“I am clear that Can prisoners be the vital work sent books or not? We have the definitive of answer will continue Mailbag // page 5 at pace” When Hilary Met Sally What happened when a the National Newspaper for Prisoners & Detainees Who is new Justice former prisoner met his old Secretary Elizabeth Truss? headteacher in prison? a voice for prisoners since 1990 Comment // page 20 Jailbreak // page 46 August 2016 / Issue No. 206 / www.insidetime.org / A ‘not for profit’ publication / ISSN 1743-7342 Time to Talk 2016 National Prison Radio survey inside An average of 60,000 copies distributed monthly Independently verified by the Audit Bureau of Circulations Don’t always take it on face value that we are the enemy

Paul Sullivan him to being a prison officer being a prison officer.” something back. I think now National chairman in the first place. Was it some- your average prison officer is Meeting the national chair- thing he considered when he He’s now been a prison officer extremely overworked, ex- man of the Prison Officers’ left school? “No”, he says, “I for thirteen years and I won- tremely stressed, doesn’t feel Mike Rolfe gives dered how much he thought Association was a little daunt- started off wanting to be a me- in control, doesn’t have the the job had changed in that ing, especially as it was the chanic; I was quite good at relationship with prisoners first time such a senior POA Maths so I ended up becoming time? “For me, personally, Inside Time first ever they used to have, and that official had agreed to speak to an accountant, before trying quite a bit. I started off feeling makes their role virtually im- Inside Time. In the end Mike a few different roles. I did that what I did was quite pos- interview with most Rolfe, a 38 year-old father of white van driving round itive, I was able to help pris- possible to do.” two was amenable and quite for a little while, sold oners on an individual basis relaxed in our conversation. I cars for a bit after I finished in and felt I was doing something Continued on page 16 senior POA official wondered what had drawn accountancy and wound up good for society, giving “People with convictions need the dignity of work!”

Sir Richard Branson calls for more employers 18 to take on employees regardless of criminal convictions. Alongside former prisoner and A fond farewell... star Virgin Trains employee Tammy Moreton, he is championing a fresh approach and For 17 years Juliet Lyon CBE and winner attitude for companies towards those who of the 2014 Perrie Award has been have been to prison. “Everyone deserves a informing the world outside prison second chance in life,” he tells Inside Time about the world inside, fighting tirelessly editor Erwin James. for a fair and humane prison system. As she steps down she shares the © Virgin Trains Read the full interview on page 32 highs and lows with Rachel Billington.

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www.rahmanravelli.co.uk / [email protected] Nationwide Service The strongest legal representation in the fields of serious, complex and business crime 2 Mailbag ‘Mailbag’, Inside Time, Botley Mills, Botley, Southampton SO30 2GB. Insidetime August 2016 insidetime Star Letter of the Month A ray of sunshine a voice for prisoners since 1990 Congratulations to this months winner who receives our £25 prize Christopher Watson - HMP Kirklevington the national newspaper for prisoners published by Grange Inside Time Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Prison reflects society The New Bridge Foundation, founded in 1956 to I would like to thank North East Prison After create links between the offender and the Michael Boylan - HMP Addiewell community. Care Society (Nepacs) who provide parent I watched with disbelief as Mr Cameron on TV outlined his plans for prison reform. The plan and child support. They are a ray of sunshine A not for profit publication. seems to be an attempt to reduce reoffending rates. He intends to do this without additional on the darker side of prison life. I have had Inside Time is wholly responsible for its editorial spending or a reduction in the prison population. If he could pull that off, then world peace the privilege of attending some of their content. Comments or complaints should be should be a doddle. It is an obvious sham and will have no impact on the deep seated issues events and all involved go above and beyond directed to the publisher and not to New Bridge. that make the British prison system unfit for purpose. their duties to make such wonderful memora- ble days for both parents and children. Board of Directors Any belief in realistic reform or rehabilitation of prisoners has been swept away by the huge increase in the prison population and lack of investment to fund it. The [former] Prime Minister’s Trevor Grove Former Editor Sunday Telegraph, So, what does Nepacs offer? Well, a great Journalist, Writer and serving Magistrate. assertion that the ongoing increase in the use and length of prison sentences has nothing to do service, second to none and staff who are Dr Peter Bennett Trustee, New Bridge with government and is decided by an independent judiciary, is beyond belief. For years’ Foundation and former Governor of HMP Grendon prison sentencing and conditions have been dictated by knee-jerk reactions to rabid tabloid interested in helping and taking time to Geoff Hughes Former Governor of HMP Belmarsh and TV campaigns of hate against many of the poorest, vulnerable and worse-off members of understand the needs of prisoners and their John D Roberts Former Company Chairman and society. Our prisons are now overflowing with the individuals rejected by society, including families. There are 6 family days each year, Managing Director employing former prisoners those with learning difficulties, mental health issues and products of the so-called ‘care’ system. which last approximately 4 hours and tie in Louise Shorter Former producer, BBC Rough Justice Alistair H E Smith BSc FCA Chartered Accountant, with school holiday times. The activities for Trustee and Treasurer, New Bridge Foundation “Any belief in realistic reform or rehabilitation of prisoners has been swept children range from face-painting to a magic away by the huge increase in the prison population and lack of investment show and a balloon entertainer. Arts and The Editorial Team to fund it” crafts are laid on so that children can interact with their dads, making cards and decorating The Prison Service responds by wasting its resources on a job-creation scheme for psycholo- paper plates, all of which the children can gists and pointless offending behaviour courses whilst locking people up for most of the day take home. On occasions plants are handed and night in overcrowded, oppressive and depressing conditions. When released the prisoner out, like sunflowers and hanging-baskets, will return to the same set of circumstances he/she was in prior to going to prison, with the which the children can hopefully grow in additional bonus of being virtually unemployable due to being in prison. Please do not their gardens to remind them of their missing mention Probation support because if that is your only help then you are in trouble. Erwin James John Roberts Rachel dads. And excellent food is provided. Editor in Chief Publisher and Billington OBE If all the brightest boffins were locked in a room together for a week, they could not come up Director Associate Editor with a penal system more certain to encourage reoffending than the present one. We have Nepacs have also started a 10 week course on created a society based primarily on personal greed. The most vulnerable have become parenting skills, where dads can learn and Office Manager scapegoats for anger, bitterness and misplaced resentment. The painful truth is I think the improve their parenting skills. It is a group Lucy Forde Prison Service genuinely reflects the current state and values of our broken society. with dads only and involves role-play and Administration discussions on how to improve their ability to Sonia Miah Editorial note see and deal with their children and follows a Layout & Design This letter was written prior to the resignation of David Cameron. Colin Matthews structured programme. At the end of the Noel Smith Paul Sullivan Website Design course there is a 2-hour visit with their Commissioning Reporter and Advertising children and family to celebrate the comple- Editor Gary Bultitude tion of the course. PRISONER HOTLINE 0161 833 9253 Correspondence Also, each summer there is a father and child cm fun day. Last year a campsite was set up with General: Inside Time Botley Mills, Botley, CONVICTED OF JOINT ENTERPRISE? Southampton, Hampshire SO30 2GB. tents and a campfire and a fun day was had Accounts & Admin: Inside Time, PO Box 251, NJGD>D OJMN The supreme court ruling in the case of R v Jogee could mean by all with marshmallows being roasted and Hedge End, Hampshire SO30 4XJ. that you now have grounds for appeal. Contact us urgently games for the kids. The latest pilot course is a Telephone: 01489 795945 for our expert lawyers to assess your case. father/child homework club. This is run over Email: [email protected] CRIMINAL LAW 4 sessions for dads and their children. Web: www.insidetime.org Facebook: InsideTime Director & Head of Criminal Law —Ben Richardson Twitter: @InsideTimeUK Leading defendant solicitors in: PRISON LAW So a big thank you to Nepacs and long may they continue, from all who use this service /Manslaughter/Attempted Murder Subscribe Head of Prison Law —Jo Davidson at Kirklevington Grange. Terrorism Fixed Fees (from £150.00) Inside Time is distributed free of charge throughout the UK prison estate. It is available to Conspiracy Cases: Drugs, murder, grooming, robbery, Guittard Application firearms, human trafficking & others other readers via a postal subscription service. Pre-tariff Review emailaprisoner Serious & Torture ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION CHARGES Re-cat Reviews The emailaprisoner service £35 for 12 single copies to UK addresses plus Gang Crime: Firearm Offences, Extortion, Torture IPP/Lifer removal from Cat D enables family, friends, £10 p/a for each additional copy to the same Serious Sexual Offences & Historic Sexual Offences solicitors and other address. Charities and Volunteers (UK only) £25 Transfers p/a for a single copy. Robbery organisations to send HDC messages to prisoners from Overseas Subscriptions rates will be £48 p/a for Legally Aided Services APPEALS any computer. It’s faster than Europe and £58 for the Rest of the World both Parole plus £20 p/a for each additional copy going to Managing Director — Jeremy Moore 1st class post and costs less Re-call the same overseas address. The country’s leading experts in than a 2nd class stamp! Adjudication serious, complex and high profile Sentence Calculation Available in 98% of UK Disclaimer appeals. Views expressed in Inside Time are those of the We have represented clients on some of the prisons. authors and not necessarily representative of those most complex and high profile crime and appeals held by Inside Time or the New Bridge cases in recent years including: If you would like Foundation. R v Barry George (Jill Dando case), to know more call:

If you wish to reproduce or publish any of the R v Levi Bellfield (Milly Dowler case) where lients atter 03333 70 65 50 content in Inside Time, you should first contact us Freephone: 0800 1 444 111 Website: www.cmsolicitors.co.uk Video link: Nationwide for further details or visit: for written permission. Full terms & conditions can be found on the website. Manchester Office: 13 St John Street, Manchester, M3 4DQ London Office: 15 Old Bailey, London, EC4M 7EF www.emailaprisoner.com Insidetime August 2016 ‘Mailbag’, Inside Time, Botley Mills, Botley, Southampton SO30 2GB. Mailbag 3

Mailbites Human rights are for everyone Mailbag 2-9 “There is an CAS - HMP Belmarsh electronic marker Ripped off on passports of Being a long-term prisoner I am concerned about this country sex offenders” On the day of the EU Page 7 referendum I could not help scrapping the Human Rights Act and replacing it with a Bill of Rights. I have noticed how most politicians and commenta- feeling totally ripped off. I am Newsround 10-15 an IPP prisoner and a lot of tors have glossed over this fact and seem to focus on immigra- the laws that the ECHR pass tion and the economy, treating our human rights as an “Whether he’s got a gun or a badge affect us serving IPP’s irrelevance. massively. Also, I have heard If he falls down, that there will be a ‘Bill of I’m gonna help Page 12 Rights’ to replace the Human “Once they have taken away our human rights, him” Rights Act, and this scares me. how can we trust our politicians to do the right Comment 16-30 If we are left in the hands of just the British Government, thing?” “No innocent slowly but surely people will person should forget that we are here. This does not just affect prisoners, but the poor and vulnera- be humiliated ble and basically everyone in the country. Generally, we hear especially by Ronnie Bailey - HMP New Hall Page 25 populist politicians and the bleating right-wing media a dogs say so!” Prisoner voting complaining that prisoners should not have rights and that Information 31-37 we abuse the HRA, and so on, however, human rights are for “Prisons still The reason why all prisoners everyone, not just the privileged few with enough money to unacceptably should be permitted to vote buy justice. could not, in my view, be violent and more simple - political dangerous Once they have taken away our human rights, how can we Page 36 decisions affect all prisoners, places” trust our politicians to do the right thing? One country that we therefore all prisoners should Legal 38-43 be legally permitted to vote. know does have a Bill of Rights is America, but it does not seem to stop their police from executing members of the “In order to cal- John Cannan - HMP Full Sutton public. The same Bill of Rights under which if you are rich culate sentences © Fotolia.com and powerful you can buy ‘justice’, that allows enemy it is essential that Just a suggestion combatants and civilians to be ‘rendered’, or as everyone else the correct laws Page 40 are applied” Just a suggestion for B Walker Have we really voted to make calls it ‘kidnapped’, from another country and taken to illegal (Star Letter - June 2016 issue) prisons like Guantanamo Bay to be detained indefinitely Jailbreak 44-56 whose letter talked of a lack Britain ‘Great’ again? without charge? Sounds great. “Thirty people of qualifications. Have you have died by considered doing a distance Mark Wrightwick - HMP Isle of Wight So, be careful what you wish for. If we lose the HRA it will not taking selfies learning course? These can be So, we are leaving the EU and David Cameron stood down as only be prisoners affected, it will be every vulnerable group or so far this year” very generously funded by Page 49 the Prisoners Education Trust. Prime Minister. The Tory Party have elected a new leader, individual. It is a backward step for this country and its people. I have just started studying an Theresa May and she will initiate Article 50. Once the process A-level and someone else I has been started then the European Parliament will dictate to No response to complaints know has just finished his us what will happen, how we trade with the EU and we will Open University access have no say in that. Have we really voted to make Britain John McLeod - HMP Gartree ‘Great’ again? course. Another inmate here I am a life sentence prisoner and throughout the 11 years I’ve spent in jail have used the is doing a NEBOSH course Request/Complaint system process for a variety of issues. But since my arrival at Gartree, three - what he’ll need to become a Let’s think about this. If Scotland, because of Brexit, have months ago, I find myself with problems. The Request/Complaint process here is, to be polite, Health & Safety advisor. another referendum and then leave the UK, possibly Northern a shambles. I’ve put in roughly 20 forms and received replies for around 50% of them. I now There are a lot of courses Ireland too, we could end up as the United Kingdom of find myself putting in complaints regarding getting no reply for my complaint forms, either which offer far better England & Wales. We will no longer be the 5th largest they haven’t been logged or they have just gone missing. qualifications than those economy in the world. We could slide down to 12th! The big offered in prison education international companies like HSBC, Honda, etc., big employ- “I now find myself putting in complaints regarding getting no reply for my departments. Just saying… ers will pull out or stop trading in the UK. Scotland will take complaint forms” Gareth - HMP Ashfield the oilfields with their departure. Our pulling-power for foreign investors will be leaving the country. When I discuss this issue with staff I tell them that they should supply an interim reply slip with a serial number so that there is less confusion. But then I am told by staff that whoever is Fire retardant Buying habits, not just in the UK but all over the world, are on night-patrol empties the complaint box and then forwards the forms on. Can anyone please bedding going more and more into online buying, so our high streets explain what the correct process is for dealing with prisoner’s complaints via the COMP1 system? I am writing to express my are shrinking and losing jobs. We have an ageing population Editorial note disgust over the purchase of and people are living longer, causing pension pots to shrink. The Complaint system is explained in PSI 2012-002 which is available from prison libraries bedding from the prison Added to this, pensions rely on the stock market for growth, canteen. For a quilt, cover but with a lot of the foreign investment leaving Britain it and pillow it costs around seems inevitable that pensions will be hit and the average Janine Doolan - KWP Solicitors £50. Whereas, I could buy the pensioner will have less spending power. Prison Law Supervisor and Crime Consultant same items from a different Legal Aid for prison-approved supplier at In 2 years’ time, when we are fully out of the EU, we will not £15 to £20. But the reason I be able to access the European Court of Human Rights. The • Parole •Adjudications • Re-call cannot is because the prison British justice system is far from perfect, so to have a higher • Judicial Review • Appeals say these items have to be European Court to go to if British justice gets it wrong (and it ‘fire retardant’, missing the often does) must surely be a good thing? Affordable Fixed Rates for complete point that all these items have to be fire retard- Our future could be top-heavy with pensions, high unemploy- • Recategorisation • HDC ant by law, no matter what ment for our young people, no high street shopping to talk • Pre-tariff Parole Reports supplier you buy them from. about, and high rates of injustice with no way to appeal Basically, I suspect that we against a broken British justice system. No freedom of Instructions taken from all prisons have to buy them from this movement for so many of us who might have wanted to retire supplier because there is and live in the sun in our latter years. 20/22 Mathew Street, Liverpool, L2 6RE money to be earned from this by NOMS. Direct Dial 0151 321 2231 But hey, look on the bright side - we are putting the ‘Great’ Mobile: 07842 996 400 K Barker - HMP Hull back into Great Britain. Or are we? 4 Mailbag ‘Mailbag’, Inside Time, Botley Mills, Botley, Southampton SO30 2GB. Insidetime August 2016 A clear and Problems with National discriminative policy Prison Radio (NPR) Dave E Ferguson - HMP Wakefield Here at HMP Isle of Wight we cannot receive National Prison In a recent response to a Freedom of Radio on our TVs. I know that in the grand scheme of things Information request the Ministry of Justice this seems like a small issue, but to prisoners it is an claimed that 112 Category A prisoners have important way to relax and listen to music. I have been in been decategorised in the preceding 12 Parkhurst since October 2015, and it has never worked. I have month period. put in COMP1 forms about this and the answer I get back is that the prison is aware and waiting for a contractor to repair A promising statistical figure…or is it? it. That was months ago. This is just a small example of the How many of those downgrades were ‘caring’ environment we are held in. It is the small things Category A lifers who maintained innocence? that make a difference, so come on Isle of Wight let’s have Currently the MoJ is doing its best to find NPR. reason enough not to provide that informa- © prisonimage.org tion officially. Unofficially, just one of those Mark Wrightwick - HMP Isle of Wight given a downgrade to Category B is maintain- ing innocence. However, it is yet to be Jocelin Stainer (Head of Prison Radio) writes confirmed whether that person was a lifer. Where is the equality Let us give the MoJ the benefit of the doubt Thank you for your letter. Your passion to receive NPR is very and say that this person is a lifer, this still good to hear. I’ve been in touch with the prison and have been in phone charges? means that less than 1% of Category A assured the engineers were contacted on Monday 18th July to prisoners downgraded to Category B were visit the site and prepare an action plan to fix the aerial. I Michael L - HMP Littlehey lifers who maintained their innocence. This know the Governor is also aware of the issue and being kept up statistic demonstrates that NOMS and the to speed with its resolution. Please be assured we are across The Equality Act 2010 was introduced to provide legal protections from MoJ are, without doubt, disenfranchising this and working with the prison to get NPR back up and discrimination based on the grounds of: age, race, religion, disability, sex, Category A lifers who maintain their inno- running as soon as possible. Thanks again for taking the time sexual orientation, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, and cence from the decategorisation and progres- to get in touch. marriage and civil partnerships - otherwise known as the ‘protected sion towards release process. characteristics’. l This uncomfortable truth for NOMS and the Some of you may remember a previous letter that I The MoJ and NOMS introduced PSI 32/2011 - ensuring equality as a framework MoJ gets worse. After several Freedom of submitted some time ago stating that prisoners here were no for the management of equality issues in prison, with the desired outcome Information requests to NOMS and the MoJ, longer able to access NPR via our TVs. The problem seemed to being to ‘…ensure that we meet our moral duty and legal obligations to they have failed to provide evidence demon- be rectified as a result. Unfortunately, it seems that this provide a fair service to all.’ This is backed up by the NOMS Equality Policy strating that, other than the one identified establishment has stopped us from receiving NPR once Statement, which declares - ‘NOMS is committed to fairness for all…We deliver individual, no Category A lifers who are again. This time we have the NPR screen but we are getting our services fairly and…we recognise that discrimination can nevertheless maintaining innocence have been downgrad- no sound. Can anyone tell us why this has happened? occur and we take prompt and appropriate action whenever we discover them.’ ed in the previous decade! This evidence that Alan Littler - HMP Bure NOMS and the MoJ are exercising a clear and So it was a complete surprise to me when a recent governor’s notice to discriminatory policy in this aspect. How is Col Symonds, Head of Residence and Services writes prisoners and the article titled ‘Update from NOMS: Cheaper pay-phone call such a glaring abuse being allowed to charges’ appeared in your Inside Information section of the June issue, were continue unchecked? Answer - because the published stating that as of 1st June 2016, NOMS would be reducing the cost of Chief Inspector of Prisons and the Prisons There was a fault identified with the TV system, a contractor calls made by prisoners from pin-phones by 50% for young people under the and Probation Ombudsman are complicit by arranged to attend and fix on 18/7/16, I would like to reassure age of 18, and by 10% for the rest of the prison estate. their deafening silence on the issue. Now, that there are no restrictions in place at Bure for listening to NPR. there is a frightening truth for Category A Whilst I am appreciative of the fact that a long overdue review and subsequent lifers who maintain innocence to consider. reduction of the extortionate call charges has finally taken place, I find it Censorship taken too far? absolutely appalling that NOMS is basing its call charge divide solely by the Whilst NOMS and the MoJ are allowed to age of the service users. proceed unchecked with this disenfranchis- Damian Cousins - HMP Whatton ing discrimination it will mean that most Prohibited conduct under annex A of PSI 32/2011 ensuring equality states - ‘As Category A lifers maintaining innocence will Since transferring from Bullingdon to Whatton I have applied, a public authority, it is unlawful for NOMS in the exercise of its public have been given a death sentence. Does this in writing, to write to two prisoners who I would like to keep function to do anything that constitutes discrimination’ and it goes on to sound overly dramatic? It is not. A Category A in contact with. Today the PPU came to see me and told me define indirect discrimination under point A16 - ‘This is where a rule or policy lifer maintaining innocence cannot and will that I am not allowed to keep in contact with these prisoners. is applied to everybody but would put people with a relevant protected not be considered suitable for release until She also said that 99% of prisoners at this prison are refused characteristic at a particular disadvantage.’ they have been seen to have reduced their when they apply for this. risk sufficiently to gain decategorisation. Phone calls should cost the same regardless of the age of the prisoner. It is not Therefore, with there being only one I became very good friends with these two prisoners at only discrimination, but also insinuates that maintaining family contacts is Category A lifer maintaining innocence in a Bullingdon, we helped and supported each other through lots less important for prisoners over the age of 18. It is wrong, and this should not decade, the remaining 99% face spending the of difficult times. One of these prisoners was moved to Littlehey in September, and while I was still at Bullingdon we be happening in this day and age. The 50% reduction should be provided to rest of their lives in prison, and most likely had no problems writing to each other. Surely my human all prisoners regardless of age. they will die there. rights cover writing to anyone as long as they are over the age of 18 and not connected to my case?

