Annual Report 2019 Trustees Trustees Emerita Madjalia Seynou Building Lyn Chase Diane Srebnick Maintenance Liaquat Ahamed Contractors William G. Bardel Ada Peluso Carolyn Waters Byron Bell Barbara Hadley Stanton Part-Time Harry Abarca Laurence Bergreen Alex Bolesta Demetrio Fajardo Charles G. Berry staff Morgan Boyle Ralph S. Brown Jr. Full-Time Will Brown Robert A. Caro Christina Amato Hanna Brownlee-Holbrooke William J. Dean Barbara Bieck Kirsten Carleton Ella M. Foshay Susan Chan Scott Carlton George L.K. Frelinghuysen Mia D’Avanza Drew Facklam Adrienne Ingrum Christopher Henry Katherine L. Fricas Ellen M. Iseman Sara Holliday Janet Howard Carol Collins Malone Dana Richard Keith Katya Lindwasser Linn Cary Mehta Lawi Kibet Kate Marcus Jean Parker Phifer Simen Kot Stephanie Merchant Susan L. Robbins Freddy Kpeli Marialuisa Monda Theodore C. Rogers Randi Levy Doreen Pastore Daniel M. Rossner Catherine McGowan Joe Russo Gretchen Rubin Steven McGuirl Ashley-Luisa Santangelo Jeannette Watson Sanger Susan Vincent Molinaro Linnea Savapoulas Betty Kelly Sargent Peri Pignetti Harriet Shapiro Francesca Stanfill Syed Rasool lae sway Timothy N. Wallach Patrick Rayner Alexa J. Van Gilder Joan Zimmett Report from the Chair (2019) Carol Collins Malone

2019 was a good year for the . Our home on remained Throughout the year, the Lecture and Exhibitions Committee, led by a vibrant place to read, to write, to borrow books and to exchange ideas Jeannette Watson Sanger, and aided by events coordinator Sara Holliday through our broad selection of programs. Membership levels rose slightly and her team, presented a wide range of lectures and performances. from the level achieved in 2018. Use of our collection continued apace. Our In October the Library’s Head of Systems, Syed Rasool, made a presentation dedicated writing spaces remained popular. In addition to a host of classes, to the Board of Trustees during which he described the ways his team is evening lectures, exhibitions and performances, the Library presented protecting our databases from cybercrime. children’s events for all ages. The Library recorded an operating surplus of $141,811. Funds from the Annual Appeal declined 20% to $686,640, largely The Library is proud to be the fiscal sponsor of Project Cicero, which is as the result of several non-recurring gifts that were received in 2018 but organized each year by Project Cicero’s Executive Committee, chaired by not in 2019. The market value of the endowment at the end of 2019 was trustee Susan Robbins. In 2019, a grand total of 150,000 books were $41.3 million, up 22% over 2018 as a positive investment climate favorably collected from 100 independent and public schools and distributed to 1,260 impacted our performance. teachers from under-resourced schools throughout the city. Many volunteers contributed to Cicero’s success. During the course of 2019 the Board directed its focus toward ways to improve our member and staff spaces. How to increase space available for Once again, I would like to thank the trustees and the staff, especially Head members while enlarging and improving staff workspaces absorbed our Librarian Carolyn Waters, for their hard work and for their thoughtful attention throughout the year. Byron Bell and Jean Parker Phifer, as co- engagement on a wide range of issues. Together with our members they chairs of the Building and Renovation Committee, helped to inform the create the unique atmosphere that has come to define our institution. Board about our options. In consultation with the staff, the Board then Respectfully submitted on April 28, 2020 considered ways to achieve these goals while enhancing the environment Carol Collins Malone, Chair for our Collection. Since the end of 2019, the COVID-19 pandemic has changed our lives in profound The second installment of our new program for writers, Meet the Publishing ways. The Library closed on March 16 and remains closed at the current time. Pros, was presented in January by trustee Betty Sargent. A panel of literary Thomas Jefferson stated “To fortify our minds against…calamities and misfortunes agents addressed a full audience in the Members’ Room. The goal of the should be one of the principal studies and endeavors of our lives.” The Library aims program, spearheaded by trustees Betty Sargent and Adrienne Ingrum, is to provide the resources that will sustain and strengthen our members and by so doing to create synergy between our writer members and the publishing industry. to find opportunity in crisis. Report from the Head Librarian (2019) Carolyn Waters

