (RDA) tables prepared of rights or forced to eat them so as statures. It can also be argued that by NIN are available on the net for to stay alive like any other animal? the low average weight or height or ready reference. However, what Would the government accept the stunted growth is precisely due to seems to be not clear is about so-called nutritional experts’ advise lack of sufficient food. Further, we the kind of food items people that the intake including the animal have pockets of flourosis, endemic with different social, cultural and protein is sufficient and they do not to tribal regions that need special ecological regions of the country need any subsidy? attention. Therefore, some civil take and their nutritional values. society groups are arguing for a Issues for Discussion norm of 2700 calories. But, some The Government of India under 1. Is the right to food an exclusive of the experts from the urban elite the Ministry of HRD as a nodal right or need to be combined with seem to consider their environs agency is now implementing the Mid other freedoms? and their habits as the average and Day Meal scheme for the children come to such obtuse conclusions. in the age group of 6-14 in all the 2. The RTF is based on the But, there is a deeper design behind government and government aided assumption that each person is such estimates - to certify that the schools in the country. It is found independent and exclusive while economic reform promises are that an amount of Rs 10000 crores group identity as caste or tribe is realized. Thus, it is possible to are being spent on the scheme on 12 important in matters of food habits of show that poverty levels in India are crore children in 12.5 lakh schools. some groups. How to reconcile this? declining only by way of reducing It is alleged by civil society groups the nutritional standards. Otherwise, that the MNCs are now eyeing on 3. The food habits and culture the present rate of decline in poverty this segment to capture in the name vary from region to region and are was same as in the pre-reform of supplying micro-nutrients? basically evolved on the basis of period. the social background, religious The apex court and the orientation and other considerations. The draft bill on Right to Food government seem to have come to Do they have any role to play in has defined several concepts the view of providing a nutritional RTF? including malnutrition. It is said that diet that gives 650 calories to a ‘malnutrition is a condition which primary school going child and 900 4. Malnutrition is not a condition develops when the body over a period calories to an upper primary school of the absence of adequate food and of time does not receive or absorb going child. They do also get 20 it can also result in as a consequence adequate and appropriate calories, grams of protein per day. But, there of diseases such as Measles (virus) 8 JANATA, January 27, 2013 among children. How do we account for that? Anarchy sans Rebellion 5. Security of food with adequate Karan Kharb supply of food grains without ensuring the required calories would defeat the basic purpose of the right. The gang rape of a hapless girl 50,059 police personnel deployed Can we add nutrition as a part of the in a bus on busy roads of India’s for VIP protection against an right? capital city New Delhi on December authorised strength of 28,298, 6. How does the right of the 16 is just another slap on the face of that is, as many as 21,761 police child to get prescribed nutrition Indian Democracy. Crime in the city personnel in illegal service of the inputs ensured without infringing has become a way of life leaving VIPs at a time when there was just his/her culture and food habit? How citizens to fend for themselves. one constable for a population of 761 to make up the calorie gap in MDM Before we are able to recover from (against the authorised strength of scheme? one sad occurrence, a new menace is one policeman per 131 population). 7. Whether the RTF is to be lurking to pounce. Anti-corruption The situation since then has grown articulated within the frame work of crusaders had squarely accused as from bad to worse as the latest state free market or institutions have any many as fifteen ministers of the of Delhi police deployment shows. role to play? Manmohan Singhgovernment for Today in Delhi, while there is only one policeman for 364 people, there 8. What is the impact of money corruption. Not one of them has dared to sue the accusers for false are 20 policemen per VIP, that is, transfer on RTF instead of subsidized a force of 8,283 dedicated to 416 food grains supplied to vulnerable allegation or defamation. Nearly a third of the Lok Sabha members VIPs.Deployment of SPG, NSG, groups in other parts of the world ITBP and other para-military forces including USA (food stamps)? are facing trials for various offences including heinous crimes as serious for Z series category of VIPs is in 9. How do the connection between as murder, rape, extortion, robbery, addition. And in most cases the poverty levels and food security kidnapping et al; and yet it is they deployment is not to ward off any are to be linked? Is there a need security threat (which exists only for who make laws for us to follow! to review the standard amount of a select few), but to add an aura of Involved so intensely in their self- Calories in India in the back drop majesty to the persona of the Neta. of new research inputs from medical serving pursuits, how can they sciences? devote time to matters like public Malls, multiplexes, mandis, safety, welfare and development? 10. Whether the use of Paradigm colleges, institutions, public service No wonder, rapists, kidnappers, centres, bazars, parks, parking of Rights in the area of RTF helps murderers rule the roost while the us to ensure ethical entitlements or spaces – all have learnt to fend law abiding citizens, especially instruments of justice? for themselves and have their women pray for safety and take it own security guards who pose to as a divine reward if they are back protect them without any legal References home safe at night . What an powers. Public safety and security Amartya Sen Development As adventure! is the first among fundamental Freedom, Oxford, Delhi, 2012 Baxi responsibilities of every government Guarding the Strong, Upendra The Future of Human and a constitutional right of every Dumping the Hapless Rights Oxford, Delhi , 2010 citizen; otherwise, Right to Life will Here is what public safety and have no meaning. Chalam .K.S (Ed) Human Rights security means to those who govern and Human Development in India us. As per the details available on Ritual of Official Response , forthcoming government portals and ministerial Most crimes pass off without statements in the Parliament early evoking concern from politicians, Venugopal.K.R, The Integrated this year, there is a countrywide police or judiciary. Demands and Child Development Services: A shortfall of as many as five lakh assurances on the floor of the Flagship Adrift, Konark Publishers, personnel. A pan-India panorama Parliament for ‘stringent, exemplary Delhi, 2012 until March 2010 had a total of punishment’, ‘speedy trials’, JANATA, January 27, 2013 9

‘fast track courts’ do not inspire Starved farmers and dissatisfied bringing them to the legislature confidence nor do the eloquent soldiers are committing suicides as MLAs and MPs. Their newly demagogy and crocodile tears as never before. Shopkeepers and acquired position comes handy to shed by actors turned politicians small business concerns are buying slow down and subvert the legal because we have a history of on- security by employing private process. The latest addition is a going betrayal of public faith in the security guards and paying hafta. newly elected MLA (Congress) of country. Shockingly, no responsible Victims of loot, molestation, rape, Himachal Pradesh gone underground authority owns up shortcoming kidnap and perpetual harassment at after being charged for murder or failure at their level. At best, the hands of outlaws have lost faith of a young woman in Panchkula. they put forth excuses to win in the police and judiciary. They If more evidence is needed, here sympathy and appreciation rather would rather negotiate and buy are the factual details collated by than punitive action. Sometimes, peace and, if possible, patronage National Election Watch (NEW) and the excuses appear plausible too; of the hoodlums rather than face Association for Democratic Reforms but surely, someone is responsible disdain and further exploitation at (ADR): for deficiency, poor maintenance, the police station. equipment failure or lack of In Lok Sabha Elections2009, coordination – whatever the excuse! Shocking tales drip in blood and political parties gave tickets to tears routinely from government six candidates who declared in Union Home Minister, CM, hospitals and private clinics where their Affidavits that they had been police chief – all come out with human life and organs are freely charged with rape. traded with heartless brutality and promises as if this would be the In the last five years, parties gave impunity. News of child abuse in last time people had it so bad. tickets to 27 of those who affirmed play schools is a daily dose too! But since the aim of these hollow in their Affidavits that they were There is neither fear nor remorse declarations is only to cool down charged with rape. the rising public ire rather than even when perpetrators of crime change and improve, they are soon are arrested because bail is usually There were 260 contesting forgotten. Very much like their old granted sooner than later and the candidates from various political speeches and election manifestos, litigation lingers for decades. Now, parties who were charged under these assurances come handy to our the Home Minister seeks to douse different sections of IPC for crimes politicians for every successive rape, public ire by promising speedy against women such as ‘outraging each being an occasion to rehearse action and setting up a Commission modesty of a woman, assault, and improve their performance on of Inquiry. What a cruel joke! By insulting the modesty of a woman camera rather than perform and now, people know it well that setting etc. up of ‘commissions’ is a fooling tool demand performance in governance And these are their self- used by the government to confuse declarations, not full information ••• ••• ••• the issue as enquiries would be about much more that could be lying Governance is now marred by meandering through a labyrinth of beneath blackmail, compromise, rampant corruption, inefficiency irrelevant details lingering a simple unregistered and unreportedheaps. and callousness with total absence and straight case through months – of accountability almost all over the There are plenty in the corridors may be, years! country. Fed up with a corrupt and of power who, notoriously dreaded callous system, people looking for Public outrage in the capital these for their character, areroaming free alternatives under desperation have days is a pointer to total failure of even if the likes of ND Tiwari, gradually drifted to the side of the governance. The hollowness of Gopal Kanda, Mahipal Maderna, insurgents. Already more than one promises and assurances is betrayed Abhishek Singhviet al are discounted fourth of the country from Bengal by the fact that our political parties because reported cases of rape and to Kerala is already under the sway have in fact extended their patronage molestation in India are just the tip of Maoist insurgents. In the fast to the rapists and criminals. of the iceberg. Consequentially, the expanding ‘Liberated Zones’ state Rather than fast-tracking criminal government has lost the character authorities are denied access and proceedings against the accused, and credibility that could inspire it is the writ of the insurgents that parties are actually abetting crime confidence in the masses that are prevails. by giving tickets to criminals and surcharged with anger and strong 10 JANATA, January 27, 2013 urge for change. Deprived Children India is up and angry. In modern times when political rallies are Arun Chavan known for rampage, arson and loot, Anna had ushered in a culture of peaceful, non-violent agitation but For the sake of simplicity we have These findings underline the finally he had to call it off as the chosen to describe our target group precariously low index of human government remained on a switch- as deprived children, they hail from development. In respect of many of off mode. Commendably, the youth different tribes and communities. these groups and tribes the concept power of the nation is still peaceful Some elaboration seems necessary to of human development has had no and very much restrained despite better understand these groups. They relevance at all. Because, for them their justified anger. Such peaceful form the bottom of the hierarchical Time, as it were, has remained mass representations must be pyramid of Indian society, they motionless at least for 300 years. The respected and heard empathetically are of the pariah status and a good total number of groups and tribes is with topmost concern. But the part of them buried in the sands of 500 and their combined population government seems to draw comfort forgetfulness, so that none of the is 130 million. They are caught in form the public restraint which is a planners and policy-makers of India the vicious cycle of poverty and suicidal option chosen by it; for if over the past sixty years could take ignorance and a complete lack of you spurn peace, violence burst and notice of their existence. cohesion. turn into unmanageable bloodbath. Corruption, crime, anti-people The underprivileged sections The children are the most government, arrogant police and are divided into tribes, clans and vulnerable section of this population. civil administration – all add up to communities. Their number runs into And paradoxically they are make it highly inflammable, not only hundreds, each group is well-defined potentially the most creative part of in Delhi but throughout the country. by its ethnic roots, dress, lingoes, it. Reaching education to the rising It is surprising how people are traditions, means of livelihood, generation to breach the vicious restraining themselves from armed life style, its myths and manner cycle is the only way forward. rebellion even in such anarchic of worship. (Deities of the most times. The government will do well are pre-Aryan, or an amalgam of The Nobel Laureate in Economics to see the signals and be advised not Aryan and Dravidian icons and they Dr. Amartya Sen has asserted that to try people’s patience. practice mixed modes of worship). they are special children. Their In every sense of the term they live problems are special. They therefore on the fringe of society and there is need special schools. By that he (Continued from Page 2) no socializing between them, if not meant residential schools, where hostility, and barriers of prejudice children from 6 to18 age group advantage is that his candidature and suspicion. are given education, shelter and will be backed by the RSS. sustenance under one roof. He Recently the government of has further emphasized that the As things stand, the Congress India had appointed a commission investment in their education will has an advantage right now over of inquiry for them. The findings of bring returns in quicker time than the BJP. Rahul’s elevation has the Commission given below are an from any other sector of the national united the Congress, at least till the eye opener: economy. run-up to 2014 begins seriously, whereas Modi’s induction is bound (i) Children at school: 30 percent to divide the BJP. The present seems (ii) Distance from home of primary school for 80 percent 1 to 5 km an opportune moment for the revival of children: of the Third Front idea. A front that (iii) Land owning families : 9 percent can provide shelter to politicians (iv) Availability of wage employment: 57 percent who want no truck with either the (v) Availability of food throughout year: 37.5 percent Congress or the BJP. Who will bell (vi) Access to health care service 42.15 percent the cat? (vii) Raw drinking water availability 70 percent JANATA, January 27, 2013 11

The enormity of the problem Debate about poverty alleviation them: one needs a transmission is staggering. It is a question of which is interlinked with education network with pylons and cables to schooling 80 million children and of the millions of deprived children deliver the power, a power station to minors within a set timeline. The is balked at the prospects of generate the electricity and people in challenge has become all the more excessive carbon emission. The a colliery in Bihar to dig out the coal, difficult because of the terminal debate is deadlocked on how the or workers in Kirgizstan or Quatar crisis that envelopes the state- responsibilities should be shared to extract the gas from the ground. run primary education system. An between the two halves of the Then the fuel must be exported to isolated institutional programme will world, namely the developed North the power station. This means that have only demonstrative value if it as against the developing South. the energy we need for the light bulb is not related to a wider endeavour. The developed world has already requires much more energy at the Alky rent from end to end cannot consumed a great amount of the source. A normal light bulb which is be mended by a mere patchwork. atmospheric space. During the in itself fairly inefficient, will need Concerted, broad-based activities on coming decades China and India about 50 units of energy to produce a wider scale and over a sustained will use a good part of the remaining 10 units. About 6 to 8 percent of the period of time may point a way out space to achieve decent living energy will be lost in transmission of the tremendous logjam. standards for their people, which and distribution. The power station includes education of deprived will be running at 35 to 45 percent The direction that is suggested children in India. efficiency and there will be about for the short term is the formation 10 percent loss in the transportation of an action plan targeted at ridding Carbon emission is the great chain of the fuel from the mine head an administrative unit like Kolhapur debate of the century. At the Kyoto to the power station, which entails District of child labour completely, Conference many nations urged the even overseas transportation. and then induction into the schooling USA to reduce their consumption process. Of its population of 2.5 volume to bring down the carbon “We have heard of a new movement million the district has an estimated emission caused by it. But the USA taking root in the developed world. It number of 40000 child labour representative said their lifestyle was is called Transition Towns. They are hailing from the deprived sections. not negotiable. the places where climate is stable, The feelers we have sent out have where we have reliable, nutritious evoked a positive response from lead My younger daughter Vasundhara, elements of Kolhapur. her husband and their baby daughter and tasty local food supplies, where live near Houston, Texas. She told the local economy is thriving, where At an opportune moment soon me the bath room of her flat has we have affordable and ecologically as the school, managed by Gandhi seven lights and all of them lit up sound energy, where we know and Worldwide Education Institution, with one switch. I wondered to trust our community and those that who are our associates, attains myself do we really need seven provide food and provisions and palpable shape at the Vashi Campus, lights for one small 8x10 ft bath all this is something that they have with prior spade work, the campaign room. Perhaps that is what American created themselves” process can be set in motion. That lifestyle means. In the USA having school may be looked at as a seven lighting points in a bathroom I have quoted here Teresa demonstration unit. is normal level of living. Whereas Anderson of UK who has made one lamp in a hovel where our child these remarks about a Transition This meeting and this interaction learns to read and write is a luxury. Town named Totnes, a small market is taking place at a time when the This wide chasm needs to be bridged town in Southwest England. whole world is teetering on the without genuine hardship to any cusp of a crisis. I believe we are party. And in UK alone there are a not meeting as fair weather friends thousand such communities. So, but as partners of a joint action for To light a traditional light bulb there is hope for all of us. Self- a better and more secure future for in a fossil fuel-driven electricity sufficient communities was the all of us, who could be described as system, one needs so many things dream which is central to Gandhian Earthlings. to be in place. Let us enumerate thought. 12 JANATA, January 27, 2013 Relay Fast at Mumbai

Ghar Bachao Ghar Banao has not taken any cognizance of by post and they are yet to receive Andolan withdrew its 10 days long the matter and was playing pro- the same. Then the question arises agitation, after having received builder role. On the contrary, FIR that how, before receiving the letter certain concrete promises and has been registered in favour of the for providing the police protection directions for investigations in the developer’s henchmen and against from the concerned authority, issues related to the corruption in the people who have raised their protection was provided by Police respect of housing rights and land voice against the injustice. Authority for eviction process. In scams throughout Mumbai. The this process literally, the policemen State Government has agreed to Nirmal nagar Police station has had manhandled and pulled the conduct an enquiry through the set up a trap for the people who residents out of their houses in which Principal Secretary, Housing into are raising their voice against the they had not even bothered about SRA projects in six localities - injustice and are fighting for their the old people. One old lady had Golibar, Ambedkar Nagar - Mulund, rights by registering false cases i.e. got injured in this eviction process Ramnagar - Ghatkopar, Chandivali, C.R. No.17/13 u/s. 143,323,324,34 which was without any intimation Sion-koliwada and Indira nagar 2,354,427,447,504,506 IPC wherein and notice. - Jogeshwari, defining the modus they have prepared FIR against the operandi involving all stakeholders whistle blowers and the ones who We all at Ambewadi Golibar, and holding public hearings. are playing leading roles in taking are declaring our “strong protest” out fraud of the developer. In this against such an act. Protesting While the Andolan was going on, case they have mentioned that there against all the above mentioned all the things were moving on the are 30-40 other males and females injustice and harassment, Ghar right path. However, within a few which mean that the ones who will Bachao Ghar Banao Andolan with days of withdrawal of the agitation initiate protest against the illegalities various slums as well as middle class localities across Mumbai and announcement of inquiry on the will be taken into the case. The has decided to continue and even six SRA projects having approval most important question for Police intensify the struggle at Ambewadi on fraudulency and involving Administration and Authorities is Golibar, Mumbai, to reach out on the irregularities and illegalities, the that on what basis SRP and police deaf ears of Government Authorities harassment of the people have protection are provided here to the for our rights and justice. been started by the henchmen of private person/body. developers under the tight police Even though the Apex Authorities Demolition ride is still going protection. Few examples of this are issuing the orders of certain on in different parts of slums and harassment are cutting of public investigations but the sub-ordinates water supply and locking the doors localities. Today demolition and are least bothered to implement and of fencing compound just to block eviction was carried out at M.H.B follow the directions given by their the way of local residents of Sion Colony, Opp. Balvikas school, Senior Authorities. Koliwada. No cognizance was taken Sarvoday nagar, Jogeshwari(E), by Police and MCGM Authorities wherein MHADA officials came The struggle of Mumbai’s slum for this. In Golibar, Ambewadi, on for eviction and demolition without dwellers and those affected by 18 January, 2013, developer with any orders and denied to show the corruption in Slum Rehabilitation help of his 70-80 henchmen entered same. Same was the case with the and Re-development, continues at to fence the demolished area where Police Authority, when the questions Ambewadi Golibar, Mumbai. We the henchmen started assaulting the were asked regarding if any, letter also stand in solidarity with the women with stone and bamboos to received by them from MHADA slumdwellers of Bangalore who vacate the place. These women were for providing police protection to are facing evictions and police badly assaulted and were admitted carry out the eviction and demolition repression at EWS quarters at in hospital as they were severely activity. One of the official replied injured. Nirmal Nagar Police Station that they are going to send the letter (Continued on Page 14) JANATA, January 27, 2013 13 America is in Congress’s DNA, not India

At the Jaipur convention Rahul the Americanised India as the one bring a change in the Congress party Gandhi’s assertion that the Congress and only truth about the country. and the policies of the government is Mahatama Gandhi’s party and is old story. It is also old story that India is in its DNA is hollow Congressmen celebrated Rahul Congress leaders clap on every and misleading. The Socialist Gandhi’s speech, as expected, word he utters. This time this Party would like to put the record in a sycophantic manner. The tamasha became ‘serious’ when straight regarding this hyperbole mainstream media too projected some Congressmen wept while and contentious issue. Mahatama Rahul Gandhi and his speech in listening to Rahul’s statement that Gandhi is too far away for them, such a manner as if he were really his mother wept before him the the present-day Congress has not a true statesman who constructs and earlier evening! remained a Congress even of the writes his statements and speeches Indira Gandhi era. It is a Congress himself. Everybody knows that he The message by Sonia Gandhi of Sonia Gandhi, Manmohan Singh is a protected and projected leader to Rahul that power is nothing and Rahul Gandhi via Rajiv Gandhi. of the Nehru family on whom a big but poison has been applauded Mahatama Gandhi, at the time of amount of money, earned by the by Congressmen. The message independence, had said that the hard-working and honest people of that this poison could be balanced Congress has served its purpose the country, is being spent from the by using power for the apparent and should now be disbanded very beginning. It is also known to wellbeing of people has also been and a new political organisation everybody that so far it has been well understood by the masses should be formed for the political a futile exercise on the part of the who have little option but to keep purpose. He further suggested that Congress. For the Socialist Party, drinking the poison of hunger, the Congress should be converted it is a matter of concern that the malnutrition, unemployment, price- into Lok Sewak Sangh to serve the serious political contemplation rise, insecurity and suicides. social purpose. and debate, in this neo-liberal era, The Jaipur conference once again is replaced by costly spectacles proved that the Congress is a den of There were forces, communalists repeatedly organized by political sycophants, many of whom do not on one hand and communists and parties and propagated by the have any worth of their own to rise dalits on the other, who challenged media. to the top posts they are holding. the credentials of the Congress They worship the Nehru-Indira through different arguments. The Congress has placed the rich Gandhi family as the Congress Some times they aligned with resources of the country to be looted family with the fervent hope that the colonial rulers in their denial and plundered by the national and this would secure for them the to the Congress. So it is open to multinational corporate houses ‘cream’ of personal power and gain. debate whether the Congress of and companies. Its government is the freedom movement had entire deeply immersed in corruption. The The Socialist Party would like India in its DNA? However, as P.M., several Cabinet Ministers, to caution that the Congress and far as the independence struggle and Chief Ministers face charges its leaders are not at all concerned is concerned, the Congress was a of scams of enormous multitude. about their needs. They, like the pan Indian forum. But there can The result is hunger, malnutrition, BJP and other mainstream political be no doubt that the present-day unemployment, price-rise, parties, are only concerned for Congress has the U.S. in its DNA. insecurity and farmers’ suicides. the upper-and-middle class India It follows the dictates of the U.S., who has been benefitted by the the epitome of neo-imperialism, and Rahul Gandhi has always been neo-liberal polices of the last three flourishes. The statement of Rahul number two in the Congress, after decades and reflects the U.S. in its Gandhi would be right if we accept his mother. Therefore his call to DNA.

- Prem Singh, General Secretary, Socialist Party (India) 14 JANATA, January 27, 2013 Fishworkers’ Demands

• The General Body Meeting of to fish and fishing to manage 5. Ban on purse seining. National Fishworkers Forum the fisheries resources in these (NFF) was held in Puducherry protected areas. 6. Kerosene and diesel subsidy for from 6th to 8th December 2012. small and traditional fishermen. Delegates from all the 10 coastal • In demand of immediate payment states of Indian participated in the of insurance and compensation B. In view of the urgent need of an meeting. amount to the next of kin of act to protect the coastal traditional the fishermen lost in the sea on fisher people’s rights, concerned • The meeting elected a new indemnity bond without waiting with the totally unacceptable Chairperson of NFF in the person for six years. draft bill circulated by MoEF and of Rambhau Patil and a new taking note of the Prime Minister’s General Secretary of NFF in the • In demand of fisheries to be dealt reference to the necessity of such person of M. Ilango. at par with agriclutlture in the an Act in the CoP-11 at Hyderabad, matters of loan waivers, interest NFF has resolved to prepare a draft • The General Body Meeting on loans and also in demand of tax discussion paper on it for wide passed the following resolutions: free supply of fishing gears and circulation and discussion among the equipments used by the small and fisher people and their organizations • In opposition of the commissioning traditional fishing communities. towards preparation fo an alternative of the Kudnakulam Nuclear Power draft and present the same to the Plant and demanding immediate • In opposition of the continuing government. withdrawal of cases and warrants excesses by Sri Lankan Navy over against the people fighting against Indian fishermen and demanding Vasudev Boloor, T. Peter, Pradip the Nuclear Power Plant as well stern action by the Government Chatterjee as release of all arrested people. of India and the Indian Navy against Sri Lankan as well as (Continued from Page 12) • In opposition of Nuclear Power the protection of the innocent in general and in support of fishermen by the Indian Navy. Ejipura by BBMP. We demand that alternative energy options with illegal demolitions by state will be conservation of energy that The following Action Programmes resisted at all costs and we will stand can more than compensate the were adopted in the General Body – in solidarity wherever homes will be Nuclear Energy in use in the demolished across the country. country and calling for a nuclear A. Fisher People from all over the free India. coast will sit in a Five day dharna at Andolan demands that Jantar Mantar in Delhi in the 1st week Maharashtra Government takes firm • In demand of an independent and of March 2013 in demand of – and concrete decisions, investigates separate Fisheries Ministry in the into corruption and irregularities Government of India 1. A separate fisheries ministry in as well as Government should the Government of India. also carry out inquiry on Police • In opposition of Foreign Direct Administration and Authorities Investment in Retail Trade 2. Booking of violations of CRZ for providing police protection to Notification. private bodies and for not even • In opposititn of blanket bans on taking cognizance of the effected fishing imposed in the Marine 3. Fisher people’s Rights to fish in people and until then, people are and Coastal Protected Areas the marine and coastal protected determined to continue. like Sundarban in West Bengal, areas. Gahirmatha and Bhaitarkanika –Sumit Wajale, Sandeep Yeole, in Orissa and Gulf of Mannar 4. Fisher People’s Rights to seasonal Ajit bhau, Dattaram Tandel, in Tamilnadu and claiming right fish drying on Jambudwip. Sushant Gumre, Madhuri Shivkar JANATA, January 27, 2013 15 Rape Rage

Nandana Reddy

After the recent Delhi incident, ‘wayward’ girl returning from a pub Humankind was meant to Rape Rage has suddenly burst on – not ‘gallivanting’ with a bunch of procreate like all other life forms. our consciousness. It has ripped the boys – not dressed ‘provocatively’ This is a natural instinct and a lid off the ugly Indian underbelly. – not a call girl. There were no biological predilection. Early Though we all know that violence ‘excuses’ this time, though some humans didn’t know that it took a against women of all ages and social tried; and “why was she out so late?” man’s sperm to fertilize the woman’s backgrounds, including the ultimate or “she was kissing on the bus” – but egg to create a baby. It was just the form – rape often combined with it was difficult to malign her with the fulfilling of a need like hunger or torture and ending in murder was usual denigrating clichés. thirst. Sex was central to our being common place, we kept it under like eating, breathing and excreting. wraps, allowing it to fester under the Perhaps it was because it surface, denying its existence and was Delhi where there is a more As we evolved into thinking suppressing any form of redressal, politically and socially aware section sentient beings and became civilized remedy or restitution or even of young and middle class. Perhaps we elevated sex to an art form. In discussion, by creating a climate it was the timing. India we have the Kama Sutra, in where the victim becomes the guilty Japan the Ishinpo that contains some But perhaps it was just the last one tarnished, stained, suspect and of the Taoist sexual manuals and The straw – the final ember that lit the fire immoral – often forcing her to seek Classic of Sunu that provides advice – perhaps we had all just had enough. refuge and absolution in death. on sexual practices, in ancient Greek The simmering anger and discontent Eros the god of love, is equivalent at having been wronged for so long All the systems we have to Kama, the Hindu god of love. burst into flames especially in the created to protect ourselves, all Cupid depicted as a young cherub face of the apathy and absurdly the constitutional provisions type of creature, armed with a bow patriarchal remarks of the authorities. proclaiming equality and all our and arrow, and Psyche, or Soul, is the Greek counterpart to Shakti. religious teachings pontificating This outpouring of anger and We infused respect, consideration the protection and veneration of the demand that something be done and affection into what was a crude women, fall apart, as we, so-called demonstrated that some sections of process of conjugation. civilized citizens of a democracy, the our nation [that are a part of both guardians of rights, the protectors Bharat and India] have matured It was out in the open. We of the weak, the custodians of law despite the prevailing popular displayed reliefs on temples and and morality turn violators and culture – despite the so-called temple carts; in paintings and wall women are desecrated by those who popular opinion and the proverbial hangings; we explained it through are supposed to care. Our elected ‘what will our neighbours think?’ songs and games in marriage representatives, police, courts and ceremonies and coming of age even religious leaders – the ones we These are people, both men and ceremonies and children grew up should turn to in need – all suffer women – who want to have normal with a nuanced understanding of from the same ailment – misogyny. tension free sexual relationships. To sex and sexuality and a feeling that As products of our society they only be able to explore their sexuality, it was normal. In Kerala men and reflect what we have constructed in experiment and discover what is women went bare chested until the the name of progress. best for them. They do this with Christian missionaries and social respect for each other’s boundaries reformers arrived on the scene with The Delhi rape case attracted and honour the word ‘no’. They their brand of morality and gradually attention. Thousands came out onto are tearing away at the false façade in India and other countries of the the streets – young and old, men and that covers deep seated misogamy Far East, sexuality eventually lost women from all strata of society. and so it is they who are the most its sacredness and society became Why? threatened as they are threat to those more sexually conservative. who wish to ‘protect’ what they Perhaps it was because the girl call so-called ‘Indian morality’ and With the spread of Christianity, was just the girl next door – not a ‘family honour. sexuality became limited to R.N.I. NO. 1855/1957 16 JANATA, January 27, 2013 P.R. No. MH/MR/WEST/275/2012-2014. Posted on every Wednesday at Mumbai Patrika Channel, Mumbai GPO-1 procreation. Sex and morality were turn have become instruments of of India constructed by Dutta and converging for the first time in suppression and oppression. Malhotra shows that the North East history. and the extreme West of India have The politics of rape runs deep. the lowest incidences of reported The Christian church had strict The number of politicians who rape. Though the actual figure must rules about sex and having children. have forced women into having be higher as a large number of rapes Some strict theologians went so sex using their position and power are not reported and reported cases far as to recommend abstinence on outnumber the ones who haven’t. are just the tip of the iceberg just Thursdays, in memory of Christ’s It is their way of gaining a false going by these figures, Nagaland arrest; on Fridays, in memory of his sense of power and for them such reported 23 cases in 2011, Sikkim death; on Saturdays, in memory of despicable acts go with the territory 16, Daman and Dui 1, Pondicherry 7 the Virgin Mary; and on Sundays, in – are part and parcel of their role. It as against UP 2042, Rajasthan 1800, honor of the Resurrection. Mondays, is not surprising therefore that they Kerala 1132 and MP 3400! Sikkim Tuesdays, and Wednesdays were come out with such insensitive and has had 16 such cases. often religious holidays and fasts, unsavoury statements. But we must so intercourse was banned on those remember that they too are a slice Tribal societies have a very low, days as well. Good Christians were of our society and we have elected if any, incidences of rape or even not supposed to have sex during them! unwanted pregnancies. In Bastar Lent, which lasted forty days, or girls and boys on reaching puberty Popular media – be it films or on Christmas or other religious choose their partners and go off into TV Serials – again a reflection of holidays and fasts. All of those the forest together for a period of the society we have created depicts restrictions meant the number of trial before they decided whether to sex as a titillating series of gestures days you weren’t allowed to have become a couple and start a family aimed at the groin, suggestive sex far outnumbered the days sex and according to studies the girl movements and erotic/pornographic was permitted. almost never gets pregnant as a dance sequences. All this but not the result. real thing! We do not show kissing In the mid-1600s Europe or the act of making love. That is developed and implemented modern But what is the solution? The left to the imagination and if the amenities like sanitation and science, protests in Delhi are proof that at imagination is ignited by the visuals organized religion played a great least a part of India has moved on one has seen – the act itself can only role in the formation of one partner and is sexually mature. But will this be construed to be an act of force, and one family and great constraints lead to action? Will making more power, lurid and crude. were placed upon couples to conform stringent laws and enforcement – an to the morality of the times. The Would it not be better to show the important and necessary step in the modern perception of sex as sinful act of love making with respect and short term – but will that be enough arose during this period. tenderness, where two consenting to really improve things in the long adults come together for personal term? We as a society also became more gratification and each other’s patriarchal and gradually we began fulfilment? Where sex is engaged Perhaps we need to take even to suppress the candid conversations, in with respect for each other even if greater steps to rip open the lid of the dialogue and the knowledge, not for love? Where the human body sexuality and spill the contents. the songs and the ceremonies. We and the act itself is not a means of Perhaps we need to take our children changed the way we dressed and the demonstrating power over the other to Khajuraho and Konarak and show way we socialised, what was allowed or a means of control and not an act them the reliefs and tell them how and what was not was dictated by the of punishment? love can elevate sex to phenomenal patriarch until sex was mystified heights. Perhaps we need to relook and sullied and became a tool in the Interestingly, cultures that at our censorship laws and ban the hands of the powerful to oppress are more open to sex and more vulgar gyrations and allow more of and subjugate the weak and the comfortable acknowledging it as a the real thing. Perhaps we need to less powerful. This patriarchy was normal human function have less join the one million rising and sing also internalised by women who in incidences of rape. A Rape Map the songs of love….. Printed and Published by G.G. Parikh on behalf of Janata Trust. Printed at Mouj Printing Bureau, Khatau Wadi, Girgaum, Mumbai-400 004 and published at D-15, Ganesh Prasad, Naushir Bharucha Marg (Sleater Road), Mumbai - 400 007. Established 1946 Price : Rupees Five

Vol. 68 No. 2 Breakthrough still elusive February 3, 2013 S. Viswam

Revival of two-nation theory? Kuldip Nayar Two decades ago, when the found. Telengana could have been demand arose for a separate state, combined with many other similar Telengana, to be carved out of demands for new and smaller states Shinde on Hindutva Terror: composite Andhra Pradesh, everyone, and referred to a second states Terminological Confusions inside the government and out of it, reorganization commission. Failure Ram Puniyani said that Telengana was an issue of to do this has kept the issues like emotions and sentiments and hence Vidarbha, Gorkhaland and Bodoland a hasty decision was not possible, alive and simmering, if not boiling. Legislate on Verma report Today, the same excuse is being The NDA dispensation was both Rajindar Sachar trotted out. Meanwhile, much waters selfish and short-sighted in creating have flown down the Godavari and Chattisgarh and Uttaranchal and the issue itself, complex enough Jharkhand and leaving grievances Dalit-Muslim Relations in Pre- when first mooted, has grown more in respect of other states seeking Partition Bengal Paradigm complicated. The Centre, regardless division unaddressed. This was K. S. Chalam of which coalition has been and clearly unwise since the same criteria is in power, is to bear much of the which were applied to the division blame for the current stalemate. And, of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Madhya Eviction of Five Thousand specifically, Union Home Minister Pradesh could have been applied People Shinde has added to the Government’s to Maharashtra, Assam and West problems by first fixing a deadline Bengal and the demands in each for a solution and then reneging on state could have been examined in Tehri Dam oustees languish his word. Consequently, the issue is again on the boil. The familiar depth and a way out suggested. Or, threats of resignations, dharnas and if the establishment did not favour Editor : protests are being heard. The Centre, division, some other solution which G. G. Parikh unsurprisingly, is clueless. To be fair, took note of the popular aspirations for betterment and development Managing Editor : Guddi it does want to concede Telengana, but is unable, or unwilling, or frightened could have been incorporated into D-15, Ganesh Prasad, to visualize the conseuquences, and the system in each state. By leaving Naushir Bharucha Marg, is unsure whether it can handle the the issues unaddressed, the ruling Mumbai - 400 007. resultant situation. regimes have dragged India many years back. If some new states are Email : [email protected] Time was when the issue could created now, each will have a lot of have been tackled and a solution catching up to do. 2 JANATA, February 3, 2013

The Congress, whose stakes are Between the lines higher than the Bharatiya Janata Party in the creation of new states, has always had an eye on elections Revival of two-nation theory? in its calculations on statehood issues. The BJP also linked the demands with polls and hence Kuldip Nayar conceded Chattisgarh, Jharkhand and Uttaranchal. Its calculation, Muzzafar Beg is one of sensible it is not only Hindus and Muslims namely, that the new states would voices in Kashmir. But I could not but also India and Pakistan. always be grateful and hence loyal understand why he was mentioning to the party, has proved shortlived. partition or the 1947 killings when I am a witness to partition. Only Chattisgarh has remained commenting on the controversy The separation was a settlement with the party since birth, but this over the BJP’s demand for Home between the two countries, and situation may change. Uttarakhand Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde’s based on religion. Nothing could be and Jharkhand are under the control resignation on his remark that both more futile than an argument now of non-BJP parties. The Congress the RSS and the BJP gave training about who was responsible for the also did some such calculation when at shakhas (small gatherings) to partition of the subcontinent. With it promised Telengana. Now, it is Hindu terrorists. On the other hand, the sequence of events stretching hoist on its own petard, because it a Pakistani lawyer told an Indian back for more than six decades, does not know how to give effect to Muslim on a television channel that such an exercise can only be an its promise without losing ground in he was worse than a Hindu because academic question. But it is clear the bargain. he blamed the ISI (Inter Services that the differences between Hindus Intelligence) for launching and and Muslims had become so acute Interestingly, over time, the supporting terrorists. Famous Indian by the beginning of the forties that argument against small states being actor Shah Ruk Khan says that as a something like partition had become not suitable for development has Muslim he has felt unsafe. inevitable. faded in direct proportion to the growth of popular socio-economic In an e-mail message to me one For Beg to remind partition aspirations. Language also has ceased well-read Muslim from Karachi is to raise a scare, knowing well to be THE sole motivating factor for says: “We do not have any problems that another partition is out of the demand for statehood. Indeed, with our Hindu brothers in spite of the question. I concede that the if the Centre had experimented the fact that our Muslim brothers Indian polity is not as secular as our on regional councils in Andhra are being killed simply because they forefathers wanted or envisaged. Pradesh and elevated the twin cities are Muslims in Gujarat.” An Indian Hindus have a feeling that they are of Hyderabad-Secunderabad to the prisoner was severely beaten and a majority and Muslims suffer from level of Union Territory as in Delhi killed at Kot Lakhpat jail by the staff a complex of being a minority. Yet or Chandigarh, a solution might have which made “racial remarks against India is far better than Pakistan whose arrived. However, now, the all-or- Indians.” (Incidentally, the same jail founder Qaid-e-Azam Mohammad nothing sentiment rules. has Sarabjit Singh on death row.) Ali Jinnah had said that religion would have nothing to do with the The stake for the Congress in One common theme that runs state. Jinnah never propounded the deciding in favour of Telengana through all observations and thesis that the Indian Muslims would is obvious. It can win favours in the death in jail is the same old be Pakistan’s charge. Telengana but will invite only anger estrangement between Hindus and and resentment in Vishalaandhra. Muslims. Partition was considered Therefore, the intellectual from Rayalaseema and coastal Andhra a solution to the problem when Karachi propagates pan-Islamic will distance themselves from the British rulers were quitting. view when he says that “our Muslim the Congress and align with anti- But it is still a problem. After brothers are being killed” Muslims partition, relations between the two on this side are Indians and those communities have been spoilt. Now across the border are Pakistanis. (Continued on Page 5) JANATA, February 3, 2013 3

This is precisely what Jinnah said after partition: You are Pakistanis or Shinde on Hindutva Terror: Indians and you cease to be Hindus, Terminological Confusions Muslims, Sikhs and Christians, not in the religious sense but otherwise. Ram Puniyani He buried the two-nation theory Protests are being organized and and examine the conspiracy behind there and then. threats to stall the proceedings of the attack, including the links of What happened in Gujarat is a next Lok Sabha session are being the accused in terrorist attacks at shame and a stigma on the country’s dished out to oppose the Home Malegaon (September 8, 2006), secular face. The result is that Gujarat Minister Sushil Kukar Shinde’s Mecca Masjid in Hyderabad (May chief minister Narendra Modhi statement about the Hindu terrorism, 18, 2007) and at the Ajmer dargah has become a pariah throughout its links with BJP and RSS. (23 (October 11, 2007). He had used the India. Muslims in Gujarat, West Jan 2013). There are two major word Saffron terror. Bengal or in any other state are components of this statement. One Indian citizens, equal before the is the use of the prefix Hindu for Various such acts of terror in law. Some extremists or the states terrorism, and two about RSS-BJP which these people have been with weak administrations do not links with terror training camps. involved have been coming to light make them lesser citizens by their What Shinde called Hindu terrorism during the last ten years or so. In behaviour. True, their backwardness has also been called Saffron 2003, in Parbani, Jalna and Jalgaon is a point of concern, something terrorism or Hindutva terrorism. districts of Maharashtra; in 2005, which the Sachar Commission made. This prefix is to point out to acts in Mau district of Uttar Pradesh; However, the report remains largely of terror indulged in by the likes in 2006, in Nanded; in January unimplemented even after six years. of Sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur, 2008, at the RSS office in Tenkasi, In fact, the problem with Beg Swami Aseemanand, Col. Prasad Tirunelveli; in August 2008, in and others whom I have quoted Shrikant Purohit, Kalsangara, Sunil Kanpur, etc. Few of the details of have not got out of the two-nation Joshi and many like them who were some of these acts are very revealing theory mindset. Religion does either actively associated with not determine nationhood. The the ideology of Hindutva, or even On 6th April 2006 two Bajrang liberation of Bangladesh, East were organizationally associated Dal workers died when making Pakistan separating from West with RSS. Others were at that time bombs. The place where they died Pakistan, buried the two-nation or previously linked with some belonged to the RSS worker and theory deep. The fact that both progeny of RSS like ABVP, Bajrang saffron flag was hoisted atop the were Muslims could not keep East Dal etc. Many of them were part of hose. There was also a board of Pakistan from liberating itself when organizations like Sanatan Sanstha, Bajrang Dal, Nanded Branch on the there was discrimination against the Abhinav Bhararat, who again aim wall of the house. people living there. at the goal of Hindu Nation or are ideologically inspired by the agenda In Thane on 4th June 2008, two When the Kashmiris project of RSS. Hindu Jagran Samiti workers were themselves as a nation, they are arrested for planting bombs in the confusing community with the The home minister’s remarks are basement of Gadkari Rangayatan, nation. They will be either part of based on investigations done by Anti due to which seven people got the Indian nation or that of Pakistan Terror Squads (ATS) of different injured. The same group was if and when the UN resolution is states and by National Investigation involved in the blasts in Vashi and implemented. Their independent Agency. Earlier the announcement Panvel also. status is neither accepted by India was made by the former Union nor by Pakistan and I do not foresee home minister P. Chidambaram, In Goa a bomb kept in a scooter such circumstances where three-four in July 2010, to Parliament that went off on the eve of Divali (17th million people, landlocked, become the National Investigation Agency October, 2009) in Margao. It killed independent. (NIA) would probe the terrorist Malgonda Patil and seriously (Continued on Page 13) attacks on the Samjhauta Express injured Yogesh Naik. Another bomb 4 JANATA, February 3, 2013 was detected in Sancoale in a truck prejudice that ‘all terrorists are 4. Swami Assemanand (arrested), carrying 40 youth for Narkasur Muslims’ misdirected their probe, He was “associated with RSS competition. Both the activists the probe came on the proper track wing Vanavashi Kalyan Parishad” belonged to Sanatan Sanstha. The after the Malegaon blasts when the in Dang, Gujarat in 1990s to second aim of this blast was to create motor cycle of Sadhvi Pragya Singh 2007. communal tension in Margao, which Thakur, the former activist of Akhil has a history of communal violence. Bhartiya Vidyarthi Parishad, a wing 4. Rajender alias Samunder This group takes inspiration from of RSS, came under the scanner (arrested), He was “RSS Varg Savarkar (Hindu Mahasabha) and and her links with many of those Vistarak.” Hedgewar (RSS) and indoctrinates who have been named above and its members into hating Christians are currently in jail, came to the 5. Mukesh Vasani (arrested), He and Muslims. surface. These facts came to light was an “activist of RSS” in due to the initiative and immaculate Godhra. On 24th August 2008 two Bajrang investigation done by the then Dal activists died in Kanpur, while chief of Maharashtra ATS, Hemant 6. Devender Gupta (arrested), was making bombs. The Kanpur zone Karkare. Karkare pursued the a “RSS pracharak” in Mhow and IGP S.N. Singh stated that their investigation professionally putting Indore. investigations have revealed that together the threads due to which 7. Chandrasekhar Leve (arrested), this group was planning massive today most of them are in jails. was a “RSS pracharak” in explosions all over the state. While pursuing these investigations Shajhanpur in 2007. Karkare came under immense Indian Express, 23 October, pressure from the politicians 8. Kamal Chouhan (arrested), was 2008 reports that those involved belonging to BJP and its close a “RSS activist.” in the bomb blast in Malegaon and cousin, Shiv Sena. During this time Modasa (September, 2008) had Narendra Modi said that Hemant 9. Ramji Kalsangra (absconding), links with Akhil Bhartiya Vidyarthi Karkare was an anti-national, was a “RSS associate”. Parishad. Similarly in Tenkasi, (Deshdrohi) and in Tamil Nadu pipe bomb attack on his Saamana wrote that’ we spit on This is in addition to Sadhvi RSS office (January,.2008) was the face of Karkare.’ Later Karkare Pragya Singh Thakur, Swami projected to have been done by got killed in the Mumbai terror Dayanand Pandey, Lt Col Prasad Jehadi Muslims. attack of 26/11, 2006. Shrikant Purohit, Retd Major The people involved in some way Upadhyay, who have been close The common pattern of these acts were associated to the affiliates of to them. of terror has been twofold. One, that RSS or RSS itself. Mr. Singh, Home in few of such cases the activists secretary has given some of the While some beans were spilled related to Bajrang Dal or fellow names from RSS stable who have by many of these accused the travellers were killed while making been allegedly involved in acts of whole picture was pieced together bombs. Second these acts of terror terror by Swami Aseemanand, when he were targeted to kill the Muslims, so decided to confess in front of the these acts were organized at times 1. Sunil Joshi (dead), he was an magistrate. In his confession, the when the Muslims congregations “activist of RSS” in dewas and Swami gave the details of the whole take place, at the time of namaz Mhow from 1990s to 2003. set up raised under his coordination or festivals like Shab-e-Barat in and involving many RSS workers 2. Sandeep Dange (absconding), He Malegaon, or in Ajmer Sharif where and their associates. The major was “RSS pracharak” in Mhow, they come in large numbers or reason for this whole planning as Indore, Uttarkashi and Sajhapur Samjhauta express where the major per him was to counter the Islamic from 1990s to 2006. number of travellers is Muslims. terrorism as witnessed in Sankat 3. Lokesh Sharma (arrested) He Mochan temple, etc. and second While in the initial phase police was RSS ‘nagar karyavahak’ in goal of theirs’ was to pave the path authorities working under the Deogarh. of Hindu nation. JANATA, February 3, 2013 5

The later investigation of ATS norm and it became part of popular In all fairness one conceded that the and now NIA has unearthed the perception. training camps run by RSS have linkages due to which these activists gone to give the training in rifles but are cooling their heels in jails. In this backdrop when the acts the training centres of bomb making Meanwhile in the wake of most of of terror done by many Hindus and use are not directly conducted these terror blasts many a Muslim came to light, it somehow came by RSS-BJP. Surely these activities youth were arrested, some of whom to be labelled with prefix Hindu are done by those associated with were later released for the lack of or Saffron. Term Islamic terrorism RSS-BJP. One can’t take lightly any credible evidence. So this whole and Jehadi terrorism is as much the picture making rounds on series of terrorists are Hindus. Does wrong as the term Hindu or saffron social media, which shows Rajnath this then justify to label this type of terror. The right word for first Singh and Shivrajsingh Chowhan terrorism as Hindu terrorism? By no one may be Al Qaeda type of with Sadhvi Pragya Thakur. One means! Shinde is wrong to label this terrorism and for the second, also can’t dismiss the fact that terrorism as Hindu terrorism. Hindutva terrorism. Here again Lal Krishna Advani and Sushma using Hindutva terrorism is fraught Swaraj had gone to see the prime Is the term ‘saffron terrorism’ with some misunderstanding. As minister to plead the case of Pragya correct? No way. This term was such Hindutva is a politics aiming Singh Thakur in particular. One used by many including the then at creation of a Hindu nation but due can’t ignore that those running Home minister P. Chidambaram in to its containing the word Hindu in these training camps had or were the wake of the investigations done it, it is also taken to be a religion associated with RSS in some way, by Hemant Karkar in the case of in popular understanding. So the actively at that time or in the past. Malegaon blasts. While one does not dilemma for Shinde! How to label approve the term Hindu terrorism or this group of terror deeds? Probably So all this protests and threats of saffron terrorism at all, one will like one will like to make it clear that it BJP, threats to disrupt the session of to see the background in which this is Hindutva terrorism, it has nothing Parliament are their usual political term came to be used. to do with Hindu religion and the tactics and do not have any meaning, difference between the terms Hindu as their indirect or direct association The RSS routinely adopts (a religion) and Hindutva (a politics) with the terrorists is so much resolutions seeking to “curb Islamic needs to be made clear in popular obvious. What Shinde is stating is factual but terminology is confused, terrorism with an iron hand”. The parlance. term Islamic terrorism was first and that’s not due to his own fault. coined by American media in the So it’s hypocritical to make We as a society have not been able to light of 9/11 act of terror. This was the intense noise while the words come to coin correct terminologies the first major attempt to label an Hindu-saffron terrorism are used. for different acts of terror anyway, act of terror with religion. This Same set of people are using the so why get away with using the became the most popular word word Islamic terrorism, Jehadi word Jehadi terrorism and haul Mr. Shinde to the coals for such a use and all and sundry resorted to this terrorism and propagating that all of the term.? word time and over again. This terrorists are Muslims. One has to was a deliberate mischief by US know that the phenomenon of terror to target the Muslims and thereby has been promoted in the Madrassas (Continued from Page 2) get legitimacy to launch attacks specially set up by America in in the West Asia to control the Pakistan to indoctrinate the Muslim Congress forces, of which the party oil resources. In India also large youth and bring up Al Qaeda type led by Rajasekhar Reddy’s son Jagan section of media picked it up. formations. So why demonize Reddy, will make life difficult for it. RSS and its progeny in particular Islam, Muslims and use the term But then, in politics ups and downs highlighted the religious nature of Jehadi terrorism? Both such abuses are only to be expected and endured. The Congress must bite the bullet this terrorism, and the word Jehadi of religion run parallel to each other. terrorism was the common one to be now and concede Telengana. Buying used. In a way associating terrorism What about the statement that time through procrastination is no with religion became a dominant training camps run by RSS and BJP? more an available option. 6 JANATA, February 3, 2013 Legislate on Verma report

Rajindar Sachar

Justice Verma and his panelists victims that the guilty will not escape by amending the ballot box rules have shown commendable punishment. (which already gave such right to sensitivity to the public concern by the electors) by now providing a slot submitting their report in 30 days Though the speed at which in the electronic voting machine. instead of the allotted 60 days, thus Verma panel was constituted was But both parties are unwilling to leaving no excuse to Parliament to rightly welcomed, public will have do this, obviously because they avoid passing the necessary law to keep close check to see that are apprehensive that this will give because of paucity of time during the panel’s recommendations get legal opportunity to the voters to express forthcoming parliamentary session. cover in the forthcoming session their no confidence publicly in their of Parliament. This is because the candidates. The panel has rightly ruled out record of the government (and I death penalty (which is no longer have regretfully to accept even that Important recommendation accepted in over 160 nations of the of courts) in this regard has not been In that context I have strong world); life imprisonment meets helpful in the past. Thus Parliament, misgiving whether Parliament both the requirement of human though it amended the Criminal would give effect to the most right and adequacy of punishment. Procedure Code to provide that in important recommendation of the The recommendation to clarify that offences of rape, the trial should be panel, namely that a “legislator life imprisonment would mean for completed within two months from should be disqualified if court takes life should meet the requirement of the date of commencement of the cognizance of an offence punishable justifiable revulsion and anger at the examination of the witnesses but with minimum of five years jail.” rapist’s conduct. yet trials continue much beyond that period. Even more regrettably I myself have been emphasising Rightly there is condemnation the amendment in 2009 requires for long that the most serious of Khap Panchayats’ self-serving that offences of rape are to be tried menace to our electoral system approach to women’s rights, the as for as possible before a court is not the criminalisation of glorification of their own arbitrarily presided over by women. And yet politics but the more menacing fixed rules of conduct for women unacceptably (and in fairness it one is politicalisation of criminals. on the use of mobiles, co-education, has to be conceded here that the Previously the politicians used the the kind of dress, music and singing responsibility is that of the judiciary criminals in their electoral battle, but and their right to marry of their own also), four out of six fast track the politicalisation of the criminals, choice. Law is needed against such courts formed in Delhi to try sexual which is now prevailing means outmoded feudal practices to put offences are being presided over by that the criminals are sitting as the immediate stop to these. male judges. legislators.

Though the recommendation of Most important recommendation, Parties still continue to ignore breach of command responsibility which I am afraid, is not to the liking the warning regarding criminal placed on officers in the army for of politicians, is the one relating to elements in our legislatures given the acts of their inferiors may be electoral reforms. I say this because by the Vice-President of India somewhat debatable, there is no for over a decade various chief years back wherein he said; “Most reason why the provision for prior election commissioners have been important issue of concern today sanction for prosecuting the army writing to both the Congress and BJP is the decreasing credibility of our personnel should not be deleted and Central governments to effectuate legislatures as effective institutions further these cases should be tried the existing the electoral rules so capable of delivering public good and before ordinary criminal courts that electors can cast their votes contributing to effective formulation so as to give confidence to the as ‘None of the above’ candidates, of laws.” Around 23 per cent of our JANATA, February 3, 2013 7 MPs elected in 2004 ha criminal Dalit-Muslim Relations in Pre-Partition cases registered against them – over half of these cases could lead to the Bengal Paradigm : Shift in Dalit Discourse imprisonment for five years or more. The situation is worse in the case of K. S. Chalam MLAs, failing to discharge its two- fold brief, legislate and deliberate, and that the country’s top lawmaking The Indian historiography is the problem as communal in terms body had fallen short of people’s undergoing several challenges of Muslim-Hindu relations. But, the expectations. today. One of the issues that the scholar believes that it was possible contemporary historian encounters because the dalits of U.P and Unless the Verma panel report is about the selection of social Punjab did not identify with Hindu really singes the conscience of the of categories to narrate changes that nationalism and were not targets of the legislators into making a change have taken place in the recent past. It violence. But, the situation in Pre- in election law where a candidate is only by studying the contemporary partition Bengal was different. It is if charge-sheeted with cognisable history and relating it with the for the first time a popular historian offence six months before the date past that we can save/sustain the and a social scientist is bringing is debarred from contesting the discipline of history in India, was out the real categories into focus elections, I am afraid criminality the penchant of one of our most through an analysis of realistic in politics would continue and this distinguished historians, Prof. Sekhar and lived conditions of caste in the would make a mockery of Verma Bandyopadhyay. Now Professor of subcontinent and not in terms of the panel’s recommendation of changes Asian History at Victoria University, imagined European class. According in electoral law, a very strong Wellington, New Zealand, he is to him, “we need to introduce the component of the recommendations. visiting India to sign MOUs with category of caste in to this discussion The demand is therefore that all the some Central universities on behalf as the dalits participated actively recommendations along with that of of the Government of New Zealand. in partition politics and they were equally victims and perpetrators electoral law should be carried out Sekhar Bandyopadhyay delivered of violence’. Dalit participation in simultaneously. the first Utkalmani Gopabandhu partition politics and Dalit-Muslim Dash Memorial lecture on ‘ Dalits and Dalit-Hindu relationships will As tempers stand at present BJP in the Long History of Partition in have to be understood within this has threatened to disrupt Parliament’s Eastern India’ on 21st January 2013 heterogeneous context of political work unless home minister Sushil at Koraput. I was invited by the Vice- response to fast changing historical Kumar Shinde resigns over his chancellor and Pro-Vice-chancellor contingencies. ‘terror’ comment. This will mean no of the University to preside over the lecture and offer remarks. I legislative business. The Dalit identity politics in reluctantly agreed to go to Koraput colonial period started around 1870s as I knew the ordeal to reach there by I am not suggesting Shinde’s and was intimately connected with road from Visakhapatnam. However, resignation. However, I do feel that two dalit groups - Namasudra I was benefitted by participating in the government could corner BJP and Rajbanshi - in Bengal. They the session and discussing issues of into letting the Parliament function are numerically strong, despite academic interest with Sekhar for if in the beginning it takes up both depredate assimilation by the almost three days. Perhaps he is the Verma panel report and the passing dominant religious conversions, West only scholar of international repute of Women Reservation Bill – in this Bengal today has the second largest to have taken up the issues of caste situation BJP possibly could not dare concentration of scheduled caste in history after Eleanor Zeliot (who to stall the working of Parliament population in India. Yet, we have very worked on Ambedkar). The learned and incur the wrath of all women limited information and analytical Professor has published extensively and overwhelming number of men. studies due to circumstances that in international journals and is a Such a consensus on these two major the scholar has narrated in his celebrated name in the discipline.. issues will be a fitting tribute to the lecture. The two numerically large memory of the brave heart and to the The existing studies on partition, castes, Namasudras and Rajvanshis. many previous victims. mostly on Northern India presented are spread in to two geographical 8 JANATA, February 3, 2013 regions in pre-Partition Bengal, and a pro-Muslim stance with the Some were kept in East Pakistan at the former in Bakarganj, Faridpur, argument that Dalits and Muslims the time of partition without much Jessore and Khulna and the latter were of the same economic position relief and therefore, migration took in Rangpur, Dinapur, Jalpaiguri, and a separate autonomous united place later in waves. By 1950-51, Coochbihar. The two castes were Bengal would be helpful for their aggressive discourse of Islamic only presented (out of 60) in the advancement. He was supported nationalism forced the dalits out lecture as they provided leadership to by the Congress dissident leader of Pakistan, the dominant Hindu the dalits’ struggle for land in 1872. Sarat Chandra Bose and Muslim discourse in India tended to absorb They fought for the reclamation of League leader Abdul Hasem. But, them in to a ‘Hindu refugee’ identity. the marshy lands of Sunderbans Mandal became despicable for his But, the Hindu nationalism was/is and questioned the dominance of pro-Muslim stand and his rivals not willing to offer full citizenship Brahminism with the support of Radhanadh Das and P.R Thakur to them. Though the author did Sahajiya-vaisnav sect and started joined Congress to get 26 out of 30 not mention about the problems joining the mainstream nationalist reserved seats in 1937. By that time, in our Eastern states and borders movement. But, when the riots the Hindu Mahasabha had a strategy today, the current unrest there is broke out in 1911 and 1930 between to create a Hindu majority province due to the continuous migration Hindus and Muslims, they were not in West Bengal and was endorsed of Dalits from Bangladesh. The a part of Hindu nationalism and by Congress at the Tarakeswar refugee migration of dalits had therefore joined the Muslims later convention on 1st April 1947. The one of the most pitiful stories of to fight the caste Hindu landlords. country got divided. splitting of a community in recent Later, they remained silent, resulting human history which no historian in Congress getting only 7 seats out It is also observed that the has so far recorded. It is noted by of 32 reserved for scheduled castes Rajbanshis had aligned with the the author that the Dalit refugees in Bengal. communists in the Tebhaga share were denied any land in Bengal and cropper movement. But, it was a were dissipated in to different parts The communalization of Bengal movement against Rajbansi Jotedars of the country including Andamans started with Hindu Mahasabha by Rajbansi Adhiars (share croppers) and Dandakarnya . Interestingly, the that campaigned for dalit votes. and led to rupture in the dalit non-dalit refugees in the beginning The 1941 Dacca riots took place caste association. The scholar says, were accommodated in 24 pargans perhaps with the active participation there are different layers of social and other important places in of Namasudras. There seem to relations that converged and cut Bengal with land and support. Thus, be internal disquiet between across caste, class and communal “organized dalit voice consequently Namasudras and Rajvamshis that boundaries in rural Bengal and may disappeared from Bengal public seemed to have been persisted after not be unidirectional as presented sphere leading to that all-powerful the emergence of Jogendranath by some communalists. Thus, political myth that caste does not Mandal and Radhanadh Das, each Sekhar Badopadhyay has opened matter in Bengal”. supporting different viewpoints. a Pandora’s Box for scholars to Jogendranath Mandal was a towering ponder over and contribute to the personality, comparable to B. R. historical knowledge of the sub Janata Ambedkar, in Bengal and in fact got continent. elected to the Constituent Assembly Subscription from Bengal. He became the Annual Rs. : 260/- The study has brought some Three Years : 750/- Chairman of the drafting committee interesting lessons for the of the Pakistan Constitution and contemporary struggles in India. Demand Draft / Cheque on resigned from the Parliament with It brought out very clearly that Mumbai Bank disillusionment almost about the Jogendranath Mandal’s support in favour of same time as Ambedkar in India. for partition did not solve the But, historians were unkind to him dalits’ problems in Pakistan. In Janata Trust in the matter of giving proper space fact, Namasudras were butchered D-15, Ganesh Prasad, in their writings. in Naokhali. One of the greatest Naushir Bharucha Marg, damages done to the Dalit solidarity Sekhar narrated how Mandal took Mumbai 400 007 an aggressive stand against partition in Bengal is fragmentation of Dalits. JANATA, February 3, 2013 9 From footnote to F.I.R.

As an intellectual, Ashis Nandy is demanded that Prof. Nandy be held also failed to assuage his detractors. known for his idiosyncratic views. under the National Security Act, a This should have been enough to But the eminent psychologist and draconian preventive detention law set the controversy to rest. But in a social theorist, who has always that empowers the police to detain country where there is a flourishing marched to the beat of his own people considered security risks outrage industry — helped by a ideological drum, is anything but without charge-sheeting them for slew of laws that takes the feelings the casteist his detractors now up to one year. Rather than treat the of easily offended individuals very claim he is. Whether one agrees intolerant chorus of outrage with seriously — there is a great deal of or not with what he said during the contempt it deserves, Rajasthan publicity and even political capital a lively and heated discussion at Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot has to be acquired in claiming that the Jaipur Literary Festival (JLF), spoken of Prof. Nandy’s “mental sentiments are hurt. The hallmark there can be no justification for the bankruptcy”; as if on cue, the police of an open society is an environment thoughtless character assassination have swung into needless overdrive where competing views exist and and harassment he has been put by directing that JLF organiser where disagreements are addressed, through. Cases have been registered Sanjoy Roy remain in Jaipur until or resolved, through the medium of against him under the Scheduled the probe in the case is over. reasoned debate. Such dialogue is Castes (Prevention of Atrocities) impossible when angry groups try Act in Rajasthan and elsewhere. If it is depressing that those to silence differing views through And heavyweight politicians such as outraged by Prof. Nandy’s remarks vehement protests or by harassing former Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister have failed to read them in context, others through a misuse of the law. Mayawati and Lok Janshakti Party it is truly annoying that they haven’t It is one thing for Prof. Nandy’s leader Ram Vilas Paswan have even taken note of his explanation of remarks to be the subject of criticism, demanded that he be arrested what he really meant; his clarification satire, disparagement or censure. It is immediately for ostensibly maligning that it was never his intent to hurt any quite another to perpetuate a culture Dalits and Other Backward Classes. community and that he was sorry if of intolerance by using the police to Quite outlandlishly, the latter has he had unintentionally done so has settle a scholarly debate.