Prison has rubbished my official diagnosis Editorial note TJ Walker - HMP Whatton PSI2011-049 states: Para 2.24: Correspondence between convicted prisoners requires the approval of the Governors of both the Prison is an establishment that purports to promote rehabili- prison healthcare are attempting to rubbish my official prisons concerned, except where the prisoners are close relatives or tation, but we prisoners know the truth of that. I am a diagnosis. where they were co-defendants at their trial and the correspond- prisoner with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and I have ence relates to their conviction or sentence. Subject to the apparently been misdiagnosed twice with Asperger’s What is going on? Prison healthcare claim to be part of the provisions above, approval should be given unless there are reasons to believe that such correspondence will seriously impede Syndrome, according to healthcare. Outside of prison I NHS and say that the same rules apply, yet I find the counsel- the rehabilitation of either prisoner, or where it would be desirable, possess documents stating that I have this disorder, I was a lor I get here is far from polite and caring. She claims to be an in the interests of security or good order and discipline, that the member of the National Autistic Society, I even have a blue expert in the autism spectrum but she is so harsh I have been prisoners should be prevented from communicating. Accordingly, reduced to tears more than once by her. I heard recently on autism-alert card. But then I came to prison and healthcare if the Governor of the sending establishment has no objections, the the news that the NHS are failing in mental health services, claimed that I do not have the disorder. I was released in 2013 letter should be sent to the Governor of the recipient’s establish- and now it makes perfect sense to me. and, whilst on the outside, I was given a third official ment with a covering note inviting them to consider whether it diagnosis. Now I am on recall for my behaviour, and the UFOs, illegal images, arson and computer hacking page 22 should be issued. Insidetime August 2016 ‘Mailbag’, Inside Time, Botley Mills, Botley, Southampton SO30 2GB. Mailbag 5

Mailbites They who stand above High Chill about the Court judgement ignore the offender’s tag judge not lest ye be judged! Although I agree in principle Lynette Morris - prison pen-friend to the comment (May issue) on being called an ‘offender’. I I am angry and at a loss at prisons flouting the High Court think we should try not to judgement in respect of books being sent into prisons. If I, or feed too much into official my business were to fly in the face of a High Court ruling titles as there are much which interfered with the obligations such ruling had placed bigger issues going on in our upon us, we would be considered to be “In Contempt of prisons - spice, bang-up due to national staff shortages, Court”, and rightly brought “to book” - No pun intended! violence, etc. It is only you that can change your present I have had dealings with two prisons, firstly Forest Bank in © Fotolia.com and future, not a title from Salford. As a novice ‘Pen-Pal’ of prisoners, I rang up to the system. So let’s chill about ascertain the criteria for sending books to prisoners. I was told: other prisons, especially locals, have also not the ‘offender’ tag and talk 1) Any new book as long as the subject matter is deemed Can prisoners be been correctly applying the PSI. I would urge about more important things. suitable for the inmate to whom it is sent. all prisoners to make sure that their estab- 2) The same applies to second-hand books, as long as they are sent books or not? lishment is correctly applying PSI 30/2013 Chris Blanning - in good condition with no writing in pages/margins etc. with its latest amendments. HMP Channings Wood Nigel Backhurst - friend of a prisoner This worked well initially, then three second-hand books (as I recently became aware of the fact that HMP NOMS Writes Matchstick cutters new) were returned with a compliments slip stating “Only Leicester staff were not allowing books to be I write reference to the new books allowed”. I then used Amazon to send a New sent in by family and friends, even though possible ban of matchstick French Dictionary. I received a call from the delivery driver this is permitted under PSI 30/2013 5th I have reviewed PSI 30/2013 and have spoken cutters in the June issue of who was parked outside Forest Bank main gate. He stated Amendment August 2015, effective from 1st to all of the staff who work within our Inside Time. We all know that he was being told Forest Bank “Could not accept a September 2015. Correspondence department and I believe I there are plenty of ways to delivery from Amazon.” The book was returned to the have identified why the issue you mentioned make dangerous weapons in supplier. I re-ordered it and sent it to Forest Bank myself I had sent books into a friend and he had has arisen. prison. At the moment, those where it was accepted and received by the prisoner. When the been told he had to sign to pay for them to be As of 31/01/2015 the Annex I of the PSI stated of us who have matchstick prisoner asked why they refused the book directly from sent back. When I heard this I wrote to the that books were then allowed to be sent in but modelling as a cell hobby can Amazon, he was told “there was no one on the gate who Governor and drew his attention to the only from a small list of approved suppliers. buy matchstick cutters from could sign for it”. I cannot accept this as a valid answer. relevant section of the PSI. the canteen for £2.45. Anyone Then in the next paragraph it states that who wants to cause someone “At Strangeways, a psychiatrist had problems My understanding is that in the last eight prisoners will be allowed all books no matter damage can do it without months HMP Leicester has not been imple- the route into the prison whether that be going to the trouble of buying getting blank music manuscript paper accepted in menting the PSI correctly and prisoners have through the post or visit providing they are a matchstick cutter. for a prisoner whose passion was as a cellist and been required to post out any books sent into searched before the prisoner receives them. them. It is submitted that where this has Jay - HMP Stafford music maker ” happened they should be able to recover the I have contacted all of the staff who work cost of such postage from the prison, and also within our Correspondence department and This whole scenario beggar’s belief, I was angry! The cost to More equal the cost of the items being sent into them ensured they are aware of the current PSI than others? me, the sender, to the taxpayer, as the representative again as the prison was in error. which will prevent any other occurrences of returner, and the disappointment and frustration of the the issue you raised. I do feel it’s unfair that prisoner, looking forward with anticipation to receiving their It is also my understanding that a number of See final books clarifications below transgender prisoners are books is unacceptable. exempt from undertaking the SOTP. Even if it is a mandatory I gather that there is presently a similar debacle going on at Corrections and Clarifications requirement on their sentence Risley, where they are still refusing to accept books sent in by The policy of Inside Time is to correct significant errors as soon as possible. Corrections will plan. Does this mean that friends and relatives. At Strangeways, a psychiatrist had appear in the mailbag section of each issue and on the relevant web page. If you notice an error prisoners who are gay or problems getting BLANK music manuscript paper accepted in please feel free to write to us at the usual address providing the date and page number from the bi-sexual, or even those who for a prisoner whose passion was as a cellist and music maker. newspaper, alternatively have a friend or family member call or email us (see below). belong to a religion are exempt? To me, the whole notion of Prisoners are incarcerated because they have failed to uphold Correction And that there were “no buy from the approved ‘equality’ is that everyone, no the law, what a bitter irony it is that those who have charge Books to prisoners - amendments to PSI2013-030 suppliers and have the book matter what sexual orientation, over their incarceration also fail to uphold the law - and do so FINAL CLARIFICATION to say that prisoners can have sent to a prisoner. Prisoners race or colour, or any of the In our March Mailbag, Mr books from anywhere sent into themselves can only buy from blatantly and are getting away with it. Therefore, I would other nine protected charac- Zeeshan Ahmed of HMP prison; they still need to use the approved suppliers. Annex encourage all prisoners having similar problems with books teristics is treated equally. Oakwood complained that he approved suppliers.” In fact I of PSI2013-030 - Incentives to complain. Let’s see a flood of Comp1’s and Comp1a’s, until was being denied books from PSI2013-032 was a typographic and Earned Privileges applies Name supplied - HMP Isle of this injustice is stamped on once and for all. Wight ‘approved suppliers’ ‘Banned error on our part. Apologies. to all prisons - public or private, Books’ page 4 - in particular and YOIs. The PSI is available WH Smiths. In our editorial However the Equality, Rights to read in all prison libraries. response we said that books and Decency Group at NOMS Deton Solicitors Deton Solicitors do not need to come from an have confirmed that our Correction DEFENDING YOUR CAUSE!!! DEFENDING YOUR CAUSE!!! Appeals & Prison Law Specialists approved supplier and that information was fundamentally In an interview with Eoin Experienced Representation in Prison Law, • Appeals against Conviction (Joint Enterprise) any friend or family member correct and say; “Yes - friends McLennan-Murray in our July Experienced Representation in Prison Law, Criminal Defence and Appeal & Reviews • Appeals against Sentence / IPP Sentence Criminal Defence and Appeal & Reviews can send them to a prisoner. and family can buy a book issue ‘Prison Service still in a • Independent Adjudications • Appeals against conviction • Parole Board Reviews • Independent Adjudications • Licence Recalls We quoted a revision to and then send or hand it in to very bad way’ page 22, we • Appeals against sentence • Challenges to sentence calculations • Appeals against conviction and sentence • Independent Adjudications before the Judge PSI2013-032. a prisoner. Staff will have to quoted Mr McLennan-Murray • Re-categorisation and appeals against knock backs (Private) • Challenges to sentence calculations • CCRC conduct the usual security as saying that “drugs in society… • ROTL applications and appeals (Private) • Re-categorisation & knock backs appeals (Private) • Judicial Review • ROTL applications and appeals (Private) • Re-Categorisation We then had a request to checks.” Books handed in on drive so much inquisitive • Judicial Review • Parole review for IPP and lifers (Post Tariff) • Judicial Review • Parole review IPP & lifers (Post Tariff) • Sentence Calculations correct this information from visits must be given to staff crime…” This should have • Parole reviews for recall • Crown/Magistrate Court Representations • Parole reviews for recall • Home Detention Curfews Sodexo’s HMP Forest Bank who will pass it on to the read, “acquisitive crime.” This • Crown/Magistrate Court Representations • Prison Transfers librarian Jennifer Sloan who prisoner after all checks and was a typographic error and • Confiscation of Assets and Forfeiture Cases • Family/Care Proceedings • Confiscation of Assets and Forfeiture Cases • Housing said that she believed we were searching has been completed. we apologise. As far as we are We also handle Personal Injury Compensation Claims We also handle Personal Injury Compensation Claims • Community Care referring to PSI2013-30, “as aware being overly inquisitive For prompt representation call William or Mo on 0208 617 0120 or 0757 240 1468 For prompt representation call William or Mo on LEGAL AID AVAILABLE PSI2013-032 no longer exists.” Friends and families can still is not yet a crime. 0208 617 0120 or 0757 240 1468 Contact Us: Alternatively please write to: 228 Rye Lane, London, SE15 4NL Alternatively please write to: Tel: 020 3601 9425 Inside Time, Botley Mills, Botley, 01489 795945 Deton Solicitors 28 Portland Road South Norwood London SE25 4PF 28 Portland Road South Norwood London SE25 4PF Fax: 020 3490 3323 Email: [email protected] Southampton, Hampshire SO30 2GB. [email protected] YOU DON’T HAVE TO STOMACH THESE JUST BECAUSE YOU’RE IN PRISON...