As I write my 2019 Annual Report, it is April 2020, and the Library series on our website. As you are well aware, the entire staff, but in particular building is closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The activities and the Circulation Department, are also ever eager to share recommendations successes of 2019 seem so long ago, but even so, it’s been a comfort to and provide reader’s advisory through our regular online book recommen- reflect on the past year and to marvel at all we are currently accomplishing dation articles, via social media, one-on-one at the Circulation Desk, and virtually, while looking forward to our return to 53 East 79th Street. even in the elevator. For the past twenty years, Susan Chan has overseen our Books by Mail service, which puts books in the hands of those members At the beginning of 2019, we introduced new membership categories in who are unable to make it to the Library. In 2019, Susan mailed 17% more order to provide better options for members based on how they and their books to 28% more patrons than in the prior year. households use the Library—whether it’s primarily to access our e-re- sources, or whether one, two, or multiple family members make use of our The collection itself grew by approximately 3,800 new print and e-book programs and services. We began hosting member orientation sessions to titles in 2019. We were pleased to receive important funding from Elizabeth introduce, and re-introduce, members to the Library building, collections, Dobell for our eleventh book fund, The Byron Dobell Fund for American events, communications, and online offerings. In June, we began rolling out History, in honor of her father. And while we spent the remaining funds our first ever Membership Cards, featuring our iconic script and a shelf of from the Ethelyn Chase Fund for Poetry, we were delighted to welcome books by some of our many member writers past and present. Mrs. Chase to the Library to thank her for her generosity over the years and to celebrate the completion of the cataloging of the Chase Poetry Collection. To address the overcrowding in the building, in September, I vacated my Thanks to Jeannette Watson Sanger for arranging that visit. And enormous office on the Third Floor, and we officially opened the Little Whitridge thanks to Peri Pignetti, our Head of Cataloging and Special Collections, who Room (“Little Whit” for short) to members. I miss the daily singing (and made it her mission to complete that project in 2019. yes, even the occasional crying) emanating from the Children’s Library, but I’m so pleased that we were able to carve out additional member space. The Cataloging Department was also instrumental in another special project: cleaning up the bibliographic data in our historic digital City Readers The encouraging news in 2019 was that circulations (the total number of database, which is now 90% complete. This project would not have been checkouts per year) increased for the first time since 2012! This is primarily possible without the generous support of members Ildiko and Gilbert Butler. due to a surge in e-book checkouts as well as a halt in the decline in check- outs of print books. While the Acquisitions Department and the Children’s We were delighted to loan several of our materials—the Librarians are busy sourcing and purchasing the titles that members want circulation ledger recording his checkouts, his Society Library to read, our Head of Acquisitions, Steve McGuirl, has also highlighted many share certificate, and a book instrumental to his research for Moby-Dick— excellent but under-the-radar titles in the popular “In Case You Missed It” to the Rosenbach Museum in Philadelphia for their exhibition American Voyager: Herman Melville at 200, which opened in October. Thanks nearly one hundred storytime and craft programs, and nine special events, are due to Book Conservator Christina Amato and Special Collections including a bookmaking workshop, a marionette show with authors David Librarian Barbara Bieck for their time and efforts in readying these Ezra Stein and Miriam Kessler, and Sarah Porter’s Poetry Café. In May, materials for exhibition and transport. we celebrated the stellar literary talents of our youngest members in the seventeenth annual Young Writers Awards. 2019 was another banner year for events and exhibitions. In January, Women Get the Vote: A Historic Look at the Nineteenth Amendment July was a big month for personnel changes. We welcomed Chris Henry as opened in the Peluso Family Exhibition Gallery. Visitors from as far away our new Building Superintendent, and we’re delighted to have found some- as Japan, Istanbul, and New Zealand were inspired by the efforts of Head one who is relishing the role of caring for our century-old building. In the of Exhibitions Harriet Shapiro, Communications Designer Doreen Pastore, same month, we bid farewell and good luck to Joan Zimmett, our Head of and Circulation Librarian Cathy McGowan to bring the hard-won gains Development, on her retirement. Through her tireless efforts over the past of the suffragists to life. twelve years, Joan has created a culture of philanthropy that has increased annual giving and support for our collection and special projects. The pro- Our events season featured several firsts, including welcoming a new grams she’s nurtured will continue to strengthen the Library for many years. helping hand, Marialuisa Monda, to the department. A group of play- wrights from the Dramatists Guild presented an evening of original plays In September, I attended the annual American Membership Group inspired by the Library, with actors portraying characters from George meeting at the newly re-opened Center for Fiction in Brooklyn. Immediately Washington and Lorenzo DaPonte to an underappreciated Library clerk afterward, I traveled to London with my MLG colleagues to participate in named Frank. Giles Milton, a London Library trustee and the author of a conference organized by the London Library, in which we discussed chal- Churchill’s Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare, spoke to a sold-out crowd lenges and strategies with our fellow directors from independent libraries in in a lecture co-sponsored with the International Friends of the London the United Kingdom. It’s been tremendously rewarding working together, Library. And we were thrilled to present our own esteemed trustee sharing our experiences, and helping promote our unique institutions. Robert A. Caro in conversation with member writer Brenda Wineapple 2020 is already shaping up to be a challenging year, but as an institution, on his latest book Working: Researching, Interviewing, Writing. We also we are nothing if not resilient. With the steadfast support and dedication fêted more than sixty of our member writers who published books of our loyal staff, trustees, and members, we will emerge stronger and during the year, at two separate special receptions. better than ever. The Children’s Library hosted the wildly popular Family Fun Day, an open Respectfully submitted on April 28, 2020 house to introduce the community to the Library, atop their usual slate of Carolyn Waters, Head Librarian Report from the Treasurer (2019) George L.K. Frelinghuysen

