Tightbeam 320 May 2021 Morningtide By Angela K. Scott Tightbeam 320 May 2021 The Editors are: George Phillies
[email protected] 48 Hancock Hill Drive, Worcester, MA 01609. Jon Swartz
[email protected] Art Editors are Angela K. Scott, Jose Sanchez, and Cedar Sanderson. New writer: We welcome Robert Kroese, whose work appears at upstreamreviews.com and at RobertKroese.com Anime Reviews are courtesy Jessi Silver and her site www.s1e1.com. Ms. Silver writes of her site “S1E1 is primarily an outlet for views and reviews on Japanese animated me- dia, and occasionally video games and other entertainment.” Regular contributors in- clude Justin E. A. Busch, Tom Feller, Declan Finn, Greg Hullender, Rob Kroese. Jim McCoy, Chris Nuttall, Pat Patterson, Heath Row, Cedar Sanderson, Alan White, and Tamara Wilhite. Declan Finn’s web page declanfinn.com covers his books, reviews, writing, and more. Jim McCoy’s reviews and more appear at jimboss- ffreviews.blogspot.com. Chris Nuttall’s essays and writings are seen at chrishang- er.wordpress.com and at superversivesf.com. Pat Patterson’s reviews appear on his blog habakkuk21.blogspot.com and also on Good Reads and Amazon.com. Cedar Sander- son’s reviews and other interesting articles appear on her site www.cedarwrites.wordpress.com/ and its culinary extension. Tamara Wilhite’s other es- says appear on Liberty Island (libertyislandmag.com). Samuel Lubell originally pub- lished his reviews in The WSFA Journal. Anita Barrios is a former middle school ELA and Social Studies teacher. Regular short fiction reviewers Greg Hullender and Eric Wong publish at RocketStackRank.com.