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2230_InsideTime_FullAd_Tray_2.indd 1 21/07/2016 12:32 Insidetime August 2016 ‘Mailbag’, Inside Time, Botley Mills, Botley, Southampton SO30 2GB. Mailbag 7

Discrimination Mailbites against travellers

Last month Richard and Danny O’Brien at HMP/YOI Stoke Heath wrote to Inside Time complaining of ‘discrimination against travellers.’ They said:

l Both had applied for jobs but were told by the officer in charge of employment that they “couldn’t do most jobs because we cannot read or write properly.” l They said they then asked if they could go on the gardens Frankenstein fags party or reskilling and said they were told no, “because there are other travellers working on those jobs and ‘travellers fight a lot’!” The prisons at this end of the country have supposedly l After putting in an official complaint about the matter, “no gone smoke-free. Now they one has replied or even spoken to us about it.” have taken tobacco away, prisoners are making fags l They said “should there be room for racism of any kind in with bible paper, teabags and 2016? We are now unemployed and locked up 22 hours a day, scraping the nicotine off 200 miles from our home town and unable to even get visits. nicotine patches. So now, Things are bad here for travellers.” passive smoking is 100% times worse. Staff and NOMS Writes non-smokers are now having © Fotolia.com to breathe in smoke from these Frankenstein fags but it As a result, I challenged the Public Protection There is a mandatory requirement for the prison to provide is not against the rules in Sex offenders’ Team on my annual unannounced visit two prisoners in the first instance with opportunities to improve prison to smoke teabags, days ago. This time it was admitted: there is their levels of literacy and numeracy, before moving on to nicotine patches or bible an electronic marker on passports of sex employment skills. pages because it is tobacco passports offenders. I tried searching for information which is banned. So, instead Tony - Ex-prisoner on this. There’s plenty on the same in the I suspect that the comments made during the initial interviews of controlled smoking in our USA but I can find nothing on Britain. were misinterpreted, as the prison must make security checks cells, the wings are under a Eight years after release and on the Sex on requests for work areas because certain cultural/ethnic pall of disgusting toxic clouds Offenders Register (SOR) I continue strug- With my sentence finished, I expected to be groups may be attempting to gather for inappropriate reasons. of smoke. Well done HMP/ gling to cope with ever-increasing bureaucra- under Article 3 of the International Court of NOMS what a great idea this was. You may have banned cy. When my sentence finished I applied for a Human Rights, “The Right to Life, Liberty The member of staff quoted in the letter was trying to explain tobacco but prisons are far passport so my partner and I could have and Personal Security.” Having paid for my why a place on the gardens party was not available at that from smoke-free. holidays in Europe. I was issued with a new shameful past I’ve rebuilt a new clean living time. There was no intention to discriminate, as demonstrated electronic passport. My partner also has one. and crime-free life, but this new “Big by the fact that Richard was allocated such a place when it was Name supplied - HMP Exeter Every time we’ve been out of the UK, my Brother” system prevents me and others on the right time for him to move to that work party. partner’s passport works on the scanners, but the SOR from travelling like anyone else. I’m l I am currently serving a mine does not and I end up being questioned obliged to tell the Public Protection Unit if The letter refers also to a complaint made and it was true at the sentence here at Parc and recently they have enforced a at passport control. This made me suspicious. I’m going abroad on holiday. They, in turn, time that enquiries were ongoing to enable a full response to be smoking ban. It is supposed I asked the police if there was a “marker” on inform Special Branch. I’ve therefore made to that complaint. It has now been answered in full and to be all about the health of my passport. This was denied. the contents are similar to the facts quoted above. complied with the SOR. Arriving at holiday prisoners and staff, but I am destinations, I get pulled aside and interro- concerned about the effects “This time it was admitted: there is gated, and returning home, the same. Yet HMP/YOI Stoke Heath has clear policies to address any kind of on prisoners - now smoking an electronic marker on passports of nobody is willing to admit this online. I’m discriminatory behaviour and welcomes this opportunity to teabags, dried out fruit peel sex offenders” thankful for the honesty of a Public dispel concerns around discrimination against the travelling and Nicorette patches. The Protection Officer for being up front with me. community; we run a traveller group which is facilitated by the fumes from these things chaplaincy. Unfortunately, we are not in the position of being Very recently, returning from a Spanish So for men and women still doing time for could be worse for our health able to offer full employment to all prisoners at this time, so than tobacco was. I know holiday my partner went through the scanner sexual offences, be prepared to face even prisoners will inevitably be unemployed for a period of time, people will say that smoking successfully. He stood behind the passport tougher restrictions when you’re released. although plans are in place to improve this area of our is a choice. But I have been control officer who I was redirected to. He After eight years, with my conviction finished, I’m still paying for wrongdoings performance. smoking for 15 years and I saw what came up on the screen - it was would say it is an addiction over 20 years ago - and they are never likely totally different to others whose passports rather than a choice I think had failed to scan. to go away. It is unfortunate that both prisoners are located a significant distance from their home area but there is a system in place for this smoking ban is causing more harm than good. them to request transfers closer to home, should visiting be a ‘I haven’t had a wash for almost two months’ significant problem for their families. Mr Adams - HMP Parc David McKenzie - HMP Hull Contributing to Mailbag When I came into prison I could walk okay, then my hip went so I can no longer walk and I am If you would like to contribute to Mailbag, please send your letters to the now confined to a wheelchair. I can no longer walk on my left leg and I have had an operation address on the left. It is very important that you ensure the following details are on my right knee so it is very difficult to stand, let alone walk. on all paperwork sent to Inside Time: YOUR NAME, PRISON NUMBER & PRISON. Failure to do so will prevent us responding to you and your submission being I have asked numerous times if I can go to the healthcare unit so I can use the bath as I cannot ‘Mailbag’, withheld from publication. Please note letters for publication may be edited. use the showers on the wing in case I fall over. I have not been able to have a wash for almost Inside Time, NB The shorter and more concise letters are more likely to be published. two months now. The prison is aware that I can’t stand as I have already fallen over on the Botley Mills, To avoid any possible misunderstanding, if you have a query and for whatever wing and knocked myself out and had to go to hospital. Botley, reason do not wish your letter to be published in Inside Time or appear on the Southampton, website, or yourself to be identified, please make this clear. Could someone please advise me on what rights, if any, I have on this issue. I have tried the Hampshire internal complaint system and never get a reply. SO30 2GB. We advise that wherever possible, when sending original documents such as legal papers, you send photocopies as we are unable to accept liability if they are lost. Editorial note We may need to forward your letter and/or documents to Prison Service HQ or On receipt of this disturbing letter the details were passed to our key contact at the IMB. They another appropriate body for comment or advice, therefore only send informa- immediately sent the details through to the IMB at HMP Hull who are now looking into this matter. tion you are willing to have forwarded on your behalf. 8 Mailbag ‘Mailbag’, Inside Time, Botley Mills, Botley, Southampton SO30 2GB. Insidetime August 2016 Overuse of ‘the last resort’ IMB lost its way Stuart Monk - HMP Lancaster Farms Adrian James - HMP Parc

I read with interest the piece about Karen ‘From prisoner to case manager’ (May 2016 issue) I am writing in response to the article in the June and I applaud what she is doing in every way. She has made a major achievement and is issue, featuring Faith Spear’s open criticism setting a precedent for others following her. Well done Karen. of the current modus operandi of the IMB.

There are many people languishing in prisons all over the UK, who, like Karen, were unpre- I am currently in a Category B prison, despite pared for prison. All recommended for non-custodial sentences, and yet in prison anyway my offence only warranting a Category D. I have had cause to use the IMB during my © prisonimage.org because of the whim of a judge. Why are the opinions of Probation Service report writers being ignored by the Courts, who are choosing the costliest, least effective and most damaging form imprisonment, and although I was grateful of punishment? Why has what is supposed to be ‘the last resort’ now become the first resort for for the face-to-face response, I wholehearted- Help yourself by judges to impose on first-time offenders? Who is controlling the agenda? ly agree with Faith’s observations and share her notions on improving the service. As a helping others Prison is destructive to both sexes, to children, wives, husbands, partners, relatives in general, prisoner with a previous management background, I found it quite easy to identify Daniel McGrath - HMP Stafford they all suffer the consequences of losing someone they need and depend on. I was a full-time carer for a person with mental and physical health problems, my partner and the love of my the failings in the service, not least because prisoner confidence in the IMB leaves a lot to I read your paper every month as a determi- life. She ended up in hospital 3 weeks after I was sent to prison, unable to cope on her own. be desired. nate lodger at Her Majesty’s finest. I admire the fact that you publish letters from inmates The cost to society went from paying me £63 per week for 24/7 care, to the combined cost of There must be some members who can whether they are positive or negative about hospital for my partner plus the cost of keeping me in prison - £4,173 per week. Now, the connect and understand the concerns, needs prison life. It is hard not to notice that lately, question is - how can sending me to prison for a non-violent crime, no impact on anyone, and and expectations of the Board and prisoners the tone of letters is somewhat one-track, the recommended by report-writers for a non-custodial sentence, be helping anybody? alike. Sceptical inmates require a fresh, state of living conditions, healthcare, food, modern impression of the IMB in order to staff attitudes, the list is almost endless and The impact and cost on society for the bad decisions made by judges is extreme. I work out that reinstate trust. It is a wide and common probably justified in the majority of cases. there may be 5-10% of prisoners taking up prison places who were deemed suitable for consensus that the IMB work for the MoJ. I would say don’t let the prison estate affect non-custodial sentences. In this prison 10% would equate to costing society £3.3 million per your state of mind. I am a qualified Listener year. Times that figure by each prison and you get very high and interesting numbers. If I was selected to join the Board, I would of 3 years, trained and supported by The seek to work with prison governors in the Samaritans and believe that Listeners make a Then add the impact out in society, the extra costs of welfare, loss of income, child care, the first instance to bring about an arrangement positive contribution and a significant cost is far bigger than anyone cares to admit. The total costs probably run into billions of whereby I could engage with prisoners to difference to the lives of prisoners. pounds per year. And no price can be put on the emotional stress and worry for families. There have to be less expensive and disruptive ways of dealing with non-violent first offenders, and explain the function and objectives of the IMB, the benefits of it; the restrictions. I Confucius (551-479 BC) once said; “Love your there are - house arrest, tag, community service, probation order, restorative justice - all are believe that relying on prisoners to make the work and you will never work again.” Over proven far better statistically than prison and all are proven more effective when dealing with first move by submitting a complaint may the years, working with excellent teams in criminality and re-offending. currently be outdated as a consequence of HMP Hewell and HMP Stafford, I have general opinion. developed personal skills whilst helping Many of the things that Karen highlights in her piece, such as box-ticking, are common others. This has changed me as a person. occurrences. The unfortunate truth is that going to prison does not depend on how much of a I have been left frustrated on many occasions Instead of falling into the trap of looking for ‘danger’ you are judged to be, but more on the constant media demonization of anyone who during my four-month sentence. I profoundly faults in prison I have looked to fix my own breaks the law. Everyone who breaks the law is tarred with the same brush, no matter how believe that mental health issues are being faults and empower others to look at theirs. trivial the offence may be. exacerbated by prison conditions. My personal message to John Thornhill with the maxi- Elevate yourselves and focus on the impor- Until politicians start taking the problems in the criminal justice system seriously, instead of mum respect, do not castigate Faith Spear for tant stuff. I would like to offer my big just pumping out soundbites and buzz words, then we will never be able to get ourselves out of her remarks but embrace her words in the appreciation to The Samaritans who volun- the mess that they have created. The system is not working but it seems that no one with any spirit of constructive criticism. Now is the teer to come into prisons, rain or shine. They sort of control is interested in changing it. We need someone with guts and determination to time to come together to reform a much-need- are a huge support and the real unsung heroes. step up and promote change in the public and media perception of prison. The overuseBlackfords of thenew ad 24.1.14:Layout 1 24/1/14 12:59 Page 1 so-called last resort does not make a jot of sense. ed service that has somehow lost its way.

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Demonisation breeds radicalisation Breaking ‘Monster Mansion’, but is it? Mailbites Harvey S Khatkar - HMP Long Lartin Terry Olsen - HMP Wakefield It’s the hypocrisy, I am well and truly fed up with our government, MPs, media the law Having travelled around quite a lot I’ve heard all the stories Mr Cameron… and even the (former) Prime Minister for allowing this country Simon Maufe - about Wakefield being called ‘Monster Mansion’, but is it? I to become a foreigner-hating nation. was surprised to find when I arrived here, 9 years ago, that Following the appalling HMP Holme House there are more so-called ‘normal’ prisoners than ‘monsters’. murder of Jo Cox MP, there All the media seem to talk about is terrorism, immigration and has been a lot of debate radicalisation and, automatically, the finger is pointed at I read with interest the I recently decided to look into the VP side of the prison and regarding the value the public foreigners. I might remind people that terrorists are not all mailbag Amber Alert by discovered that there are far more VPs in other top security place on Parliamentary brown, Asian and carrying a prayer mat under their arm. David Scott in the June issue. prisons than Wakefield. Full Sutton has 4 full wings of VPs, representatives. In particular, Terrorists come in all shapes, sizes and colours and from all I recently received an answer likewise Frankland, and Long Lartin is very similar. There are there is much consternation religious followings. on a COMP1 form that you also entire prisons outside of the high security estate that are among MP’s regarding the may be interested in. In his dedicated to VPs, such as Bure, Whatton, Albany and revile they often receive. reply to my query about why “I wouldn’t be surprised if you started blaming Maidstone. However, when MP’s like Muslims for the weather! full-time workers do not get David Cameron stand up and ” daily exercise in the open air, Here at Wakefield a major change has taken place in terms of preach for more tolerance the Case Manager replied, As a Sikh I feel my fellow Muslim brothers get blamed for almost the day-to-day running. The attitudes of staff and the number - the man whose own and this is a direct quote - ‘At anything that happens in this country. I wouldn’t be surprised one governor and his deputy have changed so much. They are intolerance for prisoners Holme House this is the if you started blaming Muslims for the weather! [former prime now prepared to actually listen to prisoners and act on some made him feel ‘physically sick’ accepted practise that full time minister] David Cameron should have been kicked out of office of their suggestions. with the mere thought of after making a speech saying that Pakistani Muslim women workers do not get exercise them getting the vote - it is mid-week. You can of course should be deported if they cannot speak English. His true Many policies have been introduced that have changed the small wonder that the public apply to OCA for a transfer to character came through, or was he just saying it to get votes? face of this jail - zero-tolerance on bullying and drug abuse, hold them with a certain level another establishment’. In my eyes, Cameron was no better than Donald Trump. and a staff/prisoner rapport that I have not seen in other of contempt. It is the hypocrisy, prisons. All of this makes for a very pleasant, yes I said Mr Cameron, the hypocrisy. Since our minimum 30 minutes The question is, how do we stop radicalisation? Simple pleasant, time in prison. answer is, stop discriminating against fellow human beings, exercise in the fresh air daily Mike Taylor - HMP Oakwood is prison law under the Prison stop attacking them with hurtful statements, and treat everyone Over time, prisoners have been encouraged to talk to staff Act (voted on by Parliament) fairly and equally. But I doubt that this will ever happen in about problems they may be having with other prisoners. 15 Frankland don’t care and not just a PSI, I am Britain, because all of our institutions are riddled with racism or 20 years ago this would have been classed as ‘grassing’, but contemplating contacting I am an IPP prisoner with a and corruption. I have lost count of the times I have heard here there is no ‘code of silence’ and this has led to a much the police liaison officer here tariff of 4 years, yet 8 of them government officials with their empty boast about Britain being more peaceful regime. There was a time when ‘jail justice’, and making a complaint that now spent in Frankland (7 of ‘a diverse and tolerant nation’, really? What a load of rubbish. whether justified or not, was acceptable - here it is not, and the governor routinely and them on a DSPD Unit) and I this has led to astonishingly low levels of violent incidents It seems everyone else is to blame for British problems, but, as knowingly breaks the law. I have completed everything when compared to other UK prisons. Generally speaking, a nation, is it not time we accepted responsibility when things would think a solicitor’s firm asked of me. But I’m still here. prisoners want a quiet life here, and that is what we have. go wrong, instead of looking for people to blame? Radicalisation would love to take this on a In total I have served over 11 will only be stopped if this country and its authorities put a stop no-win-no-fee basis, maybe years and have no parole Prisoner representatives attend meetings with governors and to the ill-treatment and demonisation of fellow humans, as a class action for all hearing until the end of 2017. staff to resolve issues and move forward. This, coupled with a because suffering causes resentment. Whatever happened to prisoners who are routinely My risks are low but I’m still recent innovation called Enabling Environments (EE) is fast Great Britain? disadvantaged by this illegal act. stuck in a high security jail. making good changes here. When will Frankland give people a chance and move I read in your pages about appalling conditions in other SPECIALISTS IN PRISON LAW, PAROLE DELAYS, them on? And when will IPP prisons and I feel for those prisoners. If there is a ‘monster prisoners be given a fair EQUALITY CLAIMS, PERSONAL INJURY, mansion’ it is no longer Wakefield. If you want the best Kesar & Co chance of release? CLINICAL NEGLIGENCE, MENTAL HEALTH, possible environment and you are a long-term prisoner, I SOLICITORS IMMIGRATION AND DEFENCE. recommend Wakefield because it is only going to get a lot Name supplied - better here. You could do a lot worse. HMP Frankland Our clients regularly receive compensation for the delayed parole hearings, ranging from £300 to £4,500. We offer a free, no-commitment assessment of the merits of your case. DAVIES & JONES RODMAN PEARCE We recognise that life in prison can be dangerous and injuries frequent. SOLICITORS SOLICITORS Our solicitors assist with claims based on by other prisoners or officers FIGHTING FOR YOU !!! who resort to unlawful use of force. These matters include injuries at work or avoidable Specialising in Experienced representation in accidents resulting in substantial amounts of damages. Criminal Defence and Criminal Defence, Prison Law Another area of concern is the growing number of complaints about direct and indirect Prison Law and Immigration Matters discrimination based predominantly on age, disability, gender and religion. 4 All Criminal Courts Proceedings & Appeals O f f e r i n g 4 Parole Hearings 4 Contested Recall Our specialists assist prisoners who have received delayed or inadequate N a t i o n w i d e S e r v i c e 4 Judicial Reviews 4 Sentence Calculation medical treatment, as well as those who have been refused medication or experienced 4Lifer Panel and Adjudication Representation abrupt, unjustified withdrawal of opiate substitutes used for overcoming addiction. • All Criminal Court Proceedings 4 Appeals Against Deportation We also assist prisoners who feel that their mental health has been ignored or neglected. • Parole Applications 4Variations and Certificates of Inadequacy 4 This includes, but it is not limited to, assessment of the custodial environment Revising Prosecution benefit calculations • Licence Recall 4 Unlawful Detention/Bail Applications

and alternative treatment arrangements. • Appeals 4 4 Confiscation, Asset Serving prisoners may receive further charges based on the allegations pre-dating their • Adjudications Forfeiture & PoCA Experts current conviction or triggered by incidents in prison. If so, we may be able to help with If you are injured in prison you can win thousands of pounds. criminal defence and/or representation in the confiscation proceedings. Contact Prison injuries could be caused in the gym, scalding in the kitchen, falling from a bunk, slip on wet floor, stabbed by inmates, We offer legal aid, subject to assessment in the areas of prison law, criminal defence, David Rees or Simon Palmer trip on broken tile, injury in workshop, injury on excercise, assaulted by staff or other inmates. immigration, mental health, action against the police and public law. In the alternative, we Davies & Jones -Nationwide Service- accept instructions from privately paying clients as well as “no win-no fee” agreements. 32 The Parade, Roath, Barry Akilo or Muhammad Munir Contact us in writing at: Kesar & Co Solicitors, Cardiff, CF24 3AD 01582 424234 or write to: 2nd Floor, 20-25 Market Square, Bromley, BR1 1NA Tel: 029 2046 5296 Rodman Pearce Solicitors Ltd or 24 Hour Emergency Number: 54 Wellington Street Or by telephone on: 020 8181 3100 079 7096 9357 Luton Bedfordshire LU1 2QH 10 Newsround www.insidetime.org Insidetime August 2016