– The Hindu Our corruption doesn't look that corrupt, their corruption does'

When sociologist Ashis Nandy French, Ashutosh and Richard our discussion, if I may point, the remarked during a panel discussion Sorabji, apart from Nandy and only country which I know is close that "most of the corrupt come Tejpal, in the panel that discussed to zero corruption is Singapore, from the OBCs, SCs and STs", he their views with Urvashi Butalia. and that's not part of my concept of was responding to Tarun Tejpal's Excerpts from the transcript of the utopia; it can be very much a part of observation that corruption is a discussion. my concept of dystopia. I do wish class equaliser. Tejpal said for that there remains some degree of "people on the wrong side of the Urvashi Butalia: Ashis da, your corruption in India because I would tracks", subverting the system comments now on the ideas that also suggest that it humanises our is the only chance in a society have been discussed here: equality, society. Indian society... has only controlled by the elite. Nandy then the changeability, the need for four sectors where your true talents added what he called the "most change, the dreams of the founding are recognised... In other words, no important part of the story". The fathers and mothers... and on utopia considerations of caste, religion, discussion, "Republic of Ideas", generally... sect enter your considerations. And held on January 26 during the Jaipur these four sectors are: spectator Literature Festival, had Patrick Ashis Nandy: ...In the context of sport, which is a very small sector 10 JANATA, February 3, 2013 because sports heroes are not that have been a very insecure, unhappy, elite, the privileged, my class of many. Two, entertainment industry, tense person. And in this kind of people, have built a set of rules that which is a very slippery category situation, the only people you can makes things easy for them and because contrary to our belief, at trust are your own relatives... And if makes things lucrative for them?... least four-fifths of all Bombay films you fit your experiences within this In a situation like this if you come for example fail in the box office, model, you will recognise why this from the wrong side of the tracks so it's a very risky business... Third insecurity is there, because politics of which roughly a billion people is crime; our criminal gangs are looks a very impersonal, contractual in this country would, what chance perfectly egalitarian. Do not forget work to a large part of Indians. do you have of breaking through to that Dawood Ibrahim's gang had a They are new to politics. And your get your hands on the spoils of life lot of Hindus in it... Totally secular. family members do not have the and on the spoils of a country? I’d And finally politics. You fight it out capacity to absorb the additional say almost nothing. What do people in politics and make it. All this talk money in a more clever, intelligent like that do? People like that subvert of dynasty is an illusion created by way. If I do a good turn to Richard the rules; these are not God’s rules, the middle classes. Mrs Gandhi did Sorabji, he can return the favour these are man-made rules... I’ll give not become prime minister when by accommodating my nephew at you one the greatest examples of Nehru was living. There was a large Oxford; if it were in the United this which will easily strike a chord and very noticeable gap between States, it would be a substantial with most of you. There’s a man her ascent to the throne and Nehru's fellowship. Ms Mayawati doesn't called Dhirubhai Ambani. If he had demise. She fought her way up. have that privilege. She probably not known how to subvert the rules She was seen as a very meek, very has only relatives whose ambition — all the rules that he subverted unskilful, politically naïve woman. was to be a nurse or run a petrol today are now law, at that time And therefore the syndicate chose pump. If she has to oblige somebody they were not, at the time he was her. She knew that in Indian politics or have somebody in the family subverting them they were not — he you should not project yourself as absorb the money, she will probably would have still been filling petrol either too intelligent or too shrewd have to take the bribe of having in a pump in Doha. or too clever or even too political, 100 petrol pumps, and that is very and that helped her. She clawed her conspicuous, very corrupt indeed. Ashis Nandy: Just a response to way to power and so have each one Our corruption doesn't look that this part, very briefly, he’s not saying of the names which have come up, corrupt, their corruption does. the most important part of the story, whether it is Mulayam Singh Yadav which will shock you, and it will be a or Lalu Prasad. In addition, in the Tarun Tejpal: Urvashi, can very undignified and — how should case of Lalu Prasad and Mulayam I add something to what Ashis I put it — almost vulgar statement Singh, and people like them, exactly da just said? You know on this on my part. It is a fact that most of because of the reasons you give, corruption issue, I just want to put the corrupt come from the OBCs there is a sense of desperation, utter this corruption issue in a different and the scheduled castes and now desperation and insecurity. Even kind of light along the lines of increasingly scheduled tribes and if you make through corruption what Ashis da just said. I’m saying as long as this is the case, Indian millions of rupees, you suspect perhaps corruption in a country republic will survive. And I give an that you will not be able to get like India is also a great class example, one of the states with the away using the machinery of law equaliser... I’m saying suppose, in least amount of corruption is the state or cleverly manipulating your an extremely class-ridden society of West Bengal when the CPM was investments in the right way with the like India, where somebody who there. And I want to propose to you, right connections because you have works in my house, my driver or my draw your attention to the fact that in none... To the best of my knowledge cook, what chance do his children the last 100 years, nobody from the the only unrecognised billionaire have in the way India is constructed OBCs, the backward classes and the in India today, in dollar terms, is today versus my children where for scheduled castes and the scheduled Madhu Koda. He's a tribal and I the last 50 years, in many senses, tribes have come anywhere near can assure you that Mr Koda must the class that has ruled India, the power in West Bengal. It is an absolutely clean state. –the Indian Express JANATA, February 3, 2013 11 Eviction of Five Thousand People

Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara quarters. The long distance means Since then, many have been living in Palike (BBMP), Bangalore’s local that residents would have to spend common tin sheds by the side of the government along with the police a lot for their commute to the city demolished quarters. demolished around 1200 tin-sheds, daily, for work. Karnataka Slum evicting 5000 slum dwellers at Development Board (KSDB) is Earlier in 2005, the BBMP passed the economically weaker sections supposed to build apartments for the a resolution to provide housing (EWS) quarters in Ejipura from 900 families in a 5-acre plot there. on the same land for all residents, 18-21 January, 2013. About 1200 This may take any time between 1-3 including those it now dismisses as women and 2000 children were years. Until then the government “illegal occupants” or “squatters”. In affected by this action. The four- has failed to provide any alternative 2006, the BBMP had issued guritina day demolition drive razed around arrangements, even temporary, for cheetis/hakku patras (rights/ 900 tin-sheds that were erected at the evicted people. BBMP claims identification certificates) to the the quarters more than 11 years that it is responsible in providing people who were on rent from the ago. No written notice was served interim relief to only 1512 original original allotttees. These are the to the residents. The demolition was allottees and not the tenants and sub- people whom the BBMP now terms accompanied by violent police action tenants living at the quarters. as encroachers. which included pulling people out of their homes when they pleaded for These actions are infringement of Later, a Public Private Partnership the house not to be destroyed; lathi- fundamental rights of the residents (PPP) between BBMP and Maverick charge of women and elders who of Ejipura as the government has Holdings was signed to develop the resisted the demolition and the arrest failed to abide by its constitutional land. As part of the joint development of twentyone women. obligations to guarantee the ‘Right agreement half of the land is to be to shelter’ and ‘Right to life and used for the construction of 1,512 Since the night of 18th January, livelihood’ to its citizens. EWS apartments. The other half hundreds of families have been will be used by Maverick Holdings living out in the open, braving the In 1992, the Ejipura Quarters to construct the mall. Eviction cold. Toilets in the area have been were built for policemen but were of residents for the project has demolished, water supply has been rejected by them as the quality of been stalled several times since its cut and there is absolutely no shelter construction was very poor and inception with residents and rights provided. Senior citizens, children even basic facilities like water groups staging protests, alleging and pregnant women in the area have and sanitation were not provided. that it smacks of a land scam. been living in the open with serious The civic agency then allotted Incidentally Maverick Holdings risk to their health. Rosemary (60) the quarters to the EWS. Many are also the beneficiaries of another one of the thousands rendered allottees continued to live in those Joint Venture Programme on homeless by the eviction, died on poor conditions while some of the Magrath Road, which was initiated the evening of January 22, after allottees rented it out to others who as multiple car park but instead got spending nearly three days out in were in a worse off position than developed into the Garuda Shopping the open. Her daughter says the them. Thus, these buildings housed Mall. Complaints have been lodged death was a direct consequence of a number of poor people who were against the said project and the said the demolition stating that she had allotted the house and some very company before the Lokayukta that barely eaten anything in the last poor families, who stayed on rent is seized of the matter presently few days. in these blocks. Due to poor quality (Case no.426/2008 with Karnataka of construction of the EWS quarters, Lokayukta). People have been promised some of the blocks started cracking houses in Sulekunte village along and collapsed in 2002, killing 3 Pursuant to this, the original Sarjapur Road. Sulekunte village people. Later, all the blocks even allottees filed a case in High Court is on the outskirts of Bangalore though experts ruled that with which ruled last August that BBMP some 15 kms away from EWS repairs, they would be safe for living. and Maverick should go ahead with 12 JANATA, February 3, 2013 the project and that only original are not met, land meant for housing immediate steps be taken to ensure allottees should be given the new for the economically weaker that the displaced families have flats. Court also ordered Maverick sections is being used to build a proper shelter, access to basic and Holdings to pay Rs. 30,000 to mall. Utilization of public lands by other services. the original allottees still staying the Government is controlled by the in the quarters, as compensation Public Doctrine and the Joint Venture Action Requested and ordered BBMP to provide defeats the public trust doctrine We request the National Human rehabilitation for 1512 original inasmuch as it allows the Private Rights Commission to immediately allottees, except those who have third party to extract profit from the look into this issue and ensure that accepted compensation, at Iglur on public land which was meant for the rights of the affected people are Hosur Road. It authorised BBMP to the housing of poor and vulnerable restored. We request the commission evict/eject all occupants from the site sections of society. It is pertinent to to direct the Government of and if necessary taking aid/assistance note that the land has been earmarked Karnataka to - of police force. Unfortunately, the for the construction of houses for order did not hear the people who economically weaker section, and 1. Conduct a an enquiry on were on rent and disregarded that it was for this purpose that the EWS the gross human rights violations those who are staying on rent for quarters was constructed, and the by the state authorities during the more than 15 years and, in turn, present Joint Venture takes away demolition and eviction drive and disregarding their right to housing from the sanctioned character of conduct a public hearing on the on basis of perpetuity. (Writ Petition the land. whole issue. 45915/2011) BBMP’s Agreement with the 2. Provide immediate housing Later the people who were on Private builder is unreasonable, or basic shelter in the same spot or rent, approached the Karnataka arbitrary, unfair and opposed to at least in the same area. High Court(Writ Petition 42743/12) public policy, public interest and the asking that the order in (Writ public trust doctrine. 3. Grant compensation to all Petition 45915/2011) be stayed. The victims for injuries caused to them Karnataka High Court is still hearing When on the one hand the efforts and damaging their belongings. the matter and even as it is doing so, of the Hon’ble Supreme Court is to BBMP and the police carried out respect and realise the constitutional 4. Scrap the current PPP these demolitions. rights of the urban homeless, this project and houses for all the original demolition of the EWS slum, allottees and current residents to be It is unfortunate that in a country stands at cross-purposes with these provided in the same spot. where the housing rights of millions efforts. It is just and necessary that – Isaac Arul Selva, Karnataka Slum Janandolana – Prabahakar R,Dalit and Minorities Land Protecttion Forum – Medha Patkar. National Alliance of People’s Movements Extracts from a letter to Justice K. G. Balakrishnan, Chairperson, National Human Right Commission. Tehri Dam oustees languish

The State government in in its affidavit on the delay in lack of funds. Uttrakhand must have earned at rehabilitation work gave the reason least 1000 crores from the electricity that T.H.D.C has not provided Before the current government generated by the Tehri dam project funds for rehabilitation. The court came to power the present Chief on national river Ganga and this is a had directed THDC in November Minister Vijay Bahuguna had recurring income yet in the ongoing 2011 to provide for a paltry 102.99 conceded that the rehabilitation Supreme Court case between N.D crores for the same. Even now the work was not being properly done. Juyal and Shekhar Singh v/s GOI reason given to the SC for the delay In response to the destruction of and others, the former government in rehabilitation work is said to be villages around the Tehri Dam JANATA, February 3, 2013 13 during the monsoon in 2010 he had properly rehabilitated, even after 30 off for by themselves and have suggested that the state government years - 70% of them do not have land built houses on their own. In not should spend the earnings generated rights. These rehabilitation sites lack so distant past on 11 June 2012, by the hydro electric project on the basic infrastructure like electricity, Rajesh Nautiyal, Assitant Executive project affected people. This line of water, irrigation, transportation, Engineer at the Shivilak nagar thought is in consonance with the health post, bank, post office PDS, rehabilitation office in Haridwar power ministry’s guideline for the panchayat, mandir, roads, drains division said that 4 crores have been development of hydroelectricity so much so these sites do not have sanctioned for the rehabilitation projects dated 23 may 2006 which fences or walls to keep out the wild work but none for providing the on page 10 states that the income so animals. People have been fending basic infrastructures. generated should be spend on project affected people. –Vimalbhai And Puran Singh Rana

(Continued from Page 3) courts have acquitted them. True, Guideline their innocence is established but In fact, the question is a larger by then they spend best part of their 2.3 Provision of 12% free power one. Hindus and Muslims who have youth in detention. And there is no to the home state Government of lived together for centuries have accountability and none in the police India, vide its O.M. dated 17th May, not generally shed their animosity has been punished for having put 1989 have approved that “since the towards each other. The only relieving them in jail wrongly. Home States are increasingly finding patch was when even during the it difficult to locate alternative land Muslim rule, they were together in The most serious slur is Shah and resources for rehabilitation their struggle against emperors. The of the oustees in hydro-electric Rukh Khan’s statement that he, as a British were the villain of the piece. Muslim, feels unsafe. He is not the projects. They need to be suitably By introducing communal electorate assisted by giving incentives, such kind of person who will exaggerate and reservations for Muslims they or try to invent. Terrorist Hafiz as the (proposed) 12% free power, injected the poison of separation in to enable them to take care of the Mohammad Sayeed exploits the Indian body politics and it has not expression and welcomes SRK to problems of rehabilitation in the gone out of the system yet. areas affected by the hydro-electric Pakistan. Of course, the latter has pooh-poohed offer. Yet India fails projects. Soon after independence it in its credentials of being a secular looked as if we have got rid of the society as long as SRKs do not feel Without such assistance and virus. Muslims voluntarily gave safe as Hindus do. I see the revival incentives, considerable hydel up reservations and even when the of a two-nation theory in such potential of the country would Constituent Assembly wanted to developments. remain unutilized. Accordingly, the have a provision of reservations for State Government shall be entitled Muslims, they said no. Little did to realize 12% free power from the they realise that they would face project for local area development discrimination subsequently. So and mitigation of Guidelines for much so, the Sachar commission Madhu Dandavate development of Hydro Electric has said that the plight of Muslims By Projects Sites hardships to the is worse than that of dalits. project affected people in line with B. Vivekanandan the Govt. of India policy”. The immediate point of concern Price: Rs. 20/- of Muslims is that an extremist group Further in this context the basic Janata Trust of Hindus is indulging in acts of D-15, Ganesh Prasad, amenities mentioned below are terrorism and the Hindu community nonexistent and if at all they exist, on the whole is suspecting Muslims Naushir Bharucha Marg, they are of very poor quality, even at for the killing or bomb blasts. Young Grant Road (W), rural rehabilitation sites like Pathari boys from the community have been Mumbai 400 007. part-1,2,3&4, the dam oustees in the picked up by the police as terrorists rural area of Haridwar have not been and kept in jail for years till the 14 JANATA, February 3, 2013 Measures Suggested to Reduce Violence Against Women Some of the suggestion in the Representation by Centre for Equity Studies to the Justice Verma Commission:

Vulnerable Groups cases they are unable to communicate chances of being heard depending CES requests the learned the act of violence. Even if they on the degree and multiplicity of Committee to kindly focus communicate, they are not believed, her vulnerability. A mechanism adequately on safety and gender their complaints not heeded. There of acknowledging the special justice for the most marginalized are few human rights protections for vulnerability of the rape victim and vulnerable women such as dalit women in conflict areas, when they should kick in from the very first and adivasi women and women of suffer sexual violence from men in act of registering the complaint, minority communities, women in uniform. Women’s bodies are used and the criminal justice system conflict situations who are subject as battlefields in mass communal should provide adequate support to sexual violence as a political violence. Domestic workers have far to ensure that she has equal access weapon of subjugation, when less protection from sexual assault to justice. and harassment in the confines of the aggressors belong to upper c. By the same logic, multiple caste, class, or authority, disabled the homes which are their non-public work places. Single women suffer vulnerabilities should be women, homeless and destitute recognised and acted on right from girls and women, sex workers, more violence from men, because they are seen as ‘unprotected’; booking charges under multiple and trafficked girls for sexual acts - For example if a dalit and domestic labour, transgender and the criminal justice system is even more indifferent or actually woman is raped, both provisions people, domestic workers, casual of the SC/ST Atrocities Act and wage workers etc. hostile to single women survivors of violence. the proposed Sexual Atrocities Act must simultaneously be We believe that for any system a. For such vulnerable categories invoked. Similarly financial to be effective for the protection support and compensations of girls and women from sexual of women and girls, the state should firstly aim for preventive should award added amounts. violence should be seen in the Since vulnerabilities are multiple, wider context of power relations mechanisms, systems and even structures, designed with compensation should be multiple and the endemic and entrenched as well. violence against women. We need to sensitivity to their specific draw your attention to the violence vulnerabilities. For instance, d. Official recognition of perpetuated against vulnerable urban homeless women can vulnerability would hold the women each day in both public never be protected from violence, state machinery accountable if and private sphere. Such assaults unless the state has a legal duty adequate protective attention is are not isolated incidents, but are under the law to ensure that all not given to secure the victim rather experienced in a continuum homeless women, as well as and her family against further of daily living, in which sexualised women survivors of violence who harassment and attack, and to violence against the powerless leave their homes, are ensured by secure the evidence against being is normalised and invisibilised. the state safe and dignified spaces. destroyed. Rape is the routine violence of This should form part of any law homeless women living on city which aims at safety for women. e. Recognising multiple streets, who fear the police most. Some preventive measures are vulnerabilities would also Dalit girls and women routinely elaborated in the next section. explain and condone the delays suffer sexual abuse. It is routine in registering the case and filing for young girls and women with b. It has been our common experience evidence as the victim would need intellectual disability living in State that aggressors are confident of to build courage to approach the run institutions. Violence against the powers they exercise and are judicial systems. For instance, women with disabilities is often a connected to and absolutely sure in conflict and post-communal silent act because in a majority of of getting away with the act of violence sites, women sometimes rape. The victim has diminishing take months or even years to feel JANATA, February 3, 2013 15

confident enough to file their and chasing away other people basic information on how stalking, complaints. who occupy public space at night harassment, and touching another makes the street more unsafe for person without consent constitute f. Protections to security personnel women. This policy should be unacceptable and illegal by laws like the Armed Forces stopped as a greater presence of behaviour, and the government Act should be withdrawn, and in people and well-lit public areas should set up a training module any case, even until such laws are at night are essential in reducing for at least 2 staff members from in force, they should provide no the danger to women travelling each school to help children to protection for sexual crimes. to and from work as well as report cases of domestic sexual homeless women. Women should assault. Caste, communal, gender Preventive measures in areas of be given priority in being given identity and disability based their concentration for their safety vendor licenses and employment and security discrimination against dalit, in public transport. adivasi, religious minorities, a) The system of shelters for women gender and sexuality minorities, should be greatly expanded, but d) Public Transport: There should people with disabilities, these should be open, voluntary, be an expansion of the public homeless and working class transport system to run round the dignified and above all safe places people, etc. should be clearly clock. The government should of women’s shelter. There should and unequivocally taught to be be an independent and active bring a public-transport-for- unacceptable. This will greatly system of independent (all women) women-on-demand facility for decrease their vulnerability to visitors for all these homes and any neighbourhood with a number sexual assault. shelters, and every state-based of working women coping without shelter home for women, nari public transport, including f) Health care providers: Due to its niketans, remand homes, juvenile dispersed adivasi settlements impact on physical and mental delinquent homes, shelters for and urban slums, functioning health and a high degree of disabled children, orphanages, in the same manner of response as well as schools, prisons and to demand as anganwadi-on- mortality, rape is also a public areas under army patrolling or demand. Strict implementation health issue. All Medical personnel combing operations should have of women’s general compartment and public health workforce a schedule of inspections by these in all trains and women’s seats in (ASHA and ANM workers) need independent to probe for on-going all inter-city buses is necessary. to be trained in sensitizing at the sexual harassment or assault. The The state should launch a special family and community level in people confined within should drive to train and recruit women de-stigmatizing rape-survivors, have the right to insist on persons of as drivers and conductors enabling them to file FIR’s. whom they trust outside jail to in state run buses. Both public accompany the team when it does and private forms of transport g) Effective women help-lines and these surprise checks must be effectively regulated other emergency services should and monitored for safety by be provided around the clock b) Working Women’s Hostels: The the government. The routes and should be well advertised number of affordable student from public transport sites to by video and audio messages in and working women hostels housing areas must be well-lit and rural and urban areas. Emergency for SC/ST/ Minority/ Disabled tinted window vehicles should telephones to this helpline must girls need to be built to ensure be strictly monitored. In Delhi also be available at all bus and safe accommodation for migrant specifically, the metro services train stations. Calls should be women. There should be a wide need to be operational throughout addressed by specially trained network of homeless women the night with the same security as staff and automatically recorded shelters as a legal right in every provided during the day. The state for later review, and the staff city and town (with a capacity to govt should also launch a scheme should be able to dispatch house at least 0.25% of the total to promote women’s employment immediate vehicles to assist population of the city). in all transport services such women facing an emergency. auto’s, taxi’s, buses, metro’s. Disciplinary action must be taken c) Public Spaces: The current policy against staff for inappropriate or of clearing the streets of vendors e) School curricula should include inadequate responses. R.N.I. NO. 1855/1957 16 JANATA, February 3, 2013 P.R. No. MH/MR/WEST/275/2012-2014. Posted on every Wednesday at Mumbai Patrika Channel, Mumbai GPO-1

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Printed and Published by G.G. Parikh on behalf of Janata Trust. Printed at Mouj Printing Bureau, Khatau Wadi, Girgaum, Mumbai-400 004 and published at D-15, Ganesh Prasad, Naushir Bharucha Marg (Sleater Road), Mumbai - 400 007. Established 1946 Price : Rupees Fifteen

Vol. 68 No. 3-4 February 10-17, 2013 R'Day Annual Number N. G. Goray Total mismanagement S. Viswam Afzal’s hanging and its aftermath Regal, but not yet imperial Kuldip Nayar An unfinished battle Harsh Mander Writers, Scholars and Freedom of Expression K. S. Chalam FDI in Retail: For Whose Benefit? Neeraj Jain

Special Feature on Nanashaheb Goray Editor of Janata from 1967 to 1977 edited by Bapu Heddurshetti

Editor : G. G. Parikh Managing Editor : Guddi D-15, Ganesh Prasad, Naushir Bharucha Marg, June 15, 1907–May 1, 1993 Mumbai - 400 007.

Email : [email protected] 2 JANATA, February 10-17, 2013

neefo&keÀ MegYes®íe

MelekeÀekeÀ[s Jeeì®eeue keÀjCeejer Je keÀeceieejeb®ee DeeJeepe yeguebo keÀjCeejer cegbyeF&leerue Heefnueer keÀeceieej mebIeìvee

cegbyeF& Heesì& ì^mì, [e@keÀ De@C[ pevejue ScHuee@F&pe ³egefve³eve (mLeeHevee : 3 ces 1920) (mebueive : efnbo cepeotj meYee)

keÀj Yeuee mees nes Yeuee meJee&le peemle Deevebo keÀesCel³ee ieesäerle nesle Demesue lej lees ogmeN³eebvee Deevebo osC³eele... ökeÀJeer Je[&mJeLe&

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Heesì& ì^mì keÀeceieej meove, veJeeye ìBkeÀ jes[, ceePeieeJe, cegbyeF& 400010 otjOJeveer : 23776320/23772361/66566487 He@ÀkeÌme : 23754794 [email protected] JANATA, February 10-17, 2013 3 Total mismanagement

S. Viswam

There is a right way of doing comprised apart from his wife, his took that long! The President things and there is a wrong way of young son (11 years old) and his rejected Guru’s mercy petition doing things. In an orderly society, aged mother, had been taken to the and with that official decision, irrespective of who the “doer” is Tihar jail to meet him for a farewell things started moving fast—and and at what level he performs, it meeting. Shinde has claimed that all in a palpably wrong way. The man is vitally important that things are legal processes had been observed. in the death row was not given a done in the right way. This is even But where does it say that legal chance to approach the court and more rigidly applicable where the processes are, or have to be, so the president once again for another “doer” is the government in power. un-humane and cruel and heartless, review— a right the Constitution In the Afzal Guru execution matter that a family meeting is barred. bestows on him. And the person last week, the government, acting Secondly, is the government and to be executed was not told of the through its home minister, did its minions become so heartless decision to hang him sufficiently in everything, but everything, in the that a family about to lose its most advance. News reports say that he wrong way. And because it did so, important member is informed of had time only to scribble a few lines either accidentally or deliberately, the impending loss through speed to his wife before being marched Indian democracy and the concept post, and that too in such a routine to the gallows. Not that it would of rule of law have taken a big blow. and casual way, that the family have mattered, but he was not even And, many questions have been learns of its loss long after the offered breakfast. Such was the raised for which no satisfactory world has been informed and told haste with which the jail authorities, answers have come. Indeed, the that justice had been done to the acting under the Home Ministry’s execution (and its fall-out) has victims of those who were killed in orders, sent an accused packing! served as a classic example of how the December 13,2001, Parliament There is a strong case for and governments should and should attack? against capital punishment. India not behave in circumstances which and its civil society are being involve popular emotions and There can be two opinions on evasive in avoiding a comprehensive public law and decency. whether or not the death sentence and serious debate on keeping on Afzal Guru was justifiable. It capital punishment on the statute While signing the “file” on the is no secret that he was convicted books or abolishing it. The sooner execution, Home Minister Shinde on circumstantial evidence. In the a decision is taken the better. A seems to have spared no thought at same case, the court also set aside serious examination will at least all to the several issues related to the death sentence of another co- give the country an opportunity the execution. If anything, “signing accused, released one accused and to take a well-informed decision. off” a man’s life seems to have been commuted the death sentence of There are more countries in the done with the same casualness as another to life imprisonment. In world today that have abolished it granting a day’s casual leavc to an the case of Afzal Guru, the court than those that have retained it. An employee. The government acted chose to make him an example as added flip side to the existence of eight long years after Afzal Guru one deserving capital punishment the penalty in India is that political was sentenced to death. But it even if only to satisfy the collective parties start demanding execution showed unseemly haste and alacrity conscience of society. of certain category of accused in in carrying out the execution and order to derive political advantage. that too in extreme secrecy. The It took eight years for the But the more unfortunate flip side is heavens would not have fallen, nor government to implement the court that the country’s highest court itself would the cause of the war against order. The examination of the verdict is guilty of erroneous verdicts. And terrorism have suffered damage, and the determination of the judicial if the family of Afzal Guru, which processes that needed to be fulfilled (Continued on Page 10) 4 JANATA, February 10-17, 2013

Between the lines Kuldip Nayar Afzal’s hanging and its aftermath

I was at the Parliament House the country? They are spotted out as Mukherjee who refused to commute when Afzal Guru and a few others Kashmiris who have not accepted the sentence, was not given the due attacked it in December 2001. their state’s accession to India from before being hanged. His family Members like me were furious over heart? was not given access to him. Even the incident and the first suspicion a dictator like General Zia-ul Haq was on Pakistan. It turned out to be By repeating ad nauseum that allowed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto’s family true because the three who escaped Jammu and Kashmir are an integral to meet him a day or so before he were from Pakistan. Guru was from part of India, the state does not was hanged. Why not Guru’s family? Kashmir and hence the same mix-up become one. True, independent of Kashmir with Pakistan. elections have thrown up the Guru’s family could have been representatives who govern the called to New Delhi on some “urgent How to sort out the Kashmir state. Yet they are always looking problem or, more so, why it has work” if even a whiff of suspicion towards New Delhi for its rating. was not to be raised. The jail manual been held hanging thus far are Sheikh Abdullah, who spent 12 the questions which need to be lays down meeting of the condemned years in detention, had to accept with the family before hanging. It is answered by the rulers, both at an agreement which he assumed Srinagar and New Delhi. State chief understandable that the body cannot would give the state autonomy of be handed over to the family, lest minister Omar Abdullah shrugs sorts. But his assessment turned his shoulders and says that it is a another centre of martyrdom should out to be wrong. I can appreciate come up at Srinagar. But there would long-term problem as if it becomes the argument that the centre wants less pressing by saying so. He says be no harm in allowing the family to “do something” but I find it hard members to say ‘fateh’ at the place he has attended to the short-term to believe that the opponents are where he is buried at the Tihal Jail problem of security and law and willingly endorsing what New Delhi in Delhi. order following Guru’s hanging. does. Has Omar Abdullah really done When the Supreme Court bases Pakistan could have helped so? Already, most towns in Kashmir its judgment primarily on “the the situation ease by not sending are under curfew and there are circumstantial evidence,” it becomes reports of clashes between the youth terrorists across the border. But why should it oblige New Delhi all the more necessary to commute and the security forces. The fact that the death conviction to life sentence. newspapers have been advised not to when from ISI to Hafeez Sayeed, responsible for the 26/11 Mumbai It would have been better if it had publish stories about the trouble and been done so. I am against capital the television channels told to black attacks, are demanding the valley’s accession to Pakistan? Enemies can punishment. But the life sentence till out are enough indication of how the he breathes last in the jail could have situation is. sit across the table for talks but so long as they do not give up suspicion served the end of justice. The effect on the youth, which and mistrust, they do not reach are entrapped in a situation of not anywhere. Therefore, the composite If Guru’s hanging leads to serious their doing, is there for everyone talks will take the two to anywhere, discussion on Kashmir, the entire to see in their psyche, uneasiness but the composite approach can. For furor would take some shape. But and futureless tomorrow. Some 66 one year, the Atal Bheari Vajpayee if this had been in view of the years of uncertainty, accentuated government kept the forces at the government, it would not have by three wars between India and border but had to withdraw them detained the Hurriyat leaders. It is Pakistan, should have been a long sheepishly. a pity that the whole thing does not enough period to narrow the distance seem to go beyond the temporary on the Kashmir problem, if not to Yet it is not understandable why issue of law and order problem while find a final settlement. What do Guru, no doubt pronounced guilty Omar Abdullah himself could have the Kashmiris do when they are by the Supreme Court and the initiated talks at his level, to be taken considered a problem in the rest of constitutional head, President Pranab further by Delhi subsequently. JANATA, February 10-17, 2013 5

Whether or not a dialogue begins, Information and Broadcasting can never understand. They only the experience of being in parliament Minister Sushma Swaraj refused strengthen the belief that no price house when it was attacked will to go with the caravan of women. I is too high to sustain freedom and always stay with me. I recall how heard her saying something like, “Let democracy. I returned to parliament tempers were frayed in the Central me find out what really happened.” the following day as usual, as others Hall. Two hours after the first By then, the army had arrived. I saw did, to reaffirm our faith in the shot was heard, the then minister some members thanking Mahajan, institution and to warn the assailants including those who had sought his for parliamentary affairs Pramod and their masters to keep their hands resignation. It was a curious kind Mahajan stood up on a table to off. announce that MPs could now leave, of camaraderie, reflecting a unity women first. The members were not which the country assumes when Still the anger against Pakistan panicky even in the first instance but confronting an external threat. was voiced practically by every appeared more than relieved when Democracy is an idea, a nation’s member. I often wonder if Pakistan they heard that all was over. determination that extremists is a solution or a problem. Regal, but not yet imperial

I am surprised over the ease and all power resides in his office. once asked vice-president Hamid with which a public figure like But it is exercised by the elected Ansari why he had such an elaborate Pranab Mukherjee has slipped into government which is answerable security arrangement. He said it regal environment of President’s to the people. Most of President was not in his hands because the office. In six months’ time he is a Mukherjee’s speeches delivered so government wanted that way. I am different person in the midst of an far are political and reflect his bent sure, if he were to make it an issue array of kamarbandh (a belt-like of mind as if he is still a member he would succeed. rope around the waist) who bow of parliament. His role should be Like the vice-president, the whenever he passes their way. I that of a guide and philosopher, President’s security is also in the thought he would change the office but he endeavours to be an active hands of the government and guided to bring it nearer to the people. But politician. by the Blue Book which lays down he has changed himself, to enjoy the quantum of security in the case of the ostentatiousness that the British If President Mukherjee had ears President, vice-president, the Prime viceroys had displayed when they on the ground he would have returned Minister etc. First Prime Minister ruled the country. the Ordinance on sexual harassment Jawaharlal Nehru did not want the to women. Recommendations by traffic to be stopped for him. But I A function took me this week former Chief Justice J. C. Verma recall that Home Minister Govind to President’s house (Rashtrapati should have been incorporated in Ballabh Pant, with whom I worked Bhavan). I was particular to find out toto. Women are opposed to the as Information Officer, rejected the difference between his style and Ordinance because it is inadequate Nehru’s request in view of security. that of his predecessors. But there and does not cover the points they was none. A gilded chair looked odd had raised. Perhaps the President should against three ordinary chairs placed have his own protocol division on the dais. A buttoned-up officer, Strange, after the function which at present is looked after by probably on deputation from one of Mukherjee retreated to his the Ministry of External Affairs. the three services, placed the speech presidential quarters. His The ministry is given to the old pad on the podium from where the predecessors would mix with the practices and emphasizes on the President addressed. I must admit invitees and even have tea with ceremonial aspect too much. When that what he spoke was relevant to them.. He is listening too much he has eliminated buglers to herald the present situation in the country. to bureaucrats who are creating a his arrival and when he has deleted hiatus between him and the people. the prefix “manniya,” he can make Yet, this is where he should I have seen President Mukherjee’s some drastic changes, especially have changed. He must realize that entourage following him when he in stoppage of traffic. Mukherjee he is only a figure head, like the visits any place in Delhi. The traffic should be a person easily accessible Queen in England. No doubt, he is stopped as before and there is and the office of President should not is the custodian of the constitution a fleet of cars in the procession. I come in the way. 6 JANATA, February 10-17, 2013

When I was India’s High Security apart, President The ceremonial humbug should Commissioner at London, I found Mukherjee has to change the be changed so that it is in tune with that the Queen had only one pilot functioning of Rashtrapati Bhavan the people’s thinking. My complaint motorbike guiding the car. There and what the office entails. Dr is that the office is already too regal was no vehicle following her and and it is turning into something Rajendra Prasad, India’s first the traffic was not stopped. Agreed, imperial. President Mukherjee may the conditions in Great Britain are President, did bring a whiff of not have taken part in the struggle more settled than ours, although the fresh air when he stepped into for independence because he was terrorists have been located there Rashtrapati Bhavan which was too young. But he can at least as well. until then the Viceroy’s residence. behave in a way that the style of It was so different from the earlier living and contact with the public does not have the distance which the Still security is an obsession in functioning that the word went viceroys had with the people. our country. President Muherjee is a around that an Indian had stepped in. popular person who had practically no security till the other day. He should at least reduce it as well as the pomp and show which has become Hanging of Afzal Guru part of the office. Intelligence agencies always exaggerate threats The PUCL condemns the hanging hanging and detaining them in police because they do not have to do of Afzal Guru in Tihar Jail early in stations. We are equally concerned any home work to assess whether the morning (9.2.2013) today. by reports that right-wing goons a particular person requires the were permitted by the police to paraphernalia of gun-totting guards The tearing hurry with use violence against the protestors. around him or not. which Afzal Guru was hanged, PUCL asserts the right of citizens to accompanied by the flouting of all dissent and express their opposition I recall another example of a established norms by not giving his to capital punishment in a peaceful cool attitude of the British in the family their legal right to meet him manner. security field. When President R. before taking him to the gallows, Venkataraman came to London clearly indicates that there were PUCL reiterates its demand for on an official visit it began on an political considerations behind the abolition of the death penalty. ominous note. An overzealous taking this step. More shameful PUCL is of the view that India policeman mistook a shopping bag is the explanation of the Home must not retain in its statute book on a railway platform for a bomb. department that the wife and family something so abhorrent to human The Royal train was waiting at of Afzal Guru were intimated of the rights as the death penalty. More a station near Gatwick airport to hanging by a mail sent by Speed Post especially, when more than one carry the President and his party to and Registered Post. Decency and hundred and fifty countries have Victoria station where the Queen humanity demanded that the Union banned or put a moratorium on was to receive him. Government give prior intimation it. PUCL feels that as the land of to the family and an opportunity to Buddha and Gandhi, death penalty The policeman sent back the train. meet him. Such a surreptitious action has no place. No one questioned his judgment till of the government also deprives the the bomb experts had ‘defused’ the family of Afzal Guru of the right to PUCL feels that starting with harmless shopping bag. By then seek legal remedy. Kasab, now with Afzal Guru, the the President’s cavalcade had been country is going to witness a spate diverted to a crowded highway. PUCL also condemns the of executions. We give a call to The four motor cycle outriders did repressive stand of the Delhi police the nation to break this spiral of a tremendous job, enabling a fleet in not allowing a group of people executions. of cars to weave through a maze who were protesting against the of crowded roads to Buckingham Palace where the Queen welcomed him. Even I was informed about the Prabhakar Sinha (President) V Suresh (General Secretary) change in the arrangement before People’s Union of Civil Liberties we entered the Palace. JANATA, February 10-17, 2013 7 An unfinished battle

Harsh Mander

A potentially historic piece of contained many robust protections the specious grounds that ICDS social legislation that will legally for children, women, destitute is not yet equipped to deliver guarantee food for all is likely to groups, malnourished children legal guarantees because of soon conclude its prolonged, rocky and people in starvation, but these operational and programmatic gaps. and uncertain journey. Parliament, were curtailed in a weakened Malnutrition sets in irreversibly in its forthcoming budget session, bill approved by the Cabinet for in the first 1,000 days of life, and is expected to finally decide Parliament. indeed even before this in the the contours of a law to reduce mother’s womb, and ICDS is the endemic widespread hunger and I still had faith that the only State programme which serves malnourishment in the country. Parliamentary Standing Committee children below six years, with (PSC) would restore the body and pregnant and nursing mothers. The The imagination of this statute is soul of a strong food law, as it had Supreme Court converted all ICDS to create legally binding obligations done for the Right to Information services into legal guarantees more for the State to ensure food - as statute. The PSC did improve on than a decade ago in 2001, and the subsidised grain, infant feeds, free earlier proposals in two ways. PSC seeks to reverse this now. cooked meals and social security First, it covers all households with cash transfers - to every child, uniform entitlements of subsidised The PSC further curtails woman and man lacking assured grain except those which are children’s right to food, by access to sufficient food for an active excluded by transparent criteria. restricting this to only one meal and healthy life. In a country which, Second, it extends school meals a day, provided in schools for despite galloping economic growth, to children up to 16 years, up children of two to 16 years “or the is home to every third malnourished from the current 14 years. But my age at which they start school”. child in the world, and the largest optimism lies belied, because the As children enter government number of chronically hungry PSC otherwise diluted the already school only at six, this excludes people, one could have expected weakened official draft, with many children in the age group of two substantial national consensus for disappointing and indefensible to six. The food rights of the most the proposed bill. deletions. vulnerable children of all, those who do not attend school, through But many among the country’s It brought down the numbers the requirement that no child would senior leadership, lawmakers, eligible for subsidised grain in the be turned away from any feeding planners, economists, industry countryside to 75 percent from centre on any grounds, are again and the influential middle class 90 percent, as proposed by the eliminated. remain ambivalent about a NAC. The quantity of grain per food law, convinced that it is individual is also down to 5 kg The proposal to entitle lactating profligate and administratively from the proposed 7 kg, despite mothers support for exclusive not implementable. No wonder massive grain procurement of over breastfeeding through assistance that the proposed law has been 60 million tonnes over the past at birth, skilled breastfeeding continuously eroded at every stage five years - which the government counselling and related assistance of its four-year journey. The initial still prefers to let rot rather than is again withdrawn. Further, draft law by the National Advisory distribute to the hungry. governments aren’t duty-bound Council (NAC) and the right to to identify malnourished children food campaign were criticised Even graver is the complete and entitlements of severely by the Left parties for failing to elimination of the Integrated Child malnourished children to care at universally cover all households Development Service (ICDS) Nutrition Rehabilitation Centres with subsidised foodgrains. It from the ambit of the law on or in the community have been 8 JANATA, February 10-17, 2013 withdrawn. The committee also restricts maternity benefits only to Writers, Scholars and two children. This unfairly penalises Freedom of Expression poorest women and children, because large families are a result K. S. Chalam of poverty, gender inequalities and poor health services. The twentyfirst century with great enthusiasm. It is equally unfortunate that knowledge society has created the PSC removes destitute feeding weightless goods and is responsible The recent controversy over centres, suggesting that such a for the demise of distance. This the statement by a non- teaching programme will be difficult to revolution has facilitated access Professor (Hon Fellow of a Research implement. Tamil Nadu and Orissa to information to those who have Institue and not a University have implemented successful the capacity to own or use ICT. Department) is to be looked into in destitute feeding programmes for At the same time, it is required to the broad context of the changing years, and this has been the last help the customer or user to have times and the intolerance against defence of the poorest against free entry that is either seemingly certain excluded groups (when starvation in these states. Other available without cost or at a price. their voices are also heard feebly). reasons cited by the PSC for deletion This needs radical changes in the It is alleged that some elite scholars are extraordinarily disrespectful institutional structures that have from metropolitan centers under the to the poor, suggesting that poor been evolved over a period of time guise of research studies have started households will turn away old and are responsible for identity of the popularizing the received theories members just so that they can get nations. One may consider this, as without adequate discussion with free food. an element of transformation of the students and or peers. It is not for post-modern society, or hegemony the first time that the country has Gone also are other entitlements of neo-liberalism. But, the required witnessed such outbursts of people of persons living with starvation. technology maintaining the useful on social or cultural issues. We have These included duties of state information is cost driven, mostly a long history of fights and duels in governments to establish protocols acquired from the Anglo-American the country over petty issues like for preventing starvation, providing countries. Already, the WTO regime endorsing the status of a particular relief, investigating starvation is in place with GATS to make even caste; inter faith and intra sect issues deaths and assigning accountability. “expressions” capable of getting a trickling out in public discourses Likewise, all protections for people patent. It is under this background, and ending in legal battles. But, the grappling with emergencies are also according to some cultural theorists, present issue appears to be due to excised from the bill. culture, knowledge and several the misunderstanding or confusion other forms of intangible goods are to make a distinction between the All effective rights legislations, packaged and marketed. Therefore, statement/utterance of a writer and like the Right to Information it needs a market place to trade. the proposition or observation of a law, require strong independent Though, market is now increasingly scholar. This can also be interpreted grievance redress mechanisms, with shaped by Internet, sometimes it as a phenomenon of social change penalties for violations by public is necessary to create a physical (good or bad). officials. Both the Cabinet draft and ambience to meet and exchange. the PSC have completely diluted If we extend the logic further, we The increasing market for these enforcement systems, thereby see today that even the Media leisure time activity owing to rise critically weakening the law. Houses are creating such facilities in incomes and alternative sources to ‘manufacture’ their own media of entertainment have proliferated Although convincing economic products without depending on the publishing companies to bring, arguments can be made in support of others. In a situation like this, what is popularly called “non- a food rights law for strengthening International Literary Festivals in fiction” categories. Otherwise, how the gains of India’s demographic countries where there are potential do we account for the attendees like (Continued on Page 10) customers and subjects are received Ashis Nandy, Binayak Sen, Barkha JANATA, February 10-17, 2013 9

Dutta,, Dalai Lama,, Gurucharan for the consequences, academic The post- liberal society has Das, Nandan Nilekani, Kiran Bedi et or social. After all Social Science invented several notions and al at the recent Jaipur festival. There research is to be considered as a categories on the basis of the are some creative writers, poets and ‘process of argument and not a experiences in the market economies sundry authors who might have body of settled conclusions’. Even of the OECD, and pushes them participated or visited the venue to established laws in Science are in to developing countries like show case their writings. But, how being questioned now and therefore, India through World Bank, MNC do we evaluate or understand this a social scientist should feel more sponsored publications. It is now phenomenon? responsible and cautious in making debated that the concept of civil public statements on contested society originated in the writings Writers are generally considered issues! (Creative writers are different of Hegel, Marx and even Gramsci as those who write books, stories and Journos are privileged people as is being inverted to provide the and other types of creative writing the publicized word and voice are primacy of market over the state by to appeal to the ‘senses or emotions’ under their control). some PIs. In fact, Gramsci, it is said, of readers or people. They are not revived the civil society concept bound by any restrictions except to The scientists are responsible (to strengthen the superstructure correspond to the aesthetic values if people and must be in a position argument) as a political activity of they care to. Literary critiques have to defend their argument or make struggle against the tyranny of class developed several theories about the it clear that they are only making state. PIs are neither serious scholars evaluation of literary pieces based a protocol statement subject to nor organic intellectuals, but are on the aesthetics developed in each verification and falsification. In fact, those who can translate complex country grounded in their culture and serious scholars are not generally ideas in to simple people’s language. society. Indians are fond of ‘Rasa’ seen discussing issues in public In that sense, every thinking person theory while the Western, African except in the classrooms or informed including the media people starting and other nations might have their groups or gatherings. Unfortunately, from a stringer to cameraman who own parameters to judge creative the decadence is seen much faster can project the degradation of basic writings including poetry (I am not in issues relating to social science human values should be considered proficient to comment). Scholars research with competing claims by as a PI. However, we know the are those who have specialized in everyone including the civil society standards of some of our PIs who a discipline and have aptitude for action research based on limited and privately manipulate and twist issues deep study and reflection. They can sponsored agenda. If Ashish Nandy depending upon the reciprocal value be broadly divided into scholars of has made the contentious issue as of the transaction. Do we have public Social Sciences and Humanities and writer, I don’t think anyone would Intellectuals like an Edward Said to Physical and Natural Sciences. There have an objection (subject to norms question the hegemony of the West? seem to be a design to marginalize of the Constitution). But Nandy Do the Nandys or PIs come under and outwit the social scientists has a tag as Professor of Political this category? who raise issues of social concern Sociology, Social Psychology etc. particularly in the emerging unipolar It is not only Nandy, there are Some of the PIs including the world. Therefore, we have deep other characters, in recent times, media houses cite Article 19 of crisis in social science research that who wanted to be in limelight in the Indian Constitution time and I have occasionally commented in the garb of (a new import from again to vent their views in the my columns. I have touched the the West) Public Intellectuals (PI). name of freedom of speech and issue about a decade ago in my EPW Some self styled PIs with civil expression. They just do not tell article “Social Science Research: society connections are ever ready us why they have not been able to the Social Context” (2002). On the to down load standard printouts use it or have distorted Imrana case other hand, there are writers who with high profile names attached to or Khairlanji or the latest case of a can address anything from nuclear statements, on any issue without a Dalit Professor being attacked in energy to nuclear family and publish proper debate and concrete secular Dhule, Maharastra when he spoke without sufficient theory, data, agenda, need to ponder over issues of on reformation movement in the methodology and deep study of social consequences in a pluralistic classroom that was captured in a the problem without much concern society? cell phone and webcasted to incite 10 JANATA, February 10-17, 2013 communal hatred? In fact, article 19 is meant for citizens and not Execution of Afzal Guru corporate bodies and consists of 6 other freedoms, with reasonable We, concerned citizens from a punishment as we all recognize restrictions (of the Press Act of parts of India, are shocked by the that the process of justice always 1951, Press Council Act 1978 read secretive manner of the execution contains the possibility of error and with 1835 Act). Freedom of ‘opinion of Afzal Guru who was accused misjudgment. Hence all judicial and expression’ is incorporated as in the Parliament attack case and decisions should have the scope for condemn the continued use of death Art 19 in the Universal Declaration review and redress. Death Penalty penalty. We are also dismayed to of Human Rights of UNO and not has no such scope. Further, the know that his family members were the Indian Constitution. There are choice of awarding life sentence not informed about the hanging and or death penalty rests solely on the studies to show how the Corporate his body was not handed over to Media Houses particularly the judge hearing the case. Thus the them as per colonial prison rules that personal stand of different members dominant ones restrict the freedom should be revised immediately. As of expression of citizens by of the judiciary can have crucial there are a number of doubts in his bearing on the judgment. manipulating and distorting facts case regarding the evidence produced as episodes or what Chomsky calls that was primarily circumstantial in In the US, the state of Texas has the ‘manufacturing of consent’. It is nature and that he was not provided the largest rate of death penalty and perhaps with the indulgence of some proper legal assistance at the trial the largest number of lethal crimes. representatives of the media either stage, sentencing for life should have The history of capital punishment out of confusion or deliberately put been the preferred option. has shown that it does not have statements of persons like Nandy as any deterrent effect on crime. And conduits of their depraved feelings The timing of the execution with thus there is nothing in its favour. and abuse freedom of expression elections around the corner is giving A number of countries across the of citizens. It may be due to the rise to strong suspicion that this world have already abolished death willing cooperation of PIs who decision could have been guided not just by judicial considerations penalty. Larger and larger sections of degenerate or get pampered by democratic opinion in this country sectional interests, create ruckus but also by political exigencies, and hence is a matter for concern for and all over the world have been out of nothing as perishable news demanding that Capital Punishment value, but not a durable commodity democratic traditions and civilized values of our society. be removed from the statue books of expert opinion. since it is cruel, violent and violates (Continued from Page 3) All acts of terror and criminality the sanctity of human life. We deserve exemplary punishment but demand immediate steps to abolish what is more, the court has not been death penalty should not be used as the death penalty. applying uniform considerations or judicially sound norms in its various Admiral L Ramdas-Alibagh; Mahesh Bhatt-Mumbai; Prof. Achin Vanaik- judgments. That the government New Delhi; Prof. Rama Melkote-Hyderabad; Prof. Ritu Diwan-Mumbai; needs to avoid viewing death row Sandeep Panday-Lucknow; Lalita Ramdas-Alibagh; Dr. Mazher Hussain- Hyderabad; Dr. Ram Puniyan-Mumbai; Prof. Kamal Mitra Chenoy-New cases through a political prism Delhi; Irfan Engineer-Mumbai; Dr, Samata Roshni-Hyderabad; K. Sajaya- goes without saying. It is easy Hyderabad; Anuradha-Hyderabad; Ambica-Hyderabad; Jatin Desai- to attribute political motives to Mumbai; Jeevan Kumar-Hyderabad governments, but the demand of J & K Chief Minister Omar Abdullah for (Continued from Page 8) had counselled us to recall, in applying the same considerations dividend, I have argued in my moments of doubt, the poorest that hastened Guru’s execution to book Ash in the Belly: India’s and weakest person we know. I the pending cases in Tamil Nadu Unfinished Battle Against Hunger hope that it is his face which our (Rajiv Gandhi’s killers) and in that ultimately the case for the lawmakers remember when they Punjab ( Beant Singh’s assassins) law is ethical, the unacceptability reflect on a law which - if we get is not without merit. The people of of mass suffering of hunger and it right - can alter the destinies of Kashmir must not nurse the feeling malnutrition in a country with millions of our most dispossessed that Guru’s hanging was “selective”. wealth and food resources. Gandhi people. JANATA, February 10-17, 2013 11 Prof. Vinod Prasad Singh

Prof. Vinod Prasad Singh passed away on February 8, 2013 at IGIMS hospital, Patna, after a long illness. He was 73. Popular as Vinod Babu among his friends, Prof. Singh was a prominent socialist thinker from Bihar. He joined the socialist movement at the age of 12 and performed a long political and intellectual journey throughout his career. He was appointed treasurer of the Samajwadi Yuvjan Sabha (SYS) in 1971. He worked as the national secretary of the Socialist Party from 1973 to 1977. He was elected to the Bihar Legislative Assembly in 1977. He took voluntary retirement as Professor of Economics from Delhi University and started full time political work in Samajwadi Jan Parishad. He held posts of national General Secretary, Vice President and President in SJP. He joined the Socialist Party (India) after its formation in May, 2011. Prof. Singh worked hard for the propagation of the socialist movement and ideology. He edited Hindi ‘Pratipaksh’ and ‘Naya Sangharsh’ for several years and brought out important special issues related to the socialist movement, thought and personalities. He had special interest in the August Revolution and published two special issues of ‘Naya Sangharsh’ on this subject. He edited the documents of the socialist movement in 2 parts with Dr. Suneelam and a book titled ‘Madhu Limaye : Jeevan Aur Rajniti’ with Dr. Prem Singh. The Socialist Party held a condolence meeting at its Delhi Party office and paid homage to the departed soul. On this occasion Justice Rajindar Sachar said that the demise of Prof. Vinod Prasad Singh is a big loss to the true socialist tradition that fights against the twin menace of corporate capitalism and communalism. In his condolence message to the family members of Prof. Singh he expressed hope that they would bear the loss with courage and strength. Dr. Prem Singh

With Best Compliments from Transport & Dock Workers' Union, Mumbai. P.D.' Mello Bhawan, P.D.' Mello Road, Carnac Bunder, Mumbai 400 038.

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S.R. Kulkarni (President)

P.K. Raman S.R. Yadav Rajaram Shinde Baban Mete Madhukar Bhondve Nivruti Dhumal (Secretaries)

Anil Golatkar Shivaji Mudhe (Treasurer) (Jt. Treasurer) 12 JANATA, February 10-17, 2013 Iftikhar Gilani’s Complaint to Justice Markandey Katju, Chairman Press Council of India:i

At 10:30 a.m on February 9 them to explain reasons behind my my father-in-law Syed Ali Geelani. (Saturday) I was just putting my detention. All the time, they were bag in my car to leave for office, I very rude, threatening and warning I owe my living to journalism for saw two persons in the compound me of dire consequences. I also over past two decades in Delhi. I feel who enquired about the house of pleaded with them, even if they totally distraught with the behaviour Geelani saab. I asked them which want to detain me, why at the house of security agencies, particularly Geelani saab are you searching of Syed Ali Geelani and not at my special cell of Delhi police. I feel for, making out they could be from own home or a police station? And so scared. I try my best to raise my some courier agency to deliver why had they kept children away children in an atmosphere of peace some mail for me? They replied that from us? and compassion. I have no idea, they are searching for a Kashmiri what should I do to prove myself to leader, who lives somewhere in After five hours, I heard many be a peace loving and a law abiding the colony. I told them he lives voices from outside. One officer citizen. in the opposite block and tried to type person came and shouted that give them directions. One of them I am free and can leave this house. As Frederick Douglass says, the requested, if I can accompany them. In the by-lane I saw my office life of the nation is secure only when people including bureau chief the nation is honest, truthful and Saikat Dutta and some other friends virtuous. I may add, the subjugation, So I did. On the way, they told including, Aurangzeb Naqashbadni harassment, and trampling on rights me they are from Delhi Special of Hindustan Times. They had used only makes the nation weak and Cell. When we reached at JD18 E every available contact in home insecure in the long run, though it block of Khirki Ext. I saw a crowd ministry and Delhi police to make may address to the rhetorical class of plain clothesmen in the gulley. them see reason. When I reached and accrue short term gains. I just pointed out to first floor and my home, some 7-8 strangers were told them there lives Geelani saab, occupying drawing room and living I have a bad experience of the you are searching for. As I started room and they had locked up my same Special Cell of Delhi Police to withdraw, they grabbed my hand children in a bed room that does not putting me in Tihar Jails in 2002 on and said they need few minutes to have even bathroom facility. false charges and forging documents talk to me. And virtually dragged of the Defence Ministry to convince me to first floor flat, taking away When I reached there with friend, the court that I am a Pakistani agent my purse, identity card, keys etc. the strangers started leaving one supplying sensitive information to They could not trace my phone till by one. Saying that my children its High Commission. The officials then, though they were insisting were terrified would be an who then raided my house even to hand over phone to them. Upon understatement. They recalled how cooked up my bank accounts reaching the flat, I saw many more these people in our absence banged to claim I was sending Hawala people inside. As they got busy with the door and asked them to confine money to Kashmiri terrorists. Many conversation to some other person, I themselves in bed room. They were fictitious stories were also planted managed to go to bathroom and sent also shouting at neighbours why by them in media tarnishing my SMS to my office and some friends. they allow person like me to live reputation. The cooked-up charges When I was back, they noticed the there. under the Official Secrets Act were phone and took it away. withdrawn and I was honourably I have no issue with what acquitted by the court, but only after After 15 minutes, I saw my government wanted to do to eight months of harrowing custody. wife also arriving at this house, maintain law and order in Delhi At the time of my then arrest in escorted by two male plain cloth or elsewhere. Repeatedly in public 2002, the Intelligence Bureau also police wala. My children were alone domains, I have affirmed that I have made the Income Tax Department at my house. I repeatedly asked nothing to do with the politics of fabricate tax charges against me. JANATA, February 10-17, 2013 13

I am continuously harassed by it keeps on adding penalty and fact to your knowledge, just to draw the Income Tax Department with fine for not paying dues that now your attention to various ways I am recovery notices from time to time total up to over Rs 60 lakhs that I continuously hounded and harassed. despite I moving the Delhi High just cannot afford to pay with my With thanks, Court to end my harassment as present salary. I am bringing this - 10 February 2013 Justice Markandey Katju’s letter to Union Home Secretary:

I am forwarding to you an email (ii) immediately institute criminal Hence all policemen in India I have received from Mr. Iftikhar proceedings against such officers are hereby warned that they should Gilani, Asst. Editor DNA, who is under the relevant provisions of not carry out illegal orders of their a Government of India accredited IPC and other statutes. superiors otherwise they will be journalist and former Vice President charged for serious crimes, and if of the Press Association. (iii) immediately sanction adequate found guilty, severely punished. and suitable compensation to I have carefully perused the email Mr Gilani and his family and he has sent me and I have also read convey an apology to him the news item in the front page of today’s The Hindu newspaper. They (iv) I am informed that Mr. Gilani reveal great high handedness and is still being harassed and outrageous behaviour by the Delhi surveillance is being done on policemen concerned in harrassing him and his family. This is a and tormenting Mr. Gilani and his clear violation of the decision family, including his small children. of the Supreme Court in Kharak These were the undemocratic and Singh Vs State of UP and other abhorrent methods of the Gestapo AIR 1963 S.C.1295,1964 SCR during Nazi rule. (1) 332, as well as violation of If these allegations are correct, the right to privacy , which has the concerned police officers, who been held to be part of Art 21 committed these high-handed illegal of the Constitution of India. acts, as well as those higher ups Police surveillance seriously who were instrumental in ordering encroaches upon privacy of the these shameful and odious acts are petitioner and his fundamental prime facie guilty of serious crimes rights under Art 21 vide 1999 (24) under sections 341/342, as well as All Cr. R. 815 (817): 1999 (11). other provisions of the Indian Penal Code and are also guilty of gross and blatant abuse of their powers. I may mention that in the Nuremburg Trials held in after the Hence, if the allegations in the Second World War the Nazi War email of Mr Gilani are correct, I call Price: Rs. 20/- Criminals took the plea that orders upon you to do the following acts Janata Trust are orders, and that they were only within 48 hours : D-15, Ganesh Prasad, Naushir obeying the orders of their superior Bharucha Marg, (i) immediately charge sheet and Hitler. This plea was rejected by Grant Road (W), Mumbai 400 007. place under suspension all the International Tribunal which police officers responsible for held that those orders were illegal these high handed and illegal orders and hence should have been acts including those higher ups disobeyed. Consequently many of who gave the orders for them the accused were hanged. 14 JANATA, February 10-17, 2013 FDI in Retail: For Whose Benefit?* Neeraj Jain

On September 14, 2012, their deep disappointment with the Trade Francisco Sanchez called bowing to intense pressure from government decision. They had upon India to open multi-brand retail foreign corporations and foreign spent millions of dollars on lobbying to foreign investment. The British governments, especially the USA, (a polite word for what is actually Secretary of State for Business, Vince the Union Cabinet of the Indian nothing but bribery) lawmakers in Cable, too raised the issue when he government finally decided to go their home countries to help them visited India in January 2012; and ahead and implement a decision set up shop in India: Walmart, a US in July 2012, George Osborne MP, it had taken 10 months earlier to corporation which is the world's Chancellor of the Exchequer, UK, allow foreign direct investment largest retailer, alone had spent called upon the Indian government (FDI) in yet another important around $25 million, or Rs. 125 to be "more ambitious in retail sector of the Indian economy, crores, since 2008, on this, according liberalisation". In July 2012, the US multi-brand retail, with a cap of to disclosure reports filed by it with President Barack Obama lent his 51 percent on foreign equity that US authorities. Obviously, quite a voice to the chorus. Citing American ensures majority ownership. (A bit of this money must have found business community's concern over multi-brand retail store is one which its way into the pockets of Indian "deteriorating investment climate" sells several competing brands of politicians and parties. in India, he called upon the Indian the same product under the same government to remove the limits and roof. Shopping malls like More and The giant UK retailer Tesco prohibitions on foreign investment. Spencer's are an example of multi- commented: “The decision to defer brand retail stores.) FDI is a missed opportunity for Buckling under the intense Indian producers, farmers and imperialist pressure, the Indian The Foreign Hand consumers.” Senior officials of government finally acceded to the The Cabinet had first given its the German retail giant Metro too wishes of the foreign corporations approval to the hitherto prohibited stated that the rollback was most and their governments and opened FDI in multi-brand retail on unfortunate. Foreign corporations up the country's multi-brand retail November 24, 2011.The decision and their concubine governments sector to FDI. On September 20, led to a huge outpouring of protests mounted pressure on the Indian 2012, on the very day when traders’ all over the country, especially by government to push ahead with organisations and opposition traders' organisations. On December the economic reform. All the ‘Big political parties had called a Bharat 1, 2011, crores of traders belonging Three’ international credit ratings Bandh to oppose this decision, to more than 10,000 traders' bodies agencies, Standard and Poor's, it issued the final notification for across the country observed an all- Fitch and Moody's, expressed allowing global retail giants like India bandh and took out rallies doubts about India’s policy making Walmart to open stores in India. protesting the government decision. and governance abilities, and Sensing an opportunity to score downgraded India's credit rating The Propaganda political points, the entire Opposition outlook. In July 2012, the Asian From the Prime Minister to the came out strongly in support of the edition of the US magazine Time PM-in-waiting Rahul Gandhi to protests. Finally, on December 7, carried a forlorn image of Prime Mukesh Ambani and Ratan Tata, all 2011, the government announced Minister Manmohan Singh on its are claiming that allowing foreign suspension of its decision to allow cover, under the headline “The retail giants into India's retail sector FDI in multi-brand retail. Underachiever”, and criticised him will be an important solution to the for "unwilling to stick his neck out" deepening economic crisis gripping Giant international retail on reforms. In February 2012, the the country. They are asserting that corporations immediately expressed US Under Secretary of International it will benefit consumers as they will * This essay is an edited version of a bigger booklet: “Fight FDI In Retail”, published by Lokayat and available on our website For sources to the facts given in this essay, please refer to the booklet. JANATA, February 10-17, 2013 15 get commodities at reduced prices; it business, just three companies shares, they collectively owned will benefit farmers as they will get matter; just two names run the world the majority of the world's large better prices for their crop; and it will market for commercial aviation: blue chip and manufacturing firms, lead to the creation of one crore jobs Boeing Co. and Airbus Industrie; and thus accounted for a further 60 in just three years! four companies essentially supply percent of global revenues!! all of the world's recorded music. We examine these claims in The world's top 10 seed companies MNCs and Competition this essay. But before we proceed, control almost half of the global Classical economic theory let us first take a look at the size commercial seed market; the top 10 assumes the existence of a very and economics of the foreign pesticide firms control 84 percent of large number of small firms engaged corporations being invited into the the global pesticide market; and the in ‘cut-throat’ competition with each country in the name of FDI in Retail. top 10 biotech companies account other. The rise of the multinational for almost three-quarters of the corporation completely changes How Big Are Foreign global biotech market. this situation. Since MNCs have Corporations? enormous financial power, if they The world economy today Even these figures do not describe indulged in price competition, it is increasingly dominated by a the full range of the monopoly power would be so destructive that the relatively few giant multinational of the giant corporations, as they do winner would also be considerably corporations (MNCs). A MNC is not capture the strategic alliances and weakened. Therefore, instead of a corporation, which, though it partnerships constructed by them to indulging in ‘price warfare’, they has its management headquarters extend their tentacles all over the collude over prices. And if they have in one country, operates in several globe. These include subcontracting to collude over prices, why should countries. In the main, MNCs are agreements, management contracts, they keep prices low? Therefore, headquartered in the rich nations— turnkey deals, franchising, licensing they keep prices high, at a level the United States, European Union and product sharing. For instance: which gives them the maximum and Japan. MNCs extensively subcontract possible profits. their operations either in part or While mainstream economics sometimes entirely to subcontractors That does not mean that discusses our era as one of intense in third world countries to lower competition amongst MNCs is and increased competition among their labour costs. Thus, Nike does eliminated. It is as cut-throat as ever. businesses, the reality is quite the not manufacture even a single pair Only that it now takes other forms. opposite. Each and every economic of shoes directly; it outsources all They now compete with each other activity, in every conceivable sphere, of its production to subcontractors for reducing costs, over control be it manufacture of automobiles in countries such as South Korea, of resources, for market shares or semiconductors or medicines, or China, Indonesia, Thailand and through product differentiation and be it retail or transportation or the Vietnam. advertising. various sectors of agriculture, or be it banking and finance, is dominated A recent study starkly brings Impact on India’s Retail Sector at the global level by a handful of out the crushing grip the world’s While there are no authoritative giant corporations. Note that here largest MNCs have come to acquire figures available, the size of India's we are not talking of a few firms over the global economy. A study retail sector is estimated to be around dominating a particular economic by the Swiss Federal Institute of $400 billion today. This sector is activity in a particular country, but Technology in Zurich that examined the second largest employer in their dominating that economic the relationships between 43,000 the country after agriculture, and activity at a global level. major MNCs discovered a vast presently employs around 4 crore web of interlocking ownerships people. To give a few examples: today that is controlled by a "core" of five MNCs produce nearly half, 1,318 giant corporations! These According to the countrywide and the ten largest firms produce 1318 corporations represented Economic Census of 2005, the 70 percent of the world’s motor 20 percent of global operating country had a total of 1.5 crore retail vehicles; in the global soft drink revenues; however, through their outlets, the highest in the world. 16 JANATA, February 10-17, 2013

India's retail sector is presently cheaper rates than the small retailers. supercentres in their cities (with overwhelmingly dominated by If necessary, Walmart and other big varying degrees of success). small "unorganized retailers", retail MNCs which have incredibly consisting of the local kirana shops, deep pockets are even willing to sell Likewise, in Europe, by 2005, the general stores, chemist-hardware- at a loss for several years, till the top 5 retailers accounted for around footware-garment-cutlery-stationery competition from small retailers is 65-75 percent of total grocery sales shops, paan-beedi shops, hand- wiped out. Not just the kirana stores in several European countries, from cart hawkers, etc. This sector and street vendors will be forced Denmark to Sweden, Switzerland, accounts for around 93 percent of out of business, the entire network Germany and the UK. In the UK, all retail sales. Organised retailing of wholesalers and distributors will there are several postal areas where constitutes the remaining 7 percent. be displaced. Meanwhile India's Tesco, Britain's largest retailer, has This includes the corporate-backed corporate retailers will enter into almost total control of the food hypermarkets and retail chains, and collaborations with the foreign retail market! also the privately owned large retail chains, and become their junior businesses. partners. Destruction of Third World Countries The MNC Retailers Within a few years, India's vibrant From Turkey to Brazil to South Like in all other sectors, the global small retail sector will be destroyed, Africa, in each and every third general merchandise retail market to be dominated by a handful of giant world country that has permitted too is controlled by a handful of MNC retailers. FDI in Retail, within just a few years powerful corporations like Walmart, of the entry of giant retailers into TESCO, Carrefour, and Metro, Destruction of Small Retail their economies, they have driven mainly headquartered in the US and The corporate choirs are crooning millions of small retailers out of Western Europe. In 2009-10, the that this is an exaggeration, that business to capture a large share of world’s biggest general merchandise small shops and supermarkets/ the retail market. Walmart entered retailer Walmart had total global hypermarkets can co-exist. They Mexico in 1991; within a decade sales of $405 billion. Among the are lying, it has not happened (2001), it had taken over nearly half other biggies, Carrefour (of France) anywhere in the world. Small retail (45.6 percent) of the retail market! had annual sales of $163.8 bn, Metro has virtually been wiped out in the In East Asia, the supermarket share (of Germany) $91.4 bn and TESCO developed countries. In the US, the of retail food sales ballooned from (of UK) $90.1 bn. top four firms account for between less than 20 percent to around 50 55-73 percent of the total retail percent over the decade ending These figures mean that Walmart sales in several key areas like health around 2005; the impact on small alone sold more goods than all and personal care stores, general retail was so devastating that it led of India's 1.5 crore retailers merchandise stores, book stores and to riots, forcing several countries to combined! Obviously, once such computer stores. impose controls on mega-retailers. giant mammoths start spreading their tentacles over the Indian retail Obviously, this domination by With giant retailers now given sector, India's small retailers will just the big retail chains has been at the permission to enter the Indian retail not be able to compete with them expense of small retailers. One study market, their impact is going to be and will be destroyed. The modus by Prof. Kenneth Stone of Iowa no different; they will simply destroy operandi of these giants is simple. State University, USA, found that India’s small retail sector. Because of their size and financial small towns lose up to 47 percent muscle, big retailers like Walmart of their retail trade after 10 years of Job Creation Myth are able to source their supplies Walmart stores nearby. The impact While the giant retailers will from the lowest cost producers at of big retailers, especially Walmart, employ a few thousand people, the global level, like China. In the on small retail and businesses in the this is nothing compared to the case of farm produce, they will USA has been so terrible that people millions of small retailers they will be able to source it from Indian in several cities and communities render jobless. According to one farmers directly. Therefore, they have organised and fought hard estimate, one Walmart supermarket will be able to sell their products at to prevent the entry of Walmart can displace over 1,300 small retail JANATA, February 10-17, 2013 17 stores and render 3,900 people compete with each other, and instead only 9 percent of the retail price of jobless. For every job created in a cartelise amongst themselves, so an exported apple, the retailers in supermarket, around 17 jobs are lost that they are able to dictate prices UK corner a 42 percent share. in the unorganised retail sector. With at which they buy goods from small more than 4 crore people employed producers and farmers. The farmers Unfair Conditionalities in the retail trade in India, the entry have no option but to sell their The big retail corporations of giant MNC retailers is going to produce to these corporations at the marginalise small farmers in other have a devastating impact on the prices offered by the latter. The giant ways too, like by imposing stringent employment situation in the country. retailers are thus in a position to criteria for supply of their produce. drive down purchase prices at will, Producers are typically expected Even the few jobs that will be forcing farmers into ruin. This is the to meet exacting product standards created by these supermarket chains reason for the destruction of family for their goods, adjust production will be low-paid jobs. Walmart is farms in Europe and America. volumes at short notice to meet short- known worldwide for paying wages term market trends, make provisions far below industry standard; in the A few examples. In 1970, hog for cold storage, and so on. The vast US, the average wage it pays to producers (those who raise pigs) majority of smallholders do not its workers is 6 percent below the in the US got 48 cents out of each have the resources to meet these US federal poverty level. Worse, retail dollar spent on pork; three demands, and so are being forced the company has a long record of decades later, their share had fallen out and replaced by big farmers or worker abuse, including forced to only 12 cents out of every retail the corporates themselves. overtime, punishing workers for dollar. This, while retail prices the slightest infraction, illegal child stayed stable, implying that the For instance, in Brazil, Nestlé (a and undocumented worker labour, supermarkets had kept all the gains Swiss-based MNC) and Parmalat discrimination against female for themselves, and had not passed (an Italian MNC) first bought up employees, and relentless union- any benefits to the consumers. In the country's milk cooperatives in a busting. the UK, while it costs the consumer series of aggressive takeovers, and £1.45 to buy four pints (1 pint = 0.57 then imposed standards that small Will Farmers Benefit? litres) of milk at a supermarket, the farmers found difficult to meet. If this was true, the MNC retailers farmer receives just 58 pence (40 Thus, they demanded that farmers should have benefited farmers in the percent) of this. According to the install milk refrigeration tanks US and Europe! On the contrary, the Royal Association of British Dairy on their farms. Most small-scale giant agri-businesses and mammoth Farmers, dairy farmers are suffering farmers could not afford to install retail chains have wrecked family a loss of 3 pence for every four pints. the coolers, which in any case were farms, especially the smaller ones, As a result, many small farmers have beyond their needs. Such conditions in America. Presently less than one closed their dairy operations. pushed over nearly 50,000 dairy million Americans claim farming farmers out of business altogether. as their occupation. That figure Strangling Growers Likewise, in Argentina, corporate was over 25 million in the 1950s. in the Third World transformation of the supply chain Likewise, in Europe, every minute Neither has big retail helped saw the number of dairy farms falling a farmer quits agriculture. farmers in the third world countries. from 40,000 in 1983 to 15,000 in A decade ago, third world coffee 2001. Walmart's overwhelming MNCs Cartelise to producers earned $10 billion from domination of Mexico's retail trade Lower Purchase Prices a global market of over $30 billion. is one of the important reasons The reason for this deepening Now they receive less than $6 bn that has forced 25 percent of small agricultural crisis in the developed out of a global market of $60 bn. Mexican farmers to quit farming countries is simple. MNCs are Likewise, cocoa farmers of Ghana over the last two decades. gigantic, and so are able to now receive only 3.9 percent of the monopolise the entire supply chain, price of a typical milk chocolate MNCs take advantage of their from processing to trade to retail. bar, while the retail margin hovers monopoly power to even indulge in Further, unlike what is taught in at around 34.1 percent. While the unfair trading practices with small economics textbooks, they do not African producers as a whole get farmers. These can include: delaying 18 JANATA, February 10-17, 2013 payment for produce; lowering economy to FDI inflows, the with squeezing producers by paying prices at the last minute; buying less agricultural sector has sunk into lower prices, but not passing on the than the amount agreed to; changing deeper and deeper crisis. It has gains to customers. With the result quality standards without adequate led to a massive increase in the that the supermarkets were earning notice; and so on. indebtedness of the peasantry, and fabulous profits: margins on apples has spurred the worst-ever recorded and bananas stood at around 140 Impact on Small Farmers in India wave of suicides in the country's percent, and for carrots and lettuce Given all this evidence, it is history. Apart from which 75 lakh at 110 percent; the margin on pork obvious that the entry of the giant people have abandoned agriculture loin had risen to 55 percent from 39 corporate retail into India’s food in a decade. The latest of these percent a decade ago. market will have a devastating policies, FDI in retail, will have even impact on India’s 650 million more catastrophic consequences. Fdi in Retail: For Whose Benefit? farmers. Clearly, the government decision Will Consumers Benefit? to allow ‘FDI in Retail’ is going Presently, because of the APMC The propaganda is that to have calamitous consequences Acts, the farmer has the option to sell supermarkets will eliminate for India's dynamic retail sector. his agricultural goods in any mandi middlemen, leading to lower Lakhs of small shopkeepers and either himself or through any agent consumer prices. This is another street vendors will be forced out who gives him the best rate. Because myth. In reality, corporate retail of business, rendering millions of there is no single buyer, farmers establishes complete monopoly over people unemployed. Not only that, it get a better price. Now, the Central the whole supply chain to become will have devastating consequences government is pressurising the states producer, wholesaler, distributor for small farmers too. Neither will to amend their APMC Acts, so as and retailer, all together. Thus, consumers benefit; 'FDI in Retail' is to allow agribusiness corporations corporate retailers become giant not going to lead to lower consumer to enter into direct contracts with middlemen themselves. Once they prices and help control inflation in farmers. One result of this is going succeed in this, why will they any way. to be that the mandis are gradually transfer some of their huge margins going to shut down. This is because to consumers and lower consumer If it is going to have such ruinous MNCs have huge financial strength prices? On the contrary, MNCs consequences, why is the government and will initially pay better prices to take advantage of their monopoly of India allowing giant foreign the farmers than the mandis (they are position to raise consumer prices and retailers to set up supermarkets- already doing this in many states that earn superprofits! hypermarkets in India? have modified their APMC Acts). It may happen that initially, while India on ‘Sale’ Once the mandis close down the retail giants are taking on the and the MNCs acquire monopoly existing small retailers, consumers It has actually been happening over purchase, they will then start may benefit from lower prices for for the last two decades, since 1991 lowering procurement prices, as they a short while. But once the MNC to be more precise. The Indian have done all over the world. The retailers acquire a monopoly over economy was trapped in an external farmers will have no option but to the market, they will hike prices. debt crisis. Taking advantage of this, sell to them. Additionally, the giant Even when supplier prices fall due India’s foreign creditors, that is, the corporations/ retailers will also now to cost economies, they do not lower USA and other developed countries, be in a position to impose conditions consumer prices. This has been the imposed stringent conditionalities on like strict adherence to quality and experience the world over, from the government of India. Through schedule on the farmers, which Nicaragua and Argentina to Kenya the World Bank and the IMF (which will be very difficult for our small and Thailand and Vietnam. are controlled by them), they arm- farmers to meet. twisted the Indian government An official report prepared into agreeing to a restructuring Over the last two decades, ever in June last year (2011) by the of the Indian economy. The basic since the government of India has French government's food price elements of this so-called ‘Structural gradually opened up the country's watchdog charged supermarkets Adjustment Program’ were: JANATA, February 10-17, 2013 19

• Removal of all controls on inflows rapid worsening of India’s foreign the ordinary people, do. We need to of foreign capital and goods; exchange crisis. Import liberalisation be clear that the opposition of the has led to a sharp rise in our trade mainstream political parties to this • Privatisation of the public sector, deficit. It has increased from $2.8 policy was only out of opportunism, including welfare services; billion in 1991-92 to a whopping to take advantage of the tremendous $189.7 billion in 2011-12. As a public anger against this policy. • Removal of all controls placed result, our current account deficit Which is why they made no attempt on profiteering, even in essential has shot up to $78.2 billion for the to mobilise people for a determined services like drinking water, food, financial year 2011-12, the highest struggle against this policy, and education and health. levels since 1991; and our external all they did was to give a call for a debt has zoomed to an astronomical ritualistic one-day Bharat Bandh. This restructuring of the economy $346 billion at the end of March at the behest of India’s foreign 2012, a rise by more than 4 times There is no need to be despondent creditors has been given the high- over 1991-92! about the fact that there are no tall sounding name of globalisation. leaders to follow. Leaders are not Since then, governments at the This spiralling whirlpool of born in vacuum; they are born out Centre and the states have continued foreign debt has made the country of social movements. The biggest to change, but globalisation of the more and more dependent on foreign and tallest trees all ultimately sprout economy has continued unabated. exchange inflows (or FDI) to prevent from the earth. the economy from once again The essence of globalisation is plunging into foreign exchange We need to deepen our struggle, that the Indian government is now bankruptcy. And so the foreign involve more people in it. There are running the economy solely for corporate armies and their concubine a very large number of common the profit maximisation of giant governments are able to impudently people who have been hoodwinked foreign corporations and their junior trample upon our honour and dignity, by the intense government and partners, India’s big business houses. yankee-kick us into implementing media propaganda and believe that These corporations are on a no- more and more economic reforms, this policy will indeed benefit Indian holds barred looting spree. They are force us to open up more and more farmers and consumers. Therefore, plundering mountains, rivers and sectors of the economy for gigantic it is important to continue with our forests for their immense natural multinationals to invest and plunder. campaign to educate the common wealth. They are seizing control of people about the disastrous effects public sector corporations, including And so they have arm-twisted of this policy public sector banks and insurance the Indian government to open up companies, created through the the retail sector too for FDI inflows. Of course, just increasing sweat and toil of the common people, consciousness is not enough. We at throwaway prices. Privatisation is We Must Advance Our Struggle! will need to organise various forms also enabling them to enter essential Friends, our nationwide struggle of creative protests and motivate services—including education, to prevent the entry of foreign people to join them in increasing health, electricity, transport, even MNCs into the retail sector has not numbers. drinking water—and transform prevented the Indian ruling classes these into instruments of naked from going ahead with their sordid Ultimately, our struggle against profiteering. Because these are agenda. FDI in retail is a part of the growing essential services, the profits are nationwide movement against huge. Clearly, a lot more needs to be globalisation, against the sell-out done. We need to intensify our of our country to foreign and Indian Continuation of Globalisation struggle. There are many amongst big business houses by India’s ruling Two decades of globalisation us who are gripped by a sense of classes. As more and more people has pushed the Indian economy despondency. A common refrain join this struggle, it will strengthen further into the clutches of India’s is that if the opposition parties and become a powerful force to foreign creditors. The globalisation couldn’t prevent the policy from transform society, and build a new conditionalities have led to a being implemented, what can we, India, where development does not 20 JANATA, February 10-17, 2013 mean profit maximisation of a few Friends, this may appear to be a end. We therefore need to take our big corporations, but fulfilment utopia, but it is not so. Of course, it own small initiatives. Let us make of the basic needs of all human is going to be a long and arduous a beginning by trying to build a beings—healthy food, invigorating struggle, but it can be won. Every unity of small traders, farmers, and education, decent shelter, clean end needs a beginning, only if consumers in our areas... pollution-free environment. there is a beginning will there be an

Rural India Focus



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Yusuf Meherally Centre Visit, D-15, Ganesh Prasad,1st Floor, Call: (022)-2387 0097, Naushir Barucha Marg, Fax: (022)-2388 9738 or Grant Road (West), E-mail : [email protected] Mumbai 400 007 Space Donated by a Well Wisher JANATA, February 10-17, 2013 21 Nanashaheb Goray The Pole Star

