Q. How did you feel about the results, you coming so close?

JONAS BLIXT: It was nice. I haven't really played (inaudible.) Getting back at it and getting in contention and having a chance, it was fun.

Q. Do you feel like you clicked it into gear at the right time and kind of continue that into the PGA this week?

JONAS BLIXT: Yeah, I feel like coming down here, I think that makes it more comfortable playing and then obviously helped me get a good result last week.

Q. Have you had a chance to see the course?

JONAS BLIXT: We flew in last night and I spent the night at Cameron's house. Took it quite easy this morning. He showed me a little bit around Brisbane, his favourite coffee places and kind of where he grew up this morning. It was really nice. Then we drove down here. Get to experience the Gold Coast.

Q. So this is your first time to the Gold Coast, you never played the PGA before?

JONAS BLIXT: No, I haven't, no.

Q. What was behind your decision to play this week?

JONAS BLIXT: A couple good mates and winning with Cam kind of opened my schedule up quite a bit, and always wanted to come down here. I felt like this is one of my favourite places, so it's quite an easy decision to make.

Q. It's a pretty big result you got with Cam over in Zurich earlier this year. How enjoyable was that and what has it done for your career?

JONAS BLIXT: Yeah, no, it's a lot more fun winning together than winning by yourself. You get someone to share the win with, opens up the schedule a little bit and get a little more comfortable with how you can pick tournaments and stuff like that. You can do stuff like this, kind of not the normal kind of grind that you do on the PGA TOUR. Yeah, it's fun to experience something new and experience Australia.

Q. Has he given you any insight into the course and what to expect?


JONAS BLIXT: He tries not to because I think he wants to beat me.

Q. Cam, welcome. You've returned to Queensland a PGA TOUR winner. It's been an impressive year for you on the PGA Tour.

CAMERON SMITH: Yeah, it has been a really good year for me. Yeah, if I look back, I really couldn't think that it would go any better. At the start of the year my goal was to just really make my card and get into the top-50 in the world, and so far I've done one of those things, I've just got a long way to go.

Q. (No microphone.)

CAMERON SMITH: Yeah, I think so. I'm not sure, I haven't really worked it out and I don't know, but it definitely helped.

Q. How's it playing at home?

CAMERON SMITH: Yeah, I love playing at home, I love coming home to Australia. I loved the week last week in Sydney, and then go over to the home crowd advantage I guess this week in Queensland.

Q. It's a pretty quick turnaround. Do you really enjoy that, is it really easy to keep momentum going?

CAMERON SMITH: Yeah, I think so. When you're playing well, it's definitely good for me to just keep going until I run out of steam basically. I've been playing well the last couple months and had a few weeks off there just before the , but got the competition rust out of my body and I'm ready to go this week.

Q. What is it about being down here that you really look forward to?

CAMERON SMITH: I guess just playing in front of family and friends that don't get to see me play that much now being over in the States. But yeah, that's probably the main thing there, just resting up, being at home.

Q. The PGA, mate, did you grow up coming down here as a kid watching it, and what are your fondest memories and how much would it mean to you to actually win?

CAMERON SMITH: Well, the PGA ever since I was a kid has always been in Queensland, so it's kind of like a home event for us Queenslanders. I remember going up to Coolum as a little kid and watching all the guys play up there. It's always been on my bucket list and now that I've ticked off playing it, I want to win one.

Q. Do you feel like a different golfer to the one that came here last year?


CAMERON SMITH: I mean, yes, a little bit. The plan is just to keep getting better every day and I feel as though I'm doing that and it's paying off.

Q. Cameron, are you hoping that Jonas and you get paired together for the first two rounds?

CAMERON SMITH: I don't know. It could be a good or a bad thing there. I hope we play together, we always have fun. We've played together at home in Jacksonville a bunch of times, and then obviously Zurich as well, so we bond well and we like to just chat and just walk around.

Q. And after you had the win together, did you convince Jonas to come to Australia, and will you be returning the favour and perhaps going to Sweden?