I am pleased to report that the New York Society Library’s overall financial Operating expenses were largely unchanged in 2019 from the year before. condition remains strong, bolstered by the performance of its endowment Staff expenses, which represent two-thirds of total costs, rose only in 2019 and by the continued support of its members, as well as by an on- marginally, as a lower than anticipated expenditure for health insurance going focus on expense control. For the year ending December 31, 2019, partially offset increase in salaries. Outlays for e-books increased 10% the Library recorded an operating surplus before depreciation of $141,811. over the prior year to meet higher member demand, but were in line with budget. Computer systems expense rose 26% over 2018 due to a one-time On the revenue side, several brief comments are in order. Subscription charge to migrate to the latest Integrated Library System software, which revenue declined 4.4% compared to 2018. A portion of the negative incorporates the most up-to-date security. HVAC expenses were higher variance was the result of the Library’s decision to encourage members than planned, as two new compressors were installed to service the with January 2019 expiration dates to renew in December of 2018 to take Members’ Room and Stack 10. Finally, the hiring of a building superinten- advantage of lower dues. In addition, there was an unfavorable shift in dent resulted in savings for contract cleaning of approximately 18% membership categories, which negatively impacted subscription revenues. compared to 2018. The number of members continues to grow modestly, to 2,957 at the end of 2019 from 2,937 at the close of the prior year. The endowment continues to provide the largest source of support for the Library’s operations, covering approximately 54% of our operating Regarding the annual appeal, the Library raised $686,640, which marked expense in 2019. The strong performance of financial markets during the a decline of 20% from 2018. The difference was attributable to a number of year was beneficial to the growth of our investments. At the end of 2019, factors, such as the absence of several large gifts received in 2018 but not the value of the endowment was $41.3 million, up 22% from the $33.8 in 2019, as well as funds from a foundation for which we could not apply in million reported at the close of 2018. Last year’s positive results confirm 2019. A total of 650 donors gave unrestricted gifts, below the total for 2018. our belief that the different styles of the Library’s managers will continue The top three categories represented 70% of all unrestricted funds raised, to yield superior investment results. I would like to end by noting that compared to 68% in the previous year. In 2019, the Library also received our spending policy for the endowment is 4.75% of the endowment’s $650,283 in restricted gifts, running the gamut from monies to establish fair-market value averaged over 12 quarters. Looked at another way, if a new book fund to a significant contribution to jump-start the Library’s we divide our allocation for 2019 by the endowment’s market value at efforts to raise funds for its proposed renovation. The Board would like to the end of last year, our draw was 3.9%. By not heavily taxing our express our gratitude to all the membership for your continued generous endowment, as these number show, the Library is guaranteeing its support of the Library. long-term future. Respectfully submitted on April 28, 2020 George L.K. Frelinghuysen, Treasurer Statement of Revenue and Expenses, Unrestricted Net Assets December 31, 2019, with Comparative Totals For 2018