Bapu Heddurshetti

The history of the Socialist movement in India Once Goray had said that he never knew what defeat which started with the formation of the Congress was in his life. One would wonder: what a conceit! He had Socialist Party in 1934 and had a galaxy of stars like Dr. been defeated in his very first election to the parliament. Sampoornanand, Acharya Narendra Deva, Jayaprakash So what? It was not a success or defeat of the Vyashti Narayan, Asoka Mehta, Nabakrishna Choudhury, Achyut that he was speaking about but about the Samashti. He Patwardhan, Kamaladevi Chattopadhyaya, Rammanohar explained, ‘I fought for the freedom of the country and Lohia, Minoo Masani, S. M. Joshi, N. G. Goray, E.M.S. saw India become free. I fought for the freedom of Goa Namboodiripad, Mohanlal Goutam, M. L. Dantwala, and saw Goa become free. I fought against dictatorship C. T. Narayanaswamy, Charles Mascaranhas and and saw it coming to an end. For whatever I fought in my Purushottam Tricumdas is a story of diaspora. life I saw success”. G. P. Pradhan has rightly encapsulated his personality – neither elated at success nor depressed While Mahatma Gandhi’s ideology snatched at defeat. His was egalitarianism with equanimity. Jayaprakash Narayan, some like Dr. Sampoornanand, In the nurture of nature Nabakrishna Choudhury and Asoka Mehta drifted to the Congress, some others like E.M.S. Namboodiripad and One need only spend a few days in any of the villages Mohanlal Goutam went over to the Communist Party. of the picturesque Konkan where nature is bountiful in Some like Minoo Masani ended up in a liberal party like its majesty, to experience the ambience in the midst of the Swatantra Party, while some like Achyut Patwardhan which Goray was born and grew, to understand how a politician like Goray, who became a member of the Lok and Kamaladevi Chattopadhyaya drifted away from Sabha, Mayor of Pune, a member of the Rajya Sabha, politics itself and some others like Rammanohar Lohia Indian High Commissioner to U.K., General Secretary split the party and went their different ways. and later Chairman of the Praja Socialist Party could also write poetry, write short stories, write plays for children But right from the days of the Nasik jail in 1934 and romantic travelogues and even draw sketches. Or else where the Congress Socialist Party was conceived till the one should at least read his “Shankh aani Shimpale” – Socialists merged with the Janata Party in 1977 and lost Conches and Shells – to verbally experience the beauty their separate identity – i.e., from natalis to mortis of the of the Konkan. The lush green thick Sahyadri mountains socialist party and the socialist movement - it was only surrounding the villages of Konkan would make anyone Narayan Ganesh Goray, popularly known as Nanasaheb a poet. Goray was born in one such village, Hindle, in Goray, who remained in the mainstream party of the Ratnagiri District of Maharashtra, on 15th June 1907. socialist movement - like a Pole Star. He would turn nostalgic whenever he referred to the games he would play with his only sister, Gangu, on the A short stature with a tall intellect, small build with a sea beach, collecting conches and shells and building broad mind, ‘Goray’ - the fair one - not only in skin colour castles of sand. but also in mind and heart, was a person who refused to be a legend, who remained self-effacing, refusing to be Goray was born in a religiously strictly traditional recognised, but always standing up at every call of duty but economically relatively comfortable family of that at colossal personal sacrifices. He was a rationalist par remote village. So in his childhood Goray was seeped excellence, not in the Kantian sense of the term but as in traditional orthodoxy. His father was employed in the one who made reasoning his forte. And that made him education department of the Government. In Goray’s own an incisive analyst of any situation. G. G. Parikh smells words “Those days even my father who was getting a a ‘peculiar arrogance’ in Goray of his this capability salary of 50-60 rupees per month was considered well – peculiar because it was an arrogance that would not off. Hence I could not experience studying under the show itself. street lamps or washing the clothes during the night so 22 JANATA, February 10-17, 2013 that I could wear them in the morning. ‘Ask whatever studies. A group of youth offered satyagraha at Alibaug, you need for your studies and eat whatever is required a small port on the western coast and S. M. Joshi was the to keep your body healthy (only vegetarian)’ – is what first to be arrested followed by Goray. When Mahatma my father would tell me”. Goray himself admits that in Gandhi was arrested and incarcerated in the Yeravada his childhood perhaps he was more orthodox than many Jail, Goray planned a march on the jail. Sensing trouble volunteers of the RSS. police arrested Goray the previous evening, produced him before a magistrate who sentenced him to undergo The first turning point in his life came in 1922 when imprisonment for four months. He too was lodged in the school in which he was studying in 4th class, was Yervada Jail. closed down and he entered the New English School started by no less a person than Lokamanya Tilak in In an interview recorded by Parliament official Ram Pune. He had for classmates S. M. Joshi, R. K. Khadilkar Sharma on 15.7.1970, Goray reminisces about his first and V. M. Tarkunde. Goray says “Had I continued in the incarceration and says “That was how my prison life same old school I would not have become what I am started in 1930. At that time going to prison was a new today, I would have perhaps become a scholar, perhaps experience and I must say that the British prisons at that an officer, but not an activist rationalist”. His baptism time were very hard. All of us were classed as ‘C’ class came soon thereafter. prisoners and given very hard labour and extremely poor food and clothing. The whole of the prison term was like By the time he came to the end of his secondary a nightmare.” He was made to grind grains, and to eat school, he had already read all the four Shakespearean ‘salty roti’ which was a very stringent punishment in the tragedies - Hamlet, Macbeth, Romeo-Juliet and jail, in which the prisoners were made to eat rotis mixed Othello -, novels of Walter Scot, Ramayan by Tulsi Das with a large quantity of salt, morning and evening. But and the Marathi translations of Mahabharat and Arabian there were ‘moments of exultation and excitement’ also. Nights. By June 1925 Goray entered the Ferguson Gandhiji himself was in the same prison and “some times College. While in college he read all the plays by Kalidas we could catch his glimpse” exults an excited Goray. as well as his Kumar Sambhav and Raghuvamsh. He later even translated ‘Meghadoot’ of Kalidas. When he emerged from these four months in the prison, Goray was a totally different person. He says In the Furnace of Freedom Movement that he emerged from the Yeravada prison with a degree Goray’s tryst with his political destiny started at a very in humanism. He threw away his ‘sacred thread’ and young age of 21 years when he joined the Youth League decided to marry a widow and never looked back. which was then led by socialist leader of Mumbai, Yusuf Meherally and Nariman. Goray considered himself a After serving his very first term in prison, Goray ‘radical nationalist’ and by radical nationalist he meant resumed his studies. But not for long. After the Round one who was for social transformation and against rituals Table Conference failed, Mahatma Gandhi again and customs and was against capitalist society. The two started civil disobedience movement in 1932. Goray dominant influences on him at the time were Gandhiji and and his friends were this time not even allowed to offer the Russian Revolution. It would appear a contradiction satyagraha. They were just picked up by the police to some, since Gandhiji was an apostle of non-violence and detained for two months and thereafter they were and Russian Revolution was an epistle in violence. At produced before the Magistrate who sentenced Goray for the time, Goray perhaps would agree with Gandhiji that a term of imprisonment of two years. Goray was lodged consistency was an ass, more because of his fiery youth again in Yeravada prison. than his intelligence. However, Goray, like many others of his time, thought that Russia was ‘building a new However, after a few months he was suddenly shifted civilization based on Marxist principles and was hence to Nasik Jail where he completed the remaining portion attracted to it. of his jail term. It is here that Goray met Jayaprakash Narayan, Asoka Mehta, Minoo Masani, Prof. Dantwala Goray, S. M. Joshi and Shirubhau Limaye had decided and others. About his term in Nasik Jail Goray writes in 1927 itself to participate in the freedom struggle. “this period was full of events and some of the major So when Gandhi went on Dandi March for his salt decisions which shaped our political career in the future satyagraha, They plunged into it by abandoning their were taken in that jail... we spent our time in reading and JANATA, February 10-17, 2013 23 endless discussions, reviewing the national movement, was arrested and sentenced to one year’s imprisonment reviewing the leadership that was provided by Gandhiji for the speech and lodged in Gulbarga prison. When the and his colleagues, critically evaluating the role that was call for ‘Quit India’ was given in 1942, Goray was already being played by Soviet Russia and the Communist Party in Nizam’s prison in Gulbarga. of India and trying to come to certain conclusions”. Immediately after his release from the Gulbarga Two serious questions faced this Nasik Group. As prison, Goray plunged into the underground movement Goray and others were under the influence of the freedom from its headquarters in Bombay. But within three struggle led by Mahatma Gandhi and were hence part months the hideout was detected by the police and Goray of the Indian National Congress, the first question was was once again arrested. A case which later came to be whether to break away from the Congress and start a new called the ‘Maharashtra Conspiracy Case’ was foisted on party based on socialist ideology or to remain inside the Goray and 50 others. Goray says “the Government found Congress and give it a socialist orientation. The second it impossible to substantiate the charges, not because they question was that since the authoritative interpretation of were not true, but because it was not possible for them Marxist dogma could then be given only by the Soviet to produce any witnesses.” Still Goray and others were Russia, how far could they accept such Marxism totally. imprisoned and stayed so till April 1946. “Those were the Goray says “the decision that we took at Nasik Jail was of glorious days indeed, when we lived the life of patriots historical importance”. They decided to launch a socialist in the real sense of the term” exults Goray. party ‘within’ the Congress and decided to stay clear of Russia’s interpretation of Marxist theory. Though Goray emerged from the furnace of freedom movement scalded bodily but honed intellectually, he When the Second World War started, Goray, along would not countenance asking for either encomiums or for with other socialists, was hoping that Mahatma Gandhi rewards, he would not ask for freedom fighters’ pension, would give a call for an all out fight against the British for he was too modest. But as late as on 2.10.1987 the to seize freedom. Socialists had drawn plans to go Government of India gave freedom fighters’ pension to underground and lead the movement. Goray writes Goray, without his asking for it. “we would resist arrest, we would go underground, if necessary, and we would even take to violent action. From Pupa to Papillon The only saving clause was that we could try to avoid, as The ideological journey of Goray is like his emergence much as possible, violence against persons. But so far as from darkness to light. In his childhood he was steeped the destruction of government property was concerned, in Hindu religious orthodoxy. As he grew up he became we would not stay our hand”. a rebel, threw away his sacred thread, married a widow much to the consternation not only of the orthodox But then Mahatma Gandhi’s position was not to society but also of his loving and caring parents, and embarrass the British during the war and hence instead passing through the straits of Marxism ended up a of mass civil disobedience he started ‘individual confirmed democratic socialist – not only in thought but satyagraha’. Vinoba Bhave was chosen the first also in action. That is why he calls his short biography satyagrahi. While Jayaprakash Narayan opposed the “Timiratuni Tejakade’ – from darkness towards light. But individual satyagraha, Asoka Mehta offered satyagraha that was an understatement. It was not just a journey it and was jailed. Goray also enrolled himself to be a was a metamorphosis – from being an orthodox Hindu, satyagrahi. But Mahatma Gandhi was insisting on non- through being an adventurous and romantic patriot, he violence not only in action, but also in thought. Goray emerged as a confirmed democrat, a profound socialist wrote to Mahatma Gandhi that he could not fulfil the and not just a secularist but an outright anti-communalist condition of non-violence in both thought and action and - a metamorphosis from Pupa to Papillon. sought his advice. Mahatma Gandhi immediately wrote back to say that if he did not believe in non-violence in This metamorphosis in his ideological life did not both thought and action, he was free to go his way. come due to any angel or a miracle. It was a gradual process just like a democratic socialist transformation. Goray had given a speech in Gulbarga, then in Goray cites instances such as when he was going with his Hyderabad State ruled by Nizam, and now in Karnataka, father, a young person coming opposite them suddenly sat that India could not side with the British in the War. Goray down and after they passed him got up and went his way. 24 JANATA, February 10-17, 2013

When asked by young Goray why, the old Goray said, scientific political thinkers”. because the person was a ‘mahar’ an untouchable and he sat down so that his shadow would not fall on Gorays Goray noticed the ‘fault lines’ in Marxian thinking. who were Chitpavan Brahmins - not just Brahmins He realised that “those who conquer power by the use but Brahmins purified by fire. This must have made an of arms will keep it for themselves and they will be inconspicuous small dent on young Goray’s foliating reluctant to hand it back to the people” and hence “the mind. While some girls of the neighbourhood would dictatorship of the proletariat gets metamorphosed into a wear colourful saris ornately, a few other young girls dictatorship over the proletariat”. He says that his studies would be wearing only white saris and would hesitantly of both comparative history and Freudian psychoanalysis beckon him and request him to get the barber from the also convinced him of the shortcomings of the Marxian city square so that they could get their heads tonsured, theory. he would wonder why, and when he came to know that it was so because they were widows, that too must have But as Marx could not make him a Marxist, so could made a small dent on his mind. Numerous instances such Gandhi also not make him a Gandhian. He accepted as these slowly chiselled at his innocent mind – chipping neither as his ‘master’, and as a corollary did not accept away his orthodoxy, a little at a time, ultimately leading to anyone as his disciple but his graduation from Marxism to the metamorphosis and turning the orthodox adolescent democratic socialism came gradually through Gandhism. into a fiery rationalist youth. While Goray’s democratic socialism did not make When Goray came under the influence of Yusuf him an anti-communist, his secularism made him an Meherally and thereafter came to interact with persons anti-communalist. On 1st of May 1938 a huge May-day like Jayaprakash Narayan, Asoka Mehta and others in the procession was taken out by the workers in Pune. It was Nasik prison, his ideas started taking shape. Goray came viciously attacked by the communalists. The Congress under the influence of two ideologies – that of Marx and Socialist Party was publishing a journal ‘Congress Gandhi. One faded and the other adhered. Perhaps, Goray Socialist’ then. Goray thundered in an article in the had read Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto during his ‘Congress Socialist’ of May 14, 1938, “Who attacked first incarceration which left an indelible mark on his the May Day procession? Who assaulted men like mind and life. Goray says that the Communist Manifesto Senapati Bapat and [Gajanan] Kanitkar? Who tore up made him look at his surroundings in a totally different the National Flag? The Hindu Mahasabhaites and the perspective. “It was not a lifeless essay, it was a tempest” Hedgewar Boys did all this.... They have been taught to says Goray. hate the Muslims in general as Public Enemy Number 1, to hate the Congress and its flag which is pro-Muslim, to It is interesting that though he responded to the call hate socialists and communists who are anti-Hinduism.... of Mahatma Gandhi for satyagraha and was jailed for They have their own flag, `the Bhagwa’, the symbol of it, he was more fond of Marx than of Mahatma at the Maratha Supremacy. And their leader is called `Rashtra time. Of his earlier understanding of Marx and Gandhi, Dhureen’, i.e Fuehrer!” Goray says “As young socialists we used to take special delight in condemning those who differed from us either Reacting to a camp of RSS volunteers in Pune, as reactionaries or utopians. Gandhiji’s thoughts were, Goray said “The swayamsevaks have gathered there in according to us utopian, unscientific and reactionary, large numbers. What is surprising about it? When water while those preached by Marx and Engels, Lenin and stagnates in a pool, worms are bound to writhe in it” Trotsky were scientific”. and about the parade of RSS volunteers, he said, “Let not the lathis of these 35,000 swayamsevaks fall on the But then the terror unleashed by Stalin in Russia heads of dalits”. eroded that consideration and as Goray’s analytical faculties worked overtime, he slowly realised that it was Even while throwing a brickbat at Nanasaheb, an Marx who was a utopian and Gandhi, a scientific thinker. RSS activist Ramesh Patange writes in his Marathi “I feel no hesitation in saying that some of Gandiji’s book ‘Me, Manu Ani Sangh’, “That a senior, elderly, thoughts I find more scientific than those of Marx and learned socialist leader could react this way sent my Engels. I go a step further and say that it was the latter blood boiling”. The activist narrates another incident that two who have spoken or written more like utopians than speaks volumes about Nanasaheb though from the point JANATA, February 10-17, 2013 25 of view of an RSS activist. “1988 was the birth centenary his elder brotherly S. M. Joshi who chose to remain in year of Dr Hedgewar. A committee called Hedgewar the SSP. Interestingly while S. M. Joshi continued as the Birth Centenary Committee was set up in Maharashtra. Chairman of the SSP, Goray had to take on the burden of Dr Shivajirao Bhosale, Chancellor of the Marathwada becoming the Chairman of the PSP. His love for S. M. University (now Dr Ambedkar Marathwada University), Joshi neither stopped him from following his principles, gladly agreed to be the chairman of the committee. nor did his parting company with S. M. Joshi diminish his Socialists are adept at creating obstacles in any big love and esteem for him. In Nanasaheb’s own words “our programme organised by the Sangh, and naturally, lives are like parallel rails going in the same direction”. Nanasaheb Goray, was the high priest of socialists in this respect. He opened a front against Shivajirao Bhosale...A Goray presided over the Bombay Conference of meeting of the birth centenary committee was to take the PSP held in 1965, the Bangalore Conference held place in Pune. Dr Bhide, Vice-Chancellor of the Pune between 25th and 28th November 1966 and the Kanpur University agreed to chair the meeting. This incensed Conference held between 30th December 1967 and 1st Nanasaheb Goray. According to him it was not proper January 1968. for the Vice-Chancellor to accept the chairmanship of a committee of the Sangh, since the Sangh is wedded to Goray was also active in the Trade Union field. He the concept of Hindu Rashtra, which is against the spirit was the President of the Sakhar Kamgar Federation and ideology of our constitution, which is secular and (Sugar Workers’ Federation); President of Poona Electric socialist. Since the Sangh work is unconstitutional, those Supply Company’s Employees Union; President of the in government positions should not be chairmen of the Hind Oil Kamgar Sabha and Oil Companies Depot committees of the Sangh. Prof. Bhide did not come to the Superintendents Association, India. He was elected to the meeting...“Madhav Gadkari, editor of Loksatta, a Marathi Court of the University of Poona from the Trade Unions’ daily wrote a long article supporting Nanasaheb Goray. Constituency for two consecutive terms. Although socialists are small in number, their nuisance value is great. Dr Bhosale was in a quandary whether If today the whole world considers the Rochdale to keep the Vice-Chancellorship or the chairmanship Pioneers as the originators of the co-operative movement, of Dr Hedgewar Birth Centenary Committee. Finally, India also can be proud of ‘Naigaum Pioneers’ - its he renounced his position with the Dr Hedgewar Birth own version of Rochdale Pioneers. Goray believed that Centenary Committee of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak constructive work was as essential as struggle in building Sangh which was trying to realise the dream of Shivaji a socialist society. Hence Goray wanted the trade union and Shahaji Bhosale. Nanasaheb Goray’s destructive workers to be educated in the ideology of democratic rancour and hatred won the day. Dr Shivajirao Bhosale’s socialism and undertake constructive work. So he used to courage deserted him”. conduct study classes for them. Once in 1948-49 a group of youngsters from Naigaum ward in Bombay employed Goray was a member of the first National Executive in the mills were discussing with Goray, one worker Committee of the Congress Socialist Party formed in asked Goray to give them a programmme so that they 1934. He was made a Joint Secretary in 1948 when could implement it. Goray immediately said that the co- the Congress Socialist Party left the Indian National operative movement was an integral part of the socialist Congress and became the Socialist Party. When the Praja movement and hence they should each contribute Rs. 10 Socialist Party faced turmoil in the Betul Conference in and start a co-operative food grains store for themselves. 1953 due to Nehru-JP talks and Asoka Mehta’s thesis Thus began an experiment in consumers’ co-operatives ‘political compulsions of backward economy’ Goray was which blossomed into “Apna Bazar’, now a household entrusted with the responsibility of being the General name in Mumbai and Maharashtra. Secretary of the PSP. He later became the Chairman of the PSP. Goray goes to Goa “The Goa Freedom Struggle is a colourful episode Goray always valued principles more than personalities. in my political career” says a cheerful Goray. Goray When the leaders of the PSP decided in the foundation would often visit Karwar, Savantavadi and Belgaum conference of the Samyukta Socialist Party held in in connection with his political work. There many Varanasi in 1964 to leave SSP and revive the PSP, Goray people from Goa would meet him, and amongst them in was with them though it meant parting company with particular, Peter Alvares, and would narrate the miseries 26 JANATA, February 10-17, 2013 of the Goans living under the Portuguese rule. Goray Mukherji and A.K.Gopalan on 27th May. However Nehru started wondering what he could do in the matter. In 1954 was non-committal on the question of liberating Goa’. It the Goanese Literary Conference met in Karwar which took another three years for the Government of India to was presided over by Goray. In his presidential speech throw the Portuguese out and liberate Goa. Goray announced that if the Government of India was not going to do anything about liberating Goa then people of Goray also campaigned for liberating Tibet from India will have to take necessary steps in that direction. the Chinese occupation. PSP held a public meeting to rally Indian support for the Tibetans. Goray, who was After going to Pune, Goray met S. M. Joshi and told then the General Secretary of the party, said that the him that he wanted to take a batch of volunteers and uprising in Tibet was a national struggle against Chinese enter Goa to offer satyagraha. S.M. agreed with Goray ‘colonialism’ and that the Chinese assertion that the and immediately called a meeting of all political parties uprising was confined to Khampa tribesmen only was in Pune. Thus in April 1955 the Goa Vimochan Sahayak a deliberate attempt to mislead the world. He said that Samiti, (Goa Liberation Aid Committee) was formed in the whole of Tibet was fighting bare handed against the Pune with Tatyasaheb Jedhe as the President and Goray military might of the Chinese. and Jayantrao Tilak as the General Secretaries. Goray in Parliament The Committee decided to send batches of volunteers In the first general elections for the Lok Sabha held in to Goa from May 1955. Goray says, “I led the first batch 1952 Goray contested from Ratnagiri South constituency in May 1955. It consisted of about 56 volunteers and I as a Socialist Party candidate and lost to Moreshwar Joshi had the privilege of having as my colleague Senapati of the Congress by 19,257 votes. Bapat, the veteran freedom fighter of India. The batch was pounced upon by the Portuguese police. Every one Not losing heart by his defeat in the first general of us was mercilessly beaten and excepting myself, every elections, Goray contested in the second general elections one was thrown out again into the Indian territory and I in 1957 as a candidate of the Praja Socialist Party, but was singled out and taken to a Portuguese jail”. this time from Pune (then known as Poona). Goray had just then been released from the Portuguese prison in Goa The second batch of sixty-eight satyagrahis, under and his popularity was high. He won with a thumping Madhu Limaye, was severely beaten up while trying majority defeating his Congress rival N. V. Gadgil, who to cross over and Limaye was also arrested on 28 May. was then a Cabinet Minister in Nehru’s government, in a Both Goray and Madhu Limaye, with many others were straight contest. He polled 143822 votes, i.e., 59 percent tried by the military court and sentenced to 10 years of of the total votes polled. In Parliament Goray had for his imprisonment and a heavy fine and on failure to pay the colleagues stalwarts like Surendranath Dwivedi, Asoka fine to undergo imprisonment for a further term of two Mehta and Acharya Kripalani. years. They were confined in Fort Aguada. On 15th August scores of volunteers were shot dead by the Portuguese Goray contested in the third general elections held in police. The batch led by Madhu Dandawate was also 1962 also from Pune as a candidate of the Praja Socialist beaten up and pushed back into the Indian Territory. Party. However, this time around, the Bharatiya Jana Sangh put up a candidate and ate into the opposition Later Goray wrote about his experiences in the votes. While the Congress candidate S. S. More polled Portuguese prison in a book entitled “Behind Portuguese 115402 votes, Goray polled 66996 votes and the Prison Bars”. Later, on the intervention of the Amnesty combined votes of the opposition candidates – one International the prisoners were released in February independent and the BJS – were 219609 votes. But 1957 after serving about 18 months in the prison. then the people of Pune elected him the Mayor of Pune Municipal Corporation in 1965. Even after his release from Portuguese prison, Goray continued his efforts to secure the liberation of Goa. When the 1967 elections came, Goray was in the Praja The Hindu dated May 29, 1957 reported that the ‘Prime Socialist Party and his colleague S. M. Joshi was in the Minister Nehru had a 90 minutes discussion with the Samyukta Socialist Party. Joshi was also leading the socialist leaders Nanasaheb Goray, Acharya Kripalani, Samyukta Maharastra Samiti formed to agitate for the Nath Pai and communist leaders S.A.Dange, Prof. Hiren inclusion of Marathi speaking areas of neighboring states JANATA, February 10-17, 2013 27 into Maharashtra of which SSP was a part. The SSP and socialists had won from there. The two parties could not the SMS decided to field S. M. Joshi from Pune. Joshi come to an agreement. Hence the ‘dialogue’ failed to was a former colleague and a fellow socialist, albeit in become ‘meaningful’. SSP. Goray did not contest the elections. Between 1967 and 1971 the political scene in India Goray was then elected to the Rajya Sabha from the had undergone a sea change. In 1969 Indira Gandhi split Maharashtra Legislative Assembly constituency with the Congress in an effort to isolate the old guard of the the help of the surplus votes of the Congress which were party which was trying to control her. In the Presidential given in return for the support the PSP was giving to elections she proposed the name of Sanjeeva Reddy but a Congress government. He was in Rajya Sabha from sensing that he may dismiss her government if elected, 03.04.1970 to 02.04.1976, the years which proved to be she prompted V. V. Giri to contest and supported him and apocalyptic to Indian democracy. India was in turmoil. as a result Giri won the elections. The rise of Mujibur Congress had lost ground in the 1967 elections to the Rehman in East Pakistan and the Pakistan’s efforts to Lok Sabha and had lost power to the opposition parties suppress him and the resulting emergence of Bangladesh in eight states. It was more a defeat for the Congress with Indira Gandhi boldly marching the Indian Army to than victory for the opposition parties. Even then the liberate Bangladesh brought her once again centre stage. opposition parties were in a hurry to form alternative From the ‘Dumb Doll’ as some opposition leaders had governments without the requisite preparations that are ridiculed her, she had emerged as ‘Goddess Durga’, the required to make a government succeed. But then due to demon slayer. defections by the elected representatives in the coalition governments formed by the parties in opposition to the PSP met again in Sakarwadi of Maharashtra between Congress fell like nine pins. 31st December 1970 to 1st January 1971 presided over by Goray and decided to go alone in the elections. Thus When the elections were announced in 1971 for the PSP contested the 1971 elections to Parliament alone Parliament some opposition leaders felt that it was the whereas SSP contested as part of the Grand Alliance. opportune time to defeat the Congress at the Centre also, Congress swept the polls. While the SSP got three seats by forging an alliance of all opposition parties irrespective PSP got only two seats. Both parties stood the risk of their ideologies. Congress(O), Swatantra Party, SSP of losing recognition by the Election Commission as and the Bharatiya Jana Sangh formed what came to be national parties. The PSP then met in Bulandshahar of called a ‘Grand Alliance’ to defeat the Congress. The Uttar Pradesh on 7th and 8th August 1971, presided over PSP under the leadership of Goray refused to join the by Goray, and called for the merger of the PSP and the alliance. Goray said “For me defeating the Congress SSP. And when the two parties merged, Goray gladly is not the main objective. It is important to politically gave up his presidentship to facilitate the merger. educate the masses. More important is as to who will replace the Congress?” In Defense of Democracy Sweeping the 1971 elections to the Parliament, Indira When the PSP met in conference at Baroda from 3rd Gandhi became drunk with power. She started behaving to 6th of February 1970 presided over by Goray, the then like an autocrat. Goray watched Indira Gandhi’s rise to Congress President Jagjivan Ram sent a telegram to the power from the floor of the Rajya Sabha and predicted Conference asking for the co-operation of the PSP in the her ascent from thence to absolute power of a dictator. elections. The conference decided to have a ‘meaningful He was not an astrologer, nor a soothsayer, yet with his dialogue’ with the Congress. But then the PSP could acumen of political analysis he predicted the coming of not accept the number of seats which the Congress was dictatorship years before it actually arrived. He wrote ready to concede to the PSP. By then S. M. Krishna and an editorial in Janata of 22nd July 1973 and said “The K. Lakkappa who had won the 1967 elections to the difference between a dictator of admittedly totalitarian Lok Sabha from Mandya and Tumkur constituencies of country and the head of a democratic federal union, Karnataka as the PSP candidates had gone over to the whose federating units have ceased to function, can be Congress. The Congress claimed to contest from the two only notional. In fact when major States like Andhra seats by fielding S. M. Krishna and K. Lakkappa on the Pradesh and U.P. have come under President’s rule and ground that they were now in Congress. The PSP also so many other States are rapidly qualifying for it, is not claimed to contest from the said seats on the ground that Smt. Indira Gandhi already functioning like a dictator?.. 28 JANATA, February 10-17, 2013 one fine morning the Indian people will wake up to learn Jawaharlal himself was sentenced for three years. ... If that they are under a dictatorship, limited or otherwise”. you say that Jayaprakashji’s forces are running amuck, are you as a counter measure running amuck yourself?” As predicted by Goray, the Indian people woke up on 25th June 1975 to learn that they were under a dictatorship Then he said “So, Sir, my plea is that it is really an as Indira Gandhi imposed internal ‘emergency’ on the action and reaction. You are angry with us, we are angry country. Thousands of opposition and even ruling party with you. I know that we have differed. Still there is no leaders like Chandrasekhar who were opposed to Indira other way for us. If you think that the only way is to shut Gandhi’s policy were arrested and imprisoned without the mouths of all the Opposition, then, I tell you, you trial. are not only harming the opposition, you are not only harming democracy, you are harming yourself”. The fact that Goray had been elected to the Rajya Sabha on the support of the surplus votes of the Congress After reading out a joint statement of the DMK party, did not deter him from criticizing the Congress for Congress(0), Jan Sangh, BLD, CPI(M), PSP, Socialist imposing emergency. He had once earlier called Gandhi, Party, Akali Dal and independent members Umashankar Nehru and Patel as the Triad of the Congress after Joshi, K. S. Malle Gowda, U. K. Laxman Gowda the triad of the Hindu Pantheon, Brahma, Vishnu and and Dwijendralal Sen Gupta, which said “Taking all Maheshwara, but that had not stopped him from asking relevant facts into consideration and bearing in mind in for the resignation of Nehru. Goray wrote critically about particular the fact that leading members of Parliament emergency in Janata, of which he had become the editor, have been incarcerated, we are satisfied now that no and hence Janata was banned by the government which useful purpose will be served by our taking part in the had imposed censorship on news papers and periodicals. further proceedings of this session of Parliament, for it is Then Goray started editing a smaller version of Janata clearly in no position to discharge the functions of a free clandestinely under the title ‘People’ and circulated it. He and democratic parliament,” Goray led the opposition toured Maharashtra extensively from village to village withdrawal from the House. and campaigned against the imposition of emergency. After JP’s release from the prison, Goray played a Goray became the rallying point for the rump of crucial role in coordinating between opposition leaders opposition that remained in the parliament. On July and in forging the Janata Party. The Congress Socialist 22, 1975, Goray spoke in the Rajya Sabha on behalf of Party had its first conference in Bombay in 1934. Its the opposition. Addressing the Chair, Goray said “Sir, progeny, the Socialist Party met in conference for the let me begin my speech by making a candid admission last time also in Bombay on 27th and 28th November that our perception of the situation and your perception 1976, presided over by Goray, and decided to merge of the situation differ in a fundamental manner… what with the Janata Party launched by Jayaprakash Narayan, has happened is considered by some of you as the dawn obliterating its independent existence as a socialist party. of a new era while we on our side consider that it is Goray and the socialists sacrificed even their identity the beginning of a long night of authoritarian rule, of in defense of democracy and both had no regrets for it. suppression of liberty and, may be, even of disintegration of this country”. The Blossom Face Pu. La. Deshpande, the famous Marathi literati says In his speech, Goray answered each of the charges “if those who read Nanasaheb expect that he ought to made by the government against the opposition in general have written more, they are not at fault, as it is no fault and against Jayaprakash Narayan in particular. Criticising of Nanasaheb that he could not write more. Nanasaheb the press censorship imposed by Indira Gandhi, Goray should be congratulated for what he wrote because he said “Is this the tryst with destiny about which Jawaharlal could write so much while living in a society which feels Nehru had spoken?” Answering the charge that JP had that on every moment of his life the public has a right”. asked the police and the army not to obey illegal orders Politics and poetry harmoniously rubbed shoulders in of the government, Goray said “If JP made a statement Goray. like that you send him before a court of law, send him to 5 years’ or 10 years’ imprisonment. Lokmanya was sent for Goray was not only a prolific reader, for he read 6 years. Mahatma Gandhi was sent for 2 and half years. ‘Baburnama’ when he was 80 years old, but also a JANATA, February 10-17, 2013 29 prolific writer, for he wrote about his ideological journey letters’. “Timiratuni Tejakade” also when he was 80. His writings extended from a critique of Karl Marx, to the skits for When Goray reached four score years, his admirers, kids to poetry. for he had no disciples and followers, brought out a souvenir – ‘Goray Gourav’. His colleague G. P. Pradhan Goray’s literary career began when he translated asked him to write his own biography. Goray refused the biography of Jawaharlal Nehru into Marathi. He and said “Poet Bilhana has written an epic entitled then went on to translate ‘Divided India’ written by ‘Rajatarangini’ on the royal families of Kashmir. I am not the first President of India, Dr. Rajendra Prasad, ‘Why born in any royal family. I am not a royal person. On the Socialism’ by Jayaprakash Narayan and ‘Our India’ by contrary like Nripasadane naama kevaye - ‘who are we Minoo Masani. He also translated Dr. S. Radhakrishnan’s in a royal palace’ – I rather fall in that category. So when book on Mahatma Gandhi. And his talent for translation my friends suggested to me that I should write something extended to Sanskrit poetry too. He translated Kalidas’s centred round myself I was in a fix. I had decided long Meghdoot also in Marathi.. back that I should not write my autobiography. Whoever writes autobiography must at least be feeling that there is Goray’s political writings include books on something ‘special’ in him, because it is not possible for ‘Imperialism’ and ‘Acharya Narendra Deva : Father of any one to feel like writing his own autobiography, only Democratic Socialism’. He also wrote a history of the to criticise himself. Self-respect and self-righteousness United States of America. He wrote about his experiences are the inseparable parts of autobiography. In some and feelings within the four walls of a prison when he was autobiographies it surfaces defiantly and in some others incarcerated for the first time in the Gulbarga jail. In the it may appear wearing the mask of humility – that is all evening of his life when he used to visit his only daughter the difference. But I did not want to do any of these”. who was staying in USA, he wrote ‘Pittsburgh Diary’. But Pradhan was more than a match for him. Pradhan suggested that if not biography, Goray should at least Goray, who wrote critically about Karl Marx, also wrote stories and plays for children. “I knew about the write the story of his ideological evolution. And Goray plays on the households of men but until I read Goray’s did it and titled it ‘Timiratuni Tejakade’ – ‘from Darkness ‘Bedukwadi’ – House of the Frogs’ - I did not know that towards Light’. even the households of frogs could be so interesting” Any writing on Goray would be incomplete without wrote a critic on reading the play which Goray had mentioning about his ‘Narayaneeyam’ an interlocution written for children. His short stories written for children are collected in ‘Chimutai Ghar Bandhatat’ – Sister with the Bhagawadgeeta with 301 verses. But to the Sparrows build houses. The letters he wrote to his 10- misfortune of many, of whom fortunately I am not one, year old daughter Shubha and her friends are collected the verses are in Marathi. In Goray’s understanding, in ‘Karwande’. whether of human nature, or of human society or even of the universe, there was no place for God. Goray believed Goray was also a journalist. In 1947 when the Socialist more in science as the deliverer of the human race than Party of Maharashtra decided to publish a weekly named religion or God. If Krishna i.e., Narayana enunciated his ‘Janavaani’ – People’s Voice – Goray was chosen to edit philosophy through the medium of Arjuna, i.e., Nara, the same. He also used to write regularly for ‘Rachana’ a Goray says that it would not be inappropriate if he also magazine started by his cousin Bandu Goray. He edited enunciates his philosophy through the medium of the very Marathi weekly ‘Sadhana’ from 1981 to 1984. He also same Arjuna - but caveats that the fact that his name is edited ‘Janata’ weekly from 1967 to 1977. Even when also Narayana is only a coincidence. he became India’s High Commissioner to the United Kingdom in 1977, he regularly wrote a column in a Goray once had told G. P. Pradhan “If only Sumatibai’s Marathi daily newspaper ‘Loksatta’. health was good today I would have gone and lived in Hindle for a year or two. Gardening in the backyard of the His urge for poetry was such that even when he was house, sitting on the shore of the sea watching the waves writing about Islam and Koran his pen would scribble and reading and writing in the serene atmosphere of the verses. That may be the reason why another well known house in Hindle were my wishes which have remained Marathi literati Vasant Bapat calls Goray ‘a sculptor of unfulfilled”. 30 JANATA, February 10-17, 2013

A son, a father and a husband see JP, Goray could have stayed with his wife in the last French Existentialist philosopher Jean Paul Sartre moments of her life and become a ‘good husband’. But says that one is what one wants to be. He tells about an Goray chose once again his call of duty over the fatal ill incident in which during the Second World War a few health of his wife. French resistance soldiers who were being chased by the German soldiers hid in the house of a French farmer. Not that Goray did not shed tears at the tragedies The German soldiers tell the farmer to inform them that befell him but that still would not deter him from where the resistance soldiers were hiding or else they answering the calls for duty. would rape his daughter. Sartre says that by betraying Once when I had been to Pune I wanted to see Goray’s the resistance soldiers and protecting his daughter the house. I was surprised that Goray did not even build a farmer can become a ‘good father’ and by letting the house, let alone a palatial one like many other politicians, German soldiers rape his daughter but not betraying the but lived in the same old ancestral house, he had inherited resistance soldiers, the farmer becomes a ‘good patriot’. from his father. He had donated a portion of the house The choice is his. for the Samajavadi Mahila Sabha for running their social Was Goray a good son to his father and mother, a good counseling centre. While his daughter lived with her husband to his wife and a good father to his children? husband in USA, his foster daughter, Radha Shirsekar, Goray was confronted with such hard choices all his lived on the first floor and the ground floor had been let life. His decision to marry Sumati came as a shock to his out. Of course, all socialists of that era lived very simple orthodox father and mother. Their only son had decided lives, and Goray was no exception. to marry a widow – an unthinkable taboo amongst The unfulfilled wishes Chitpavan Brahmins. Goray had to live separately from his loving parents and in poverty. By refusing to marry Goray was not my Guru, for he neither accepted any Sumati, Goray could have become a ‘good son’ but he one as his Guru nor let anyone accept him as his Guru. He chose to be a good ‘socialist’. was a Dronacharya with no Arjuna but many Ekalavyas - I being one of them - the difference being that since Only the birth of Goray’s child made his parents relent. he did not accept any one as his disciple and hence the Even then Goray lived on the first floor of the house with relationship was one sided, there was no question of his his wife and child and his orthodox parents lived on the asking for the Gurudakshina of the right hand thumb of ground floor of the same building. The elder Gorays did any of his Ekalavyas. not leave their orthodoxy and the younger Goray did not leave his socialism. Some time in early seventies a study camp was held for socialist workers in Khadakwasla, near Pune. I was When his four month old son was very sick, Goray very young then and was proud to be one of the invitees. had to go on a political tour. Entrusting his wife with the When I spoke in the camp many eyebrows were raised responsibility of taking care of the child, Goray went on but Goray defended me and said that they should listen his tour only to return on hearing that the child was no to the young man. In the evening when he was going more. Perhaps that is the reason why Goray showered for a walk, he beckoned me and took me along. With his daughter Shubha with so much of love. By not going his hand on my shoulders he said, ‘Bapu, no use you on that tour perhaps Goray could have become a ‘good continuing as a lawyer. You leave all that and devote father’ but then he chose his call of duty over the health yourself for socialism’. How much I also wanted to of his baby. do so! But that remained my unfulfilled wish and still hauntingly continues to be so. Was it also one of his Leaving Goray free to do his political work Sumati unfulfilled wishes? How presumptuous of me. took up a job as a teacher and took the financial burden of running the household on her feminine shoulders. And In 1980 Goray decided to retire from active politics. once during the Emergency Goray had to go to Patna But he continued to guide party workers. In 1984 he and see Jayaprakash Narayan. Goray went on to Patna decided to retire from active life. Goray was now 86 and when he heard that Sumati was on her death bed, years old but was still active not only in spirit but also in immediately started back but learnt on the way home that flesh. He was invited to speak at a May Day function in st Sumati had breathed her last. By not going to Patna to Pune on the 1 of May 1993 and he promised to speak. JANATA, February 10-17, 2013 31

He was a socialist and in spite of his age he had wished to Shubha could not countenance it. She wished a decent speak. But he could not keep his promise. He died on the cremation for her affectionate and illustrious father. The morning of 1st May 1993. He had made a will donating living won over the dead. his body for medical research. But then his only daughter

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Shri Shashi Bhushan, a prominent young Congressman, All parties in India have been reduced either to has been repeatedly saying that the situation in India has impotence or irrelevance. The parties in opposition can become so desperate that only a "limited dictatorship" do nothing because they are either too small or too much can help the country to tide over the crisis. Some have in disarray. The Congress, too, has become impotent ridiculed it while some others have poked fun at him. like an over corpulent individual who loses control over But by pouring ridicule could this suggestion be killed? his flabby limbs. The nerve centre of this leviathan is Should we not inquire whether this is his brain wave or Smt. Indira Gandhi, to whom every conceivable dispute some one else is inspiring Shri Shashi Bhushan to put it is referred to for solution. The difference between a forward so that the consequent debate would reveal the dictator of admittedly totalitarian country and the head mood of the people? We shall not be surprised if in the of a democratic federal union, whose federating units absence of a serious debate and a credible alternative have ceased to function, can be only notional. In fact emerging, what Shri Shashi Bhushan has been advocating when major States like Andhra Pradesh and U.P. have as his personal opinion might turn into the government come under President's rule and so many other States decision and one fine morning the Indian people will are rapidly qualifying for it, is not Smt. Indira Gandhi wake up to learn that they are under a dictatorship, limited already functioning like a dictator? Why blame Shri or otherwise.2 Shashi Bhushan then for calling a spade a spade and suggesting that what exists de-facto be made de-jure? That our country is in a bad mess, cannot be disputed. With every day that passes it is sinking deeper in the bog Our efforts to evolve a two-party system in India have and there are no signs of this inexorable process getting miserably failed. The Opposition parties with the sole reversed or of being halted. The legislators of the various exception of an exclusively regional party like the DMK, suspended State legislative assemblies seem to enjoy have wilted and withered. On the other hand the ruling the suspension of their respective houses and they seem party has quickly turned itself into a band wagon hitched to have forgotten that they were elected to govern their to some charismatic personality but ready to stoop down States and not for drawing their salaries as sinecures. The to any level for a party with solid majorities almost in only occupation they seem to enjoy or to know is that of all the legislatures, just disintegrating as the Congress Ministry-making and faction fighting. had done in State after State. Therefore, it is necessary to understand very clearly that no party in India, not The plight of the common man who is literally even the congress, has the capacity to contain the crisis, groaning under the crushing burden of prices, the let apart mastering it. A new party structure, ready to breakdown of law and order, the closure of universities learn and unlearn from the new realities, prepared to and schools, the growing unemployment and the all shed the old slogans and shibboleths, intent on cutting enveloping climate of frustration, none of these creates out the dead wood from existing party organisations any impact on them. The fact that India has the biggest having the courage to build its own model of social number of unemployed legislators does not shame them development, such a party alone will have the strength into adopting a more constructive approach. They do not to face the situation and safeguard the democratic form realise that the problems of food, industrial development, of government as well as its egalitarian content. inflation and unemployment are too big to be solved by putting "X" as the Chief Minister in the place of "Y". Are The time has come, if it has not already passed, for we today witnessing the last but one act of Greek tragedy, the progressive or radical democrats in the country, no which will soon end with a dagger into the bowels of our matter to which party they belong, at least to meet in a parliamentary democracy? "Whom the Gods wisheth to serious deliberation session. Can they not for a while destroy, they first make them mad". forget their party labels? Without hesitation we admit 1. Editorial written in Janata of 22nd July 1973. 2. And they did on the morning of 26th June 1975. JANATA, February 10-17, 2013 33 that there are a number of genuine radical democrats in there exists a hard, dependable core of devoted men and the ruling Congress also. We have no doubt that leaders women. The pity of it is that we have in India neither like Shri Chandra Sekher and Shri Krishna Kant, to a cadre of determined totalitarians, nor of convinced name only two, who must be feeling quite worried over democrats in sufficient strength. Probable or certain the fast deteriorating situation. We know a few in the failure of a dictatorial regime at a future date will not CPI, too, who share this anxiety in spite of their party's detract from its attraction to a people thoroughly fed present political line. Besides there is enough technical up with our parliamentary escapades. Therefore, if the know-how in the country, enough expertise, to draw expectation is that the masses will rise in revolt against up a progressive but workable program of industrial, a dictatorship we will be disillusioned very soon. The agricultural and social development. Opposition by its infantile politics, call it politics of unending demands of negative approach, and the party Those of us who fail to make an earnest effort to build in power by its insatiable power hunger has turned the a political alternative to the existing party organisations masses into cynics whose attitude is "plague on both the cannot have the right to criticise individuals like Shri houses". No better concatenation of stars for the birth Shashi Bhushan who in their wisdom feel that limited of a dictatorship could be imagined. The nation is set dictatorship is the only answer because it is the only on that inexorable course. Have the radical democrats unexplored alternative. It will be of little use to point in India the wisdom and the courage to reverse the out that the sort of dictatorship Shri Shashi Bhushan is process? For them this might be the last chance to save advocating will fail to deliver goods because no where our parliamentary system.

In defense of democracy3

Shri N.G.Goray: Sir, let me begin my speech by No. 1 was, of course, Shri Jayaprakash Narayan. I would making a candid admission that our perception of the like to ask him if he would allow me to publish a white situation and your perception of the situation differ in a paper, as they have published, detailing all the shootings fundamental manner. There is a wide gap between the and all the butchery that they have indulged in during the two perceptions. It seems that all of you on that side have last 25 years, or is it going to be only a one-side affair come to the conclusion that the best and the safest place and I have to listen time and again on the radio, on the for the people like me is in jail. And, we have come to the TV, in the press that we are the people who have stood conclusion that an egalitarian democracy is impossible in the way of progress, who have stood in the way of which we should not try to hide, because if you hide democracy, who have stood in the way of social reform. this, it will be difficult to understand the developments I would like to ask him whether such a liberty of the that have taken place during the last three or four years. press, liberty of expression, is available.

Sir, without meaning any disrespect to the speakers Just now, Sir, I pointed out to the Chairman that only who have spoken from that side, I would like to single what the Minister has spoken will be published and that out three speeches. One, that of Shri Brahmanand Reddy, what we have said here will not be published. The Censor who initiated the debate, then that of Shri Raju who was has given guidelines to the press that only the names of frank enough to tell us that there is no question of going those who participate will be mentioned not the contents. back to where we were so far as democratic rights were Is this the ideal democracy? Is this the tryst with destiny concerned and the last, but not the least, that of my friend, about which Jawaharlal Nehru had spoken? Professor Dutt, who told us that what is necessary is to speak honestly and I am assuring him that. Therefore, Sir, let us be very frank and let us admit, that what has happened today is considered by some I shall try to be honest. I shall try to present to you my of you as the dawn of a new era while we on our side point of view as frankly and as honestly as possible. Sir, consider that it is the beginning of a long night of I begin with the speech of Shri Brahmanand Reddy. He authoritarian rule, of suppression of liberty and, may presented to us a long charge sheet in which the accused be, even of disintegration of this country, I do not know.

3. Text of the speech delivered by N.G.Goray in the Rajya Sabha on July 22, 1975 34 JANATA, February 10-17, 2013

Now coming to the various charges that have been say the representatives from West Bengal should stand leveled against this movement as such, let us try to up and contradict me - the finest flower of youth has understand what the charges are. Charge No. 1 is that been liquidated under the pretext that they belong to the those who have been duly elected are being deprived Naxalites? of their rights to continue in the Legislatures for the full term of five years. I would like to ask you: Who A Hon. Member: I stand to support you. has given you the right to prolong their tenure? You say under the Constitution you have the right. Just now you Shri N.G.Goray: I would like to ask this from our have heard that the Kerala Legislature is being extended Professor from Jadhavpur University. Simply because by six months. What was the mandate? The mandate you did not want them, the finest flower, the first class of the people was only for five years. Now under the students who always topped in the examinations, they Constitution you are going to extend it for six months. were shot. I say this is nothing short of genocide. Under the constitution, if you like it, you can cut it short. Therefore, when you practice this violence, when the What is your authority? No authority at all. It is as if police shoot like that, has not a man like Jayaprakash under the constitution you have a right to subvert the every reason to appeal to the police to consult their constitution and if we say that the people have lost faith conscience, not to shoot whenever the orders are given, in you and therefore you should resign, then you say, because they are shooting their own brothers and sisters? “What atrocity are those people committing? How can Don’t forget what happened in My-Lai in Vietnam. There they ask us to vacate the seats?” But you can ask them also the American soldiers were carrying out orders, but to continue you in the seats for one year more, two years American society is a comparatively free society; the more or three years more as it suits you. There is no ban press brought out everything and those who indulged in on you. You do not want to go to the people. those atrocities were punished.

Sir, this particular instance is being flung into our face Near our home, what did the Pakistani Army do in again and again even by so eminent a person as Prof. Bangladesh? Were not terms and conditions laid down by Dutt, and I would ask him: Why is it that elections are Mujib that all those people would be tried for genocide? not held in Kerala? Is the Kerala population in revolt? Were not the Army people carrying out the orders of the What is happening in Kerala? Because you know that this superiors? They were. They were not acting on their own. emergency is not accepted by the people of Kerala and it Therefore, if a man like Jayaprakash says that whenever will be very difficult for Achutha Menon and his group an order is given to you to shoot, don’t shoot; you try to come back to power, you give them six months more. to understand whom you are shooting; try to understand who those people are; don’t shoot on innocent people, Now the charge is about violence. I would like to ask what is wrong? And the question that has been asked you: How many people your police and your Border again and again - and I was sorry to hear it from Dutt; he Security police have killed by shooting innocent people? was again and again repeating it - was: What have you to Jayaprakash Narayan had asked for a judicial inquiry say when Jayaprakash appealed to the Army? which was never granted. I have been to the places in Bihar where young students who had committed no Shri V.P. Dutt: That is only one of the things. offence at all were shot at sight simply because they were on the road when they should not have been on Shri N.G.Goray: I am dealing, with other aspects the road. Have you got any remedy against it? Will you also. Therefore, I am saying that is simply – because please publish your records and say how many times after Jayaprakash appealed to the Army to exercise its independence, police opened fire and how many people conscience. were killed? Without any fear of contradiction I will tell you that the British never shot at people like this. Shri V. P. Dutt: I did not want to interrupt the Hon. Member, but I want to respectfully submit that we should I am not saying that they were angels. But how many not be misrepresented; I did not say that just because times you fired without the least provocation - when the he said ‘Don’t shoot on innocent people’ therefore he police opened fire, and they opened fire to kill? Will you was arrested. Mr. Jayaprakash Narayan said that the give account of that? Is it not true that in West Bengal - if time has come, when you should regard our struggle as there is anything wrong in what I am staying, I would your struggle. He also said that the appropriate time has JANATA, February 10-17, 2013 35 now come, when the Government should be removed emergency because the Prime Minister was attacked? by force. Now I did not want to interrupt him. I am a There is a photograph: he is lying on the ground and the democratic person. I believe in the full expression of attacker is with a dagger. Just imagine what happens in opinion. The only thing I request is that we should not England. Dr. Dutt has asked: Can you imagine Wilson be misrepresented. leading a morcha against the Parliament? Certainly not. But can you imagine Heath shooting down the coalminers Shri N.G.Goray: I have not the least intention to when they declared a national strike? He will not and did misrepresent you. But I am telling you that if JP made not do it and, therefore, Wilson also does not do it. Both a statement like that, as you said just now, all right you sides must play the game. send him before a court of law, send him to 5 years’ or 10 years’ imprisonment. Lokmanya was sent for 6 When you cannot answer the people, all the answer years. Mahatma Gandhi was sent for two and half years. that you have is to put them in jail, throw them in jail Jawaharlal himself was sentenced for three years. I do not and put them behind the bars. Is this the answer? And mind if that is done. But simply because Jayaprakash said even what we speak here, I know will not be allowed something to the Army, to the people, to the students, you to go out. When we come to attend Parliament session, hold the entire country to ransom. Why do you prevent you arrest us. Sir, I am reminded of an incident when I me from speaking? Why do you prevent the press from attended the British Parliament in a delegation. I was publishing whatever we say? The press is duty bound to taken aback. Sir, it was a Conservative Government and publish what you say, but they will not publish all that one member from the Labour Party got up and said: “A we say. man, who was avoiding arrest, came to me in the morning because he belonged to my constituency and he was A Hon. Member: It is a responsible press. arrested at my doorsteps. Why did you arrest him when he was approaching his M.P.?” And, Sir, to my surprise, Shri N.G.Goray: What is a responsible press? I am the Conservative Minister for Home got up and said: “I coming to that point. I say the Indian Press has played apologise for what has been done and I assure you that a very prominent part in our national struggle, and this thing will not happen again.” after Independence also I remember I was in the other House and my friend was also there in the other House. Sir, yesterday, I pointed out to you, the President calls The Chinese aggression at Ladakh was first reported us here for attending the Parliament and as soon as we by our press and there is a record of Jawaharlal saying come here, we are arrested. You ask us to go to a meeting that he did not want this news to leak to the people and when we go to the meeting, we are arrested. My because he wanted friendship between China and India friend Madhu Dandavate was arrested. Mr. Advani was to continue. Who were the people who told us of the arrested. Mr. Mishra was arrested. Why? Because they Chinese aggression? It was they, the press. Who told us were attending a meeting which you yourself had called. about the arms supply that was resumed by America to What is this? Is this democracy? I wanted Mr. Dutt and Pakistan? It was the press. At that time, Sardar Swaran others to raise their powerful voice and say that while we Singhji was the Defense Minister. He did not know and would like to have emergency we would not have this then he made enquiries and he come to know that what sort of emergency which is running amuck. If you say was reported in the press was true. Why are you afraid of that Jayaprakashji’s forces are running amuck, are you that press? I would like to ask my friends like Dr. Dutt: as a counter measure running amuck yourself? Are you going to make democracy a woman in purdah that nobody should look at her nobody should touch her So, Sir, my plea is that it is really an action and and nobody should speak to her and only you people will reaction. You are angry with us, we are angry with you. speak to her? Is that democracy? This will not save democracy. This will not take our country anywhere except towards chaos and, therefore, Many of you must have read that the Japanese Prime I am appealing,...Sir (Interruptions)… Minister was knocked down while he was going to a meeting and was presented with a dagger and a request Shri Ranbir Singh : Not to us that he should kill himself. That was an attack from the rightists. They did not like his signing the non- Shri N.G.Goray: I never appeal to you because I am proliferation treaty. Did the Japanese Parliament declare sure that tomorrow if Indiraji releases Jayaprakash and 36 JANATA, February 10-17, 2013 has talks with him and says: “All right, you cooperate with your own people? I am not blaming anybody, but it with me”, you will say: Dekho kaisa kiya. You have is these people who have stopped all these programmes already stopped exercising your intelligent judgement. from being implemented. Now they say that there is no Therefore, I do not talk with you at all. I know what you land for distribution. It is because they have distributed are and, therefore, I am appealing to those people who land to a grand child, which is yet to be born. This is still have their heads on their shoulders. That is the point. what is happening.

What I am saying is you take this 20-point programme. I have not said against Indira Gandhi. Since I came Let us come to the brass tacks. What is new in that? You here or even outside I did not say anything against Indira have been announcing this programme from the house Gandhi because it is not personal. You say that “she is tops ever since there was a rift in the Congress. There is being attacked”. Naturally it is because she is the Prime nothing new. What prevented you from implementing Minister. If she is not the Prime Minister, nobody will this programme? What are the main characteristics of mention her. Therefore, when she is the Prime Minister this programme? Give land to those who have no lands. of this country and she is leading the party that is ruling Who has prevented you from doing it? Complete the land this country for the last so many years, naturally the registers. Who has prevented you? In Bihar there is no attack will be on her. Naturally they attacked Mr. Wilson land register at all and in Bihar ever since independence it because he was trying to take his country to the European is your Ministry which is functioning. Who has prevented Common Market. He had to go and plead with his you? It is you. people and he conducted a referendum. He never said: you people are opposing me. I will put you in jail. This I am coming to the point of right reaction. Mr. Dutt is not the way of democracy. Democracy ought to be a yesterday talking about the RSS said that it is a Brahmin- sturdier plant which can stand all the blows and all the dominated organisation. Who are these people on the winds, however harsh they may be. front benches? Mr. Uma Shankar Dixit, I suppose, is the greatest Sudra. Then, this gentleman, Mr. Kailashpathy Therefore, before I conclude I would say about this Tripathi, is the most secular of secular people. Mr. Dutt, twenty point programme. Why does not the Prime if you are engaged in a really serious discussion, I will Minister propose that this is the programme? Let all the tell you that in this unfortunate land everything has been parties come together and discuss it. May be we shall decided by twenty percent people. It is they who fight have to add two more or subtract two and make it a and it is they who rule. It is they who build and it is they shorter programme. It does not matter. In fact, as I have who destroy. It is they who legislate and it is they who said, have five or six main items. Hammer them out and dispense justice. This is what has happened for centuries. complete them and then move to the next issue. Why not ask Jayaprakash Narayan, why not ask all those people Only once during the last three thousand years the whom you have incarcerated? Bring them round the table. genuine voice of a Sudra was heard when Dr. Ambedkar Say this is the programme and anybody who goes against spoke. It was only once during the last three thousand it you will set him aside. Do not put him in jail, but set years. Otherwise, whether you look at the communist him aside. Do not suppose that all the bridges need to be party or the socialist party or your party or the Jana blown up. Do not think that you will be able to manage Sangh, they are the Brahmins and the higher castes. India with only Shrimati Indira Gandhi and your party behind her; it is too vast a country, with so many people, Speaking about Gandhiji I would not put him on the so many shades of opinion, and so many religions. same pedestal as Dr. Ambedkar so far as speaking on behalf of the down-trodden is concerned. I am sorry to Sir, I know that the contradictions are glaring. I know say that, but I have to say it. Therefore, do not say that that we have differed. Still there is no other way for us. this is what you are doing for the downtrodden. You If you think that the only way is to shut the mouths of are doing that for yourself, including this twenty-point all the Opposition then I tell you are not only harming programme. If you are really serious, then it is not by the opposition, you are not only harming democracy, you eliminating us who have been, all the while for the are harming yourself. implementation of this, but it is by eliminating many of your side that you can fulfill this programme. I ask you Shri N.G.Goray : Madam, on behalf of the DMK a straight question: Are you ready for such a show down party, Congress(0), Jan Sangh, BLD, CPI(M), PSP, JANATA, February 10-17, 2013 37

Socialist Party, Akali Dal and Independent members Shri Brahmananda Reddy’s speech was reported fairly Shri Umashankar Joshi, Shri K. S. Malle Gowda, fully and highlighted. This morning’s newspapers’ Shri N. K. Laxman Gowda and Shri Dwijendralal reporting of the proceedings is also on the same lines. We Sen Gupta, I have to make a statement before the House cannot but protest most emphatically against such unfair before we withdraw: reporting of the proceedings which tells the country the Government’s point of view in regard to the emergency “It was after a great deal of deliberation that we in without indicating what the opposition has to say on the the opposition parties, excluding of course the CPI, floor of the House on this very vital subject. and some Independent members decided to attend and participate in the present session of Parliament. Our It is clear that this has been done in accordance reluctance arose from the fact of the press censorship, with the instructions issued to the Press and the and even more so from the resolution standing in the AIR by the Chief Censor on the 20th July under the name of Shri Om Mehta, the Minister for Parliamentary heading “Guidance for the covering of Parliamentary Affairs, asking the House to suspend all rules relating proceedings”. It is not indicated in these instructions that to questions, calling attention and any other business to the speeches of Members of Parliament participating be initiated by private members. We could not but take in the debate shall not be published in any manner or note of the fact that apart from Government’s business, form though their names and party affiliations may be Parliament has to perform other duties such as debate mentioned were issued with or without the approval of on Government policy, exercise effective supervision over the Chairman. We have therefore been compelled to ask executive action in various ways. ourselves the question whether continued participation in the further business before Parliament on those terms Only by putting a question or giving a Calling would serve any useful public purpose. Attention notice, or initiating a debate can a member focus the attention of the House and through it of the The decision to amend the Constitution to make country, to matters of public importance. And that is the proclamation of emergency non-justiciable makes why constitutional authorities have held that the right the consideration of this question more urgent and to put the questions and the question hour are among immediate. It is evident that the Government, having the most vital rights of an ordinary member. If all these already denied the entire people of the country the basic were to be abandoned unceremoniously, we would really fundamental rights, is now determined to ride rough-shod be acquiescing in something that cuts at the very root of over the rights of the members of Parliament. Taking all the role of the Parliament in its time honoured functions. relevant facts into consideration and bearing in mind in particular the fact that leading members of Parliament Nevertheless, it was felt that perhaps the proceedings have been incarcerated, we are satisfied now that no in this session of Parliament will be conducted in a useful purpose will be served by our taking part in the normal manner and that speeches made on the floor further proceedings of this session of Parliament, for it of the House will be allowed to be reported freely and is clearly in no position to discharge the functions of a faithfully in spite of the press censorship. To our dismay, free and democratic parliament.” we find that, the reporting on the AIR of yesterday’s proceedings of the House is such that it can only mislead. Madam, with this, we, all of us, withdraw from the It mentioned only the names of the participants whereas House. Marx and Gandhi : A Revaluation4 As young socialists we used to take special delight Since then we have been witness to many a change, in condemning those who differed from us either as unexpected, cruel and climactic, and though we in India reactionaries or utopians. Gandhiji’s thoughts were, continue to organise and plead for the underdog and are according to us utopian, unscientific and reactionary, while those preached by Marx and Engels, Lenin and proud to call ourselves socialists, we now refuse to make Trotsky were scientific. It was the brutally dictatorial use of the slogans, the clichés and the labels we freely regime of Stalin that came to many of us as an eye opener. used in those days. Published in Gandhi Birth Centenary Number of Janata 38 JANATA, February 10-17, 2013

It is necessary, however, to probe a little deeper after every purge that the communist party of Russia, the into Gandhiji’s contributions to the socio-political leader and vanguard of the world proletarian revolution thought. I therefore in the following paragraphs offer a stood more united and cleansed than ever before. In spite reconsideration or a revaluation and I feel no hesitation of the fact that Khrushchev, while exposing the Stalinist in saying that some of Gandiji’s thoughts I find more regime, admitted the fact that a large number of good scientific than those of Marx and Engels. I go a step communists were also liquidated by Stalin, he could further and say that it was the latter two who have spoken not provide a different orientation to the Soviet state. or written more like utopians than scientific political It continued to be and it is still very much the same old thinkers. dictatorship and that it will have to remain so for years to come in the future, has been made obvious by the Let us, for instance, take up the Marxist idea of “the recent armed intervention in the Czechoslovak affairs dictatorship of the proletariat” for a closer analysis as that and the harsh sentences given to those Soviet citizens happens to be the central theme of Marxist revolutionary who condemned the intervention as un-Marxist. practice. Marx himself had repeatedly stressed that the earlier revolutionary attempts on the continent had failed The lacuna in the thinking of Marx is obvious. He mainly because of the serious failure on the part of the did not understand the dynamics of a dictatorship. His revolutionary forces to establish, after overthrowing the ignorance in this field appears colossal. How could government, their own dictatorship and their neglect a scientific thinker of the stature of Marx, who went to crush out ruthlessly the reactionary elements in the to the extent of describing the European bourgeois old social order. This grave error in the application of governments as little more than executive committees revolutionary science provided, according to Marx, an of the then capitalist class, in spite of the fact that they opportunity to the reactionaries, who had temporarily allowed revolutionary critics like Marx to function gone underground, to mobilise and reassert themselves openly and their political systems did not prevent the in a counter revolution, no sooner they got a chance. opposition parties to unseat them, provided they had the necessary vote, failed to comprehend the omnipotence of Now this recipe was flawless so far as the immediate a dictatorship in whose hands all the means of repression objective of revolution, viz, the seizure of power, was (the army and the police), of production (industry as concerned. But what was the ultimate objective? It well as agriculture), of mass propaganda (newspapers was the withering away of the State - an objective that and radio) and of administration were concentrated, has been emphasised ad nauseam by every brand of passes one’s understanding unless one were to presume Marxist communists. Three pertinent questions arise that Marx, too like other minor and major prophets who in this context; one, who are the reactionaries and the preceded him had developed a blind spot in his own bourgeois whom the revolutionaries must necessarily theory. Moreover, the East European experiment only crush out? Two, who is this “proletariat”, in whose name provided confirmation, that the so-called dictatorship the dictatorship is to be proclaimed and continued? And of the proletariat is nothing but another name for the three: by what political logic the highest concentration dictatorship of the politbureau of the communist party. of power, economic, cultural and political, which every Capitalist England never sent Marx to jail but Milovan dictatorship implies, is expected to bring about its own Djilas had to suffer imprisonment for pointing out this dissolution? Fifty years of Marxism in power in the USSR simple truth! And that too in a society which Marshal have, if anything rendered the soviet state apparatus Tito has described as humanistic as well as socialistic. stronger, more autocratic than ever and more centralised than anywhere else. I dare say neither Moscow, nor With the same credulity Marx proceeded to prophesy Peking nor Belgrade will demur on this point. that the dictatorship of the proletariat will ultimately blossom into a classless and stateless society. Most The Frankenstein, the Stalinist purges created during probably he thought that the period of dictatorship would the period 1930 to 1939 is well-known. It not only be a short one, just as long as was necessary to crush the eliminated the anti-communists but everyone who was bourgeoisie. What could be more unscientific than this or who was likely to be anti-Stalin. These ruthlessly presumption, or was Marx and his esteemed colleague planned campaigns, one after the other, were carried Engels, too, at heart a romantic, no better than Tennyson out in the name of the “dictatorship of the proletariat” the poet, who dreamed of the ‘‘Parliament of Man and and with monotonous regularity. The world was assured the Federation of the world ?’’ JANATA, February 10-17, 2013 39

Compared to this, Gandhiji who advocated the for the simple reason that the natural corollary to dissolution of the Congress party on the eve of their use would be to remove all opposition through independence and refused to identify himself with the suppression or extermination of the antagonists. the party in power, appears to be a far better political That does not make for individual freedom. Individual scientist. It was not an accident that while his lieutenants freedom can have the fullest play only under a regime were celebrating accession to power in New Delhi on of unadulterated.’’ August 15, 1947, he, the father of the nation, was away in Noakhali, thinking of the communal holocaust that had “I hope to demonstrate that real swaraj will come not taken place in Bengal. Gandhiji had clearly understood by the acquisition of authority by a few but by the the necessity of having a counter-sanction to the party in acquisition of the capacity by all to resist authority power, though it happens to be the party he himself had when abused. In other words, swaraj is to be attained built, brick by brick, with his own hands. by educating the masses to a sense of their capacity to regulate and control authority.’’ The conclusion, therefore, is inescapable that either Marx did not mean by the dictatorship of the proletariat “What we want, I hope, is a government not based the sort of state-machine Lenin invented for the on coercion even of a minority but on its conversion. communists or he was indulging in double-think of the If it is a change from white military rule to a brown most reprehensible nature. If in spite of the scientific one, we hardly need to make any fuss. At any rate the atmosphere that surrounded him in the British Museum masses do not count. They will be subject to the same and outside, Marx permitted himself to imagine that out spoliation as now, if not even worse.’’ of the destruction of civil liberties, of independent means of livelihood and avenues of independent thought, a brave Moreover Satyagraha of Gandhiji’s conception was new classless and stateless world of complete freedom a weapon that could be used even after the capture will be born, then what his argument amounted to was of power. He had premonition of the downfall of that there need not be any connection between the cause Congress. In fact, he warned Congressmen of a time and the effect, between the means and the end. You could when they would become the targets of people’s wrath. sow tare and reap wheat, you could expect deadwood put I am afraid Marx could never imagine the dictatorship out green foliage. In short, Marx was betraying scientific of the proletariat abusing its unprecedented authority thinking itself. or becoming an anathema to the very people in whose Gandhiji, a humanist and a man of religion, seems to name it professed to rule. The unvarnished truth is that have been aware of these social realities. His abhorrence against any dictatorship, Marxist or fascist, the people of violence and bloodshed was, of course, primarily due are helpless. When dictators get changed, it is because of to his religious faith but his native shrewdness and his a coup, not because of the people’s verdict and whatever vigilant eye must have told him that those who conquer the change once occurs the people have no choice but power by the use of arms will keep it for themselves to accept their new masters. Thus the dictatorship of the and they will be reluctant to hand it back to the people. proletariat gets metamorphosed into a dictatorship over Therefore, any non-violent political programme which the proletariat! by its very nature admits of wide-based participation by Another aspect of Gandhiji teaching that deserves the masses was most likely to usher in a government closer attention is his insistence on “anaasakti”. This for, of and by the people. Even while advocating the non-violent way to power he never ceased to insist that doctrine in my opinion looks far ahead into the future the people who wanted to remain free must forge a when the human race will be suffering from a surfeit of sanction apart from the state apparatus. In the Gandhian worldly amenities and pleasures. So far as countries like formula there was at least no contradiction between India are concerned where the common man is yet to get the means and ends and there was a built-in safeguard an assurance of even one square meal a day, this problem against totalitarianism. The three excerpts quoted from would sound unreal. Even to raise it might appear like Gandhiji’s writings leave no doubt as to his thinking on adding insult to injury. But is it not very much relevant the subject under discussion: in regard to those societies which are known as affluent? They have already coined a word ‘affluction’, a cross “True democracy or the swaraj of the masses can between affluence and affliction to describe the mood never come through untruthful and violent means, of the people. The beatniks, the hippies and L.S.D. are 40 JANATA, February 10-17, 2013 the end-products of a civilisation that appears to have Nowhere in the Marxist literature have I seen this reached almost a dead end. question discussed in its proper perspective. Marxist Governments seem to be preoccupied with only one goal: I remember to have met two young men from Sweden that of encouraging the working class to rise to higher who had come out to India and were roaming about with levels of material prosperity. When ‘catching up with unshaven beards, matted hair and torn clothes because and surpassing the U.S.A.’ in every field comes to be they said they were tired of a civilisation where nothing cherished as the highest national objective, the poverty ever went wrong and no one knew what it was to be of philosophy as well as the philosophy of poverty really hungry. A car for every member in the family, a stand revealed. This could be considered pardonable or T.V. and a telephone in every room, for every person justifiable in the Victorian age when science was still unemployment benefit, old age pension, holidays with moving forward with cautious steps. But now in this pay, free education and medical help, cheap housing age of moon rockets and the go-go-go society, man and in a few years perhaps a free trip to the moon. must show himself capable of evolving an alternative Where do we go from there? What new pleasures shall in the form of voluntarily accepted ceiling on man’s we seek? That in a nutshell is the problem. The story of worldly goods. Unless they accept the Gandhian concept Midas needs no longer to be treated as a mythological or the ‘daanam samvibhag’ concept of Vinoba, the yarn. Science has succeeded during the last fifty years only tantalising alternative will be the Maoist one: the in turning everything into gold and it threatens to turn conquest of urban nations by the rural ones, which as we even men and women into gold if we continued to remain have seen will only result in a world totalitarian regime complacent. The Midas-nations would rather get choked of the Chinese variety. It would not mean and cannot with affluence than share it with other retarded and mean the liberation of the man. impoverished societies in the world. Tradition and Modernity5 India is a country with traditions and faiths reaching opinion unlocks the main problem we have to deal with back almost to pre-historic times and she has provided in this seminar. Representatives of other distinguished during the past three millennia very favourable soil and denominations who have gathered here would be climate for the growth of numerous religions out of which surprised to hear that there is even today a community Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism are known throughout in India which has to be described as untouchable. the world. Islam and Christianity came to India rather This cruel custom cannot be reconciled by any stretch late, but they too prospered in the sub-continent, so of imagination with the ‘advaita’ philosophy of the much so that India was ruled for decades by emperors Upanishads and consequently those who have learnt to professing Islam and Christianity. There are yet other equate the Hindu view of life with that philosophy would religions in India like the Lingayat and the Sikh which, find it difficult to believe it, but it is a fact, however, confined to a small well-defined region though they are, unfortunate. India, perhaps because she happens to be a exercise powerful influence on their respective flock. cradle of so many religions, has accumulated such a huge Buddhism in India had to go through a veritable saga junk of inhibitions, customs and traditions that modern of vicissitudes: it was first preached in India by Lord thought has to fight hard to get a few square inches of Buddha, then after having held sway over the Indian mind living room where it can live, breathe and grow. This for centuries it was exiled and now after 15 centuries naturally raises the question: what is the position of it has come back to India and has been embraced by a religion in India vis-à-vis modern world, which India is section of the untouchable community, the Harijans, as keen to enter? their own. It is necessary first to understand what meaning the It is just a coincidence that I have ended this paragraph word ‘religion’ conveys. It seems that religion exercises with a sentence containing the words “untouchable its appeal to the human mind at two levels. At one level community”. But it has provided me with a key that in my religion means the search for truth, for the basic principle

5. Extract of the speech delivered at the seminar on “The ethical and social demands of World Religions for a Modern Society” organised by The Frederich-Ebert-Stiftung at Tokyo between 23rd and 28th of October 1968 JANATA, February 10-17, 2013 41 lying at the root of the phenomenon we describe as the core, but their peripheral ritualistic aspects that lie at the Universe. At the other level the meaning of religion is a root of these antagonisms. It may be at one time music body of rituals, a code laying down norms of behaviour, before the mosque, at another time killing of a cow that rules of conduct and defining the relationship between has invariably started the mischief resulting in arson, man and man, man and woman and between community loot, criminal assault and even bloodshed on a large and community. So far as religions are confined to the scale. Once a stray spark like this is ignited, it quickly pursuit of knowledge, or to the study of the human psyche develops into a prairie fire of ugly hatred making the or to the quest of the ultimate, a religion need not lead whole atmosphere foul and inhuman. Another source of to any conflict with other religious systems. In such a conflict is to be found in the claim of various religions pursuit nobody can be extolled as a believer, nor can to control the total life of their respective communities. anybody be denigrated as a heretic. Nobody becomes a Religion is not satisfied with providing guide lines to a Shankaracharya or a Pope or a Moulvi nor can anybody person in his quest of the eternal truth or serving as a be condemned to hell or burnt at the stakes. bridge between him and his maker. It is not even satisfied with its unquestioned authority in matter sacerdotal, such In his delightful discourse on the Zen philosophy Dr. as religious education, management of the church or the Suzuki quotes Basho’s haiku : “when I look carefully temple property, but it tries to expand the frontiers of I see the Nazuma blooming by the hedge!”. … and its authority much further and to encroach on fields like then quoting Tennyson’s well known poem “Flower in education, health, sex relations, inheritances, etc, which the crannied wall’ delicately brings out the difference should properly belong to the civil administration. It between the Western and Eastern understanding of the becomes inevitable, therefore, that these religions should natural phenomena and the relationship between man come into conflict with the established government of and nature. Obviously a dialogue between religions the country. The citizen as it were has to serve under two carried on at such a level could never lead to bitterness, flags, one belonging to the temporal state and the other estrangement or divisive tensions in any society. belonging to the spiritual state.

