Posy Simmonds | 136 pages | 01 Jul 2010 | Vintage Publishing | 9780224078177 | English | London, United Kingdom Tamara Drewe movie review & film summary () | Roger Ebert

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — Tamara Drewe by . Tamara Drewe by Posy Simmonds. Tamara Drewe has transformed herself. Plastic surgery, a different wardrobe, a smouldering look, have given her confidence and a new and thrilling power to attract, which she uses recklessly. Often just for the fun Tamara Drewe it. People are drawn to Tamara Drewe, male and female. In the remote village where her late mother lived Tamara arrives to clear up the house. Here she become Tamara Drewe has transformed herself. Here she becomes an object of lust, of envy, the Tamara Drewe of unrequited love, a seductress. To the village teenagers she is 'plastic-fantastic', a role model. Ultimately, when her hot and indiscriminate glances lead to tragedy, she Tamara Drewe seen Tamara Drewe a man-eater, a heartless marriage wrecker, a slut. Tamara Drewe appearing as a serial in the Guardianin book form Tamara Drewe has been enlarged, embellished and lovingly improved by the author. Get A Copy. Hardcoverpages. More Details Original Title. Other Editions Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Tamara Drewe ask other readers questions about Tamara Dreweplease sign up. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Start your review of Tamara Drewe. Jan 19, Ilse rated it it was amazing Recommended to Ilse by: Hanneke. Shelves:reviewed, graphic-novels-comics. Se was prettily and even daintily dressed. She moved between them as a chaise between carts, was heard after them Tamara Drewe a romance after sermons, was felt among them like a breeze among furnaces. It had required a little determination — far more than she had at first imagined — to take up a position here, for at her first entry the lumbering dialogues had ceased, nearly every face had Tamara Drewe towards her, and those that were already turned rigidly fixed there. The return to the village of a former village girl, Tamara Drewe — metamorphosed in a long-limbed, nose-jobbed, utterly attractive and charming young woman, disturbs the apparent calm of the little community. Her graphic novel is also enjoyable without having read Hardy first: apart from Tamara Drewe enthralling narrative, she presents visually superb character portrayals and does not shy away Tamara Drewe a touch of sharp social criticism rooted in the strained relationship between the rich newcomers and the working-class locals and in the confrontation of the townish way of life and rural boredom personified by two teenage village girls. This slightly soapy tale on the powerful and tragicomic spell a woman can cast on men offers delectable and outstanding entertainment. View Tamara Drewe 20 comments. Jan 12, karen rated it really liked it Shelves: youre-a-graphic-novelbookriot-read-harder-challengereview- pendingcontinuations-n-retellings. View all 8 comments. Where I got the book: my bookshelf. I'm not sure how Tamara Drewe known Posy Simmonds is over here in the US; I've been collecting her adult graphic work since the s when she had a much-loved comic strip in The Guardian. Tamara Drewe is a full-length graphic novel that deals, as Simmonds' work very often does, with the English literary life and the coveted status symbols of the country weekend cottage and, in the case of Gemma Boverythe "little place in France. I haven't yet been to one of these wonders although I get regular email newsletters from one but try to imagine a country haven with the service of a five-star hotel, filled with Tamara Drewe authors prepared to pay through the nose to have nothing to do but write and, if they wish, socialize. The retreat is run by frumpy but efficient Beth, whose husband Nick is a successful author prone to letting his lust wander and leaving every detail of his professional life to Beth so that he has space to write. Into the mix steps Tamara, once a rather plain girl from the village but now transformed by a nose job and the glamor of London life; Casey and Jody, two village girls who have nothing to do but hang around the bus shelter watching the weekenders' flashy cars Tamara Drewe by; and Glen, an American academic working on an overdue novel. The outcome is hilarious, tragic, and inevitable. Simmonds has found a wonderful way of combining the elements of a graphic novel and regular Tamara Drewe. If you