Low Temperature Environment Operations of Turboengines
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0 Qo B n Y n 1c AGARD 2 ADVISORY GROUP FOR AEROSPACE RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT 3 7 RUE ANCELLE 92200 NEUILLY SUR SEINE FRANCE AGARD CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 480 Low Temperature Environment Operations of Turboengines (Design and User's Problems) Fonctionnement des Turborkacteurs en Environnement Basse Tempkrature (Problkmes Pos& aux Concepteurs et aux Utilisateurs) processed I /by 'IMs ..................signed-...............date .............. NOT FOR DESTRUCTION - NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANIZATION I Distribution and Availability on Back Cover AGARD-CP-480 --I- ADVISORY GROUP FOR AEROSPACE RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT 7 RUE ANCELLE 92200 NEUILLY SUR SEINE FRANCE AGARD CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 480 Low Temperature Environment Operations of Turboengines (Design and User's Problems) Fonctionnement des TurborLacteurs en Environnement Basse Tempkrature (Problkmes PoSes aux Concepteurs et aux Utilisateurs) Papers presented at the Propulsion and Energetics Panel 76th Symposium held in Brussels, Belgium, 8th-12th October 1990. - North Atlantic Treaty Organization --q Organisation du Traite de I'Atlantique Nord I The Mission of AGARD According to its Chartcr, the mission of AGARD is to bring together the leading personalities of the NATO nations in the fields of science and technology relating to aerospace for the following purposes: -Recommending effective ways for the member nations to use their research and development capabilities for the common benefit of the NATO community; - Providing scientific and technical advice and assistance to the Military Committee in the field of aerospace research and development (with particular regard to its military application); - Continuously stimulating advances in the aerospace sciences relevant to strengthening the common defence posture; - Improving the co-operation among member nations in aerospace research and development; - Exchange of scientific and technical information; - Providing assistance to member nations for the purpose of increasing their scientific and technical potential; - Rendering scientific and technical assistance, as requested, to other NATO bodies and to member nations in connection with research and development problems in the aerospace field. The highest authority within AGARD is the National Delegates Board consisting of officiallyappointed senior representatives from each member nation. The mission of AGARD is carried out through the Panels which are composed of experts appointed by the National Delegates, the Consultant and Exchange Programme and the Aerospa.ce Applications Studies Programme. The results of AGARD work are reported to the member nations and the NATO Authorities through the AGARD serics of publications of which this is one. Participation in AGARD activities is by invitation only and is normally limited to citizens of the NATO nations. The contcnt of this publication has been reproduced directly from material supplied by AGARD or the authors. Published May 1991 CopyrightOAGARD 1991 All Rights Reserved ISBN 92-835-0618-9 Primed by Specialised Printing Services Limitd 40 Chigwell Lune, Loughton, Essex IGIO 3TZ Recent Publications of the Propulsion and Energetics Panel CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS (CP) Viscous Effects in Turbomachines AGARD CP 351, September 1983 Auxiliary Power Systems AGARD CP 352, September 1983 Combustion Problems in Turbine Engines AGARD CP 353, January 1984 Harard Studies for Solid Propellant Rocket Motors AGARD CP 367, September 1984 Engine Cyclic Durability by Analysis and Testing AGARD CP 368, September 1984 Gears and Power Transmission Systems for Helicopters and Turboprops AGARD CP 369, January 1985 Heat Transfer and Cooling in Gas Turbines AGARD CP 390, September 1985 Smokeless Propellants AGARD CP 391, January 1986 Interior Ballistics of Guns AGARD CP 392, January 1986 Advanced Instrumentation for Aero Engine Components AGARD CP 399,November 1986 Engine Response to Distorted Inflow Conditions AGARD CP 400, March 1987 Transonic and Supersonic Phenomena in Turbomachines AGARDCP401,March 1987 Advanced Technology for Aero Engine Components AGARD CP 421, September 1987 Combustion and Fuels in Gas Turbine Engines AGARD CP 422, June 1988 Engine Condition Monitoring - Technology and Experience AGARD CP 448, October 1988 Application of Advanced Material for Turbomachinery and Rocket Propulsion AGARD CP 449, March 1989 Combustion Instabilities in Liquid-Fuelled Propulsion Systems AGARDCP450,Aprill989 Aircraft Fire Safety AGARD CP 467, October 1989 Unsteady Aerodynamic Phenomena in Turbomachines AGARD CP468,February 1990 Secondary Flows in Turbomachines AGARD CP 469, February 1990 Hypersonic Combined Cycle Propulsion AGARD CP 479, December 1990 Low Temperature Environment Operations of Turboengines (Design and User’s Problems) AGARD CP480,May 1991 ... 