But unfortunately for all of us religion is not generally “Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s and unto God accepted at this level. For the 99 per cent of the people, what is God’s” was a very wise directive indeed and as religion means unquestioning acceptance of a particular it was uttered by no less a person than Jesus Christ, it deity or particular form of worship or prayer, a particular had the highest possible sanctity behind it. But it has not way of life and adherence to a well defined set of values succeeded in restraining the church in India or anywhere which are accepted as valid in perpetuity. Religion in this else. The latest instance is the directive from the Pope mundane form has such tremendous influence over its condemning family planning in unequivocal terms. In followers that as between followers of two religions any my young days, there was the Khilafat movement in dialogue becomes almost impossible. The result is that a India running parallel to the freedom movement in which society like the Indian society gets atomised into so many large masses of Muslims participated not because they religious sects and subjects with as many iron curtains were directly connected with the issue but because being dividing community from community that any attitude Muslims they considered that they had a duty to rise in or any policy on a national level goes automatically support of the religious head in far away Constantinople. beyond the pale of the possible. It becomes difficult to evolve a rational, comprehensive community outlook From the point of view of the problem under and a homogeneous social life. The multi-coloured and discussion in this seminar my country presents a unique multi-patched pattern of our society might attract the case of a nation in which continuing efforts have been sociologist or the tourist but it needs to be pointed out that made to bring about an integration of people belonging the very bewildering heterogeneity of the Indian milieu to different faiths without in any way destroying their precludes utilisation of the traditional religio-cultural loyalties to their respective religions. These efforts have moulds to create a modern social fabric as could be continued for centuries and they still persist, though attempted in Japan by the Meiji reformers in the second Mahatma Gandhi could be considered to be the last of the half of the last century. saintly persons who throughout his life struggled for the unity of all faiths and ultimately laid down his life in the Analysis of the conflicts between religions in India pursuit. Prof. A. B. Shah of the Cultural Freedom Centre will reveal that it is not the fundamental issues at the has described Gandhiji’s approach as the Ram-Rahim 42 JANATA, February 10-17, 2013 approach. In this, the Mahatma failed just as others had by experts that as high a percentage as 10 to 15 gets failed before him and it is worthwhile remembering that destroyed annually by pests, rodents and stray cattle. it was not only the holy men who had no temporal power The monkeys also are a great nuisance to the orchards. who had to accept defeat, but even emperors like Akbar But because the monkey and the cow have a special who had supreme authority almost over the entire sub- place in the Hindu religio-cultural tradition, any effort to continent had not fared any better. The point I am trying destroy them is resisted. Similar is the case with India’s to make out is that this Ram-Rahim approach, or call it cattle whose population is so notoriously big that unless by any other name of your choice, is bound to fail until we brought it down there could be no proper breeding all religions are shorn of their superfluous authority or nor adequate fodder and pasturage for them. But look they themselves voluntarily stop interfering in the non- at the hue and cry raised at the time of the last General religious life of their followers. Elections when “Save the Cow” could be turned into the most effective vote catching slogan. How religious and temporal authorities clash with each other and the former either defeats the process In this context, how to compel the different religions of modernisation or succeeds in putting brakes on it, in India to withdraw within their legitimate boundaries could be easily illustrated. I am deliberately trying to appears to my mind to be the most relevant and the most avoid reference to any other country, because in such a urgent question. The social democrats in India have discussion it is always better to speak about one’s own. not only to fight their class war but the caste and the To show, however, how religious traditions have affected communal war which is ten times more difficult because the process of modernisation in South-East Asia I need it cuts across all parties and classes which are after all only refer to the very informative papers read out in the of recent origin. The Indian social spectrum stretches all Conference on “The Cultural Motivations to Progress the way from the caste at one end to the computer at the in the South and South-East Asia” which was convened other. The sophisticated machines, the laboratory know- in Manila in 1963. how, the federal structure, the parliamentary system – all these we have imported from outside but can one import The chronic scarcity of food grains in India is a the social discipline, the community outlook and the problem known throughout the world. One obvious rational mind that alone can give them the strength to way of tackling it is to produce more and to preserve strike roots in the soil and put out blossoms in the sky? I what you produce from wild animals, pests, rodents etc. fail to understand how a new social soil could be created The other way is to limit the mouths you have to feed. in India without modernising the minds of her teeming Both are undisputable economic measures. But so far as millions; without liberating them from the shackles of the the question of controlling the growth of population is past which makes them believe in all sincerity that the concerned, the Catholic Christians have now been told by poverty, the disease, the hunger they see in their midst the Pope that artificial family planning methods are to be is the result of what they did or failed to do in the past? eschewed. The Muslim religious heads in India have not as yet officially stated their stand, but by and large they To define modernity is certainly difficult but one can would not be very enthusiastic about it. Their anxiety to state what is broadly implied by the term. It is an attitude increase their numbers is dictated by political reasons in of mind which for instance: as much as they would like to make up for the loss that the Muslim community in India has suffered on account (a) refuses to believe that the fate of man or the of the division of India and the creation of Pakistan. This community he belongs to is preordained; on the could be one of the reasons in addition to the religious contrary it has confidence that with the help of modern one why the Muslim community is against uniform civil science man’s lot could be improved in many ways code which is likely to deprive them of the concession and with the help of rational thought a community given to them by Islam, viz. that of taking four wives. could lead a life of peace and contentment; As can be easily imagined this, however, gives rise to a constant complaint from the Hindus that they have been (b) is capable of distinguishing between metaphysical discriminated against by the State, as they can no longer investigation and the abracadabra of rituals which marry more than one wife. goes in the name of religion;

As for the preservation of crops we have been told (b) while it respects philosophers, thinkers and prophets, JANATA, February 10-17, 2013 43

refuses to accept whatever they say as gospel truth In my humble opinion, India and her neighbouring and reserves to every generation the right to think countries too will not be able to climb out of the bog and act in complete freedom; and unless they adopt this attitude towards life. This in brief is the challenge of our time. (c) refuses to accept anything as religion which tells a man to hate another human being or to look upon May I hope that at least the delegates from the Asian him as an untouchable or a heretic or a slave. countries will take up this challenge in right earnest?

The inevitable partition6

Many times, looking back, I have asked myself this Whether this was a correct policy or not, I do not question whether the partition of India could have been want to say, but the fact remains that this was their avoided at all and I am forced to give the reply in the decision. The other factor was that the Muslim League negative. After all, if we wanted to keep the country had grown from strength to strength and the Muslim together, how could we have done it? In the first place, opinion throughout India had got whipped up to a point the British were no longer involved in the Great War. of frenzy. It was obvious from these facts that, if they Not only that, they had come out victorious and they had wanted to keep India together, the Congress would have decided, whether it was the Conservative or the Labour to fight not only the British as before but the Muslim Party, that they could not hand over India to the Congress League also. And there was a third factor of the Princes. Party and leave the Muslim League in the lurch. It is worthwhile to recall in this connection that Looking back to the history of 100 years, particularly Gandhiji had suggested to the British that they should after 1857, I have no doubt whatsoever that it was the either hand over the Government to the Muslim League deliberate policy of the British rulers to keep these or to the Congress and allow them to settle it amongst communities apart. It is on record that the Muslim League themselves. This was not agreed to by the British. Then was encouraged, if not actually gave birth to, by the a time came when under the leadership of Jinnah, the British rulers. And wherever and whenever the occasion Muslim League refused to join the coalition government arose, they tried to impress on the Muslim community and the Congress was willing to run the whole show that their fate would not be safe in an independent India, without the co-operation of the League. But Jinnah and it is the British who would protect their interests and realised his mistake. And the British government also see to it that no harm came to the Muslims. realised that it would be wrong on their part to allow Mr. Jinnah to keep the Muslim League out of the Coalition This attitude of the British has been at the root of the Government. And it was Lord Wavell who gave them a tensions that developed in India during its struggle for chance to revise their stand and come back to coalition. freedom and you will find that Lokmanya Tilak, Mahatma Gandhi and all the national leaders had to struggle hard Though I agree that the Hindu-Muslim tension is not against this hurdle and they really had to bend backwards the creation of the British, I have no doubt in my mind to appease the Muslim sentiments every time that they that the British have done their best to aggravate it and thought of achieving progress, so far as the freedom to perpetuate it. of India was concerned, whether it was Morley-Minto Reforms or Montague-Chelmsford Reforms or the Simon Had we the strength, that is, had the Congress Commission Report or the transfer of power in the forties. leadership, which again meant Mahatma Gandhi, the Every time the clash was between the representatives of confidence to fight all these three elements together? the Muslim interests and the Indian National Congress, Civil Disobedience Movement had come to a close with the British holding the balance and the British and Gandhiji’s lieutenants, like Sardar Patel, on whom always out-bidding the Congress. The culmination of he relied, so far as the organisational strength of the this was the partition. Congress was concerned, were determined not to launch

6. Excerpts of an interview with a parliamentary official on 15.07.1979 44 JANATA, February 10-17, 2013 any more struggles. Maulana Azad and Pandit Nehru Government machinery and create conditions of chaos were not very keen at any time on a struggle. We must in which it would be difficult for the Congress to deliver remember that even this ‘Quit India’ movement had not the goods and the Congress would be compelled to agree their whole hearted support and it was only the firm to the demand of partition. resolve on the part of Gandhiji to launch a movement that ultimately persuaded them to give their consent, And I have a feeling that had we insisted on not though grudgingly. accepting a partition, it would have been impossible for India to make even the progress that she had made during Subhas Babu was no more on the scene and the Azad the last 25 years. There would have been incessant, bitter, Hind Fauz that he had collected was scattered. It must bloody, communal riots and the Muslim League and the be also admitted that though the Congress Socialist Congress would have been at logger heads all along Party and other radical nationalist elements had greatly the line and the country would have never come out of contributed to the 1942 movement, they on their own, the bog. Therefore, though I am sorry that the country were not in a position to launch fresh struggle. So we was divided, as a realist, I feel that there was no other had reluctantly to come to the conclusion that we had to alternative before the nationalist forces at that time. find a way and we could not think of one more struggle immediately after 1945. We are a free nation now and nobody is going to come in our way if we wanted to remould ourselves and if Could we continue our experiment of a coalition we sincerely desire to eliminate the communal tensions Government at the Centre? To that also the answer was in that exist today. But I am also sure that only talking of the negative, because Pandit Nehru and Sardar Vallabhai national integration will not take us very far. If we are Patel had come to the conclusion that it was impossible really sincere about national integration we shall have to to sit in coalition with the Muslin League. And it is this take some drastic steps, which in my opinion are not at daily experience, the experience of non-co-operation from the Muslim League in the coalition Government, the all inconsistent with the democratic way of life. We shall unending communal strife in the country and the inability have to eliminate some of our traditions and loyalties of the Central Government to cope with the situation that which are inconsistent with our ideals of democracy and almost forced the leadership to accept partition. secularism. I would therefore say that any government which is sincerely loyal to its profession of secularism I am reminded of a story that was told to me by Shri will have to do away with all denominational institutions N. V. Gadgil who was, at that time, a Cabinet Minister. like schools, hostels, scholarships, universities, etc. I He told me that though Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was the cannot say how integration could be brought about so Prime Minister and Shri Liaqat Ali Khan was his Finance long as a Hindu University and a Muslim University Minister, days passed without these two exchanging a continue to create in the minds of our younger generation word and he said that it was our daily experience that a sense of separateness. These and national integration orders got stuck in the Secretariat and nothing would are incompatible and therefore sooner we eliminate all the move. It was very obvious that the whole plan of the elements that create fissiparous tendencies and communal Muslim League was to bring about a break-down of the loyalties the better. Sri Lanka: Democracy Eclipsed7 For the last many centuries, the relations between taken along with that of Sita in the line of women loyal India and Sri Lanka are so close that even the relations to their husbands who deserve to be remembered first with Arunachal Pradesh, which is an integral part of thing in the morning. If the Palk Strait, which came India, appear to be comparatively farther. Let it be within the jumping distance of Hanuman, was not there, decided as to where exactly was the Lanka of Ravana, Lanka would have been another State within India like as and when it would be, but we know that for you and Tamil Nadu or Kerala. Instead, Lanka has become an me, it is permanently associated in our minds with the independent and sovereign state. But then so what? Is Ayodhya of Rama and that the name of Mandodari is it going to end the close relations existing from ancient

7. Translated editorial of Marathi weekly Sadhana dated 1st January 1983 JANATA, February 10-17, 2013 45 times? How can it end? Because, like as even today the indicate that had Jayavardhane not used the weapon of minority but not insignificant Tamil speaking people of emergency the opinion poll would have gone against him Sri Lanka have not forgotten their relations with Tamil and endangered his Presidency itself. The only meaning Nadu, even the Sinhali speaking majority of the people the opinion poll renders is that Jayavardhane, his rule and in Sri Lanka do not feel inferior in saying that they come his party have been somehow saved from such a situation. originally from Rajasthan. Even after winning the 1977 elections and capturing Because of this historical background, whatever state power, why was Jayavardhane not satisfied? Why happens in Sri Lanka affects India also at times very did he feel that he should cut down on the powers of the subtly and at times very substantially. Hence it is Sri Lankan Parliament, that he should distort the basic necessary to take cognizance of the important events that structure of the constitution to enable him to become the have taken place in Sri Lanka’s political affairs under the President, that he should declare emergency even when leadership of Jayavardhane during the last six months. there was no justifiable reason for it, and to cap it all There is a possibility that the turn of events in political snatch away the Civil Rights of his political opponent affairs of Sri Lanka may prove to be the pointers to the Smt. Bhandarnaike? People say that of late the economic future for Indian politics. Whether it is Jayavardhane condition of Sri Lanka was improving and had elections or Smt. Bhandarnaike, who was the Prime Minister been held as usual in 1983 there would have been no before him, or for that matter whether it is Smt. Indira difficulty in Jayavardhane’s party getting majority. So Gandhi or Zia ul-huq, all of them have basically the same even when there were such favourable conditions, why totalitarian political views, and in this context, it may not did Jayavardhane exhibit such unjustifiable and un- be appropriate to treat them as insignificant. praiseworthy haste? If the desire to run the government without any hassles was at the root of all these acrobatics In fact the United National Party of Jayavardhane then on what basis does Jayavardhane think that the next had secured indubitable absolute majority in the 1977 six years could be spent without hassles? elections and he had got the reins of political power in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Freedom Party was routed completely According to me, there are two powerful motivations and the dreams of Smt. Bhandarnaike becoming the behind the present politics of Jayavardhane. The first Prime Minister once again and of anointing her son, motivation is the inevitable lust for power which is that is Anura, as the Prime Minister had been shattered inconsistent with all the principles of democracy. The just like the dream of Indira Gandhi of crowning her son throne of Sri Lanka that came into his hands in the Sanjay Gandhi as Prime Minister of India. But in the elections of 1977 should permanently remain with him lust for power, Jayavardhane proved himself worse than and if, for that reason, all the principles of democracy Bhandarnaike. Hence with a view to remove permanently and the constitution have to be trampled underfoot, so the thorn that was Smt. Bhandarnaike from his path, much the better, such is the supreme selfishness. The using his majority in the Parliament, he terminated her second reason is the opposition parties that do not want Civil Rights. Not just only the termination of the Civil to get out of the present morass in Sri Lanka. At one end Rights of a former Prime Minister but the termination there is the party of the Tamil speaking people wanting of the Civil Rights of any common citizen amounts to, to split from Sri Lanka and establish a separate state in common parlance, hanging them to death. But then and at the other end is the party of the Trotskyites who Jayavardhane did not stop even at that. He effected dream of establishing the dictatorship of the proletariat various self-serving amendments to the constitution of Sri in Sri Lanka. And in between these two are the parties Lanka. He became the President of Sri Lanka and to avoid of persons like Smt. Bandaranaike which at times the elections due in 1983, enacted the drama of getting temporarily joins hands with the Tamilians and at other an opinion poll on the question of extending the life of times with the Trotskyites. These parties at the two ends the Parliament to six years. I am terming the recently do not understand that by this impractical behaviour concluded opinion poll as drama for the reason that the they are only strengthening the hands of Jayavardhane elections were held after a state of emergency was first but are helpless. declared. Even then the votes in favour of extending the life of the current Parliament to six years were 31 lakhs If we compare the situation in India, the events whereas the votes against it were 26 lakhs. That means from 1975 and the ambitions of the important persons the votes against were certainly not insignificant but also taking part therein, with the situation in Sri Lanka, 46 JANATA, February 10-17, 2013 the events from 1977 and the desires and ambitions happened in Sri Lanka is not impossible in India also. of Smt. Bandaranaike and Jayavardhane, we can find Sri Lanka is not far from India. It would be better not many similarities and many parallel ambitions and their to forget that the people in India are also not very different consequences. It is then that we can realize that what has from people in Sri Lanka. The deceptive slogans of Hindu Unity!8

Whenever we see the continuous killing of Harijans in courage to speak up against the upper castes with their India it is not possible to remain without remembering the heads held high, the dominance of the upper castes is re- Sarpa Yajna - Snake Sacrifice - performed by Janamejaya. established and everything becomes calm and peaceful. History does not record for how many centuries the conflict between the Naga Tribes which inhabited the During the period after independence, in the five Kuru-Panchal land originally and the Aryan Tribes Five-Year-Plans, in howsoever distorted and incomplete that were trying to newly inhabit the land must have manner they might have been implemented, only the continued. But the author of Mahabharat, Vyasa, tells privileged and the prosperous classes have grown more us that since land was needed to establish the township privileged and more prosperous and the reins of state of Indraprastha, the Krishna-Arjuna duo burnt down the power also have gone into their hands only. But along entire Khandava forest and in that inferno hundreds of with it, since literacy and the feelings of self-respect have Naga families were incinerated and this conflict ended also permeated in all the layers of society, the conflict in such a way that, Parikshit, the grandson of Arjuna between the ‘neo-privileged’ and the ‘newly-awakened’ was slain by a Naga youngster, and to avenge the same, also has become inevitable. Wherever the so-called Janmejaya, the son of Parikshit searched for Nagas in all tradition was deep rooted in Hinduism, the intensity four corners of the world, caught them and threw them of this conflict became very sharp and wherever the in the sacrificial fire, as he would the dried logs of wood. society had accepted the new ideas of new humanism this conflict became latent and even if it got expression But the shameful part of the story is that the enmity it was not so cruel. that we, belonging to the three upper Castes – Varnas – nurtured during the time of Mahabharat against the We generally consider the land mass consisting of Shudras, or Nagas or the non-Aryans, have continued to Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Bihar as Central hang on to it and till today have continued our despicable India. Gods like Rama and Krishna, cities famous since vocation of burning them, killing them or even stripping ancient times like Ayodhya, Mathura, Kashi and Avantika them naked. We have by our deeds rendered meaningless and rivers considered sacred like Ganga, Yamuna, all the philosophy of the Upanishads, all the teachings of Narmada and Chambal are situated in the same land the Bhagavadgita to perceive God as all encompassing, mass. The Ramcharitmanas of Tulasi Das is read in every all the stands of equality taken by the Saints of Lord household and its couplets are daily recited here only. Vitthal, all the generosity of Eknath, all the teachings of The fortress of tradition here is so profoundly established social revolutionaries starting from Mahatma Phule, and that till today even a ray of mature new thinking cannot all the provisions of our Constitution and the Penal Code. penetrate into it. The importance that this land mass has The feeling of hatred in us towards Harijans is so deep secured in Indian politics because of its large population rooted and so rigid that not only temporal ideas have no can be gauged by the fact that during the last 35 years, if effect on them, but even the spiritual values appear to only we exclude two years, only the persons from Uttar have no effect. Now, we are not taking out our anger on Pradesh have occupied the office of the Prime Minister one or another person, we burn down the entire colonies of the country, and if we exclude the period of two years or we massacre the entire families of these downtrodden when Lal Bahadur Shastri was the Prime Minister, then people. The objective of these acts is so explicit that once this chair has remained with the Nehru family all these we behead an antyaja – the last-born – in a place like years. On the basis of only this fact, it should be possible Deuli or Sadhupura, the news spreads far and wide and to understand that even the anti-democratic thought that thereafter no Mahar or Maang or Jatav should have the the Prime Ministership should remain with the Nehru 8. Translated editorial of Marathi weekly Sadhana dated 6th February 1982 JANATA, February 10-17, 2013 47 family also originates from this area only. In the area proclamation of their Hindu nation? Leave aside the where the mindset of the people is not at all moulded on people from Kashmir or from the eastern borders of India, the basis on modern ideas, the arrogance and hooliganism what do you think will be the effect of this proclamation that people get is to be considered as a natural outcome at least on the people of Punjab? Are not these people of their desire for political power and wealth. That is why who are declaring that India is a Hindu nation, watering in this area, the demonic outcry that that which has to and nourishing the demand for independent Kashmir, be under foot, should remain under foot, will continue. Khalistan, Nagaland, Mizoram and Dravidistan? Or are Hence there, not only the Jatavs, but also women and they dreaming stupid dreams of oppressing all these the tribal people will be oppressed as all of them are people and hoisting their Hindu flag on the chests of these considered to be footwear only. people? Have we decided not to learn anything from the past history of the Marathas? Hence in order to hide and digest this great injustice, now onwards, the deceptive slogans of Hindu Unity are These slogans of Hindu unionism, Hindu nationalism, going to be shouted loudly. They are being shouted today Hindu universalism and the emancipation of the fallen also. As though Hinduism is not aware of untouchability, ones, though appear different, are the outcomes of the as though Rama had, only in an unconscious state, cut same proclivities of which the Rashtriya Swayam Sevak off the head of Shambuka for having committed the Sangh is the product or the Bharatiya Janata Party is the sin of doing some penance. And as though even in the product. Hence as it is not possible for them to have eighteenth century the gang that made the Mahars wear sincere conviction in Gandhian Socialism, it is not a pot around their neck was not a staunch follower of possible for them to have sincere conviction in federal Hinduism. As the drums would be beaten loudly to polity and in the democracy which inheres civil liberties mute the screams of the woman forcibly pushed into the and secular values. Even if they are thorough nationalists, burning pyre of her dead husband, in the same way, in the nation of their focus will only be a Hindu nation and order to see that the screams of the dalits do not reach even if people of other religions are the citizens of this out to the outer world, the drums of Hindu unity are country it will not be as a matter of birth right but as a being beaten loudly. Otherwise, what is the reason for matter of courtesy of the Hindus, as a matter of favour of suppressing the fact that this slogan of Hindu unity has the Hindus. There is a fundamental difference between germinated in the womb of the fear that the population the concept of nation as envisioned in the constitution and of the Muslims will grow because of the conversion that this concept of Hindu nation and this difference cannot took place in Meenakshipuram? Hence the real motive is be hidden by the sloganeering about Shiv Chatrapati. not the emancipation of the dalits but is only a strategy for self-preservation. Hence no dalit is going to be This twentieth century is drawing to a close. Have we deceived by this. On the contrary, the dalit community not created our secular, democratic and socialist state will smile in their minds seeing that the conversion of through our written constitution keeping in view the a few hundred dalits is causing so much of an upheaval waves of new ideas, new systems of governance, new in the Hindu community and an illusion is likely to be social transformations and new science that have swept created in their minds that conversion is the only way our country during the last two or three centuries? When for their social emancipation. we have still to realise many of these goals, by giving the slogan of Hindu unity, are we going to prepare ourselves Should they not bother about what the people from to lose what we have gained with our efforts in the last other provinces of India who are not assimilated in the two hundred years and reverse the hand on the clock Hindu culture, to be precise in Maratha culture, would of time or are we going to move seriously towards true think when they choose the auspicious occasion of equality and true democracy. That is the present challenge the Republic Day for flying their Hindu flag and the before the new generation. Hooliganism or Warning bell?9 It may not be proper to term the hooliganism unleashed as a revolt. It was hooliganism only, as it had no wider last week by some policemen at Dadar-Worli in Mumbai aims or objectives. These days the behaviour of police

9 Translated editorial of Marathi weekly Sadhana dated 28th August 1982 48 JANATA, February 10-17, 2013 in various parts of the country, whether it is beating up expressed by the ruling and the opposition parties, many of Sarvodaya worker Dandekar or molesting helpless conclusions suggest themselves. But before considering women in police custody or raiding the dwellings of those conclusions, it is necessary that all of us note that Harijans, is so contradictory to the image that we nurse the whole world has come to know very clearly as to of the police as the protectors of people that a question how precarious the situation has become in the country arises in ones mind as to what is the difference between because of this rioting by the police. The country is poised the thieves and dacoits and the police. It is proper to call on a dangerous cliff and if we do not try to pull it back the behaviour of the Mumbai police as hooliganism as from that place in time it cannot be predicted as to when it is similar with the behaviour of the police elsewhere it will collapse. That is why this incident in Mumbai is in the country. like a warning bell. The unrest that is simmering inside our society, this incident is only one explosion of that As a matter of fact, the police officers should have unrest. Sooner all of us take stock of it the better. known earlier only that there was unrest brewing in the police force. Particularly after some police personnel At such times it is very difficult to say anything about sported a black band during the parade on 15th August the ruling party. Because it appears that it has lost its to give vent to their unhappiness, there was no reason for ability to govern. In 1980 people slipped on the slogan the Government not to become alert. But the Government of Smt Indira Gandhi that the Janata Party is a party of of Maharashtra, hailed at one time as a very efficient non-performance and that hence people should elect government, has of late gone into the hands of such her and they gave her an unprecedented victory. But people that while some of them are stupid, others are the experience since 1980 is such that engrossed in the senseless. Their main business is to plan the toppling power game and in filling their pockets the party plain of one another or at the drop of a pin visiting Delhi and forgot that it has been elected by the people to solve their standing in front of Smt. Indira Gandhi wagging their various problems. Black marketing, corruption, bribery tails. They also have a third business, which is trying and favouritism are all worms that are born in the cow to pocket as much money as possible from out of every dung of administration-less-ness. Hence one feels like plan fund. When they are busy with not one but three making a serious allegation against businesses, it would have been a wonder had they been aware of what is cooking in our police force. Smt. Gandhi’s administration that the social and moral values to enrich whom our national leaders from Raja On seeing that the policemen in Dadar-Worli area Rammohan Roy to Gandhi took great pains have all been are themselves rioting, creating obstructions on the destroyed by the Congress from their very roots. As the road and stopping vehicles, many gangs of anti-social adage in English goes ‘everything is fair in war and love’, elements rushed to their aid and within the batting of an in the same way there appears to be no reason to worry eye-lid they destroyed the life in Mumbai. I am not at about fairness in capturing power and amassing wealth. all surprised that the police and the anti-social elements It appears that every one has become a worshipper of joined hands like this. Because the group within the power and wealth. If the people in whose hands the police force and the anti-social elements keep shaking reins of administration come, start ignoring the values, hands quite often. Is it not quite natural that the anti-social if no other aim remains for them excepting selfishness elements felt like carrying on their business unhindered then how can they expect values like patriotism and when they saw that the policemen themselves are rioting social commitment from people working under them in in the middle of Mumbai? In the rioting of these two different fields? What right do they have to so expect days, or may be we can even say in the rioting of a single also? In such a value-less atmosphere, if the civil servants day, hundreds of private vehicles were damaged, many or police or army start moving on the wrong path, buses were burnt, thousands of shops were looted and disregard discipline, and start rioting, the administrators every belonging of Shri Hoshing and Shri Mohite of the will neither have the moral right nor the ability to bring Rashtriya Mill Mazdoor Sangha were looted. them back on the right path. Hence, even if the rioting by the police force is suppressed by using the army, if When the situation appeared to be going out of control, tomorrow the army indulges in rioting, with whose help Army was called in, and it is only when the army came are we going to control them? that it was possible for the Administration to get control of the situation. On the basis of the rioting that took place In this context, I remember the rioting that took place for two days in a city like Mumbai which is important during 1947. Lord Mountbatten was the Viceroy of from all points of view, and on the basis of the reaction India then and was trying to suppress the rioting by the 24 JANATA, March 25, 2012 toJANATA, see the Februarydistinction 10-17, between 2013 social caste system in India. But, the In fact, no political party including49 movements and a political strategy future depends on how the BSP BSP, SP, DMK, RPI, etc that speak inHindus winning and elections.Muslims in It Delhi is alleged and Punjab prepares with the its help strategies. in Maharashtra. If Akhilesh It isabout not necessarysocial engineering to probe deeplyhas ever to thatof the Mayawati armed forces, was forced but to to douse slowly the communalYadav succeeds fire in likeunderstand Mayawati how in uselessexperimented these demands in sharing were. power Can withit be estrangeBengal, Gandhijithe symbol was of moving upper castes from villagecontaining to village rowdy on saidelements that it made and a fundamentalthe lower rungs difference who whenare minorities Barrister Satishfoot. Then, Chandra Lord MishraMountbatten by 2012. had written bring in arule letter of tolaw, itAntuly is likely went why and Bhoslewithin came? the social And groups if it made and triedno such out NowGandhiji, BSP “the is restricted work you toare UP doing and alone, the I uppercannot castes do it anddifference, Muslims look what couldconstructive have happened, programmes if instead to unite of mayeven beby tosending a sub-region four battalions in future, of ifsoldiers”. to BSP. I only The hope reading Bhosle that SPsome won other thestooge so called of Indiraji bahujans, had sarvajans come in andhis thethat present our politicians trend continues. are still capable of understanding58 out of 85 thereserved place. seats to show even the numerous dalit sub castes? meaning of these words of Mountbattenthat who Mayawati was the has lost ground with SupremeThe competing Commander politics of the South-Eastern in UP dalits Sector is not during entirely correct.Those Dalits who orreally thinkDalit that vote there bank should of beBSP fundamental is alleged madethe Second the SP, World onetime War. a Lohiaite any single caste on theirdifference own in in any the politicsto be of a Maharashtra divided house; or of disruptivethe Nation party becoming worldly wise in constituency (includingshould reserved) have to grabbehavior, the power leg from pulling Indira and Congress, finding makingI am also the surprised affable byyoung the reaction man ofdo the not opposition win the electionsand for withoutthat it is necessarysolace thatwith the non-dalit like minded leadership political Akhileshparties. When Yadav the as Mumbaithe new Chiefwas burning support due from to the others. parties Therefore, should the comeare together. considered Only as then some there of isits a Minister.indisciplined The behaviourSP was originally of the police like andnumber the joining indicates of apossibility general trend of bringing shortcomings. about a change This in is thethe situation. greatest thehands BSP, by thebut police slowly and graduating the anti-social to elements,of some thekind call of a swingBut since in favour no body wantslimitation to talk of about bahujan this necessarypolitics as and of becomefor ‘Mumbai a bahujan Bandh’ party given by bringingby the opposition of SP, parties may canbe due clearto the task Muslim such meaningless now. Further, slogans SP are has being shown given. that otheronly be castes termed also as inthe to climax its fold. of childishThe one-upmanship.shift. However, BSP has pockets there is an alternative leadership upperI do not castes understand in UP if havethey equated done a this ofrioting dalit byconcentrations a few Iwhere feel that it canthe incidentin the in party.Mumbai But speaks Mayawati for itself has and a moronicpolicemen act with of theencouraging revolt by thefirst Navy getin thea minimum Mumbai of is70 also seats a warning and a to us.problem It has givenof stewardship expression as to dalits the fact are theport BSPin 1946. against Did they SP thinkand now that theby lootingpeak and of arson90 with in its ownthat unrest vote bank. and instability disorderly have permeatedand are too in many all the to layersclaim supportingthe Dadar, Mahim, SP against Worli BSP, area theywas the precursorBut, that doesto the not bringof society victory. and notIt throughleadership. such Unfortunately,means as President’s Mayawati rule seempeople’s to haverevolution permanently that we werelost thelooking has forward to play to? Asan inclusivebut by politics.creating a valuehas no based family and to capable fall back alternative upon as groundsome opposition in UP politics parties gavefor ever a call to for ‘MumbaiFurther, Bandh’,Muslims woulddemocratic always administrationfeel the future that politics the present in India situation appear can to besome dictated other oppositionby these forces. parties Thiscalled forcomfortable the dismissal with a non-dalitbe changed due is tothe clearbe headingmessage towardsof the present consanguinity incident. attitudeof Babasaheb of ruling Bhosle castes or imposition sustains of thePresident’s caste stigma rule than with a dalit. rather than consensus politics! Western Railway Employees’ Union Central Offi ce: Grant Road Station Building (East), Mumbai-400007 P&T: 23083813 Rly- 43662, 43663 -Fax: 23003185, Rly. 43666 E-mail: [email protected] The Westem Railway Employees’ Union (“WREU”), earlier known as Bombay Baroda & Central India Railway Employees’ Union was established in 1920 at Parel, Mumbai. WREU is one of the oldest trade unions not only in Railway but also in the country, its registration number being 5. After enactment of the Trade Union Act, 1926, the WREU got itself registered on 30.10.1927. WREU is a founder member of All India Railwaymen’s Federation (“AIRF”) and All India Hind Mazdoor Sabha (HMS), WREU, AIRF and HMS are free, independent and democratic trade unions. WREU fought for upliftment of railwaymen and their family in particular and labour class in general for the last 87 years. WREU-AIRF is instrumental in creation of Permanent Negotiating Machinery (“PNM”) for solving the grievances of railwaymen in 1951. Productivity Linked Bonus, large scale upgradations, etc. To the Railwaymen, these are some of the major achievements of WREU. WREU is the most popular union amongst the railwaymen on implementation of modifi ed recommendations of the 6th CPC w.e.f. 1.1.2006 WREU was led by prominent trade union leader, late Miss. Maniben Kara and in memory of her, WREU established “Maniben Kara Foundation”, a charitable trust fi ghting against the evils of the society. Apart from trade union activities, WREU along with Maniben Kara Foundation is conducting various non-bargaining activities such as organizing Health Checkup Camps, Blood Donation Camps, Family Planning Camps, Anti-Dowry campaigns, HN-AIDS Awareness Campaigns, Trade Union Education Class, etc. for the benefi ts of the railwaymen and the general public. Umraomal Purohit J.R. Bhosale President General Secretary 50 JANATA, February 10-17, 2013

Works by Goray

1. India’s Role in South East Asia : Netaji Subhas Institute for Social Studies. 2. Acharya Narendra Dev : Father of Democratic Socialism : Samajavadi Publications, 1970. 3. Politics of Socialism: Text of the Presidential Address to the Eighth PSP National Conference at Bombay 4. Imperialism 5. History of United States of America 6. Vishwakutumbavada 7. Erinivarila Prashna 8. Chinaaranchya Chaayet


9. Biography : Jawaharlal Nehru 10. Divided India: Rajendra Prasad. 11. Our India : Minoo Masani 12. Why Socialism : Jayaprakash Narayan 13. Gandhijiche Vividha Darshan : Dr. Radhakrishnan 14. Meghadoot : Kalidas (Poetry)

Literary Works

15. Daali 16. Seeteche Pohe 17. Gulbaxi 18. Karavande 19. Kaahi Paane Kaahi Phule ( A few leaves and a few flowers) 20. Shankh aani Shimpale (Conches and Shells) 21. Kaaragrahacha Bhinti (Wall of Prison) 22. Pittsburg Diary 23. Yeshucha Vadhasthambha (The Cross of Christ)

Children’s Literature

24. Bedukwadi (House of Frogs) 25. Chimutai Ghar Baandhataat (sparrows build houses) 26. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru


27. Ahvaan aani Aavaahan


28. Tao-te-ching JANATA, February 10-17, 2013 51

Studies in Socialism By Ashok Mehta Published by Bhartiya Vidya Bhuvan Centre for Socialist Studies Bangaluru Price Rs. 250.00 postage extra Send your order to Centre for Socialist Studies 191, 10th Cross, 10th Main, NGFI Layout Nagurbani, Bengaluru 560 072 Bhartiya Vidya Bhuvan Munshi Sadan Chowpatty, Mumbai 400 007 or Janata Trust

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Printed and Published by G.G. Parikh on behalf of Janata Trust. Printed at Mouj Printing Bureau, Khatau Wadi, Girgaum, Mumbai-400 004 and published at D-15, Ganesh Prasad, Naushir Bharucha Marg (Sleater Road), Mumbai - 400 007. Established 1946 Price : Rupees Five

Vol. 68 No. 5 No end to corruption February 24, 2013 S. Viswam

Dialogue and Democracy The Rs.3600 crore VVIP zealously. He lost no time after the D. K. Giri helicopter scandal has surfaced at Finmeccanica chief Guiseppe Orsi’s a most inopportune time for the arrest to order a CBI probe and to Autonomous Council for UPA government. The exposure has announce that he was prepared to North Andhra assailed the government’s waning scrap the deal even at the cost of K. S. Chalam credibility and dealt it a body blow to defence preparedness. The arrest its overall image. Reports from Italy must have taken Mr. Antony by Reforming the State have suggested that Indian officials surprise and given him a jolt. This is Harsh Mander were bribed to finalise the chopper because Mr. Antony was quite aware deal and an amount in the region of the stories circulating in Italy and Strange spectacle of ten per cent of the deal’s worth India for the last one year hinting at Pannalal Surana (Rs.3600 crore) was paid by way of irregularities in the deal. Since Mr. bribe. The scandal broke when the Antony failed to respond to those head of the contracting Italian firm, Political Economy of Gender reports, the sudden arrest of the Italian Finmeccanica was arrested along and Climate Change head of the contracting company must Vibhuti Patel with another top official last week. have brought home to him the fact However, unlike past exposures that one cannot assume that things India Today In of bribery and corruption in the are all right. Defence deals call for European Views government, the latest exposure has some redeeming features. This continued vigilance before the deal Kejriwal, Ambani and media time the government has not tried to is struck and after. It is no secret that hide behind excuses and alibis. Nor middlemen roam New Delhi’s power is it trying any hush-hush cover-up corridors searching for greedy and strategies. It has even agreed to an cash-hungry officials. Editor : enquiry by a Joint Parliamentary G. G. Parikh Committee. It says it is willing to The deal, one of the big ones which the defence ministry has concluded is Managing Editor : Guddi share every bit of information with Parliament and the nation. This turn for the supply of 12 AgustaWestland D-15, Ganesh Prasad, in attitude is welcome. helicopters for VVIP transport. Its Naushir Bharucha Marg, suspension or cancellation would Mumbai - 400 007. Fortunately, the minister concerned have no immediate impact on defence is A. K. Antony who guards his well- preparedness though in the long run Email : [email protected] earned and well-merited reputation such safety-oriented choppers are for personal and official probity very vital for VVIP transport. 2 JANATA, February 24, 2013

Initially the Italians seem reluctant to share information with India on Dialogue and Democracy the role of both Italian and Indian officials. Mr. Antony has deputed D. K. Giri a CBI team to Italy and it is to be hoped that Italians will be more Having celebrated the 64th year elections and some institutions. In amenable to co-operation in the long- of our Republic, we need to reflect fact, Indian voters and leaders get term interest of the two countries’ on our democracy, which has been so excited about the elections with bilateral relationship. Fortunately, our glorious achievement. We sound, colour and ornamentation of the visiting British Premier David have sustained our democracy electioneering that they are reported Cameron has assured Dr. Manmohan despite various social and economic in a leading newspaper as “dance Singh fullest co-operation in impediments whereas many other of democracy”. This razzmatazz investigations into the kickbacks countries failed to do so. There are happens once in five years or more paid in the deal. AgustaWestland is various explanations for our success, often, if there are mid-term elections, a UK-based subsidiary of the Italian but I do not intend to sing praise for for the local governments, State firm Finmeccanica. Mr. Cameron it here by analyzing the factors for Assemblies and the Parliament. has assured that Brittain will respond sustenance of democracy. There are Since all these elections in all the to any request for information by the also criticisms and concerns about states are not concurrent, India is Indian government. our democracy not functioning well. always agog with election festivity in Some decades ago, J. K. Galbraith some part or the other of the country. The government will do well went to the extent of describing India A commentator said, “Indian politics to ensure that the CBI completes as “a functional anarchy”. Well, that is electionised, not democratized”. its investigation speedily, and that could be an extreme observation. But, democracy is not just elections; it is allowed to operate freely and But, it underlines the need for a lot it is fundamentally about people – transparently. In its own interest of improvement in our democracy, people’s participation in democracy the government must see to it that in any democracy for that matter. and democracy delivering for the the guilty are identified soon and That’s because, democracy is an people. The question, therefore, are brought to book. Any attempt at ever-evolving process to realize we must raise, is “what happens in cover-up will boomerang on itself its principles. Also democracy is a the five years between one election and further damage its credibility. difficult political process, although and the other”. Rammanohar The people of India are resentful of it is supposed to be the best form Lohia, the leading Democratic the fact that corruption is seeing no of governance as it provides for Socialist thinker of India, once end under the UPA government. self-rule by citizens. Columnist said, “zinda kaume paanch saal Gursharan Das in his book, “India tak intezar nahin karti” (translated Unfortunately, the latest exposure Unbound”, writing about democracy in English, “live communities do has brought home the fact that and capitalism makes an interesting not wait for five years” (the term the policy not to have middlemen comparison, “democracy is easier of the legislatures). What he meant in defence deals has not been to understand but more difficult to then was that “a government that implemented seriously. Middlemen achieve, capitalism , in contrast, is misruled should be thrown out by cannot be avoided, true. But there easier to achieve (because exchange the people, even before the term is obviously need for greater and is natural to human beings), but ended.” In that it could also mean more comprehensive vigilance to more difficult to understand”. True, that government need not ignore curb their activities and to ensure indeed, there are several versions, people’s problems and aspirations transparency. Crores of rupees are interpretations, and perceptions of until they come back in five years usually involved in defence deals democracies in the world. In fact, for re-election, or the people should and temptation to make easy money it will not be an exaggeration to say not resign to the whims and fancies is always there. It also seems to that democracy is seen by many of their representatives until the next be true that middlemen have easy like the proverbial elephant seen elections. Both the leaders and the access these days to those who by six blind men. In India too we voters should constantly engage in take final decisions in the various believe that democracy is all about dialogue with each other for better (Continued on Page 6) JANATA, February 24, 2013 3 governance. The scope of this article the two roots – ‘dia’ which means those unheard and marginalized and is to discuss the role of dialogue through and ‘logos’ which means helps create an inclusive process, as a participatory tool to improve “the word” or more specifically, the build consensus, and promote democratic functioning. “meaning of the word”. The image cohesion. With such ideational it gives is of a river that is flowing understanding, let us look at some Why Dialogue? around and through the participants. cases, success stories, in India and When there are many stakeholders Dialogue is not a discussion – which other democracies, which may serve with different perspectives, when means scoring a point or winning an to improve the functioning of our issues are complex and evolving, argument, therefore involving break democracy. dialogue becomes necessary to up. It is not also a debate, where arrive at common understanding points and counter points come Northern Ireland Peace Accord and acceptable solutions. On the up. It is a form of an interaction to One great success story that contrary, absence of a dialogue explore a thought and understand resulted from a carefully managed resulting in conflicting understanding the thought-process. Dialogue is dialogue is the peace accord in and controversial decisions can essentially a conversation between Northern Ireland. Many are unaware cause huge material, financial and two equals; any controlling by either that Northern Ireland is a part of emotional costs. of the party will hinder and inhibit the United Kingdom and there is a the free play of thought and the long-drawn fight within Northern The founders of Dialogue other delicate and subtle feelings Ireland between the Catholics and Associates, an England-based that would otherwise be shared. Any Protestants on its unification with consultancy organization with whom attempt to manipulate a dialogue Ireland (Southern Ireland). Since I had the opportunity of working in process is thus self- defeating. 1969, over 4000 people have died the grassroots development projects, as a result of political violence in view dialogue as a way of exploring How does dialogue work, in Northern Ireland. The conflict has the roots of many crises that face a broader scale, in a democracy? its origins in the 1921 division of humanity today. In the modern Dialogue is one of the keys to Ireland. The Protestant majority (53 culture, it is not difficult for people participatory governance. In a percent) which is called Unionists, to interact with each other socially or genuine dialogue process, people would like to stay with UK, and culturally. But “their inability to talk listen and learn to foster a constructive the Catholic minority (44 percent) together about the subjects that matter environment of active and inclusive considers itself Irish (Nationalists) deeply to them seems invariably participation. It enables stakeholders and desires a United Ireland. to lead to disputes, divisions and or community members to address often to violence.” They further issues that affect them in their After years of political suggest that dialogue is a way of daily lives. Dialogue, conducted negotiations, on 10 April 1998, observing how hidden values and effectively as suggested above, helps political parties in the peace talks intentions can control our behaviour the leadership and policy makers to announced an agreement, the Good and how unnoticed differences be informed of community concerns, Friday Agreement, also called can clash without us realizing it. needs, and priorities. Although Belfast Agreement. This was secured Dialogue is therefore a process dialogue is not a conflict resolution through an arduous dialogue process. which generates collective learning, technique, problems get resolved The lessons learnt were cited by me increased harmony, fellowship during the dialogue, or later, as a in an article called “Negotiating and creativity. It is exploratory in result of increased understanding with the Naxals”, carried in the nature as its meaning and purpose and fellowship that occurs among journal For the continue to unfold. Dialogue is the participants. It also serves to purpose of this article, let us recall not to test a preconceived idea, find ways in which community the relevant principles for dialogue. but a part of unfolding process demands can be addressed First, one must have a framework of creative participation between meaningfully. Dialogue enables for negotiation, which was “peace” stakeholders. We must make it clear participatory communication which in Northern Ireland. Acceptance that dialogue is loosely used to helps in effective social change and of peace as a pre-condition for mean a form of interaction between formulating development strategies, dialogue was important. Second, people. Dialogue is derived from dialogue gives space to voices of dialogue brings up conflicts and 4 JANATA, February 24, 2013 controversies, so it should not be admittedly, many vested interests against violence against women given up, it has to be relentless. have crept into the ideological in general, and for punishment to Third, in search of bigger objective, Maoist movement, which believes those who committed the brutality emotions, attitudes, hurt feelings; in physical elimination of capitalists on a young woman student on 16 so-called small things should not class enemies, the roots of December in Delhi. The students be ignored. They can derail the naxalism lie in social and economic and youths gathered in front of the whole dialogue process. We deal deprivation of particular segments President’s house and on Rajpath with human beings in dialogue, not of society. Their problems could on their own as they were moved machines. Fourth, the dialogue could be identified and solutions found and agitated by what the young girl not be left to the contending parties through a dialogue process. Why is went through, and their own feelings alone. If they could resolve their government shying away from such of insecurity. It was a genuine and differences, they would have done a dialogic engagement? legitimate protest, although some so long ago. So, they need a third- of the leaders tried to run it down. party assistance, a facilitator, but the The Civil Society Upsurges The Chief Justice of India strongly third party should be committed and In recent times, there have endorsed the movement by saying, capable, and should have confidence been sporadic upsurges in the “I wish I could join the protesters of all. Finally, dialogue is a process, civil society on various issue of on Rajpath”. But sadly, there was no a journey together, not a one-off governance. Let us take just two attempt by the government to engage event. People need to co-create ideas examples - the movement against with the students in a dialogue in by sharing their thoughts for the corruption by Anna Hazare, and order to find out their concerns and ultimate objective. the spontaneous protests by the solutions. It was treated again as students and the youth against a law and order situation, left to The Naxal issue Delhi gang-rape on 16 December the police to maintain order. The The kidnappings and killings by 2012. In the movement led by Anna, consequence of such an approach Naxalites like those of Italian tourists, students, youths and common people was not encouraging for our politics. an MLA, a district magistrate in rallied behind him throughout the The students ran out of patience, Odisha last year, have exposed our country against wide-spread as some violence followed as a limitation in dealing with the Naxals. well as deep-rooted corruption in consequence, one policeman died The Naxalites in Central and Eastern the system, and for institution of in mysterious circumstances and India have become a major obstacle Lokpal, kind of an ombudsman to the whole thing left a bad taste in to development. The Prime Minister check it. The government decided the mouth for everybody. No leader once said, “The Naxal problem initially to ignore the movement, from the ruling coalition came up is the greatest concern today”. and when it reached the doorstep to meet them. It would not have It is also true that the violence- of the Parliament, they hurried to been difficult for a leader to come ridden Naxal problem is proving placate Anna by including some out and address the students in and to be a major contradiction for our of his nominees to the drafting initiate the dialogue and diffuse the democracy which is appreciated all committee on the Lokpal Bill. But situation. On the contrary, in the over the world for its tenacity and the dialogue in the committee was name of freedom of assembly, and elasticity. How can we initiate a not conducted methodically, the for the sake of a genuine cause, the dialogue process on the Naxal issue? spirit was antagonistic, and it fell students were allowed to gather but The government has appointed through. Anna’s team walked out left alone to try out their patience mediators, but how can the Naxals and went back to the agitation - it is and tenacity. This was not the best be brought to the dialogue table? Is another matter that Anna’s movement course of action. Engaging them in the government competent to initiate later split on a strategic issue. At no a dialogue process was. this dialogue? Can it not appoint point, there was any serious attempt a third party within the country to to engage the movement leaders in a There are several such cases facilitate the process? serious dialogue. where absence of dialogue is causing huge loss materially and otherwise. Naxalism has been treated as During the last one month, there In many states, industries could not a law and order problem, police was unprecedented self-mobilization be set up as the people are protesting dealing with it with force. Although, of students and youth to protest against displacement and reckless JANATA, February 24, 2013 5 exploitation of the environment. In the resource-rich state like Odisha, Autonomous Council for North Andhra people are locked in conflicts with the government and the industries K. S. Chalam namely- Tata, Vedanta, and Posco. In case of Posco, the Korean steel giant, which is making a big FDI is The perception of an autonomous at the 21 KMs length of passage unable to deal with just one village council to administer certain specific to North East through Darjeeling. and set up its operation. It is relying areas in the country came up for We have very little information on on the government to deal with discussion during the Gorkhaland the Tea Gardens and how are they those villagers protesting; even the struggle. Interestingly, there was still under the control of certain government has not succeeded so little public debate on this issue dominant powers. Interestingly, all far. Similar is the story with Tata, except among the people who are the Gorkhas are not tribals and some who is accused of being a party to concerned with the problem and few of them have mainland castes like the killing of villagers protesting bureaucrats. The subject has cropped Bahun, Chhatri, etc. In other words, against taking over of their lands up once again in the present context Gorkha region is distinctly different by manipulation, is not able to start of Andhra-Telangana squabble. from North East. This seems to be its plant. Vedanta is in and out of the real problem as they live in the the courts to start mining bauxite The Constitution has provided fifth schedule area and have been in Niyamgiri, a mountain with for autonomous councils for tribal demanding special status like that tremendous ecological value. Some areas. But, it is very specific. Under of the sixth schedule. However, of the primitive tribes are attached Article 244 a mention is made their struggle seems to have yielded to this mountain as the “children about administration of Tribal areas some result in the name of Gorkha would be with their mothers”. Both in two distinct settings: the fifth Land Hill Council through an Act the government and the industries schedule and the sixth schedule. of the Parliament with Bengal state are convinced that their operations The fifth schedule is meant for legislative action. In our system will be good for the revenue of the ‘Scheduled Areas and Scheduled Parliament is supreme and it can state, it will bring in prosperity to Tribes’ while the sixth schedule is take any decision in the interest of the people of Odisha, but people provided for administration of ‘the the country. are not persuaded. The deadlock Tribal Areas’ in the North East. continues. Is there no scope for There are differences between the It is necessary to keep in mind initiating a process of dialogue and two. While the provision in the fifth that the whole population of Gorkhas come up with solutions acceptable schedule covers both the geography is about 10 lakhs and even as per to all? There surely is. But the and the tribals living there, the sixth the statements of some leaders, not government is perhaps indifferent to schedule is related to the region of even 50 percent of the population of or ignorant of the process, where as the whole of North East where a Darjeeling and Jalpaiguri. Darjeeling the industries are helpless, and over- stipulation is made for autonomous district has a population of 18.42 dependent on the government. This council. lakhs and Jalpaiguri, 38.67 lakhs in must change, and the civil society 2001. Therefore, we cannot compare must be engaged, it can no longer We need to understand the an issue like Telangana or some be ignored. history of the region to appreciate other region in the mainland India International Day of Democracy the significance of some of the with Gorkhaland as it would be laden struggles particularly of the Nepali with several intricacies. On 15 September, the Inter- speaking ethnic group - Gorkhas. Parliamentary Union (IPU) It is important to recognize that the In this context, the reckoning celebrates the International demand for Gorkhaland is present of the most neglected region in Democracy Day, declared by the in the district of Darjeeling and in the country is found to be old United Nations in 2007. The last parts of the neighboring Jalpaiguri Visakhapatnam region consisting year, the IPU declared that dialogue district. Both the districts are in West of KBK in Odissa and Srikakulam, Bengal. The division of Bengal was Vizianagaram and Visakhapatnam (Continued on Page 10) archaic and arbitrary when we look districts of Andhra Pradesh. They 6 JANATA, February 24, 2013 are found to be most neglected and never been elected for the Parliament private individuals), half of the underdeveloped in terms of every seat for about a quarter century. The problem would be solved. This parameter of the economists. The newly emerging voices are either would also give protection to public/ state has a coastline of 950 KMs and sidelined or rebuked. Does the dumb private properties from mafia control half of it is in North Andhra, without region deserve a Council? and the clamour for Hyderabad or any development except devastation Visakhapatnam or Tirupati would in recent times. The matter is mooted After having said this, I am of the soon disappear as the notion of here to show, if there is any region in opinion that most of the emerging property has undergone a change the state that deserves an autonomous issues of underdevelopment, through capitalization of market. council like that of Darjeeling, it is inequality and political One can live anywhere in the world North Andhra. Because, the three empowerment arise as a result of and still own property. What is districts including the tribal areas a policy framework. This would left is Telugu culture and identity, of Khammam (till recently part of continue even after the formation that is beyond state and national Araku Parliamentary constituency) of political or geographical or even boundaries and we should all strive constitute the largest concentration historically recognized regions. It to accomplish it as our common of tribal population in the state under would again create problems after property. Bengalis living across the fifth schedule. some time. The issue of Telangana the border in Bangladesh and West is unequivocal, and by this time Bengal have shown during the 150th The total tribal population of everyone seems to have reconciled to birth anniversary of Rabindranath the three North Andhra districts the fact that seperation is going to be Tagore that language and culture band is almost equal to the Gorkhas of a reality sooner or later. The problem together humans more than religion. Darjeeling and Jalpaiguri. The appears to be about Hyderabad. I It is also reflected in the hegemonic forest and unused land coverage have already said something of a culture of Anglo-Americans and in the three districts is about 55 parallel situation in Visakhapatnam. therefore the Telugu speaking people percent and the tribal population The city is swamped by outsiders need not worry about the division is about 15 percent of the state. If through a process of marginalization of state on administrative or other the socio-demographic parameters of the locals. But, the wealth created grounds. of the region are taken, 90 percent in the cities with the help of local are backward with the highest resources does not belong to them (Continued from Page 2) outmigration. The irony is that there nor do the locals have access to it. In ministries. It is these middlemen are no voices from this region in the fact, the problems of North Andhra who work on the greed of decision- current dialogue except, I am told are amplified only after the advent makers and operate in secrecy. about a brief memorandum submitted of liberalization and marginalization The CBI probe is for the present to the Srikrishna committee. This of public sector. It appears that hampered by the non-co-operative is because of the hegemony of in an underdeveloped region attitude of the Italian bureaucracy leadership that does not allow the like North Andhra or Telangana and police. The Italian courts initially local voices to be heard from this or Rayalaseema, the (over) refused to share information. A region. The political leadership expansion of cities like Hyderabad, CBI team is currently in Italy and of North Andhra is so weak that Visakhapatnam, Tirupathi should hopefully it will succeed in ferretting the voices from Visakhapatnam be regulated by the state and private out more information. are dominated by some of the ventures should be allowed only advanced districts signifying the outside the swelling metropolitan The government must realise that pathetic situation there. In fact, late centers. there have been too many scams Dronamraju Satyanarayana , leader in the last four years. In its own of the region used to argue in our We have an interesting proposal interest, it needs to allow the CBI seminars that outsiders have made from Vizag. If the properties in to probe the latest exposure and politics in the district a costly affair Hyderabad and Visakhapatnam are bring the guilty to book. The 2014 so that the poor locals would be transferred to state (like in China) elections are drawing near, and any naturally sidelined. Thus, I am told and access to locals are given first more blows to the UPA credibility that out of five legislators of the city, priority (as they were earlier public will impact adversely on its electoral four are settlers and the locals have or state properties and grabbed by fortunes, JANATA, February 24, 2013 7 India Today In European Views

Take the pains to read the following piece by Mohan Maruti, former Europe Director, CII, who lives in Cologne, Germany…, it is usually too much for us to face the truth... –Suhas Khale

A few days ago I was in a havens. is put in cold storage. Prime Minister panel discussion on mergers and Manmohan Singh chairs over this acquisitions in Frankfurt, Germany, It is a fact that the problem of kind of unparalleled loot. organised by Euroforum and The corruption in India has assumed Handelsblatt, one of the most enormous and embarrassing An article in a French newspaper prestigious newspapers in German- proportions in recent years, although titled ‘Playing the Game, Indian speaking Europe. it has been with us for decades. Style’ wrote: Investigations into the The questions and the debate that shadowy financial deals of the Indian The other panelists were followed in the panel discussion was cricket league have revealed a web senior officials of two of the indicative of the European disquiet. of transactions across tax havens largest carmakers and two top At the end of the Q&A session, I like Switzerland, the Virgin Islands, insurance companies - all German surmised Europeans perceive India Mauritius and Cyprus. In the same multinationals operating in India. to be at one of those junctures where article, the name of one Hassan Ali tripping over the precipice cannot be of Pune is mentioned as operating The panel discussion was ruled out. with his wife a one-billion-dollar moderated by a professor from illegal Swiss account with sanction the esteemed European Business Let me substantiate this further of the Indian regime. School. The hall had an audience with what the European media has that exceeded a hundred well-known to say in recent days. A third story narrated in the European CEOs. I was the only damaging article is that of the former Indian. In a popular prime-time television chief minister of Jharkhand, Madhu discussion in Germany, the panelist, Koda, who was reported to have After the panel discussion, a member of the German Parliament funds in various tax havens that were the floor was open for questions. quoting a blog said: If all the scams partly used to buy mines in Liberia. That was when my moment of the last five years are added up, Unfortunately, the Indian public do of truth turned into an hour of they are likely to rival and exceed not know the status of that enquiry, shame & embarrassment when the the British colonial loot of India of the article concluded. participants fired questions and about a trillion dollars. made remarks on their experiences In the nastiest business scam with the evil of corruption in India. Banana Republic in Indian records (Satyam) the The awkwardness and humiliation One German business daily government adroitly covered up I went through reminded of The which wrote an editorial on India the political aspects of the swindle Moment of Truth, the popular Anglo- said: India is becoming a Banana predominantly involving real estate, American game. The more questions Republic instead of being an wrote an Austrian newspaper. If I answered truthfully, the more the economic superpower. To get the cut the Indian Prime Minister knows questions got tougher. Tougher here motion designated out, assurances nothing about these scandals, he is means more embarrassing. are made to political allays. Special ignorant of ground realities and does treatment is promised at the expense not deserve to be Prime Minister. European disquiet of the people. So, Ms Mayawati If he does, is he a collaborator in Questions ranged from - Is your who is Chief Minister of the most crime? nation in a coma?, the corruption in densely inhabited state, is calmed administration, even in judiciary, the when an intelligence agency probe is The Telegraph of the UK reported possible impeachment of a judge, the scrapped. The multi-million dollars the 2G scam saying: Naturally, 2G,telecom scam and to the money fodder scam by another former chief India’s elephantine legal system will in billions, parked illegally in tax minister wielding enormous power ensure culpability, is delayed. 8 JANATA, February 24, 2013 Blinded by wealth Invisible World of Domestic Workers This seems true. In the European mind, caricature of a typical Exposed at Public Hearing Indian encompasses qualities of falsification, telling lies, being The hand that feeds, cares for “I have been working for 28 years fraudulent, dishonest, corrupt, children, keeps the house clean and and only get Rs. 1200. When I fell arrogant, boastful, speaking loudly shining is often left unattended, sick, my employers did not give and bothering others in public places uncared for and at times bruised and me leave to go to a doctor. I am or, while travelling, swindling when beaten. That’s the world of domestic close to 50 years and find it difficult the slightest of opportunity arises workers working in lakhs of Delhi to continue doing this work. I do and spreading rumours about others. homes, striving to earn a dignified not get any medical benefits nor The list is truly incessant. living and raising a family in the pension. What will happen to me I st My father, who is 81 years 21 century rising India. Domestic wonder? How will I survive?” asks old, is utterly frustrated, shocked work, an increasing necessity in a disillusioned Asha, one of the and disgruntled with whatever this era of globalisation, expanding deposers in the gathering. is happening and said in a recent horizons for women, opening up discussion that our country’s opportunities but also creating a class Anita who is now part of motto should truly be changed to of working slaves in mills, offices the Shahri Mahila Kaamgaar Union Asatyameva Jayate. and homes. The emerging reality is narrated how she was brought to contradictory like capitalism itself the city by a placement agent. “I Europeans believe that Indian where a certain class of women come from a poor family. In 2011, leaders in politics and business have gained prominence, access to a placement agent convinced my are so blissfully blinded by the diversified jobs and equality in jobs parents to send me to Delhi for a new, sometimes ill-gotten, wealth and pay but on the other hand, the better life. I was only 14 years and and deceit that they are living in women in domestic work and in the had to leave school. I did not want defiance, insolence and denial to unorganised and unprotected sector to do this work but had no option. comprehend that the day will come, have to strive for basic facilities Many times I wanted to leave but sooner than later, when the have-nots like minimum wages, fixed hours the agent forced me to continue would hit the streets. of work, holidays, bonus and most working. Finally, I was rescued by In a way, it seems to have already importantly value of their work, the Union” started with the monstrous and respect and recognition, something From the panelists, Subhash grotesque acts of the Maoists. And, which workers of the world struggled th Lomte throwing light on how young when that rot occurs, not one political to achieve in the 20 century. These girls are brought from villages to turncoat will escape being lynched. issues were raised by 30 women who deposed before a panel city with the promise of a better life The drumbeats for these rebellions comprising of Kalyani Menon Sen, and education said that “we must are going to get louder and louder as Kalpana Mehta, Subhash Lomte, continue to fight for equal wages our leaders refuse to listen to the Bilas Bhongade, Tarun Kanti Bose, and pension”. The minimum wage voices of the people. Eventually, Aneema and Neelima in a public should be adjusted to inflation and it will lead to a revolution that will hearing on the theme ‘Women in the the pension amount should be at spill to streets across the whole of Unorganised (Unprotected) Sector in least Rs. 2000. The age for women India, I fear. the Era of Globalization’ organised pensioners should be 50 years and by Shahri Mahila Kaamgar Union, for men it should be 55 years. The Perhaps we are the architects of an affiliate of National Alliance pension amount for woman should our own misfortune. It is our sab get directly transferred to her bank chalta hai (everything goes) attitude of People’s Movements at Indian account so that it is not misused by that has allowed people to mislead Social Institute on February 11. The us with impunity. hearing was attended by nearly 250 her husband. He urged the domestic domestic workers from Gautampuri, workers from Delhi to gather at No wonder Aesop said. ‘We hang Rohini, Faridabad,and other colonies Jantar Mantar on 6th March and raise the petty thieves and appoint the of Delhi and some others from the issue of a ‘minimum wage’ with great ones to high office.’ Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh. the government. JANATA, February 24, 2013 9

“We all have to sell our labour but we cannot sell our labour without Reforming the State your labour” said Kalpana Mehta, a panelist from Indore as she addressed Harsh Mander the gathering. “Always remember that the work you do is extremely important without which our homes India’s higher civil services are undertake governance reforms. will not function” she added while today in conditions of grave decline, He proposes a “good governance stressing the need to give value and both in public estimation and in its index” based on ‘infant mortality respect to domestic work. outcomes of tangible public service. rate, extent of immunization, In an engaging recent study for the literacy rate for women, sex ratio, The gathering passed the National Social Watch, scholar- feeding programmes for children, following resolutions at the end of administrator N. C. Saxena suggests availability of safe drinking the hearing: an imaginative but eclectic range water supply, electrification of A uniform law needs to be made of solutions for administrative rural households, rural and urban for the welfare of domestic workers. reforms, including a greater focus on unemployment, percentage of girls Untill then Minimum Wages Act and policy outcomes; linking transfers married below 18 years, percentage other Labour laws must be applied to of funds with performance by of villages not connected by all this category of workers too. state governments; and enhancing weather roads, number of class I accountability outward to society government officials prosecuted and A body comprising of and citizens, rather than inward convicted for corruption, and so on”. representatives from the government and upward within the government. Fiscal transfers to States should be and domestic workers needs to be In this and a later column, I will based on their performance on this set up to monitor their real situation. look at some of his more important governance index. The minimum wages, working suggestions in his monograph, hours and time of remuneration especially ways to make it more The difficulties for me with this should be fixed for Domestic responsive and accountable to suggestion are two-fold: one is that Workers. disadvantaged populations. it presumes that governance is better in the Centre compared to states, Complete profiling of all urban Saxena often stresses that it is not workers, their employers and all for which there is little consistent the size of public expenditure on pro- organizations linked to them should evidence. Some states like Tamil poor services, but the effectiveness be done. A government agency Nadu and Kerala have consistently with which it is ‘translated into should be set up for this purpose. outpaced central governments in public goods and services that reach pro-poor governance. And I find Other than weekly, monthly, the poor’ that creates impacts on it doubly unjust to punish people yearly and sick leave, provisions poverty and social outcomes. He living in poorly governed states should be made for emergency leave does a simple back-of-the-envelope with lower allocations, because of also for domestic workers. Pregnant calculation: “Government of India the sub-optimal performance of workers should be given special transfers close to Rs.6.5 lakh crore their governments for which they leave of three months. All these rupees every year to the States. If cannot be blamed. However, his leaves should be paid. even half of it was to be sent to the related suggestions, of expanding Strict punishment should be given seven crore poor families directly allocations for the social sector, and to all those employers, placement by money order, they would receive improving budgetary processes to agents and police personnel who more than Rs.130 a day!” ensure timely and transparent budget subject domestic workers to physical, and fund flows are unexceptionable. sexual and other kinds of abuse. Saxena suggests first that the central government uses fiscal He further suggests the Other than financial aid, the transfers, which he estimates simplifications of laws and policies government should provide other (excluding major subsidies) to which affect the poor. “It is a sad kinds of human support to those be currently around Rs.6 lakh commentary on our laws,” he points (Continued on Page 10) crore, to pressurize states to out, “that the informal sector, which 10 JANATA, February 24, 2013 provides maximum employment, is for the morale and protection of this should be accompanied by mostly declared as illegal and subject upright officers, is ensuring stability strong systems of transparency and to the whims of law enforcing of tenure and a committee system to social audit. Technology can be agencies. Almost all occupations in decide transfers. The perks attached deployed to improve transparency the urban informal sector, such as to all postings should be the same, and predictability, such as by hawking and small manufacturing and preferably monetized, so people computerizing land reforms. in residential areas are illegal!” He do not cling to some positions even further observes that “de-regulation at the expense of their conscience. Saxena also proposes institutional has made almost no impact at the Officers are also tempted by measures to encourage greater State level”, on buying and selling post-retirement sinecures, which professionalism and career-long land, getting a ration card, renting he suggests should be severely learning of civil servants. In the one’s house, all need a thorough curtailed. Many departments absence of this, there is “exponential revision. “One can set up an industry are fragmented and should be growth in both, his (or her) ignorance worth billions of rupees in India rationalized. The number of officers and arrogance”. He adds with wry without any license today, but a at higher levels should be reduced humour: “It is said that in the house farmer can neither set up a brick by encouraging lateral deputations of an IAS officer one would find only kiln unit, nor a rice shelling plant, to NGOs, educational and research three books — the railway timetable and not even cut a tree standing institutions. because he is always being shunted on his own private field without from one post to the other, a film bribing several officials. A simple There is also need to reduce magazine because that is his level of operation of converting prosopis official discretion, in matters interest, and of course, the civil list (a shrub occurring everywhere in such as awarding contracts. that describes the service hierarchy!” states like Gujarat and Tamil Nadu, Where discretion is necessary, the more you cut it the more it –The Hindu grows) into charcoal, which can give (Continued from Page 5) employment to thousands of people is the best way to resolve problems recently, the civil society unrest requires four different permissions!” in a democracy. In fact, it is the only is making the leadership helpless. way to reach decisions which are Therefore, sooner the leadership is Saxena lists a large menu for civil attuned to the dialogue process, it is service reforms. There are many acceptable to everybody. It further better for them and for democracy. redundant positions, especially asserted that dialogue is primary at senior levels, which should be meant for building consensus, (Continued from Page 9) eliminated, and “only such posts avoiding conflicts through collective where people can contribute” efforts. What separates democracy domestic workers who are crisis- retained. In addition, key public from other political philosophies is struck. services — education, healthcare, the principle and practice of solving All kind of middlemen and police and judiciary — are starved differences first and foremost contractors should be removed of people, whereas many wings through dialogue. between domestic workers and their are overstaffed: about 70 per cent employers. of all government employees are It is therefore important for support staff unrelated to public believers and practitioners of To ensure security of livelihood, service — drivers, peons and clerks. democratic politics to adopt the domestic workers and their families He suggests that efforts should be political culture of dialogue. This should be given insurance by the made to identify surplus staff, set practice could be followed within and government across the organizations, between up an effective re-deployment and Along with an annual bonus and the leaders and the masses. With the skill up-gradation plan, and devise future investment options, annual rising consciousness and activism a liberal system for exit. wage increase adjusted with inflation among the civil societies, it will should be given to these workers. He suggests many other personnel be unwise for the leadership in any reforms. One which would be democracy to ignore the masses, the -Anita Kapoor, Poonam, politically resisted, but is critical common people. As has been evident Madeena Begum JANATA, February 24, 2013 11 Kejriwal, Ambani and media

I am enclosing below an important letter by Arvind to Mukesh Ambani in the context of their threat to the media for airing our PCs against Ambani. You will find it interesting. It needs to be circulated widely through email and the net, since barring the Hindu, most of the mainstream media appears to be afraid to carry it.

–Prashant Bhushan

Dear Mr Mukesh Ambani, of India, includes your name the Parliament about your accounts. and the names of your relatives, You have recently sent a your friends and your companies? It appears that almost all parties defamation notice to a number of are afraid of you. Most leaders TV channels. Their “crime” is that • Is it not true that a balance of Rs. are scared of you, too. However, they aired the press conference 100 crores is shown against your the citizens of this country are not held on the 31st October 2012 and name in this list? scared of you. All parties could be 9th November 2012, by Prashant your dukaan but India is not up Bhushan and me, live. In our press • Is it not true that you have paid for sale. India is ours, it belongs conference, we presented before the tax on this amount after to the people of this country. You the country how you had illegally this list was received by the can purchase political parties and pressurized the government into Government? political leaders with your money increasing gas prices. We also told but we will not let India be sold. the country that your associates If the above is true, as we suspect and your companies have accounts it is, it proves that you have admitted You say that the TV channels your guilt. As per the law of the in Swiss banks where black money have tainted your reputation by land, you should be tried and, if the had been stashed away. Many TV airing our press conference live. charge of tax evasion is proved, you That’s wrong. I would urge you to channels aired our expose live. should be sent to jail. answer this question honestly - Did All these TV channels have now Prashant Bhushan, myself and the received defamation notices from However, this would never TV Channels defame you or did you you. happen. Why? Because the defame yourself through your own Government of India is intimidated misdeeds? I find it quite perplexing. If you by you. You have been reported felt that you have been defamed by as saying that the Congress Party 1. In 2002, you gave 1 Crore what Prashant Bhushan and I said, has been bought by you – it is your shares with a market price of then we are the real culprits and, if dukaan, to be precise. You are right. Rs. 55 per share to Mr. Pramod you had to send a defamation notice, according to some media reports, Mahajan at just Rs. 1 per share. it should have been to us. The TV Mrs. Sonia Gandhi sometimes This was a straight bribe to get channels merely broadcast what we travels by your personal aircraft. “Full Mobility”. When you were said. Despite this, instead of sending People believe that Mr. Jaipal caught, you took back the shares. us the defamation notice, you have Reddy’s ministry was also changed Presently, the matter is In court. sent it to the TV channels. It is because of your influence. Didn’t you defame yourself by evident that your sole purpose of doing this? sending this notice was to steamroll Why only the Congress? Even the TV channels into subservience. BJP and many other parties are in 2. Yo u h a v e m a d e y o u r your pocket. Earlier, Mr. Advani multistoreyed residence on Wakf The people of India want to ask used to make a lot of noise about land. This land had been set aside you some straight questions: Swiss Bank accounts, but since for an orphanage. You have stolen Is it not true that the list of those your accounts have been exposed, the right of poor and orphaned who have accounts in Swiss Banks, BJP has suddenly gone quiet. BJP Muslim children. Didn’t you as received by the Government has not mentioned a single word in defame yourself by doing this? 12 JANATA, February 24, 2013

3. A few gas wells belonging to the Country were allotted to you Strange spectacle in 2000. You were supposed to extract gas and give it to the Pannalal Surana government. The gas belongs to us, the people of India. We are the Rich people clamouring for State aid and concessions. owners of this gas. You were only a contractor appointed to extract Scams after scams are coming to administration and in the market the gas. However, cleverly you light. Some MNCs and Indigenous at large must be enforced. Tax became the owner of the gas. capitalists are being taken to task collection should be scrupulously You started “selling” the gas to for evading taxes and failing to done. Evaders must be severely the government. repay loans of crores of rupees punished. As also all those involved taken from the nationalized in various scams. The wealth is Because the Congress is in your banks. Prudence demands that created not by the moneyed people pocket, it always bowed before stringent action be taken against but by the toilers in the fields and your bullying. The Congress kept the defaulters. Frightened capitalist factories and the vast unorganized increasing the price of gas under lobby is raising the bogey that all sector. For their benefit, PDS must your pressure and the nation kept this will spoil the investment climate be run vigorously. The scheme of wailing. Because of you, the prices and flow of foreign capital will cash transfers should be restricted to of electricity, fertilizer and cooking further shrink. They are appealing petrol and cooking gas. It should not gas kept rising. When it crossed all to the rulers to be more liberal and be applied to the PDS. That scheme limits, Mr. Jaipal Reddy opposed accommodative, which means the is to be carried on for enabling you. He was the Minister for Oil defaulting moneybags be left alone. the farmers to get reasonable, if and Gas at that time. You got Mr. No punishment to be meted out to not remunerative, prices for their Jaipal Reddy transferred. Because them. produce . It embodies their sweat, of you many things have become tears and also blood. We demand of increasingly expensive in India and Feeling anxious that a few Jairam Ramesh, Union Minister for the people are groaning under the taxes on the rich sections will be Rural Development, not to effect load of these high prices. Do these enhanced in the ensuing budget, cut in the budgetary provision on shenanigans suit you? Do such acts various chambers of commerce and that head because, as it is already not defame you? industries are advancing spacious much less than what is required to pleas for not doing so. The list of such illegal acts done be done for accelerating agricultural by you is quite long. And some proponents of free production and providing social services to the rural poor. The majority of the traders, trade are asking for laws that would facilitate allocation of lands, public businessmen and industrialists The policy-makers should pay want to do their work honestly. as well as those belonging to the farmers, to the industrial enterprises. more attention to the problem of But the system forces them greatly increasing deficit in the into wrongdoings. But when a Labour laws must be amended balance of payments. It is reported businessman like you brazenly substantially so that the employers that the exports have increased a subverts the system for his personal can hire and fire the labourers at their little over the last year; but imports benefit, the entire industry and sweet will. When all this would be have increased manifold, thanks to business world gets a bad name. done by the State, then the capitalists will perform miracles of accelerating oil and gold. Stringent steps must be taken to curtail consumption You are on one side with immense growth in GDP. of fossilized fuel and much more wealth. On the other side are the We the socialists who subscribe to attention be paid ti harnessing solar people of this country. The people Dr. Lohia’s slogan of “Equality with and wind energies. have now awakened. Fire is raging abundance”, should exert pressure in their heart. History is witness that on the policy makers not to be The obsession with the whenever there has been a clash carried away by the prodding of the development model of the West is (Continued on Page 16) rich. Strict financial discipline within (Continued on Page 16) JANATA, February 24, 2013 13 Political Economy of Gender and Climate Change

Vibhuti Patel

Gender Concerns in Climate Change need serious attention of all interested in sustainable development. Women in many developing countries are responsible for climatically sensitive tasks such as securing food, water and energy which ensure the life and well-being of the households. The effects of climate change have been droughts, floods, coastal erosion, sea level rise and rising temperatures. Devastating impact of climate change puts greater pressure on women to shoulder the adverse consequences on the households.

