The Anglican Relief and Development Fund Global Council Minutes of Global Trustees Meeting Wednesday, June 28, 2017

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The Anglican Relief and Development Fund Global Council Minutes of Global Trustees Meeting Wednesday, June 28, 2017 THE ANGLICAN RELIEF AND DEVELOPMENT FUND GLOBAL COUNCIL MINUTES OF GLOBAL TRUSTEES MEETING WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28, 2017 ACNA ASSEMBLY-WHEATON COLLEGE, WHEATON, IL-USA Global Primate Trustees Present: • The Most Rev. Dr. Foley Beach, President/Chairman • The Most Rev. Dr. Onesphore Rwaje • The Most Rev. Dr. Mouneer Anis • The Most Rev. Stanley NtaGali • The Most Rev. Moon HinG NG • The Most Rev. Dr. Daniel DenG Bul Yak • The Most Rev. Robert Duncan, Honorary Chair • The Most Rev. Stephen Than Myint Oo Global Primate Trustees Absent: • None Deputy Trustees-ARDF-US Present: • The Venerable Canon Dr. Jack LumanoG, Secretary • Canon William Deiss, Executive Director Deputy Trustees-ARDF-Canada Present: • The Rt. Rev. Charlie Masters • Mr. Claus Lenk, National Director Deputy Trustees-ARDF-Australia Present: • The Most Rev. Dr. Glenn Davies, Board Chair • The Rt. Rev. Dr. Richard Condie, Vice-Chair Guests Present: • The Most Rev. Jackson Ole Sapit, Kenya • The Most Rev. Daniel Sarfo, West Africa • The Rt. Rev. Daniel Torto, Ghana • The Most Rev. Zacharie MasimanGo Katanda, Comgo • The Most Rev. Tito Zavala representinG The Most Rev. GreG Venables, South America • Mr. Frederick Barasa, Executive Director, The GRID-project research • Mr. Frank Woods, ARDF-US Trustee • The Rev Frank Myers, ARDF-US Trustee Draft June 28, 2017 Page 1 • Atty. Nancy Skancke, ARDF-US Trustee • The Rev. William Haley, ARDF-US Trustee • The Rev. David Hanke, Restoration AnGlican, ARDF-US Staff: • Christine Jones, Director of Mobilization • Jason Panella, Development Associate • Flora Galbraith, Office ManaGer Afternoon Prayer and Bible Study-The Most Rev. Dr. Glenn Davies • Philippians 2:1-18 o We see Jesus lower than the anGels now crowned with Glory o Consider others more important than yourselves o In ARDF’s work the poor will always be with us Call to Order and Welcome - The Most Rev. Dr. Foley Beach • Welcomed all and discussed major events of the ACNA Assembly • Introduced the Archbishops and Bishop considerinG membership with ARDF • Motions to Approve – The Most Rev. Dr. Foley Beach o Approval of November 14, 2016 Global Council MeetinG Minutes. Canon Bill Deiss made a motion to accept the minutes as presented, second by The Most Rev. Dr. Onesphore Rwaje-carried Welcome and GreetinGs – Honorary Chair: The Most Rev. Robert Duncan • History of past Honorary Chairs • Thanked Global South Archbishops for their support durinG the separation from the Episcopal Church • Vision for the ARDF would look different than other non-profits • DevotinG resources to the rest of the world that was a new way to look at this and the Global south primates would vote on them • Project research as a value • Commitment remains and ARDF-A joined and now other partnerships between UK, SinGapore, etc. Archbishop Glenn Davies commented on the Global Council structure for our Guests ARDF - Australia Executive Director's Report – Bishop Richard Condie for Kim Smith: • A lot of AnGlican in name but no Gospel component • Partnerships are GrowinG • Reviewed the report-any questions • Funding-parish supporters • All volunteer organization Draft June 28, 2017 Page 2 • Next year or two strateGy to raise funds for staff ARDF – Canada’s National Director Report – Mr. Claus Lenk • Claus Lenk presented power point • Vision statement • DNA • Go into all the world • Independent AnGlican org all volunteers • Vision 2 Cor 8/9 • PlanninG a fundraisinG event in Sept 2017 in Ottawa with Baroness Cox as the speaker with a chance to be with Government officials • Ambassador proGram • Cuba Project ARDF Global Primates Reports Egypt Archbishop Mouneer stated that this will be his last meetinG as an ARDF Global Trustee. Participated In October last year in GatherinGs for the Global South and GAFCON Primates. Statement of Human Sexuality translated to Arabic. In Egypt the Muslim leadership liked the lanGuaGe and would like to adopt somethinG similar. AnGlican Communion is now not meetinG the expectations of many of their members. EncouraGed and inspired by ARDF to start ARDF-Egypt. And they did and helped some efforts in Northern Africa. Have a Global ARDF so the other countries to be under. Pray for the church because of attacks on Christians. Not afraid but pray for them. Forgiveness of people to the killers is a Great messaGe in Egypt. SuDan Archbishop DenG-A lot of problems resultinG in civil war. A peace aGreement was adopted by the churches. Another war because of the chanGe of leadership. Busy and thanks ARDF for helpinG the Diocese in middle of war. Two provinces-Sudan and South Sudan. Pastoral visits to the North were difficult amonG Muslims. June 30th North Sudan will be a new province. Give thanks to Foley for sendinG relief to them. Internal Archbishops in South Sudan because it is a junGle country and the leadership needs increased. Stand toGether as the church. Thanks for the prayers. AskinG for applications now we have to know the reGion. Send throuGh your Internal Archbishops. At the end of 2017 Archbishop Deng is retirinG. Uganda Archbishop NtaGali Thanks to Foley for invitinG me. Thanks to ARDF. Church is GrowinG. 