Revenue 2019 2018 Expenses 2019 2018 Membership subscriptions $791,469 $826,633 Staff expenses $1,946,609 $1,905,284 Donations (excluding bequests) 686,640 860,889 Library materials 148,607 145,999 Lectures and events 33,402 37,677 Library services 188,040 164,109 Book sales 4,473 6,926 Library programs 26,709 31,335 Lost books and fines 8,266 9,615 Fundraising & membership development 227,815 249,982 Postage reimbursements 1,087 1,102 Building (excluding depreciation) 396,464 402,514 Photocopy fees 652 364 Professional fees 47,563 47,451 Miscellaneous income 13,942 46,178 Miscellaneous 46,047 43,117

Total Revenue $1,539,931 $1,789,384 Total Expenses $3,027,854 $2,989,791

2019 2018 Decrease in net assets before allocation of four and three quarter percent (43/4%) from endowment (1,487,923) (1,200,407) Allocation of four and three quarter percent (43/4%) from endowment 1,629,734 1,547,196

Increase In Net Assets $141,811 $346,789

Notes: This statement includes unrestricted revenue and expenses only. All other funds are accounted for separately. Full audited financial statements are available at the Library. The approximate market value of investments on December 31, 2019 was $41,343,000. The Goodhue Society

Anonymous (15) Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Hunter Theodore C. Rogers Robin Lee Allen and Alexandra Isles Laurie Rosenwald Kimberlynn Elizabeth Allen Joseph M. Karpf Nena Ruthen Mark Barron and Joel Rubin Dorothy H. Kelly Joanna and Arnold Saks Byron Bell Carol Kenney Marilyn M. Saltus Lucienne and Claude Bloch Michael Kowal Jeannette Watson Sanger Mr. and Mrs. Peter O’B. Brown Dr. and Mrs. Yale Kramer Rita Schaffer James L. Buttenwieser Arlyne Krum Toni Schlesinger Leslie Corn Per Larson Steve Schlossstein Ellen Crowley and Bobbie Leigh Carole Lynn Shear, M.D. RobertWheeler Alix Lombardo Michael Shnayerson William J. Dean Katrina Maxtone-Graham Rhea Tabakin Timothy Eckersley Nancy L. Meendsen Christine Triant Marcia Fox Susan Evans Millas and Patricia Volk Dr. Linda B. Fritzinger Tim Millas Dorothy Weinberger Judah Gerstein, M.D. Mary Millman Laura Whitman and Nancy Trilling Goldner Alma C. Moore Thomas Danziger Jean Sherwin Guilder Michael Nimetz Elizabeth Winthrop Julie Ann Hall and Paula Offricht Timothy Yeo Sarah Parker Goodhue (1828-1917) gave the bequest that permitted Scott Houston Roger F. Pasquier Harold W. Zeitlin the Library to move into its present building. This charcoal drawing of her by Samuel Worchester Rowse hangs in the circulation hall. Janice Handler Dr. Ada Peluso Cynthia S. Hanson Romano I. Peluso The Goodhue Society is a group of living donors Margot Feldman Harwood Lynne B. Potter who during their lifetimes, have included the Molly Haskell Lynn S. Powell New York Society Library in their estate plans Reily Hendrickson Alden Finch Prouty by stating an intention to leave a bequest to the Anita Highton, M.D. Edmée B. Reit Library. The following represents The Goodhue Society’s members as of December 31, 2019. 2019 Contributors

The New York Society Library is extraordinarily grateful for the generous annual support from the following individuals and foundations.