Economics of Gender and name of progress.” Our aim is to hierarchal structure. Development sees a connection go beyond this narrow perspective between the exploitation and and to express our diversity and, in The report, Facing a Changing degradation of the natural world and different ways, address the inherent world: Women, Population and the subordination and oppression of inequalities in world structures Climate, released on 9-11-2009 women. Ecofeminism emerged in which permit the North to dominate by the UN highlights "With the the mid-1970s alongside second- the South, men to dominate women, possibility of a climate catastrophe wave feminism and the green and the frenetic plunder of ever on the horizon, we cannot afford movement. Ecofeminism brings more resources for ever more to relegate the world's 3.4 billion together elements of the feminist unequally distributed economic gain women and girls to the role of and green movements, while at to dominate nature…Everywhere, victim," United Nations Population the same time offering a challenge women were the first to protest Fund chief Thoraya Ahmed Obaid to both. It takes from the green against environmental destruction. said. "Wouldn't it make more sense to movement concern about the impact It became clear to us, activists in the have 3.4 billion agents for change?" of human activities on the non- ecology movements, that science and human world, and from feminism technology were not gender neutral. Gender as a Factor of Vulnerability the view of humanity as gendered As with many other women, we The UNFPA study reveals that the in ways that subordinate, exploit and began to see that the relationship of poorest populations while having oppress women. It is both an activist exploitative dominance between man contributed the least to climate and academic movement which and nature (shaped by reductionist change are the most vulnerable to see critical connections between modern science since the 16th the crisis. Women are the poorest of the domination of nature and the century) and the exploitative and the poor. It is estimated that women exploitation of women. Ecofeminist oppressive relationship between produce over 50 percent of all food activism grew during the 1980s and men and women which prevails grown worldwide. Climate disaster 1990s among women from the anti- in most patriarchal societies, even is perhaps the most inequitable nuclear, environmental and women’s modern industrial ones, were closely threat of our time. Worst sufferers rights movements. connected.” are women because they constitute major share of agricultural work "Ecofeminists say 'no more Male Domination in the Discourse force and also because they tend to waiting'... We are in a state of The impacts of climate change on have access to fewer income-earning emergency and must do something women are not a mainstream focus opportunities. about it now... around the world, in the key international agreements economies, cultures and natural on climate change such as the Kyoto The impact of climate change on resources are plundered, so that 20 Protocol and the UNFCCC (United women is of particular significance percent of the world's population Nations Framework Convention for in Pacific Island Nations Climatic (privileged North Americans and Climate Change). All key decision- conditions and extreme events - Europeans) can continue to consume making institutions related to climate droughts, floods, sea level rise and 80 percent of its resources in the change have a male-dominated coastal erosion, rising temperatures 14 JANATA, February 24, 2013

- will hurt food security and the poorest women and girls are at risk Climate change exacerbates issues well-being of Pacific Islanders, with of losing opportunities to participate of scarcity and lack of accessibility women bearing the brunt of the equally in development. At the to primary natural resources, forest impact due to the responsibility held same time, many poor women are resources, and arable land, thereby by women with Pacific communities involved in "climate sensitive" contributing to increased workload in relation to food security and the activities such as paddy cultivation and stresses on women and girls well-being of a household. or fishing. Climate change has as well as increased conflict and affected their livelihoods. instability which often leads to Plight of Asian women has been increased violence against women aggravated by climate change. Differential Impact and girls. Noting that about 2.2 billion It is predicted that climate Asians rely on agriculture for change will lead to increasing Women possess a unique capacity their livelihoods, the sector is now frequency and intensity of extreme and knowledge to promote and threatened by falling crop yields weather conditions, precipitating provide for adaptation to and caused by floods, droughts, erratic the occurrence of natural disasters mitigation of climate change, but rainfall and other climate change around the globe. A London School of often have insufficient resources to impacts. The UNFPA Report avers, Economics study in 2007 examined undertake such initiatives. "Current climate models indicate natural disasters that had occurred in food prices may increase sharply, 141 countries from 1981-2002. The Women are constrained by a lack rice prices by 29-37 per cent, maize study found that natural disasters of economic freedom, property and prices by 58-97 per cent and wheat lower the life expectancy of women, inheritance rights, as well as access prices by 81-102 per cent by 2050". and as the disaster intensifies so too to financial resources, education, and In this context, women are forced does this effect. new tools, equipment, and technology. to shoulder the heaviest burden of Women are underrepresented in food inflation as provider of food in Women and children are 14 times the development and formulation the family. more likely to die than men during of policy and decision-making in natural disasters and are otherwise regards to adaptations and mitigation Indian Experience disproportionately adversely of climate change. In India, more than 84 percent of affected and 85 percent of people women are involved in agricultural who die from disasters are women. Political Inequality activities, and as a result they ( Compounding this reality is become the greatest victims of learn/campaigns/climatechange). It the widespread gender inequity climate change’s impact. In addition, was reported that 70-80 percent of existing throughout the policy-and gender inequality makes them casualties in the 2004 Asian tsunami decision-making spheres, leaving disproportionately vulnerable to were women and 90 percent of the women to struggle against restricted environmental alterations. casualties in the 1991 cyclone in access to information and education, Bangladesh were women. It was restricted mobility, and in many Indian women are extremely found that 83 percent of low-income, cases laws restricting or prohibiting vulnerable to climate change. As single mothers were displaced in the land ownership. women are often responsible for wake of Hurricane Katrina. providing daily essentials such Women are producing 60 percent as food and water, when climate- Increased Workload of food in Asia and 80 percent in related disasters strike the poorest Because of women’s role in the Africa, yet women have access families, the workload of women household, women have to cope with to 1 percent of agricultural credit and girls increases and they tend to swift environmental changes for worldwide. (Source: WEDO) miss out on opportunities. Studies centuries. However, climate change have shown that Indian women born is lessening women’s capacity to Martina Longom, Village during a drought or a flood in the cope with these changes. And when Woman, Karamuja, Uganda states, 1970s were 19 percent less likely women are not able to adapt to their “we travel further and further for to ever attend primary school. As environment entire communities firewood every year, and it takes us climate change intensifies India's suffer. (Source: WEDO) to less safe places...”. Deforestation JANATA, February 24, 2013 15 in Uganda amplifies already dire on denuding them. With able- of Keur Moussa, Senegal under the conditions. The local women’s bodied men searching for livelihood framework of the Agrobio Niayes group in Caicaoan addresses this opportunities in the cities, more Program by ENDA Pronat. problem by planting evergreen and women than ever are left to do low mango trees to replace ones cut paying agricultural jobs, including Women are also involved in building vegetation fascines, down for fuel and charcoal reducing activity earlier prohibited to them, infiltration ditches, and open erosion and helping people earn a like ploughing. trenches to slow water speed. This living. Martina Lungom is a strong Gouri Bai belongs to a small has not only helped to save the advocate of the role education can hamlet in Bundelkhand. Being a agriculture but also reduced the play in the fight against climate part of the farming community, time women spend getting water change. States Blogger Pricilla her life and livelihood depend on and women have been able to trade Stuckey, in This Lively Earth, agriculture. But changing weather herbal plants. Adaptation programs “Discrimination against women and decreasing water for irrigation like these that specifically target and also plays an enormous role in are threatening her survival. The involve women allow women to how women experience the effects vagaries of nature have left her develop capacity as well as increase of climate change. In India, for steeped in debt and poverty. the capacity of the communities example, where women have seen these women support. their crop yields cut in half and the Shyamali Das from the Sunderbans quality of grain diminishes because in West Bengal has been witness to Gender economists firmly believe of climate changes, women’s health many cyclones that have struck that aggregating local knowledge is impaired from the double whammy the area in recent times. Cyclonic and recent breakthroughs in of inferior crops and inequality. storms flooded vast tracts of farm agricultural and environmental land, which remained inundated for R&D, and using the insights so Climate Change has made the a long time. As member of a fishing gained for better management of search for livelihoods tougher, community, she has suffered losses natural resources. The sharing of created greater food insecurity, of 20 fish species. “Accept us and information as efficiently as possible caused sharp declines in the quality our knowledge as a base to adapt and emerged as an urgent and pressing of life, and triggered mass migrations mitigate climatic changes.” requirement, whether it was in The HDR also highlighted micro- the form of advance bulletins on level studies which had revealed Global Success Stories weather patterns or timely data on that Indian women born during Wangarai Maathai, Winner of the market trends. Farmer Sita Debi floods in the 1970s were 19 per cent 2004 Nobel Peace Prize successfully says in blog Find Your Feet, “When less likely to have attended primary implemented The Greenbelt there is no rain, we women have to school. So clearly the vagaries of Movement in Kenya, one of the work really hard in the fields to try climate change have the potential leading worldwide climate change and grow crops. Our nutrition also to make life a high-risk venture for projects. suffers because we are the last to those whose capacity to manage eat at the family table. A lot of us these risks, in terms of both personal Sahena Begum spearheads are anemic as a result. Women have choice and personal income is community efforts in her village in to walk long distances for potable minimal. Bangladesh and focuses on preparing water, Fodder becomes scarce and women for disasters, giving them Fuel wood cannot be availed.” Lessons of Chipko and Appiko tools and basic skills to survive and The women of Reni village in prepare for the floods and cyclones As primary caregivers, women Chamoli district who took on the that frequent her village and that are may see their responsibilities forest mafia through their Chipko getting increasingly worse and more increase as family members suffer movement in the mid-70s, or the unpredictable. increased illness due to exposure Bhil tribal women of Madhya to vector borne diseases such as Pradesh's Sondwa Block, who are Women are pivotal to the efforts malaria, water borne diseases such today patrolling their forests to to control erosion due to land as cholera and increase in heart stress defeat the designs of those intent degradation in the rural community mortality. Increased malnutrition R.N.I. NO. 1855/1957 16 JANATA, February 24, 2013 P.R. No. MH/MR/WEST/275/2012-2014. Posted on every Wednesday at Mumbai Patrika Channel, Mumbai GPO-1 and Stressful life enhance morbidity vulnerable to the dangerous not increase by accumulating more levels among women. impacts of climate change. This and more wealth. Happiness comes web-based technology solution with sacrifice. If you stopped doing Response to the Corporate World provides contextual knowledge business dishonestly and contributed Food is a human right and on local and indigenous coping your wealth for the development not a corporate commodity for strategies to grassroots communities of the nation, this country will speculation. Mother nature does through multiple delivery channels, remember you with pride forever. not operate on a boardroom profit. including the mobile, internet and Corporate profit will merely lead to radio. Communities in turn access With regards, more food crisis. on-demand knowledge through –Arvind Kejriwal mobiles, based on geographical An inspiring experience of Indian specifics and in local language, on (Continued from Page 12) women to mitigate the effects of crucial adaptation and risk reduction causing great harm to our country. Climate Change merits attention. In measures. Zaheerabad, dalit women forming All out efforts must be initiated to the lowest rung of India’s stratified (Continued from Page 12) forge alternative model of according society, now demonstrate adaptation between money and such rage, the high priority to primary sector of to climate change by following a rage has won. farming, dairy, forestry, fishery and system of interspersing crops that do evolving decentralized industries not need extra water, chemical inputs Kindly do not try to intimidate harnessing optimum technology. or pesticides for production. They the media of this country. There may Much more support be extended grow 19 types of indigenous crops to be some mediamen who may have to the cooperative method of an acre, on arid, degraded lands that done wrong things themselves. Such management. Let us take a realistic they have regenerated. A collective media-persons may succumb to your view of the situation and try to make of 5,000 women spread across 75 pressure. However, the majority of life less miserable for the teeming villages in this arid, interior part media persons keep the interest of millions. of southern India is now offering the Country at heart even today. a chemical-free, non-irrigated, They are not going to capitulate organic agriculture as one method of so easily. History is witness that combating global warming. whenever the judiciary, bureaucracy and legislature crumbled, it is the Vast Renewable Energy Potential honest fourth pillar, comprising such could help in responding to this media-persons that kept democracy scenario, provided "policy and alive. finance measures quickly scale- up proven technologies for the You have invested in some media poor, including small hydro and houses directly or indirectly. It is solar power". Promotion of Rain possible that these media houses water harvesting, decentralised do your bidding. However, the water bodies, recycling and journalists working for such media reusing resources must become houses will not barter their integrity our way of life. Efforts such as so easily. Green Belt movement in Africa and Bhoogyan in South Asia need What is your dream? Do you Price: Rs. 20/- to be universalized. Bhoogyan as want to become the world’s richest an Integrated Knowledge System person through dishonesty? Suppose Janata Trust on Climate Change Adaptation D-15, Ganesh Prasad, Naushir you became the owner of all the Bharucha Marg, by is designed to wealth in this country. Would that Grant Road (W), Mumbai 400 007. cater to the needs of communities make you happy? Happiness does Printed and Published by G.G. Parikh on behalf of Janata Trust. Printed at Mouj Printing Bureau, Khatau Wadi, Girgaum, Mumbai-400 004 and published at D-15, Ganesh Prasad, Naushir Bharucha Marg (Sleater Road), Mumbai - 400 007. Established 1946 Price : Rupees Five

Vol. 68 No. 6 Practical and pragmatic March 3, 2013 S. Viswam

What’s Your Net-Worth? Good politics need not always be he has chosen to be innovative. Jawaharlal Jasthi good economics also. Bad politics There is a strong school of thought A federal police? on the other hand often turns out which believes and has believed Fresh polls only answer to be good economics. It is not right from the early days of freedom Kuldip Nayar often that politics and economics that railways and civil aviation, and are made to function on the same a handful of other nation-building Politics in Death Penalty wavelength. In this sense, Railway activities (shipping, road transport, Rajindar Sachar Minister Pawan Kumar Bansal may etc) need not be administered by a well have achieved the unlikely and minister. In other words, they are Problems of the unexpected. He has spared rail only departments not involving South Indian Diaspora passengers further imposts but at policy decisions other than in the K. S. Chalam the same time the railways are to acquisition of software and hardware. levy imposts in the form of what the There are many nations that do Partition of India – Opposition has described as “hidden not have ministers for all areas of Gandhi – Nehru - Jinnah Sanmatha Nath Ghosh taxes”. For the first time a railway activities. And they have done far minister has chosen to be more better in the development of such Political Economy of practical and pragmatic at the cost activities under an efficient manager. Gender and Climate Change -II of populism. Vibhuti Patel Free India has only had to build Shri Bansal is the first Congress on the basic infrastructure raised The Maturing of Bodo Dream minister to present a rail budget in 17 by the British. Bansal claimed Sandeep Pandey years. It was only to be expected that a historic role for the railways he would choose to be populist and as a unifier of the country. True, avoid all kinds of levies especially the railways cut across regions, Editor : as elections will fall due next year. castes, languages and cover a lot of G. G. Parikh In the event, he has struck to the geography. Despite six decades of middle path. On the face of it, he endeavour the railways do not have Managing Editor : Guddi is not being populist. But let us not much to boast about. True, railway D-15, Ganesh Prasad, forget that it was only last month, on statistics are mind-boggling. Indian Naushir Bharucha Marg, January 21 to be exact, that he raised railways are the world’s third largest Mumbai - 400 007. fares aiming to mop up Rs.6, 600 network, but the size alone is its best crores. If he had raised fares again and biggest qualification. In all other soon thereafter, he would have been respects, there are shortcomings Email : [email protected] guilty of vindictiveness. Instead, galore. Safety, comfort, amenities, 2 JANATA, March 3, 2013 cleanliness and hygiene, are some of the shortcomings. But, in this What’s Your Net-Worth? day and age, when the nation has swung forward in communication, Jawaharlal Jasthi space and other technologies, it has yet to catch up with other parts of When the budget is in the offing of taxation. Recently, the President the word in regard to the speed in it is but natural that many interested of Asian Development Bank has rail travel. We still chug along at gone on record stating that the a maximum of 150 kms per hour groups try to catch the attention in fast track (super fast) trains and of the revered Finance Minister inequalities in India are not so much a minimum of 40-50 kms an hour and submit their proposals for as to warrant higher rates of taxes on in mail, express and passenger consideration. But when these higher incomes. How does it sound? trains. France’s fastest train runs representations acquire the tone When such people are at the helm of at the incredible speed of 320 kms/ of warnings it sounds: there is development banks, the developing hour, with Belgium, Germany, something wrong – either with the countries have to be more cautious. China and Japan close behind at government or with the lobbying It is a suggestion that inequalities a maximum of 300 kms/hour. Do group. Of course, nobody wants to shall be allowed to grow further we need bullet trains? There could be taxed, if only it could be avoided. before resorting to higher taxation. be differences on this question in But if we want a government, we But, it is a matter of common sense India. Maybe, there will be a strong have to bear the burden of taxes. that the same argument will be put forth whenever such a proposal is opinion against super-high speeds In one of his meetings the Finance made. There is no standard criterion for rail travel in a country where Minister has just indicated that he to determine the taxable level. Tax millions get born and die without is thinking in terms of increasing is always a matter of discretion and ever having boarded a rail coach, tax rate on higher income groups. not of equity. or for that matter, an aircraft, a The hell broke loose. The media, cruiser or even an airconditioned particularly the press, is full of It is necessary that inequalities luxury bus. On the other hand, advises, amounting to warnings, must be as less as possible, because bullet trains have come to be seen against such a move. They go to inequality cannot be avoided as a symbol of development. This the extent of suggesting that the completely. It is a necessary evil, as raises the question whether India so-called entrepreneurs, on whom much of an evil as government itself can afford the luxury of such high the entire progress of the country development when really speaking is. Arguments are made as if the whole depends, may leave the country our priorities should still be linked process of development is entirely in search of safer havens – just as to roti, kapda aur makan… dependent on the investments made Kamal Haasan has indicated. by the so-called High Net-worth Bansal’s exercise has been Taxation is an instrument in Individuals (HNIs). That is why described by the opposition as the hands of a government not they must be respected and honored pedestrian, anti-development, anti- only to earn income, but also as a and to tax them is uneconomic. poor, and lacking in vision. The means of social engineering – if Taxing, first of all, is denigrated as present opposition has made it a only they have a vision of their a populist measure, which implies policy to criticize the government own. Nobody questions the fact that there is no economic sense in regardless of whether the criticism that there are inequalities in the it and it is meant to satisfy the other itself has any merit or not. We do not society, particularly the inequalities less worthy income groups. And share the opposition’s view. There in economic conditions. One way so the economists and those who are, certainly, some redeeming of reducing these inequalities is want progress should not support features in Bansal’s budget. First, taxing higher income earners at a it. Populist policies depend on unlike all his predecessors, Bansal higher rate than the lower income various political and social factors. has not gone out of his way to benefit groups. It is a universally accepted But speaking economically, it is his constituency at the expense of principle. But the question is how necessary to verify the merits and much of inequality is to be allowed demerits of it from an economic (Continued on Page 3) to resort to this discriminatory policy point of view. JANATA, March 3, 2013 3

It is argued and accepted that in from these families is very less. be said that by unloading much of India, according to the Standing Most of the investment comes social responsibility on voluntary Committee’s Report on the Direct from the public or public sector in social organisations, the government Tax Code a little over four lakh some form or other. The system is diverting funds to uneconomic individuals, earning more than Rs. helps them to keep the management routes. It is public knowledge that 20 lakhs of rupees, constitute only control under their thumbs. Look at there is no fiscal discipline with the 1 percent of tax payers but they the companies like the Kingfisher government. But we cannot thrive contribute 63 percent of the total Airlines or Deccan Chronicle group without a government. We can only personal tax collected. So, it is or any other company of that stature. try to improve the system. But it is suggested, it is necessary to save They manage to corner thousands of an entirely different issue. them from the burden of further crores of investment from the banks taxes. But it also is proof enough to which ordinary entrepreneurs There is also a warning that that 1 percent of individuals have so have no access. They grew to the the entrepreneurs may migrate much of wealth and earning capacity level of “Too big to fail” which to countries like Singapore or in their hands. It is also to be noted means that their failure will be the that this 1 percent is the percentage failure of economy itself. That is Switzerland if taxes are increased. of tax paying people. If we take the why the lenders are afraid of taking They do not dare to do it now total population into consideration it any action and the government is itself, not because of tax levels, becomes a miniscule percentage - in afraid to precipitate any action that but because they know pretty well the society as a whole the inequality is prescribed under the prevailing they cannot do there what they are is too high. Is it wrong to expect a situations. doing here. Unlike India, these are bit more of tax from HINs? the countries that mean business It is an open secret that the and implement the law in letter and But it is suggested that, in industries are not established to spirit. The hobby of playing with addition to paying taxes, they are generate employment. Economic the law is not available there. Those contributing more to the economy. viability and profitability are the threats are quite hollow. It is pointed out that HNIs in India criteria to establish any industry. are pivotal to the economic growth By projecting employment potential In spite of it if the Finance of the country. According to a they get all incentives from the Minister submits a budget that is publication of the Confederation government and banks and claim devoid of increase in taxes on higher of Indian Industry (CII) 95 percent they have done a great service to incomes and HNIs, it will be proof of business enterprises in India are the nation. Profits are privatized and enough that the crony capitalism has owned by families. This 95 percent losses are socialized. It is suggested taken hold of the government. includes more than half of what that any increase in taxes will kill constitutes BSE30 companies. We the enthusiasm to earn more and know that the BSE30 includes the there will be no investment and so (Continued from Page 2) big and very big companies under no growth. But it is futile to suggest all other constituencies. Secondly, the control of industrial houses like that anybody will refuse to earn just he has tried to be innovative. He is – Ambanis, Tatas, Birlas, Mallyas, to avoid tax liability. Tax is always introducing a variable component GMRs, etc. It is suggested that these a minor part of the total income. If in freight tariff to neutralize the are so benevolent in establishing the the tax rate is increased, say by 5%, impact of fuel costs increases. He industries and help in generating is it such a burden that there will be has targeted only the more affluent employment which will be affected no surplus left for investment? if tax on them is increased. To among passengers, the section that know the truth, it is better if we It is also suggested that the prefers the higher classes. For them peep into the balance sheets of financial needs of government both reservation and cancellation these companies. They may be can be met by avoiding wasteful will be more expensive. And like all holding majority of shares in their expenditure and corruption. It is true his predecessors he has introduced companies, but out of the total and appreciated. But it could be an more trains and rail links, taking money (investment) involved in each argument to refuse donations and to the railways for the first time to of the companies, the investment run charitable organisations. It can Arunachal Pradesh. 4 JANATA, March 3, 2013

Between the lines Kuldip Nayar A federal police?

Come to think of it, it was a small Hyderabad and threats of terrorism its bias. The party was the first to pick matter about the distribution of elsewhere. The state blames the up anybody it liked and reward them medals in 1980 to the police officers centre which, in turn, claims that by appointing to the gubernatorial who had excelled themselves in their it had warned Andhra Pradesh two post. For example, it introduced tasks. Yet the function blew out of days before the bomb blasts. the dictum of consulting the states proportion when Prime Minister but not seeking their concurrence Indira Gandhi, who had just returned Apparently, the lack of for appointing governors. This to power, stopped the ceremony coordination has led the bureaucracy violated the spirit of the constitution. and walked out. She was annoyed to renew the proposal of National New Delhi has repeatedly argued because the officers had been Counter Terrorism Centre for that the constitution wanted it to recognized for their “courageous an overall control. Even in the consult the states concerned but not work” to punish those who had diluted form it is a welcome step. seek the concurrence. Gradually, committed atrocities during the The performance of the National even the sham of consultation Emergency. Investigation Agency (NIA), set up has been dropped and the centre despite protests from some states, has started appointing governors Medal ceremonies were only a has not been effective. Established directly. Politics has taken over routine job. The real casualty was after the 26/11 attacks on Mumbai, norms. Naturally, such institutions the National Police Commission’s the NIA has taken up 11 cases with have become effete. report which was presented to her only two of them having made some at the function. The Commission, headway. One case challenging the The politicization of police takes appointed after the Emergency, had NIA’s jurisdiction is pending in the the cake. The force is at the mercy worked hard for three years to suggest Bombay High Court and the other of a chief minister of the state and he ways and means to depoliticize the stuck elsewhere. Once again the or she uses it like a private force. A police. She considered anything question of demarcation of authority recent example is that of West Bengal done when she was out of power a between the centre and the states chief minister Mamata Banerjee who criticism of the Emergency when has arisen. removed the Director General of she ruled like a satrap. It was a good Police Ranjit Kumar Pachnanda then report but she threw the baby with Ordinarily, such a question and there. The centre, not always for the bath tub. should not have posed an intractable altruistic reasons, wants to oversee situation. The reason why no the police work in the states so that Thirty three years have gone by, satisfactory solution emerged it keeps the finger in the pie. but the report has got lost in the answer is the politicization of objections raised by the states and the institutions. The government of Were the centre and the state to centre’s lack of determination. Even different colours in the states fears combine and pool their resources, the Supreme Court’s intervention that the centre has done little to they can really curb terrorism within to get the report implemented has efface the stigma of interference. the country or from across the border. produced no result. The court has The Sarkaria Commission report At present, they seem to be working advised the implementation of the on Centre-State relations has found at cross purposes and not following recommendations. What comes in very few states implementing it. the stray, useful information the way of the report is that the law Once again, the fear is that the state from some ordinary intelligence and order is constitutionally a state would lose its identity. department. The post-analysis of subject. The centre cannot interfere so many bomb blasts have shown in it because of the states’ autonomy. The Congress is the most to that if the stray intelligence had also This has assumed importance today blame for politicization. It has left no been taken seriously, the bomb blast in the midst of bomb blasts at institution where it has not introduced incidents probably could have been JANATA, March 3, 2013 5 stalled. In America, the coordinated can keep their house clean. I recall This would particularly help in the command after the 9/11 attacks that once in Kerala New Delhi had instances of discrimination and on New York and Washington has to use the IPS officers from the all denial to the lower castes, including kept the country free of terrorist India Service under the supervision the Other Backward Classes. The acts. That is because a new central of the centre to save the federal states for political reasons or the institution was constituted and given property like post offices from state- vote bank considerations do not act all powers to collect intelligence, sponsored strike. No amount of plea or act cursorily when it comes to decipher it and take necessary action on the point of federalism worked central offences. The federal police without bringing in any politician with Thiruvananthapuram. The should be autonomous, answerable in it. India can follow the example IPS officers, however, did respond to parliament, so that the ruling provided the states do not mistrust to the Centre’s request which was party at the centre does not lessen the centre and does not mix politics otherwise constitutionally wanting. or exaggerate the crime for political with the police. Yet the experience In fact, the country needs a federal considerations. In the light of tells that the states are not bothered police, on the pattern of America, increasing parochialism within the about the centre or the country’s so that crimes which transcend country, a federal police may provide overall advantage so long as they borders can be dealt with effectively. the answer. Fresh polls only answer

Everything under the Congress- Thanks for small mercies. A the place where the buck stops? The led coalition at the Centre is going debate is a crisscross of ideas scams continued to get headlines for helter-skelter. Hardly does the bad and finer points. There is no months and there is also evidence smell of a scam settle down when accountability and no investigation. that the sanctions were given. another one crops up to foul the How does one find out who are the That the PMO knew about them atmosphere. No government since real culprits or recipients of the but the Prime Minister did not is a independence has been so badly bribe? We know that the kickbacks proposition hard to digest when the battered and shattered as Prime were received. We also know who transactions were going on. Minister Manmohan Singh’s has gave them. But we do not know who been. The Prime Minister himself in India got them when the persons It is possible, if not probable, exonerated the then Communications named as recipients deny having got that such a situation did obtain and Minister, A Raja, now languishing in the kickbacks. that neither Manmohan Singh nor jail and facing 22 cases where the Anthony knew what was happening Prime Minister did not find even The Bofors gun scandal reads under their nose. But then you one. Yet, he is an honourable man, more or less the same way. A joint expect some heads to roll when with not a spec of suspicion about parliamentary committee (JPC) was the scams come to light and his integrity. also appointed. Till today, there is particularly when you can spot out no official confirmation of who got the officials in the loop. Why none Similar are the credentials of the kickbacks and how much. Once has been punished till today and why Defence Minister A.K. Anthony again we knew who gave it, but the nothing concrete has emerged after under whose charge the helicopter years of efforts did not pinpoint the the investigations? purchase deal was finalised with parties that received the money. the reported kickbacks of roughly Except the detention of a Rs. 34,000 crore, the highest ever As for the string of scandals in few bureaucrats and a couple of for a single contract. Yet, the fact the Congress-led government, you ministers, the business is as usual. It remains that Anthony rubbished cannot blame either Manmohan is evident that someone is protecting the kickbacks story which appeared Singh or Anthony personally. It is them. And it is no use making the some 11 months ago. The Prime even unthinkable because of their familiar arguments after the horse Minister, after a long silence, clean records in life. Then you come had bolted. In fact, the whole matter has said that the government has to infer that they did not know. But boils down to a cover up, which the “nothing to hide” and it is willing how can you say that when the government has done, though not for a debate in parliament. Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) is properly, because some nosey media 6 JANATA, March 3, 2013 person has brought the house down. Politics in Death Penalty The government does not seem to be even sorry for what Rajindar Sachar has happened to revive faith in governance. Some ministers or a team of them tries to explain things One had always heard pejorative has ad-nauseam made the issue of “in proper perspective.” Yet what remarks about politics and hanging of Guru as one of its major the Manmohan Singh government morality being distant neighbors, political strategy and to seek to does not realise is the yawning trust notwithstanding the life long project the delay by the Congress deficit: none of its claim is accepted, struggle by Gandhiji to have some government as anti-national, none of its explanation is considered kind of connect between these two. unpatriotic and most mischievously credible and none of its action is This was demonstrated with a telling as a Muslim appeasement issue. taken seriously. It is a pity that the thud in the way Central Government Congress was up to now explaining government is suspect in the eyes of has dealt with the case of Afzal Guru the delay as an administrative the public as if ministers have been a resident of Jammu & Kashmir issue. But it would appear that caught with their hands in the till. who was held guilty in attack on core group of Congress has now Hardly any minister is regarded as Parliament and sentenced to death decided that it was necessary to honest. It is such a loss of faith that by the Supreme Court in 2005. The hang Guru to counter the challenge every segment of administration has lower court thereupon fixed 20th of BJP, because of the proximity of a question mark against it. October 2006 as date of execution. General Elections to Parliament in However the wife of Guru filed a 2014, and may be to advance the Institutions like the Central mercy petition before the President date of Election at convenient date Bureau of Investigation (CBI) who after giving personal hearing in 2013. So since a month back stand devalued. It is a public secret to her, asked for some clarifications Digvijaya Singh, Congress General that the probe that it conducts is an Secretary, suddenly and without eye wash. Several former directors from the Home Ministry, which was of the CBI have written articles and never sent. any provocation invited questions books to show how they were given on TV on Guru and making a instructions from above to decide Guru had also in 2006 sent very pointed statement demanding a case in a particular way. When petition through the jail to the Guru’s hanging. the CBI remains a department of President. He never received the government, doubts about its any reply to this application, but Having so decided, UPA functioning cannot be brushed aside. nevertheless was hanged on the Government went about Guru’s morning of 9th February, 2013. hanging in the vilest of Human Similarly, the other enforcement Excepting for few officials, none Rights violations. Nowhere in the authorities of the government are including the family of Guru knew world, where a modicum of rule of not any better. If their probes were of the impending execution. I am law exists, can the government hang to be monitored by the Supreme personally against the death penalty, its citizen without informing his Court, then the general impression being a follower of Gandhiji, J.P. family prior to it and allowing them of interference by the government and Dr. Ambedkar. But even if we to meet him. Human dignity of Guru would go. People are waiting: have death penalty, the manner in was violated by denying him this whether the CBI inquiry into the which hanging has been carried right. Government’s clumsy claim helicopters deal would be supervised out in this case certainly outrages that a speed post was sent on 7th by the Supreme Court or not. principles of humanity. February from Delhi to the family of Guru in J & K and since the family No doubt, the effect of corruption I am also concerned with the did not contact the government, on economy is there for all to low in politics where hanging of they went ahead with hanging. see. Crores and crores of rupees one person becomes the subject of Such a convoluted explanation will have been siphoned off. The slinging match between two major immediately invite the taunt “Tell estimate, though challenged by political parties Congress and B.J.P. that to the Marines”. Admittedly (Continued on Page 7) For the last so many years BJP letter was received by the family JANATA, March 3, 2013 7 on 11th February, when Guru had that government knew that Supreme As an epilogue, should we not already been hanged on 9th February. Court was still examining the consider that instead of governments Can one even imagine the deep question that if there is delay of repeating in future such nauseating permanent scar left on the family, over two years in disposing of the violation of the Human Rights, India especially the wife and small child. mercy petition, no execution should should follow the course of over take place - in Guru’s case delay 140 countries which have agreed I have no doubt that there was was over seven years. Was not that to abolish the death penalty and premeditated decision by the Home enough reason to suspend hanging have put a moratorium on any more Ministry not to allow the family of Guru in the meanwhile? hangings. to meet Guru (because this would become public knowledge) and The killers of Indira Gandhi (Continued from Page 6) presumably it would naturally result were allowed to meet their family in some demonstrations especially members before hanging. Has the the Planning Commission, of the in J&K and Delhi. Admittedly Shri functioning of Central government Central Statistics Organisation is Shinde, Central Home Minister become so sullied that their own that the growth rate has fallen from telephoned Omar Farouk, Chief precedents have no relevance. nine per cent to five per cent. And Minister of J&K a couple of days soon we may be nearing the Hindu earlier informing him of the decision Even now with all this inhuman rate of growth, as my late economist to hang Guru and asking for his and defenseless exercise, the central friend Raj Krishna put it - the growth reaction – Omar is stated to have government is refusing to return the of 3.5 per cent a year. Therefore, the raised no objection, but asked only body of Guru to the family. Both forthcoming Union budget does not to be told earlier to the date of in law and morality, the family is evoke much hope. If it is not the old hanging. The further news report entitled to the body of Guru so that wine in new bottles, it would be the suggests that Home Minister a few it can be buried with all the usual new wine in old bottles. That makes days later himself talked on phone religious ceremonies at a place of no difference. to Omar and in the accepted style their choosing, so that they can True, the environment in attitudes of conspirators told him in code visit the grave like others can. No is unfavourable. This holds good silly prison rule to refuse the body language that “the event he had for the entire South Asia. In the to the family on the puerile excuse told him earlier will be done in countryside, home of our most of public disorder can be pleaded a day or so”. What more proof is population, a minority of prosperous required to show complete disregard in defense. The government in farmers is swamped by growing for well established norms by the order to conceal its own illegalities, number of marginal cultivators government. insensivity and violation of Human and landless labourers which is Rights has got caught in its own web increasing due to the pattern of This hush on the plea of security and succeeded in projecting Guru in development. This has been the is laughable. No doubt there would death larger than in life. scene for a long time. The situation have been some demonstrations and has worsened because of the greed protests, but so what - it is a normal The Central Government should of politicians and bureaucrats feature in democracies, unless it is the not muddy the situation any further. who have joined hands to loot the government’s plea that its security It has already allowed itself to be country. machinery is so incompetent that it cornered by BJP in the communal could not deal with demonstrations cauldron, inviting a legitimate Not that the new elections are by angry supporters of Guru and comment that in the matter of belief sure to bring about a change. that it also apprehended a Navy in secularism, the difference between But the polls may throw up new Seal Expedition like done by USA BJP and Congress is that between representatives and probably change government to kidnap Osama Bin tweedledum and tweedledee – the the party in power to herald a new laden in Pakistan. former being openly anti-secular beginning. The best course for Prime and the later being also the same but Minister Manmohan Singh would Bona fide of government’s concealing it under a thin ice which be to go to Rashtrapati Bhavan and intention to hang immediately is dissolves at the altar of electoral submit his government’s resignation also being questioned, considering strategy. to pave the way for fresh elections. 8 JANATA, March 3, 2013 Problems of South Indian Diaspora

K. S. Chalam

The controversial visit of us keep on talking about the migrants The Tamil problem as it called in Sri Lanka President Mahindra of the North West or Jammu and Sri Lanka is not of a recent hitch. Rajapaksa to Tirupati recently Kashmir (like Sindhis and Pandits) We had a long history as old as the evoked violent protests in the South while keeping speechless when our concept of Diaspora of the Jews. while Telugus remained awestruck. own South Indians are being killed Those who have an alien mind set It is strange to notice that very few or persecuted. It is necessary to raise or imaginary cultural roots with the are conversant with the Sri Lankan the predicaments of not only the cow belt while sustaining with the issue where millions of Indian- North western Indians but also about local resources for generations in origin people were alleged to have our own people when incidents the South, are responsible for this been killed. In fact, some of the of genocide are discussed (in the fallacy. Sri Lanka was once a colony so-called Tamils who were slain or South). Of course, the exclusive of India and according to some persecuted are actually Telugus. I right to talk about Tamilians as sources, both the Sinhalese and the had the opportunity to meet some of Dravidians, seized by our neighbors Tamilians were migrants from India the plantation workers in Colombo may be partly responsible for this while Prof Sudarshan Seneviratne sometime ago when I was there to restricted action. Strangely, there shows that there are some native participate in a seminar. Some of is interesting discussion on the Net indigenous populations in the Island. them were migrants from coastal about the sabotage done to Tamilians The Andhra/Telugu people had a Andhra Pradesh particularly from in Sri Lanka by two important long link with Sri Lanka from the Prakasam and North Andhra and they time of the Satavahana period when antithetical personalities from the are lumped together with Tamils. It Hala the seventeenth monarch met state belonging to two different also reminds me of a phenomenon, the Sri Lankan princess Lilavati ideologies, yet united against the had we not remained complacent and married her. It was Pallavas interests of the Tamils due to their when the Telugu speaking workers who built Kovils there and Rajaraja alleged roots in the North. from Telangana were distressed in Chola I annexed Sri Lanka as part of the Emirates? It is largely because his empire. It is said that, Mahinda It is disgusting to read and discuss of our insensitivity to the concept and Sanghamitra left for Sri Lanka about the foreign threats only as of Telugu Diaspora. But everyone through Kalingapatnam and the left a North Western phenomenon. seems to be aware of our migrants canine tooth of Buddha was taken The history, culture, language, to USA (only from some parts of to Anuradhapura from Dantapura politics and even cross border AP). Is this not a great besmirch to ( Srikakulam, A.P). However, the issues are deliberated as North or our common history and heritage? plantation workers and indentured North western India as if nothing labourers were exported from the The term Diaspora originated exists beyond Vindhyas or even in coastal South during 19th and early from the dispersion of Jews the East. In fact, the border with 20th century by the British. Thus, from Israel since the time of Old other nations is much longer on the we had long and cherished relations Testament. There are scholarly Coast and in the Himalayas than with the island that should have studies on the fascinating aspects of the Western rim. No one appeared rattled our Telugu conscience when South Asian Diaspora including the to be perturbed when the IPKF the issue of Tamil Diaspora surfaced. economic networks that help hasten forces from Visakhapatnam had globalization in recent times. But, suffered causalities and tensions There are two categories of the issues relating to the South are prevailed on the East or down Tamils in the Island. The original Sri hardly discussed though we were the South at Kacchativu or persecution Lankan Tamils are known as Elam first to widen our rule outside the of fishermen on a daily basis on Tamils who had been there from peninsula in the historical past. It is our continental shelf. Are they not 2nd century BC mostly in the North really painful to observe that some of Indians? (Jaffna), and the Tamil, Telugu and JANATA, March 3, 2013 9

Malayalee workers popularly called as Indian Tamils are alleged to be Partition of India – from the recent migration and spread Gandhi – Nehru - Jinnah in different parts of the Island. It is now estimated that out of 2.02 Sanmatha Nath Ghosh crore people, nearly one fifth (18 percent) speak Tamil. It seems, the social hierarchy prevailed in India In various surveys it is revealed minority mind is always suspicious. had crossed the border and have that the present generations of India, They began to think that their today around 20 uraikuts (castes). Pakistan and Bangladesh think the interest was not safe under the Though, Sri Lanka does not officially partition of the subcontinent is a majority community rule. Similarly recognize caste, the cruel design of curse. Naturally the question arises in Bengal being inspired by Sarat caste system prevails. It is reported who is responsible for the mischief. Chandra Bose, Fazlul Haque, the in some studies that the Agricultural Recently the article of Jashawant founder of Krishak Praja Party, made castes like Vellala, lower castes Sinha in this respect stirred the an electoral alliance with Congress like pariah, pallar, nalavar and debate not only in our country but and the alliance won the election. the numerically strong Karaiyar in abroad also. The rulers may The leadership of Bengal Congress (fishermen) along with Brahmin manipulate the history. They may was then dominated by Zamindars sects like Salagama (Nambudri) , suppress the facts for a while but and money lenders. They refused to Piraman etc do exist among Indian truth will come out ultimately. accept the proposal of Fazlul Haque Tamils. It is claimed that De Silva or to enact the Prajasatta Ain and Rajapakse titles signify Brahminical The British ignited communal formation of Debt Settlement Board. allusion. hatred and conflict to diffuse the Thus the negotiation ended without movement against partition of any result. Then the Congress high It is surmised that the mainland Bengal (1905). The Morle-Minto social hierarchy had been moved command under the leadership of reforms encouraged nationality Nehru refused to form a coalition on to Sri Lanka along with the on the basis of religion. Separate Indo-Aryans who became the ruling government with Krishak Praja electorate establishes a religion- Paty. The disappointed Faziul Haque elite. The issue of caste in Sri based identity. Lanka was raised by Convention formed coalition government with Muslim League. And the Muslim on the Eradication of Racial Gandhiji tried to minimize the League expanded its organization Discrimination, CERD of UNO in environment of communal hatred, to the grass-root level with the help 1996. There are conflicting views on organizing Khilafat movement of the government. The atmosphere the system of caste in the island; the with Ali brothers. Deshbandhu Sinhalese claim that it is prevalent Chittaranjan Das infused harmony of communal harmony so skillfully only among the Tamils and the lower between the two communities articulated by Deshbandu became castes retort saying that everyone signing and executing the Bengal vitiated. The only beneficiary of this has a hidden agenda of caste. But, pact. refusal became the Muslim League. the issue of lower castes seems to Muslim League organized the have played a very important role During the election of provinces in common Muslim people on the basis in the so-called ethnic conflict. It 1937 Congress under the leadership of hatred to the other community. is reported that Prabhakaran, the of Jahawarlal Nehru, and Muslim It extended its tentacles into the slain LTTE leader declared the aim League under the leadership or remote villages through government of his movement was to achieve Khalikujjaman made an electoral machinery. They convinced Muslim “casteless Tamil society by armed alliance in U. P. After winning the masses that their “life and property struggle’. Prabhakaran being a election, Jinnah proposed to form will not be safe in Congress rule member of the lower caste Paraiyar coalition government but Nehru when British will leave India. To (fishermen), banned scavenging and declined to agree to the proposal. safeguard their interest, they need caste discrimination in the cadres This single action created much their own homeland. Nothing short of distrust among the Muslims. In this partition can create their homeland”. (Continued on Page 15) connection it may be noted that Finally in the Lahore conference of 10 JANATA, March 3, 2013

Muslim League (1940) “Partition convince his community that without hesitant. His morality succumbed to of India Resolution” was passed partition the Muslims would not the greed of power. In this context unanimously and the proposal came be able to live safely. As Michael the role of Lady Mountbatten is from disappointed Fazlul Haque. Brecher, his biographer observed remarkable. Abul Kalam Azad in But they were not serious. Their “It was one of the most fiery and his book “India Wins Freedom” activities in their later life will prove provocative statements in Nehru’s wrote that there were some factors it beyond doubt. forty years of public life. It actually involved in Nehru’s change of front. hastened the end of the partition One of them was certainly Lady In 1941 on 22nd March, Sir drama. That was Mountbatten. In this respect Frank Stafford Cripps arrived in Delhi Moraes in his book ‘Nehru Sunshine for a political settlement. As he had the fate of India decided finally. and Shadow’ said “Nehru accepted nothing tangible to offer, Gandhi, Nehru’s tactical folly aggravated partition as political necessity” at the rudely advised him to go back by the crisis”. same time he remarked, “this action the next flight. Subhas Chandra in of Nehru is like cutting of head to get his presidential speech at Haripura The then Viceroy Lord Wavell rid of headache”. . (1938) said , “India must drive declined the proposal of partition out the British Government by of India. He told “I cannot deny Gandhiji told Mountbatten “Hand an uncompromising and fierce geography”. But the partition of over power to Mr. Jinnah and leave battle and that negotiation politics India was very essential for the the country” and he left for Noakhali, would divide the country”. He British government. It could not Bihar, Calcutta to give a healing even cited the example of Ireland allow the development of any power touch to the riot affected people, to substantiate his view point. But bloc which would challenge the He told “India could be partitioned Nehru continued to interact with Western models of development. only over my dead body”. Nehru did Cripps, though on 12th April. Cripps Its sole aim was to balkanise the not accept the proposal on the plea had to leave after a failed mission. subcontinent. of majority community. It may also The unnecessary negotiation only be noted that in his autobiography fueled the communal fanaticism After Wavell, Lord Mountbatten he wrote “ education, I am an of Muslim League. This prolonged was appointed the viceroy with the English, by culture, I am a Muslim negotiation simply widened the responsibility to make partition of and only by accident of birth I am rift but delighted the British prime India smooth. While selecting him for a Hindu”. the post, Clement Attlee remarked, minister. Michael Edward wrote In the meantime the Congress “He is blessed with an unusual “Churchill danced over his table leaders accepted partition and the wife”. He came to India in February, when he knew that Cripps had failed. date of formal approval was fixed on l947 and a fierce communal riot Churchill killed two birds in one 4th June. On 3rd June, Mountbatten erupted in March in Punjab which stroke. Cripps after his successful met Gandhiji and told him, “Mr claimed one thousand lives. It also mission in Soviet Russia became Gandhi, hope you will not oppose spread in other parts of the country an idol of British mind and was my plan”. The day was his day of like wild fire. This made partition thought to be the next P.M. He was silence. Hence Gandhi wrote on a acceptable to the masses. Nehru minimized for this failure. At the piece of paper like a clever advocate pretended to be hesitant but under same time it slackened the pressure “Have I ever opposed you”? He his leadership resolution on partition of Roosevelt for a settlement with did not commit his approval on of Punjab was accepted without the Congress. partition. On 4th June, meeting of knowledge of Gandhiji, much before the Congress Working Committee Congress accepted partition of India. In 1946 both the Congress and was held. Most of the leaders were It was very difficult to be refrained Muslim League accepted Cabinet ready to accept the proposal of from swallowing the power dangled Mission’s proposal. But suddenly partition of India. Only Jayaprakash before his nose. Nehru decided that the party would Narayan and Dr. Rammanohar Lohia humbly enter the constituent and Gandhiji opposed the proposal. assembly but by virtue of majority Sardar Patel agreed to partition support perform as it deemed fit. provided ‘there will be exchange The rubber stamp of approval Jinnah took the opportunity to of population’. Initially Nehru was was made without the consent of JANATA, March 3, 2013 11

Gandhiji. Mountbatten told Gandhi “The Congress is not with you Political Economy of but with me”, in reply Gandhiji Gender and Climate Change -II told “but the people are with me”. Gandhiji had pledged that India Vibhuti Patel “will be partitioned over my dead body”. India was partitioned and Gandhi remained alive. Gandhi’s Mainstreaming of Gender and control and may include such most trenchant critics cannot deny Concerns issues as legal rights, domestic his courage. He was not afraid of As women bear a disproportionate violence, equal wages and women's death. Then why did he not redeem burden of climate change control over their bodies. Meeting his pledge? It may be interpreted consequences, women’s groups strategic gender needs helps women that for Gandhi the fight to keep working with rural and tribal to achieve greater equality. (Moser, India united was not ended. He organizations are lobbying for 1993, p39). was still struggling for the goal. It gender mainstreaming of women’s is true that he was defeated in the The distinction between these two concerns in discourse on climate first round. He failed to read the types of needs can provide a useful change. Women’s groups in India are strategy of the British. But he did tool to aid us in analyzing how gender seriously concerned about impact of not give up the fight. After partition, is being addressed in proposed climate change on women’s survival Gandhi’s actions revealed his policy or project interventions when struggles in rural and urban areas. resolve to bring about India-Pakistan faced with challenges arising due to Women scientist such as Dr. Jyoti reconciliation. He went on a fast to Climate change. . Parikh and Dr. Vandana Shiva compel Indian government to pay played crucial role in engendering adequate compensation to Pakistan. Decreased food security: With the discourses by coming out with This strengthened his credibility changes in climate, traditional food World Peoples’ Conference on to work in Pakistan. Gandhi wrote sources become more unpredictable Climate Change and The Rights of to Jinnah seeking permission to and scarce. This exposes women Mother Earth Indigenous Peoples’ settle in Pakistan in order to work to loss of harvests, often their sole Declaration on Wednesday, April sources of food and income. for Indo-Pak unity. Jinnah agreed 28, 2010. This declaration has instantly. Gandhi desired to settle in been rallying point for highlighting Lahore. He resolved to start a march Impact on livelihoods: Women gender concerns in Climate Change are more dependent for their to Lahore with 50 Punjabi families debate advocated by United Nations settled in Purana quilla refugee camp livelihood on natural resources that Population Fund (UNFPA). are threatened by climate change. and the day of March to Lahore was For instance, climate change causes finalized as February 14, 1948. Practical Gender Needs are those a rise in the sea level, affecting the that Women identify in their socially He asked to disband Congress. fishing community (both men and accepted roles in society. Practical women) not only in terms of fish He liked to form Lok Sebak Sangh gender needs do not challenge catch but also with regard to water whose constitution was finalized the gender divisions of labour or scarcity, as seawater gets into fresh by him on 30th January morning. women's subordinate position in water. Besides, when the land is He asked the socialist leaders like society, although rising out of them. inundated, infrastructure (roads and Jayaprakash, Rammanohar Lohia, Practical gender needs are a response houses) are damaged. Large scale Acharya Narendra Deb to meet him to immediate perceived necessity, migration from inundated areas is in Derhi, to discuss the programme identified within a specific context. expected and much of the burden of of Lok Sebak Sngh. He called (Moser, 1993, p40) migration falls on women. a conference of all constructive workers at his Ashram in the month Strategic Gender Needs are the Water resources: hortage and of July to finalize the formation of needs women identify because of access: Climate change may Lok Sevak Sangh. their subordinate position to men exacerbate existing shortages in their society... They relate to of water. Women are largely (Continued on Page 15) gender divisions of labour, power responsible for water collection in 12 JANATA, March 3, 2013 their communities and therefore are gender most imperative. result – there is a high incidence of more affected when the quantity bronchitis, asthma and other health of water and/or its accessibility Adaptation problems. While women should not changes. The fundamental goal of be denied the use of fossil fuels like adaptation strategies is the reduction LPG or Kerosene, yet at the same Increased burden of care giving: of the vulnerabilities to climate time appropriate technologies that As primary caregivers, women may induced change in order to protect take into account the specific socio- see their responsibilities increase and enhance the livelihoods of economic realities of different rural as family members suffer increased poor people. Experience shows areas reduce women’s workload, illness due to exposure to vector that vulnerability is differentiated free-up time and enable them to borne diseases such as malaria, by gender. Adaptation to climate pursue income generating or other water borne diseases such as cholera, change or indeed climate variability activities that need to be developed. and increase in heart stress mortality. is dependent on issues such as wealth, technological power, access What is the way forward? Women are particularly vulnerable to information, all of which are It is clear that gender differences because they are more prone to major problem areas for women. must be taken into account to the adverse impacts from climate However, women can be key agents understand the impact of climate change. Their limited adaptive of adaptation and mitigation to change. Gender differentiated capacities arise from prevailing climate change. Their responsibilities strategies for responses and social inequalities and ascribed social in households, communities and capacity-building are needed due and economic roles that manifest in as stewards of natural resources to differences in gender specific differences in property rights, access position them well to develop roles and responsibilities created to information, lack of employment strategies for adapting to changing by society. These findings should and unequal access to resources. environmental realties. feed into the climate negotiations Further, changes in the climate as well as national debates to enable usually impact on sectors that are Mitigation decision-makers to have a better traditionally associated with women, Women also have a role deriving understanding of how different such as paddy cultivation, cotton from their own strength. Women are groups of people are affected and and tea plantations, and fishing. engaged in a number of activities what kind of capacity and support This means increased hardship for such as brick-making, charcoal- is needed. women. For example, studies show making, waste management and that climate change has an adverse agro-processing where energy More specifically the following impact on fishing, as the sea level efficiency can lead to Carbon actions are required: rises and saline water enters into Dioxide (CO2) mitigation and their • Recognise that women are more freshwater systems, making fishing role in mitigation in these areas can vulnerable in climate change difficult. Further, in extreme events be vital. The development of Clean driven scenarios: more women deaths are observed Development Mechanisms (CDM), Government should analyze and for women’s inability to swim or through carbon sequestration from identify gender-specific impacts run or lack of strength to withstand afforestation and reforestation and protection measures related physically demanding situation can also be done by poor rural to floods, droughts, diseases, and such as storms, floods, typhoons, women. Women in urban areas other environmental changes and etc. From a long term perspective, can implement energy efficiency disasters. An inter-ministerial task this will have serious implications programmes at the household level force could be set up towards this for gender relations, as women may -lighting, the use of appliances, end. end up spending more time on tasks etc., while women in rural areas that reinforce stereotypical gender may be encouraged to use biomass • Understand and address gender- roles. Thus, women are faced by a and biogas (for fuel generation), specific natural resource use situation where their ability to adapt and switch to solar energy. Poor pattern: is low but the share of the adaptation women, without access to modern Government should develop burden falling disproportionately on energy fuels are faced with problems strategies to enhance women’s them. This makes the consideration relating to indoor air pollution access to and control over natural of the impact of climate change on and bear huge health burdens as a JANATA, March 3, 2013 13

resources, in order to reduce Women hold the key to food security, climate change, including catalysing poverty, protect environmental and it is important that women’s more research on the subject and resources, and ensure that women contributions to agriculture and food wide dissemination of the outputs and poor communities can better security be documented, recognised of these researches through niche cope with climate change. and celebrated.’ scientific journals and popular media, including the new media. • Identify women’s particular Women are refusing to be part skills and capacities that lend of the culture of hate and violence. References: themselves to mitigation and Women, in and through their 1. Maathai, Wangari. The Challenge adaptation: Given that women’s lives, are showing that love and for Africa. New York: Anchor knowledge and participation has compassion, sharing and giving are Books, 2009. been critical to the survival of not just possible human qualities; 2. Mies, Maria and Shiva, Vandana. entire communities in disaster they are necessary qualities for us Ecofeminism. London: Zed Books, situations, government should to be human. Living cultures are 1990. take cognizance of women’s cultures of life, based on reverence specialized skills in different 3. Moser, Carolyn (1993) Gender for all life  women and men, aspects of their livelihood and Planning and Development: rich and poor, white and black, natural resource management Theory, Practice and Training, Christian and Muslim, human and strategies and utilize those that New York: Rutledge. nonhuman. In India are involved lend themselves to mitigation and 4. Patel, Vibhuti and Karne, Manisha. in 11 types of environmentalism: adaptation. Macro Economic Policies and the wildlife management, Millennium Development Goals. • Increase women’s participation conservation, preservation, Delhi: Gyan Publications, 2006. in decision-making at all levels reform environmentalism, deep 5. Shiva, Vandana. Staying Alive: in climate change mitigation and ecology, environmental justice, Women, Ecology and Development. adaptation. environmental health, ecofeminism, London: Zed Books, 1988. ecospiritualism, animal rights and Conclusion green movements. 6. Shiva, Vandana. Earth Democracy: T h e w o m e n ’ s s t u d i e s Justice, Sustainability, and Peace. acknowledges the contribution of For promoting gender-responsive London: South End Press, 2005. and inclusive state climate change rural and urban women as “Guardians Websites: and Promoters of Life-Centered plans in India, we as economists will Cultures”, seed savers, leaders of have to seek answers to questions • People-Centred Climate Change resistance movements (Chipko in like (a) is there gender disaggregated Adaptation: Integrating Gender Himalayas, Appiko in South India) data on impacts of climate change? Issues & Alternative farming/market/etc. (b) Are the gender differential models (Green-belt Movement in impacts of adaptation measures a1395e/a1395e00.pdf Africa). Women’s full humanity understood and addressed? (b) • Gender: The Missing Component becomes the healing force that can Do the adaptation programmes of the Response to Climate Change break the vicious cycle of violence reach poor women? (c) Are there based on treating the inhumanity of ‘additional’ financial resources for i0170e/i0170e00.htm man as the measure of being human, women and men? (d) Are women of greed as the organizing principle present in the decision-making • Energy and Gender Issues in Rural of the economy. What has changed structures in climate-sensitive areas? Sustainable Development is greater awareness. Women, even (e) Is there recognition of rights/ in rural India, now understand entitlements for poor women and docs/pe1_060501d1_en.pdf better the larger issues like climate men in adaptation programmes? • Rural Households and change that affect them directly, Sustainability: Integrating as is evident in this declaration Crucial mandate for us is to initiate Environmental and Gender adopted at a training programme an inter-disciplinary public debate Concerns into Home Economics on Gender, Climate Change and involving pure scientists, social Curricula Food Security on November 16, scientists, practitioners, planners 2011, at Saharanpur in UP: ‘... and policy makers on gender and V5406e/V5406e00.htm 14 JANATA, March 3, 2013 The Maturing of Bodo Dream

Sandeep Pandey

A Tibeto-Burman tribe, the and intermediate levels. Unless the against the BPF ruled council. It is largest in the Northeast, habitating Village Committees are elected the also believed that these organised in Assam is fighting for its right to grassroots democratic participation armed groups were involved in most be recognized as a distinct culture will remain a distant dream for of the killings during the recent and people. Their demand is for a people. These elections will also communal riots which started as separate Bodoland within Assam. allow communities other than Bodo a provocation after killing of four At the 45th annual conference of to have a say in governance process. former BLT and BRTF cadres. the All Bodo Students Union during ABSU demanded a CBI enquiry 7-9 February, 2013, the wall writings The movement for autonomy into the riots. It has also repeated in Tamulpur of Baksa district said had begun as far back as in 1967 its demand for de-weaponisation ‘Divide Assam 50/50’. In 2003 by a political party called Plain of BTC. when Bodoland Territorial Council Tribal Council of Assam. However, (BTC) was formed four districts nothing much came off its efforts. Because of the bleak scenario – Baksa, Chirang, Kokrajhar and The ABSU started its movement of employment youth, especially Udalgiri – were included within it. demanding a separate Bodoland the school drop outs from poor It is believed that half the Bodos on 2nd March, 1987, under the families, are easily lured by the still live outside this area. Hence leadership of Upendra Nath Brahma. insurgent groups. As the BTAD fails the Bodo aspiration is to create a In 1993 Bodoland Autonomous to fulfill the socio-politico-economic Bodoland consisting of entire area Council was created. But ABSU aspirations of the community more north of Brahmaputra in Assam. denounced the accord as it did not and more youth find the logic of The area under BTC jurisdiction address the grievances or aspirations joining the militant groups quite called Bodo Territorial Autonomous of Bodo people and began a fresh compelling. This, on one hand District has been created under the movement for autonomy in 1996. means wastage of young talent sixth schedule of the Constitution of It is a classic case of how delaying who could otherwise be engaged in India. In 2004 Bodo language was tactics of Government of India have constructive society building and on granted 8th Schedule recognition been counterproductive. While the other, results in weakening of with Devanagri script. ABSU believed in peaceful means democratic values. of agitation, an armed group by the The demand for autonomy is name of Bodo Liberation Tigers The literacy rate among the justified because the Constitution surfaced and was instrumental in Bodo community is only about 33 of India has envisioned self-rule for signing the next accord with the percent with the rate among the tribal areas. However, this dream government in another incarnation women being lower than that of for tribals has not been realized as Bodoland People’s Front, which men. The community of 15 lakhs anywhere. The state and central now controls the BTC through people living within BTAD has governments retain the control over electoral process. Even after creation produced 4 IAS, 2 IPS, 2 IFS, 1700 tribal areas and have allowed only of BTC, the BLT was not disbanded Post-graduates and 4800 graduates. limited autonomy. The Acts like the completely and continues to attract The ABSU is making special efforts Panchayat (Extension to Scheduled youth to its fold in the name of to improve the status of education in Areas) or Scheduled Tribes and Bodoland Royal Tiger Force, an the community by organising career Other Traditional Forest Dwellers illegal entity set up to counter the counselling for youth, creating (Recognition of Forest Rights) are other insurgent group called National healthy academic environment and not earnestly implemented by most Democratic Front of Bodoland. The encouraging teachers to upgrade elected governments of the country. proof of existence of these armed their skills. The enlargement of its In fact, the BTC doesn’t have groups is the occasional killing of agenda from a movement demanding provision for elections at the lowest intellectuals who dare to speak out autonomy to ensuring development JANATA, March 3, 2013 15 rights is a very curious phenomenon. and reaching out to other democratic on Niti and Nyaya to be sermonized They are now interested in learning movements are welcome signs of by Avatar Srikrishna? ways of accessing their rights and maturing of the Bodo movement. (Continued from Page 11) benefits due to them through various (Continued from Page 9) government programmes. Hence But all ended on 30th January they are learning about subjects and attracted majority from the when Nathuran Godse’s bullet like right to information and right panchamars (dalit) . But, the problem pierced Gandhiji’s chest. to food with the help of external of social contradictions among experts. ABSU has taken a conscious the Tamils particularly among the To conclude, Gandhiji’s judgment decision to focus on socio-economic Internally Displaced Persons seems of the situation maybe questioned and educational betterment of Bodo to have surfaced once Prabhakaran and assessment of his colleagues community and to develop a scientific and the LTTE were extinguished maybe faulty but his integrity is culture to counter superstitions. The and their siblings are brutally killed unimpeachable. He never wavered organisation has realised the futility (including Prabhakaran’s 12-year old in his commitment to the agenda of of violence and is trying to wean son). It is reported that Prabhakaran unity of the sub-continent. away youth from that path. has allowed the lower caste cadres to own land and now, after his death The ABSU now commemorates there seem to be conflicts between Special Feature on 30th July as anti-terrorism day the lower castes and the upper caste Nanasaheb Goray and celebrates Gandhi Jayanti as Vellala or the Sinhala government I am thankful to the present International Non-violence day. might be playing the caste games by editor of ‘Sadhana’, Narendra They have matured to the next imitating India or getting tutored by Dabholkar, for promptly selecting level where they are conceiving of some alleged Indian intellectuals? an Arms Free Bodoland and have three editorials written by Nanasaheb and sending them to taken a clear stand against the illegal It is not only in Sri Lanka, but me for inclusion in this issue. But arms culture and killings since 2008 every where the Indian migrants then translating Nanasaheb from as they believe it spoils the future went either in the past or in recent Marathi to English is certainly a generation. period have the problems of daunting job which has been ably divisiveness based on caste/descent. With the adoption of non-violence done by R. B. Patil, M.A., M.Ed., The problem appears to be serious in and democratic agenda the ABSU with a few strokes here and there South Asia and America where our has also opened its arms to other by me. Smt. Sharmila Pathak made number is considerable. It is further communities. The stage on 9th Pu. La. Deshpande’s article on provoked by those who imagine February, 2013, in Tamulpur, at Nanasaheb available to me. I am that they are the descendants of the open session was shared by thankful to all of them. Purus, Baratas, Huns, Parthians, representatives from Gorkha, Sakas, Pahlavas, Yavanas, etc. and Missing, Tiwa, Rabha and other –Bapu Heddurshetti had come from outside and settled tribal communities. In addition to ‘we want Bodoland’, the slogan in India with the simple idea of ‘we want Gorkhaland’ was also ‘divide and rule’. Nevertheless, it Janata being raised. It clearly shows that would be an international problem Subscription if we fail to find out a solution to Annual Rs. : 260/- they consider themselves part of Three Years : 750/- the larger struggle for assertion by the social evil from the land where marginalised communities and are it is originated, and is being spread Demand Draft / Cheque on willing to join hands with other to Anglo-American countries. If we Mumbai Bank fail to find out a way out and try to struggles. In fact, the demand for in favour of Bodoland has received an impetus fish in the troubled waters as is being after the recent movement for experimented by the Sinhalese with Janata Trust Telangana in Andhra Pradesh. the alleged support from crooks from India, the next war or Kurukshetra D-15, Ganesh Prasad, Looking at development as would be fought on caste lines. Is the Naushir Bharucha Marg, human rights, adopting non-violence world prepared for another discourse Mumbai 400 007 R.N.I. NO. 1855/1957 16 JANATA, March 3, 2013 P.R. No. MH/MR/WEST/275/2012-2014. Posted on every Wednesday at Mumbai Patrika Channel, Mumbai GPO-1

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Printed and Published by G.G. Parikh on behalf of Janata Trust. Printed at Mouj Printing Bureau, Khatau Wadi, Girgaum, Mumbai-400 004 and published at D-15, Ganesh Prasad, Naushir Bharucha Marg (Sleater Road), Mumbai - 400 007. Established 1946 Price : Rupees Five

Vol. 68 No. 7 Dissolve the High Command March 10, 2013 S. Viswam Who do I vote for: Modi or Rahul? Kuldip Nayar One has got so used to hearing objective of revamping the party a banalities from the newly-promoted matter of high priority but somewhere Union Budget 2013-14 through Gender Lens Congress Party Vice-President Rahul along the way he left that objective Vibhuti Patel Gandhi that it was difficult to take behind and fell into the many traps him as a serious politician to whom which Congress “powerbrokers” Foreign Investments the country’s governance could be kept setting for him. The irony was Can’t be the Bedrock entrusted. Like his father, he has that Rajiv Gandhi had declared of Indian Economy acquired an image of a reluctant war on these same powerbrokers at Medha Patkar politician who was catapulted into the historic 1995 centenary of the Clever Attempt the Prime Minister’s post in spite of Indian National Congress in Mumbai. Rajindar Sachar his own desires in the matter. For the Power brokers still control the party last several years Rahul Gandhi has despite the overarching power that Invisible and Voiceless come off as a politician unwilling to the Congress High Command, an Kalpana Sharma shoulder any kind of responsibility euphemism for party president Sonia Kishor Pawar: within his party or in the government. Gandhi and her son Rahul Gandhi, Socialist Pilgrim Dr. Manmohan Singh has asked him commands. Subhash Ware often enough to enter the government as a cabinet minister. Each time young Now, for a refreshing change, Babu Jagjivan Ram : Rahul rebuffed the offer. Rahul declares that he is interested in Nation Builder Mastram Kapoor strengthening the party by breaking In view of this, his latest (nullifying) the “high command Let us think like Socialists pronouncements make for a system” that has sustained the Nehru- Bapu Heddurshetti surprisingly pleasant reading. He has Gandhi dynasty in power all through reiterated that he is not interested in the post-Nehru era in the party. Editor : the prime minister-ship but his priority Fortunately it is the son of Sonia and G. G. Parikh is the revitalization of the Congress. vice-president of the party that has This is a welcome statement even talked openly of breaking the high Managing Editor : Guddi if there is no guarantee that Rahul command system. Any other leader D-15, Ganesh Prasad, Gandhi will refuse to become the or rank would have been “hung Naushir Bharucha Marg, prime minister when the occasion and quartered” for uttering such Mumbai - 400 007. forces him to yield to the temptation. blasphemy. The high command has Like his father, he is interested in controlled all thought and action in the revitalizing the Congress. Indeed, Congress for the last several decades Email : [email protected] Rajiv Gandhi promised to make the and anyone who talks of doing away 2 JANATA, March 10, 2013 with it is inviting trouble. However, Between the lines now that Rahul has hinted that the system can be made vulnerable, the possibilities should be probed. It is Who do I vote for: Modi or Rahul? doubtful if present-day leaders in the party will throw open the theme for a public debate. Kuldip Nayar

Rahul is right in saying that the I am apprehending a situation him involved in the days to come. “high command culture” began where I might have no option except Therefore, it would be unfair to in the 1970s when Indira Gandhi to vote for either Gujarat chief regard him as the right person for the began her long innings as prime minister Narendra Modi or Congress highest executive position. minister and Congress president. vice-president Rahul Gandhi. Both No other prime minister after her of have thrown their hats in the ring. Rahul is a babe in the woods, has wielded the kind of power which True, neither the BJP has announced lionized by the Congress which that “Empress of India” did. Rahul is Modi officially as its candidate for his mother, Sonia Gandhi heads. also reflecting realities when he says Prime Ministership in the 2014 He is found out of depth whenever that this peculiar culture has afflicted parliament elections, nor has the he is asked questions on serious almost all other parties. All political Congress nominated Rahul for the matters. He was not interested in parties in India, the fact remains, position. Yet, it is clear who the two the budget speech and left in the are “top heavy” but not on the same parties have in mind. middle even though he was late scale as the Congress. Inner-party to arrive. His knowledge about discipline (and democracy) is a My predicament is that I do not policies is rudimentary and reactions scarce commodity in Indian politics, consider either of them the prime off the mark. For example, on the and even in the two communist ministerial timber. They may be liberation of Bangladesh Rahul said parties, a single or a clique of rulers suitable for the offices they occupy, that whenever his dynasty decided is not a strange phenomenon. “ I but do not deserve to be elevated. to do something, it had come out want to change the high command However, both have made their with flying colours. He should system,” Rahul has said. The presentation speeches as Modi did have realized that East Pakistan statement is bound to sound like at New Delhi this week and Rahul was liberated by the Bangladeshis music to the ordinary citizens but before the Congress conclave at themselves. India did help, but its certainly not to the politicians in all Jaipur. The two are not similar role was secondary. parties who have got used to obey in any way. Yet both left none in the modern-day political czars. doubt about what they seek when Leave Rahul and Modi apart, the they exhorted the people to prepare ominous part of the forthcoming Should the high command themselves for the new India which elections is that they would be system be replaced by some other the two foresaw as a fresh, dynamic probably the dirtiest, divisive and mechanism? Rahul Gandhi’s desire country that would take them over most violent polls ever held in India. is to empower middle level leaders the green mountains into a sunny The nation would be arrayed on the and create a structure which will valley. lines of religion and caste. A country give them a say in governance and which is already ill at ease because organization. As an earnest of his The comparison ends here. They of never-ending corrupt cases and commitment to create a democratic are so different and so distant from scams might have to go through a structure in place of the Congress each other that they do not come phase where no method would be and his wish to end the system of anywhere in either character or considered mean enough by the political dynasty he is even willing comportment. Modi hides his anti- contestants to win votes. to stay a bachelor so that he will not minority stance behind the flourish run the risk of turning a status-quoist for development. He is still involved The BJP seems to have concluded wanting his children to benefit from in some court cases arising out of that the country has already veered his status in the party! the ethnic cleansing carried out towards Hindutva. Otherwise, BJP (Continued on Page 6) in Gujarat in 2002 and may find president Raj Nath Singh would JANATA, March 10, 2013 3 not have gone to attend a meeting at Haridwar during the Kumb Mela Union Budget 2013-14 where the Sangh parivar and the through Gender Lens extremist sadhus chalked out the strategy to revive the demand for Vibhuti Patel building Ram temple, the symbol of Hindutva. It is important to understand the Place Act. Understandably, the conclave context in which gender budgeting of Sangh parivar does not bother has acquired great attention in the Anti-poverty Programmes about the cases pending against Union Budget 2013-14. India’s The budget has enhanced the BJP leaders for demolition of record for achieving the Millennium allocation for anti-poverty the Babri masjid. The Congress- Development Goals has been programmes such as Mahatma led government does not want to extremely poor as compared to Gandhi National Rural Employment accelerate the pace of disposal of several African, Latin American Guarantee Scheme (Rs. 33000 such cases. It looks as if the party and Asian Counties. In international crores) and centrally sponsored wants to ride two horses at the same forums a “Shining India” India flagship scheme for public health - time. It does not want to follow has been named and shamed National Health Mission (Rs. 21239) a clear-cut policy on secularism, continuously for not being able to whose principal beneficiaries are fearing that if it were to do so, it reduce maternal mortality rate and women as they are the poorest of the would alienate the wavering Hindus. child mortality rate, wide spread poor. Allocation for women specific On the other hand, the party is anaemia and malnutrition among schemes for economics services, certain that the liberals would have women and children, starvation welfare services and social defense no option except to vote for it if deaths in certain pockets and sky have been increased up to 8500 and when Modi becomes the BJP’s rocketing prices of essential goods crores. candidate. for the poor, namely food, water and cooking fuel. It was announced last year The Congress, particularly the that multi-sectoral programme In this context, the allocation of BJP, is not assessing the country’s for reducing maternal and child Rs. 97134 crore for gender budget mood correctly. An average person malnutrition would be implemented (less than 6 percent of the total or the aam admi is secular in in 100 districts during 2013-14. It budget) and Rs. 77236 crore for temperament and does not want to has been allocated Rs. 300 to scale join issue with the fanatics when he child budget has been made in the up to cover 200 districts the year labours under the impression that Union budget 2013-14. Last year after. This is grossly inadequate fund he can defeat them at the polls. It the allocation for gender budget was allocation to address 40 percent of happened that way in 2004 when Rs 18,878.5 crore. Due to sustained children and 55 percent women of the BJP thought that its slogan of pressure from the women’s groups India who are malnourished. ‘India Shining’ was sure to return and gender economists, separate it to power. In fact, the adoption of budgets for women and child are Integrated Child Development Hindutva by the BJP may help the given. Scheme Congress since a Hindu does not The scheme gets Rs. Rs 17,700 feel insecure about his religion in Financial allocation of Rs. 200 crores for this fiscal year. In response India. Had it been so, he would have crore for most vulnerable groups founded the Hindu Rashtra long ago including single women and to galloping inflation, the amount because 80 per cent of the country’s widows is an eye wash. Such paltry is quite inadequate. Successful population is Hindu. amount cannot support schemes implementation of ICDS requires like Swadhar, working women’s nearly Rs 3 lakh crore over the 12th It is clear from the current political hostels, one-stop crisis centre, a plan period as per an estimate made situation that no party is in a position national helpline and effective by nutrition experts while allocation to get a majority—the minimum implementation of the Prevention of has been for Rs 1.23 lakh crore. Domestic Violence Act and recently Financial provision social security (Continued on Page 4) passed Sexual Harassment at Work and additional remuneration for 4 JANATA, March 10, 2013