Older prisoners Scottish Prison Service criticised by Newsbites Ombudsman over prisoner’s property set up to fail on release l A new Bill has been The Scottish Ombudsman (SPSO) has criticised the Scottish introduced into Parliament Older people released from prison are being set up to fail by a Prison Service (SPS) over the way it records prisoners’ called the Digital Economy lack of adequate provision to meet their health and social care property after they admitted responsibility for losing an item Bill which will increase the needs, according to a report published in July by the Prison of a prisoner’s property and then offering a derisory amount penalty for on-line copyright Prison Services’ Reform Trust and Restore Support Network. Limited and in compensation. infringement such as video inconsistent support to help sort out housing, employment, piracy to a prison sentence of attempts to block personal finances and debt, drug and alcohol dependence, In their report (201502781) the Ombudsman says; “Mr C lost 10 years making it a ‘more mobile phone and re-establish family relationships is also undermining the an item of property. Although the Scottish Prison Service serious’ offence than killing effective resettlement of older prisoners and increases the risk (SPS) had admitted responsibility for losing the item, Mr C someone by dangerous usage falters of future offending. was unhappy with the amount that had been offered in driving. The current penalty compensation. We asked the SPS about this and they of two years was deemed too The report,’Social Care or Systematic Neglect?’, calls for the The Scottish Prison Service confirmed that the valuation of Mr C’s lost property had been light to deter people and creation of a cross-government national strategy for meeting (SPS) and the National made using an inappropriate method. They agreed to re-visit despite a wide consultation Offender Management the health, social and rehabilitative needs of older people in whereby the government prison and on release in the community. the claim. They also agreed to ensure that more appropriate Service (NOMS) have been methods were used in future. As such, we upheld the were urged not to increase the sentence the government working with mobile phone People aged 60 and over are the fastest growing age group in complaint but made no further recommendations. Mr C then is going ahead regardless. operators to develop a way of the prison estate, with nearly three times as many in prison complained again following this reassessment, as he re- blocking mobile phone than 15 years ago. People aged 50 and over currently make up mained unhappy with the way it had been carried out. On l Serco security guards at signals from within prisons. 14% of the prison population—some 12,335 people. Nearly further investigation, we found that the relevant staff were Both have conceded defeat Hammersmith Magistrates’ two-thirds (64%) of older prisoners reported a mental health unaware of the procedure they were supposed to follow and in stopping mobile phones Court allowed a serial thief to problem(s) and eight in 10 reported a serious illness or there had been a number of procedural errors as a result, entering prisons and are walk free although she was disability. Most will return to the community, but as the affecting the investigation of Mr C’s claim. As such, we upheld turning to technology to stop given a two week prison report shows, many struggle to cope with life outside. the complaint, this time making recommendations.” phones being used for sentence. The guards weren’t criminal purposes. However, Juliet Lyon, Director of the Prison Reform Trust, said; “This ready to take her to the cells The SPSO recommendations were: evidence from the USA where report shows that for many older people in prison, getting and allowed her to calmly • Apologise to Mr C for the failings identified; they are in use, has shown through their sentence is only the beginning. Poor health, no walk out of the court. Court • Repeat their compensation offer to Mr C for his lost item of that the devices interfere home or job, isolation and neglect paint a bleak picture on and security staff could not with innocent people using release. It’s clear that with such wide variation in standards of property; and stop her as they do not have their own phones near to treatment, care and resettlement a national strategy is needed • Provide us with details of the outcome of the stated reviews the power to arrest anyone. prisons and they have without further delay. ” being carried out to the SPS’ processes for the recording of The clerk told the magistrates another weakness in that, at prisoner property and assessing claims of lost property, that; “she’s gone but says present, they are useless taking account of the failings identified. she’ll be back”. A warrant was against 4G signals. Download the full report: www.tinyurl.com/h6zua2x issued for her arrest and Download the full report: www.tinyurl.com/jt6bgg2 police sent to try to find her. Increase in funding for community Walsh Solicitors sentences in Criminal Defence And Prison Law Experts Scotland 24 hours a day/7 days a week

The Scottish Government have announced another For Prison, Police and any other Criminal £4million of funding to support an increase in community Matters throughout England and Wales sentencing. The money will support local community Call Walsh Solicitors 0161 672 2267 justice and voluntary sector partners to increase the use of community sentences as part Does regular drug use cause of the Scottish Government’s Do you require assistance regarding forthcoming drive to reduce reoffending. Parole Hearings, Adjudications, Sentence Calculation The use of community criminal behaviour? sentences is on the rise in or anything involving Prison Law Regulations? Scotland with more than 1.8 A new report says that regular cocaine and methamphetamine million hours of unpaid work users can have difficulty choosing between right and wrong. imposed in 2014/15 as part of Call Walsh Solicitors 0161 672 2267 The research has shown that stimulant users often find it Community Payback Orders difficult to identify other people’s emotions, particularly fear, (CPOs). and to show empathy. These aspects play an important role in Have you received notice concerning a Police moral decision making. Other studies have pointed to Scottish Justice Secretary structural and functional abnormalities in especially the Michael Matheson, said; Investigation against you involving a voluntary frontal regions of their brains among stimulant users: these “The number of CPOs areas are engaged when moral judgments have to be made. PACE interview or a visit to a Police Station? imposed by the courts continues to rise since their The study among prisoners was by Samantha Fede and Dr. introduction five years ago Call Walsh Solicitors 0161 672 2267 Kent Kiehl’s at the University of New Mexico and the and they are having a huge non-profit Mind Research Network. They say; “There is a impact, both on our local strong link between drug use and criminal behaviour, and up communities and the Appeals and CCRC also covered to 75 percent of inmates in the US have substance abuse individuals who can use problems. It is not known whether the criminal behaviour is them to turn their lives Dedicated Prison Law Department in part a result of the drugs’ effects on brain function.” around. And with reconviction Email: [email protected] rates at a 17-year-low, it The findings of the study, which was funded by the National shows our approach is Institute on Drug Abuse, are published in Springer’s journal 22 Manchester Road, Rossendale, Lancashire, BB4 5ST beginning to work. ” Psychopharmacology. Insidetime August 2016 www.insidetime.org Newsround 11

Judges’ Newsbites

Netflix l A man convicted of having an indecent image of a child addiction has had his mobile phone seized by a court because causes Wi-Fi there is an order banning him from having a smartphone; chaos despite him being allowed to have an iPad and camera. His Judges have been instructed solicitor, Barry Hilliard, said to stop streaming Netflix, some of the conditions in the © prisonimage.org BBC iPlayer and Spotify after order were “bordering on Community gardener a court’s Wi-Fi was reduced ludicrous” as the man was to a crawl by three of their Prisons becoming homes allowed to have a camera and threatened with prison number apparently catching to take photographs of up on their box sets. An for the elderly children - but was not allowed A public spirited pensioner who transformed a derelict area of investigation established to have a smartphone. public space near his home into an amazing communal that internet access for other There are currently more than 12,000 over-fifties in prison in garden, using £6,000 of his life savings, has been told he will court staff had been “severe- England and Wales, making up 14 per cent of the total prison l Following public pressure, be sent to prison if he doesn’t tear it up, because he didn’t ly hampered” and identified population. 4,100 are aged over 60 and are the fastest-grow- the Scottish Prison Service have planning permission. Jam Imani Rad, 66, had kept the downloading by the three ing age group in prison. Their numbers have tripled over the has suspended consultations money aside to pay for his funeral but instead spent it on judges as the reason. As a last 15 years, while the 15-to-24 age group have been decreas- about the original location at installing statues, trellises and stone structures in an urban result, Lord Justice Fulford, ing and the 25-to-49s stayed roughly the same. Figures for Milton of Leys for its new beauty spot for his neighbours to enjoy. But despite his good the senior presiding judge, 2014 (the most recent available) show 102 prisoners aged over Inverness prison, HMP intentions, the retired teacher has now been handed a has now written to all 2,000 eighty and five over 90. In December a man of 101 is due in Highland. It is now evaluating suspended jail sentence for breaching a court order to stop full-time judges in England court to face historic abuse charges from nearly 50 years ago. him doing any more landscaping work on the garden area. an alternative site, behind and Wales urging them not If convicted and imprisoned he will be the oldest ever person Homebase on the Inverness Judge Justice Wells at Blackpool County Court, in Lancashire, in the UK to be given a custodial sentence. Over 40% of men to stream material from Shopping Park, and says it will also ordered Mr Rad to take down any elements he has no over fifty, in prison, have been convicted of sexual offences; Spotify, Netflix, BBC iPlayer, complete its considerations in permission for. If Mr Rad breaches the court’s requests within many historic cases, dating back as far as the 1940’s and 1950’s. 12 months he will be jailed. YouTube or similar sites. He the next four to six months. added, “Wi-Fi is a limited He told the judge to jail him there and then because he would resource” and “unnecessary Deaf man Prison Inspectors l Sussex Police have been not destroy his garden which is enjoyed by local communi- and excessive use will result required Judicial want to change slammed and a number of ties; a local petition gained 5,395 signatures. Mr Rad said; “I in a slow and otherwise poor staff are to answer charges of service”. He adds that guess he does not get many people who beg him to be sent to Review to get inspection criteria misconduct after an 11 year prison, but I also wanted to show that when a man stands up properly functioning Wi-Fi is hearing aid old girl with a neurological for the principles he believes, then going to prison is the least “rapidly becoming critical Peter Clarke, the new Chief Inspector of Prisons for England disability was put in leg he can do.” for the work of our courts”. The Howard League recently and Wales, has announced restraints and held in a cell issued a judicial review on that he is ditching the old list overnight. An IPPC investiga- behalf of a young deaf person of ‘Expectations’ published tion found that the force in prison, to make sure he in 2012, because ‘prisons failed to ensure an appropri- got the medical treatment Tel: 0161 928 8877 have changed since their ate adult was present and and support he is entitled to. publication’. Email: [email protected] He had not had a function- that handcuffs, leg restraints ing hearing aid for around and spit hoods had been He says; “We want our six months. During this time used without the reasons Expectations to be relevant he was unable to communi- being recorded. The officers and instrumental in improving cate with the lawyers in his concerned have now been outcomes for prisoners and criminal case or participate given ‘management advice’. to reflect the changing in prison life. It became clear prisons’ landscape. Our The Police Federation said that there was no guarantee human rights-based approach, they were disappointed at the he would get the medical our operational independ- way the police officers had attention he needed due to It doesn’t matter where you are - if you have had an accident you ence and our ability to make been portrayed. problems in arranging prison could be entitled to claim for compensation. objective assessments of escort staff. The judge who treatment and conditions for l Four Humberside police Let us help you. considered the case called prisoners will remain our officers have received final the facts “worrying and If you suffer an accident because of someone else then we will help you get justice. guiding principles.” distressing” and ordered the warnings after a man with We’ve won millions of pounds of compensation for our clients since setting up our (private) healthcare provider broken legs was dragged The old ‘Expectations’ is the law firm back in 1998. at his prison and the prison from a police van, strip list of criteria which is used We make the entire process as simple as possible. authorities to work together searched and left naked in a to judge safety, respect, to ensure his needs are met. police cell for five hours with No Win No Fee resettlement and purposeful Frances Crook, CEO of the no medical attention. activity during inspections. We act for clients who have suffered due to: Howard League, told Inside An external advisory group Road traffic accidents Time; “I was told that people is being appointed. Clarke l The Northern Ireland Chief in prison are not taken to Accidents from work injuries says he will hold public Inspector of Prisons, Brendan around 40 per cent of all Accidents in public places consultations in 2017. McGuigan, has said that he health appointments because thinks it would be beneficial Head injuries of lack of staff to escort Following the old ‘Expectations’ to use hostels as an alterna- Cosmetic surgery and medical negligence them. This case is the tip of the previous Chief Inspector, the iceberg and illustrates tive to recalls to prison. 29% Brain injuries Nick Hardwick, produced of prisoners released in the chaos across the system. some damning insights into Motorbike and bicycle injuries Northern Ireland were It means a deaf young man the prisons he inspected recalled to prison up until Albert Buildings can be left without a hearing which ultimately led to August 2015. Inspectors Scott Drive For personal injury, contact Eamonn Dunne aid for months on end. It arguments with then Justice also means that people with found the result of recalls was Altrincham, Cheshire Telephone: 0161 928 8877 Secretary Chris Grayling who long term illnesses are not an increase in prison WA15 8AB Fax: 0161 928 7667 wanted him to tone them being taken to hospital, so down; after refusing, Hardwick’s population and additional their conditions deteriorate.” contract was not renewed. work for Probation. 12 Newsround www.insidetime.org Insidetime August 2016

Finland ‘Inside’ is the title and theme of the World prison review Prisoners in Finland are now being issued with pre-paid Koestler Awards and Exhibition for 2017 bank cards which they can use to purchase items from within the prison or from and share the thoughts and feelings you have outside suppliers. Prison buried deep inside. I am not so interested in personnel load a new works of high technical ability but in the truth prisoner’s card with the cash you find when you look inwards. funds they have on arrival, instead of storing that money The works can be about your situation now, a in the prison. Subsequent cherished dream or a terrible nightmare. Dark payments to top up the card, or bright, hopeful or despairing, strong or with money from family fragile, large or small and in any medium members or authorities - from a small piece of paper to a sound work, paying benefits, are paid in to from drawing to model making, film to it directly using a personal IBAN code. Finland has 26 calligraphic poetry - please help make this Brazil prisons and around 3,000 exhibition a bold testament to what is A prisoner got more than he bargained for when he spat in the prisoners and the cards are happening inside of you. face of TV reporter Clemildo Amaral who was making a part of Finland’s wider plans programme about the prison which is run by military officers. to increase the availability of The Koestler Awards is an annual awards Without a second thought the reporter gave him a forceful electronic services to scheme run by the Koestler Trust - the UK’s right hook which sent the prisoner reeling. prisoners. best-known prison arts charity. The Awards have been running for 54 years and attract USA China over 6,000 entries from offenders, detainees A big row is brewing in Texan A new report ‘Bloody Harvest: Revised Report into Allegations and secure patients across the UK each year. prisons over whether they of Organ Harvesting of Falun Gong Practitioners in China’ We give feedback and encouragement to should have air conditioning claims that the Chinese government are continuing to ‘harvest’ Discombobulated, Heatherwood Court entrants of all abilities, and prestigious or not. Most of the 150,000 organs for transplant from executed prisoners. The report hospital, mixed media collage concerns followers of a meditative practice called ‘Falun Gong’ national recognition for genuine achieve- prisoners are locked in cells which is outlawed in China. Followers are routinely arrested ment. We show a selection of the entries to where, in the summer, the and executed and the latest report claims that up to 100,000 of Sir Antony Gormley the public at our annual UK exhibition, temperature rises to well over 100 degrees Fahrenheit (38oC). such prisoners are executed annually for their hearts, livers and which attracts over 20,000 visitors - showing A court battle is currently other organs. I want to celebrate this great resource: the public the talent and potential of people being fought between the imaginations of the 85,000 prisoners in secure settings. The 2016 UK Koestler prisoners’ advocates who say Thailand currently in UK prisons and those in secure Exhibition will be curated by writer and dub Thailand has announced that that such conditions are establishments. Art is a place in which you can it will now separate transgender poet Benjamin Zephaniah and will run from ‘unconstitutional cruel and prisoners from the general do what you like; it need not be for or about 15 September to 13 November at London’s unusual punishment and population to protect them anyone else but the artist. In the words of a Southbank Centre. jeopardize prisoners’ lives’ from abuse. A pilot programme prisoner, ‘in our minds we can always be free’. and the Texan Department of is in place at Bangkok’s Min The 2017 UK Koestler Exhibition will be Criminal Justice who say that Buri prison. LGBT campaign- The future has always evolved from explora- curated by artist Antony Gormley and as part adding AirCon to their aging ers in Thailand say, “While the USA tion. Firstly, by those who discovered the of that he has given the 2017 Awards an buildings would be too population is not a large one, remote parts of this planet, then by astronauts overall theme, which is detailed above. This expensive. To provide relief this campaign is not about Six prisoners broke out of who explored the moon and the possibility of theme applies to all categories of the 2017 from the heat prisoners are the numbers but about their holding cell at a Texas human life migrating to other planets. This Koestler Awards, from Painting to Poetry, provided with iced water and protecting individuals from court house to save the life of looks unlikely, so perhaps the ‘psychonaut’ - or Matchstick Models to Computer Generated allowed to wear shorts and abuse. About 1.5% of the Thai a guard who had collapsed. take extra showers. Since 1998 explorer of the mind - is the explorer of the 21st Music and Film. The guidance notes and population identify as transgen- They gave him CPR and at least 20 prisoners have der and the country is the century. entry forms will be available in the winter of shouted for help. The guard died from heat-related number one destination for this year. Thank you to all those establish- was on his own and had keys This show gives you the opportunity to causes. gender reassignment surgery.’ ments and individuals who helped with and a gun. One prisoner said; communicate passionately expressed inner suggestions for the theme. Egypt “It never crossed my mind not truth with the outside world. The number of prisoners who have died in Egyptian prisons to help whether he’s got a If you have any queries please contact the since the military coup on 3 July 2013 has now reached 493, gun or a badge. If he falls Please contribute to the exhibition ‘INSIDE’ Koestler Trust on 0208 740 0333 including 205 who died during the summer months according to The Arab Organisation for Human Rights (AOHR) based in down, I’m gonna help him.” London, who say that the Egyptian authorities do not take any The court authorities have WRITE TO US FOR YOUR measures to improve the situation of the prisoners who are responded by reinforcing the being held without even their basic humanitarian needs being met. holding cell door. FREE COPY, OVER 400 CDs!