In 2019, gifts were received in memory of Anna Bulgari, Helene Buttenwieser, Margaret and Spencer Byard, Mrs. Lyttel Hull, Herbert A. Lewis, Richard E. Mooney, Renee Revkis, L. Jane Schoelkopf, Lois Stevens, and Ruth Weissman, and in honor of Lynn Abraham, Alli Choi, Dr. Robert Coles, Ellen M. Iseman, Maddie Lee, Tom Lee, Barbara Pearlman, Susan Robbins, Carolyn Waters, and Joan Zimmett. Chair’s Circle Benefactors Herman Melville Fellows $20,000 and Above $10,000-$19,999 $5,000-$9,999

Anonymous (1) Penny and Bill Bardel Anonymous (1) Elizabeth A.R. and Ralph S. Brown Jr. Charles and Kathryn Berry Laurence Bergreen The Florence Gould Foundation Gilbert and Ildiko Butler Family Foundation Virginia Brody Shirley Hazzard (Estate) Carol Collins Jill Davis and Edward Conard Susan Heinz (Estate) Elizabeth Dobell Linda Gelfond Jenny Lawrence Ella M. Foshay Fred Hamerman and Marissa Wesely Carol C. and Frederick Malone The Frelinghuysen Foundation Anne Heller and David De Weese News Corp/New York Post Mr. and Mrs. George L.K. Frelinghuysen Himan Brown Charitable Trust Gretchen and James Rubin Ellen M. Iseman Ada Peluso and Romano I. Peluso Barbara Hadley Stanton Linn Cary Mehta Robert E. and Judith O. Rubin The Winston Foundation Susan L. Robbins and Jonathan Koslow A & J Saks Foundation Daniel M. Rossner and Nancy Chang Barbara Snow Alexander Sanger St. James’ Church Jeannette Watson Sanger Strobe Talbott and Barbara Ascher Betty Kelly Sargent (The Nelson S. Talbott Foundation) Maryam Seley The Winters Family Fund Francesca Stanfill Elizabeth Yerkes The Walbridge Fund (Nancy Spofford Yerkes Foundation) Tim Wallach and Fleur Fairman The H.W. Wilson Foundation Washington Irving Supporters $2,500-$4,999

Lucienne and Claude Bloch John and Clara Dale Joan K. Davidson (The J.M. Kaplan Fund) The Thomas E. Dewey Fund The Felicia Fund Claudia Keenan Carol Kenney Joan Leake David W. Mallison and Carolyn Chaliff Ellen Newman Nancy Newman and Henry Elghanayan Jean Parker Phifer Edmée B. Reit Linda Rose Stacy Schiff Harriette K. and Burton M. Strauss Jr. The Dorothy Strelsin Foundation Dena Weiner Lorenzo Da Ponte Patrons $1,000-$2,499

Diana Altman Benjamin Ira Gertz Beverly O’Grady The Altschul Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gianturco Meagan and Gerald Ouderkirk Margaret Aspinwall Nancy and David Gluck, M.D. Leslie Patel Henry C. Barkhorn III Inez S. Glucksman Clio C. Pavlantos Mary Ellin Barrett Julian Golay and Megan Lew Holly Petersen Kate Beckler William Greenberg Grace and Sam Pilcer Sallie Bingham Anne Griffin, Ph.D. Diana Elzey Pinover Rebecca Birch and Mark Pankoff Lisa Gustavson and Chris Sales Sarah Jackson Piper Lucy Bowditch, Ph.D. Charles S. Haight Jr. Jeanine and Roland Plottel Jane Eisner Bram, Ph.D. Jamie Hooper Alden Finch Prouty Dennis and Ann Bushe Alexandra Cushing Howard Robert C. Puglisi Robert and Ina Caro Barbara and Thomas Israel Theodore and Betsy Rogers Meaghan Dowling Chorske Donna and Carroll Janis Connie and Ted Roosevelt Michael H. Coles and Edie Langner Michael Kowal Marilyn Sauline and Bill Crookston Bill Connington Oliver Kramer Phyllis Schefer Raul and Rebecca Damas Brooke Kroeger (H + I Komanoff Foundation) Anne Noel Dawson Arlyne Krum Carole Lynne Shear, M.D. William J. Dean Geraldine Kunstadter Katie and Conor Tochlin Emily Dunlap Bobbie and Jonathan Leigh Kathleen Tripp Robin Easton Ann Levin Alison Tung Cheryl and Blair Effron Cary and Jan Lochtenberg Sig Van Raan and Susan Dickler Benita and Colin Eisler Alix Lombardo David Wagener Ann Ewell Janine Luke Abigail Wald Ellen Feldman and Dr. Stephen Reibel Ellen McGoldrick (Tart Wald Foundation) Susan Fisher Caitlin Macy and Jeremy Barnum Laura Whitman and Thomas Danziger James and Elizabeth Fishman Deborah Miller and William Zabel Sheila Wolfe Joan G. Fishman Sam and Mary Miller L. Randall Yates Robert L. Froelich Ruth Misheloff Dale and Rafael Zakla James and Carol Geist Linda and Stuart Nelson Shirley Hazzard Sponsors $500-999

