Detailed Strategic Framework Plan
711 . 4099 451 MAR:M Detailed Strategic Framework Plan City of t Moonee Valley North Western Hwy Churchill Ave Shops r--- --.'1;..- -v.....-=------...o~ -~--i-~~ City of Brim bank City of Melbourne Port of City of Hobson's Bay Key * Principal Activity Centre Core Industrial Precincts * Major Activity Centre • Open Space and Recreation Reserves • Activity Centres _A Major Community Centres VUT - Specialised Activity Centre -7 Major City Gateways Strategic Redevelopment I /l/ Waterways Investigation Sites Illi lfl ~I] l1 ij1i~lll~ ~ ~I ii 1 1~ /l lil il] lilll M0053616 A Message from the Mayor ···•~t.11.W.i,,---- Council 's vision for the planning and development of the municipality is expressed in the City's Municipal Strategic Statement (MSS). Forming part of Council's planning scheme, the Statement guides the planning and development of the City and is used by Council when it decides on planning applications and changes to Council's planning scheme. During 2005 Council must review the MSS to make sure it is up to date, addresses relevant planning issues, and t1as regard for current policies anrl community aspirations. Our City is very special in what it offers to residents, workers and visitors. We have all seen an extraordinary amount of development occurring in the City as its potential is discovered and new development opportunities are realised. In the past five years there has been a lot of change, including the residential redevelopment of the former Defence sites, increased access to the Maribyrnong River, improved open space and new commercial developments, all of which support the well being of our growing population and our economic prosperity.
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