BLACK JACKS Written By Eric Karkheck (323) 736-6718
[email protected] Black Jack: noun, 18th Century An African warrior who becomes a pirate. FADE IN: EXT. VILLAGE BEACH, WEST AFRICA - DAY Statuesque TERU FURRO (30s) sits in the sand braiding ropes together into a fishing net. She is left handed because her right is missing its pinky finger. She looks out to the vast ocean. EXT. HIDDEN LAGOON - DAY Blue sky and puffy clouds reflect in the surface of the water. A dugout canoe with a sail skims across it. Tall and muscular CHAGA FURRO (30s) paddles in the stern. His skinny son KUMI (13) is in the bow. Chaga spots a school of tilapia. CHAGA Kumi, mind the net. (Note: Italicized dialogue is spoken in Akan African and subtitled in English.) KUMI Yes, father. Kumi gathers the net into his arms. CHAGA Do it clean. If the lines tangle it will scatter the school. Kumi throws the net overboard. He pulls in the ropes. KUMI They are strong. The ropes zip through Kumi's hands. Chaga catches them. CHAGA Place your feet on the side to give you leverage. Together, they pull the net up and into the canoe to release a wave of fish onto themselves. CHAGA Ha Ha!! Do you see this my son?! Good, good, very good! Mother will be pleased. Yes. 2. Chaga wraps Kumi in a warm hug. Kumi halfheartedly returns the embrace. EXT. ATLANTIC OCEAN - DAY Chaga paddles toward land. Kumi scans the ocean horizon through a mariner's telescope. KUMI Can we go on a trip somewhere? Maybe to visit another tribe? CHAGA We are fishermen.