Anganwadi Workers and ASHAs, suggested by Kothari Commission in health, feminization of poverty, the principal carriers of the flagship 1966 and demanded by all people’s increased violence against women, schemes has not been made. organizations. Focus on only Sarva enhanced mortality and morbidity Shiksha Abhyan is not enough. among girls and women and Public Sector Bank for Women Aspirations for higher education deplorable condition of elderly The budget has also announced have enhanced exponentially among women and women in difficult an allocation of Rs. 1000 crore for the Indian youth. Government circumstances. all-women public sector bank in aided higher education and which both the management and vocationalisation of education are (Continued from Page 3) clients are expected to be women. need of the hour. The Union Budget requisite figure of 273 in the Lok The state owned Women’s Bank 2013-14, has failed in its duty Sabha which has the strength of will work for financial inclusion and towards masses by leaving higher 543 members. If Modi is adopted empowerment of self help groups, education to the private sector. by the BJP, he may scare away women entrepreneurs, self-employed its allies without which the party In spite of repeated demands of women and support livelihood needs cannot form the government. Janata women’s movement for over 30 of women. At last, the state finds Dal (United), one important ally of years, specific allocations for safe women bankable!!! RBI will have the BJP-led National Democratic houses and shelters for women who to complete all formalities of license Alliance has already announced for Women’s Bank by October, 2013. face domestic violence, incest, and for homeless women is not made. that it would not accept Modi as the Bitter experience with private micro Girls and women facing incest are Prime Ministerial candidate. Under finance institutions (MFIs) which forced to continue to stay in the same the circumstances, it is difficult to behave like financial sharks charging house as their molester for want of believe that the BJP, which is keen 24 to 48 percent interest, used a safe shelter. Homeless women to come back to power, will still go SHGs as foot soldiers and driven remain ever-vulnerable to violence ahead and nominate him. poor women borrowers to commit on the streets. suicide due to harassment has made Yet I wonder why it is incumbent rural and urban community based To win over educated middle on us to confine our choice to the organizations disenchanted with and upper class women the budget BJP and the Congress. Both have the private MFIs. In this context, has offered an incentive of duty been tested, tried and found to be announcement of Public Sector free baggage limit for jewellery hopelessly wanting. In the first, the Women’s Bank has given new hope for women passengers raised to Rs saffron considerations have crept at to community-based women groups. 100,000, subject to some conditions. every level. In the second, corruption has come to dominate every segment Nirbhaya Fund Conclusion of government’s activity. Also, there Sustained agitation by the Indian From 2004 to 2013, 56 ministries is not much of secular foundation youth and women after Gang rape have set up Gender Budget cells. But left on which the party’s edifice of young 23-year old woman (who to make their fiscal policy gender rested once. was named by media as Nirbhaya) responsiveness has been an uphill physiotherapist in a moving bus on task. Galloping inflation has affected Maybe, either the non-Congress 16th December. 2012 has shaken the the toiling poor women of India or the non-BJP combination would whole world. To appease the angry adversely whose real wages have emerge to provide an alternative youth, the budget has announced declined sharply. Due to withdrawal to the country. Whether there is a Rs. 1000 crore as seed money for of the state from social sector, formal constitution of a third front or Nirbhaya Fund. There is no clear women’s work burden in unpaid not is not yet clear. But the general mandate for Nirbhaya Fund that it care economy (cooking, cleaning, perception is that the nation cannot will be used for rehabilitation of nursing, collecting fuel, fodder, be left at the mercy of the Congress survivors of sexual violence and water, etc) has increased many- or the BJP. The voters do not want acid attacks. fold. Subordinate status of women a choice where they would have to manifests in declining child sex ratio either jump into the sea or the river. No increase in allocation to i.e. ‘missing girls phenomenon’, Why is the nation doomed to repeat education against 6 percent as deteriorating reproductive and child the mistakes of the past? JANATA, March 10, 2013 5 Foreign Investments Can’t be the Bedrock of Indian Economy

Medha Patkar

In his budget speech, lasting for social and economic, is beyond innovative schemes to reach out to 2 hours, Shri Chidambaram, the allocating funds for first women the dropouts, left outs and thrown finance minister, with undoubted bank. Pension, provident fund or outs in millions is needed. ‘Health eloquence talked much about the any livelihood security measures for all’ too is remaining to be poverty and equity, churned out for women in farming and other a slogan more than a targeted thoughts and principles of taxing unprotected sectors would go a goal with well planned approach. the rich, empowering women long way. No doubt, the first ever NREGA in the name of Mahatma and youth, enabling the children, “Women’s Bank’ is a attractive also has not got the raise to cover including the poor. However, if one gift but cash based approach to all villages, districts, while there looks at his principles and promises almost all welfare schemes, now is not even a thought in favour of on one hand and the plans, projects resorting to cash transfer, is likely employment guarantee to the urban and allocations on the other, one to expand to PDS sector too and no poor. finds a very limited redressal of universalisation of PDS is certainly grievances and no fulfillment of anti-women. The budget continues the path dreams of the toiling sections of laid out by his predecessors as is India. Inequity and lack of inclusiveness visible in blind pursuit with the have been the aspects of our social same paradigm based on FDI, FII As expected, the Finance and economic scenario, highlighted and CII. Is the confidence that Minister’s presentation of time and again, by the PM to FM, he has expressed in the foreign/ budget revolved much around however the highly inadequate corporate investments justifiable? the womenfolk, the question of solution is that of a small increase Is it acceptable, given the past violence, exclusion and security of about 14,000 crores to direct experience? The experience is, yet where are new plans to use the tax collection and 4,000 crores even a small percentage of foreign contributions of human resource, to indirect tax collection. It’s a investment leads to a large extent of creativity, perseverance and hard welcome move to categorise those foreign ‘influence not only on the work and the productivity with with income above 1 crore and specific projects but policies’. The skills of women? It is only a small earning above 10 crores yet the crucial sectors such as Khadi village share in the sectoral or schematic total collection by charging 10 industries and the micro, small, budget calculated on the basis of percent of additional taxes, that medium industries is also left to the the proportional number of women too for one year can’t fool us who World bank and other multinational as beneficiaries, that is projected as are challenging vulgar inequities, development banks. But the sops to ‘Gender-Budget’ indicator. Is that furthered by move such as 30 lakh the corporate or the heavily funded enough to ensure that every girl crores worth tax/duty concessions ‘Infrastructure’ is not! child will get education, nutrition, granted to the corporates during just health facility and every mother, a 6 years, 2005-2012. Undue importance given to shelter and livelihood ? No! With infrastructure of one kind is obvious no adequate increase in the budget No increase in allocation to in the Budget. It’s establishment allocation for health, education education against 6 percent as of 7 cities and ports under Delhi or even MGNREGA , human suggested by Kothari Commission Mumbai Industrial Corridor and security will not be ensured. It’s in 1966 and demanded by all ports like Dholera, Gujrat and unfortunate that while defence has people’s organizations is once Shendra – Bidkin, Maharashtra. got its due with no increase, yet no again to be condemned, priority But this is not all. It’s known that curtailment in the huge allocation and allocation to not only Sarva as always. Security measures, Shiksha Abhiyan but with new (Continued on Page 16) 6 JANATA, March 10, 2013 Clever Attempt

The Union Budget presented key welfare schemes in the current or to reformulate the double taxation by the Finance Minister is a clever year itself. The FM’s claims about treaties with ‘tax havens’ and black attempt to mislead the public in an increasing outlays in key sectors is a economy conduits. election year. The Finance Minister’s clear case of statistical fudging; the speech offers little remedy for the ‘increase’ claimed by the FM is with Most of the schemes meant key problems facing the Indian reference to the drastically reduced for the aam aadmi have remained economy that he himself begins expenditure (Revised Estimates). static or have in fact gone down by acknowledging: slowdown of In most cases the rise in budget in real terms or even compared to growth, rising fiscal deficit and allocations is barely enough to cover the actual expenditure in the year current account deficit. The current inflation. In real terms there is no before. The central Plan size has crisis required the government to increase in spending for the aam come down from Rs. 6,51,000 stimulate domestic investment by aadami. The FM has also used the crore in the Budget last year to encouraging consumption from age old devise of distracting public the Revised estimate of 5,56,000 below; instead the FM remained attention with the help of some crores, huge shortfall of Rs. 96,000 focused on foreign investors. gimmicks that cost very little. crores. In 2012-13 expenditure on Controlling inflation required agriculture and allied activities, expansion of PDS and reinforced The government needed to rural development, irrigation and subsidies on energy and focus on increase tax revenue, which has flood control and welfare of ST has increasing agricultural output in actually fallen by 4 percent in actually gone down compared to the pulses and oilseeds; instead the the current year over what was actual expenditure of the previous government has relied on hope. budgeted; similar false assumptions year. A similar comparison of the Meeting the demands and aspirations seem to driving the current expenditure on health and education of the people required substantial projections of 20 percent increase shows a marginal increase that and real increase in social sector in revenue. The much talked about barely keeps pace with inflation. The expenditure; instead the government move to tax the rich turned out to total expenditure on social services has resorted to statistical tricks and be a damp squib, for it would affect has fallen short by Rs. 23,000 gimmicks rather than put its money only 42,000 super rich and bring crores compared to the budgeted where its mouth is. Nor is there very small gains for the country. allocations. This fact acquires any evidence of the government This small gain would be more than significance for much of the social being serious about better usage and made up by the generous increase sector expenditure takes place at the monitoring of the funds spent on in the tax exemption, mostly for level of the states where the transfer these public provisions. Shockingly, the well off and the corporate. has been cut down by as much as the government has not come up with The amount of ‘Tax foregone’ has 10,000 crores. any measure to curb corruption and gone up from Rs. 5,33,000 crores control the parallel black economy to Rs. 5,73,000 crores. There is no Aam Aadmi Party that the public is so visibly exercised change in the capital gains regime about. to curb speculative gains activity in the stock market. The budget gives (Continued from Page 2) An analysis of the summary no indication of a political will to statistics of the budget make it clear curb black income generation in All this is welcome and good that there is little connect between the economy. The deferment of news but, and it is a strong but, the rhetoric of the budget and its implementation of GARR to 2016 it remains to be seen how far the actual numbers. In his speech the is another example of the lack of existing system will allow him to FM claimed that the government political will to curb tax avoidance. translate his wishes into action and has not spared money for welfare There is nothing in the budget reality. Pro-status-quoist pressures schemes; the fact is that the UPA has to do away with non-transparent are stronger in the Congress than in drastically cut down on most of the instruments like Participatory Notes other parties. JANATA, March 10, 2013 7 Invisible and Voiceless

Kalpana Sharma

While we are still talking about Despite numerous studies that have owners? women, let us spare a thought for established beyond doubt that the those who do not appear on the bulk of the work to produce the food There are numerous reasons pages of our newspapers or on that all of us consume is done by that can be given for why women television channels; women who women, they are still not recognised should be acknowledged as principal seem invisible even when the subject as farmers in our official agricultural workers on land, and they should be under discussion relates directly to policies. As a result, whenever the the owners of that land. The chief them. government announces schemes for reason is that, in the patriarchal farmers, the women who are actually culture that continues untouched The monsoon was deficient in doing the work are left out of it. in this country, a woman without many parts of the country last year. an economic standing stands little As a result, the first reports of drought A telling example of this is the chance of asserting her rights not setting in have already begun to dairy industry. According to some just as a woman but as a human be reported. In Maharashtra, 16 estimates, 93 per cent of dairy being. Of course, even women with districts have already been declared products are attributed to the work of independent economic means are not drought-affected impacting an women. Something like 15 million necessarily respected or heeded. But estimated 12,000 villages. Crops women are involved in the dairy they have a greater chance to make have withered, water is difficult industry. They tend the cattle, collect choices than those who are forced to find and the summer has not fodder, collect and deliver the dairy into dependence and as a corollary even begun. You hear stories of products for further processing. Yet, to that, subservience. indebtedness and suicide once again. few of them actually own cattle or The state government has already land. As a result, the men and not Much of the violence that we predicted that this will be the worst the women who do the work usually do not read about, because it takes drought since 1972, one that many take the benefits extended by the place away from the location of people would have forgotten but not government to dairy farmers. our media houses, is rooted in this those who till the land and know the powerlessness of the women. Every price it extracted from them. The majority of agricultural assets now and then a horrific story will — land, machinery, money and catch our attention. But for every one The face of the farmer afflicted credit — remains firmly in the hands such story, there are thousands that by this drying up of land is almost of men. The irony is that despite go unreported because the women at always that of a man. Forgotten most several policies, where women are the receiving end do not count — not of the time is the fact that the bulk of supposed to be joint holders with the even in government records. In rural work done on farms across India is men of land, or even sole owners, areas, almost half of all rape cases by women. Just statistics never tell many women are not even aware are related to land. In some parts of the full story but the fact remains that they own the land. No one, India, to ensure that women do not that while 79 per cent of rural least of all the men, have bothered get their share of the land, they are women are agricultural workers, to inform them. declared witches. In others, even fewer rural men, 63 per cent, work where they are entitled, they are on land. Despite this reality, where Why is any of this important, forced to sign away their share. the bulk of the workers on land are we can well ask. After all, these are women, only nine per cent of women agricultural families where everyone At a time when the airwaves are own agricultural land. The untold works. What does it matter if women full of talk about the budget and story of Indian agriculture is not work longer hours than the men? financial allocations, all those who just one of mismanagement — of Why is it so important for them to are concerned about violence against water and other resources — but be owners of the land they till? If women ought to look at policies also of the refusal to acknowledge the men own the land, does that not women’s contribution to agriculture. automatically mean they too are the (Continued on Page 11) 8 JANATA, March 10, 2013 Kishor Pawar: Socialist Pilgrim

Subhash Ware

Sathi Kishor Pawar began his year). When Raosaheb Patawardhan got their pay and also their bonus public life as a soldier of the Rashtra urged him to look into the problems increased. He also managed to Seva Dal. Later on he came to be of the sugar workers he promptly secure half pay to the sugar workers known as a prominent leader of the resigned from his service and when the factories were closed workers in the sugar industry. Being devoted himself to that cause. He down during the off season and involved in the Rashtra Seva Dal put his heart and soul in whatever thus considerably improved their from the beginning he shouldered he undertook and carried it to the condition. However, at the same the responsibility of almost all conclusion with all his strength. He time he saw to it that the sugar the institutions and organizations studied the sugar workers’ problems workers ever remain committed to labelled as the Socialist Family. and their root causes so thoroughly the society at large. That is why these He led the Sugar Workers’ Union that his opinion on the concerned workers participated, in no small of Kopargaon as well as of the issues proved to be of considerable measure, in many other movements Baramati Talukas. He did not stop value even at the national level. The from the one against inflation to that there but advanced much further to sugar industry was monopolized by against declaration of Emergency. reach through the Maharashtra state a few private financiers when Kishor That is why the contribution of sugar workers’ representative body Pawar started looking into the sugar the Sakhar Kamgar Sabha was of and the National Co-ordination workers’ problems. Later the sugar much importance to the workers’ Committee of Sugar Workers’ manufacturing in Maharashtra and other social movements of Unions, to all the sugar workers with came to under co-operative sector Maharashtra. This was possible their different ideologies, working and many Sugar Co-operatives because Kishor Pawar endeavoured at various levels; because he was flourished, putting more money into to awaken and sensitize the sugar committed to all of them and wanted the pockets of the sugar workers and workers regarding problems of the to solve the problems of all workers. increasing the purchasing power of whole society, not only their own the rural people. But along with this problems. A little over five feet tall, Kishor tiny prosperity, the co-operatives got Pawar was blessed with a strong infested with nepotistic and dynastic Although born in Ahmadnagar and sturdy body and was always leadership. The co-operative district he could connect with the attired in spotlessly clean and well venture beset with corruption and activists in the Konkan area with pressed Khadi clothes. Being open mismanagement and finally many ease. He was especially widely minded he would, on meeting with sugar factories were closed down. known in the Rajapur constituency anybody, instinctively initiate a The inoperative sugar co-operatives and shouldered the responsibility conversation. He also had a peculiar were then taken over by the sugar of campaigning in the election for knack of pressing his point in such bosses well-heeled through corrupt Barrister Nath Pai and Prof. Madhu a pleading and imploring manner sugar polity. The reprivatisation Dandavate. that he always got his way in any of the sugar industry was thus discourse. complete and so was the cycle of the If I am not wrong, Kishor Pawar problems of sugar workers back to wrote/edited just one book and that Kishor Pawar took his lessons on square one. The additional misery is was on Barrister Nath Pai . He even socialism and secular nationalism that Kishor Pawar is no more there named his own house as ‘Nath’. in the Rashtra Seva Dal, a school with the sugar workers to attend to Nath Pai did possess a soft corner without walls, and acquired his their altered circumstances and new in Kishor’s mind. liberal and progressive inclinations challenges. from the Warkari Sect (the religious He helped a number of candidates sect whose followers go on a He had fought many a battle win elections besides Nath Pai pilgrimage to Pandharpur every on behalf of the sugar workers; and Madhu Dandavate. Ironically JANATA, March 10, 2013 9 enough he could not figure out the riddle of his own defeat in elections. Babu Jagjivan Ram : Nation Builder Either the timing or the choice of constituency happened to be wrong. Mastram Kapoor However, he never made a fuss of his own defeat and through his History writing of the national 1947 to 1984 (when Bahujan Samaj political journey from the Socialist builders had suffered many Party was born), it was Babu Jagjivan Party to the Janata Dal, whenever drawbacks. One reason of this is Ram who fought for the rights of the the party was in financial difficulty, the tendency of personality cult. Dalits in the government. Why then it was invariably Kishor who could Except Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal was he totally neglected by Dalit pull the party out of adversity. Nehru, Sardar Patel, Maulana Azad movement? and Subhash Chandra Bose, the Kishor Pawar fought in the names of other nation-builders Babuji was brilliant science Indian Independence struggle, are generally missing in common talent of Bihar and his academic the movement for liberation discussions. Same can be said about achievements were no less than any of the Hyderabad state and the the memorials and monuments in leaders. His mastery over Hindi Goa liberation struggle. He which Nehru-Gandhi family must and English languages was well was involved in the Sanyukta have scored several centuries. This known and his speeches in both Maharashtra Agitation; and later tendency has done grave injustice languages were remembered for on for his participation in the to leaders like Dr. Rammanohar smooth expression and poetic flavor. peaceful resistance to imposition Lohia and Babu Jagjivan Ram. In this he can only be compared of Emergency, he was put behind Babu Jagjivan Ram remained in the with speakers like Kamalapati the bars for 18 months. Congress, throughout his political Tripathi, Prakash Vir Shastri and career except for some two and a Hiren Mukherjee. S.M. Joshi and Nanasaheb half years of post-emergency Janata Goray were his most beloved and Party rule and yet he suffered total Babuji remained attached to the revered leaders. For him, the two neglect from the Congress. The national stream of politics whereas institutions, the S.M. Joshi Socialist greater injustice he received from Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, like Mohammed Foundation and the Nanasaheb the community in which he was born Ali Jinnah, remained for most of the Goray Academy in Pune, were the and which he served whole heartedly time, an instrument of the British most active memorials of these two throughout his life. The Harijans or imperialism and became part of leaders’ thoughts. He was first, the Dalit community neglected him in the national politics only after the Independence. It is an undisputed treasurer of the Foundation and later comparison to Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, fact that the British government used became its President. He tried his and some fanatic Dalit leaders even Dr. Ambedkar against the Congress level best, during his tenure, to bring used foul language against him. in freedom struggle in the same way stability to this institution. Leaders of the Dalit movement as it used Jinnah. Under their policy consider Dr. B. R. Ambedkar as their of ‘divide and rule’, the British He was looked at as a leader with messiah and also consider Jyotiba authorities first separated Muslims whom any volunteer of the party Phule, Savitribai Phule, Shahu from the national stream in 1909 could easily engage in a dialogue Maharaj and Kanshi Ram, etc. as by conferring on them reservations because he always remained with their icons and never include Babu in Legislatures which created the them and helped them overcome Jagjivan Ram among them although two-nation theory and thereafter their difficulties. He had created he was not only born as Dalit but also tried to separate the Harijans (now a special niche for himself in the represented them in Indian freedom called Dalits) by giving them minds of all workers. The demise of movement, and nation-building after reservation in Legislatures under this Socialist soldier has orphaned the Independence, whereas the Dalit the Communal Award, in 1932. many an institution and organisation. leaders mentioned above (except Dr. Both these reservations were given Ambedkar) did not even belong to with the right of separate electorate Translated from Marathi Dalit community. From August 15, which made these reservations by Suman Oak 10 JANATA, March 10, 2013 dangerous for unity of the country. acknowledged this generosity on of education. How could such Mahatma Gandhi declared fast unto Gandhi’s part and even put his people appreciate Babu Jagjivan death against the malicious designs trust on him in seeking his help in Ram’s approach of cooperation and of the British imperialism which getting Harijan facilities bill passed national interest. They called this resulted in Poona Pact, under which in the parliament. Unfortunately, the approach sycophancy and surrender reservations with separate electorate Ambedkarites do not know or want to Brahmanism. Yet his positive and were substituted with nearly double to know all this and they continue constructive approach produced reservations with joint electorate for to abuse Gandhi for working against many top class leaders from the a certain period. The Ambedkarites Ambedkar. down trodden classes viz: chief accuse Mahatma Gandhi for this ministers; Jagannath Pahadia, Ashok saying that he pressurized Dr. Babu Jagjivan Ram was inducted Gahlot, Bhola Paswan, Anjaiya, Ambedkar to accept these conditions. into the first Congress government Ram Sunder Das, Karpori Thakur, This is wrong. Dr. Ambedkar was under Jawaharlal Nehru as a national etc; President K. R Narayanan, Lok convinced by Gandhi’s arguments face of the Harijans or untouchables. Sabha Speaker Meira Kumar and that separating Harijans from the His loyalty to the national movement some judges of the High Courts and national stream will create three for freedom as well as his concern the Supreme Court. As against this, nations theory and if the country is for the down trodden and suffering Ambedkarites’ Dalit movement has divided on this theory, there would people endeared him to a vast produced only one Chief Minister, be unprecedented tragedy. This population of the country. But the that also with support of some upper might have converted Ambedkar to Dalit movement inspired by Dr. castes whom they had abused day Gandhi’s view. The press-statement Ambedkar ignored him. The reason and night. This movement might issued by Dr. Ambedkar, after being, that this movement was based have erected many stone memorials putting his signatures on Poona Pact, on hatred, bitterness and envy of the of the Dalit icons, including of the clearly shows that Dr. Ambedkar upper castes or Brahmanism while living one, but this has not solved was satisfied with the agreement. Babu Jagjivan Ram’s approach even a single problem of the Dalit That is why, when the next day, was of cooperation, coordination and Backward communities. Instead, the caste Hindu leaders backed out and goodwill. Not that he was it has created so much bitterness and from the agreement, Dr. Ambedkar less concerned than Dr. Ambedkar hatred between upper castes and bitterly criticised them instead of towards the suffering of the lower castes that the goal of harmony backing out himself. He willingly untouchables or he had undergone seems to be receded infinitely and cooperated with Mahatma Gandhi less sufferings and indignities atrocities on Dalits have become a by joining Harijan Sevak Sangh. compared to Dr. Ambedkar. But he daily affair. took his sufferings with patience In 1945-46, Dr. Ambedkar was and his indignities with a dignity of It is intriguing to note why the elected to the Central Assembly from a noble soul and even forgave those soft method of cooperation and East Bengal, on Muslim League who washed with Gangajal the statue coordination of Babu Jagjivan ticket. On August 15, 1947, he lost inaugurated by him. The real cause Ram could not attract the Dalit his membership due to partition of why the Ambedkarites ignored him and Backward communities, as the country. Mahatma Gandhi asked was that the Ambedkarites’ Dalit compared to the method of hatred Sardar Patel to get Dr. Ambedkar movement was basically a separatist and envy adopted by Ambedkarites. elected from Bombay. G.V. movement having no attachment This draws our attentions to the very Maavalankar, who had already filed to the freedom movement or to the valuable observation made by Dr. his nomination from Bombay, was national aspirations of the Indian Rammanohar Lohia, in his article, asked to withdraw his nomination people. It was committed only to ‘The Meaning of equality’, included and Dr. Ambedkar’s nomination was the well-being of the Dalits of some in his famous book ‘Marx, Gandhi filed and he was elected. Thereafter limited castes. That is why some of and Socialism’. He said: Gandhi persuaded Pt. Jawaharlal their top intellectuals started saying Nehru to induct him into the cabinet that the Britishers came late and “Two evils are manifesting as Law Minister and Chairman left early and that English language themselves in the current Indian of the drafting committee of the should be made compulsory from situation, and they are probably Constituent Assembly. Ambedkar the first class to the highest level universal to the human race. Equality Vibhuti Patel

JANATA, March 10, 2013 11 as against those placed above one’s In conclusion, it can be said on will slide down towards caste- own station in life is easy to practice, the basis of our experience of sixty- wars and blood-sheds. This makes for in certain situations, jealousy five years of Independence, that Babu Jagjivan Ram more relevant and bitterness come easiest to the solution to problems related today. His contribution to the social man. Equality against those placed to our caste-ridden society can revolution can never be diluted or below one’s own station in life is be found only by the methods of forgotten in history. comparatively hard of practice, cooperation, sympathy and goodwill (Continued from Page 7) for sympathy is consuming both as taught by Babu Jagjivan Ram materially and spiritually, although rather than by methods of hatred, towards farmers — and whether a source of great joy after one envy and confrontation, followed any of them address the women has experienced it. A passion for by Ambedkarites’ Dalit movement. who do farm work. Let us begin by equality would not restrict itself to Unless Dalit movement adopts a accepting that women are farmers, the practice of sympathy; it would positive approach of joining hands that they should get the benefits also practice anger, though not with others in eliminating the castes extended to all farmers and that it jealousy. and building a classless, equality is pointless talking about ending violence against women without based society instead of adopting a seeing and recognising women’s “Another accompanying evil is selfish approach suspicious towards work and contribution to agriculture. the effort of broad sections to lift others, creating permanent hatred themselves up with the lever of among the castes, the country –The Hindu bitterness and jealousy rather than the development of their talents. This is particularly the case in a Low cost Medical Care for Rural Areas situation where tens of centuries Yusuf Meherally Centre is keen on promoting low cost, but quality, have specialised some classes into health care in rural areas. One model the Centre tried has been to create mental pursuits and most other in awareness among the Mumbai doctors that it is their duty to do something to manual work. These oppressed for the surrounding villages. It succeeded. It set up a Sunday clinic at Tara, castes tend to throw up a leadership a village on Mumbai-Goa highway in 1967 and that is still continuing. which specializes in the demagogy There is no dearth of doctors willing to serve patients free once a month of jealousy in order to attain equality or so. with the classes of power and wealth. Men of real ability even within these Now there is a proposal to undertake a new initiative and do a similar oppressed castes are left behind and experiment with a view to attracting medical men to rural areas committed get no chance to develop themselves, to providing medical care, curative as well as preventive, without their for those more adept at the strident expecting market salaries. For this, one idea that makes sense is to appeal voice of jealousy easily outrun them. to retired government doctors who do not wish to start private practice. It Mankind loses. Egalitarians must be is possible they will respond. The same with the retired military medical ever aware of the need to develop officers. And there are quite a few medical men who are motivated by the outlook and talents of all men, their ideology – Gandhian or Socialist who too may respond. The freedom particularly of those oppressed, as movement, as also the early socialist movement, did succeed in making much as to fight for equality against ideologically committed people to move to rural areas to provide health the unwilling usurpers of inequality. care. The usurpers of inequality possess The Centre appeals to Janata’s readers to identify such people and certain virtues, particularly of introduce them to it. efficiency and manners, and the Yusuf Meherally Centre, crusaders of equality must ever D-15, Ganesh Prasad, breed their virtues in their own Naushir Bharucha Marg, ranks”. Mumbai 400 007. e-mail id: [email protected] [Collected Works of Dr. 2387 0097, 2388 9738 Rammanohar Lohia, Vol.I, Page 406-407] 12 JANATA, March 10, 2013


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Bapu Heddurshetti

After the fall of the Soviet Karnataka. A Mahila Co-operative the Communist Party did not identify Russia, the communist regimes all Bank in Bangalore has built a itself with the nationalist movement. over the world have disintegrated, Ganesha temple on the ground floor Similarly many Socialists like organisationally and also of its building which one has to pass Achyut Patwardhan, and in the ideologically. However, socialists through to enter the Bank. But then later stages Jayaprakash Narayan can be proud that they are still an many Muslims have contributed to himself, identified themselves with organisational and an ideological the Kannada literature and many Gandhism. However there is no force to reckon with in the world. Muslims and Christians also have problem when Socialists identify However, in India, the situation is their accounts in the Mahila Bank. If themselves with another ideology reverse. While the communists have any one of them is a strict practicing in addition to socialism. The been able to retain some foothold, Muslim, how can he identify himself problem arises when they confuse the socialists have scattered not with an organisation or a Bank between the two ideologies and only organisationally but also which sports a picture of a Goddess start claiming and believing that the ideologically. Socialists in India or a God, for the Muslims are not ‘other’ ideology itself is socialism. have not been able to even hold only against pictorial depiction They sometimes also even think like on to their ideology and evolve of God but are also monotheistic a ‘common man’ sans any ideology. it so that it can respond to the and believe only in ‘Allah’. Here Of late, the socialists are thinking changed circumstances and the people tend to confuse language more in terms of ‘common man’s new challenges. Thus it has become and economic activity with religion. perspective’. For example on imperative that socialists should Many Muslims identify themselves corruption, socialists tend to think not only build a genuine socialist with Urdu language and hence many like ‘common people’ and offer party but also regain the focus on people think that Urdu is a language populist solutions to the problem socialist ideology. Evolving socialist of the Muslims. But in Kerala the and do not try to offer ‘socialist’ ideology to respond to the changed Muslims speak Malayalam language diagnosis of the problem and situation and circumstances so as and not Urdu. Here religion is not ‘socialist’ prognosis. They suggest to face the new challenges is a sine confused with language because ‘strict and stringent laws’, their ‘strict qua non for building a socialist since Malayalam is spoken by implementation’, ‘independent Lok organisation, let alone a party, since Hindus, Muslims and Christians Pal’ to enquire into the charges it is not possible to build a new alike, nobody there identifies the of corruption and to punish the socialist organisation or a party on Malayalam language with any of guilty, etc. We get dragged into the ideology of the last century. these religions. the ‘common man’s perception Human beings have several and Similarly there are many and start debating whether Lok Pal different identities. For example a ideologies with which the socialists should have this power or that power person is a son/daughter, a husband/ identify themselves in addition and whether this dignitary or that wife, a father/mother, an Indian, to Socialism, like Nationalism, dignitary should be included within a Marathi Manus or Manushi or a Gandhism, Environmentalism, etc. the jurisdiction of the Lok Pal. Bihari, or a Hindu, or a Muslim, During the freedom struggle, the However, no serious attempt or an agriculturist or a factory Socialists identified themselves is made by the socialists to relate worker, etc. But many a times with ‘nationalism’ also and hence corruption to the existence of we confuse between two or more launched the ‘Congress Socialist inequality in society which should be identities. To give an instance, Party’ within the Indian National the ‘socialist’ diagnosis of the cancer many Kannada literary or linguistic Congress and joined the freedom of corruption. A ‘socialist position’ associations in Karnataka sport the struggle and did not join the on corruption could be, or rather image of Goddess Bhuvaneshwari Communist Party of India though should be, that no amount of Lok in their functions as the Goddess of most of them were Marxists because 14 JANATA, March 10, 2013

Pals or punishments of the guilty will or other political formations? For or ‘Gandhian’ positions and not eliminate or even reduce corruption, example, providing irrigation per confuse them with or equate them as people do commit murders though se does not reduce inequality but in with ‘socialist’ positions. This will they know that murderers are likely fact perpetuates it. help us in developing a ‘socialist’ to be hanged, but only the effort to perspective on issues. In 2001 7.5 crore holdings i.e., 62 remove the temptation for corruption percent of the holdings had less than The confusion between different that economic inequality engenders 1 hectare and cultivated 19 percent ideologies is worst confounded by that can make a dent on corruption. of the land and 4.3 crore holdings the confusion about what is meant Sometimes they take ‘nationalist’ i.e., 36.5 percent of the holdings had by socialism. “In India today almost positions and presume that they 1 to 10 hectares and cultivated 68 every one claims to be a Socialist. are taking ‘socialist’ positions. For percent of the land. While socialists The near unanimity however is example, when some socialists take talk about qualitative improvement based upon a lack of clarity and the view that the Multi-national of agriculture by improved irrigation precision” says Asoka Mehta in the Corporations will take away their through public spending etc., no introduction to his book “Studies in profits to their own ‘countries’ socialist appears to be bothered Socialism”. But even five decades and ‘drain’ India of resources, a la about evening out the size of the land earlier, in his book ‘An Intelligent ‘drain theory’ of Dadabhai Naoroji, holdings thereby advancing towards Woman’s Guide to Socialism and they are thinking like ‘nationalists’ equality or about bringing the small Capitalism’ George Bernard Shaw rather than as ‘socialists’. A socialist and marginal unviable farmers into had said “Unfortunately, most of position on the profits earned by the farming co-operatives with a view to the people who call themselves ‘foreign’ companies could be that make agriculture viable for them and Socialists at present, do not know such profits should be distributed advance towards the socialist ideal what Socialism means, and attach its among a large number of people of fraternity. name to all sorts of fads and faiths and as far as possible equitably, and resentments and follies that have Hence, Socialists should focus whether the recipients are Indians nothing to do with it”. on creating ‘equality’ in the agrarian or foreigners. sector, by equal redistribution of Advocating the ‘destruction of Some socialists define socialism land holdings and on promoting castes’ rather than bringing about as ‘simple living’ after Gandhian ‘fraternity’ by encouraging co- ‘equality among castes’ is one such thinking. They tend to think that operative farming by integrating ‘fads and faiths’ that Shaw speaks simple living, limiting our wants, land owning farmers and landless about. What can be a socialist’s wearing Khadi, etc after Gandhian labourers. These latter issues are not objection to the caste system except thinking, is socialism. But if every taken up by agricultural scientists that some castes consider themselves one starts living a simple life and or agricultural economists or by to be superior to other castes while limit their wants, and starts wearing other political parties. Unfortunately some castes accept that they are Khadi, will it be socialism, if whereas socialists take up positions inferior to other castes? If so, the inequalities persist and fraternity is that should be taken up by others like socialist strategy should be to bring lacking? agricultural scientists, ‘nationalists’ about economic and socio-cultural or Gandhians, these others rarely equality among the castes rather than Similarly, while talking about destroying the castes themselves, take up socialist positions. agriculture, socialists often talk of which can exist even in a socialist provision of irrigation, better support Not that, one should not take society as socio-cultural units and as prices to agricultural produce, ‘nationalist’ or ‘Gandhian’ positions. examples of socio-cultural plurality provision of cheaper credit, etc. Not that a socialist should not think of a socialist society. Likewise, However, these are issues which like a nationalist, or a ‘Gandhian’. obsession of some socialists with are better taken up by agricultural But the point is that one should peripheral issues like language by scientists or agricultural economists be clear in his mind that it is a stretching the issue to demonstrate and are spoken of by almost all ‘nationalist’ or a ‘Gandhian’ position its relevance to the core values political parties. Then how are and not a ‘socialist’ one. Those who of socialism, has driven them socialists different from agricultural take such positions should identify away from the very core values of scientists or agricultural economists such positions as ‘nationalist’ socialism. JANATA, March 10, 2013 15

Worse still, in his book ‘Future very uncomfortable with power and about ‘governing’. Socialists have to of Socialism’ C.A.R.Crosland says were always eager to get out of it, propose policies for governance, the “But the worst source of confusion citing one or the other reason. This policies they will implement when is the tendency to use the word is also an after effect of the socialists’ they come to power. On this count (socialism) to describe, not a certain ‘opposition psychosis’. the socialists have certainly failed. kind of society, but particular Socialists have been the victims After the first surge of programmes policies which are or are thought to of the ‘opposition psychosis. perhaps like the abolition of Zamindari, Land be, means to attaining this kind of due to their participation in the to the Tiller etc., which in effect society or realising these attributes”. freedom movement in which they eliminated the feudal land relations It is hence that many socialists of ‘opposed’ the British rule in India like the Zamindar and the tenant the last generation thought that land and like a hangover, they have and replaced them with capitalist reforms were socialism, though the continued their policy of ‘opposing’. land relations of land owning farmer land reforms like the abolition of The question is not that they should and land-less agricultural labourer, Zamindari and Land to the Tiller not oppose the government. If the the socialists have not been able to policies ended only feudal land socialists are in the opposition, they formulate their next programmes relations and created capitalist land have to oppose the government. But concerning land and carry forward relations of the owners of land should there be a blind opposition the reforms and aim at transforming called farmers and the workers on to everything that a government these capitalist land relations into those lands called the agricultural does or a selective opposition to ‘socialist’ land relations. This applies labourers. Many thought that the policies of the government that to other programmes also. They have nationalisation or socialisation of adversely affect the core values not been able to carry forward the the towering heights of means of of socialism? Should they also programmes to their next stage of production was socialism. oppose the progressive measures evolution in the journey towards socialism. While the Congress has tried to being taken by the government only decentralise democratic governance because they are in the opposition? Clearly there is need to view by introducing the Panchayat Raj The tendency has been to oppose every issue from the point of and giving it a semblance of a even what could be the progressive view of the normative values of constitutional status, instead of measures of the government by socialism, i.e., liberty, equality and strengthening the decentralised branding the measures as anti-people fraternity, and assess whether these structures of state governance, or as anti-progress. values are enhanced or curtailed the Socialists have been, perhaps But socialism is not only about and evolve strategies to enhance unknowingly, strengthening opposing the government but also these values. the centralised state by making Statement about ownership and other particulars of JANATA ever increasing demands for its FORM IV (see rule 8) intervention in improving the 1. Place of publication: Mumbai 2. Periodicity of its publication: Weekly lives of the people, while totally 3. Printer’s name: G. G. Parikh forgetting the need to encourage Whether citizen of India: Yes community initiatives for creating a Address: 33-A, Ganesh Prasad, Naushir Bharucha Marg, Grant Road(W), co-operative commonwealth which Mumbai 400007 should ultimately replace state and 4. Publisher’s : G. G. Parikh which should be the ultimate dream Whether citizen of India: Yes of a democratic socialist. Address: As above 5. Editor’s name: G. G. Parikh Socialists also have not been Whether citizen of India Yes Address: As above able to find a proper equation with 6. Names and address of individuals who Janata Trust power. After gaining independence own the newspaper and partners or D-15, Ganesh Prasad, they had to remain in the opposition shareholders holding more than Naushir Bharucha Marg, one percent of the total capital: Grant Road (W), Mumbai 400007 for nearly two decades. So when I, K. G.G. Parikh, hereby declare that the particulars given above are true to the best in 1967 they were catapulted onto of my knowledge and belief. power, most of them, of course Mumbai (G.G. Parikh) with honourable exceptions, were March 10, 2013 Signature of Publisher R.N.I. NO. 1855/1957 16 JANATA, March 10, 2013 P.R. No. MH/MR/WEST/275/2012-2014. Posted on every Wednesday at Mumbai Patrika Channel, Mumbai GPO-1 (Continued from Page 5) progress on DMIC which FM unit, this is surely to crush life and We welcome higher allocation specially mentioned, is towards livelihood. for SCs, STs, minorities as non- acquiring/ diverting 3,50,000 transferable, we appreciate some hectares of land and yet, without The truly necessary infrastructure priority given to alternatives. impact assessment, necessary for the millions of urban poor is India as a country firstly has to clearances, with no guarantee that of shelter and neighbourhood secure food, clothing, shelter and of more employment generation amenities. A passing mention of livelihood for every citizen before than to be lost, and with Japanese 2000 crores indicates, it is to be left it becomes the 7th largest or fall in support. No concern is expressed to the private developers and not the 5 top economies of the world. for affected, while so many projects brought into the plan expenditure. We surely have to change, till then – industries, power to infrastructure Not a mention about Rajiv Awas we can’t claim to have carried out are proposed. Without consent of Yojana which is the only scheme our role within the fiscal regions the Gram- Sabhas or local urban to usher in slum free cities. and other world fora.

With Best Wishes



Printed and Published by G.G. Parikh on behalf of Janata Trust. Printed at Mouj Printing Bureau, Khatau Wadi, Girgaum, Mumbai-400 004 and published at D-15, Ganesh Prasad, Naushir Bharucha Marg (Sleater Road), Mumbai - 400 007. Established 1946 Price : Rupees Five

Vol. 68 No. 8 Diplomatic setback March 17, 2013 S. Viswam

Bangladesh means business Indo-Italian bilateral ties have the SC to go home for Christmas— Kuldip Nayar remained what diplomatic jargon India seems to have become too would describe as “cool, calm and complacent. The two were even correct.” They have rarely witnessed shifted away from ordinary prison Primacy of Fiscal Deficit the usual peaks and pits normal to an accommodation to a guest house. But in Indian Budget active relationship. Yet, suddenly the India got a slap on its face when Italy K. S. Chalam ties have dipped and touched a new was asked to send the marines back low. Rome’s refusal to send back their and has given a new twist to the entire two marines accused of killing two story, Italy now asks India to solve the Development vs. Indian fishermen for trial in India has case through diplomacy. Internal Security resulted in a major international crisis. Another new demand from Prafulla Samantara Rome is that the case be referred Hindsight tells us that New Delhi, to the UNCLOS (United Nations and even the country’s high judiciary, Convention on the Law of the Sea). What ails Indian Polity? have been disturbingly complacent, This demand has already been rejected Pannalal Surana naïve and trusting in the matter of by and the rejection has been accepted the Italian marines. They trusted the by Rome which is why it conceded Italian government when all available by implication Indian jurisdiction Movement: evidence suggested that Rome could after initially claiming that only The legacy and legitimacy betray that trust. New Delhi would Italy had jurisdiction. The prime Nishikanta Mohapatra do well to take a lesson from this minister has said that Italy’s action episode: in international relations, no in refusing to send back the marines one except your own self is worthy is unacceptable. The implication of your trust. This is the reason why is that Italy will ultimately have to Editor : diplomats always caution you to “oil return the marines. One sovereign your guns and keep your powder dry.” G. G. Parikh country cannot unilaterally break an Managing Editor : Guddi Italy’s track record as far as this undertaking given to the highest court episode is concerned has been quite in the other sovereign country. The D-15, Ganesh Prasad, Supreme Court took the undertaking Naushir Bharucha Marg, innocent. It showed respect for due process of law and participated in it till on its face value and allowed the Mumbai - 400 007. the case went to the Supreme Court. marines to travel. After the marines were sent back the Admittedly, in retrospect it would Email : [email protected] first time—they were permitted by seem that Italy was insincere from the 2 JANATA, March 17, 2013 beginning, but India was caught flat- Between the lines footed. Many options are available to India to retrieve the situation. First, it has to decide whether to give Bangladesh means business the crisis a confrontational character or to treat the issue with maximum goodwill and act in a give and take Kuldip Nayar spirit. It has to bear in mind the condition of the victims (the family) Dhaka was a distant dot on India’s of West Pakistan. It also negates of the Indian fishermen shot by the map when I was living in my home the two-nation theory, Pakistan’s marines. Secondly, it has to bear in town, Sialkot. Partition pushed me raison d’etre. When Bangladesh mind the possibility of opposition to Delhi and, happily for me, the dot became independent, more Muslim threats to make the marines issue a came closer. I took the first plane population walked away from big one politically. to Dhaka as soon as it became the Pakistan which hugged to the thesis capital of the liberated Bangladesh. based on religion. Religion doesn’t The government is already in For the first time, I heard Joi Bangla, make nations; in fact, nations make the docks over the issue of VVIP a slogan or an invocation, from the religion. It is futile to keep Muslims choppers, and relations with Italy weary Bengalis returning home. The and Hindus apart on the basis of their have been strained to that extent. airport was littered with luggage beliefs. The ultimate decision it will have and looked disorderly with long to take is the determination of how queues before the immigration For people who had staked all important Indo-Italian relations are, desks. Yet every face was writ with they had to wrest themselves from and whether strong reaction will determination to make the freedom the unwilling hands of Pakistan imperil them in the long run. meaningful for the sacrifices they could not stay away long from sought to offer. their three basic demands: death sentence for the perpetrators of Madhu Dandavate That was nearly 40 years ago. war crime committed during the By Whenever I went to Dhaka I looked liberation struggle of 1971; a ban B. Vivekanandan for that spirit. Now I find the same on the Jammat-e-Islami and its Price: Rs. 20/- urge of Joi Bangla returning. Most students wing, the Islami Chattar Janata Trust of the 180 million people feel the Shivir, both involved in war crimes same sense of pride and proudly find against the Bengali population; and, D-15, Ganesh Prasad, that the idealism within them has not boycott of companies controlled by Naushir Bharucha Marg, extinguished. In the three-week-old the Jammat. Grant Road (W), stir, they have proved that their fight Mumbai 400 007. against fundamentalism, something In 1952, Pakistani soldiers they witnessed when they separated had shot and killed seven young from West Pakistan, is still raging. It Bengalis at Dhaka University. Those Janata seems that a country which had lost killed were protesting against the Subscription its ethos is returning to the right path. imposition of Urdu as a compulsory Annual Rs. : 260/- language. Language, culture and Three Years : 750/- That Jammat-e-Islami should ethnicity were staking their claim. Demand Draft / Cheque on oppose a secular ideology is In a sense, February 21, 1952 was Mumbai Bank understandable because the party Shahbag Square before its time. No does not believe in pluralism. Yet its wonder, Sheikh Mujib-ur Rahman, in favour of use of violence to deny the country founder of the country and father JANATA TRUST its ideology of liberation is to deny of Sheikh Hasina of the Awaami the very baptism of the nation. The League, insisted on calling the D-15, Ganesh Prasad, liberation struggle represents the then eastern part of Pakistan ‘East Naushir Bharucha Marg, revolt against the colonial rule which Bengal’. Today, of course, this is Mumbai 400 007 East Bengal suffered at the hands Bangladesh. He anticipated that JANATA, March 17, 2013 3

Pakistan would rather give up Bangladesh than Urdu. And this is Primacy of Fiscal Deficit precisely what happened. in Indian Budget

It has taken the nation some years K. S. Chalam to realize that it cannot sustain its secular as well as liberation spirit without punishing those who had Ever since the Whig Prime the central leadership and the union usurped power in the name of Minister Robert Walpole referred governments have been trying to liberation. But they were not the to the term “budget” , while opening resolve some of these issues with the real liberators. The youth, which the leather bag in British Parliament existing institutional structures of must get the credit for leading the in 1733, the term became popular fiscal federalism. But, a new regime movement, has forced their people throughout the world for an annual of fiscal prudence with measurable to see their face in the mirror and financial exercise. The first budget in indicators was brought in to the jargon recognize that the real liberators had our country was presented for seven of our budgets from 1991. It is noted been pushed aside while they should and half months in November 1947. that, “ a more complete measure have been the real beneficiaries. In The Constitution has made special of macroeconomic imbalance used the process, the anti-liberators have provisions for the presentation internationally is the concept of seen during the years they were in of the annual financial statement gross fiscal deficit which reckons the power that the original commitment (budget) in the Parliament. It has total resource gap in terms of excess to stay pluralistic would be mixed undergone far-reaching changes of total Government expenditure with religion, just as Khalida Zia’s in the budget speeches of Finance over revenue receipts and grants. Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) Ministers - starting with few pages to This concept fully reflects the and the Jammat did. that of volumes in print, comprising indebtedness of the Government”. The youth have made the country different aspects of revenue and This shows the philosophy behind realize that those who opposed expenditure and other matters. The the concept and the conditions of freedom for Bangladesh, plotted in latest change is about the ‘Fiscal the fiscal profligacy of the period conjunction with the military Junta Policy Strategy Statement’ presented resulting in alleged crisis in Balance in West Pakistan and oppressed by P. Chidambaram along with of Payments. their own people must be separated other budget papers, appears to from the liberators. The latter see be continuation of a new structure Expertise in Public Finance is not the Jammat as a part of the Razakar initiated in 2005. a pre condition for budget making militia that was an ancillary to the as the trajectory of a budget is Pakistan army and are determined There was hardly an occasion decided prior to its presentation. It to punish those who sided with the immediately after independence seems three important quantitative aggressors. They consider it essential to look at fiscal deficit except as indicators now dominate the field: to remove the stranglehold of the the overall budget deficit of excess The Rating agencies, SENSEX and Jammat from politics, economy expenditure over revenue. The the Fiscal deficit. A new piece of and society. Make no mistake, these federal structure of the country and legislation was also brought in 2003 are not the only young people in the separation of functions between known as FRBM and amended in Bangladesh at Shahbag, the venue Union and States along with the 2012. Some of the parliamentarians for the agitation, who are against division of resources are clearly who talk about the defects or merits communalism but they seem to be laid in the Constitution. Of course, of the budgets appear to be unfamiliar the only ones who count. they are increasingly becoming with the constitutional provisions contentious issues with growing in Articles from 107 to 117. Are The situation is not easy when aspirations of provincial groups and they not infringed? For instance, huge money is pouring into the parties. In fact, the liberalization of six important policy modifications coffers of the Jammat and when the the economy has further strengthened were made to give primacy of Fiscal only viable opposition BNP, have these divisions, with regional satraps Deficit to arrive at 5 percent of GDP (Continued on Page 9) wielding more power. However, in 1991. They are: 1. Reduction in 4 JANATA, March 17, 2013 the fertilizer subsidy by increasing the average price by 30 percent. Development vs. Internal Security: 2. Abolition of cash compensatory Who Gains and Who Suffers support for exports, 3. Abolition of subsidy on sugar through PDS, 4. Prafulla Samantara Offering 20 percent Government equity in PSEs to public, 5. A 20 per cent increase in the prices of motor The nation is growing through a the powerful elements. Anyone spirit and LPG, and 6. Adjustment terrible time. It is terrible not only who wants to seriously analyze the of Tax rates to yield net revenue of because incidences of poverty, issues of popular unrest in India in Rs 2500 crores. hunger, malnutrition, ill health, any form should be sensitive enough school drop outs, farmers’ suicides, to understand whether it is an ill The approach of the policy disparities between individuals motivated, externally inspired and makers in Delhi appears to be that and groups are on the rise at a very engineered one or whether it is yet of a banker and not necessarily that alarming rate. It is terrible also another case of expressing anger of an economist. A banker looks at because the nation is not aware of and frustration as the so-called the creditworthiness of the loanee what is wrong with the nationals development inherently excludes a (barrower) and not his needs. This and the nationals are not allowed vast majority of Indians from the is alright for an individual, but to know what truth is and what process. This is extremely important can we treat a country like this? is untruth. An industry seems to as the understanding or lack of it, or However, the World Bank and be working day in and day out to even a simple perception of ours, IMF such institutions look at the create confusions in the minds of decides whether it is an ‘internal borrowing country like a customer the citizens/people of this country security’ issue where guns will and prescribe prudential norms. in such a way that most pertinent resolve the issue or whether it is a The concept of Fiscal deficit is part issues are ignored or neglected and case of development deprivation of that strategy. Fiscal deficit is non-issues come to the centre stage. which will certainly require no total expenditure of the government The media in our times has been application of force or armed power (revenue and capital) minus revenue instrumental in converting issues of the state. into non-issues and non-issues into receipts minus loans and other Development or Deprivation capital receipts, expressed as a issues. As a consequence, unrest and proportion of GDP. It was around 7 discontentment are also on the rise as We have come across a few percent before 1991 and was brought all affected people and communities things pertaining to development down to 5.4 percent in 1995-96 and don’t get their outstanding issues since independence which has further reduced to 4.4 in 2004-5. It resolved. When they approach created a complex cycle in which was again moved up to 5.7 percent representative institutions of we see problems keep rising and in 2011-12 and is being regulated democracy such as the legislative not getting resolved. First, our to 4.8 percent in the current budget. assemblies, the parliament, the development planners never held It is noted by the FPSS that “the grass-root institutions through the common men to be in the centre fiscal policy of 2013-14 has been difficult means they don’t find any of their thinking. Who are these calibrated with two fold objectives one sensitive to their issues who can common men? Certainly, the vast - first to aid economy in growth at least listen to them with care and majority of people engaged in revival and second to bring down attention. The bureaucracy despite farming, cultivation as well as the deficit from 2012-13 level so reforms remains alienated from the artisans, fishermen, forest dwellers masses, though it has come very and other traditional livelihood as to leave space for private sector close to the corporate world which dependent population. They were credit as the investment cycle picks often targets the livelihood resources excluded from the beginning itself up.” There are two other deficits: the of the common men such as land, and the tribal sub-plans of the revenue deficit consisting of revenue water and forest. When the judiciary government targeting specific expenditure minus revenue receipts is approached as a last resort there primitive tribes were not a success. also the common man finds it an Green revolution never helped the (Continued on Page 15) alien territory, friendlier towards small and marginal farmers. Rather JANATA, March 17, 2013 5 it made the vast majority of famers these suicides have taken place in ecosystem which does not have any hostile against farming. It derailed the so-called developed states such monetary value but which has been the land reforms agenda as green as Andhra Pradesh, Maharshtra and sustaining life on earth for thousands revolution required concentration of Punjab. The story of FDI coming of years. The natural custodians land and not land distribution. As a in lakhs of crores of rupees brings of these resources who have been result more and more people started along with it the fact that about 3000 protecting them so well for so many leaving agriculture. Odisha, Bihar farmers in Odisha have committed generations are being displaced from and Madhya Pradesh which were suicide in the last 11 years. Now their habitat and deprived of their producing 25 percent of nation’s they are being forced to dispose right to livelihood and life. Without food grains in 1951 are nowhere off their land and no one asks giving any thought about their future in the producers’ list. They have them, “what will you do after the we go on removing them mercilessly topped the list in terms of poverty, land is gone”. If you want to know from their ancestral habitat and malnutrition and disease. These what they are doing, you just look when they protest we crush them. are the areas that are on top now around in your town you will find We call them Maoists though most in mineral production map of the them as construction workers, brick of them don’t know what Maoism country. No FDI is coming here workers as cities like Surat and is. There are Maoists but they are to address the issues of hunger Raipur can’t accommodate all of not everywhere. Particularly the and deprivation. FDI is coming to them. This is happening at a time struggles in Odisha against POSCO, exploit the rich mineral resources when the number of billionaires in Vedanta, Utkal Alumina, TATAs, of these areas. Incidentally, these India is continuously on the rise ever Jindal, Adani, etc are spontaneous are the areas that witness highest since economic reforms project was resistance of farmers and forest concentration left-wing extremism. launched in India in the 1990s. If dwellers. But they are being crushed Even the Planning Commission we take Montek Singh Ahluwalia’s by using brute force and in certain special group headed by Former measurement of poverty, someone is places they are deliberately called Secretary of Government of India, called poor if his house can’t spend Ultras as that makes the task easier Dr. Debu Bandopadhaya did also Rs 26 a day in the village. Please - of repressing them. The most talk about this complex cycle. compare the poor man’s income of revealing example one finds in Nira But we ignored the complex part Rs 26 a day with that of 1000000000 Radia tapes where Nira is telling and thought of providing very rupees of a citizen of the country Vir Singhvi that TATAs are fighting simplistic solutions of intervening whom we call billionaire and tell with Maoists in Kalinganagar - a through security forces. We never me if your conscience approves 21st century lie, so irresponsibly thought we are now dealing with this as normal in a democracy. Dr. our own citizens. The Integrated Arjun Sen Gupta committee of circulated. Action Plan that the government the planning commission in 2007 We Need Serious Introspection declared for such disturbed districts revealed that 77 percent of rural could not convince how and what India has capacity to spend less than Friends, there are many stories was integrated. Just think about Rs. 20/- per day. which will make you cry if you someone in your family - a son or a think you have fellow citizens who daughter who may be quite violent Even with all their difficulties the are living in such wretched and or aggressive in nature. Do you say- poor have been managing to live repressive conditions whereas life “Take a chocolate like IAP and keep a life with tremendous hardships for you is not so difficult. Where is quite or else I shall kill you” or do in spite of the state. But even that the Indian brotherhood among us you all get together in your family is not allowed. Because certain when we are gradually becoming and sincerely try to understand companies have to prosper and earn indifferent towards each other? How why someone is so upset or so sky-reaching profits we decided to can we resolve issues affecting the aggressive? open up mineral rich areas which nationals/citizens without making are heavily forested and where any sincere efforts to get to the roots Even in states where so-called tribals live in large number. When of each issue? On top of that we are development has succeeded the we invite large investments for deciding to resolve issues at gun story does not provide much hope. mining, anyone who invests 1 dollar point - today paramilitary forces, In just 25 years, 2.5 lakh farmers in mining gets 100 dollars in returns tomorrow the military. Somewhere have committed suicide. Most of and in the process devastates an reason has deserted us. How can we 6 JANATA, March 17, 2013 think of using military in dealing with our own citizens? The people What ails Indian Polity? who have put up military uniform have single mission to defend the Pannalal Surana territory of the country at any cost as their own countrymen will have Communal hatred, in the name vehicles on roads or travelling by to live peacefully inside. These of religion, instigated by political trains or buses. There are heaps of countrymen are none other than their organizations accompanied by garbage accumulating on roads, own brothers and sisters who are violent acts is a great destabilizing crossroads, markets, bus stands, farmers, forest dwellers, fisher folk, riverside. Dirt and filth everywhere artisans and workers who are also factor. Bharatiya Janata Party and a and so is urinating in the open fighting to defend their livelihoods few fundamentalist Muslim groups spaces at bus stands or in bazaar. against corporate takeover. While are indulging into that kind of the men in military uniform are activity. Over the sixty years since India defending the nation, their brothers Capitalist forces unleashed in became independent bureaucratic and sisters are defending the nationals apparatus has expanded vastly. In by providing them with food and the name of Globalisation are rural areas, teachers, gram sevaks, basic services. But the task has trying to extract huge profits by doctors in PHCs, muster clerks and been equally hard and challenging reducing the number of workers assistant engineers don’t stay at for them as almost all livelihood on the one hand and charging high the places where they are posted. sources have been threatened and prices to the consumers on the the political leadership continues other. Greedy captains of corporate They are commuting daily by to be hostile and apathetic to their houses are pressurizing rulers- private two-wheelers or buses. plight. We should not allow a divide that-be in all countries to help Nobody is bothered about the work. between the two important class of them acquire control over natural During most of the office hours, the fighters who are defending the nation resources like land, minerals, premises look like deserted places, and nationals in hostile conditions as water, etc. Consequently, traditional with lot of dust piled on cupboards, this will threaten the overall security inhabitants and beneficiaries of racks and files as well as tables and of the country. We should reexamine the areas concerned are driven chairs in total disarray. Whenever our concept of development and out to trot unknown tracts in a citizen visits any government make necessary transformation search of meaningful occupations. office for his work, either the officer otherwise the confusions will grow Polarisation of strange nature is concerned is not there and nobody in and ultimately we will end up in taking place. the office knows where he/she has fighting with each other. We can’t gone, or if s/he is there, the papers say Jai Jawan, if the Kisan is dying. Consumerism, in the form of over- concerned are missing. The client We can’t also engage the Jawan to indulgence, is causing great harm is told to supply a fresh set. And, kill the Kisan just because we don’t to the health and culture of large of course, no paper or file moves understand the reasons of his unrest. citizenry. Vulgar advertisements, without putting some weight on We don’t try to understand that may telecast, broadcast and printed 24x7 it. Corruption has spread to every be we are the cause of his unrest. are corrupting the minds of youths nook and corner. The rates are Friends, we should be in a position and juveniles. rising in proportion to the rising to say very proudly both ‘Jai Kisan, tempo of popular agitations against Jai Jawan’ and not just Jai Jawan at Congress party is mainly corruption. Government employees, the cost of Jai Kisan. responsible for this degeneration barring a few exceptions, have of political economy of our country become extremely irresponsible and (Edited text of th e keynote though other mainstream parties are arrogant. They are not at all bothered presentation in the roundtable not free from the blame. by the possibility of punishment or conference organized at Lucknow disciplinary action. They enjoy under the aegis of Headquarters The people, on their part, are protection of various provisions in of Army Central command on 13 indulging in gross indiscipline in the relevant laws and of their trade February 2013). public, viz. while using private unions. JANATA, March 17, 2013 7

Sense of duty and responsibility principled politics. It is my firm conducting the affairs of a society are equally lacking in the professions belief that dedicated and intense rules are to be framed and enforced. of doctors, pleaders, chartered political work is the only way out - Citizens should follow the rules accountants and so on. to help the people get out of the rot. willingly.Willing participation helps It is the duty of ours not to allow this build up sound social order .Political One is totally dismayed. great country to return to the “dark activists should not hesitate to speak What point is there in asking the ages” of the second millennium. out frankly when it is called for. Government to undertake new Like any other nation, India is Playing to the gallery is not always programmes of development or capable of rejuvenating itself and a good policy. welfare schemes? leading a spirited and civilized existence. That is possible only if its These days, a number of so- It is the experience of many political, social and economic order called Godmen are leading the activists, across the board, that the is based on the principles of justice masses to participate in superstitious toiling masses or their sections are and equity. Bringing about that rituals .Yagnyas are performed for lukewarm, if not totally apathetic, kind of transformation requires two inviting the rains to come. A number to any programme of action to get things : (1) changing the mindset of political activists take lead in their grievances redressed or new and the habits of the common people organizing such events. This is not demands raised in their behalf. by making them aware of the bad only useless but greatly harmful. They seem to have lost faith in habits and selfish, shortsighted Activists, committed to bring about collective action aiming at higher attitude which many of our people radical transformation (Sampoorna goals. Instead, every person tries have developed over the last fifty Kranti) should be bold enough to to go by a short cut. They don’t years or so, and (2) building up an resist such rituals. Some would mind paying a bribe to get things army of devoted, self-disciplined say that doing it may have adverse done. Individually, many of them and competent activists. This is an effects on the electoral prospects are too eager to fall easy prey to uphill task. People will have to be .Actually, if cogent case is made various allurements offered by the told that better social order cannot out and put forcefully, some of the corporate directly or through media. be built if all the bad habits and vices citizens would certainly appreciate Indulgence in vices like drinking are allowed a free play. Citizens will such bold initiatives. Activists alcohol, grotesque entertainment, have to decide whether to suffer should get engaged in constructive gambling, etc. is too rampant. all the ills of this degenerating activities that are beneficial to the Teenagers are also participating in consumerist society or to stand up people. That helps image-building “rave parties” and give up the socially harmful which can be helpful when radical habits.That may hurt a little for a initiatives are to be taken. How can such a lot respond to a while. But this is the price we will call for determined political action? have to pay. No noble goal can be That takes us to the second achieved without paying a price in plank. Small local groups are to be These days, elections are won the form of “blood, sweat and tears”. groomed and ideologically oriented. by money/muscle power. A large If self-sacrificing vanguards come There must be clarity of thought and section of voters are prone to forward, people will respond sooner courage of conviction. When a small preferring ‘a short cut’ even in that than later. group of activists is formed and field. Given the mentality and the trained over a period of two-three habits of large number of voters Political party, by definition, months, it can serve as a vanguard as described above, the path of should participate in elections. But of transformation. principled politics that we, the it is not inevitable that we should Socialist Party(India), have chosen tell the people only what they would This is a time-taking process. to follow, stands little chance of like to listen. At times, it becomes With patience, perseverance and success in elections. necessary to tell a few unpalatable, full faith in the creed that we have but enervating things. No bribe adopted after due consideration, This is not to suggest bidding to be paid, whatever the delay or a band of dedicated activists can good-bye to, or keep away from, denial. Strict observance of the rules succeed in accelerating the pace of elections forever or give up that are not, ipso facto, unjust. For radical transformation. 8 JANATA, March 17, 2013 India Against Corruption Movement: The legacy and legitimacy

Nishikanta MohaPatra

Peoples’ discontent against of negativism in the country into will be the future course of action. mal-administration in general an ambience of hope and possible It is still a mystery for the public to and corruption in particular got a change. Students, housewives, map the contours of development vent through the movement called teachers, contractors, shop keepers, after the clarion call for alternative India Against Corruption (IAC). doctors, engineers and people from politics. It was Anna himself who Its popular face Anna Hazare with other walks of life jumped into the announced the alternative path and his formidable lieutenant Arvind movement swimming against the from the same platform from which Kejriwal ensured that the crescendo current trend of pursuit of self- Arvind Kejriwal gave details of the against corruption reaches its all interest and personal career. The new initiative. So Anna’s later denial time height and people from nook high point of the movement was of political option and Arvind’s and corner of the country join it. recognition of the need for self- insistence on it still need a proper The movement even aroused the sacrifice and pursuit of national explanation. A fringe opinion that enthusiasm of the patriots from interest in the form of demand for Anna was befooled into announcing overseas and demonstrations were Jana Lokpal and structural changes. the political option doesn’t hold organized in different countries water, as a seasoned warrior and apart from the online support and Narrative of IAC’s experience, of independent leader like Anna Hazare physical presence in Delhi and course, cannot be completed without is not known to be vulnerable enough elsewhere within the country. The mentioning the road blocks and to be deceived. Rather the version support and participation of the inherent contradictions that created that Anna and Arvind have a proper public ensured that the movement little furores. Very often it was understanding to work on both the evoked instant comparison with witnessed that the Anna core team civil society and political platform Jayaprakash Narayan’s movement of spearheading the movement was simultaneously gains credence if the nineteen-seventies which ensured not in unison. Whether it is Santosh the later developments are taken a paradigm shift of power from Hegde’s disapproval of certain into account. the Congress to the non-Congress methods of agitation or Kiran Bedis’ regime. Personal experience of comfort level with Bharatiya Janata So the legacy of IAC movement individual fighters against corruption Party or the emerging equation with is both social and political. Socially and media exposures of various Baba Ramdev, the team was at pains it ensured a general awakening scandals became the order of the to explain the diverse viewpoints. among the public against corruption day. Debates, discussions, articles, The icing on the cake of this internal and wider understanding of initiatives and social media got discord was Swami Agnivesh’s the concept of the swaraj. The abuzz with the clarion call to end role as a Congress plant in Anna movement demystified the process of corruption in the country. IAC’s team caught on camera. Moreover, registration and ridiculed the claim demand for a strong anti-corruption the accusations of the facebook of the legislative representatives to institution namely ‘Jana Lokpal’ coordinator against Arvind Kejriwal absolute power of rule making. It got unqualified support from the of self-promotion and withdrawal of questioned the one time sanction public and a number of surveys a member on charges of clandestine through election and asked for right substantiated the popular mood. recording of the core committee to recall and reject. It questioned Even the Parliament was forced to meeting provided sufficient fire the intention of the political parties acknowledge the growing unrest power to people like Digvijay Singh for corruption free governance and of the public against corruption and Manish Tiwari to rubbish the demand accountability for the same. and promised to pass an effective movement on the wrong side. The We bill to that end at the earliest. India juggernaut of Anna finally got Against Corruption movement disintegrated once it was declared can say the movement pinched successfully changed the cynicism that the path of alternative politics the general psyche of the public and JANATA, March 17, 2013 9 assured the nation of a new beginning. against corrupt system and people rights and the recent initiative to Anna became the symbol for the in various localities through local completely ban liquor in the state. new social movement asserting, initiative gathered to show solidarity Depending upon Anna’s ideals as in general, active citizenship and to the septuagenarian leader. In the the only capital they have showed demanding accountable, transparent, process, IAC became the banner the strength of common man to lead participatory administration. of an all-India phenomenon. The the fight from the front. It’s an ideal social media, IAC logo and the citizenry movement. The political legacy of IAC core team provided a rudimentary movement is no doubt the declaration structure to the movement and So will the citizen drive be of Aam Aadmi party (AAP) as a people accepted it as the common delved into a narrow organizational political movement. To compliment brand. So IAC as a brand value is structure? Will Anna commit the the accountable governance significant to the display of people’s mistake of killing an automatic paradigm as perused under the power and the non-centralized spring by opting for an organizational IAC banner, AAP declared Jana leadership under the ideals of Anna. rigidity? Will IAC be lost in the Lokpal, swaraj, right to recall and It is no more a name only. It stands right to reject as its core objective. for independent, ideal, assertive, vested interests surrounding Anna? Not only so, it also provided a party motivated, active and decentralized The answers to these questions will structure which is decentralized, local citizen initiatives. In Odisha, decide the legitimacy of IAC for its democratic and participatory. In we have seen the local team on ardent followers. But, interestingly matters of selection of candidates by its own going for health camps, the answers lie not with Anna but local party workers the only bench publication of magazine, solidarity with the people themselves. They mark decided by AAP is Anna’s with movements fighting against have to decide whether they want to five golden principles. In the words corporate monopoly, farmers’ lead or to be led. and designs of Arvind Kejriwal it (Continued from Page 3) is amply clear that Anna Hazare’s moved closer to the fundamentalists. There is a lesson for us to learn. We principles wit be the torch bearer Against this background, it was too have left our basic commitment for the political initiative instead of natural that Begum Khalid Zia far behind, that of pluralism and Anna’s expressed reservation for would cancel her appointment with democracy. Electoral politics has electoral politics. Of course. Anna’s Indian President Pranab Mukherjee mutilated them and what has come support for clean politics and his who was visiting Dhaka last week. to be known as the vote bank politics trust in Arvind provides the key to Khalida looked like conveying to has let communalism, caste and the future strategy that the duo may New Delhi that the fight against the regionalism emerge. We demolished adopt. Jammat was motivated by India. For the Babri masjid at Ayodhya and her, even this far-fetched argument killed the Sikhs in Delhi in 1984 After disbanding the core team means a lot because the elections are and Muslims in Gujarat in 2002. and the later announcement of only a few months away when she We have practically destroyed Anna in Patna that he would not be would polarize the nation along with the pluralistic society that we had using the IAC tag, it is important the Jammat. built since independence. Can we to question the legitimacy of the retrieve pluralism and democracy social movement under the present What the two, more so the Jammat, that our forefathers envisaged in nomenclature. Because for the do not seem to realize is that the the constitution and placed before political legacy it won’t be a problem demand for death of the collaborators us like a pole star? as it has accrued the legitimacy has not been encouraged by India in under the banner of Aam Aadmi any way. Bangladesh is fighting for Bangladesh looks determined to Party. IAC has been a genuine its identity—an identity that inspired reclaim the purpose for which it was citizens’ movement. When Anna and it to be free which it has forced constituted. In contrast, we think we Arvind started the movement against now to refurbish the wherewithal have all the time to hark back on the corruption they had no organization; of freedom. The more the issue is old values as well as ideals of our except the public anger against clouded the louder would be the freedom struggle. Bangladesh means the state of affairs in the country. voice. The Bangladeshis have got business. We have not yet begun to This resulted in widespread protest awakened. feel what we have lost. 10 JANATA, March 17, 2013 Megalomaniac Project

The Delhi Mumbai Industrial • incorporates 11 investment not deliver. At best only 20 to 30 Corridor Project (DMIC) is such regions and 13 industrial areas % of the promised investments a humongous, megalomaniac, of about 100 - 250 sq. km each come good. The record of new ambitious State-sponsored industrial employment generated is even development project spanning 1483 • approximately 180 million people, 14 percent of India’s population worse. Every new job typically km in length across six states in India. requires a capital of between Rs. It is a joint venture between India will be affected 80 lakh to Rs. 1 crore. Whether it is and Japan, both having contributed • nine junction stations including SEZs, SIRs or infrastructure projects equally to the initial Rs. 1000 crore ($ Vasai (near Mumbai), Gothangan 182 million) fund. The ‘dream’ is to there are land scams and routes to (near Surat), Makarpura (near avoid taxes. ramp up the size to $ 100 billion (Rs. Baroda), Amli (near Ahmedabad), 5.5 lakh crore). DMIC is supposed Palanpur, Marwar, Phulera, There is absolutely no mention of to pass through U.P, NCR of Delhi, Rewari, Tughlakabad Haryana, Rajasthan, Gujarat and the human or environmental impacts Maharashtra, with end terminals at The stated goals of this of the humongous DMIC project. Dadri in the National Capital Region monstrously big dream are to: of Delhi and Jawaharlal Nehru Port The kind of projects pursued near Mumbai. • double employment potential in currently are massively resource- five years intensive. There is no thought spared Along with the environmental and for where water and power will be material disaster it will have an impact • triple industrial output in five available from. on 14% population of the country, as years per official documents. This is being Even a small project has to be done ignoring the displacement and • quadruple exports from the region examined for its feasibility, economic immense suffering of the people in in five years costs and benefits, environmental various projects. What could not and social impact assessment. No be achieved through the Special DMIC is just one more link in the Economic Zone Act is now being long chain of fantasies pursued by such exercise is known to have been planned through this. The new Bill the corporate-politician-bureaucrat- undertaken. on land acquisition and resettlement technocrat-land shark nexus of vested and rehabilitation is being tailor interests who foist projects to benefit When something on such a scale made to this project, and no wonder themselves at the cost of the toiling is envisioned one cannot look at if this turns out to be the biggest majority of our country. The clique individual projects, one has to look disaster for people in coming years. of vested interests masquerades as at the combined impact. ‘development magicians’ who will Projects have already started at make India shine. Technocrats are The real cost of ‘development’ many of the places and so have the fascinated by what is big. In their is displacement, dispossession, dis- resistance by people. To bring all view all that is ‘mega’ is in the employment and dehumanisation. these struggles together, to reach interest of the country. Whimsical out to people on the route, spread ideas are floated first, feasibility Ask the toiling majority of out information and to be with them examined as an afterthought and women, farmers, farm labourers, in solidarity we have undertaken justification drummed around like Dalits, Adivasis, fish workers; India this yatra from Mumbai to Delhi, it is divine decree. Interlinking is not shining, India is declining. culminating in Delhi on March 23, of rivers, SEZs, SIRs, DMIC Shahid Bhagat Singh’s martyrdom etc. are part of a long history of Only the Tatas, Ambanis, Adanis, day. mammoth fanciful projects with Mittals, Birlas & Jindals are shining. dubious promises, unfulfilled and They will soon be joined by Walmart, Key features of the project unfulfillable benefits. Ikea, Carrefour. • will affect a band of 150km to 200km on both sides of the Experience shows that investment National Alliance Dedicated Freight Corridor jamboorees across the country do of People’s Movements Vibhuti Patel