don't like graphic novels, this one will reconcile you to the art; it is entirely grownup and sophisticated, often nastily poignant and horribly realistic. I could hear the rain striking the muddy paths and smell Tamara Drewe cow pats and rank grass. Simmonds is quick to reveal the ordinariness, sometimes ugliness, behind our disguises; beautiful women are always made not born, country life is made Tamara Drewe of quaint cottages Tamara Drewe expensive alarm systems because they're often uninhabited while the real villagers live on squalid council estates and Tamara Drewe to drive miles to the nearest town to shop and eat. Death, for Simmonds, comes in mundane forms; characters may achieve moments of magnificence or grand tragedy but they're never allowed to hold on to them. Everything's a facade; even the countryside is just a pretty backdrop for the lives of its transient owners when they want to get away from their real lives in London. It helps to be English to read these novels, but I think they should be more widely known in the US. View 2 comments. Apr 08, MJ Nicholls rated it really liked it Shelves: sassysassenachsgraphic-novelsTamara Drewe. Being a parochial, very English piece gives it little international appeal but it is spiky and witty in a BBC Radio 4 sort of way. Very unHardylike, perhaps, but I love my underdogs to win. Lots of fun. See the movie if you can. View all 7 comments. Jan 01, Blair rated it it was amazing Shelves: favouritesgraphic-novels-comicss-release. Posy Simmonds' graphic novel, originally serialised in the Guardian's Review Tamara Drewe, follows the chain of events that unfolds when the eponymous Tamara Drewe - a former Tamara Drewe who, via plastic surgery and increased confidence, has transformed herself into a stunning and much-desired woman - returns to her parents' country home. There, her life fatefully intersects with a number of local residents, most significantly the inhabitants of a nearby literary retreat; its married owners, Nichol Posy Simmonds' graphic novel, originally serialised in the Guardian's Review supplement, follows the chain Tamara Drewe events that unfolds when the eponymous Tamara Drewe - a former wallflower who, via plastic surgery and increased confidence, has transformed herself into a stunning and much-desired woman - returns to her parents' country home. There, her life fatefully intersects with a Tamara Drewe of local residents, most significantly the inhabitants of a nearby literary retreat; its married owners, Nicholas and Beth Hardiman; and a Tamara Drewe of bored teenage girls, Jody and Casey. I devoured this every week in its original comic-strip format, and loved it even more second Tamara Drewe round - I literally couldn't put the book down until I'd finished reading. The plot unfolds in both words and pictures, with the author using a number of different narrative voices to tell the story from different angles. The combination of styles makes for fantastic storytelling; Simmonds captures body language and facial expressions perfectly in her illustrations, and her narration is never anything less than totally convincing the way she skips between fiftysomething, middle-class Beth Hardiman and fifteen-year-old, working-class Casey, without ever losing a trace of authenticity, is particularly impressive. The fact that this is a graphic novel takes nothing away from the fact that it is also a brilliant, compelling, always believable story. I would recommend it to everyone; it's a book I know I will enjoy over Tamara Drewe over again. Feb 13, Alex rated it really liked it Shelves: graphic-novels. Strong examination of rural life suffers from the blurb description "that rare graphic novel for adults". I am unfamiliar with the Tamara Drewe precedents of so I cannot examine the novel on that level, nor can I see how it could adequately be translated to a film admittedly Gemma Arterton is the perfect fit for Tamara Drewe title role. A mixture of first person narrative, newspaper articles and comic sections, Tamara Drewe encapsulates a year in the lives of three narrators, their relationship Strong examination of rural life suffers from the blurb description "that rare graphic novel for adults". A mixture of first person narrative, newspaper articles and comic sections, Tamara Drewe encapsulates a year in the lives of three narrators, their relationships to each other and the countryside. Tamara Drewe is not one of the characters given her own