The Violin Player. Broadcast Draft The Violin Player A radio play by Catherine Fargher Broadcast ABC radio National ‘AIRPLAY’ March 14th 2009 © Catherine Fargher 2009 PO Box 178 St Pauls NSW 2031 Email:
[email protected] Ph/fax:02 93145121 Mob:0415442209 1 The Violin Player. Broadcast Draft The Violin Player The Battle of the Somme 1918…A young man with a violin… Recreation leave and Mustard Gas … A great uncle lost…His diary discovered…A young man busking in Paris 1981…his great uncle’s violin stolen at a Paris station… A piecing together of song, sound and memory. A year ago I came into possession of the original diary of my Great-Uncle Philip, who fought and died at the Somme battlefields in France during WWI. He was 19 years old, and the early diary entries are those of a young man who is at first excited, then disillusioned, and finally destroyed by the war he has gone to fight. He was the victim of the Mustard Gas campaigns which were used by the Germans in WWI French campaigns, including the battle of the Somme and resulted in the death of thousands of young Australian men. His youth brought abruptly to an end in a way I can only try to understand from the diary entries and the space of hidden memories between the lines of the faintly written diary. The way our family knew Philip was through his violin. My brother and I inherited his fiddle, inlaid with mother of pearl in the fingerboard, and it had always been ‘Philips violin’.