JANATA, March 17, 2013 11 Obituary Lotika Sarkar

Prof. Lotika Sarkar who played a apex court on the Mathura rape After her husband passed away, central role in several path-breaking case. I remember cutting stencil and she was under immense trauma and crucial legislations for gender making copies on our cyclostyling and grief. Taking advantage of justice and empowerment of women machine of the 4-page long letter for this situation her cook and the during 1975-2005, passed away at wider circulation. Translation of this police officer whose education the age of 86 on 23rd February 2013. letter into Gujarati and Hindi served they had sponsored usurped her In the women’s rights movement, a crash course for me to understand property and house. Her students, she was known as Lotikadee. When nuances of criminal justice system, India’s top lawyers and judges other stalwarts of women’s studies rape laws and sexual violence as mobilized support and signed an touched our hearts with inspirational the weapon to keep women in a open letter studded with such names speeches in the women’s movement perpetual state of terrorization, as Justice V.R. Krishna Iyer, Soli gathering, Lotikadee floured us with intimidation and subjugation. Wide Sorabjee, Gopal Subramaniam and her legal acumen. She was the first circulation of the Open Letter Kapila Vatsyayan. Jurists, advocates, Indian woman to graduate from resulted in birth of the first feminist academics, bureaucrats, journalists Cambridge. Lotikadee was in the group against rape, Forum Against and human rights activists had peak of her career, when she was Rape in January, 1980. signed the open letter demanding asked to join Committee on Status of justice for her. Finally, during her Women in India, 1972 that prepared When Lotikadee came to last days, Lotika Sarkar’s property Towards Equality Report, 1974. Mumbai for the first Conference was transferred back to her and her As a pioneer in the fields of law, on Women’s Studies in April, 1981 assets handed over to her to allow her women’s studies and human rights, at SNDT Women’s University, we, to live her life in peaceful serenity, she prepared the chapter on laws young feminists were awe-struck!! which she so deserved. Lotikadee’s concerning women in the Status of Ideological polarization in this traumatic experience invited serious women’s Committee Report with Conference was extremely volatile. attention to safeguarding the rights gender sensitivity and analytical Lotikadee’s commitment to the of senior citizens by both state and civil society. clarity for furthering women’s rights. left movement did not prevent her from interacting meaningfully with Dr. Lotika Sarkar was the first Lotikadee was a conscience liberals, free-thinkers and also the woman teacher of law faculty at keeper not only for policy makers new-left like me. Indian Association the University of Delhi and taught and legal fraternity but also of of Women’s Studies was formed in Criminal law and was a mainstay women’s studies scholars and this gathering. In the subsequent of the Indian Law Institute, Delhi women’s movement activists. The conferences, Lotikadee attracted during 1980s and 1990s. She was most appropriate tribute to Lotikadee innumerable legal luminaries to a founding member of the Indian is to proactively pursue the mission IAWS. Association for Women Studies. she started with her team in 1980 to fight against rape and various forms In 1980, along with Dr. Veena At the initiative of her students, of structural and systemic violence Mazumdar, Lotikadee founded Amita Dhanda and Archana Parashar, against women and to strive for Centre for Women’s Development a volume of Essays, Engendering social justice, distributive justice Studies. Along with three professors Law: in Honour of Lotika Sarkar was and gender justice. Resurgence of of Law of Delhi University-Prof. published in 1999 by Eastern Book activism against sexual violence Upendra Baxi, Prof. Kelkar, Dr. Company, Delhi. and feminist debate around Justice Vasudha Dhagamwar, Lotikadee Verma Commission’s Report as well wrote the historic Open Letter to Lotikadee and her journalist as Criminal Law (Amendment ) the Chief Justice of India in 1979, husband, Chanchal Sarkar, both Ordinance, 2013 constantly reminds challenging the judgment of the were kind, generous and trusting. us of pioneering work of Lotikadee 12 JANATA, March 17, 2013 in terms of creating a strong band feminists who are following her torchbearer of gender justice by of committed and legally aware footsteps. Let us salute Lotikadee, continuing her heroic legacy. –Vibhuti Patel K. R. Nallasivam

Where could we find those kind The fair gentleman turned to 1971. He died in 1975 after a brief of people today? me and introduced himself as K.R. ailment. Nallasivam, MLA from Chennimalai He was MLA for nineteen years, While browsing the internet I and the other was N.K. Palaniswami, but did not own any property. He left stepped into a news item that took also a MLA (Communist) from behind his wife, son and daughter. my memory to an incident which the next constituency. He told they After his death his wife Saraswathy happened long back, sometime would get down at Erode, till then and her son N. Ravindran had to face in 1958 or 1959. I was returning we can adjust and sleep in the hardships.. from Madras to Coimbatore by available space on the bench. In the Nilgiri Express. When the train meanwhile Sri Palaniswami climbed Coming to know of the further started from Madras Central up on the luggage rack and spread impoverished status of Saraswathy two gentlemen rushed to the his towel to sleep. I could not believe and her son, the then Congress compartment and got in. It was a at the simplicity and ease with which MLA representing Modakurichi, third class reserved compartment they moved with others. Later I came R.M. Palanisamy, raised the issue for sitting. In those days; there to know that K.R. Nallasivam from in the Tamil Nadu Legislative were no sleeper compartments. One Kodumudi was an agriculturist and Assembly and spoke about the person was fair and lean, wearing respected Congressman-turned- family circumstances of K.R. Khadi kurtha, dhothi and a towel staunch Socialist and spent his Nallasivam. Immediately, the then over his shoulder and the other was entire life in the service of people. Chief Minister M. Karunanidhi little dark complexioned wearing He was a veteran freedom fighter, declared that on behalf of the Tamil white shirt, dhothi and a towel over Member of the Socialist Party Nadu Government, a sum of Rs. his shoulder. They were allotted National Executive and Chairman of 2 lakh would be given to the wife seats nearby in the same bench. all-India Socialist Party in 1963-64. of late K.R. Nallasivam. Later They were carrying ordinary bags Prior to that, he was Chairman of the the cheque for Rs. 2 lakh was containing their clothes and some Tamilnad Socialist Party in 1963. handed over to her on 16 February, documents. They were discussing 2008, by the then Handlooms and some politics and the assembly He represented the then Textiles Minister N.K.K.P. Raja in proceedings. After some time, the Chennimalai Constituency as MLA the presence of R.M. Palanisamy and ticket examiner came and when he from 1952 to 1957, again from Chairman of the Erode Panchayat saw them he respectfully enquired 1957 to 1962 and also from 1962 Council S.V. Saravanan. Receiving about their welfare and asked to 1967.Then, after formation of the cheque, N. Saraswathy thanked whether they would like to upgrade Modakurichi constituency in 1967, the Chief Minister for the timely their tickets to travel by first class. he became the first MLA of the help rendered to her. Later the The two gentlemen told him that it constituency contesting on the Government of Tamilnadu awarded was OK for them to travel by third Socialist Party’s banyan tree symbol. a family pension of Rs.3,000/pm to class. He represented the constituency till Smt. Nallasivam. –Brahmansmtyan, Dr. S. Vijayalakshmi

When Dr. S. Vijayalakshmi passed of Madras. She was the first woman ‘History of the Madras Legislature away recently, it was brought to my to receive a Ph.D. for Political 1893-1921.’ It was a degree that notice that she was another woman Science from the University. That should have paved the way for to establish a ‘first’ at the University was in 1961 and her thesis was on her in the higher echelons of the JANATA, March 17, 2013 13 bureaucracy. But she chose a more the Freedom Fighters of India.’ Her the voice of the Socialist Party, and rugged path to follow: Politics. contribution was brought out in three New Wave . She was Managing volumes, reflecting the amount of Director of Alai Oosai. And in 1975, Joining the Praja Socialist Party, research she had done in archives Pudiya Alai was launched, with Dr. Vijayalakshmi contested seats for as well as in villages from where Vijayalakshmi as its Editor. A Tamil the Madras Assembly in 1957 and many of the freedom fighters came. version of New Wave , her regular 1962 - and was unsuccessful in both She also contributed significantly to contributions to it focussed on the her attempts. Jayaprakash Narayan, a ‘Who's Who of Indian Martyrs.’ history of the Freedom Struggle and Ram Manohar Lohia, Ashok Mehta And she was one of the 26 scholars the Socialist Movement in India. and, closer home, S.A. Rahim and invited to contribute chapters to the All her life, she had lived frugally, V.R. Radhakrishnan may have all Congress Centenary Volume edited with State buses her usual form of influenced her and made her the by B.N. Pandey. Her contributions transport, an auto-rickshaw journey dedicated Socialist she became. But were titled ‘Freedom Movement a luxury. She never married, did not rather disillusioned with the conflicts from 1908 to 1917’, ‘Associated even have a room to call her own. and divisions among the Socialists, Movements in India’ and ‘History And in the last years of her life, when she moved away from the movement of Militant Nationalism in India.’ she was virtually immobile after a and, coming under the spell of stroke and a fracture following a Kamaraj, joined the Congress in the Vijayalakshmi’s considerable fall, she still thought life had been late 1960s. When Congress itself research into the Freedom Movement “good” to her, for she had no regrets split, she followed the Indira Gandhi in Tamil Nadu led to her creating a at all about the way she had lived and group and became one of its leaders mini-archives in her home on the contributed to the nation. in Tamil Nadu. From 1968 to 1995, Freedom Movement, with focus on she also served as a member of the Tamil Nadu. Research scholars were – S. Muthiah in The Hindu All India Congress Committee. always welcome to use her material. Where will it all go now, I can't help But for all her involvement with but wonder. politics, Vijayalakshmi's heart was in trade unionism. She was One of her disappointments in probably one of the first women life was that the Centre for Social trade union leaders in India. From Research she set up had to close the late 1950s, she was involved with down because of lack of resources. unions representing postal workers, While it existed, it did numerous the Reserve Bank employees and studies for the V.V. Giri National textile workers. In 1971, she joined Labour Institute. These included the Indian National Trade Union research on agrarian tensions in the Congress (INTUC) and was senior Thanjavur District, child labour in vice-president of the National Sivakasi, conditions of the work Defence Workers’ Federation for force in the export garment industry, 23 years. She was the Federation’s and the socio-economic conditions president from 1995 to 1997. In 1999, of the fishermen of Tamil Nadu. the trade union movement honoured What would perhaps be the best her at a function, describing her as memorial to her would be reviving a “revered trade union leader and the Centre and sustaining it in research scholar.” partnership with a research library in the State. Price: Rs. 20/- As a scholar, she was involved in two major research projects in On the other hand, an activity that Janata Trust the 1960s and 70s. One was writing gave her much pleasure was writing D-15, Ganesh Prasad, Naushir a ‘Who's Who of the Freedom - particularly on the subject she was Bharucha Marg, Grant Road (W), Mumbai 400 007. Fighters of Tamil Nadu’ as part of most committed to, Socialism. She a larger project, a ‘Who's Who of was a regular contributor to Janata , 14 JANATA, March 17, 2013 POSCO Violence

A national-level fact-finding Sahu (52), Manas Jena (32) and of 3rd of March at the scene of team consisting of civil liberties Lakhman Parmanik (46) were sitting the incident and took charge of and democratic organisations and at their usual meeting place after the dead bodies. Thirdly, families individuals visited Govindapur and leaving a nearby betel vine in Patana of the two deceased shared that Dhinkia villages of Jagatsinghpur village. A powerful blast occurred the police arrived on the midnight District on the 9th of March, 2013. that killed three people and left of the 3rd of March, and asked The objective of the visit was to Lakhman Parmanik severely injured. them to sign a written statement assess the situation in the wake of Another person named Ramesh Raut stating that the victims died in the escalated violence since the land had left the spot just a minute before process of making the bomb which acquisition process resumed in the to buy a paan. they refused to do. Fourth, when area on the 4th of February 2013. The Kusumbati Sahu, sister-in-law of stationing of armed police platoons Within hours of the incident SP the deceased Narahari Sahu went in the proposed POSCO project Jagatsinghpur Sri Satyabrata Bhoi to register an FIR at the thana of affected areas and finally the recent announced through the local and Abhoychandranpur on the evening incident of the bomb explosion that national media that the blast occurred of 3rd of March, the police refused left three killed and had one person while the deceased were making to accept the FIR, scolded her severely injured prompted us to a bomb, even before any police that she has been sent by Abhay visit the area and share our findings personnel had visited the site or done Sahu although they themselves with a larger audience and appeal any investigation. According to were making the bomb and had to the Odisha government and local Lakhman Parmanik in the hospital, come to lodge an FIR. She had to administration. During the visit, bomb/s was/were thrown at them. leave without registering the FIR. the team had a detailed discussion He strongly refuted the accusation However it should be noted that with the POSCO Pratirodh Sangram by the police that they were making the only FIR that was accepted by Samiti (PPSS) leader Abhay Sahu bombs, adding “What gain will I the Abhaychandranpur thana on and other members, the personnel make by lying when I am on the 4th of March was lodged by Ranjan of Orissa State Armed Police and the verge of death.” It was reported to be Bardhan against the three deceased, State Police stationed at Gobindapur, a powerful blast as its impact was felt the injured Lakhman Pramanik, leader of Gobindpur pro POSCO and heard by most of the villagers as Abhay Sahu, Surendra Das and group Ranjan Bardhan, dalit landless they recalled in discussions with the five others of the POSCO Pratirodh labourers, a group of people in team. None of the police personnel Sangram Samiti. Nuagaon led by Tamil Pradhan reached the spot until nearly 15 (husband of the Sarpanch) and the hours after the incident. This is Our observations local youth. The following day, on clear dereliction of duty given the Following the March 2nd bomb the 10th of March 2013, the team fact that two platoons are stationed blast the already existing tensions also visited Laxman Pramanik in within a distance of a few minutes in the villages have been greatly the SCB Medical College Hospital, from the area. Even before the police escalated. The villagers are unable Cuttack. We informed the District came and took charge of the dead to move freely and are in constant Collector and Superintendent of bodies, land acquisition started on fear of harassment and arrest by the Police about our visit and sought the morning of 3rd of March 2013. police. Since 4th February when an appointment but they told us that the land acquisition process was they were out of the district and thus The Role of the Police resumed accompanied by a severe not available to meet us. One, the police neither reached police lathicharge on the villagers, the area nor sent any help for taking outbreaks of violence have become The incident of March 2nd, 2013 Laxman Parmanik immediately more frequent. In Govindpur Discussions with members of the to the hospital, despite PPSS village, two platoons of police PPSS and families of the deceased informing the police immediately have been deployed, which has clearly indicate that the four people after the incident. Secondly, the greatly contributed to the escalated namely Nabin Mandal (30), Narahari police arrived only on the morning tension in the villages. At least 105 JANATA, March 17, 2013 15 betel vines have been destroyed in escalating tensions in the area. 4. Compensation on humanitarian Govindpur village in the process 3. The cessation of the land grounds to the families of the of land acquisition. There was acquisition process forthwith in deceased who were killed in the a lathicharge on 7th March on the Dhinkia panchayat area bomb blast and proper medical villagers demanding the removal including Gobindpur village. help for the injured person. of the police camp, in which 41 Team Consisted of Meher Engineer, former Director, Bose Institute, Kolkata; villagers including 35 women and Sumit Chakravartty, Editor, Mainstream Weekly, Delhi; Dr Manoranjan children were injured. Mohanty, Retd Professor, Delhi University; Pramodini Pradhan, PUCL This situation has also gravely Odisha; Saroj Mohanty, PUCL, Odisha; Ranjana Padhi, PUDR, Delhi; affected the lives and livelihoods of Dr Kamal Chaubey, PUDR, Delhi; Sanjeev Kumar, Delhi Forum, Delhi; the villagers. The situation of dalit Mathew Jacob, HRLN, Delhi; Samantha, Sanhati; Partho Roy, Sanhati; landless labourers is very grave. Gyan Ranjan Swain, Ravenshaw University. Over 150 families depend on betel vines located on approximately (Continued from Page 4) one acre of land. They are keen and clear that the plant is most and the primary fiscal deficit minus half truth. There may be leakages undesirable since it is the only source interest payments. The two deficits in the subsidies and inefficient of livelihood. Two persons shared along with capital formation are administration of the schemes, but, how they have got no compensation sufficient to look at the financial has the money gone down the drain?. after sale of land. Most others said health of a domestic economy. No Yet, the fiscal deficit can be reduced how there are no provisions for one argues for free ride or advice to without affecting the expenditure by compensations for the landless in sell/mortgage family silver to buy/ broadening the revenue. the acquisition process. In fact, import Kurkure. But, subsidies have Laxman Pramanik, who has been been evolved as sinews of political Fresh public resources are always gravely injured in the bomb blast war. found in knowledge society like is also a landless labourer, the sole 3G/4G or expansion of service breadwinner of a family of eight The gross capital formation of sector and the tax, bourgeoning of persons, depending on the same. In the country as percentage of GDP capital market and the transactions short, the livelihood activities and was 10.89 percent in 1950-51, tax ,etc. It is more than two decades mobility of the entire community is reached 17.24 percent in 1974-75 now that the state has given enough under threat. Any access to health and was around 20 percent by 1980- concessions to these sectors; it is care or medical treatment, however 81. The percentage rose to 26.0 now their turn to contribute to the critical, is difficult to obtain as most in 190-91 while the GDP growth development of the country. In this of the community is under threat of was considered small. Strangely, context, Chidambaram budget seems arrest. the proportion in 2000-01 came to to have a mixed bag. He has shown the pre-reform period at 24.36.The the way to get money but is not Demands recent budget report projected it at courageous enough in touching the In view of our discussions with 35.0 percent for 2012-13. Similarly, all the affected persons, and the clear the tax-GDP ratio was highest in super rich who are the beneficiaries attempt of the police to blame the the year 1989-90 with 14.2 percent of liberalization. It is to be noted deceased persons in a premeditated and has not so far reached that level that he has reduced the tax on manner, we demand during the reform period as it stands securities transactions, exemptions 1. A high level judicial enquiry into at 10.4 percent. to Securitization Trusts and paid little the bomb blast incident resulting attention to commodity markets. It is in the death of three persons and The policy makers are found here the so-called black money goes injury to one person, to ascertain telling us that the way to reduce in, and the Finance Minister has the the truth of the matter. fiscal deficit is through reduction moral and legal right to grip them 2. The immediate withdrawal of in Government expenditure on for the good of all. This would help the police camp from Gobindpur subsidies and social sectors as they reduce the fiscal deficit and ought village as it is contributing to consider them unproductive. It is only to satisfy the fiscal fundamentalists. R.N.I. NO. 1855/1957 16 JANATA, March 17, 2013 P.R. No. MH/MR/WEST/275/2012-2014. Posted on every Wednesday at Mumbai Patrika Channel, Mumbai GPO-1

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Printed and Published by G.G. Parikh on behalf of Janata Trust. Printed at Mouj Printing Bureau, Khatau Wadi, Girgaum, Mumbai-400 004 and published at D-15, Ganesh Prasad, Naushir Bharucha Marg (Sleater Road), Mumbai - 400 007. Established 1946 Price : Rupees Five

Vol. 68 No. 9 March 24, 2013

Crisis-ridden Polity S. Viswam

Forgotten Bhagat Singh Kuldip Nayar

What Does Economic Survey Tell Us? K. S. Chalam

Only 42,800? That’s rich! S. Gurumurthy

Comprehensive Reforms Needed Not Cosmetic Allocations

Dealing with Water Scarcity in Maharashtra Nilakantha Rath

Bravo RBI Pannalal Surana

Media and social concerns Brij Khandelwal

Budget with an eye on elections G. V. Sunder

Editor : G. G. Parikh Managing Editor : Guddi

D-15, Ganesh Prasad, Naushir Bharucha Marg, Mumbai - 400 007.

Email : [email protected] 2 JANATA, March 24, 2013 JANATA, March 24, 2013 3

Crisis-ridden Polity

S. Viswam

The current national political year, he did not stage any dramatics the budget has had a beneficial and economic situations seem of the kind he staged last week. impact, and the general state of caught in a vicious crisis and have Similarly, Bihar’s Nitish Kumar disenchantment with a government created a sense of foreboding. would not have administered a The government has managed to threat to the BJP-NDA of branching caught by several scams is thinning survive on the support of a handful out on his own or befriending the out. Uncertainties persist at many of parties propping it up from the Congress if there were no polls. levels. One does not know how the outside while the alliance itself He has put both the BJP and the imbroglio with Italy on the issue is tottering. Politics is having government on notice. The BJP is of the marines will be sorted out. a direct and dire impact on the under pressure from him now to economy, witness the manner in choose between him and Narendra The European Union has not been which the markets came tumbling Modi, that is, choose between his of much help to India on this issue. down when the DMK announced model of development, which is There are ambiguities on how far it was pulling itself out of the inclusive and focuses on social India can go in detaining the Italian government. The Reserve Bank justice or Modi’s form, which is of India trimmed its repo rate development alone without any Ambassador, many authorities on by 25 basic points but even this underlying progressive motive. international law do not support long sought-after measure failed The government is under pressure the Indian stand. In other words the to raise market spirits. And, as if to confer special status on Bihar mess is largely of Indian creation. to compound the government’s on a time-bound basis. The misery, the foreign policy front government’s sincerity is on test. The DMK has played the also seemed so besieged at one Logic and common political sense politics of blackmail. Nitish Kumar point that New Delhi’s prestige suggests that the government would and status in international affairs meet Nitish Kumar half way right also has been tempted to resort seemed shaky. In short, it has not now, so that he develops goodwill to political blackmail, but his is been a pleasant week we have just for the UPA. The Congress and not as destructive as that of the passed. Nothing seems to inspire Nitish Kumar share the thought, DMK. The Centre may overcome hope for better times ahead. impelled no doubt by concern for secularism, that Modi should not the DMK threat. It has to find the Lok Sabha elections are getting be allowed to capture power at the political will and courage to find nearer and nearer. It is doubtful if Centre. a way that will appease Nitish Karunanidhi would have pulled Kumar and make him a supporter out the DMK from the government Unfortunately, for the UPA-II and the UPA alliance but for the that is, crisis of all varieties, has of the Congress-led alliance in approach of national elections. the government in its grip at a time 2014. Let us see how the cookie Under similar circumstances last when the economy is looking up, crumbles. 4 JANATA, March 24, 2013

Between the lines

Forgotten Bhagat Singh

Kuldip Nayar

Strange, there was no meeting or to him, saying: “I have not been door closed behind him, he reached seminar to remember Bhagat Singh able to understand how you could for his pen and wrote him a letter in who still lives in the memory of think it proper to submit such a Urdu, the language he normally used every Indian. I was still in a primary petition at this stage and in these in personal letters. school when the revolutionary circumstances…You know that Bhagat Singh was hanged 82 years in the political field my views The letter to Kultar was done. He ago, to be precise on March 23, have always differed with those of hoped his words would soothe his 1931. Even though more than eight yours. I have always been acting brother. But what about the millions decades have passed, the feeling of independently without having cared of people who believed in him? his loss has not lessened. An uproar for your approval or disapproval.” After writing to his brother, Bhagat against the British united the country Singh reached for a notebook he and so strong was the feeling that Head jail warden Charat Singh maintained. It was neither a personal nobody was willing to name his indicated to him that the time allotted account nor a record of his reactions. comrade (Hans Raj Vohra), who for the mulaqat (meeting) was over. He just jotted down his favourite agreed to be the official witness. But Bhagat Singh lingered. His passages from the books he was family’s love had overwhelmed reading. They were passages, mostly Hans Raj Vohra was a close him. He was pensive. Charat Singh in English, by thinkers like Aristotle, companion of Bhagat Singh and told him to hurry up. His relatives Plato, Descartes, Hobbers, Locke, spilled the beans as soon as he was embraced Bhagat Singh one by one. Rousseau, Trotsky, Bertrand Russel, arrested. Although his version is He touched his mother’s feet. It was Karl Marx and Engels. different, he said that since Sukhdev, a gesture of reverence but it brought one of the persons who were hanged tears to everyone’s eyes. His sisters Among the Indian authors he along with Bhagat Singh, told sobbed openly. Bhagat Singh was read were Rabindranath Tagore and everything to the police, Hans Raj greatly upset. “Stay together,” were Lajpat Rai. Bhagat Singh was also told the British the whole thing in his last words to them. Then he fond of poetry. He would recite even detail, where the revolutionaries folded his hands and left. from Wordsworth, Byron and Omar would make the bombs and where Khayyam. But his favourite was some among them, were located in On his way back to his cell he Ghalib whom he quoted frequently. the country. saw Sukhdev and Rajguru still The meeting with his family had Although he had not forgiven his standing behind iron bars, forlorn shaken him emotionally but Bhagat father for making a written request to and lonely. Despite Charat Singh Singh took it in his stride and the tribunal saying that his son was asking him not to, he stopped to chat immersed himself once again in his innocent and that he had nothing to with them. It will be any day now, books. do with police officer John Saunder’s he told them. The last meeting with murder, he knew his father was a his family was indicative of that. As the news of his execution sincere patriot who had devoted his They nodded in assent. Back in his spread, the nation went into life to the cause of independence. cell, Bhagat Singh touched his kurta mourning. There were processions His father’s filial affection at times which was damp with the tears of his throughout the country. Many had embarrassed Bhagat Singh, family. Little Kultar, his youngest went without food. People wore the revolutionary. But he knew the brother, had wept incessantly. As he black badges and shut down their harrowed look in his father’s eyes clung to his older brother and said businesses to express their grief. The was his way of saying sorry. goodbye he had sobbed, “Life will British stayed indoors. Among the not be worth living without you.” Indian political leaders, Jawaharlal Bhagat Singh had chided his His innocent, grief-stricken face Nehru was the first to pay his father through a letter. He wrote haunted Bhagat Singh. As the cell tributes. JANATA, March 24, 2013 5

Nehru said that Bhagat Singh was a clean fighter who faced the What Does Economic Survey Tell Us? enemy in an open field. He was a young boy full of passionate zeal K. S. Chalam for the country. He was like a spark that grew into a great flame in a short time and spread from one The Economic Survey for the was at 1.9 percent that was lower city of the country to the other, year 2012-13 was laid on the table than an already stumpy rate of illuminating darkness everywhere. of the Parliament on Thursday. It 2.7 percent. How it is possible to Mahatma Gandhi was profuse in is customary to present a white get the projected rate under these his praise for the courage of the paper on the state of the economy conditions is left to the imagination executed heroes. He said: “Bhagat before the presentation of ‘annual of speculators. Singh and his companions’ death financial statement’ or what is called seem to have been a personal loss budget. The white paper in the The present survey is found to be to many. I join in the tributes paid form of Economic Survey contains sensible in its approach compared to the memory of these young details of the policies introduced, to the previous one where received men…” performance of the economy and theories were repeated without But these words were lost on the broad philosophy or commitment looking at our own conditions. many people who were angry of the government. Issuing a White The present report has made a with Gandhiji for not having done Paper on important subjects is a very important observation as, “the enough to save Bhagat Singh part of the democratic process of combined share of exports and and his comrades. Faced with a country. Churchill called it as imports of goods increased from public’s ugly mood, Congress an important tool of participatory 14.2 percent of GDP in 190-91 to leaders tried to come up with form of democracy that involves a about 43 percent in 2011-12 and the several explanations for their dialogue on contents of the paper. two way external sector transactions failure to rescind the sentence. It is necessary that the learned (gross current account plus gross But nothing worked to soothe the Members of Parliament and public capital account flows) have risen frayed tempers of the public. should participate in the discussion from 30 per cent of GDP in 1990- once the document is available 91 to about 108 percent of 2011-12. For the past three years, we the for comment. We have started an Therefore, while the globalization Indians and the Pakistanis have Alternative Survey in 1992-93 as of Indian economy has helped raise been celebrating Bhagat Singh’s growth, it has also meant greater birthday at the very crossing where a part of dialogue containing the he was hanged. We have been people’s perspective. vulnerability to external shocks” lighting candles and garlanding (p130). It is an example of dependent his life size photo at the site. The media has picked up the development.This appears to be the We have recalled the hanging of expected rate of growth indicated in genuine condition of our economy Ashfhaqullah, who went to the paragraph 1.76 in the survey as 6.1 to today and all other explanations gallows with the Koran dangling 6.7 percent in 2013-14 and indicated in the survey are platitudes. In the from his neck, by reciting one of that in order get the rate of growth, area of FDIs, it is noted that the his couplets which reflected his subsidies are to be reduced, price of net portfolio investments including patriotic sentiments, not religious. oil to be increased, etc. However, FIIs increased from $1.3 billion to they have not looked at the last part $5.8 billion and interestingly the Kuchh aarzoo nahi hai, Hai of the paragraph where it is assumed NRI deposits have increased from aarzoo to yeh that the monsoon, moderate inflation $3.9 billion to $9.4 billion during and the global recovery would be the same period. Yet, the survey Rakhde koi zarasi khake watan favorable. It is noted that the rate of says that it is necessary to shift the kafan mei growth of GDP was only 5 percent consumption demand to investment (I have no desire. If at all there during 2012-13. It was due to the low so as to restore the fast rate of is one, it is that someone should rate of growth of agriculture at 1.8 growth. There is a very interesting place the earth of my country in percent, lower than the previous year statement on FDI. It is said that FDIs the coffin). at 3.7 percent and manufacturing are confined to cities of more than 6 JANATA, March 24, 2013 a million population and therefore, The budget that can be called unaware of the importance of the do not affect common man and as “Nirbhay” budget for its slant document except the trade and FDIs are essential for the fast rate of on women during 2013-14 was commerce associations using it for growth of the economy. It is tricky presented by Chidambaram. There lobbying with the government. As to understand this logic or theory. seem to be no enthusiasm in the a matter of fact, the budget being How is it that an investment that preparation of the budget due to the a constitutional obligation is only does not affect majority would bring economic constraints and political an estimate of future revenue and economic growth? Either of the two compulsions of an election year expenditure, whereas economic is false. that perhaps made Chidambaram survey is about the performance of to simply raise the allocations by the past year. And people should It is weird to find that the euphoria 10.8 percent (compared to revised raise issues of concern and draw created in our external sector during estimates NP) to make it only a the attention of the government and the 2005-2009 period, when the rate nominal increase as the inflation people’s representatives about the of growth was almost double digit, rate is also around the same range. progress achieved or underachieved has slowly petered out. It is noted Education and health sectors needed as per the previous year’s budget that the economy was bumping a little more attention in view of and policy statements. But, we often even during the American economic the international standards of observe that public discussions crisis of 2008. What has happened expenditure on these sectors - in (including media) are generally during the period? There are many India it was the lowest in BRICS. organized on the budget, mostly in explanations. One pragmatic view is However, the Finance Minister has relation to the direct and indirect tax that the so-called black money of the tried to impress with his figures on proposals (income tax and customs) country had come back home during MNREGA, Food Security, SC/ST but hardly about the performance the period through various routes sub plan and an all Women Bank of the industry, service sector, irrespective of the crisis. It seems in the public sector. It seems he has agriculture, infrastructure etc. and all that was staked is now exhausted made a bold step in catching the the direct or indirect burden passed and the country is back to square super rich with a proposal to impose on to the citizen due to the failure surcharge on Income Tax on income of the policy or governance. Are the one. In this context, the kind of above Rs 1 crore for individuals citizens not responsible to question theories like Micro Foundations of and Rs 10 crores for companies. and ask for clarification from the Macro Economic policies parroted The GAAR guidelines and GST government? What role the civil in USA were found discredited there seem to have not been finalized and society is expected to play in such and scholars like Blinder, a former they would come to the house after matters? Vice-President of Federal Reserve some time. It is doubtful to what System and Princeton Professor extent these changes would bring the The structure of the survey and Danni Rodrik of Harvard have expected rate of growth when there has undergone a metamorphosis. drawn the attention of economic is economic gloom all over. The survey for the year 1957-58 teachers to the theoretical blunders contained a very brief state of the art of Macro Economics so as not It is found that very few (except account having only six chapters in to repeat them in class rooms. It the academics) are participating in 38 pages including tables. Today, the was also reported in the journal the discussions about the state of the size is increased by ten times having ‘the Economist’ about the crisis of economy. In fact, the document is an 13 chapters and 424 pages. It is a Macroeconomic theory in the West. authentic account of the economy text book on Indian economy. The Yet, the same were repeated in the and the public has every right to original survey maintained the spirit Economic Surveys of India. Does question the statements made in of government without resorting to it indicate the bankruptcy of our the report if they find that they are any theoretical discussion or policy intellectual tradition or helplessness contrary to what they experience or speculation with little scope for of our Advisers? Of course, the observe in practice. The economic public debate as the government chapters on Micro Foundations of surveys of India are found to be of the times knew the courage of Macroeconomic Policy and India very comprehensive and contain conviction of the leaders, most of and the Global economy are dropped useful data both across section them being freedom fighters and in the current Economic Survey. and timeline. People seem to be could challenge even a statesman JANATA, March 24, 2013 7 like Nehru. It seems the ruling elite on Industry and Infrastructure to our control. In fact, the Moody of the past were responsive and indicate the importance of the sector rating agency has said that the accountable to the people for the for the economy. But, the 1991-92 is ‘diverse source of Indian growth’ of policies committed in the survey. the watershed in the history of the industry and service sectors in equal Therefore, the size and structure Indian economy that was accused weight, is responsible for India’s was carefully planned. It has as ‘license permit’ raj with Hindu resilience. But, we have neglected undergone a sea change following rate of growth, to shed its inertia the manufacturing sector and our the PPP philosophy of the successive on a road to fast growth trajectory. annadata agriculture as revealed in governments after 1991. Therefore, the so-called socialist the present and in the past surveys. mode of industrial policy built Even the Banking and Capital There are five departments over a period of time was given a markets seem to have not helped in the Ministry of Finance. The decent burial. It was mentioned in much, as 70 to 80 percent of our Department of Economic Affairs the economic survey of 1991-92 savings come from the household through the newly created Chief (which was in two parts) in chapter sector while more concessions Economic Adviser is responsible 6 on Industry that abolition of are given to the corporates. It is for the preparation of the survey. industrial licensing, deregulation of essential to strengthen this sector Generally, the Chief Economic public sector, removal of investment with constant flow of income and Adviser is brought from outside control and amendment to MRTP to not just doles for votes. People in mostly from among those who had restrict only to control monopolistic this country need work and never a stint at the World Bank or seize on and restrictive practices etc. were rely on others as seen from the rural the philosophy of the World Bank, important policies initiated. The scene where even a ninety-year while the economic service officers chapter on Balance of Payments old woman is found longing for are kept at the level of Principal clearly described the reasons work and ever willing to contribute Adviser to assist CEA. They work for taking up the new Economic to the country, unlike those who broadly under the guidance of the Policy, to tide over the problems sit in cozy rooms and manipulate Minister and in association with the in the balance of payments crisis financial markets and fatten. It is Secretary. Finance Ministry is one of described in the part-A of the survey. for them some theoreticians wanted the most important agencies in the The adjustment strategy of the to dole out cash so that it would government and is also one of the government consisted of exchange increase monetization and help largest. The officers in collaboration rate adjustment, fiscal correction, increase the aggregate demand for with the chief statistician procure structural reforms and mobilization goods produced in the FDI financed and produce data and information for of ‘exceptional’ (emphasis added) sectors. But, India is a complex the economic survey. It is an official financing from IMF, etc. The 1992- country as reflected in economic document and the citizens should 93 survey displayed a positive institutions; need a thorough probe consider this as the source for any outlook saying that ‘we must protect so that they could be utilized for the debate on economic issues. the weak and help the poor to ensure development of the people at large, peace and prevent mischief.’ It also and not necessarily the chosen few. One of the earliest documents on mentioned that it would bring the survey used to give the economic ‘most prosperous future for our The economic surveys that were outlook, review of economic trend, people’. Have we achieved this? presented in Parliament have set an food grains position and prices, optimistic outlook and continued industrial progress, balance of The current survey and the budget to bring reforms in all sectors to payments as important components introduced by Chidambaram seem compliment the structural adjustment of the survey. The statistical tables to be pragmatic in their approach; policy initiated in 1991. It seems the used to provide data on private perhaps they have received enough strong and economically volatile imports and the type of goods hints from the global trends. It is reforms were brought during the imported and the structure of the necessary that our policy makers period 1998-99. The disinvestment of survey has remained almost the should realize that it is better to PSEs like VSNL, GAIL, IOC etc. to same for two decades. It seems some concentrate on our real economic reduce the shares to 26 percent of the changes were brought in the format strength, rather than heavily relying investment was initiated. It was also in 1974-75 with a new chapter on external factors that are not under (Continued on Page 17) 8 JANATA, March 24, 2013 JANATA, March 24, 2013 9 Only 42,800? That’s rich!

S. Gurumurthy

Much has been said and Indians [with investible wealth of The statement of revenue written — mostly favourably $1 million (Rs.5.5 crore) plus house foregone laments that thanks to — about the budget for 2013- and durables] reported by KPMG rebates granted, the effective tax 14 presented by Union Finance International. Their income cannot realised is far less. It brings out that Minister P. Chidambaram. His be less than Rs.1 crore per year. for the year 2010-11, the customs heavily ornamented speech led the Again, with the luxury car market and excise duties foregone was 132 electronic media to enthusiastically touching some 27,000 cars a year, per cent of the tax realised, which vote for his budget in less than an the number of super rich cannot be means that for every Rs.100 of hour after he had presented it. The as low as 42,800. Next, are these tax realised, the tax foregone was print media followed suit. “PC the only ones from whom taxes Rs.132. In the next year, 2011-12, Taxes the rich to pay for the poor” can be raised? To test whether the it was worse. The tax foregone was claimed one. Another praising him Minister was being truthful here, 145 per cent of the tax realised, that for voting for growth and rated the one needs to only look at the facts is for every Rs.100 of tax obtained, budget at /. Most comments must tucked away in the budget papers the tax sacrificed was Rs.146. The have been written relying on only which expose what his political total amount of indirect tax foregone the Minister’s speech, without symbolism conceals. for 2010-11 was Rs.3.65 lakh crore looking at the detailed budget against Rs.2.75 crore realised. papers which the Finance Ministry More than anyone else, he knows For 2011-12, the tax forgone was had put up in detail on its website that in today’s corporate capitalist Rs.4.35 lakh crore against the tax of fairly late in the night on February model — with, all over, 98 per Rs.2.99 lakh crore realised. In direct 28. When the Finance Minister’s cent of Indian corporates being taxes, the tax rebates for 2010-11 speech does not truly reflect the family-owned and controlled — was Rs.94,928 crore and for 2011- budget documents he presents, it individuals and families hoard and 12, Rs.93,640 crore. The total tax misleads. And that is precisely the enjoy their incomes through the foregone for 2010-11 was Rs.4.6 case here — particularly on the corporates they control. lakh crore and for 2011-12, Rs.5.31 most critical aspect of the budget, lakh crore. Had these giveaways namely revenue raising. And see how these “rich” been withdrawn, there would be corporates are taxed in India. The no fiscal deficit at all. The budget Take the case of the surcharge statutory corporate tax rate of 32.5 document equates “tax foregone” to levy on the “super rich” highlighted per cent in India is among the “tax expenditure,” implying that it by the media. Has the Finance lowest in the world — the United is an expenditure that is not shown Minister really “taxed the rich” States [40], Japan [38], Argentina in the budget as such. to raise resources as part of his [35], Belgium [34] and Brazil [34] “inclusive growth” ideal? Or is tax corporates more. But no Indian See how the Economic Survey for it an exercise in symbolism for corporate pays tax even at the lower 2012-13 presented 24 hours before politics? This is what he says: rate of 32.5 per cent. The Statement the budget speech laments the tax “Wherever possible, revenues must of Revenue Foregone [Annexure giveaways. Under the paragraph also be augmented. When I need to 12 to the Receipts Budget] laments titled “Tax Expenditure,” it raise the resources, who can I go that the effective rate at which the says: “As indicated earlier in the to except those who are relatively Indian corporates pay tax is almost section on the collection rates, the well placed in the society? There 10 per cent less. And corporates that magnitude of revenue foregone are 42,800 persons — let me repeat earn more than Rs.500 crore plus [tax expenditure] is indeed high.” only 42,800 — who admitted to pay tax at sub 22 per cent. Does it It talks about the corporate tax a taxable income exceeding Rs.1 mean taxing the rich? Or sheltering foregone [Rs.57,192 crore for crore per year.” He has levied a them? If all corporates pay tax at 2010-11] and Rs.51,292 crore for surcharge on them. First, his tally of statutory rates, technically, tax 2011-12]. It equally laments the the super rich seems to be far less revenues would be higher in 2013- indirect tax giveaways [Rs.2,12,167 than the 1,25,000 High Networth 14 by Rs.1,90,000 crore. crore in excise in 2011-12 and 10 JANATA, March 24, 2013

Rs.2,30,131 crore for 2010-11 and Rs.2,33,950 crore in 2009-10, in Comprehensive Reforms Needed customs duty which is projected to Not Cosmetic Allocations rise to Rs.2,76,093 crore in 2011- 12] The Survey concludes: “there is merit in limiting the exemptions Finance Minister, in his budget open up scope for fraudulent bidding or their grandfathering on a case- speech talked about spreading the and it need not be true redressal of by-case basis so as to realise the gains of the Green Revolution to the problem of indebtedness leading fuller potential through wider tax Eastern States but also acknowledged to suicides. base.” How misleading then is the the stagnation and loss in fertility and Minister’s statement that he has to other ills in Punjab and other states Its good that at least now it's turn only to the 42,800 “rich” in the and accordingly made allocation recognised that nutritional crops country for small add-on revenues. for crop diversification. But why is - millets like bajra, maize with His own budget documents and the same scheme not spread out to wheat need to be brought back. the Economic Surveyprove him But only pittance Rs. 200 crores wrong. other states, why would one wait for the same problems to manifest and for pilot projects. Agriculture The alert Minister is not unaware then start the same prescriptions. The biotech management institutions in of the huge giveaways. In his second state of Indian agriculture and Indian Chhatisgarh, jharkhand, Karnataka innings as Finance Minister in 2007, farmers are critical today. It is not is welcome step but at the same he had indeed promised to scrap push for BRAI and introduction of them. In a news report titled “Bye only due to farmers suicide (16,000 Bye Exemption: Tax Exemptions to 17,000 year) but those alive are bt seeds is leading to complete loss hits Govt’s revenue collection, also not better off. The changes of farmers control over the input. PM promises action,” India proposed by the Finance Minister are These will continue to make them Today Online [February 12, 2007] cosmetic and will have no impact on more dependent on the market. said: “Buried in the voluminous the state of agriculture. budget documents is a startling There is severe drought in the disclosure: for every two rupees The focus on urbanisation, state of Mahrashtra and other states the Government collects in industrialisation and infrastructure due to poor Monsoon, which needed taxes, it forgoes one” by way will not be able to absorb the large attention but has been neglected. of tax giveaways. It pointed out work force which is currently Budget offers no concrete time that in 2004-05, against the tax bound plans to deal with such [Rs.3,03,037 crore] collected, the engaged in agrarian sector. They exemptions robbed the government will be worse off, than what they are situations. Farmers groups have of Rs.1,58,661 crore. The report today. With a huge population base, already rejected the budget and charged that, thanks to lobbies, the push for contract and commercial feel that this year too the effort has successive governments had doled farming, the food security and continued to be the same and nothing out exemptions, of course in the employment will be jeopardised. concrete has been done, since the garb of incentivising a sector or attempt is only on increasing foreign attracting investments to a backward There has been an increase investment. region. The report said that “last from 17692 crores to 27049 crores year, the big boys (companies with proposed but no change in the Alliance for Sustainable and taxable income of more than Rs.500 Minimum Support price...So Holistic Agriculture (ASHA) has crore) milked exemptions to pay 16 procurement of 1,18,000 crores termed the budget in denial mode per cent in taxes,” well below the normal rate of 33 per cent. for the Food Security Act will about the farmer's crisis. They added not indicate any benefit through that the Economic Survey focuses The magazine had quoted increased prices, to the farmers. A mostly on the production numbers Mr. Chidambaram as saying big amount of agriculture budget and and not the net returns to the farmers “subsidies for poor should continue, overall focus is on credit-opening – and even on the production front exemptions for rich scrapped.” And supporting him, Prime Minister of credit network for crop loan, to the target growth rate of 4 per Manmohan Singh also said, “Our scheduled private commercial banks cent was not met. The MSPs are tax regime should not have too beyond public banks and cooperative mentioned but not the fact that in (Continued on Page 22) credit societies and banks. This can many states they are below the Cost JANATA, March 24, 2013 11 of Production. The Price Support with a white paper on all the knowledge), Stop BRAI bill! Scheme and Market Intervention land acquired, utilized and not • We oppose all the new legal Scheme are given lip service, but utilized, status of resettlement frameworks that are against food and rehabilitation for the project they were used minimally in just 5 and farmers sovereignty- No to affected people. states, that too in just 1 or 2 crops free trade, No FDI In retail, No in each state. It is necessary to • Farmers income – which includes commodity and futures trading in have a Price Guarantee policy and Farmers Income Guarantee Act / agriculture, create universal PDS a Farmers’ Income Commission Farmers Income Commission, and support local farmers to make the incomes of farming fair remunerative prices of crops • Stop farmer suicides – families as the central concern of and minimum assured income the agricultural policy. The Budget acknowledge them and provide should have announced at least Rs. • Sustainable technologies –NO fair relief and rehabilitation 2000 crores for Price Stabilization TO GMO's yes to Agroecology to victims, recognize women or Market Intervention fund – that (agricultural science that valorizes farmer's suicides and conduct would have incentivized the farmers farmers local innovations, natures special parliament sessions on to meet production targets as well as own processes and traditional farmers suicides. helped them make a decent living. Yudhvir Singh(BKU), Rakesh Tikait(BKU), K Puttanaiah, Chamarasa, The farmers’ crisis is strongest in Patil (KRRS), Nandini Jairam (KRRS), Chukki Nanjundaswamy(KRRS), the rain-fed areas which are more S Kannaiyan (SICCFM) MedhaPatkar, Narmada Bachao Andolan, Dr. Sunilam, than 50 per cent of the cultivated Kisan Sangharsh Samiti (MP), Suniti S R, Ulka Mahajan, Vijay Diwan, NAPM area but receives less than 10 per Maharashtra; Madhuresh Kumar (NAPM) Prafulla Samantara, NAPM Orissa; cent of the benefit of subsidies and J. P. Singh, Rupesh Verma, Kisan Sangharsh Samiti UP; Bhupender Singh Rawat, support systems. A massive program Bhumi Bachao Andolan, Sudhir Vombatkere, NAPM Mysore of focused attention is needed for rainfed areas in a new paradigmatic A historic mobilization of more than 1 lakh farmers, farm workers approach, but it doesn’t find any and agrarian masses belonging to a wide variety of social movements mention,” from across India descended upon New Delhi on 18 March. Protestors at the 'Kisan Khet Mazdoor Mahapanchayat' came to show their collective We strongly feel that there is a commitment towards getting the government’s attention to reverse the need for separate Agriculture Budget grave agrarian crisis caused by liberalization reforms supporting foreign to be presented on lines of Railway investors, corporations; reforms that support elite consumerism instead Budget, every year, which looks at of the agrarian masses and common people of India. Farmers from the issues comprehensively and makes a Indian Coordination Committee of Farmers' Movements comprising of sincere effort at addressing the crisis. independent mass farmers groups such as the Bhartiya Kisan Union and the Karnataka Farmers Movement, have joined hands with the National The scourge of land acquisition Alliance of People’s Movements to defend rights to land, water, forest continues to haunt the farmers and seeds – the most important resources for agrarian people, and the and the new bill, Right to Fair source of food and livelihood for the Indian masses. Compensation, Transparency in Acquisition, Resettlement All the farmers’ leaders collectively burned the Land Acquisition and Rehabilitation Bill, will not & Resettlement and Rehabilition Act 2011, which has been high on provide any relief to them. The Bill the national political agenda these days. Pointing out that although neglects the Parliamentary Standing farmers supported a new land bill, they absolutely did not support the Committee recommendation that no current form of the bill which has ignored the recommendations of agricultural land should be acquired. the Parliamentary Standing Committee and converted the bill into an instrument for taking away farm land for private corporations. • Land rights – no to acquisition for private purpose and a – NAPM moratorium on land acquisitions until government comes up 12 JANATA, March 24, 2013 Dealing with Water Scarcity in Maharashtra

Nilakantha Rath

The state of Maharashtra has felt neglected in the countryside thought it not only proper but also taken many steps since independence due to the very success of the Act. necessary for the social and political which mark it as a pioneer in the All other states have behaved the leadership of the affected region to fields of developmental effort in same way, without having created take the people along in this task. India. Before other states had taken a situation like the one we created steps to protect the rights of actual here. I still hope this state will again I must confess I have been cultivators, this state passed a be the first to revive that 1961 Act impressed by these legislative tenancy protection law in 1948, and and thereby give real meaning to the measures initiated by the political when it was found that this law was 1993 amendment to the Constitution. class of Maharashtra. Therefore, I not adequate, under the prevailing Back in 1974 the State launched think other equally serious measures social conditions, to protect most the employment guarantee scheme can and should also attract the of the actual tenants, it passed a for the people in rural Maharshtra, attention of the political class for the land-to-the-tiller law back in 1956, despite non-co-operation of the benefit of the rural population and vesting ownership rights on the land Planning Commission. It became the rural economy of the state. Two cultivated by the tenants, and fully a unique programme to provide decades ago the political leadership implemented it in the succeeding employment to the unemployed of Maharashtra thought that the years. Excepting one or two states, and the underemployed in the dry lands of Maharashtra, with this has yet to be followed by the country-side. It was thirty years poor irrigation facilities, should others in the country. The state after it was launched that the Union take to horticulture, which can was not only in the vanguard of government and therefore the give better returns per acre than the vastly expanded co-operative Planning Commission launched seasonal crop farming. It can also credit system for farmers, but also a somewhat similar programme lead to preservation and processing has been the pioneer in promoting for the entire country. This state industries to add value to the the co-operative processing of was the pioneer in promulgating production effort. While this started sugarcane back in 1949, making a law that the farmers losing land as a government programme, it has it a unique institutional device in under an irrigation reservoir should yet to catch popular imagination. the country, covering the entire be compensated with land in the Large scale programme of suitable production in this field. This state command area of the reservoir. It tissue culture to help grow superior was one of the very few in the appeals to commonsense that the varieties faster and help preservation country which passed a law creating people who lose the land going under and processing industries to grow are decentralized administration at the a reservoir do so for the benefit of called for. Non-coastal Maharashtra district, Taluka and village level - those whose lands would be irrigated has more than its share of poorer farm The Zilla Parishad Act of 1961- and from the water from that reservoir. lands, not very suitable for seasonal fully implemented it. It is instructive Therefore, it is just and proper that crop farming. These lands are better that it implemented all that the 73rd the beneficiaries should compensate utilized for small ruminants like amendment to our Constitution not the losers with land of equal value sheep and goat the demand for which only provided but also wished later in the area under command of the as meat animals has been growing in 1993. It is a pity that ten years reservoir. This requires effort at fast in the market. Unlike states like after the implementation of that convincing the beneficiaries about Rajasthan, Maharashtra is a land of Act, the very success of the Act led the justice of such a requirement. a few small ruminants like goats our legislators to undo what had It speaks well about the trust of the mainly in poor households. Nearly been done, because our legislators people’s representatives that they one fourth of the rural households

Slightly edited text of the lecture delivered on February 18, 2013 at Undale, Maharashtra on the occasion of being felicitated with Swantantryaveer Dada Undalkar Samajkarya Puraskar. Though the lecture was delivered in Marathi the text was written in English, the speaker’s mother tongue being Odiya. JANATA, March 24, 2013 13 have one to four heads each. The per cent of the total cultivated land sugarcane and paddy. Administrators goat is the poor household’s milch of the country. ‘Dry’ means lands and engineers found that farmers animal and the kids fetch money that receive less than 40 inches of were interested and even keen from the mutton market. A better average rainfall in the year. In fact, to irrigate their crops like jowar breed of goats with more and higher a very large part of the dry lands only in the years of poor rain. In quality meat and one with greater of the state receives less than even good rainfall years they had no output of milk per day of lactation 25 inches rainfall. This leads to our interest in irrigation. Therefore, if has been developed in a research agriculture being confined to crops canal irrigation was to make water institute in Phaltan. The spread of that can be grown under such low available every year from the stored this type in rural Maharashtra can rainfall. But low rainfall regions water of the rivers carrying the rain greatly improve the production are also subject to uncertain rainfall. water from the Sahyadri range, it of goat milk, lead to much larger Examination of rainfall data for has to be given on a regular basis to output of mutton, to superior quality western Maharashtra for more than crops that can be grown here only skin for leather, and to overall a hundred years shows that in every with irrigation, namely sugarcane. improvement in the economy of the five years there are two normal But, sugarcane requires a lot of poor household. The same is also years, one better than normal and water the year round, in addition to true of sheep which our Dhangars two real drought years. Furthermore, the seasonal rainfall. If water were have been keeping in larger numbers poor rainfall leads to poor ground to be given to only sugarcane in as seasonally itinerant flocks. The water resource. Traditionally our the command area of canals, there research, first established by the experience was, fifty per cent of would not be enough water for Phaltan institute, has led to a cross the effort at sinking wells resulted all the land that can come under breed of a variety that produces on in the investor being sunk with it. irrigation in the command area. So, an average one and a half lambs Our heavy rains on the crest of the the question arose: how to distribute per conception in place of the one Sahyadri range gets drained by the this water between the sugarcane lamb so far, leading to a nearly fifty rivers either flowing west to the and other seasonal crops and how per cent increase in sheep meat Arabian sea or to the east to fall to make as many farmers in the production. And finally, that institute into the bay of Bengal. The only village area under the command as is developing a variety of grass dependable source of assured water possible benefit from the irrigation which grows well even under poor for irrigating our dry agricultural facility. A young assistant engineer rainfall conditions, making our vast lands is by damming these east named Visweswaraiya, who had murum lands suitable for goat and flowing rivers and diverting them joined the public works department sheep farming. A concerted effort through canals to fields. of the government after passing out for the expansion of this research in the first batch of graduates of the outcome will help turn the rural In our state this effort started in new Poona Engineering College, economy of western Maharashtra a significant way in the beginning went round all the villages that and Marathwada in the years to of the 20th century. Neera canal were to come under the command come. system, for example is one such. It of the Neera left bank canal. He is worth recalling how this water was met villagers in every village and Horticulture and sheep and goat sought to be used in the fields at that persuaded them that since only a farming can take care of a relatively time. At that time, besides dry crops limited area under command can smaller part of our dry cultivated like jowar and bajra and pulses like get water from the canal in a year land. But what about the larger Tur and Gram, there were not many for sugarcane, farmers should agree remaining land? Let me talk about other crops that could be usefully to arrange their lands in such a another approach that is so important grown under the poor rainfall manner that every farmer has some for the chronically water short conditions. It is useful to remember land, roughly in proportion to his regions of Maharashtra. Western that the present day oilseed crops total land holding, in blocks to be Maharashtra (excluding the Konkan like groundnut, sunflower, soyabean signaled as sugarcane blocks for the region), Marathwada and parts were not known then. Even cotton year. For this purpose, those with of Vidarbha are a part of what is was a new crop and largely, though more land near the blocks should called the dry agricultural region not exclusively, grown in Vidarbha. trade, through mutual leasing, land of India, accounting for nearly 40 The only irrigated crops known were with those that did not have such 14 JANATA, March 24, 2013 land near the block or even in the This in brief is the story of not more than one third of the command area. If it were agreed to, agriculture under canal irrigation total cultivated lands of western every farmer would have some land in western Maharashtra till the time Maharashtra and Marathwada can in the sugarcane blocks. The blocks of independence. By the end of the ultimately be irrigated when all should change from year to year to Second World War the sugar factories flow irrigation projects in these avoid putting the same land under were established propositions and regions are completed. This was sugarcane continuously. The young the use of canal water in the main a disturbing finding and scholars engineer worked out this block for sugarcane was quite settled. began to think about the way out of system and the exchange of land Soon after independence in 1947, this situation. Some distinguished amongst farmers for every village some enterprising and thoughtful engineers said that the way out of under the Neera left bank canal. But, farmers thought that it may be this shortage of water for irrigating before the water became available, better if under the co-operative the dry agricultural regions of he was transferred. The system system they can have their own peninsular India is to bring the of land exchange, a wonderful sugar factories where their own cane surplus water from Ganga-Jamuna, idea in the prevailing condition can be crushed and they would get the Brahmaputra and the Mahanadi of our land distribution, was not better return from their crop than by to the peninsular dry regions through properly followed up, though the selling it to private factories. That link canals. block system remained. Besides was the beginning of the Pravara sugarcane, crops like jowar and Co-operative Sakhar Karkhana in Simultaneously, some others wheat were also irrigated, mainly in 1949-50. With the success of the thought that it is necessary to rotation with sugarcane. Pravara factory, the idea spread and examine if the present a pattern the then political leadership of the of use of canal water in western The sugarcane based irrigation state supported it heartily, leading Maharashtra is the most economical required on the one hand farmers to a spread of co-operative sugar way of using this quantity of water, willing and able to grow sugarcane factories in the sugarcane growing which appears to the factor in and a sugarcane processing industry canal areas of western Maharashtra. shortest supply in the agriculture of on the other. Not many land owning Indeed the state did not permit any the region, even shorter than land. farmers in the newly opened canal private sugar factories. Growth of systems were familiar with sugarcane canal irrigation meant growth of Let me discuss this latter question cultivation. Gradually, farmers with sugarcane. It is interesting to know first since I was one of those who experience of well irrigation from that in all the canal irrigation areas, raised this question with myself and other parts, Malis more than others, 75 to 80 percent of the canal water followed it up with field enquiries. came to these areas, leased in land (about three-fourths to four-fifths of The problem was simple. It appeared from owners and began growing the total canal water) was used up that if a farmer had, say, some 15 sugarcane. In course of time some in the sugarcane fields. The other acres of land in a single patch but or many of these tenants became seasonal crops were relatively small only one irrigation well on his land, owners by purchasing lands. While users of the canal water. how would he use the water from his they knew making Jaggery, sugar well? If he chose to grow sugarcane, was now available in the market Sugarcane cultivation also which will give him high valued and its demand was growing. At the increased in well irrigated areas. yield, he can irrigate at best one and government’s prompting private Most of these wells were successful half acres of cane in the year. But, if sugar factories were started in the in the vicinity of reservoirs and instead, he uses this water to irrigate 1920s. These factories also resorted around the command areas of the seasonal crops he can irrigate five to to taking land from land owners on irrigation projects. These wells were seven acres of land under seasonal long term lease to grow sugarcane helped by the water seeping from the crops in the kharif, rabi and even to ensure a steady supply of cane canals and the irrigated fields. some in the summer season. And like to their factories. By this time all wise cultivators he would find also groundnut had entered the As demand for water grew, the that the total income from the two or agricultural production system and engineers found that, given the three seasonal crops under irrigation gradually became a crop giving good pattern of use of the canal water on five to seven acres of his land will return under irrigation. in the dry agricultural regions, give him much-much higher income JANATA, March 24, 2013 15 than the sugarcane on one and half sugarcane. pattern of irrigation, what is in acres. He will, therefore, choose to relative short supply in the command do the seasonal crop. This the farmer The question therefore arose in area is land, not water. Hence the understands. our minds: why do farmers in canal demand for water for sugarcane to irrigated areas ask for water for maximize the return from irrigation. The state’s irrigation department’s sugarcane, instead of for seasonal routine experiments showed that one crops? Compared to the situation in We see that in this situation what acre of sugarcane uses up 180 acre- the beginning of the 20th century is in the interest of the society and inches of irrigation water in a year, when Vishweswaraya was designing the state in the irrigation project in addition to the normal rainfall. for Neera canal area, there were area is not quite in the interest of the But, one acre of hybrid rabi Jowar now many more crops, with much farmers that have land in the project uses only 18 acre inches of irrigation improved varieties in terms of yield. area. They want to get much more water. It means, with the help of the income from the water at the cost of water given to one acre of sugarcane, When we were studying the Neera others who may get some water for a farmer can irrigate 10 acres of canal situation, a farmer whose fields seasonal crops if there was a method hybrid Jowar in the rabi season. we were investigating, one day came of giving water for only such crops, What about the returns? A little to our office to enquire why we from which the total return to the arithmetic showed that the income were spending time enquiring into total water would be much more. from one acre of cane was about the crops under irrigation. When half the return from the 10 acres I explained that we were trying to Let me tell you how farmers try of hybrid Jowar. When we did the find out why farmers were keen to corner water for their lands in the calculations of the cost and return of about irrigating sugarcane instead new irrigation projects. I learnt this different irrigated crops in our canal of seasonal crops, he told me: You from a very senior engineer who irrigated areas and compared their see, we call sugarcane alsi mansacha was the first Director of WALMI return from acre inch of water in the peek (idle man’s crop). Once you and was then doing a detailed study early 1980s, it turned out that not have planted it, there is nothing of the Mula irrigation system. You only hybrid jowar, but many other else to do but give some fertilizer see, in a new irrigation system, the seasonal crops, like hybrid Bajra, and water every 12-15 days. And it first thing that is completed is the oilseeds like groundnut, sunflower, does not matter if the water at any dam. The engineers are very proud safflower, soyabean, pulses like tur watering is much in excess - after of the dam they build. By the time and mung and udid, even wheat and all it is a bamboo variety and no the new dam is ready the main canals cotton, not to mention the relatively harm can come of that. But, despite to carry water from the reservoir are low water using horticultural crops this farmer’s comment, I am not also ready as are a few distributaries like grape, gave much higher return saying that farmers ask for water for nearer the head of the main canal. per acre-inch of irrigation water than sugarcane because they are lazy. The The lower down distributaries and sugarcane, The only seasonal crop reason is basically different. minors take many more years to which did not fit in to this pattern complete. In case of Mula, it took was paddy. Paddy, like sugarcane, In most canal irrigated areas 20 years for the tail end distributaries is a heavy water guzzler. in western Maharashtra, very few and minors to be completed. farmers have more than three-four The lesson we learnt was that acres of land in the command area. As water begins to flow in the in canal irrigated areas the least If they are getting water for one or main canal, the farmers with land economical use of canal water was two acres of sugarcane, denying under the distributaries nearer the in sugarcane cultivation. If the them water for cane would require dam tell the engineers: Why do you water used in sugarcane cultivation that they have five to ten acres in waste water? - give us more water is given instead to seasonal crops, the command area for growing for more sugarcane area. When then from the same total quantity of at least two seasonal crops every the lower down distributaries and canal water, the region can produce year under irrigation with the same minors are ready, you can withdraw at least twice the total income from amount of water. But, this is the case water for our excess sugarcane much larger area under combinations with negligible number of farmers. lands. But, as we saw, it takes many of such seasonal crops than from For most farmers under the present years for the lower down minors 16 JANATA, March 24, 2013 to be ready. By then the farmers in the command area to supplement per irrigation, under our Warabandi under the upper distributaries are canal water. True, if farmers sink system, is easily calculated on the settled sugarcane farmers and with such wells, the total land that can basis of the number of hours water their political clout they retain large be brought under sugarcane may is let out into the field from the water part of the excess water they had not be as large as under particular course. The maintenance of the water obtained. The lands at the tail end of projects to-day. What this would course and of the minor shall be the the main canal go largely dry. mean is relatively smaller factories responsibility of the association. The to crush the cane from the command Patkari (the canal inspector) shall Our investigation results, checked area. The engineers of our state had be the employee of the association, with the experts in WALMI, showed suggested that such smaller factories not of the irrigation department. that if water is given in the command should produce only brown sugar. Once these steps are taken, the areas for essentially seasonal cops, And there can be a co-operative association shall be asked to sink with two or three different seasonal factory of a number of such smaller wells in the command area under its crop packages on every plot of land, factories which will work the year control. Once the wells are ready, the at least twice the total land can be round converting brown sugar to association shall negotiate the new irrigated, benefitting as many more white. Sugarcane and sugar will water supply schedule and volume farmers, the total income from not disappear. There will be more with the irrigation department for the irrigation will at least double and economical and fuller use of our very seasonal crops pattern on the basis of will be more widely distributed scarce water for irrigation and a far which the water supply to an acre in amongst farmers, and agriculture of larger number of farmers will be the a season is calculated. When this is the region will be stabler, meaning beneficiaries from this. done, the association shall estimate less fluctuation in production from the water that will be available from year to year. And finally, even labour It is true that changing the existing the wells in the season and distribute use in agriculture will be much irrigation projects in to this new it as supplementary water to as many larger, both family and the hired. method will take some time. The first plots as can be helped during the If such a policy is followed, not thing that can and should be done is year with water for sugarcane. The one-third, but nearly two-thirds of to follow this approach in all new price for such supplementary water the total cultivated lands of our dry irrigation schemes that would be will be fixed by the association. This region can be irrigated. executed henceforth. For the existing will tell the factories how much cane projects, a step by step approach for would be available. The factories can But then a question arose: What such policy should be followed. The then either produce only brown sugar about sugarcane? We have now so government now has promoted water during the crushing season, and later many sugar factories. Are they to be users’ associations under each minor. use their equipment to convert the closed? We realized this is a serious These are today working as agents of brown sugar in to white in the rest question. But, there was an answer the irrigation department. I suggest of the year, or negotiate with other that appeared appropriate for a water they should be made into registered factories to set up a pure white sugar short state like ours. We found that associations which should own the mill. Once we start this process, the nearly forty five to fifty per cent minors, buy water from the irrigation redesigning can be completed in of the water coming into the main department at the main canal and about five years. When brand new canals, distributaries and minors supply it to their members. Every crop come into the field, its water are lost in transit due to seepage such association should sign an requirement may be estimated to see and evaporation, mainly seepage. agreement with the owner of every if it is in the range of the crops taken We thought that if the farmers in the plot of land to supply the calculated into account till then. If not, it may command area can be permitted and quantity of water at agreed intervals be given supplementary irrigation persuaded to sink wells or tube wells during each crop season. The water from the wells. on their land to recycle the seeped should be charged not according water, they can use this water to to the crop to be irrigated, but We are today faced with growing irrigate sugarcane crop on some of according to the quantity of water water scarcity. An approach like this their land. Indeed, the first Irrigation given to the field. The farmer should is necessary to use the irrigation Commission of Maharashtra had be free to grow any crop he wishes water to the maximum extent and strongly advocated sinking of wells on his land. The quantity of water produce the maximum income from JANATA, March 24, 2013 17 every inch of irrigation water. their recommendation for 8-month was prepared, one of my friends who irrigation. None of these suggestions had read the report, gave it to (late) Some people can say, why do have yet been accepted. You may Appasaheb Pawar of Baramati who all this? Why not bring water from say: then why talk about it? The was a very knowledgeable person Ganga and Brahmaputra to the dry reason is: this is clearly the only about agriculture. On reading it, he lands? Let me give you the basic rational alternative for us. And told my friend: I do not quite agree facts relating to this scheme. With one, like me, has nothing else to with its suggestions. My friend the help of data collected by the do but write and speak about what said, does not matter. I do. But, a Institute of Engineers of Pune I had from our studies appears rational little over a year later Appasaheb made a calculation of what will be and useful. The village woman suddenly told my friend one day, the capital cost of irrigation water back in Odisha asks (in a saying): ‘I was again reading the report from this, per year per acre of, say, what does Dhinki (the leg operated you gave me. Now I think it is hybrid Rabi Jowar and of sugarcane. paddy de-husking device) do when right. I agree with its suggestions’. I shall not go into details. But their it goes to heaven? After a pause, I believe our political class will information shows that the simple she says, de-husk paddy. That is come to a similar conclusion one capital cost of water per acre of what I am doing. Shrikrishna says day. The only sad part of it is, when hybrid jowar per year will be at least in Geeta: Karmanyevadhikaaraste one is driven to the wall, one takes 2,015 rupees and for Sugarcane, it Maphaleshu Kadachana. a desperate decision. That makes will be 20,150 rupees. This, if the the new decision rather hurried, capital cost of the project during I not only hope but believe that unsystematic and clumsy. Taking a the twenty year period over which such an approach will ultimately decision after due thought and care the work is to be carried out is be accepted. When our study report saves one from such risks. interest free. If interest is charged during this period then the capital (Continued from Page 7) The official information from the cost of hybrid jowar will be 4,130 during this period that reforms in the surveys contains several such rupees and of sugarcane, it eill be capital market were launched with incidents, but can be revealed only 41,300 rupees. These are at prices Companies (amendment) Ordinance when analyzed in a broad framework prevailing ten years ago. At current promulgation on 31st October 1998 of political economy or social prices, these would be much higher. and again in 1999 to facilitate to economy of India. In addition there will be the cost buy back shares by companies, of annual repair, maintenance and amendment to SEBI facilitating administrative cost of providing equity funds in government dated water. Who can bear this? securities both in primary and secondary markets. Interestingly This simple account shows that a new concept of “sweat equity” this linking of rivers is no solution to consisting of equity shares used our problem. We have no worthwhile by a company can be transferred alternative to devising a system to its directors and employees at where we use water as such that we a discount or for consideration produce the best income per acre- other than cash was introduced. In inch of water. This will ultimately other words, different sectors of irrigate nearly 60 per cent of our the economy were capitalized that lands. As for the rest, I have talked seemed to have given scope for about horticulture and production of several scams later. As the ordinary sheep and goat above. politicians of Nandi category are not cognizant of such sophisticated I have been advocating this for operations; they are confined to Price: Rs. 20/- the last 25 years through writings. millions and those who have access Janata Trust The Dandekar-Datta Deshmukh- to capital market and a tradition of D-15, Ganesh Prasad, Naushir Deuskar Committe for Ujani Dam knowledge have become billionaires Bharucha Marg, had followed this logic and made overnight through manipulations. Grant Road (W), Mumbai 400 007. 18 JANATA, March 24, 2013 Bravo RBI

Pannalal Surana

A leading daily, in its 18th March explain why the economy is suffering adopt alternative model by placing 2013 issue, on page 14, carries three from inflation, unemployment and full employment as its goal. Avenues stories:1.FinMin:case exists for stagnation in manufacturing sector. of employment can be increased ratings upgrade, 2.Strict regulations, The economy is being run, for vastly by making substantial assets stress to hit banks: Survey, 3. the last 20 years or so, as per the investments in agriculture, forestry, RBI action: toss up between pause advice of these very experts. Almost animal husbandry, small and medium and 25 bps cut. all leading mainstream political level industries to be located in parties have been supporting a diffused manner in the rural A cover page of a leading weekly those free trade policies. All sorts and underdeveloped areas and magazine was saying “End of concessions in charges for water by adopting cooperative mode of Buying” and power have been showered management. That will also help on the corporate sector. The State even distribution of purchasing End of Buying? helped them to acquire control over power which, in its own turn, will natural resources like land, minerals, stimulate demand for socially useful One finds that all shops on main spectrum, etc. And yet the spectre of goods and services. roads of all cities and towns are stagflation is hounding our economy crowded during the major part of rendering lives of majority of the The RBI should regulate money day and evening time. Quantity people miserable. supply very carefully and prod purchased is declining day by day, the banks to cater to the needs of thanks to inflation. But the leading All those experts should see with farmers, village artisans, small and auditing and ranking agency, Crisil, eyes wide open that great distortion medium sector industries run by said (as reported at the end of the in the distribution of national wealth, the backward caste and minority third story mentioned above) “Core produced by the hard work of men enterprisers. inflation - an indicator of demand and women belonging to the lower side pressures on prices - fell below income groups, has been caused Studies in Socialism 4.0 per cent for the first time in past by the high technology adopted By 35 months, strengthening the case by the industrialists and also by for a repo rate cut by the RBI on their unrestrained greed. There March 19” has been high size corruption in Asoka Mehta which a number of corporates, both Published by What is the difference between indigenous as well as foreign, are Bhartiya Vidya Bhuvan core inflation and inflation afflicting involved. Some of them had taken the aam adami? Price of a cup of help of a lobbyist, namely Radia, Centre for Socialist Studies tea on railway platform has jumped who is reputedly unscrupulous. Bangaluru from Rs 5 to 10. Autoriksha and All this is a natural outcome of Price Rs. 250.00 postage extra taxi fares are on the rise. Prices of the western model of development Send your order to medicines, paper, newspaper - all are so blindly followed by the policy- Centre for Socialist Studies on the higher side. makers of India. The USA itself 191, 10th Cross, 10th Main, is suffering from the same plight. NGFI Layout Nagurbani, All those so-called experts who There, one per cent of the population Bengaluru 560 072 are engaged in increasing pressure on has grabbed control over 90 per cent or the RBI to reduce the rate of interest of national wealth. on advances to the traders and Bhartiya Vidya Bhuvan corporate industrialists use all types If we want to get out of this rot, Munshi Sadan of arguments to prod the RBI to ease we will have to bid goodbye to that Chowpatty, Mumbai 400 007 money supply situation. They should western model of development and JANATA, March 24, 2013 19 Media and social concerns

Brij Khandelwal

Like other professions Indian the last 20 years or so, particularly the streets in her undergarments to media too is undergoing an exciting after the process of liberalization draw attention of the world to her process of transformation. Some and globalization was triggered in sufferings and plight. Those of you people are naturally alarmed. The old the 1990s, has sent alarming signals who have seen the latest Amir Khan order thinks it is a steep degeneration all around. If the Indian media today production Peepli Live would agree and cites countless examples of appears reduced to an appendage of how events are being stage-managed distortions and devaluations. the corporate culture, it may not be and orchestrated. Surely this is Obviously perceptions and priorities wholly possible to halt the downslide misuse of liberty which is becoming have changed. The Indian media and a paradigm shift in its relations a licence. seems to be struggling to free itself with the masses? This is the question of the stranglehold of the 1947 that has caused widespread concern The deliberate attempts to seriously missionary mindset and gradually among social and political activists skew information dissemination, shift its focus to profit-making fighting for the rights of the people. over-hyping the absurd and industrial activity. The negative trends that have lately abominable efforts of a section of the crept in are demonstrated by the society, sensationalising or allowing The Indian media is a product of increasing role of commerce which page three features to confer social the freedom struggle/ movement. has catapulted the original goals of distinction and respectability to Without newspapers the focus of the journalism out of the orbit of public those who are not worthy of it to crusade against the British would concern. Editors of newspapers are dominate the contents, information have been fundamentally different. accused of sacrificing and doctoring overload, class predilections and It is interesting to recall that the content to suit fund raisers’ interests. prejudices and pathetic attempts foundation of the press in India was to play to the galleries through laid by a white man in 1780. The This is nowhere else more promotion of the superstitious and weekly Bengal Gazette was the first eloquently highlighted than the obscurantist orientations of the newspaper published from the Indian in the electronic media whose society - are danger signals that need soil, and its mood and temperament TRP obsession has initiated to be addressed urgently. was anti-establishment. James a wholly undesirable trend of Augustus Hickey, the editor and misinformation and disregard for To quote eminent journalist publisher had the guts to challenge factual representation. One can draw Kuldip Nayar: “Our print media is the mighty empire of the then attention to some recent cases in suffering a mad disease which has viceroy Warren Hastings. which the television medium went played havoc with newspapers. I In the past 200 years, the Indian out of its way to take advantage of will call it the tabloid syndrome. media has largely maintained this very serious human predicaments: You open any paper in the morning. tradition, of opposition and generally They are full of pictures of young played an adversarial role. As the In the first case a trader in Patiala models, super models, actors and fourth estate it has functioned as an burnt himself to death in the full fashion designers - some names you opposition party. Even today one of view of camera persons, none of have never heard - garnished with the chief functions of the press is whom came forward to save him. information on what they love to eat, to strengthen civil society through In another case in Madhya Pradesh, what kind of dress they like to wear continuous monitoring and exposure family members fighting economic what they often do when they relax, of the wrong doings of those in distress were provoked to consume what they think of love and sex and authority. poison to end their lives, again in such trivia. This shallow, unthinking full view of the camera. And the attitude gets reflected even in the Nothing wrong with that, I latest is the case of Puja in Surat in news stories and articles that are suppose. But what has happened in Gujarat who was persuaded to walk printed in the papers. Reporters 20 JANATA, March 24, 2013 With Best Compliments


A Well Wisher

RG JANATA, March 24, 2013 21 do not cross check the information misused by people in power. Let countries have suffered circulation they get. They often write one it be stated quite candidly that losses and have closed down, sided versions of events and about the freedom of the press today the Indian media is growing people who do not matter. Often does not mean the freedom of the phenomenally, registering a 42 good stories are not followed up writer or the journalist to write percent increase in circulation. The properly. Planted stories make the anything or to project views that are readership figure for 2000 was 232 front pages. Journalists have turned at variance with the establishment. million and today it has crossed 350 into politicians and newspapers It is essentially the freedom of the million. into projectors of a particular point owners or the managements to of view. News columns have come switch political loyalties or to often We have more than 50, 000 to be editorialized in the name of defend culprits and wrong doers registered publications and more interpretative reporting.” who may be in a position to be than 100 TV channels, plus scores milched by the media in the form of of FM radio stations. Add to this the But the course to doom cannot advertisements. extensive reach of the internet and be altered till those at the helms of you have a lively media with a very affairs in the media world are men Some facts: While newspapers positive outlook for expansion in the of vision and social commitment. and magazines in many western coming years. The media today is dependent on hollow men of low IQ, depending on unreliable sources of information. Yusuf Meherally Centre The internet technology has further speeded this process of trivialization Low cost Medical Care for Rural Areas through mass proliferation of Yusuf Meherally Centre is keen on promoting low cost, but quality, undesirable and phoney information health care in rural areas. One model the Centre tried has been to create through a tested system of doctoring awareness among the Mumbai doctors that it is their duty to do something and cannibalisation in the form of for the surrounding villages. It succeeded. It set up a Sunday clinic at Tara, wholesale plagiarism. One always a village on Mumbai-Goa highway in 1967 and that is still continuing. thought and believed that the There is no dearth of doctors willing to serve patients free once a month desirable goals that the media should or so. pursue are fostering of creative ideas that lead to social cohesion, Now there is a proposal to undertake a new initiative and do a similar to privilege facts and figures, to experiment with a view to attracting medical men to rural areas committed promote rational thinking and to to providing medical care, curative as well as preventive, without their keep in check the baser predatory expecting market salaries. For this, one idea that makes sense is to appeal instincts of humans. to retired government doctors who do not wish to start private practice. It is possible they will respond. The same with the retired military medical Unfortunately what seems to be officers. And there are quite a few medical men who are motivated by happening is just the opposite. Media their ideology – Gandhian or Socialist who too may respond. The freedom barons in India do not realize that the movement, as also the early socialist movement, did succeed in making goals and objectives of the press in a ideologically committed people to move to rural areas to provide health developing country like ours have to care. be different from those in the Western The Centre appeals to Janata’s readers to identify such people and media. Many of us mistakenly think introduce them to it. Globalisation means westernization or Americanisation. One question Yusuf Meherally Centre, that is often asked relates to the D-15, Ganesh Prasad, freedom of the press. Naushir Bharucha Marg, Mumbai 400 007. Indian media today is definitely e-mail id: [email protected] the most free in the world, but 2387 0097, 2388 9738 unfortunately this freedom is 22 JANATA, March 24, 2013 JANATA, February 10-17, 2013 11 (Continued from Page 10) many exemptions.” Prof. Vinod Prasad Singh But the budget proves that both of them have conveniently forgotten Prof. Vinod Prasad Singh passed away on FourteenFebruary per8, 2013 cent at of IGIMS earth’s hospital, land is Patna,covered after by adeserts. long illness. Global He theirwas promise.73. Popular And as now Vinod eight Babu years among his friends, Prof. Singh was a prominent socialist thinker from Bihar. He down,joined thethe socialist giveaways, movement far from at the age ofwarming 12 and performed is not due a tolong developmental political and activitiesintellectual of journeythe people throughout of the beinghis career. scrapped, He was have appointed more treasurerthan of theworld. Samajwadi Grow more Yuvjan trees Sabha to get (SYS) mote rainsin 1971. and Hesolve worked the drinking as the national water, doubledsecretary from of the Rs.2.35 Socialist lakh Party crore from to 1973 toglobal 1977. warming He was electedand climate to the change Bihar Legislativeof the world. Assembly It is the dutyin 1977. of the He Rs.5.73took voluntary lakh crore. retirement Turning as a Professorblind of EconomicsUNO to advise from all Delhi the nations University of the and world started to reclaimfull time all political the deserts work eye to these elephantine sums, Mr. in Samajwadi Jan Parishad. He held posts of thenational world General by growing Secretary, trees inVice abundance President which and President will reduce in He Chidambaramjoined the Socialist says heParty has (India) only toafter its formation in May, 2011. look at the 42,800 rich for levying warming and strengthen world peace. On 27-01-2010 British Prime surchargeProf. Singh for a worked few thousand hard for crore. the propagation Minister of the hadsocialist asked movement his Direct and Communication ideology. He edited Unit in Hindi –charge ‘Pratipaksh’ Mr. G. Ofand course ‘Naya Sangharsh’he was right for in several taxing years andEdwards brought outto thank important me for special my letter issues to related U.N. Secretary to the socialist General movement, on the themthought as theirand personalities. tax rate is low. He hadThe special interest in the August Revolution and published two special issues of ‘Naya Sangharsh’ on this subject. He editedsubject the documents Grow More of the Trees socialist to get movementmore rains inand 2 partsstated with that Dr.the Suneelamcontents question is: why did he not scrap of my letter have been carefully noted by the Prime Minister. theand giveaways a book titled worth ‘Madhu lakhs Limayeof crores : Jeevan Aur Rajniti’ with Dr. Prem Singh. The Socialist Party held a condolence meeting at its Delhi Party office and paid homage to the departed soul. enjoyed by the corporates as he K. K. Krishnan, C-3,Suajta Apartments, hadOn committedthis occasion to Justicedo in 2007? Rajindar That Sachar said that the demise of Prof. Vinod Prasad Singh is a big loss to the true couldsocialist be thetradition game thatchanger fights not against only the twin menace of corporateManipada capitalism Village and Road, communalism. Kalina, Mumbai- In his condolence400 098, formessage the government to the family and members its balance of Prof. Singh he expressed hope that they wouldTel.(o)2665 bear the 1223 loss with ® 2665 courage 1225 and . sheetstrength. but also for the national economy. Are the Finance Minister Dr. Prem Singh and the Prime Minister listening? – The Hindu

With Best Compliments from Transport & Dock Workers' Union, Mumbai. P.D.' Mello Bhawan, P.D.' Mello Road, Carnac Bunder, Mumbai 400 038.