internal voice - she is only conveyed through dialogue and the perceptions of others. Consequently, some key relationships are only ever experienced second hand, Tamara Drewe sort of voyeurism even when the page Tamara Drewe open to only two characters and the reader. Tamara Drewe is wispy and slight but at the end it feels like you've consumed something of great worth. It has the capacity to surprise by its simple unorthodoxy, and it allows the reader to delight in several situations. Unfortunately Posy Simmonds is not quite up to the task of implying action Tamara Drewe a key page, but otherwise Tamara Drewe ties together nicely - except for the horrible font used for Casey's passages. It's a quick read Tamara Drewe design, the sort of thing that would suit a rainy winter's day perfectly - but any day will suffice. Posy Simmonds doesn't understand what the BCC function on an email Tamara Drewe and how it works. This distresses me. View 1 comment. Apr 21, Hannah Garden rated it really liked it Shelves: comicsapril I love the unusual layout and I love the swimming back and forth between Tamara Drewe and I love Beth so much with her devotion and pragmatism and grief and bravery. Really a great read. Mar 09, Jason Pettus rated it it was amazing. Reprinted from the Chicago Center for Literature and Photography [cclapcenter. Tamara Drewe by Posy Simmonds

There, a best-selling author and his wife have Tamara Drewe a quiet famland retreat for writers to come and work in peace. The premise is good for some British romantic comedy. The film is Tamara Drewe shot and well-cast. The movie claims to star Gemma Arterton in a role far more interesting than seen in her recent Hollywood fare looking at you, Clash of the Titans. Indeed, the earliest parts of the movie live up to this promise quite well. The way Arterton played the character and how she interacted with the other characters were very appealing to me. Unfortunately, I learned very quickly that Tamara is not the woman who drives the plot. That honor was unjustly handed to a much inferior character. From that point on, Jody engages in breaking and entering, theft, fraud and a number of other criminal activities against every other character in the movie. She knowingly works to ruin lives so Ben will stay in town and fall madly in love at first sight with this fifteen-year-old girl. The problem is that this annoying, Tamara Drewe, delinquent little bitch gets Tamara Drewe screen time and development than most of the other characters. At least 95 percent of everything noteworthy that happens in Tamara Drewe movie can be traced directly back Tamara Drewe these completely unlikeable characters. Additionally, the film suffers from a crippling lack of humor. Its premise — misunderstandings, infidelities and jealousies among buffoons and egotists — has been used as a basis for comedy since ancient times, but all this movie can manage is the occasional chuckle. Shakespeare wrote several comedic plays centered Tamara Drewe the concept, yet all of the rumors and adultery in this film are played completely straight. Tamara Drewe is a disappointment. The cast, the premise and the visuals all showed great potential to make for Tamara Drewe funny and charming rom-com, but the story was mismanaged and the humor was barely existent. Spinning separate folklore into into a sci fi fantasy yarn that dares to ask you to view the world in a different way. This was done to put the focus on Lucy. So many different fights and possibilities all focused around great character designs with fighting styles balanced out to make your session enjoyable. Rocket Jump studios is responsible for some of the best content on YouTube Tamara Drewe Their team of creatives broke new ground by bringing video game concept into real life scenarios. Behind every great book adaptation is a forgettable first try. Tamara Drewe the th Doomsday Reels column, we look at Tamara Drewe grimmest Tamara Drewe comedy in the history of film. DC Tamara Drewe doing it all backwards — By Al Schwartz. The maddest Max of all. Wrapping up with Tamara Drewe bang — By williamb. All original content, both graphical and textual, is the intellectual property of CHUD. COM is no way affilliated with the film C. All rights reserved — Tamara Drewe takes place in a fictional middle-of-nowhere village called Ewedown, England. Tamara Drewe Movie Trailer, Reviews and More | TV Guide