CAMERON SMITH: No, no, I think he felt obliged to come down since I won the tournament for him. I'm joking, I'm joking. No, it was basically on his mind the whole year, and then when we won the tournament there at Zurich, I think that just made his mind up.

Q. And you're playing tour guide this week. Is there anywhere in particular you'll be taking him?

CAMERON SMITH: Probably just down to the beach. The mall here's pretty good. We spent last night at home and showed him around Brisbane a little bit this morning before we come down. But yeah, probably will be. He's excited to be here and I'm excited to show him around.

Q. You had a bit of a warm-up over here. How hot is his game?

CAMERON SMITH: Terrifying, especially when Jonas put up a pretty good score for me. Me and him are always pretty competitive, and then I lost, so that's bad.

Q. You're hoping that won't be the case this week?

CAMERON SMITH: No, I hope not. I hope that we have a good battle down the stretch, that would be good fun, but I'm hoping I come out on top.

Q. Cam, you had to share the prize money when you won together. Are there any bets that you have to share prize money when you're in Australia or just going --

CAMERON SMITH: I thought the deal was I got 100 percent of his earnings while he was down here. No, no, we definitely didn't speak about that.

Q. Jonas, welcome to Queensland for the Australian PGA Championship. Is it nice to be here in Cam's hometown?


JONAS BLIXT: Oh, it's lovely, yeah. I haven't seen much of it yet, but it looks great.

Q. And you're in here at the TAG Heuer store and what were you doing here with Cam today?

JONAS BLIXT: We had a little reaction test. Cam and I are quite competitive, so we ended up tying. I mean, we always want to beat the other guys. It was a fun little test apart from the golf.

Q. And you teamed up there at the end as well on the reaction test. Was it better as a team than it was individuals?

JONAS BLIXT: I think we might have to work on the team game a little more. Obviously we had a good showing earlier this year, but yeah, it's a little rusty right now.

Q. Now, on to your golf. You obviously had a really nice result at the Australian Open last week. You must be feeling confident coming into the Australian PGA Championship?

JONAS BLIXT: Yeah, no, it's -- I feel quite relaxed. I have friends around and coming in playing pretty good, so I'm really looking forward to this week.

Q. Is there anything in particular that you're looking forward to doing while you're here on the Gold Coast? I heard you having a bit of a chat about food back there with Cam before?

JONAS BLIXT: Yeah, you know, I just know coming from Sweden I kind of miss certain kinds of foods, and he's from here so he probably has things that he likes to eat when he comes back and I kind of want to try that.

My brother was here for two months with his buddies. He's been telling me a couple things that you do down by Surfers Paradise, so it's mostly water related. So kind of want to dig into that a little bit. Looks like a cool city and I want to experience it.

Q. Cam, we're here at TAG Heuer. Can you talk us through what you were just doing here?

CAMERON SMITH: A little reaction test on the TV behind me, kind of have to be a lot harder than I thought it was, putting a bit of crap on Jonas there when he did it first, but he ended up beating me.

Q. And you're here for the Australian PGA Championship. How are you feeling coming into the week obviously off the back of a great result last week?

4 CAMERON SMITH: Yeah, good week last week. Like I said before, I had three or four weeks off there, just a little bit of competition rust. The game felt good, though, and looking really forward to this week at home.

Q. And is it going to be nice for you back home in front of a home crowd as a PGA TOUR winner?

CAMERON SMITH: Yeah, for sure. The crowd even last week in Sydney was really good to me. Really didn't expect that. It's just really good to be home. I can't wait to play in front of the family and friends.

Q. Cam, you've got your PGA TOUR winning partner Jonas Blixt with you. Nice to have him in Queensland. Will you be trying to beat him this week, and what else will you be showing him off the golf course?

CAMERON SMITH: Yeah, for sure trying to beat him on the golf course. Jonas and I have always had a pretty competitive relationship, whether it be at home or during practices. I'll show him around, show him the nice beaches here in Queensland, show him around Surfers a little bit.