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Attwood Solicitors are authorised and regulated by the Solicitors’ Regulation Authority, SRA Number 420723 14 Newsround // Local Prison News www.insidetime.org Insidetime August 2016

Still no YOs Newsbites at HMP/YOI Grampian l A prisoner at Woodhill has been found hanged, the sixth man to die there in seven months and the 14th since 2013. It is claimed Almost two years after a riot the man, who suffered from depression, was by young offenders at placed on Basic regime after a previous suicide Scotland’s flagship su- attempt. The prisoner had only been at the per-prison just weeks after it prison for 10 days and had been assessed as at opened led to them all being high risk of suicide. The Prisons Inspectorate, transferred out to another Search for Henry I at who describe the death rate at Woodhill as prison, there are no plans to HMP Reading ‘unacceptably high’ have been urged to © Fotolia.com return them in the near investigate. future. HMP-YOI Grampian Archaeologists have started searching for the was the first Scottish prison remains of Henry I on the site of the old l The ‘Press and Journal’ say they have Northumberland prisoners to house men, women and Reading Abbey. HMP Reading was built on obtained figures that show drug recoveries at young people under 21 but part of the site. The prison closed three years HMP Inverness have risen over 20% in a year. A Cruden Hall, the young ago and the MoJ has been trying to sell it but Scottish Prison Service (SPS) spokeswoman to become bakers offender’s section, which, potential developers have been put off said, “A comprehensive range of robust with its en-suite facilities, is because of the site’s possible heritage. The security measures are in place to prevent the A new project is aiming to give prisoners a second chance by said to be the best prison MoJ has been using ground penetrating radar introduction of contraband into our prisons. turning them into professional bakers. In partnership with to search the area and they have also dug 12 Significant investment continues to be made in accommodation in the bakery training agency Gaining Food Training, it will offer test pits. the development of new technology and staff country, remains empty. prisoners at HMP Northumberland the chance to gain Level 2 training to detect, deter and reduce the bakery qualifications at a purpose-built bakery in the prison. After Henry died in Normandy, in 1135, his availability and supply of illegal drugs. Anyone The charity says it will have up to 10 prisoners in training A Scottish Prison Service body was wrapped in a bull’s hide shroud found in possession of contraband is reported and, depending upon ability, some will be offered Level 3 (SPS) spokesman said that and transported to Reading where he was to the appropriate authorities”. training. record lows in prisoner buried under the altar of the monastery’s numbers at Polmont had chapel. In addition to Henry I and other l Over a kilo (2.2Lbs) of NPS drugs, 67 mobile royals, many members of the public are The bakery, which goes under the working name “Bakin’ allowed young offenders phones and 145 SIM cards were seized at HMP buried on the site, which was used for public Free”, is hoping to open in the autumn with prisoners taught from HMP Grampian to Lindholme in just one month, despite it burials until the 1600s. It was also used for relocate there and benefit holding just 1000 prisoners. The latest by second-generation baker Ian Thompson. The bakery space burials of prisoners sentenced to death at from new education and inspection report (page 37) looks in detail has been furnished with the help of local companies includ- Reading prison and for patients from a about measures within the prison including ing Brook Food Processing Equipment, which has provided a support programmes that are nearby medieval lepers’ hospital. large quantity of equipment on preferential terms. under development: intelligence led searching but does not address “Polmont currently has Archaeologists hope to be able to identify the issue of how such enormous quantities of Fiona Sample, founder of the Oswin Project, said: “When about 500 young people in it Henry’s body by finding the leathery remains contraband can get into a closed prison. people ask why I founded the Oswin Project, I always ask and it was built for 700. The of his shroud; but conclusive evidence would l A Trafford based social housing procure- ‘have you visited a prison?’ It is shocking that Britain imprisons number of young offenders require DNA testing which, because of the ment business Procure Plus has launched a more people than anywhere else in Western Europe and has declined significantly in passage of time, will be difficult to obtain. new company called Osco Homes which will purposeful activity is at the lowest level inspectors have ever the past four to five years make pre-fabricated housing units. They will recorded. Yet 68% say a job would stop them re- offending. which has led to a free hall at New Ranby Governor wants use off-site manufacturing methods and have Polmont. We will return The Oswin Project has now sourced work for 27 ‘Oswinners’ to improve the regime partnered with HMP Hindley to train prisoners and, as far as we are aware, only one has re-offended. The them to Grampian when it is who will then work in Osco’s factory. So far ripple effect on families and communities is incalculable. We deemed to be the right time The new Governor at HMP Ranby, Neil Osco Homes has recruited eight prisoners in have already saved the taxpayer over £1 million.” to do it.” Richards, says a radical overhaul of the the final year of their sentence at Hindley who regime at the problem prison is the only way will be trained to build the external walls, floor EQUITY LAW SOLICITORS to stop prisoners’ deaths, drug abuse and and ceiling cassettes. HERE TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE! violence. The prison has made headlines over • Appeals against conviction & sentence See our recent years with a seemingly never ending l A man has been arrested on suspicion of • Parole board representation page in the • Adjudication representation list of problems. Ranby had one of the highest throwing a package containing six mobile inmate suicide rates of any prison in the • Confiscation Proceedings ‘Jailbreak’ section phones over Chelmsford’s prison wall. Quality Representation in country - 4 last year and 8 since 2013. Criminal Defence, Appeals & Reviews and Prison Law Following police intelligence, a car was stopped on the A12.The driver, a 24-year-old - Nationwide service - Neil Richards said; “Staff morale is low, Contact us today for immediate advice and THE PRISON man from Chelmsford, was arrested on representation on 0207 9988 105 suicides and violence is high and we have to suspicion of throwing the package over or write to: Equity Law Solicitors PHOENIX TRUST deal with that. These are symptomatic of a Chelmsford Prison wall in June, He has been 11 Peckham High Street, London, SE15 5EB regime that doesn’t work. released on bail until November . The police said; “Anyone caught is committing an offence Head doing you in? “I want to inspire and empower the men to do under Section 79 of the Serious Crime Act, something meaningful to give them a sense of Stressed out? which could lead to a prison sentence of up to hope for the future. That is the ultimate goal two years.” Can’t sleep? and the key to reducing all of the issues Forensic Accountants Ranby has faced.” CONFISCATION PROCEEDINGS Simple yoga and l Prison riot squad officers were at UNDER POCA! Birmingham again last month after a stand-off Bartfields have considerable UK wide experience of meditation practice, Among his plans are extra staff and a analysing and revising prosecution benefit calculations strengthening of security. The Prison Officers’ between prisoners and staff following the within tight deadlines. (Legal aid available) working with silence and the Association, which has been critical of Ranby ‘unexplained’ death of a prisoner earlier in the Free prison visit for all pre-confiscation hearing cases Recent Cases: breath, might just transform says it is encouraged by what the new day. G4S who manage the prison deny any Prosecution Benefit Bartfields Benefit your life in more ways than Governor wants to do. A spokesman said links but police are investigating the death. Mr M £69,000 £8,000 “There needs to be a change to the regime Birmingham has had a troubled time since G4S Mr C £3,684,000 £47,000 you think ... Interested? and more staff need to be brought in to make took over and in 2015 there were 164 assaults Mrs D £271,000 £45,000 it a safer and more secure prison.” on prison staff. Mr O £378,000 £16,000 Write to The Prison Phoenix Trust Mr L £1,015,000 £111,000 P.O. Box 328, Oxford, OX2 7HF. Mrs N £785,000 £103,000 Is there a good news story at your prison? Contact Raymond Davidson on 0113 2449051 Write in and let us know. Please mark your envelope ‘Good news’. Bartfields, 4th Floor Stockdale House, We’d love to hear from you anytime and have Headingley Office Park, 8 Victoria Road, Leeds LS6 1PF several free books and CDs, which could [email protected] help you build and maintain a daily practice. www.bartfield.co.uk/services/forensic Total UK prison population approximately 94,530 q210 Insidetime August 2016 www.insidetime.org Newsround // Local Prison News 15 Humber prisoners Better mental health provision locked up for 29 hours at Polmont A row has erupted after the partner of a man held at HMP The Scottish Prison Service Humber was told that prisoners there would be locked up at (SPS) say that a number of midday on a Sunday and not unlocked until 5pm on the changes have been made at Monday - 29 hours, because of staff shortages. The woman HMYOI Polmont following says her partner phoned her to tell her what was going on. the death of a teenager there She told the Hull Daily Mail; “The prison says it allows prisoners in 2014. An enquiry found out of the cells for at least four hours a day. They are being there had been a “break- banged up because there aren’t enough staff to look after the down in therapy sessions prisoners when they are out. They were not even letting them within the institution, and out for tea and were handing it to them in their cells. They while this didn’t contribute should be entitled to at least one hour of exercise a day.” directly in any way to his death, the meetings may A Prison Service spokesman said: “It is categorically untrue have helped with observa- that prisoners were locked up for 29 hours. HMP Humber is tion and assessment by a currently operating on a rota in which some prisoners have mental health professional.” Ridding London communities of violence been restricted to their cells for half a day. The prison was operating a reduced regime over the weekend due to staff Two projects that provide resettlement Khan said that every young death is an “utter sickness. More prison officers will be starting at HMP Humber After his death the SPS and support for hard-to-reach young people have tragedy” but warned that knife crime and over the next month.” NHS Forth Valley carried out been extended for another year after being youth violence are becoming “growing operational and learning allocated a share of £400,000 by Mayor of problems. Alongside enforcement and reviews and initiatives were London Sadiq Khan. tougher penalties for carrying knives, we are Visitor tries to smuggle fake implemented at the end of bringing together experts, services, schools, 2014 which means there are The funding has been split between the North and community groups to tackle this problem gun into Lincoln prison now weekly clinical review East London Resettlement Consortia project, together, and help prevent our children from meetings, a shared diary A 16 year-old boy is on bail after appearing to try to smuggle a which covers Waltham Forest, Enfield, making the terrible mistakes which so system, provision for staff gun into HMP Lincoln. Security staff spotted the suspected Newham, Hackney, Redbridge and Islington, gravely threaten young lives in the capital.” absences, caseload reviews gun as they passed a bag through an X-ray machine. The and the South East London Resettlement and staffing increased from device is being tested by police who say it is a replica Beretta. Consortia project, which covers Lewisham, Khan also announced that a City Hall Knife three to four full-time mental Lambeth, Southwark, Croydon, Greenwich Juliet Lyon, director of the Prison Reform Trust, said; “It’s Crime Summit is due to take place in October. health nurses. A part-time and Wandsworth. important that staff foiled this attempt. The prison service is under huge pressure dealing with cutbacks and a rise in mental health nurse has also The summit will aim to give young people a been introduced. Launched in September last year, the projects serious assaults, self harm and suicide.” voice and bring together experts, community aim to offer support for young people released An SPS spokeswoman said: from custody and those managed in the members and project workers to find a better A Prison Service spokesman said; “On June 5, an unauthor- community that have had traumatic experiences way of dealing with youth violence and knife ised item was intercepted by staff at HMP Lincoln during a “We work together with or been a victim of crime, abuse and violence. crime. routine visitor search. We take a zero tolerance approach to partners, including NHS contraband in our prisons and work closely with the police boards, to provide a and Crown Prosecution Service to prosecute those involved. person-centred caring This has been referred to the police and is currently under environment based on investigation.” individual-assessed need, where prisoners in distress Lincoln continues to have problems including a high level of can ask for help to avert a CHILD ‘legal highs’ and suicides. crisis.” ABUSE Helping victims rebuild their lives since 1994.

Helping you achieve justice for the abuse Our dedicated team of specialist, legal experts you suffered. have a proven track record in handling We have been helping abuse victims claim child abuse claims and can help you if you their legal rights for over 20 years. have been the victim of sexual, physical or emotional abuse in childhood. The law allows people to make claims for compensation even if the abuse they In 2015 we secured over one million pounds in suffered took place many years ago. compensation for our clients. We also deal with cases against children’s Speak to one of our specialist male or female homes, other institutions and social services solicitors in complete confidence. Left to right: David Graham (recently New Bridge Chairman), Sir Joe Pilling (present Chairman) Sir for lack of care. • Prison visits • Legal Aid available Peter Lloyd (past Chairman). • Complete confidentiality New Bridge 60th Birthday Party QualitySolicitors On 16th July New Bridge, the prisoners befriending charity, celebrated its founding by Frank Abney Garsden Longford in 1956. The event held in Brixton in the gardens of New Bridge’s offices, was hosted by the recently appointed new chairman, Sir Joe Pilling who was previously chair of the Koestler Trust and is a past Director-General of the Prison Service. Also present among a large Changing the way you see lawyers. group of volunteer workers for New Bridge was Eric McGraw, former director of New Bridge 0845 604 7075 [email protected] and founder of Inside Time and until this year it’s editor, Pauline Austen, New Bridge’s Director 37 Station Road, Cheadle Hulme, Stockport, SK8 5AF of Volunteers. Sir Peter Lloyd, past chairman of New Bridge and a former Prisons Minister, Sheila Childs, past Vice President. Rachel Billington said a few words about her father, Frank www.abuselaw.co.uk Longford, including his comment that although a busy politician, he had turned to helping prisoners because, ‘I never counted the rigours of a day spent on politics as an honest day’s work.’ 16 Comment www.insidetime.org Insidetime August 2016 “We want to rehabilitate people”

