Graham Jessop Economy, Planning & Place Land and Property Information Officer 2nd Floor, 03302223010 (Direct) Northleigh,
[email protected] Tower Street, Chichester, West Sussex PO19 1RF Ms Kondabeka 27th March 2017 Dear Ms Kondabeka, Re: Request for information Our Ref: 2017-19 I refer to your request dated 8th March 2017, which has been dealt with under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Your request was for: We have started a project at Chichester District foodbank giving out lunch packs to children on free school meals due to low income in the holidays and wondered if you could let us know the figure for how many children are on free school meals due to low income in the Chichester District. This figure would really help us go for funding and also give us a realistic number to how many children we could be helping should their families take up the offer. We have been working through the schools, but not all heads have joined up with the scheme so we don't have the full picture of need. We have now completed a search for the information which you requested and I confirm the Authority holds information relevant to the request. At the time of this request West Sussex County Council have on record that 899 children are entitled to free school meals (FSM) in the Chichester District. The breakdown of this figure I supply in the table below however please be advised that the contained figures may not be current as we do not have access to the most up to date information from the Academy schools within the District and for such information you may need to contact each Academy direct.