111 ADVISORY REPORTS (AR) Through Flow Calculations in Axial Turbomachines (Results of Working Group 12) AGARD AR 175, October 1981 Alternative Jet Engine Fuels (Results of Working Group 13) AGARDAR 181,Vol.l andVo1.2,July 1982 Suitable Averaging Techniques in Non-Uniform Internal Flows (Results of Working Group 14) AGARD AR 182 (in English and French), June/August 1983 Producibility and Cost Studies of Aviation Kerosines (Results of Working Group 16) AGARD AR 227, June 1985 Performance of Rocket Motors with Metallized Propellants (Results of Working Group 17) AGARD AR 230, September 1986 Recommended Practices for Measurement of Gas Path Pressures and Temperatures for Performance Assessment of Aircraft Turbine Engines and Components (Results of Working Group 19) AGARD AR 245, June 1990 The Uniform Engine Test Programme (Results of Working Group 15) AGARD AR 248, February 1990 Test Cases for Computation of Internal Flows in Aero Engine Components (Results of Working Group 18) AGARD AR 275, July 1990 LECTURE SERIES (LS) Operation and Performance Measurement of Engines in Sea Level Test Facilities AGARD LS 132, April 1984 Ramjet and Ramrocket Propulsion Systems for Missiles AGARD LS 136, September 1984 3-D Computation Techniques Applied to Internal Flows in Propulsion Systems AGARD LS 140, June 1985 Engine Airframe Integration for Rotorcraft AGARD LS 148, June 1986 Design Methods Used in Solid Rocket Motors AGARD LS 150, April 1987 AGARD LS 150 (Revised),April1988 Blading Design for Axial Turbomachines AGARD LS 167, June 1989 Comparative Engine Performance Measurements AGARD LS 169, May 1990 AGARDOGRAPHS (AG) Manual for Aeroelasticity in Turbomachines AGARD AG 298/1, March 1987 AGARD AG 298/2, June 1988 Measurement Uncertainty within the Uniform Engine Test Programme AGARD AG 307, May 1989 Hazard Studies for Solid Propellant Rocket Motors AGARD AG 316,September 1990 REPORTS (R) Application of Modified Loss and Deviation Correlations to Transonic Axial Compressors AGARD R 745, November 1987 Rotorcraft Drivetrain Life Safety and Reliability AGARD R 775. June 1990 iv Theme The low temperature environment and its impact on aircraft propulsion reliability continues to be of major concern to military and commercial aviation, The Propulsion and Energetics Panel and Flight Mechanics Panel have sponsored Specialists' Meetings and Symposia in the past directed at problems and challenges conceming cold weather operation. This Symposium on Low Temperature Environment Operations of Turbo-Engines is particularly relevant now because in recent years engine and component design technology advancement permits better accommodation of cold weather variables in engine development and anti-icing design considerations. This Symposium will address engine design and user's problems as well as new testing technologies. The Symposium encompasses four sessions: - Session I deals with user's requirements and operational experience. - Session II addresses engine starting conditions, improvements in engine performance and reliability due to electronic engine control, life cycle management, and specific examples of anti-icing design methods and results. - Session Ill addresses fuels and lubricants and their performance at low temperature. Icing conditions, analytical prediction models, testing technology, and recent test results are included in Session N. In summary, this Symposium ties together the requirements and operational community and the engine design and testing community while presenting a balanced analytical and empirical view of the state-of-the-art. Theme L'euvironnement basse tempirature et son impact sur la fiabiliti des systkmes de propulsion des aironefs reste I'une des prioccupations majeures de la communauti de l'aviation civile et militaire. Dans le passi, le! Panels AGARD de propulsion et d'Energetique et de la Micanique du Vol ont organid des reunions de spicialistes et des symposia sur 1es problkmes poses et les difis soulevis par le fonctionnement des moteurs d'avion par temps froid. Ce symposium sur le fonctionnement des turboriacteurs en environnement basse tempirature est particulikremeut pertinente aujord'hui puisque les progrb rialises ricemment dans les technologies de conception des moteurs et des composants out permis une meilleure prise en compte des variables liies au temps froid daus le developpement des riacteurs et la conception des systemes d'antigivrage. Le symposium examinera 1es problhes rencontres par les concepteurs et les utilisateurs des turboriacteurs, ainsi que les nouvelles technologies d'essai. II est organid en quatre sessions: - La Session I porte sur les besoins des utilisateurs et I'experience opirationnelle - La Session II concerne les conditions de mise en route des reacteurs, les