Beverly O’Grady Henry Alcalay Elisabeth Gitter George and Ellen Needham Meagan and Gerald Ouderkirk Eleanor Alger James and Adele Glimm Janice and Yoji Nimura Leslie Patel Irvin Amira Jan Golann Bob Owens and Evie Klein Clio C. Pavlantos Claudine and Fred Bacher Carolyn Goodrich Anna Pitoniak Holly Petersen Mary Kennedy Baumslag John and Jennifer Gourary Prudential Financial Inc. Grace and Sam Pilcer Candace and Rick Beinecke Patricia Grodd and Michael Stone Emily Rafferty Diana Elzey Pinover Lauren Belfer and Michael Marissen Joan B. Grynbaum Sandra and Richard Rippe Sarah Jackson Piper Sheila Biddle Conrad Harper Michael Robinson Jeanine and Roland Plottel Joan Bingham Steve Harris Robert E. Roosevelt Alden Finch Prouty Lorrie Bodger (Estate) Leslie Price Hayes Rose C.L.M. Sandick Robert C. Puglisi Alastair and Jeanine Borthwick Anita Highton, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Scarborough III Theodore and Betsy Rogers Carol S. Boulanger Mrs. James Houghton Barry F. Schwartz Connie and Ted Roosevelt Meg and Larry Bowerman Julie Hall and Scott Houston Katherine Shah Marilyn Sauline and Bill Crookston James C. Boyce Gary and Colta Ives Victoria Shaw Phyllis Schefer Diane Brownstone Margaret Jackson Christine M. Singer (H + I Komanoff Foundation) Anna Panzironi Bulgari Gerald Paul Jones and Lisa Colby-Jones McKelden and Diana Smith Carole Lynne Shear, M.D. Elizabeth A. Coleman Harold and Stacey Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert L. Snyder Katie and Conor Tochlin Judith Crawford and John Doyle Dede Kessler David Stenn Kathleen Tripp Elizabeth de Cuevas Tom Killian and Francoise Bollack Patricia Sullivan Alison Tung Marie Christophe de Menil Dena Kleiman Jan R. Van Meter and Elena Sansalone Sig Van Raan and Susan Dickler Susan Delaney Alan M. Klein Sheila Walpin David Wagener Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Douglas Sarah-Ann Kramarsky Tamara Weintraub Abigail Wald Dr. M. Stefan Draughon Ruth Krebs and Peter Mannetti Elizabeth Millard Whitman (Tart Wald Foundation) John and Deborah Lee Evangelakos Susan B. Laubach Hope Winters Laura Whitman and Thomas Danziger Helen C. Evarts Richard and Anthea Lingeman Scott and Linden Wise Sheila Wolfe Carol Fenelon Sara Lukinson Margot Witty L. Randall Yates William Finkelstein Donald McDonough L. Randall Yates Dale and Rafael Zakla Dr. Linda B. Fritzinger Thomas McGanney and Millie Kalik Mary N. Young Mark Gallogly and Lise Strickler John McGoldrick Jeff Yunis Anna Hannon Gill Teresa D. Metcalf Joan and Mark Zimmett Clement Clarke Moore Friends $250-499