Tel. No. : 2261 6951/52 Telegraphic Address : Fax No. : 2265 9087 ''DOCKUNION'' Mumbai-38. E-mail : [email protected] E-mail : [email protected]


S.R. Kulkarni (President)

P.K. Raman S.R. Yadav Rajaram Shinde Baban Mete Madhukar Bhondve Nivruti Dhumal (Secretaries)

Anil Golatkar Shivaji Mudhe (Treasurer) (Jt. Treasurer) JANATA, March 24, 2013 23 Budget with an eye on elections

G. V. Sunder

P. Chidambaram is an old hand at of growth and current account and incentives given by the government, presenting union budgets. He is also fiscal deficits. The major thrust of producing a record of 259 million not new at presenting poll eve budgets. the UPA-II is inclusive growth by tonnes of food grains in 2011-12. It is the last chance, before the general improving the conditions of the rural During 2012-13, in spite of 8% elections, for the government to please poor. deficient rains, the food grains everyone by claiming to do all things production is about 250 million to all people. To achieve higher growth, the tonnes. The average annual growth of Finance Minister has proposed, among agriculture during 11th plan was 3.6 Whatever may be the content of the other things, huge allocations to rural percent. Rice and wheat production in budget, the typical reaction from the and farm sectors with a belief that the our country grew at a faster pace than opposition leaders and others are all resilient rural economy may help the in the rest of the world over the same same and cliché-ridden over the years. economy in general to recover. This period. India is the largest producer of For example the typical comments year also, the Finance Minister has fruits, vegetables and milk. Export of are, “it is anti-poor and anti-farmers chosen to allocate more funds for all agricultural products is also growing budget” “There is nothing for the the existing rural and social sector and it is expected to cross $ 40 billion middle class”, “it is a pro-rich or programmes. during 2012-13. The rural wages have pro-corporate sector budget”, etc. We gone up more than 3-4 times during are used to hearing these comments The Finance Minister has allocated the same period. The surplus cash in over the decades. It looks like it is more funds for MNREGS. He has the rural India will help in increasing opposition for the sake of opposition. substantially increased the agricultural the demand for the industrial products. credit. During 2007-08, the same Annual budget is not the only P.Chidambaram had given a huge During the last 5-6 years, the instrument for the government to i.e., Rs. 60-70,000 crores of loan world has seen huge spikes in food usher in changes and to improve the waiver to the farmers. This time he prices. However, the FAO identified financial conditions of the citizens. has proposed an incentive of 4 percent India as one of the very few countries There are many other policy initiatives interest on all prompt repayments of who have successfully reduced food like credit policy, trade policies agriculture loans. He has allocated insecurity, when the whole world was and new legislative enactments to Rs 10,000 crores for national food facing food price spikes during the last bring in the financial progress by security. At present, almost two 6-7 years. giving directions through these policy to two-thirds of our population is announcements. Therefore, it would getting subsidized food on BPL The UPA-II is confident of be better to look beyond a single cards. He has allotted more funds to introducing direct cash transfer in lieu budget, and generally see what are the continue green revolution in eastern of subsidies by 2014. To pave the way policies and programmes of the UPA- states, more funds for agricultural for early and proper implementation II and the results at the ground level. research, more funds for integrated of direct cash transfers, the Finance watershed programmes, more funds Minister is trying to strengthen the Discussing all the proposals of for rural housing and village roads post office network. The post office the budget would be a very lengthy and more funds for Integrated Child network is well spread out in the exercise. It would be better to confine Development Scheme. rural areas compared to the banking only to a few aspects of the economy sector. There are more than 1,50,000 which affect the majority of Indians. In the earlier budgets also, the branches of post offices in the entire The rural and agriculture sectors could UPA-II had focused more on rural and country. The Finance Minister has be such focus areas. farming sectors by announcing new allocated huge funds to develop and programmes and higher allocation integrate these post offices with the UPA-II took charge of its second of funds. In the last five years, the core banking system. innings, in the backdrop of a global support prices of various crops have economic turmoil and related issues been doubled. The success of MNREGS and and impacts on the Indian economy. subsidized distribution of food, The two major challenges before the The farmers have responded prompted our agriculture minister Finance Minister were the deceleration positively to the programmes and Sharad Pawar to make a stunning and 24 JANATA, March 24, 2013 With Best Compliments from JANATA, March 24, 2013 25 insensitive observation: “Two days’ The Finance minister has also exports and many a parliamentarians MNREGS wages are enough to buy indulged in tokenism since this of England and Spain would lament food grains for a month and hence is the last budget the government that the gold that they had brought men prefer sitting idle”. Does he mean will be presenting before the next from the American continent was that the desire and ambition to go up general elections to the Lok Sabha. being splurged and wasted on the financial ladder is the privilege The recent gang rape of a lady in imports from India. No wonder the of the rich and the middle classes? New Delhi had aroused a lot of Padmanabhaswamy Temple in Kerala We are seeing a large scale migration protests and criticism. As if to show has so much of gold in its hidden of marginal farmers and landless the concern of the government to treasures. labourers from the rain dependent such incidents, the Finance Minister areas, to cities and towns, during the announced ‘Nirbhaya Fund’ and The import bill on account of gold lean periods. The desire to make best ‘All Women Bank’. Whether it is appears to be as high as 16 percent use of the lean period is an indication sufficient to assure the women or not, of our total imports. It is the next of the desire of the rural poor to earn the opposition leader Sushma Swaraj big ticket import after the petroleum much more than they can earn in the was seen smiling and thumping the products. It is certainly a huge drain rural areas. desk in the Lok Sabha when the on our foreign exchange reserves. It announcements were made as a mark increases the current account deficit All these initiatives in rural of her appreciation and approval. and is a worrying factor. But the India will also help in achieving Finance Minister does not appear to two objectives. One is of sending a Another factor that has been have done much to restore the current strong message of inclusive growth worrying the Finance Minister has account balance except of course, and second, thereby appeasing the been the Current Account deficit. appealing to the Indians not to buy traditional vote bank of Congress Finance Minister is obviously worried gold. in the rural areas i.e., backward about heavy imports of gold and castes, SCs & STs and the rural poor. petroleum products. Indians’ love for Obviously the budget has been Sociologists and economists should gold is legendary. I understand that presented with an eye on the coming take note of this changing rural during the 17th century Indians were elections. However, isn’t that the economy. insisting on payment in gold for their demand of democracy?

While growth is unquestionably necessary for substantial poverty reduction, it appears that growth is getting weakly linked with poverty reduction. In other words, the growth elasticity of poverty (GEP) is not high enough. GEP gives the percentage change in a chosen poverty measure in response to a 1 percentage change in GDP or mean income and can be interpreted as the poverty reducing impact of growth. In the poverty literature, GEP is found to be a function of initial income distribution, and it has been shown that rising levels of inequality lower GEP. The rationale for this is that the higher the initial inequality, the lesser the poor will share in the gains from growth. Martin Ravallion explains this succinctly as: “Unless there is a sufficient change in the distribution, people who have a larger initial share of the pie will tend to gain a larger share in the pie’s expansion”. The National Sample Survey (NSS) data point in the direction of rising inequality in India. The Gini coefficient for rural India increased from 0.27 to 0.28 between 2004-05 and 2009-10, with rural inequality rising in 11 states. The Gini coefficient for urban India increased from 0.35 to 0.37, with urban inequality increasing in 18 states. Moreover, the ratio of per capita income between the top 15% and bottom 15% of the population has risen from 3.9 to 5.8 in rural areas and from 6.4 to 7.8 in urban areas during this period. This indicates that not only is inequality between the two groups on the rise, but also that the benefits of economic growth have not trickled down to those at the bottom of the distribution. Importantly, this rising inequality has reduced GEP. Moreover, these inequality measures need to be interpreted with caution as India measures inequality based on consumption rather than incomes, and consumption inequality tends to be lower than income inequality because of consumption smoothing by households. Also, the NSS estimates of consumption expenditure fail to capture the top income groups, thereby resulting in underestimation of inequality. Therefore, inequality in India is higher than what we believe by looking at these estimates. Importantly, inequality of consumption is about ‘inequality of results’ and not ‘inequality of opportunities’, which may be more important but are much harder to measure. Such inequalities are associated with gender or caste, access to key social services, particularly healthcare and schooling and access to credit markets; and these tend to undermine productivity, retard growth and consequently impede the task of poverty reduction. –Radhicka Kapoor 26 JANATA, March 24, 2013

Rural India Focus



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Printed and Published by G.G. Parikh on behalf of Janata Trust. Printed at Mouj Printing Bureau, Khatau Wadi, Girgaum, Mumbai-400 004 and published at D-15, Ganesh Prasad, Naushir Bharucha Marg (Sleater Road), Mumbai - 400 007. Established 1946 Price : Rupees Five

Vol. 68 No. 10 Mixing sports and politics March 31, 2013 S. Viswam Government on brink Kuldip Nayar Rivalry between the two Dravidian First, politics has been allowed parties of Tamil Nadu has impacted to intrude into the arena of sports. Development and Dignity on national and international sports. Second, an already tense situation K. S. Chalam The ruling Anna Dravida Munnetra between the Sinhalese and Sri Lankan Kazhagam and the Opposition Dravida Tamils is being given the opportunity A Mutually Beneficial Munnetra Kazhagam have together to become more tense. Thirdly, an Indo-Pak Relation urged the prime minister to boycott already tense situation between the Rajindar Sachar the forthcoming Commonwealth Sinhalese and the Tamils in India summit because it is scheduled is being encouraged to grow more Who organised the attack? to be held in the Sri Lankan capital intense and complicated. One wishes Sandeep Pandey Colombo. Similar antipathy towards that this development which will have Sri Lanka and its majority Sinhala bad consequences for Indo-Sri Lankan Distress Migration: population, combined with sentiments bilateral relations had not taken place. The Asian Athletics Championship to Panchayats Hold the Key of solidarity and identity with be held in Chennai in July has been Selvam V Sri Lankan Tamils has provoked a move against Sri Lankan cricket shifted out as Jayalalithaa was not in favour of Sri Lankan participation players. The Tamil Nadu chief Judicial opinions on in it. Now, another scheduled event minister Jayalalithaa has taken the Hindu religion and Hindutva has been sacrificed. Nobody denies initiative to get Sri Lankan cricketers Irfan Engineer that the Tamils of Sri Lanka and of banned from playing in the ten India are unhappy with the atrocities The despairing countryside matches scheduled to be played in committed by Sri Lankan military Harsh Mander the state. on the ethnic Tamils. India voted in favour of the resolution against A propos Sanjay Dutt The chief minister informed the Colombo in the UN. But to ban Sri prime minister that their participation Lankan players from participating Editor : will aggravate an already surcharged in cricket matches in India is atmosphere and further offend the G. G. Parikh wrong in principle and tantamount sentiments of the people. The IPL to discrimination on the basis of Managing Editor : Guddi general council conceded the demand, ethnicity and nationality. Pakistani leaving no option to the Centre to players are being discriminated D-15, Ganesh Prasad, intervene. IPL Chairman Rajeev against because of Shiv Sena protests, Naushir Bharucha Marg, Shukla said the organizers had to and now Sri Lankans are being kept Mumbai - 400 007. take note of the local sentiment out because of hurt Tamil Nadu but more important the safety and sentiments. Cricket should be played Email : [email protected] security of the Sri Lankan players as an enjoyable game and not be used were paramount. to politicize sports. 2 JANATA, March 31, 2013

Between the lines

Government on brink

Kuldip Nayar

Samajwadi Party chief Mulayam The overall scenario is dismal. looking at India economically is a sad Singh Yadav said last month that The government which is already spectacle. Worse is the impression elections for parliament were known for non-performance has that India has no worthwhile policy possible in September, he was not become more halting in taking steps. on foreign affairs because it is too indulging in sensationalism. He It does not know how long it will be engrossed in its domestic problems. had been sounded out by Dravida in office and therefore it is reluctant Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) to take any long-term measures. The There was a chance when a president M. Karunanidhi that he UPA, over which Congress President resolution against Sri Lanka was was withdrawing support to the Sonia Gandhi presides, supports the discussed at the UN Human Rights Manmohan Singh government from Manmohan Singh government and Council. India was impaled on the ensuing parliament session. is trying its best to placate its allies the horns of dilemma because it The DMK patriarch has lived up which number more than 20. Now would not annoy a neighbour, Sri to his utterance, putting the future even tiny parties, with two or three Lanka, and also could not let down of the United Progress Alliance members each, matter because they the DMK which wanted a strong (UPA) government in the realm hold the balance. resolution of condemnation because of conjecture. Even when the the party was being pressured by the government has agreed to support The UPA has already done the Tamils. the resolution against Sri Lanka rope trick to keep the Manmohan at the UN Human Rights Council, Singh government in office for Indeed, Sri Lanka had indulged Karunanidhi has stuck to his word nine years. One cannot blame it for in unprovoked killings, especially conveyed to Mulayam Singh. mismanaging the coalition because in the last phase of war against the BJP-led National Democratic the LTTE. New Delhi preferred Mulayam Singh is in a spot Alliance (NDA), with 24 parties, to placate the DMK but it turned because the government, which has lasted for eight years. In fact, the out to be a bit too late because by been reduced to 277 members, is just UPA did very well in its first term then Karunanidhi had made up his more than the half way figure of 273 and went about it methodically. mind to withdraw support from the for a majority. He can pull down the It had constituted a coordination government. New Delhi could have government, but what does he do committee to keep in touch with all its acted earlier. The question has been afterwards? In fact, no political party allies and take them into confidence. pending for discussion between is yet ready to face the next elections This time, however, the Congress the DMK and New Delhi for some and contradictions within some government has hardly consulted years. How one wishes they had parties are so strong that it would be any constituent, not even big parties found some common way out. difficult for them to go through the which were giving support from requirements for the polls. However, outside. Had it kept them in the loop, Where do we go from here? New with an eye on the future Mulayam probably the government would not permutations and combinations Singh has praised BJP leader L.K. been in such a sorry plight today. are possible, but the room for Advani, describing him as the tallest. But it is still not too late to cobble manoeuverability with the Does it mean the post-election together the alliance and give the Manmohan Singh government is alliance between the BJP and the allies a feeling of confidence, even very limited. Probably, the sick Samajwadi Party is a possibility? It if not governance. state of India will remain like this is too early to say that but one thing for some more time until somebody is sure that the Samajwadi Party may The situation has affected the pulls out the plug and forces compromise with the forces which economy which is now down to early polls. Both Mulayam Singh it once said were “communalist and 4.5 per cent and it has told upon and Bahujan Samajwadi Party’s anti-national.” our prestige abroad. That nobody is Mayawati are trying to have their JANATA, March 31, 2013 3 pound of flesh, but the Manmohan Singh government can concede only Development and Dignity up to a point, not beyond. They are confident that the cases against them, K. S. Chalam probed by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), can be managed because the agency is a government The Human Development Report, reduce education, particularly higher department. 2013 of UNDP was released recently education as private investment and with HDI ranks of different countries made countries like India to play Mulayam Singh’s tiff with central of the world. The theme of this nominal role. One of the reasons for minister Beni Prasad may be justified year’s report is ‘Human progress the present crisis in higher education but the Manmohan Singh cannot in a diverse World’ and appears to can be attributed to this plunge. Yet, afford to drop him from the cabinet, have covetous tone towards the rise it has also enabled scholars like Huq, at least not yet, when he has a few of the South or developing countries. Sen and others to take it to a different seats in parliament. Even those seats We are aware that HDI is popularly level and produce a civilized concept are crucial for the sustenance of the used now in all debates to insinuate called human development. government. Bihar chief minister the development of a country and Nitish Kumar is a help in the sense not GDP. It is because of the fact that The 2013 HDR has made an that he has joined issues with the Human Development Index (HDI) important statement that, “no BJP. Nitish Kumar’s no to Gujarat gives a better understanding of the country for which data was available chief minister Narendra Modi as the human progress achieved in a country had lower HDI value in 2012 than prime ministerial candidate has put than the mere income expressed as in 2000”. It has further added that a spanner in the wheels of the BJP. GDP. HDI is an aggregate estimate there is convergence of HDI values It wants him but at the same time of three indicators of life expectancy, arcos the world. A key message of does not like to jolt the alliance. One education attainment and income of the report is: economic growth alone BJP leader has said that if the choice a country during a year. The UNDP does not automatically translate in is between the NDA government has been publishing the annual to human development progress. without Modi and no government reports from 1990, incorporating Therefore, it is necessary to with Modi, the BJP would prefer new and innovative ideas in each concentrate on four important issues: the former. report. 1.enhancing equality, 2 including the gender dimension, 3.enabling Probably, the best way out for The Indian subcontinent takes greater voice and publicity of citizen Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is pride in the intellectual inputs including youth, and 4. manage the to declare fresh elections. He should contributed by Pakistani and Indian demographic change. The report has go to Rashtrapati Bhavan, submit scholars for the popularization of demonstrated by data and regression his resignation and recommend the concept which is universally results how inequality holds back new elections. At present, there is accepted now. I may also add an human development in many not a single party which can claim anecdote that Andhra University countries. While discussing some to form the government in place is nostalgic for the vision of Prof individual countries, it is pointed of Manmohan Singh’s. Therefore, Sarveswara Rao who offered a out that “India’s performance elections become inevitable. course in 1970s at the Department of in accelerating HD, however, is Economics and had correspondence less impressive than its growth Whether elections will give India with Amartya Sen. The subject based performance”. Indeed Bangladesh, a strong government is yet to be on human capital theory in the West our neighbor is doing well compared seen. It is often said that the same later seemed to have degenerated in to India’s rate of growth in HDI over hotchpotch alliance will come back. the hands of one group of scholars a period of time. Maybe, some party wins 200 seats and Nobel laureates (Schultz, and stakes its claim to form the Buchanan, Becker and others) The report has also presented government. Much will depend on who considered education as an HDI ranks for different countries the mood of the electorate and this investment in man. The premise over a period of three decades. is the best part of democracy that has enabled World Bank scholars to We feel sorry to note that India is nobody can take them for granted. 4 JANATA, March 31, 2013 ranked 136 in 2012, a few ranks down over the years. It is strange A Mutually Beneficial Indo-Pak Relation to find that the rank of India has been lingering around 131-136 Rajindar Sachar during 1990-2012 with increase in the member countries over time. It An innocuous private visit by Minister was not personally allowed is notable that among the BRICS, Pakistan Prime Minister and his to receive the Pak Prime Minister at India is the only country that is not family to India to pay homage to one the airport. Why this half-hearted even close to any one of them: Brazil of the most revered shrine of Sufi approach? Government of India 85, Russia 55, China 101 and South saint Khwaja Mahinuddin Hassan could have treated the visit as a Africa 121. The HDI value of India Chisti, where persons of all religions non-event in which case launcheon was 0.345 in 1980, raised to 0.410 including Hindus and Muslims pay was also an intrusion. But when in 1990 to 0.507 in 2000 and now respectful obeisance to the great soul Government of India acted rightly stands at 0.554. If the ranks are and where the Mughal emperor, great and diplomatically - why this half- adjusted for inequalities, the value Akbar, had once walked barefoot to hearted approach. The matter was of HDI comes to 0.392, a loss of 29 seek blessings for the birth of a compounded badly by the Rajasthan per cent. son, was bungled so badly by the Chief Minister by not receiving Pak pusillanimous attitude of Indian P.M. at Airport. After all Pak PM What is like to be a human government and the deliberate was visiting his State. That he kept being? It is given in Box 1.3 of the ranting of the mischievous Anti- away and further did not extend the report referring to dimensions of Pakistan lobby. courtesy of asking one of his own freedom, well being, deprivation Ministers to accompany the Pak and even cited the classic paper Bad as it was for the Deevan of P. M. to the shrine flies against the by philosopher Nagel on ‘the Chisti shrine, to have queered the Rajasthani culture where guests are experience of being a bat’. But, the pitch by saying he would boycott given the highest honour. authors of the report have failed to the Pak PM visit, the encouraging grapple with philosophical nuances approval given by a B.J.P. leader, I have always believed that of the essence of man in the context M. V. Naidu has to be strongly India and Pakistan are like Siamese of freedom from fear as an important deprecated as a crude attempt to twins. Though even totally separate, human value. Did human society derail Indo-Pakistan good relations. independent entities, the pain and learn any lessons from events like tribulation of each will get reflected Auschwitz (Poland), the place where I can understand Prime Minister in the other. It is not possible for either millions of Jews were butchered? not hosting a lunch (not for the of them to attain their legitimate due Are there similar, may be less reason of beheading a soldier by in the comity of nations unless both malicious practices, perpetuated Pakistani Army at the LOC) but the countries genuinely and in the even in contemporary world or in for practical reason, namely that shortest of time accept that bleeding India? Raja Ashraf was a care-taker Prime of either will bleed the other too. Minister with general elections Human dignity seems to have in Pakistan to be held shortly, so But somehow our past history something to do with the essence obviously no worthwhile political seems always to put us on collision of man. It is not possible here to talks could be held at this stage. course. Any effort at impartial discuss about the metaphysical It was therefore a wise decision to assessment gets mired by the fear elucidations of Kant or Indian sages depute Foreign Minister to interact of public opinion generated by like Sankara or Ramanuja to convey with Pak PM. some act of terror or other allegedly that essence as per their exposition arising from some hostile elements being spirit is outside mind and body. But the atmosphere created by operating in Pakistan. Thus though Is it consciousness or higher feelings small time politicians as if extending last year there was celebration in beyond self that bring the essence normal courtesy to Pak Prime both countries on Pakistan having of man? Or is it simply reduced to Minister was to insult the memory agreed to give India the most favored of soldiers who were killed at LOC nation status, it has not happened. (Continued on Page 13) was such nasty that our Foreign It got caught up in the unfortunate JANATA, March 31, 2013 5 border incident and the beheading of an Indian soldier. It was certainly a Who organised the attack? ghastly act calling for the maximum of condemnation. So we cut off Sandeep Pandey sports matches and even quawali teams from Pakistan - that was unfortunate. But while individuals Afzal Guru has been hanged. He stayed there for three months may permanently cut off relations, Afzal was hanged so that ‘collective and returned to pursue his studies in nations have no such freedom, conscience of the society could be Delhi. He was doing MBBS before and their leaders must know the satisfied.’ Hopefuly, the collective he joined the movement. consequences of taking action born conscience is now satisfied. The out of anger. “nationalists” danced with joy, With the intention of leading offered sweets to each other and a normal life he surrendered to Just recollect the almost collision burst crackers. The objective of BSF. He realized very soon that between Soviet union and USA in hanging was also to probably close it was very difficult to live as a 1962 over Cuba, and which was a chapter. surrendered militant in Kashmir. averted at the last minute by the They are continuously harrassed realization by both the countries of However, one question remains by BSF, STF and security forces. immeasurable damage which would unanswered. Who plotted the attack The surrendered militants were be caused to both the countries, on Parliament? The five who pierced obliged to follow their legitimate notwithstanding the immerse the security to reach the Parliament and illegitimate orders for the sake superiority of U.S.A. As Khrushev, building were shot dead on the of security of their families. People said with ironic simplicity “I know spot. The investigating agencies who could pay were left alone. USA can destroy USSR many times claim that Masood Ahzar, Ghazi There was corruption even in this with its nuclear power. But I have Baba and Tariq Ahmad, the main situation! Being a surrendered sufficient nuclear power to destroy militant he could not have got a job USA once and that is sufficient for conspirators are in Pakistan and and therefore started a business of me”, sensible and practicable. Two hence inaccessible. medicines and surgical instruments neighborly nuclear powers have no option but to have friendly relations. The question then is who was in 1997-98 on commission basis But that does not mean any letting Afzal Guru and what was his role in Sopore. Once, much before the down of security considerations. in the attack on Parliament? Let us attack on Parliament, a policeman Nor does it mean to overlook or see the contents of letters written Akbar of the Parimpore police being unprepared against the rogue by Afzal Guru from jail and his station extorted Rs. 5000 from him elements in Pakistan, whether wife which were made public quite and threatened to charge him with officially supported or not. No sometime back. selling spurious medicines and one denies that actual working instruments if he did not comply. of Pakistan government vis-à-vis Afzal was sentenced to death on Akbar became a witness against India’s security consideration can the basis of Special Police version him in the attack on Parliament even for a minute be ignored, but which works in collusion with STF case. Afzal had to also pay Rs. 300- larger considerations of peace and which made him accept the crime 500 every month to Special Police security with our neighbor must not under duress and threat by Special Officers, who were surrendered be jeopardized by taking up jingoist Police ACP Rajbir Singh. Special militants assisting the STF, to posture in mutuality relations Police had threatened to harm his keep them safe from the security with Pakistan. Thus, when some family members if he did not obey agencies. Sometimes SPOs became time back when unfortunate LOC them. the target of attack by militants. incident happened, anger, even gross indignation was natural. It is at this Afzal was attracted to JKLF One day he was going by his time that a responsible government movement in 1990. He went to new scooter at 10 am when he behaves with dignity, confidence Pakistan for training. However, he was arrested by STF and taken but does not get into panic reaction. got disillusioned soon as he did not to Palhallan camp. There he was (Continued on Page 6) support the pro-Pakistan groups. tortured and Rs. one lakh was 6 JANATA, March 31, 2013 demanded from him. Then he was and requested the media to delete (Continued from Page 5) taken to Humhama camp where that portion. A message, even a warning that again he was tortured. He had to terrorist acts and LOC violations and ultimately sell the jewelry of his Afzal was told that it was in his brutal conduct will not be tolerated, wife which could fetch Rs. 80,000. and his family’s interest to cooperate and that a conducive atmosphere The STF kept his scooter which he with the STF. He was taken to all has to be created to revive mutual had bought for Rs. 24,000 just two those places from where Mohammed dialogues at government level, is the had bought different things. He was months back. After these toture right approach. But one does not go taken to Kashmir once again and sessions one had to spend days to into jingoist posture, not permissible brought back. He was made to sign recuperate. for such close neighbors, as cutting on a number of blank papers. off all sports or musical concerts When Afzal was studying at Delhi or keeping on hold agreement of Afzal was not given a chance in University during 1990-96 he used immediate border visas for senior court to narrate his story. The judge to offer tuitions. This was known citizens at the Indo-Pak border. to Altaf Hussain, brother of SSP told him that he would be given a of Badgam Ashaq Hussain. Altaf chance in the end. His statements In diplomacy one has to keep fine employed him to teach his children. were not recorded and he was not balance even with the unfriendly One day Altaf took Afzal to DSP shown what was being recorded. If allegations. If not, how would Humhama Dravinder Singh. He was merely the phone call records were Indian government treat the visit of asked to accompany a non-Kashmiri examined it could have been seen newly appointed U.S. Secretary of man Mohammed to Delhi and how many times the STF called him. Defense, Mr. Hegel, who has made help him find accommodation. He Until the High Court judgement was calumnious statement that India is helped him buy a car and took him pronounced he had very little idea financially interfering in the internal to meet different persons in Delhi of how his case was proceeding as matters of Baluchistan (Pakistan) that he wanted to meet. One day he could not keep an advocate of a charge, no doubt false, but not Mohammed gave him Rs. 35,000 his choice. made even by Pakistan. U.S.A. has and told him that he could go back not disowned this charge publically. to Kashmir if he desired. Meanwhile, It is quite likely that Afzal made Should we cut off relations with Afzal, wanting to get away from life up this story to protect himself. U.S.A. in Kashmir had rented a room in However, in case what he said is true Indira Vihar and left the keys with it is a very serious matter. Afzal’s No doubt India has legitimate landlady telling her that he would only connection with the attack on complaint that Pakistan is doing soon return with his wife and four- Parliament is that he accompanied nothing to keep in check the terrorist year old son. and helped Mohammed who seems planning attacks on India from to have had a role in that attack. Pakistan soil. It claims to do its best, He reached Kashmir after the But them he was doing this on but its best is of no avail. But then attack on Parliament. As he was instructions from STF, something we must realize that Pakistan has preparing to board a bus to Sopore he which was not accepted by the court. created a Frankenstein which even it was arrested by Srinagar police and Wouldn’t it have been appropriate is finding difficult to control. Jehadi taken to Parimpore police station. to examine STF’s role in the attack terrorists attack in cities like Lahore, Rs. 35,000 was taken from him. He on Parliament to ensure that justice on Shias in the holy precincts of was brought to STF headquarters was done in this case. It is also STF’s mosques show the terror created and from there taken to Delhi where responsibility to come clean on this by Pakistan is refusing to go back he landed in Special Police torture count. within the bottle. Pak Government. cell. is also paying the price of its past If we do not investigate and find mischief. Should not this reality During a press conference out as to who it was exactly that make our both countries hold their organised by Special Police when plotted the attack on Parliament, hands together – a more mature and dignified response to recent Pak he told the media that his co-accused threat of such attacks in future will Prime Ministers visit would have S.A.R. Geelani was innocent, ACP remain. For the sake of our security been the correct response. Rajbir Singh became angry with him we need to find the truth in this case. JANATA, March 31, 2013 7 Distress Migration: Panchayats Hold the Key

Selvam V

What does the phenomenal Government of India in 2004 found from the top without taking the increase in urban population in the that roughly 92 percent of India’s local needs and social realities last decade mean? Do the Panchayats total workforce was engaged in fully into account. Does it mean have anything to do with that? In an informal/unorganized sector and that the people were left with no insightful analysis of the Census most of them remained poor with alternatives at all? No, we did have 2011 figures on migration, P. Sainath an average per capita consumption and still have the option to evolve (The Hindu, 26 September 2011) of less than Rs. 20 a day. To be alternative models of development points out the difference between the specific, the Commission found that and governance. The 73rd and 74th growth in rural and urban population 836 million people forming three- amendment to the Constitution over the last three decades. The rural fourth of India’s population were tried to do that by decentralizing population increased from 628.7 poor and vulnerable including those the power structure and by putting million in 1991 to 747.5 million in 6.4 percent of people falling under the power in the hands of people 2001 and further to 833.1 million in the category of extremely poor. The to decide their own fate. The 2011. Whereas the urban population Economic Survey 2010-11 citing the Panchayati Raj Act, 1992 distinctly increased from 211 .6 million in 64th round National Sample Survey empowers the state to devolve 1991 to 286.1 million in 2001 and data suggests that the incidence of funds, functions and functionaries further to 377.1 million in 2011. But unemployment on a current daily to local government institutions if we carefully look at the differences basis increased from 7.31 per cent (PRIs) thereby enabling them to between these figures, we would in 1999-2000 to 8.28 per cent in draw their own development plans - interestingly find that the rural 2004-05 with rural unemployment that are suitable to their local needs. population actually decreased from growing higher than the urban. A Although the implementation of the 113.8 million in 2001 to 90.6 million large chunk of people are living same has not been very impressive in in 2011 and the urban population under chronic poverty as a result most of the States, there is still hope increased from 68.5 million in 2001 of either unemployment or loss of that the decentralized governance to 91 .0 million in 2011. This, indeed, livelihoods in rural areas which would empower and facilitate PRIs points to an alarming situation in the eventually force them to migrate. to promote economic activities and countryside. The striking increase Where do these poor unemployed generate employment opportunities in urban population during the last vulnerable people ultimately go? at local level which would surely decade could possibly be due to Obviously, they land up in urban alleviate rural poverty and check migration, among other reasons, centres where some of them become distress migration. as the Census 2011 cites. Loss of part of urban slums and live under livelihoods, collapse of agriculture inhuman conditions. Probably this If Panchayats are empowered, and poverty would perhaps be the tendency explains the phenomenal as per the Panchayat Raj Act, with major factors influencing distressed growth of population in urban areas funds, functions, and functionaries to people’s decision to migrate to urban in the last decade. create their own economic activities centres in search of livelihood. according to their local needs, the Now we need to ask why the rural poverty and distress migration If we look at the incidence of programmes of the union and state can be arrested at the local level chronic poverty per se, it seems to governments aimed at ameliorating itself. Migration, otherwise, will be very high among unorganized rural and urban poverty have not continue on a large scale in the labourers and marginalized been effective? The answer could times to come. If timely action is cultivators in the rural areas. The possibly be due to the fact that not taken, both rural and urban areas National commission for Enterprises the development models and the will be in great miseries. The urban in unorganized sector set up by the policies were dictated by our rulers centres will become much more 8 JANATA, March 31, 2013 miserable as there will be severe burden on civic amenities whereas Bihar Socialist Party rural areas will suffer due to shortage of workforce for the farming, A meeting of members of the and quality education for all from agricultural and related activities Socialist Party was held in Patna KG to PG’. He made the demand that form the basis of rural economy. on 10-11 March 2013. After due for immediate implementation of the It has been observed ever since the deliberations, Dr. Sushil Kumar was report on Common School System implementation of MGNREGA that nominated as the president, Ranjeet prepared by Prof. Anil Sadgopal and those labourers available during Mandal as the senior vice president, Prof. Muchkund Dubey. sowing and harvesting seasons in Dr. Bhanu Udayan as the general secretary and Ashok Kumar Thakur Dr. Bhanu Udayan raised the rural areas were not available as as the media in charge of Bihar state. issues about health services which they were engaged in MGNREGA Ayasha Khan, Jyoti Singh, Stela are in a bad shape, particularly in activities. If better wages and social Lotika, Prabhakar, Dr. Uma Shankar rural and sub-urban Bihar. It is the security are the major concerns Bharti, Ganesh Gutt Singh, Jeevan duty of an elected government to of the available workforce that Chaudhary, Yogendra Sharma, Dr. provide proper health facilities to MGNREGA promises to provide, Subodh Kumar, Devanand and Dr. its citizens. He alleged that poor the activities under this programme Manikant Singh were nominated people are bound to die due to lack can very well be merged with to the state executive committee. of minimum health facilities. He said the activities of PRIs thereby The team will be extended further that sale of spurious drugs and black institutionalizing the workforce at in the next six months. The meeting marketing of medicines is prevalent the grassroots level with protected was attended by Dr. Prem Singh, on a large scale in Bihar,which wages and social security measures. national general secretary, as chief makes the patients more vulnerable. It needs to be emphasized that guest and chaired by national Ranjeet Mandal spoke about the it is vital at this juncture for the executive member Ranjeet Mandal. vulnerable condition of farmers performing Panchayats to relook at Gautam Pritam, president, Socialist and agriculture in the state. The their current style of functioning and Yuvjan Sabha (SYS), Bihar, Rakesh contribution of agriculture in the think beyond their traditional rote Kumar Dubey, convener, SYS Delhi economy has been reduced due to to evolve a mechanism that would University were also present. negative growth rate. Even basic facilitate the local governance truly Dr. Prem Singh emphasized that needs of farmers are not met and participatory community oriented the path of development of Bihar they are forced to abandon the and collective. goes through its enormous work occupation. He demanded that force, fertile land and agro-based proper arrangements should be –Panchayat Raj Update and other small scale industries. He made for irrigation, seeds, manure, made an unrest appeal to all genuine electricity etc. and special thrust and socialists of Bihar to join the Socialist encouragement should be given to Party which takes inspiration from the agro-based industries to make Janata the thoughts of JP, Lohia, Archarya agriculture a viable occupation. Subscription Narendra Dev, Yusuf Meherally, He further suggested that a public Annual Rs. : 260/- Achyut Patwardhan, Madhu Limye, facility map should be prepared Three Years : 750/- Kishan Patnaik and other socialist by the village panchayats so that stalwarts. no encroachment would be made Demand Draft / Cheque on on public utility lands like streets, Mumbai Bank Dr. Sushil Kumar expressed full roads, ponds, grazing grounds, support to the agitation and demands schools, health centers, etc. in favour of of the contractual teachers and Janata Trust condemned the high handedness Gautam Pritam, announced that of the Bihar government. He made the SYS would open its students’ D-15, Ganesh Prasad, it clear that the Socialist Party is wings in all Bihar colleges and Naushir Bharucha Marg, opposed to the contractual system universities very soon. SYS will Mumbai 400 007 in the appointments of teachers and fight decisively the neo-liberal privatization of education in any onslaught on the education system. form. The party stands for ‘free, equal –Ashok Kumar Thakur JANATA, March 31, 2013 9 Judicial opinions on Hindu religion and Hindutva

Irfan Engineer

Definition of Hinduism has Court held that under the Hindu State Government claimed that Gita confounded the Indian judiciary. law, an idol is a juristic person was not a religious text as Article Hindu nationalists and Hindu capable of holding property and 28 of the Constitution of India religious institutions benefit from the properties endowed for the prohibits teaching of religious texts this confusion. The pendulum of institution vest in it. In the Babri in Schools receiving grant-in-aid judicial opinions swing from defining Masjid-Ramjanmabhoomi temple from state. However, when state Hinduism as a religion, albeit one case, the Allahabad High Court held prosecutors initiated action against that embraces a multiplicity of gods, idols to be a minor in perpetuity with Russian edition of Bhagvad Gita texts and religious rites in Commr. property vested in it, hence law of in Tomsk in June 2011 to ban it on Of Wealth Tax, Madras Vs. Late limitation does not apply. Deities can charges of religious extremism, BJP R. Sridharan, to “Hindutva is the even seek partition of the undivided delegation sent a copy of Gita to way of life”, as in Manohar Joshi’s property under Hindu law by filing the President of Russia along with judgment, and “Hinduism is neither a suit in Court. Gift to the Deity a letter claiming that Gita promotes a religion, nor Hindus constitute reflects fiduciary capacity or position spiritualism. Minister of External a religious community”, as in the in shebaits (Sri Sri Sridhar Jew v. Affairs S M Krishna in his statement recent judgment by the Income-Tax Manindra K. Mitter). to the Parliament on the subject Appellate Tribunal in Nagpur. The described Gita as a “religious text”. former interpretation suits religious Swaminarayan Sampraday argued MP Government even sponsors establishments and temples while before Supreme Court (Shahstri the senior citizens to perform the latter suits Hindu nationalists as Yagnapurushdasji v. Muldas pilgrimages to various religious they conveniently seek to impose Bhunadardas Vaishya) that they places – only the pilgrimage centres Hindu religion as national culture. were distinct and separate from are centres for Hindu pilgrimage. Hindus, in order to claim that the MP Govt. has belatedly included The IT Appellate Tribunal, Bombay Hindu Places of Public Ajmer in the itinerary after protests persuaded by the Appellant Shiv Worship Act, allowing Dalits entry by secularists. Mandir Devasthan Panch, described into the temples, did not apply to Shiva, Hanuman and Goddess Durga it. The Supreme Court although In the Manohar Joshi case’s as super powers of the Universe, accepting the diversity in religious judgment, the Supreme Court not representing any religion. practices in Hinduism and that conflated Hinduism with Hindutva The Appellant wanted to claim Hinduism was way of life, held that and opined that Hindutva was also exemption under section 80G (5) “beneath the diversity in all these way of life, contrary to the fact that (vi) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 aspects lie certain basic concepts – Hindutva was political ideology on the ground that expenses for acceptance of Vedas as the highest constituting and defining Hindu maintenance of the temple and authority and philosophical matters, community as a race by Savarkar and worship of Shiva was not religious the great ‘Rita’ of the universe and Golwalkar. Communal boundaries activity and open to members of belief in rebirth and pre-existence”. were defined to exclude Muslims all the communities and therefore and Christian from the nation charitable in nature. Hindu Nationalists have claimed and race and constitute them as Hinduism to be a religion or enemies of Hindu Rashtra. Savarkar Contrary to the view that Shiva culture and way of life according distinguished between Hinduism was a super power and not god, to convenience and context. and Hindutva. While conflating earlier Judicial opinions have held When surya namaskar, yoga and Hinduism with Hindutva, the Court idols as Gods and gave human teaching Gita in schools was made gave no reasons whatsoever, let persona and attributes. In Deoki compulsory for all school students alone cogent reasons. Savarkar’s Nandan v. Murlidhar, Supreme in Madhya Pradesh, the BJP led Hindutva was to position Hindu 10 JANATA, March 31, 2013 race rather than Hindu religion as to in many respects. Hindutva temples, everyone is welcome in superior. According to Savarkar, aims to homogenizing the beliefs Sufi shrines, mosques and churches. ‘Hindus are not merely the citizens of Hindus and militarize Hindu However, Islam and Christianity of the Indian state because they are religious community. The political will always be held as religion and united not only by the bonds of love structure of such a community would Muslims and Christians to be one they bear to a common motherland be a benevolent authority to which overarching community. but also by the bonds of blood of all the members should submit and the mighty race incorporated with those who resist would be dealt with In the nineteenth century India, and descended from the Vedic by necessary force and subject to religion assumed new meaning. forefathers’. But Savarkar did not punishments. The Tribunal’s order The term “Hindu” was used more stop at this concept of a common runs contrary to such a vision of as a geographical term to describe fatherland and a common racial Hindutva by opining that Hindus people inhabiting the geographical bond. Rather, for him, a Hindu did not even constitute a religious territory on the south-eastern was also one who inherits Indian community. side of River Sindhu which was civilization ‘as represented in mispronounced as Hindus. Hindus common history, common heroes, The underpinning of all the were people following diverse a common literature, a common varied judicial opinion is that they traditions and religious practices art, a common law and common see varied cultural and traditional which had absorbed from various jurisprudence, common fairs and practices of Hindu religion and influences in different historical festivals, rites and rituals, ceremonies not its doctrines. Whereas when phases. However, this diversity was and sacraments’. Hindus are thus Islam or Christianity comes up also punctuated with exclusion and defined in terms of their common for judicial scrutiny, they rely on caste based hierarchy. Diversity cultural heritage. A Hindu, according doctrines and texts, not how it is was perforce to maintain graded to Savarkar is a ‘person who regards actually lived by the communities inequalities, forced traditional the land of Bharatvarsha from professing the religion. Hence occupations and exclusion of vast Indus to the Seas as his fatherland Hinduism appears to be diverse but sections from privileges. Rules of (pitrubhumi) as well as his holyland Islam and Christianity appears to be purity and pollution were invented (punniyabhumi) – that is the cradle doctrinaire and dogmatic. There are to justify the exclusion. Excluded of his religion. It is through this varied interpretations of Islam and communities were left to their own elision of fatherland and holyland Christianity and lived religion is as religious traditions and rituals so that Savarkar constructs the political diverse as Hinduism. Thus Muslims long as they respected the boundaries category of Hindu in opposition to in Lakshadweep and Christians in of exclusion and followed their non-Hindus, particularly to Muslims Meghalaya are matrilineal societies. traditional occupations. While the and Christians. Despite the fact There is lot of shared cultural privileged upper-castes guarded the that Muslims and Christians ‘have and religious practices between purity of their traditions to justify inherited along with Hindus a Hinduism, Christianity and Islam. their privileges, the excluded lower- common fatherland and a greater While Shiva, Hanuman and Durga castes were liberal in absorbing from part of the wealth of common culture are super powers of universe, even various influences and traditions, – language, law, custom, folklore Allah is described in Quran as Rabbul including Islam and Christianity, and history, (they) are not and cannot Alamin, God of entire universe and as they had little stake in the be recognized as Hindus. not Rabbul Muslimeen – God of hierarchical caste structure. On Muslims. One of the many names one hand this gave rise to religious The Income Tax Appellate of Allah in Qur’an is “Jabbar”, as diversity and on the other hand Tribunal’s order in a way is a double God is powerful, therefore, Allah is syncretic traditions emerged wherein edged sword and cuts at the root of also a super power of the Universe. community practices included Hindutva ideology. Hindutva claims In Christianity, God is the eternal traditions of more than one religion. Hindus to be not only a community, being that created and sustains the It was difficult to clearly demarcate but also a political community, taking universe. Church and Mosques are religious boundaries of the followers. advantage of the diversity of belief more inclusive spaces than temples of Hindus. Hindutva aims to emulate as opined by the Tribunal. While Colonial rulers needed to, and the religions that it is opposed Dalits do not have entry in most believed in enumerating their Vibhuti Patel

JANATA, March 31, 2013 11 subjects and naming their religions. movement to Sanskritize and of and othering of minorities in It is the process of enumeration Tablighi movement to Islamize the spite of many landmark judgments that necessitated rigid religious fuzzy communities, and deepen and protecting their rights. The judicial boundaries to be constructed. strengthen religious boundaries. opinions are taken advantage of by Religious identities were arbitrated the Hindutva forces as their stand by the colonial state. As numbers It is this reality and history that gets legitimized. Hope this trend is could mean power, the native judicial opinions have ignored arrested for survival of democracy upper caste elite triggered Shuddhi which has resulted in discrimination in India. Book on Socialist Leaders released

A book written by Advocate carried out by the socialist stalwarts younger generation by bringing out N. K. Gangadharan in Malayalam during the freedom movement more such books. language was released on 16.o2.2013 and especially in the Quit India in a grand function held at the Public movement”. Shri Kumaran made Kaikara Babu, former member of Library, Thrissur. The book includes special mention about the book “why Kerala Public Service Commission the life sketches of fourteen Socialist Socialism” written by Jayaprakash who presided over the function Leaders who dominated the political Narayan which attracted the younger spoke on the legacy of the socialist scene during their life and times. The generation to Socialist ideals. The movement in Kerala state. Advocate leaders who are included in the book Marxist leader E. M. Namboodiripad Premnath, ex-MLA and prominent are Jayaprakash Narayan, Dr. Ram had openly commented on the socialist leader, who received the Manohar Lohia, Acharya Narendra influence the book created had on book from Mampuzha Kumaran, Dev, people like him. Shri Kumaran stated that democratic socialism is dwelt at length on Dr. Lohia and the only solution to the present day Kamala Devi Chathopadhyaya, his contribution to the democratic ailments of the society. Madhu Limaye, Yusuf Meherally, socialist movement the world over. Others who spoke on the occasion S.M. Joshi, N.G, Goray, Prem included Advocate V. A. Muhammed Bhasin, Madhu Dandavate, Arangil Dr. P. V. Krishnan Nair, a prominent of the High Court of Kerala, Adv. V. Sreedharan, K. Chandrasekharan, Dr. writer, who is also secretary of N. Narayanan, Socialist leader, E. K. K. Rahulan and P. Viswambharan. Kerala Sangeetha Nataka Academy K. Sreenivasan, secretary, Socialist Of the fourteen leaders, thirteen have emphasized the importance of Party (India), Krishnan Karangatt left us, leaving their foot prints on the study of socialist Leaders of and Kolathur T. Muhammed, former the sands of time. The remaining one yesteryears, whose contribution to members of Kerala Public service is the veteran socialist- Gandhian the political thought of India is a commission, M. Peethambaran. Shri Viswambharan, a source of source of inspiration to the younger inspiration to the younger generation. generation and also to posterity. He Advocate Gangadharan explained lamented that unfortunately in depth the factors which prompted him to Inaugurating the function, studies regarding Gandhiji, Gokhale, write the book. He told that he was Mampuzha Kumaran, Socialist Tilak, Azad, M.N.Roy, Narendra a student in the primary class during thinker and renowned Malayalam Dev, Lohia and Ambedkar are few the period of Quit India revolution. critic observed that “there are very in number in Malayalam and said He was fascinated and motivated by limited publications in Malayalam that the influence of the socialist the socialist leaders like Jayaprakash regarding Socialist heritage movement is evident in the freedom Narayan, Acharya Narendra Dev, and the book written by Adv. struggle and the political scene of Rammanohar Lohia. He desired that Gangadharan “Jeevithaveedhiyile Independent India. The omission the various socialist factions in India Margadeepangal” (Path-finders of the study of veteran leaders like should shed their differences to build who guided destiny) is an attempt Asoka Mehta and Dr. K. B. Menon up a vibrant party of Democratic in the right direction. The younger came in for special mention. Dr. Nair Socialism. generation should study and desired that more socialist readers understand the heroic struggle are required to be introduced to the –G.N.K. 12 JANATA, March 31, 2013 The despairing countryside

Harsh Mander

Less than four years back fewer children left; they are “Farmers, planners, consumers my friend Naren left the world, moving in droves to residential have all come to believe that succumbing calmly to a malevolent schools in towns, their parents farming is about making money. tumour in his brain. I wrote in these convinced that they have no Money is of course important, but columns how in life, as in death, my future in the countryside. it is a by-product of agriculture. friend taught me many lessons in human goodness. A quarter century Venkatramapuram once was The primary goal of agriculture has lapsed since, opting for life as served with a decent public bus is to provide ourselves with good a farmer, he resigned his job as a service, making five to six trips nourishing safe variety of foods banker and returned with his wife a day. In the last 10 years, this to eat and drink. But no longer!” Uma Sankari and two daughters was reduced to two trips and to his village Venkatramapuram in now none! The government says With the electrification of Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh. He tried there are not enough people to pump-sets was also introduced to farm in ethical ways founded on support the service. the epochal life-changing idea multiple solidarities — with earth of cropping for cash. In Naren and water, with crops and trees, Until the 1970s, a third of the and Uma’s region, sugarcane, with his workers, and with dalits farmers irrigated their fields, milk, meat and mango became and women. After his passing, Uma was determined to continue their with dug wells in which water the main cash crops. In the past, experiments with sustainable and was easily found at 30 to 50 feet, people grew a wide variety of just farming. She persevered bravely, or through small tanks. The rest crops in both wet and dry lands: but recently made an announcement relied on rain-fed agriculture, paddy, millets, pulses, oil seeds, to her family and friends which left and the soil was moist. But since sugarcane, coconut, vegetables, them grieved. then, the electric pump literally herbs and spices. Meat, fish became a watershed in the and milk was part of the diet She declared that she was history of their village. People even of the poor, because little defeated. She could not go started drilling bore-wells, and was sold in the market. Cash on. She must sell her land and dug deeper and deeper to strike payments to workers were rare; leave their village, forever. Uma the elusive ever-receding water. grain and clothes were given by wistfully describes emptying In Venkatramapuram today the employers. There was year- villages, hollowed out of their almost all bore-wells have run round farming. young people. They are crowding dry. Some people in insane the shanties and footpaths of the desperation have tried to drill Farmers and farm workers, for cities, leaving behind only the bore-wells up to 700 feet without the first time in history, are today old people to live or die. Except striking any water. forced to buy much of their for a small minority lucky to be food, dependent on a creaky absorbed in the organised sector, `The crazed race downwards and corrupt PDS, or volatile, the vast majority migrate with for vanishing water was inflationary private food markets. no certainties of either decent accompanied by the shift from The largest numbers of persons employment or a dignified life. farming for food to farming who sleep hungry each night At the same time in the village, for cash. “Agriculture is about are ironically food-growers. government schools are closing food,” says Uma, a truism When people grew food, there one by one because there are which everyone has forgotten. was also more sharing of food. JANATA, March 31, 2013 13

Uma recalls that “the first thing her caring daughters and sons- impossible survival, by new people would say at any time of in-law in the city. She will leave technologies, forced integration the day to a visitor is ‘come and behind in her village only those with globalised markets, and eat’. There was enough to give to too old to move, or those whose an uncaring state. For a sector beggars, cows, dogs, cats, birds, grown children in cities are which employs 51 per cent and so on. These days women unable to share with them their workers, contributes 14 per cent calculate and cook just enough poverty. This generation will of GDP, the state invests as little for food for the family, because pass somehow, but what about as five per cent of total public everything has to be purchased the next? expenditures. No wonder that and the incomes are meagre and tens of thousands of farmers The Indian countryside has uncertain. Beggars have become each year drink pesticide or become, transformed into this rare; they too seem to have hang themselves; and millions wasteland of near-terminal moved to greener pastures, to of the young flee, when they can, despair and increasingly the traffic signals in the cities…” wherever they can.

Even as water was steadily going (Continued from Page 4) down and under, an additional the feeling that we are all basically Interestingly, it never occurred to our disaster struck: a seven-year same humans? The West has tried to scholars to use the methodology to drought between 1997 and 2004. address this question and brought to produce a caste related development “There was neither crop, nor the fore the idea of human dignity. index (CDI). An attempt was made food, nor cash!” This spurred In fact, the Frankfurt school scholars by me to estimate the CDI and mass migration. Farmers and like Adorno, Horkheimer and others published it in a professional journal farm workers became convinced have published volumes on this has very few takers, as it is not a that there is no future in question. But, the mundane sciences priority area of research. It is still like biomedical and Human Genome surprising to note that when a paper, agriculture and rural areas and project have brought out future first of its kind, was presented in started sending their children issues like how the endangered ISEC, Bangalore and published in away to urban residential human species (due to unethical ICSSR journal and also in a book schools with a vengeance. bio-medical practices), a threat in 2000, highlighting the unique Committed family labour to human dignity. However, the contribution of reform movements became scarce. Since 2006, genome project has clarified that the in the South, as Dravidian marvel MGNREGA helped double human DNA is 99 per cent common for gender equality, education and agricultural wages. But it offers with chimpanzee and only less than social mobility, etc. they were totally ignored in a report of a south Indian employment in their village for 1 percent of genetic information is typical. Therefore, it is the intrinsic state in 2007. But, they seem to have hardly 20 to 40 days in a year; worth of human beings which is claimed that they are the unique that too riddled with corruption inalienable, irrespective of age, sex, contributors of the idea. This is and delays, and nobody knows religion, color, social group, nation, only an example to show how the whether and when they will etc, seem to be identical. Then, why dignity and respect for human beings get work. Therefore landless is that, there are more poor people in are measured even in academic agricultural workers have fled India than in China, Brazil, Cuba or circles known to be above narrow even faster than the farmers to Albania. Are the social institutions considerations. Therefore, human the cities, as they cannot live on and practices responsible for this? dignity would become an important measure of advancements in future, hungry stomachs. Vanquished As part of human dignity paradigm, if HDIs converge in a diverse world. and heart-broken, Uma may the HDRs have introduced a concept India, being a country with several finally decide to sell the 10 acres called Gender Empowerment contradictions should learn from of farmland Naren received in Measure (GEM) to identify others and excel in dispensing inheritance, and move in with how women are discriminated. dignity and fairness. 14 JANATA, March 31, 2013 Our poor little Sanju

Shekhar Gupta

Honestly, I hardly know Sanjay what a nice guy you have been, or of them to life? How can you be Dutt well enough to form an opinion how kind, wonderful and successful so kind to such bad guys? This on him. I won’t be able to say your parents and siblings are. is, therefore, not an argument for whether he was an innocent, gullible liberalism, nor for sparing the foot- but decent and truly unfortunate The clamour of support for Sanjay soldiers while the generals live in boy with a heart of gold, or a fatally on these lines has come from Hindi their ISI-funded comfort in Pakistan. flawed superstar who routinely heartland politicians (mainly of It is an argument about having two played with his own life and the the Samajwadi Party, which he kinds of law, one for people like law and mostly got away, thanks campaigned for sometimes) and them who look, feel and sound so to his and his parents’ fame and all kinds of cinema personalities, guilty. And the other about a nice connections, and has now run out ranging from Madhuri Dixit to Rani guy like us, who was merely a victim of luck. Not being a regular movie Mukherji, Kunal Kohli to Mahesh of circumstances, insecure, being watcher, I am not even particularly Bhatt. And now, never to be left half-Muslim and thus brainwashed qualified to speak of him as an behind, Justice Katju also jumps on into arming himself for self-defence, actor. My personal and professional the bandwagon. Not one of them says and so what if it was with an AK-56 acquaintance with him is limited that he was innocent and framed, assault rifle. Mind you, this was to a one-hour conversation for a that the judicial verdict is flawed, relatively innocent 1993. And AKs Walk the Talk interview on NDTV that the evidence against him was were not weapons you almost ever 24x7 on May 20, 2007 (http://goo. dodgy. Kunal Kohli, a wonderfully saw outside some militant districts gl/vlq35). I had found him gentle, talented young filmmaker and one in Punjab and Kashmir. even vulnerable, surprisingly honest of a handful of my acquaintances in and humble in talking about his Hindi cinema, asks what is the point Two decades make a story a past, his mistakes, even his tryst of these convictions while the main generation old. So it is also necessary with drugs and his fightback. What perpetrators are safe in Pakistan. to remember what these bombings had obviously helped was a phone Now how does that logic work? were all about. They came within two conversation with his sister Priya on And if it does, then why are so many months of the horrible post-Babri the way to their Pali Hill home. You others to spend much of the rest of riots in Bombay, when somebody could see how his younger sisters their lives in jail or Yakub Memon in Pakistan saw a new possibility. mothered and protected him. Priya to hang, while his more malevolent The plotters thought bombings had called to counsel him to be kind brother Tiger and alleged mentor-in- like these in sensitive places would and open with me, and Namrata was chief Dawood Ibrahim live happily most certainly invite reprisals from in attendance on the sidelines along in Pakistan? Hindus, particularly Shiv Sainiks, with her most adorable poodle. helped along by a police that had Should we then suspend all these looked mostly one-sided in its So this is what we have: talented, sentences until the government is sympathies in the riots two months vulnerable, gentle, well behaved, able to get the Pakistanis to deliver earlier. That is why hand-grenades blessed with comic timing, a these masterminds? Of course not. and AK series assault rifles were sometimes obedient older brother to These guys are guilty. They wrecked given to Muslims in “sensitive” two doting sisters, and now we have Bombay. They were part of one localities. When the reprisal squads it on good authority, even on Justice of the most diabolical terror plots “inevitably” came, they were to be Markandey Katju’s, a good husband ever to destroy India — frankly counter-attacked with weapons of and father of three children. But here more dangerous in its ambition lethality unknown in India yet. And is the question that matters: does all and possibilities, if clumsier in once a few thousand Sainiks and that absolve him of the charges for execution, than 26/11 a decade policemen were killed, there would which he was convicted in a verdict and a half later — they must be be no saving Bombay, or even India. now confirmed by the Supreme punished. And you will add, most Court? The answer, regrettably, can likely, why has the Supreme Court You might still say that your only be no. Because justice is about been so generous in reducing the favourite star was innocent to all laws and evidence. It is not about death sentence earlier given to 10 this. He was just a silly, insecure, JANATA, March 31, 2013 15 maybe even scared, dumb and stupid young fellow, what did he know Crime and punishment about all this. Two questions, then, The appeal from some quarters for clemency for Bollywood actor Sanjay follow. One, how do you know, or Dutt, who has been sentenced to a five-year prison term by the Supreme Court certainly, how do you know better for possessing an AK-56 assault rifle two decades ago, lacks moral force. It than the courts? And second, if so, singles out an individual for favourable treatment solely on the basis of his why is the same test not applied to popularity. If accepted, the demand would entrench the belief that the country all the others convicted, or frankly, has two parallel systems of justice — one for the privileged and another for many more who rotted for more the rest. The irony is that the Court itself chose wisely to avoid any hint of than a decade in jails as undertrials? softness by refusing to countenance supervised probation as an alternative to That so many of them were later imprisonment. The appeal indicates a selective realisation that punishment declared innocent and acquitted only involves deprivation of liberty and agonising court appearances — something compounds the injustice done to that tens of thousands of suspects go through. The case did go on for 20 long them. The prime of their lives taken years but surely this is not unique, as many cases take as long or even longer. away, their families devastated and And instances of the apex court enhancing jail terms years after the trial is their children reduced to a furious over or setting aside old acquittals are legion. It is unfortunate that the appeal should have found immediate resonance in both the Union and the Maharashtra talent pool for groups like the Indian governments, which have spoken about considering it. Mujahideen. Why did none of these influential voices speak out for them? A question has also been raised about the proportionality of a five-year jail Why don’t they do so now? Only term for merely possessing a weapon that was not used, and was unrelated to because these are poor, ordinary terrorism. There is sound jurisprudential basis for treating possession of an Muslims? They are not just guilty assault weapon as an offence serious enough to warrant a minimum prison because they have been pronounced term of five years. The Kalashnikov came through underworld gangs and was so by the courts, but they also “look linked to the consignment of explosives used to perpetrate the Mumbai serial and sound” guilty. That’s the way blasts, though Dutt may not have known that. The very fact that a deadly assault bad guys look, that’s where they weapon lies unaccounted for in private hands puts society at risk because the come from. They are only getting chances of criminal elements accessing it later are high. That is why punishing what they deserve. But from where mere possession is necessary to curb the use of such weapons. The appeals we come, given what we look like, being made on behalf of Dutt unmask an innate tendency among the Indian how we dress, who we have for our upper classes to identify a worthy cause only in the plight of the privileged. friends and family, we can only be That he has already suffered imprisonment for 18 months and that he is married and has children are conditions common to a large section of Indian nice guys. And if one of us gets into convicts. Invoking his respectable parentage or his screen depiction of a kitschy an occasional mess, you must show version of Gandhian protest as reasons for pardon is amusing. While these are a little more understanding. No one circumstances that the Governor, or the President, may consider when a mercy cried for Kersi Adjania, now 83, petition comes up, it is passing strange that public figures should be quicker in who served a two-year jail term for pointing them out than the one convicted. As Shakespeare says in Measure for allowing his foundry to be used to Measure, “Lawful mercy is nothing kin to foul redemption.” destroy Dutt’s gun. –Editorial in The Hindu All the mitigating circumstances being quoted for Sanjay Dutt, Let’s flag, in particular, one of Justice Katju should have, on the sadly, are exclusive gifts of our Justice Katju’s arguments in defence other hand, chided the media, his elite privilege. Who else amongst of Sanjay: that he has, through supposed charge, for not having the the other convicts would have his films, revived the memory of courage to ask the most obvious had the wherewithal to collect Mahatma Gandhi. Firstly, it is a question: why was the CBI so kind brownie points by working for AIDS bit rich coming from somebody to Dutt as to not appeal against charities, being on the board of Save who is always mocking popular the special court verdict relieving the Children? Who else would have a culture, films as well as cricket that him of charges under TADA? A father with such enormous love and we so adore “while farmers are usual filmi-type dude talking the goodwill among crores of Indians committing suicide”. But then, since them-and-us type of language is and across the political spectrum, all are supposed to be equal before understandable: after all, many one who could charm equally law, were the other convicts given of the same people who sought Indian soldiers on the borders and the same opportunity to revive the sympathy and understanding for Balasaheb Thackeray, to whom he legacy of the Mahatma, or maybe Shiney Ahuja also demanded instant took a successful mercy mission? a founding father of their choice? and public lynching of the Delhi R.N.I. NO. 1855/1957 16 JANATA, March 31, 2013 P.R. No. MH/MR/WEST/275/2012-2014. Posted on every Wednesday at Mumbai Patrika Channel, Mumbai GPO-1 gangrape accused. Their alleged I have admired, without agreeing with one David Coleman Headley. If crimes may have been similar, but with him all the time. Mahesh he hadn’t been his son, or frankly, one looked and sounded like us, an Bhatt can afford to talk with such if he too had been from what we innocent, even an unwitting victim, passion in defence of Sanjay, or of so contemptuously dismiss as the and the others, so utterly guilty. the system being unfair to him. He great unwashed, or if only he had should, instead, be grateful to the a Muslim name, the same Bombay And finally, and I am conscious same blessed system and the media police would have got him to do a lot this is about an old friend whose for how lightly his own son, Rahul, more explaining. And if I may add, political and secular commitment got away over the evenings he spent much less politely. –The Indian Express Pardon Convicts Below 35 and Above 50 Years!

Dear Mr President, Considering the impressive voices should not be able to suffer in prison. asking you to show mercy, you may On the other hand, people below 35 I understand that worthy be tempted by Portia’s lines: can make mistakes due to lack of Members of Parliament (MPs) have maturity. sent petitions to you to use your “The quality of mercy is not powers of pardon under Article 72 strain’d, It droppeth as the gentle rain from Taking this together, and to of the Constitution. This plea is maintain consistency of action, also reported to have been made by heaven Upon the place beneath. It is I plead with you to consider the Chairman of the Press Council recommending that all below the of India (PCI), which is a statutory twice blest: It blesseth him that gives and him age of 35 and above the age of 50 authority, and Ministers. The framers at the time of committing a crime of the Constitution gave the President that takes…. It is enthroned in the hearts of should be automatically pardoned unfettered power to pardon any under Article 72 of the Constitution, convict, without any reasons. It is kings, It is an attribute to God himself;'' if they are not terrorists. It would also true that the Constitution did not look bad if you pardoned terrorists. specify who could ask for pardon. to consider being blessed by showing mercy after some months. There are no conditions in the However, Shri Markandey Katju, Constitution when the President can a former judge of the Supreme Court, The constant repetition to you to use this power, and I believe if you and chairman of PCI would not ask show mercy and gain the attributes use it in the manner suggested above, for pardon without any reasons. He of God may continue for months. it will also reduce the burden on the is reported to have stated that since Since I too was a statutory authority judicial system. You could consider Mr Sanjay Dutt was not convicted a few months ago, I would like to this act to be in larger public interest. under TADA, he was not a terrorist. add my advice to this. The fact Besides, he has stated that since that our Courts take decades to The reduction of cases in the the trial has taken 20 years, and Mr decide cases finally is well known. Courts, will lead to establishing Dutt was less than 40 years of age Everyone, including the Courts has the rule of law in our Nation, and at that time, he should be pardoned. convinced themselves that this can Citizens will not have to complain To maintain consistency, he has only deteriorate. any longer that ‘Justice delayed is also stated that Smt. Zaibunisa Justice Denied.’ should also be pardoned since she If you use the power of pardon is over 70. Though Mr Dutt has in a this time, consider using it in a You may then find justification dignified and logical manner stated logical manner, which should not in using the power of pardon under that he is not seeking pardon, this result in allegations of partisanship. Article 72 in a Historic manner. mounting cacophony from lawyers, By the logic given by Justice Katju, MPs and the head of an important cases in Courts can take fifteen to Yours truly, statutory authority may lead you twenty years, and humanitarian Shailesh Gandhi to consider using your powers to grounds demand that senior citizens Former Central Information Commissioner pardon. Moneylife Printed and Published by G.G. Parikh on behalf of Janata Trust. Printed at Mouj Printing Bureau, Khatau Wadi, Girgaum, Mumbai-400 004 and published at D-15, Ganesh Prasad, Naushir Bharucha Marg (Sleater Road), Mumbai - 400 007.