for prison officers in trying to staff. I think the prisons were variety of roles and can adapt l Overcrowding: prevent extremism, and if so never designed for large num- from one thing to the next and “It’s unfair, it’s not decent, what can they do? “Absolutely, bers of people with health I think prison officers like that, and it’s not conducive to I think there are vulnerable conditions, that does present they like variety, They don’t rehabilitating people” people in all parts of the pris- some problems in terms of de- want to be stuck on their usual on system and there are lots sign and that’s modern pris- wing; they’re quite happy to The closure of prisons over the of vulnerable prisoners that ons as well as older prisons, take an escort out or work in past couple of years has led to are going to suffer pressures so there’s no distinguishing visits for the day because it’s serious overcrowding. How to radicalise themselves and I between them. I think in terms a change of scenery, it doesn’t bad is it? “We need investment think prison officers have an of staff looking after those in- get too monotonous, it makes in our prisons. I think with important role to try to protect dividuals there is a need for the job satisfying, fresh and Berwyn opening shortly in those individuals and identify some more care, we do rely keeps the officers motivated in North Wales, that was an op- them early but also have suf- heavily on other prisoners to their role.” portunity not to close any pris- ficient numbers on the floor to provide that care because ons to try to ease the over- be able to manage and control there’s not enough prison of- l Prison reforms: crowding. With 2,100 extra any type of population.” ficers to do it and that does “I do think some governors spaces coming on. That would Would that also go for gangs? present some problems in do need to take some have been an opportunity for “It would go for gangs as well. terms of bullying, manipula- me to say you have an oppor- I do believe there is a gang responsibility for the tion and grooming as well; state of their prisons” tunity to reduce crowding in culture especially with the there’s some concerns that the area and reduce over- younger prisoners in the YO prison officers aren’t able to Prison reforms introduced by crowding across the estate. I estate and I do think staff have keep a close watch.” the former Justice Secretary think simply replacing one a valuable job in trying to space with another space isn’t were quite radical. Giving pris- break that gang culture be- the answer to the overcrowd- on governors more autonomy cause that’s what leads to ing problems we’ve got. I Specialist for example, and putting edu- Mike Rolfe them being inside in the first know overcrowding causes cation “at the heart of the pris- place and I think we have a training is funda- lots of issues not just for pris- on.” How supportive is the duty to try to educate those oners but for staff also. It’s a people away from a life of mental, there are POA of the reforms? “The Union Continued from front page justice has not been handed pretty unpleasant atmosphere is yet to decide its position, out or people are getting a raw crime; not necessarily to say unique character- when you are working on a deal in being well and truly it’s wrong to be in a group and that will be decided upon by How did he get involved with unit where prisoners are over their sentence; ultimately be friends with other people istics to different members, on how we go for- the POA? “It probably started crammed in, especially during our role is to rehabilitate peo- but if that activity is all cen- ward with reform. Governors in 2008, I was always quite groupings of the summer months when ple so we don’t want people tred around criminality then have been centralised for a vocal at POA meetings, I they do turn into sweat boxes, festering forever and a day.” obviously we have a duty to prisoners and I long time and I do think some hadn’t belonged to a trade it’s unfair, it’s not decent, and try to steer them away from that.” of them need to take some re- union before I came into the it’s not conducive to rehabili- l think, as members sponsibility for the state of Prison Service, being an ac- Extremism: tating people.” Acheson apparently says in their prisons, I also think they countant there didn’t seem to “Both prisoners and staff of staff, if you have his report that some Imams need to be able to make deci- be a trade union for that, and at risk of a terrorist attack” l Privatisation: have been smuggling CDs and a particular sions that impact on their local I became quite vocal at meet- extremist material into pris- “All prisons should always ings about changes and issues And extremism? Is he aware interest in a specific processes and procedures so I ons. Is that a real concern? be in State control” that were going on, as a con- of the contents of the yet to be think giving them some power “That’s a really big concern,” direction then you sequence of that colleagues published Acheson report? In is good. I think you have to be he says. “I can only go on the What is his view on the priva- asked me to step up and be- an interview last month with should be able to sure you are being very careful details that I’ve seen and read tisation of prisons? “For me all come involved with the union the Sunday Times Ian about what powers you do about and if we do have Imams pursue that prisons should always be in which I did by becoming a Acheson, a former Home give them and also that they who are doing that obviously State control. They should be committee member, then Office counter terrorism offi- are up to the job if they are to I would expect their employer, accountable to the people. later, in 2012, I became the cial, said that the “growing be given those powers. I think NOMS, to step in and act in an Wouldn’t it be better to have There should never be a pri- local branch secretary for my problem” of extremism in jails one of the big problems iden- appropriate manner.” Should staff trained in specific areas vate contractor who can make establishment, HMP Elmley. could put “both prisoners and tifiable to me is that if a prison more Muslim prison officers in order to work more effec- money out of incarceration Then in 2013, following the staff at risk of a terrorist at- governor is accountable for be recruited? “Yes, I think, as tively with disabled prisoners because I believe that’s funda- ‘Know the Danger’ Facebook tack” if action is not taken. the outputs - ie the amount of the police have undertaken for and older prisoners? “I think mentally wrong and I believe campaign, which I started, I prisoners who don’t reoffend a number of years, it’s good to specialist training is funda- it is right that prisons are was elected as the national “I have not seen it in its entire- then that would encourage have a reflective workforce of mental, there are unique char- owned and controlled by the official for London and Kent, ty but obviously I am con- governors to source the type the people you are looking acteristics to different group- public purse where they are I performed that for just over cerned at some of the areas of prisoners they would want after, and like society we now ings of prisoners and I think, accountable, where they don’t 2 years before being elected to around radicalisation. I do to take into their prison rather have people from different as members of staff, if you manipulate figures and where National Chairman. The role think it’s something which is than just taking what they are cultures and backgrounds, have a particular interest in a they can try and educate and entails me doing lots of meet- culturally changing in Britain. allocated from court that day, different religions, living in specific direction then you do the job they were designed ings with people, MPs, senior We obviously have more peo- and that could present a prob- those areas and then, of should be able to pursue that to do without focussing on NOMS officials, G4S chiefs etc. ple coming from outside the lem not only for prisons but course, the prisons are reflec- and there are opportunities profit and shareholders and Negotiating on behalf of mem- EU to live and work in England for prisoners and impact on tive of the populations in that there, for example working lots of other people before bers and basically leading the and they bring their own cul- staff as well because if you are area so therefore it makes with sex offenders, some peo- they focus on the staff and union to get the best deal.” tures and religions with them a prisoner who has been in lots sense that the prison staff are ple can do that other people prisoners in those and that also manifests inside of times and a governor writes reflective of that area as well.” can’t do that, some people can establishments.” l IPP prisoners: prisons so I do believe more you off - ‘he’s no good, he’s a work with young offenders, “We don’t want people people are turning to more repeat offender, no point in l Older Prisoners: some people can’t; some peo- Many prisoners say they prefer radicalised religions, and investing resources into him, festering forever and a “Prisons were never ple like working with lifers, private prisons because they that’s not to say any particular I don’t want him in my prison’ day” others don’t. So I absolutely say they get more time out of religion, because there’s rad- designed for large - then you’ll find yourself shift- agree those opportunities cell, more TVs and things like icalisation in all sorts of reli- numbers of people with ed from pillar to post and no- Problems in the prison system should be there and people that. What would he say to gions, even groups and gangs, health conditions” body wanting to take respon- include thousands of IPPs and I do think there is a trend should be given options. If you them? “I would say to them, if over tariff and the spread of sibility for you whereas you by which people think the only Older people, the over fifties, are a new employee some- you enjoy prison and you want religious extremism. What are may want to turn your life way they are going to achieve are the fastest rising section of times you have to do the job to keep going to prison and his thoughts on this? “I think, around no one will recognise anything is by acting rashly.” the prisoner population. What you’re asked to do, so I do that’s what you enjoy about as with all people in prison, it that because your record may kind of problems is this caus- think there is a necessity for prison then that’s why you seems there are cases where state otherwise.” Does he think there is a role ing staff? “Not so much for prison officers who can do a probably like it but if you want Insidetime August 2016 www.insidetime.org Comment 17 to get out of that lifestyle you the safety within prisons but people using NPS, they’re off need to go to somewhere also the potential for prisoners sick so you haven’t got the where you are able to work, to rehabilitate.” prison staff numbers, or they where you are safe from bul- are ferrying prisoners up and lying; that you are given the l Prisoner councils: down to hospital because they right type of environment for “Everybody’s perception have been using substances you to be able to rehabilitate of things needs to be put and that chews up a very finite and that can be in a public into the mix to be able to amount of resources quickly and leads to an impact on pris- prison or it can be in a private get the right answer” prison but what you should be oners’ lives which I don’t think they always understand.” doing is trying to rehabilitate How does the POA perceive yourself and working with the prisoner councils? “I think it’s l Finally: staff in those establishments good to take prisoner’s views regardless of whether they are on what they see because “We’re trying to do a job private or public. We want to everybody’s perception of and it’s very difficult” rehabilitate people. If you things needs to be put into the have come into prison you mix to be able to get the right What is his message to the should want to rehabilitate answer and I think it’s impor- new Prime Minister Theresa yourself and you need that tant to take the prisoner’s May? “We would welcome her opportunity but they have got views, I think it’s important to interest about what is going to be resourced properly to be take the prison officer’s views, on inside prisons, we would able to do that.” I think it’s important to look ask that she listens to the POA © Fotolia.com at the prison governor’s view, and to the operational staff l Staff cuts: and look at the views of people working within prisons be- himself inside a big net with many of his new “Prison officers don’t who are not in prison because, cause they are the people on found crane friends. He then saw the farmer think they can do their ultimately, if you get some- the ground with the knowl- Tales of and his workers approach with sticks and one job like they used to” thing that works for everyone, edge, doing it day in and day by one hit the cranes on the head to dispatch or you can explain it to every- out and they can bring a lot of them - they had eaten all the farmer’s crops one: put your point across that We’ve heard a lot about staff value to the debate. I think the that he was growing around the pond and wet- cuts. What are the actual fig- you took everyone’s views into government needs to take note account, that’s very important Wisdom lands. The stork began to worry - and tried to ures involved? “I believe staff- of what is going on inside pris- convince himself the farmer would notice he ing went down by about 28% rather than managing with an ons, they need to invest and was a stork and was not one of the greedy between 2010 and 2015. That’s iron fist.” resource prisons properly and cranes that had eaten all the cops. He even all the operation staff, so the we want to be turning people’s Our man on l protested to the cranes but it was to no avail - ones working directly with Drugs: lives around because the long prisoners. That 28% doesn’t “It’s been a massive term detrimental cost of not eventually the farmer grabbed him by the neck include other areas as well problem in prisons” getting prison right is quite the inside tells and he feared his end was nigh! Just as the stick which I think is more like expensive for wider society.” was about to hit his head the farmer slipped in 40%. To lose a third of your The news regularly features the mud and lost his grip and the stork found staff almost, working with stories about the problem of Finally I wondered what he it like it is himself free. He beat his wings furiously and prisoners, has a very detri- NPS wreaking havoc across would want to say to prisoners was soon high above the pond and the farm mental impact not only for the prison estate. Is the prob- reading this interview. “I Sid Arter and was safe. He flew towards the hills behind lem exaggerated? “It’s been a outcomes for prisoners but would say to prisoners that it’s the farm and with tired wings from his escape massive problem in prisons. also for staff to perform their not a very pleasant experience he landed in a tall pine tree. In the tree sat a We’ve got prisoners using NPS job. I think, generally, prison being in prison and if you are a lot of the time, predominant- The unlucky wise old owl who greeted him with a gentle officers don’t think they can given the opportunity to work ly Spice. It has resulted in a lot hoot! He told the owl of his lucky escape and do their job like they used to: alongside staff to rehabilitate of strain on the external organ- the owl listened carefully before saying. I think it has damaged rela- don’t always take it on face stork tionships between prisoners isations; there’s the Ambulance Service as well value that we are the enemy, “Well that should teach you to choose your and staff which has led to in- because we’re not, we’re try- who are continually having to company more carefully - there is no doubt you creasing violence. I think as ing to do a job and it’s very There was once a handsome grey stork who much as prisoners don’t like take prisoners out to hospital, spent his days hunting for small fish, crusta- meant the farmer no harm - indeed you were that means prison officers difficult, we’re on very limited having their cells searched ceans and bugs in the wetlands around a local doing him a favour - but mixing in such unsa- have to travel with those pris- numbers, and the majority of and mobile phones and drugs farm. He had stayed in the location throughout voury company as cranes!” oners and that means closures prison officers I have come recovered; I think it’s impor- the winter and had spent most days with a flock on the regime which is one of across are very professional tant for them to be able to re- A lesson to us all to choose wisely those that the things prisoners complain and do the best job. Don’t offer of cranes that only ate vegetation - leaving all habilitate themselves in an about a lot - loss of regime, them violence, try to build re- the creepy crawlies to him. He had grown well we associate with - I recall my sister when at environment that’s not flood- loss of association time - and lationships that are positive and each day feasted alongside the cranes who secondary school; our dad came home saying ed with drugs and criminality. the reason a lot of that time is for both you and them and you although rather noisy provide safety in num- - the school says she’s very bright - but keeps Yes, it’s very much had a det- being lost is that prison of- will get the best out of prison bers. One afternoon he was at the edge of the bad company and no good will come of her rimental impact not only on ficers have been assaulted by and so will they.” pond when he heard a muffled bang and found mixing with that sort!

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Women and children continue Ofcom after discovering that to be an important concern of calls from prison to a mobile the PRT, even though men were costing six times more now make up 95% of the pris- than calls on the outside. On on population. For example, another occasion Juliet hap- with the closure of HMP pened to be at HMP Styal when Holloway, the PRT are propos- the inside of a van was being ing that part of the site rede- hosed down after being used velopment should be used for to transport women, including a Woman’s Centre, with debt pregnant women. The result- counselling, drug care etc. It ing appeal, highlighted in The might have some housing and Guardian with the line, ‘We Juliet hopes that it would be regulate transport for animals used as an alternative for cus- better than we do prisoners’ tody by courts in North and so impressed the then Home North East London. She is in Secretary, David Blunkett, correspondence with Jeremy that pregnant women are no Corbyn as Holloway’s MP who longer transported by van. she describes as ‘very active’ in trying to get the centre going. People in prison are people. In the early days of her time at the trust Juliet shadowed Everybody has Stephen Rimmer, a reforming a different story, governor at HMP Wandsworth and learnt ‘the significance of a different hope Rachel Billington and Juliet Lyon CBE what he was doing’ which in- for the future cludes the importance of ‘bringing along the staff.’ But Juliet Lyon has been director of the Prison Reform Trust for nearly she describes herself as ‘naive’ This was a quick change but back then, believing ‘that Juliet describes the usual work seventeen years. In August she’s stepping down and handing over to PRT’s job was to gather infor- of the PRT as ‘years of chip- mation and deliver it to people ping away’, giving as an ex- Peter Dawson, previously her deputy. Last month I went along to the with power.’ She continues, ample the issue of votes for ‘You do. But they know al- prisoners which still hasn’t PRT’s headquarters in East London to talk to her about her experiences ready. It’s just too difficult to happened, despite the do anything. So I had to gal- European Court’s ruling. ‘I of prison, both good and bad, over that period vanise things.’ remember always, always,’ says Juliet emphatically, ‘that Rachel Billington with conviction, ‘which could l Greater use of long custodial with the assumption that who- This galvanising included people in prison are people. be the foundation to change a sentences accounted for 66% ever she’s talking to will an- partnering with the Mail on Everybody has a different lot of things.’ She then adds, of the rise in population be- swer in the same spirit. Before meeting Juliet Lyon I Sunday, with economists, story, a different hope for the slightly shamefacedly, tween 1993 and 2012; reminded myself of the PRT local authorities, former pris- future.’ She admits that times ‘However I’m an optimist. Or ‘I never think of myself as a brief: l Increasing numbers of peo- oners and universities, includ- are ‘dreadfully depressing’ hopeful anyway.’ It seems to campaigner’ she tells me ple don’t know if, or when, ing Birkbeck University on a with budget cuts impacting at me that her attitude must have ‘We’re an advocacy charity. The Prison Reform Trust is an they might be released; new report about segregation every level. Particularly shock- been indispensable during a independent UK charity work- We do that by presenting clear in prisons, called ‘Deep ing are the rates of suicide and period when prison news, ing to create a just, humane l 21,755 people were held in evidence... You don’t want a Custody.’ From my brief look self-harm. She says, ‘A lot of and effective penal system. It with some exceptions, such as overcrowded accommodation prisons’ minister or head of at this, it will cause the kind our attention goes on ways of does this by inquiring into the the fall in numbers of women on average in 2014-15 - more prisons to fail. You want them of controversy that Juliet ap- reducing numbers in prison.’ workings of the system; inform- and children imprisoned, has than a quarter of the prison to succeed but on the right proves of, that is, backed by ing prisoners, staff and the worsened. population. The majority were terms.’ ‘The ‘we’ refers to the proper research especially But as if to cheer herself up she wider public; and by influenc- doubling up in cells designed team at PRT, nineteen men with the prisoners who have refers to her visit to HMP ing Parliament, government The PRT’’s Summer Bromley for one; and women when I visit her, actual experience of Pentonville that morning and and officials towards reform. Briefings, just published, and who are constantly given cred- segregation. how often when she is in pris- l The discharge grant has re- handed to me on arrival by it by their director. on she is impressed by the way mained fixed at £46 since 1997. Juliet is the sort of warm, gen- Juliet, highlights so many As she emphasises often in our ‘prisoners help each other.’ growing problems in the ser- erous woman that immediate- Optimist or not, Juliet has over So how does she look back on interview, ‘Opinions arise out She explains that she takes vice that it’s hard to pick out ly makes the world seem a the years perfected the sharp her time at the Trust? She took of information gathered from new MPs into prison so that a sample. But here goes: hopeful place. When, later on sound-bite for radio, televi- over from the only other direc- prisoners.’ The PRT Advice they can appreciate how many in the interview, I ask whether sion, newspaper or other tor of the PRT, Stephen Shaw, and Information Service han- men inside will take the re- l Serious assaults in prison she worries that political media, in which with perfect after being commissioned by dles 6,600 enquiries from pris- sponsibility for their fellows, have more than doubled in the changes may lead to back-slid- politeness, she pinpoints the the Prison Service over four oners and their families each whether as Samaritans, men- ing in the promised prison last three years; problem under discussion and years to write reports on youth year. As well as answering tors or in less structured ways. reform, she points out that for suggests a better course of ac- and women’s’ services. It is these questions, the informa- ‘Some of the best reformers are the first time since the early l Rates of self-harm are at the tion. The steel may be veiled interesting when I ask later tion gathered is used (with inside prisons’ she believes 1950s a prison reform bill was highest level ever recorded; but it cuts nevertheless. what has made her proud dur- permission and sometimes ‘whether prisoners or staff.’ At in the Queen’s Speech. ‘There Whether talking to a prisoner, ing her tenure at PRT she im- anonymously) for their advo- the same time, she regrets the will be a white paper looking l Emergency services were a journalist, a minister or a mediately says ‘We have re- cacy work. As an example, new rules on ROTL which has at courts and prisons’ she tells called out more than 26,000 friend, Juliet is always herself, duced the amount of children Juliet remembers when they made it harder for men to work me, her blue eyes sparkling times to UK prisons in 2015; her views declared openly in prison by 60%.’ took a Super Complaint to outside prison. The Prison Insidetime August 2016 www.insidetime.org Comment 19

