In Queenston Wednesday, the First Opportunity for the Public to OVERVIEW Directly Question Those Running in the Oct
Hyper-local news for Niagara-on-the-Lake The Vol. 1, Issue 10 LakeOctober 4, 2018ReportNiagara-on-the-Lake Penny Coles Staff The all-candidates meeting held in Queenston Wednesday, the first opportunity for the public to OVERVIEW directly question those running in the Oct. 22 mu- nicipal election, remained polite, with no hint of the disrespect or controversy those who frequent social media sites might have expected. All but one of the candidates were present, with 23 Town council hopefuls jammed on the stage of the former Laura Secord elementary school, a stage that was probably last used, and more appropriately sized, for the graduation ALL-CANDIDATES of a class of about 20 Grade 3 students. Re- gional and mayoral candidates were seated at tables on the floor of the old gymnasium, which was packed, some audience members standing. Hosted by the Queenston Residents Association and moderated by Rob and Helena Copeland, the meeting had been moved from the traditional location of the Queenston Library to the former MEETING elementary school to allow for more people, who filled 160 seats. Janis Barlow, executive director of Willowbank School of the Restora- IN QUEENSTON tion Arts, which operates the former elementary school as a second cam- pus, opened the meeting by saying how pleased she was to be able to partner with the QRA and hopes to see more such partnerships. “This is your history and part of your future,” she said. “I hope we can continue to work together.” Continued on Page 3 Lake Report event a night to remember The Lake Report comedian David Green, the punni- Editor est man in town, with a few words being spoken by MPP Wayne Gates, It was a night for the history Lord Mayor Pat Darte, Lake Report books, for both the town of Niagara- reporter Penny Coles and editor on-the-Lake and the independent Richard Harley, and Toni Mori of paper-that-could last Friday, as Mori Gardens.
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