69-4845 BEGLAND, Robert Walter, 1941
This dissertation has been microfilmed exactly as received 69-4845 BEGLAND, Robert Walter, 1941- PARTICIPATION AND STERIC EFFECTS OF NEIGHBORING DIVALENT OXYGEN. The Ohio State University, Ph.D., 1968 Chemistry, organic University Microfilms, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan PARTICIPATION AND STEPJ.C EFFECTS OF NEIGHBORING DIVALENT OXYGEN DISSERTATION Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Graduate School of The Ohio State University By Robert Walter Beglnnd, B.S., M.S. * it * * it it * The Ohio State University 1968 Approved by Adviser \J Departmeirt of Chemistry DEDICATION This dissertation is dedicated to my w ife June, ny con Michael Brian and my son Douglas Samuel. i i ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author wishes to express his appreciation to Dr. L. A. Paquette for his guidance, encouragement and considerable time spent in the course of this research. The author also wishes to express his appreciation to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Bcgland, for their assistance and encouragement throughout his college training, and to lir. and Mrs. Lester Berndt. i i i VITA July 23, 1941 Born - Oak Park, Illinois 1963 B.S. in Education, The Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio 1965 M.S., The Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio 1968 Ph.D., The Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio PUBLICATIONS 1. Transannular Participation of Ether Oxygen in the Hydrolysis of a Mesocyclic Dienamine, J. Am. Chen. Soc. 87, 3784 (1965). 2. Stabilized Derivatives of cis,cis,cis-1,3.5-Cyclodecatricne Keto-Enol Tautomerism in 2,3-DicarboiEeth.oxy-cis,c is -3,5~ cyclodecadienones and c.is-3-Cycloalkenones.
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