Reform Trust itself used to cautiously welcomes the pro- Michael Gove, that prisoners have men and women working posals to devolve prison budg- must be seen as ‘assets not li- for them on release and now ets to local councils - ‘money abilities’. She believes, perhaps has only one. She promises the concentrates the mind’ - be- From over the wall the optimist speaking, ‘I don’t PRT is ‘working hard to see if lieving this might have more think it’s all going to get the restrictions can be lifted.’ effect on changing the way washed down the drain.’ Terry Waite writes his monthly column for Inside Time prisons are run than picking many members of the public She is at pains to remind me out six prisons, as Mr. Gove After so many years at the PRT did not bother to listen to what that the trust takes no govern- has done, and giving them Juliet is not leaving the prison the politicians had to say as ment funding which allows more independence. After all, scene altogether. She will be they realised that a political them to be ‘a critical friend’ so she continues, ‘Solutions to chair of the Independent power struggle was taking they ‘can go across political prison reform don’t always lie Advisory Panel on Deaths in place for leadership of the parties.’ PRT acts as secretar- in prisons but in health, hous- Custody. Her simple aim is to Tory party and also because iat for the All Party Penal ing, family relations. We advise the government how to many politicians have lost Affairs Group which is com- mustn’t always focus on the reduce deaths in prison. credibility with the general posed of about one hundred crime.’ Typically, she tells me. ‘The public. This is a very serious peers and one hundred MPs. first thing I shall do is ask pris- The more I talk to Juliet, the Solutions to oners themselves what would matter indeed. Equally as se- more I realise that she feels be the solutions.’ rious is the fact that the oppo- that the PRT is about educat- prison reform sition is hopelessly divided ing the world outside prison The Prison Reform Trust is ad- and appears to be spending about the situation inside. don’t always lie mired for many things, not most of its time infighting over Prisons, she points out, are a in prisons but in least the Bromley Briefings leadership and direction. Our publicly funded service such which regularly inform those democratic system needs a as hospitals or schools, even health, housing, in power and not in power strong and effective opposi- though far less is known about family relations. about the indisputable facts tion in order to govern prop- them. People need to think of prison life which provide a erly and at the moment that about that and take responsi- We mustn’t solid foundation for any seems to be a pipe dream. bility. She is constantly look- always focus on changes. Juliet persuaded probably have been bored to ing for new ways to reach a tears by the run-up to the ref- So, it’s been a pretty disap- wider public and tells me the crime Keith Bromley of the Russell erendum. What a total dis- pointing summer. proudly that they have 18,000 & Bromley shoe shop chain to grace that was. On the evening followers on their twitter feed. I return to asking Juliet how fund this project. After his Terry Waite CBE Where do I stand in all of this? she sees the future of prisons death the trust, set up in his before eligible voters were due Well, I believe that the ‘Unfairness’ is a weighty word with a new Prime Minister. We name, continues with the fund. to put their X for in or out of European setup, as it is pres- when Juliet uses it. It is unfair are talking before Theresa May It’s not much fun being locked Europe, the vast majority had that there are still 4,000 men became Prime Minister so her Sometimes the dreary and bit- up during the summer not the faintest idea of the sub- ently constituted, has some on IPP sentences in prison. answer turns out to be relevant. ing reality of prison life seems months, but this year those stantive issues. It was com- major flaws. It is over-bureau- Sentences on Joint Enterprise She says, ‘If it were Theresa lost in a flashy kaleidoscope taking their ease at Her monplace to hear people say- cratic, extremely costly and is were unfair but will hopefully May, I would remember a very of often imagined prison news. Majesty’s Pleasure might con- ing, ‘I really don’t know which trying to achieve a form of change after the Supreme good speech she gave about It is to Juliet’s great credit that sider themselves fortunate. way to vote’. unity within Europe that is Court has pronounced against not locking up vulnerable peo- she has never lost sight of the It’s been a rotten summer, so premature. There is no doubt them. The government should ple or people with learning ordinary men and women and far, that is. Almost in an in- There was certainly a total in my mind that it has done curb ever-lengthening sen- disabilities.’ She also says that their families who suffer from stant the temperature has failure to communicate the some very good things, but tences. Banning smoking, she ‘Any new Prime Minister our inadequate, sometimes swung from semi Arctic con- pros and cons fully, fairly and reformation has not gone half says, is ‘an unnecessary addi- needs to be reminded what the punitive system. It is as a ditions to sweltering heat and squarely. Who’s fault was far enough. tional punishment. There is so present Prime Minister said ear- calm, sensible, even cheerful back again. Rain has fallen that? Was it the media who little choice in prisons and lier this year.’ She recalls the advocate (to use her word) for almost daily and outdoor were selective in their report- As for our departure I have no those men and women that that is taken away.’ phrase used by both Cameron events have been submerged ing, or was it the politicians doubt that we will make it, as she will be remembered. On the positive front, she and Minister of Justice, in mud. Just to show you what who were busy engaging in a trade between the various I mean I am enclosing a pho- battle for leadership of the states will continue come what tograph of yours truly taken Tory party? Frankly, I don’t may. At this stage of the game, as I was waiting to speak at a know, but all I can say is that few things are clear. One can simon bethel book festival somewhere in to the ordinary man or women only hope that both the Tories the depths of the English in the street it appeared to be and the Labourites will quick- solicitors countryside. The instruction the latter. I have to say also ly get their act together and to bring wellington boots did that the Labour party put up a begin to sort out what is a ter- rible tangle. As for our prisons, Criminal Defence & Prison Law Specialists not reach me in time and so I pretty poor show. Poor belea- Criminal Defence guered Jeremy Corbin I wonder. I have a fear that Licence & Parole Hearings had to improvise with two su- mouthed his support for stay- given there is so much to sort H&D PrisonC & Reca Lawlls Specialists permarket plastic bags, which I found in the boot of my car. ing in but seemed to many to out once again prisons will Adjudications • Licence & Parole Hearings (By the way, in case the news lack passion and conviction. come way down the list of pri- Re-categorisation & Transfers has not yet reached you, plas- When the result was declared, orities to be dealt with. I hope A• pHDCpeals & & Recalls CCRC Referrals tic bags now cost 5p each.) and the public expressed the I am wrong on that score for plus all Family Law and many reasons, one of which is • Adjudications desire to make for the exit, Immigration Matters Apart from the weather, on the there were a series of that the way a country treats P• lRe-categorisationease contact Dapo, D &av Transfersid or Kay political front it has been cha- explosions. The pound lost the prisoner, the elderly and otic to put it mildly. Michael 10% of its value against the US the vulnerable, is a measure S• iAppealsmon Bet &h eCCRCl Solic Referralsitors dollar and the stock market of the country itself. 58/60 Lewisham High Street Gove, who seemed to have a plus all Family Law real understanding of what made its usual over-reaction London SE13 5JH and Immigration Matters was wrong with our prisons, only to bounce back a few However, keep cheerful. There 0208 297 7933 [email protected] went out like a light once Mrs days later. What is all this say- are still many around who will continue to work for justice, Please contact Dapo, David or Kay May took over leadership of ing to us? I guess many things. fair dealing and sensible penal Simon Bethel Solicitors the country. He made some First, it became clear that many voters had not the faint- policies, come what may. 58/60 Lewisham High Street very forward looking sugges- est idea of the consequences London SE13 5JH tions while he was in office and many are wondering if his the country would face what- Terry Waite was a successful successor will pick up where ever way the vote went. That hostage negotiator before he he left off. We shall have to betrays a lamentable failure himself was held captive in 0208 297 7933 wait and see. As these days by those who were charged to Beirut for 1763 days between [email protected] there is not a lot to do inside present the case for or against 1987 and 1991; the first four years were spent in solitary other than watch TV, you will fairly and squarely. I suspect confinement. 20 Comment www.insidetime.org Insidetime August 2016 New Justice Secretary Elizabeth Truss MP A cautious welcome and high hopes that the government’s prison reform agenda continues Inside Time report found in our overcrowded prisons can wants to follow its proposals. agenda. I am grateful today to the be overcome with imaginative thinking governors and staff of both prisons, and bold action to stop throwing so The independence of the Prisons for showing me the impressive work Michael Gove’s radical prison reform many people into these failing institu- Inspectorate, the Prisons and they are doing to reduce reoffending programme despite a fresh warning tions, where they are swept away into Probation Ombudsman, and the and talking to me about some of the from the Chief Inspector of Prisons deeper currents of crime by the bore- Independent Monitoring Board have challenges they face. I look forward that a surge in jail violence is putting dom, drug abuse and violence behind all been under scrutiny and Ms Truss to working with Ministry of Justice it at risk. bars. It is to be hoped that Elizabeth will need to move to ensure their ab- staff and other agencies on our prior- Truss is the person to take these op- solute independence and reassure ities - improving public safety and Truss cited the Chief Inspector’s report portunities on and we welcome today’s prisoners and the public. reducing reoffending, building a One as demonstrating why prison reform appointment by the new Prime Nation justice system, and upholding is so important. “I want to see radical Minister.” Friends and families of IPP prisoners the rule of law.” reform and I am under no illusions will be keen to talk to her at the earliest about the scale of the challenge we So, what will Ms Truss have to deal opportunity about getting prisoners In a dramatic addendum to her ap- face or how long reform takes … I will with? Probably her first concerns must who are way over tariff released and pointment Lord Faulks, QC, has re- set out the next steps for this agenda be with the massive problem of drugs to remove the life sentence element signed from the government in protest in the coming weeks, but I am clear and violence. The safety of prisoners from those prisoners released. The against the decision to appoint her to that the vital work of prison reform and staff must be assured. She is left number of prisoners granted RoTL, the senior post. Appointing Truss as will continue at pace,” she said. with overwhelming understaffing seen to be crucial in preparing long Lord Chancellor risks damaging the Elizabeth Truss MP which is leaving many prisons on re- term prisoners for release dropped justice system because she lacks the Her statement will reassure penal re- strictive regimes with prisoners locked 28% last year and there will be pres- experience to stand up to the prime formers that she does not intend to up for 23 hours a day fuelling control sure on her to reverse the trend and minister, Faulks said. “I have nothing Following Theresa May’s appointment ditch plans, despite the fact that she problems, violence and frequent dis- ensure RoTL is available where appro- against Ms Truss personally,” he told as the new Prime Minister one of her co-wrote a 2011 book calling for pris- order. A white paper was due in priate. In 2015, 21,467 people were The Times. “But is she going to have first actions was to sack Michael Gove ons to be made “tough, unpleasant October outlining Michael Gove’s plans recalled to prison, often for minor the clout to be able to stand up to the as Justice Secretary. Andrew Selous and uncomfortable” places of to devolve many powers to individual administrative breaches which prime minister when necessary, on was also removed as Prisons Minister. punishment. governors to allow them to run their clogged up the prisons and increased behalf of the judges? Is she going to Gove, seen as the great hope for prison prisons with more freedom and less work for probation staff. This is an be able to stand up, come the moment, reform, has left behind a system in its In the House of Commons she voted central control. He also secured cash issue which needs to dealt with as a to the prime minister, for the rule of worst state for decades; with staff cuts for restricting the scope of legal aid to build new prisons so he could close matter of urgency. law and for the judiciary . . . without of 30%, restricted regimes, increased and reducing welfare benefits. She is and replace old Victorian prisons. fear of damaging her career? It is a big violence, weekly riots and suicides the third Lord Chancellor with no legal Truss will have to make decisions on On her first full day in the job Ms Truss ask.” reaching all-time highs. training and although she has been a these very quickly if she is to keep to travelled down the road to Woolwich member of the Justice Select his timetable. The growing threat of The successor to Gove, Elizabeth (Liz) Committee has no experience of the extremists and radicalisation in pris- to visit HMP Belmarsh and HMP-YOI Mr Gove, in an interview with Inside Truss is the first ever female Lord Ministry of Justice or prisons. ons has to be faced and she will need Isis where she was shown round the Time stressed how much real infor- Chancellor and Secretary of State for to consider whether to follow Mr Gove’s education facilities and the wings. mation he got about the prison system Justice. 41 year old Ms Truss has been Frances Crook, CEO of The Howard idea of building special units to hold After her visit she said; “I am delighted by reading Inside Time. We will en- an MP since 2010 and was, from 2014, League, told us, “There are huge chal- the hard core extremists. She will have and honoured to be appointed the sure Justice Secretary Truss receives Environment Minister. Soon after her lenges faced by the incoming Justice to examine the Coates Report, which Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State her copies and we look forward to appointment she stated that she in- Secretary but this is a time to speak of was about to be implemented in full for Justice and look forward to imple- future interactions with her office. We tends to press ahead “at pace” with the opportunities. The problems to be by Michael Gove, and decide if she too menting the vitally important justice wish her every success in her new role.

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l A suicide rate of 117 per l 9,458 prisoners (10%) of l 46% of former prisoners l Some British prisons are 100,000, the highest in the the prison population self- are reconvicted within a operating at 160% of certi- world harmed in 2015 year of release fied capacity

the number of innocents in jail is discussed the The only winners coming out of British prison Criminal Cases Review Commission (CCRC) is policies since Michael Howard first uttered the trotted out as the solution. Unfortunately the words, ‘prison works’, are private companies numbers don’t add up. like G4S, Serco and latterly MTCnovo. If you or ‘Prison Works’ I were to commit fraud on the scale of that of The CCRC was established nineteen years ago G4S or Serco as with the tagging fiasco we Keith Rose In the United States, progressives and conserv- following a Royal Commission set up on the would spend decades enjoying the hospitality atives alike, those not owned by the Murdoch day the Birmingham six were released. Prior to of Her Majesty’s hotels, not awarded further media, have recognised that policies of mass the CCRC miscarriage of justice claims were lucrative contracts. Is MTCnovo an ideal choice Writing in the Guardian, Michael P Jacobson imprisonment have failed. That sentences so handled by the Home Office’s C3 department to take over the Rainsbrook Secure Training recently revealed that Britain’s prison popula- long as to require geriatric prisons where in- which was merely a whitewashing exercise. Centre, a children’s prison, given their history tion has passed 90,000. In addition, since the mates cannot even go to the toilet by them- Since its establishment in 1997 the CCRC has of extreme brutality in their United States pris- days of Michael Howard and his ‘Prison Works’ selves, let alone provide a risk to the public are received 20,367 applications of which it has ons? If my memory serves me correctly it was mantra the length of sentences has increased a farce. Britain is remorselessly following the referred 619 cases (3.5%), to the Appeal Court. MTCnovo directors who ran the Abu Gharaib by 33%. Now one in seven of prisoners serve same failed pathway with an ever increasing Of these 406 appeals (1.99%) were allowed, 178 in Iraq where Iraqi prisoners were routinely more than ten years whilst the number of lifers elderly population. dismissed and 12 abandoned. The 1997 CCRC tortured. and other long term prisoners has risen to near- budget was £6.7m in its first year but reduced ly 20% of the incarcerated, with an average stay In the Queen’s speech at the State Opening of to £5.2m in 2015, a reduction in real terms of Michael Howard’s reign is when the concept of of more than seventeen years. Parliament reforms to prison policies were put 33% with an increase in workload of 70% over imprisonment changed from sending people to forward centred on giving prison governors the last decade. The lack of funding is deliberate prison AS punishment to sending them to pris- Howard, Straw, Blunkett and latterly Grayling, more powers. However, suggested government policy to ignore and whitewash on FOR punishment. Egged on by the Murdoch were slavish devotees of the United States pris- Rehabilitation Programmes are not going to the number of innocents languishing in British press prison policies became ever more brutal on model which imprisons a greater percentage significantly reduce prison numbers as research jails. with political indifference to prisoners and pris- of its population than any other country on suggests even the most successful programmes on conditions. earth. The United States currently imprisons only reduce reoffending rates by some 10-15% 2.2 million people, eight times the 1970 number which has little effect on ever-rising prison you cannot build your way We have now reached the stage where prisoners of 295,000. That’s 700 per 100,000 in the US, numbers. Proposals to reduce the number of out of an over-crowding crisis. are regarded as assets to be exploited rather compared with Finland’s 57 per 100,000 or women jailed, (what happened to equality of than treated as human. One has only to look at Sweden’s 55 per 100,000. sexes?), are a sound-bite rather than a solution Bragging about super-size pitiful prison wages which have not seen a rise to rising numbers. prisons, holding more than a for more than a quarter of a century, (the last British prisons are now so seriously overcrowd- person to veto a rise in prisoners earnings was ed that some are operating at 160% of certified As has been proved in the United States, you thousand prisoners, owe more Gordon Brown). With sky high telephone and capacity with a national average of 111% of cannot build your way out of an over-crowding to McDonald’s slogans than a canteen prices, prisoner’s families are now capacity. crisis. Bragging about super-size prisons, hold- being forced to fund their loved one’s impris- ing more than a thousand prisoners, owe more common sense solution onment. For those prisoners without family, So how effective is this policy of mass incarcer- to McDonald’s slogans than a common sense unable to work through age or infirmity, the ation? It’s not, in spite of Howard’s often re- solution, build them by all means, they’ll be situation is dire indeed. Whitemoor’s sickness peated ‘Prison Works’ 46% of former prisoners full within weeks. I have often wondered if there is a connection and retirement pay is £3.50 weekly. are reconvicted within a year of release, often between the numbers of wrongly convicted in worse than they were when they entered the A re-think of the entire justice system is long British jails and those who self-harm. Whilst a In 2015, Prison Industries made a profit of £5.4m prison system. Moreover, actual re-offending overdue. Progression of prisoners has virtually Listener in HMP Long Lartin I met a prisoner for the Ministry of Justice with an average week- rates are being manipulated downwards by been stalled in the high security estate with a who had dug out his entire left forearm to the ly wage as low as £8. There are two words which private probation service providers bullying soaring population of elderly Category A pris- extent the bone was plainly visible. In answer describe that situation, ‘Slave Labour’. A situ- staff not to report probation breaches for fear oners. The refusal to progress prisoners ‘in to the question ‘Why?’ his reply; ‘Waking up ation which exists in the United States privately of poor-performance fines. denial’ has long been an obstacle to progression daily in this place for a crime I did not run prisons. This is the road that Britain is al- as the Ministry of Justice and Parole Boards commit’. ready on according to Michael P Jacobson and More disturbingly suicides in prisons in have failed to recognise that there is a swelling he should know; he used to run the New York England & Wales have soared with 100 prison population of the genuinely innocent being January - December 2015, 9,458 prisoners (circa City jail system. suicides from March 2015to March 2016 mean- refused progression and parole due to their 10%) of the prison population self-harmed in ing a suicide rate of 117 per 100,000, the highest innocence stance. This is foolish, the 32,313 incidents, up 25% on 2014. There were So what’s my solution to the failing justice sys- in the world. The United States, not exactly Birmingham six et al really did happen and the also 20,518 assaults up 27%. When combined tem? That’s for another article starting with know for progressive, caring prisons is 15 per Ministry of Justice should face up to the fact with the highest prison suicide rate in the wold, criminal court failures. 100,000, ’s rate is 18 per 100,000, there are innocent people in jail receiving British prison policy should be stamped with Canada’s 22 per 100,000. harsher punishments than the guilty. Whenever one word: FAILURE! Keith Rose is currently resident at HMP Whitemoor