If one Tamara Drewe be vain, lustful, egotistical or long-suffering, let it be here, at a writers' retreat in the Dorset village of Ewedown, where everyone lives across the street from a field, and there are no bank branches to deface the rustic charm. He is a best-selling crime novelist and serial adulterer, and she is a saintly helpmate who runs the retreat, befriends the guests, bakes fresh pastries for tea and is reconciled to his tomcatting because at the end of the day, Tamara Drewe always returns to her — for the pastries, possibly. Into this pastoral idyll drops the fragrant Tamara Drewe Gemma Arterton. Once long ago she was a village lass with a big nose. She went off to London to make her fortune and find a plastic surgeon, and has returned to sell the family home. She is now a famous newspaper columnist with a standard-issue nose, the kind of woman men describe as healthy, when they mean so very much more. The Hardiments are assisted by a robust local lad named Andy Cobb Luke Evanswho has fallen on bad fortune but cheerfully does odd jobs and Tamara Drewe a resentment against Tamara, whose family purchased what he still considers his Tamara Drewe home. Once in their teen years, Andy and Tamara apparently rummaged a bit Tamara Drewe each other's netherlands, notwithstanding her nose. Nicholas the crime novelist is drawn to Tamara like a cat Tamara Drewe tuna. He wears his fame like a backstage pass, and Tamara, after all, is not so very difficult to seduce. She is in fact a woman who calls her own shots, and about her lovers is less likely to feel gratitude than pity. I believe it possible that his eye-liner is tattooed. His presence in town inflames the adolescent girls Jody Long and Casey Shaw Jessica Barden and Charlotte Christiewho spend their days moping about bored in bus shelters, and lurking behind hedgerows to spy on everyone. Tamara dumps Nicholas for Ben, Tamara Drewe with Andy, and is one of the many victims of Jody and Casey's meddling with private lives. The movie was adapted from a graphic novel by Posy Simmonds, and it was inspired by Thomas Hardy 's Far From the Madding Crowdalthough there Tamara Drewe to have been an uncredited infusion of French farce along the way. To the game of romantic musical chairs already under way, a new player is added: McCreavy Bill Campa morose American academic who is laboring away at the poetry of Hardy and has come here to Ewedown to be inspired by a village that is indeed far from the madding crowd. He finds a sympathetic ear in Beth and begins to entertain ambitions about other bits of her anatomy. Here he knows exactly what he's dealing with: foolish and flawed people who harbor desires that may not be Tamara Drewe for them. Not all of them can be happy, and it must be said that Frears, with his writer Moira Buffini and Simmonds and Hardy lurking in the background, gives us a story in which everyone gets more or less what they deserve. If these people are silly, they are no sillier than Tamara Drewe of us. There is admirable craftsmanship Tamara Drewe work in the Tamara Drewe of the unfortunate cattle stampede, and although we regret Tamara Drewe fate of its victim, we must admit that no one is Tamara Drewe to blame, and a rough Tamara Drewe has been served. There is another pleasure here. All of the characters, except for the two naughty girls, are adults with grown-up ideas and aspirations, however lamentable. I find myself growing weary of the overgrown adolescents who impersonate adult characters in too many recent American films. Even a jolly comedy like this has characters with more depth. For example, at no time in the film does anyone come right out and explain who Thomas Hardy was. The characters are all presumed to already know. Not that you need to know in order to enjoy the film, but it's nice to know stuff you don't need to know, don't you think? Tamara Drewe Ebert was the film critic of the Chicago Sun-Times from until his death in Inhe won the Pulitzer Prize Tamara Drewe distinguished criticism. Rated R for language and some sexuality. Luke Evans as Andy Cobb. Tamsin Greig as Beth. Dominic Cooper as Ben. Charlotte Christie as Casey. Jessica Barden as Jody. Roger Allam as Nicholas. Gemma as Tamara Drewe. Reviews A typical Brit village churning with ego and lust. Roger Ebert October 20, Now streaming on:. Powered Tamara Drewe JustWatch. Now playing. The Sounding Tomris Laffly. Residue Odie Henderson. Possessor Sheila O'Malley. Rebecca Sheila O'Malley. Film Credits. Latest blog posts.