Wendy and Danal Abrams Marion Cuba Trevelyn Jones Henry Altchek Maria Hermida Day Sandra S. Joys William Nash Ambler Eugenie Devine Jim Kelly and Lisa Henricksson Susan Appel Christine Donovan Gilbert and Rebecca Kerlin Barnes & Noble Seth H. Dubin Lucie Kinsolving Tina Barnet Ethical Culture Fieldston School Joe Knott Mackenzie Bartlett Edward and Susan Falk Sharon Amsterdam Koplin Christopher Bastedo Timothy Farrington Douglas Larson Ulla Beauchamp William and Carol Farris Mark Lasswell and Clare McHugh Byron Bell Joan Feeney and Bruce Phillips Helene G. Lewis Josephine L. Berger-Nadler Gayle Feldman and David Reid Lorna Livingston Janet Black Alan Fell Ann R. Loeb Sara Blanshard Ronnie and Martin Foont George W.C. McCarter Janice Borzendowski John and Marianne Fouhey Suki and Patrick McCormick Audrey Boughton John D. Gordan III Lisbeth McCoy Charles and Barbara Burger Keith Gottesdiener, M.D. Anne McIlvaine James Buttenwieser Lex and Helen Haris Janet and David McKenzie Roger Campbell and Marjorie Madigan Sheldon Harnick Susann Malin Paul Cardin Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Hoguet Ellen and Jean-Louis Maserati Virginia Cheney Alexandra Horowitz and Ammon Shea Alan Melniker Kay and Hilary Childs Denise and Al Hurley Lynden Miller Andrea Labov Clark Adrienne Ingrum Dr. and Mrs. Joel S. Mindel Beth Gutcheon Clements Diane Iselin Robert L. Mofenson and June Pintchik Win Clevenger Alexandra Isles Sarah L. Morgan Barbara Cohen Nikhil Iyengar Nancy Newcomb Kelly Collins Judith Jadow New York Adventure Club Laura J. Corwin Mr. and Mrs. William H. Janeway NJM Insurance Group Jean G. Crocker Nancy S. Jennings Oanh Nguyen Clement Clarke Moore Friends continued $250-499

Kathleen O’Grady Mr. and Mrs. John E. Rothschild Warren Wechsler Jo Anne Olian Joel Rubin and Mark Barron Nancy L. Welles Andrew Oliver Jr. Allison Saxe Susan Wexner Sandy Padwe Ferdinand and Emily Park Scharf Elizabeth White Philip and Louisa Palmer Eric Scheuermann Dorothy Seidel Wigod Carolyn S. Parlato Mary C. Schlosser The Winward School Roger F. Pasquier Barbara Scoblic Mercedes Youman Aaron and Meghan Pearlman Laura Shapiro Sybille Pearson Ordway Sherman Henrik and Odette Petersen Mark Singer Carla L. Peterson Abigail Snoddy Louis Phillips and Pat Ranard Maynard and Eva Solomon Christopher and Stephanie Porterfield Peter Spiegelman Terry Pristin and Ron Silverman Howard Stein and B. Jill Comins Stein Elise Quimby Sheryl and Ned Stern Carol Quinn and David Mayo David Szewczyk Dr. Allen Radin and Harriet Radin Susannah Talley Susan and Peter Ralston Ronald and Adele Tauber Cathy Raphael Kenneth and Jean Telljohann Jennifer Reardon Valerie Thaler and Robert Petrie James and Jane Rhodes Lynn Weddington Tucker Nicholas X. Rizopoulos and Linda Wrigley Robert and Beverly Vail Susan A. Roberti Christine Valentine Joy and Elizabeth Rogers Edith Van Slyck and James Hammond Elizabeth E. Roosevelt Mr. and Mrs. James M. von Ottenritter Eric and Alice Roper Karel Wahrsager Phyllis Rose Douglas K. Walker Phyllis Ross Janet Wallach Contributors up to $249

Sherlyn Abdoo Marjorie Berger Betsy Carter Laurie and Howard Abel Wallace Best Cheryl Chalmers and David Scribner Tobias Abeloff Carl Bialik Cuyler and Maribel Christianson Bob and Jane Abernethy Carol J. Binkowski Alida Clemans Marea F. Adams Nicholas Birns Grace Clerihew Katherine Adler Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Blume Eoin Collins Lauri Aibel Deborah Blumenthal Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Cornfield Sheila B. Ainbinder Stuart Bornstein August Cosentino Arthur S. Ainsberg F. J. Bradley Christopher and Sarah Cox Donald Albrecht Robert A. Brawer David and Caroline Croen Anne Marie Alino, M.D. Frances Bretter Paul Cushman Annette Tapert Allen Nina Brickman Genevieve David The Altschul Fund Ellen Brodkey Joseph L. Delafield III Leslie Armstrong Louise W. Brown Donald DeMaio Monty Arnold Mary and John Brown Liz Denlinger Mary Austin and Brewster Kahle Thatcher and Sally Brown Maria Dering Babcock Galleries Elias Buchwald Chaya Deyo Howard D. Bafford Catherine Belford Budd Diane Diamondstein and David Garelik Will and Susan Baldwin Christine Burke Diane F. Downs Christina M. Baltz Jennifer Burleigh Wendy Drees Joan Barenholtz Mr. and Mrs. Kevin A. Burns Dr. Erika Dreifus Tiziana Bason and George R. Bason Jr. Robert and Margaret Burns Antonia P. DuBrul Kit Smyth Basquin, Ph.D. Timothy R. Burroughs Page Williams Dwyer Steven Bassin Marcia Butler Leonard and Elise Elman Lawrence Becker Rosalie Warren Byard Edward Espinoza Mr. and Mrs. Louis Begley Peter Canby Mrs. Gordon Fairburn Dr. Stephen Bell Gerald Caporicci Rosemary Faulkner James De Lancey Contributors continued up to $249

