December 14, 2018 Full Commission Meeting Minutes
STEVE SISOLAK RICHARD WHITLEY, MS Governor Director ROSS E. ARMSTRONG Administrator DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES DIVISION OF CHILD AND FAMILY SERVICES 4126 TECHNOLOGY WAY, SUITE 300 CARSON CITY, NV 89706 Telephone (775) 684-4400 • Fax (775) 684-4455 Nevada State Juvenile Justice Oversight Commission Full Commission Committee Meeting December 14, 2018 Meeting Minutes - DRAFT Roll Call: Judge Egan Walker- present, Frank Cervantes- present , Jack Martin- present, Jackie Pierrott- present, Jo Lee Wickes- present, Patrick Schreiber- present, Paula Smith- present, Pauline Salla-Smith- present, Scott Shick- present, Brigid Duffy- present, Eve Hanan- present, Katie Hickman- present, Ross Armstrong- present, Savannah Chavez- present, Gianna Verness- present, Jennifer Spencer- present, Heather Plager- present, Sharon Anderson- present, Emmanuel Torres- present, Kierra Bracken- present, Ross Armstrong- present , Assemblyman James Ohrenschall- present, Judge William Voy- present, Jared Busker- present, Jeff Selbin- present, Savannah Reid- present, Katie Brubaker- present, Leslie Bittleston- present, Kimberly Ortega- present Public Comment: None Meeting Minutes: Commissioner Judge Egan Walker called the meeting to order on Friday, December 14, 2018 at 1:00 PM. Commissioner Judge Egan Walker motioned to approve the outstanding meeting minutes from 7/3/18, 8/10/18, and 9/14/18. Commissioner Patrick Schreiber seconded the motion. Motion carried, and the meeting minutes were approved. Commissioner Judge Egan Walker: Introducing a contingent of representatives from the Berkeley Law and Children’s Advocacy Alliance for a presentation related to juvenile fines and fees. STEVE SISOLAK Governor Mr. Jared Busker: During the past legislative session, the Children’s Advocacy Alliance worked with many legislators and other key stakeholders to pass Assembly Bill 180 that created the Juvenile Justice Bill of Rights.
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