37th diocese inauGurated. Northern part sufferinG from the DrouGht. RefuGees-Uganda opens doors to them. From Burundi, ConGo and South Sudan west Nile reGion. FeedinG Draft June 28, 2017 Page 3 women and children. Pray for peace that refuGees can Go back to their country. BiG problem Muslim’s Islamic bankinG. Continue workinG with ARDF. Myanmar Archbishop Stephen military Government is still under control. Civil war is GoinG 63 years. New democracy has opened the doors to many. Isis supported Group near BanGladesh. Many refuGees need centers. South East Asia Archbishop HinG thank you for welcominG me. Situation in Syria in Iraq. Philippines overtaken by Malaysian Muslims. In Diocese of SinGapore, Indonesia has the largest Muslim Group in the whole world. They ban evanGelism. Sharia law is beinG resisted but not for lonG. Jakarta mayor Christian is now in jail. Large number of students sent to the Middle East to learn. Christians in the minority. Nepal fastest Growth in baptisms 3,000. DurinG the Nepal earthquake, 38 Churches collapsed. Rebuild churches and houses for the people. Question some aid organizations and need help in confirminG. Want more projects with ARDF. Missionary came over 200 years aGo, schools, hospitals and clinics, social centers for the poor. They are doinG this now. This is a way to Get a foothold. Rwanda Archbishop Rwaje encouraGed by ARDF. Primarily a Catholic country. School in eastern part of the country. Library for the primary school. Post Genocide country. How deep the country has been wounded. Motto of social therapy throuGh the AnGlican Church. Interracial issues born of rape. Which tribe do I belonG to-who is my father? April is the Month for the Memorial. Since the 1920’s Rwanda has depended on the outside for fundinG. How to overcome this situation? AuGust 4th Presidential elections. Retires as Archbishop June of 2018. Prayer by Bishop Charlie Masters for all the Primates. It is a privileGe to serve toGether. 2017 Nepal PilGrimaGe-The Rev. Bill Haley • Power Point Presentation and new ARDF Video featurinG the trip ARDF-US Executive Director’s Report – Canon William E. Deiss • BroadeninG Revenue o StrateGic Plan-six teams o Uganda Update o Walk with Rwanda Project o Donor Advised Fund Summary-Project FundinG Status – Canon William E. Deiss • Power Point Presentation Draft June 28, 2017 Page 4 Projects Presented for Approval – Frederick Barasa • Power Point for each project alonG with an explanation ContinuinG Discussion and Project Approvals Vote-The Most Rev. Dr. Glenn Davies- Moderator • FundinG has been chanGed to 50 % for first phase, 40% second phase and 10% at the finish of the project. Archbishop Foley stated that ARDF now Gets on the phone with the Archbishop or Bishop of the project and verifies the bank account 1. Diocese of Central Zambia-Agricultural § Moved to approve the project Archbishop Moon HinG, second by Archbishop Stephen, Carried 2. Diocese of Cameroon-Primary Health Clinic § Moved to approve the project Archbishop Daniel DenG, second by Archbishop Stanley, Carried 3. Diocese of Lahore Pakistan-Hostel/Education § Moved to approve the project Archbishop Mouneer as lonG as the Bishop of Lahore’s comments will be added to the Investment Opportunity, second Archbishop Daniel Deng with the addition, carried with the addition 4. Diocese of Tamale Ghana-Girls’ Hostel § Moved to approve the project Archbishop Mouneer, second by Archbishop Moon HinG, carried 5. Diocese of Accra Ghana-Vocational TraininG for Youth § Moved to approve the project Archbishop Stephen, second by Archbishop Daniel Deng, carried 6. Diocese of West Malaysia-Girl’s Hostel § Moved to approve the project Archbishop Foley, second by Archbishop Stephen, carried • Archbishop Glenn Davies suGGested to pass a motion of thanks to Barasa for his research on projects, carried Impact Assessments were reviewed by the Global Council with Frederick Barasa: • EiGht Projects in total o One still in proGress and expected to fully achieve its Goal o Three rated achieved o One was rated below expectation or under-achieved o Three (all in UGanda) were determined to be fraudulent Barasa presented the current situation concerninG the UGanda fraud: • Archbishop Stanley apoloGized for the Fraud in writinG and at the meetinG. He asked how long the holding of funds to UGanda projects would take • Archbishop Glenn Davies passed a resolution of acceptance of Archbishop Stanley’s apoloGy alonG with the difficulties expressed by ARDF-US Trustee Chas Schaffernoth. Carried Draft June 28, 2017 Page 5 Any Other Business • None presented Next MeetinG Date: • Jerusalem, June17-22, 2018 at GAFCON meetinG? • Malaysian passports do not allow travel to Israel • Bishop Richard Condie concerned about the time frame • SuGGestions: Archbishop Mouneer meet in Egypt week before or after; Archbishop Rwaje-arrive a day earlier possibly meet in Jordan or Cypress on Saturday or in Sept or Oct in another place.
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