Philip and Diana Fisher Erwin Flaxman Martha Fleischman Alice M. Fleming Thomas J. Fleming Jr. Jill and Michael Franco Jeffrey and Diana Frank Mrs. Peter Frelinghuysen Arthur W. Fried Lawrence Friedman, M.D. Susan Kittenplan Fulmer Susan K. Gaffney Loretta F. Galloway Dozier and Margaret Gardner Helen and William G. Garrison Arnold Gershon Gene C. Gill Alicia M. Ginsberg Susan Goodale Dean Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Holcombe T. Green Linda Greenhouse Jerald Grobman, M.D. Laurin Grollman Stephen W. Guittard Susan Gurney Dr. Sidney Gutstein James De Lancey Contributors continued up to $249

Nimet Habachy David G. Jones Rhona A. Lipton Suzan S. Habachy Marianne Jones Jill Royce Loomis Daniel J. Halabe Helen Christine Jost Marian and Leonard Lubinsky Carol Hammer W. Michael Kanyuck Ruth and Edward Lukashok Teresa A. Hampson Phillip Kasofsky Richard Luna Janice Handler Linda Kastan Gerrit V. Lydecker Cynthia S. Hanson Bari Kaye Eileen McCarthy Jeffrey Hantover Laird Kelly Reid MacCluggage Christine Harrell Julia Kent Maryann Macdonald Nancy B. Hathaway Frances J. Kiernan Gardner McFall Belle Heller Caroline and Lewis King Kate McMullan Pamela Markham Heller Nancy Koenigsberg Fredericka G. Mabon Lydia Hennessey Michelle Korn Anne Marie Macari Sarah Henry Betty Krulik Vicente Madrigal Harris Herman Elissa La Bagnara Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mann Lesley and Richard Herrmann Judith Landrigan Howard B. Marcus, Ph.D. Charlotte Heyrman Mary Lannon Barbara and Jerry Markowitz Susan Hirschman Rosemary La Point Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Marks Mary-Ella Holst and Guy Quinlan Michael J. Leahy Bruce and Betsy Martin Karl and Linda Holtzschue Ursula and Frank Lee Barbara Milbauer Elizabeth Horn Ann Leibowitz Mary Millman Abraham Hsuan and Melinda Hung Joan M. Leiman Melissa Miness Laurel Huber Léman Preparatory School Louise L. Monjo Pamela Jarvis Elisabeth Lerner Michele Moss Robin Johnson Francine Levine Dr. Shirley Mueller George Johnston George Lewis and Mercer Warriner Bonnie Murray Jane Johnston Nance Liebgott Janice L. Murray James De Lancey Contributors continued up to $249

Margot B. Nadien, Ph.D. Don Nagle Kenneth Nassau and Lee Hebner Jean Nathan Michael Nimetz Sebastian Novak Nancy Novick Jacob Nyman Paul J. O’Neill Jr. Terrence O’Neill Margaret O’Shea Naomi Paley Sidney A. Patchett Judith Pegg Penguin Random House Robert M. Pennoyer Louis and Barbara Perlmutter (The Perlmutter Family Foundation) Susan F. J. Petschek Anne Straton Pierson Barbara Thacher Plimpton Sarah Plimpton Professor Norman S. Poser Lynn S. Powell Percy Preston Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Prober Leonora P. Prowell James De Lancey Contributors continued up to $249

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