Chalee Gedgaew, Suchint Simaraks, and A. Terry Rambo Trends in Hybrid Tomato Seed Production under Contract Farming in Northeast Thailand Southeast Asian Studies, Vol. 6, No. 2, August 2017, pp. 339-355. (<Special issue> “Rural Northeast Thailand in Transition: Recent Changes and Their Implications for the Long-Term Transformation of the Region,” edited by Yasuyuki Kono, Arunee Promkhambut, and A. Terry Rambo) How to Cite: Chalee Gedgaew; Suchint Simaraks; and Rambo, A. Terry. Trends in Hybrid Tomato Seed Production under Contract Farming in Northeast Thailand. Southeast Asian Studies, Vol. 6, No. 2, August 2017, pp. 339-355. Link to this article: View the table of contents for this issue: Subscriptions: For permissions, please send an e-mail to:
[email protected] Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University Trends in Hybrid Tomato Seed Production under Contract Farming in Northeast Thailand Chalee Gedgaew,* Suchint Simaraks,** and A. Terry Rambo*** Hybrid tomato seed production after rice is a way of intensifying agriculture in rainfed areas in Northeast Thailand. Although this type of intensive high-value contract farming has been developing for the last 30 years, there has been little research on it. This study describes the historical development of this system and identifies factors influencing increases and decreases in the number of production sites and farmers producing hybrid tomato seeds.