11-12 January 2020 Alhamra Arts Council, Mall Road, Lahore DAY 1: JANUARY 11, 2020
Free Entry, No Pass Required 11-12 January 2020 Alhamra Arts Council, Mall Road, Lahore DAY 1: JANUARY 11, 2020 1 2 3 GALLERY Keynote: International Governance and the Future of the 11:00 am to Nation State 12:30 pm Sir Mark Lyall Grant, former UK High Commissioner Plenary to Pakistan and lately UK National Security Advisor, with Ahmed Rashid, Journalist Keynote speaker sponsored by Getz Pharma Choosing Friends: Pakistan and the Middle East Another Local Government Law? Fight for the Sky: Pakistan Air Force Post-Balakot What Just Happened? Digital Pakistan: Making It Happen! Lt. Gen. Waheed Arshad (Retd.), former CGS; Mani Shankar Aiyar, former Union Minister India; Air Chief Marshal Kaleem Saadat (Retd.); A Guide to Post-Normal Times Mudassar Aqil, CEO Easypaisa/Telenor Microfinance Bank; 12:45 pm to Asif Durrani, former Ambassador of Pakistan to Iran; Shehzad Arbab, Advisor to the PM on Establishment; Air Commodore Kaiser Tufail (Retd.), Ziauddin Sardar, Muslim Institute, UK, Imran Ali Khan, Co-Founder/Co-CEO Zameen.com; 01:45 pm Ashraf Jahangir Qazi, former UN Special Syed Mustafa Kamal, former Mayor of Karachi, with Air Commodore Khalid Banuri (Retd.) with Aliya Iqbal Naqvi, IBA Karachi Muneeb Maayr, Co-Founder/CEO Bykea, Co-Founder Daraz; Representative for Iraq; with Ahmed Bilal Mehboob, PILDAT Usman Gul, Co-Founder/CEO Airlift, Barnett Rubin, NYU, USA, with Monis Rahman, CEO/Founder ROZEE.PK l with Mosharraf Zaidi, Senior Fellow, Tabadlab Chairman/Co-Founder Finja Co-Founder EasyTickets a v i t Kashmir Under Lockdown God’s Kingdom
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