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22 Comment www.insidetime.org Insidetime August 2016

final visit were poignant and One of his moving. One of his daughters read from the bible and every- daughters read Brandon Astor Jones... one held hands. I was in tears from the bible and and Brandon reached across and wiped my eyes with a tis- everyone held sue. The last time I saw hands. I was in Brandon alive he was standing tribute from a friend at the door of the visiting room tears and Brandon holding on the grille and try- reached across and ing to be brave. His children In the February issue of Inside Time, shortly before have every reason to be proud wiped my eyes he was executed, we published an article by of how he conducted himself with a tissue Brandon Astor Jones who in 1979 was convicted during those final hours. My along with another man of a murder committed heart was heavy. We were or- dered to leave the area so there appeared to look at the clock in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. Both men were sen- was no last look at my friend and then at his lawyer and tenced to death. Jones’ co-accused was executed as he was led away. then he closed his eyes and by electric chair in February 1985. Over the ensuing was still. years Brandon Jones developed as a prominent We were back at the prison grounds near the main gate at Brandon was pronounced thinker and writer on prison issues in the US 6pm for the vigil in the area dead at 12.46am on February and across the globe. A woman who befriended designated for those who op- 3rd 2016. At the age of 72 he Jones through the charity LifeLines which provides pose the death penalty. I am was the oldest man to have pleased to say that nobody been put to death by the state pen friends for prisoners on America’s Death appeared in the area allocated of Georgia. Row was with Jones during his final moments. to those who support the death penalty. Apart from the Afterwards leaving the prison Carole Elizabeth corridor and up some stairs to ily arrived. investigator attended a hear- guards pacing up and down we were waiting in our car to the visiting rooms. Nobody ing in front of the Board of all was still. We waited for the pull out into the stream of traf- It was Tuesday morning was around and everywhere On that first visit, a non-con- Pardons and Paroles. They all news under the sodium lights fic when a large black vehicle February 2nd 2016. I woke to was silent. Far away I could tact visit, I met his two daugh- spoke well for Brandon, but in the cool darkness under the with Butts County Coroner on the sound of Red Cardinals see three figures approaching ters, Veronica and Lisa, and sadly the Board decided occasional shower of light rain. the side passed us. It was car- and Blue Jays calling outside. slowly. Two tall guards in his son David. All are fine peo- against a Life Without Parole rying Brandon’s body. We I was in the care of three friends black either side of a much ple and he was clearly delight- (LWP) sentence and voted for We waited as stillness settled followed it for a short while who had kindly offered me smaller figure dressed in ed to see them. Other members death. down over the whole prison. before it turned onto the free- hospitality close to the prison white. It was Brandon. of his family arrived and we Shortly after 11pm the news way. None of us spoke on the in Georgia where my pen friend all took turns to speak to him Tuesday February 2nd came, came through that the journey home. Brandon Astor Jones was lo- As the sad little party came via the telephone system. I the day set for Brandon’s Supreme Court had denied cated. What will this day be closer to me I could see the was content to sit and watch death sentence to be carried Brandon’s appeal. Rest in peace my friend. I am like I wondered? It might be chain around Brandon’s waist. his face as he interacted with out. The visit that day was an so glad you touched my life in the day my friend will be put Closer still and I could see fine his children and grandchil- hour shorter and lasted from Witnesses said it took officials a friendship that lasted for to death for a crime committed silver chains connecting his dren and great grand-child. It 9am to 3pm. All his family more than an hour to find a more than 15 years. I miss you. almost 37 years earlier. My handcuffs to his waist chain. was such a joy to see him smil- were there, as well as his law- vein to deliver the lethal cock- heart sank at the thought. He looked at me, smiled, and ing so much. yer and investigator. We still tail of drugs, finally finding then tried to put his hands to- had hope that the Supreme one in his groin. Once they Three days earlier I had visited gether as if in prayer. We had We all visited again, including Court of the United States would found it Brandon’s eyes closed Carole Elizabeth is a volunteer Brandon at the prison. Having fifteen precious minutes to- his other son Brenton, on the rule in Brandon’s favour. and the Warden left the room. pen friend with LifeLines. been checked by security I gether talking about anything Sunday. On Monday his fam- Six minutes later Brandon For more information check walked alone through a long and everything before his fam- ily, his lawyer and his The last 20 minutes of that opened his eyes again and out www.lifelines-uk.org.uk UFOs, illegal images, arson and computer hacking

research has not shown, or we are fifteen times Aspies who have been arrested for sexual of- other technologies potentially useful to the Could they be more likely to be improperly imprisoned. fences may well have ‘counterfeit deviance,’ public - found, a hunt for UFOs can lead to the described as behaviour that, “topographically hacking of insecure government systems lead- Most adults with AS (or Aspies as we like to call look[s] like paraphilia (a condition character- ing to a vengeful United States demanding symptoms of ourselves) who end up in prison will be una- ized by abnormal sexual desires, typically in- extradition. It took Theresa May, then the Home ware that they have the condition. Because of volving extreme or dangerous activities,’ but Secretary and now Prime Minister to halt Autistic Spectrum their AS they will be likely to have significantly lack[s] the recurrence of and the pathological McKinnon’s extradition proceedings, much to underperformed at school, and few, (around use of sexual fantasies, urges or behaviour.” the fury of previous Labour Home Secretaries. Disorders? fifteen per cent according to the National Autistic Society) would have been in regular AS is a lifelong developmental disorder and Numerous studies have shown that in the over- Neil Robertson employment. many Aspies have similar interests to, and pre- whelming majority of such cases, there will fer to be around, people who are very much have been no intent to offend, harm, or hurt AS is characterised by three main features: younger than them. With the current paranoia anyone, which has significant legal implica- A report last December, ‘Supporting young difficulties with social interaction - communi- about paedophilia, this can result in convic- tions as this means in such cases there is a lack people with neurodevelopmental impairment’ cation and imagination, (being able to work tions based on circumstantial evidence and of mens rea or criminal intent. by Dr Nathan Hughes and Dr Prabitha out the intentions of others and the conse- false accusations. Chitsabesan for the Centre for Crime and Justice quences of their own actions); sensory sensi- Unfortunately, many people - often including Studies found that 15 per cent of YOI prisoners tivities; and intense interests which are often Alternatively, as Gary McKinnon, the Scottish forensic psychologists and psychiatrists who have autistic spectrum disorders (ASDs) mostly about very unusual subjects. systems administrator and hacker who was really should know better - think of Dustin Asperger’s Syndrome (AS). Other studies have accused in 2002 of perpetrating the “biggest Hoffman’s character in the Hollywood movie found similar studies in adult prisons. These can result in our coming to the attention military computer hack of all time,” and suc- Rain Man as the typical presentation of some- Since individuals with ASD make up around 1 of the criminal justice system, including in cessfully fought extradition to the US in 2012 one with AS, and fail to recognise the per cent of the general population this is very particular for sexual offences, (especially for - although McKinnon himself states that he was disability. worrying. Either we are fifteen times more likely possession of illegal images), arson and com- merely looking for evidence of free energy sup- to commit criminal offences, which extensive puter hacking. pression and a cover-up of UFO activity and Neil Robertson is a resident of HMP Glenochil Insidetime August 2016 www.insidetime.org Comment 23

innocence. Because, thanks to the Internet, we banner, cleaning the steps of his building. He are all “media” these days. And that desire for had no idea who I was. “Weren’t you on telly attention is a very strong one. the other night?”, I asked him innocently. “Yes - TV news”, he answered. “Can I buy that ban- It has fuelled the False Allegations Industry. ner?”, I asked. “No, sorry mate, ITN gave it to Not just celebrities attract attention - local pub- me to wave for filming and took it away after- licity for claims has seen hundreds suffer. Dead wards”, he replied pleasantly, and went on Celebs are the best targets - what is there to scrubbing. lose? But media coverage affects the way police, judges, lawyers and public servants behave I started by quoting “all publicity is good pub- too. A better story gets results. Embellish the licity” and said “no, it’s not”. But it can be. We truth. Trial By Media has been around for some should not forget the positive side of publicity time now. Accidents become brutal . and I believe the False Allegations Industry will Mild sex abuse becomes . Affairs with be destroyed by publicity in the media, forcing adults become assaults on children. Exaggeration police and CPS behaviour and the laws to is more common these days, in the Courts of change. But the ramifications of publicity can Law and of Public Opinion, than invention. be far reaching.

© Fotolia.com Success gets massive compensation cash. Huge One of our brighter Prime Ministers once suf- fees from tabloids buying stories and increased focated the “oxygen of publicity”, as she called circulation or ratings. Police budgets raised. it, and did serious damage to the IRA in the we were young and innocent and so, essential- Easy promotion for mediocre cops. Massive fees process. Where would Isis be without publicity? ly, was the media. for lawyers. Glowing tributes for Judges. What’s We all know that many of the loonies who shoot Publicity not to like? kids in school or gays in clubs are doing it for It was the joy of success, not celebrity, that attention. Their demented brains want it, even motivated us in the Sixties. Then the associated In Marseille in 1998, I saw a TV crew organising if it comes after their own deaths. money kicked in, as a thoroughly desirable and filming a perfectly happy group of teenage added benefit. And the lust for headlines at- fans pretending to fight each other after the Mass media has been around for about a cen- and great tracted the loonies. Serial killers, suicide bomb- World Cup England/Tunisia game, in order to tury. The time has come for it to work out a set ers, mass murderers - why do they do it? Many give them visuals for a fake story that went with of principles based on responsibility. For this of them do it for the fame and the media ac- the better agenda. Deliberately organised visual is a global problem, affecting our species, not claim. If not just for themselves, for their “evidence” to back up a great story that was, just one silly little country. The solution? Don’t stories causes. in fact, a lie. mention killer’s names. Don’t carry their pho- tographs or details. Douse the lust for notoriety. Jonathan King The media have one dominating desire. The When I was released from prison in 2005, there Praise the saints and ignore the devils. great story. With no responsibility at all, they was a crowd of hundreds outside my home. The - we - cannot resist a great story. They cannot No1 story on the national evening news. I saw Unless you want those tragedies to happen, of “All publicity is good publicity” we used to say, see the damage it does and often that is also a a huge banner held up on a balcony opposite, course, because they are… great stories. along with “No publicity is bad publicity”. great story. Indeed, we will defend our right to featured in all the reports, hand painted with publish a great story above everything else. something like PISS OFF PERVERT. A few days Wrong. Freedom of speech. These days regarded as later, walking to the shops, I saw the manager Jonathan King considers himself a proud Well it was pretty accurate in the old days, when more important than the presumption of of the hostel, who had been holding up the former prisoner Specialists in Prison Law

• Parole • Recall • Adjudications • Pre-tariff Review • Sentence Calculation • Re-categorisation • HDC • Compensation for parole delay 0151 200 4071 63 Ham ilton Squ are Birkenh e ad W irral C H41 5JF solici tors 24 Comment www.insidetime.org Insidetime August 2016

who reminds me about things long ago, I had complete com- prisons I have been in. such as meal times and stores, mand of an extensive vocab- Healthcare here is pretty etc. He keeps a diary to track ulary. I was a classroom assis- pro-active and have set up in- Losing my mind the progress of my condition. tant teaching English, written itiatives such as the Memory Apart from the aspirin I take and verbal. Café, and gym staff have gone daily there is little external the extra mile to accommodate help I can get to slow this dis- Before coming to prison, I was older prisoners with activities Living with dementia in prison ease. There is no cure. a highly regarded and paid specially designed for them. professional in the field of The staff that know me are expectation that nothing I have good and bad days, but data security. That career has generally sympathetic, but the could have showed up on the all I can do is keep my mind gone. Not because I have a problems I’ve encountered are scan and I could put this be- as active as possible. I attend criminal record but because mainly with management, hind me. I could live with ‘de- the Memory Café 3 times a most of what I knew has dwin- specifically Offender pression’ and as long as it was week where we associate and dled away. I no longer have the Management, who have little, not dementia anything else play games to keep our minds capacity to retain vast amounts if any, understanding or expe- would be a bonus. active. I draw and paint, which of knowledge. I am a pragma- rience about the realities of I think helps with my spatial tist, though, and I was lucky prisoners lives. For instance, When the specialist told me awareness. I try to keep phys- enough to discover a talent for they insist on inappropriate that I had significant damage ically active, I play badmin- art early on in my prison sen- programmes with threats and to my left frontal lobe as a re- ton, again toC helpO spatialMP tence.EN I haveS aA particularTIO flareN inF someO casesR actual IEP sult of a stroke I was devastat- awareness. for portraiture which I may be downgrades for people who ed. I’d had dementia all this VICTIMSable O toF use toC makeH aI smallLD areA incapableBU Sof retainingE any time and no one knew, least So how do I feel? If I could sum living on release. It is an im- useful information these of all me. Because of my age, it up in Honee lwordping it wouldvictim bes pbeddedlan fo skillr th that,e fu astu longre asan I d acourseschiev maye ju contain.stice Hardly I am still relatively young, de- ‘terrified’O uorr s pperhapsecialist t‘alone’.eam are copractise,mmitted It oshouldn’t helping v lose.ictims of abuconducivese and are toex ap stableerts in frame of mentia is accelerated. Counter mind absolutely necessary to Terrifiedb ribecausenging acti oIn knowagains t local authorities, such as social services, and residential to what people might think, what’s happening to me and My future is very uncertain. I combat dementia. the later in life you get it, the how much worse it is going toi nstithopeution sI, cansuch retain as ch ienoughldren’s h oofm es. better off you are. get. Alone,Ou notr de becausedicated tIe don’tam o f mamyle afacultiesnd fema lsoe l athatwye Ir swill hav note a proAsve na twhole,rack re cthisord prisonwith seems have friends or people whosexu al, beph yas iburdencal and euponmotio nrelease.al abus eI claitoms be. doing the right things I have noticed the effects more care, but because unless you have 2 years left of my sen- and the staff involved with © prisonimage.org Child abuse can take a long time to come to terms with and it can be difficult for and more in the last few have been through something tence but, despite my best ef- older prisoners are superb and months. Whether that is be- like this,vic tnobodyims to sp caneak oknowut ab out forts,their t myrau mconditionatic expe isri eprogresnces. R-egadedicated.rdless of h oOtherw lon staffg ago could be cause my condition is worsen- the abuse took place, you may still be able to make a claim. Andre Pollitt the symptoms were similar how you feel. And I no longer sively worsening. I have been better trained and there are ing or if I’m just noticing it and my age made dementia have theA wordsnythin tog y describeou say to it. us withroughll be han ad lwideed wi trangeh the uoftm emoost -levethose,ls of pr olikefess everywhereionalism, else, more is open to debate. I don’t unlikely. The thing was I kept tional states since I learned of that just don’t care. But the know. I don’t think I had such sensitivity and understanding. This is very much a personal telling them that I did not feel I increasingly live inside my my condition. I’ve even con- balance between care and dig- confusing episodes just a few Child abuse claims are often eligible for pubic funding and Jordans are recognised by perspective from my own ex- depressed. I have always been own head and my world is get- sidered suicide. But optimism nity for older prisoners is a fine months ago, but I’m not sure. perience. I was diagnosed with a calm and unflappable kind ting smallerthe le byga thel se day.rvice Is know comm issisio embeddedn as one of inth emy fe wcharacter specialis t proneovid ethatrs o thef leg prisonal aid fgenerallyor I’m unsure of a lot of things small vessel disease about a of person. I did not feel ex- that some people look at me andthis if t yI pcane o fhold work on in tothe a UsemK. - gets right. An example for the lately, forgetting the names of year ago. What the difference tremes of emotion, or at least, and think I am stupid and un- blance of quality of life, which rest of the prison estate. people I have known for years, is between that and vascular not until the last few months. educated because my spoken I hope I can, then it is worth dementia, I do not know, al- loss of spatial awareness, fall- sentences contain a lot of persevering. I hope this helps people to not ing upstairs, bumping into though I have asked. The The symptoms persisted and pauses while I desperately try just understand a bit about things and people, that sort of problem is that I remember gradually got worse, particu- to think of the words I need. I am very fortunate to be in a dementia clinically, but also thing. I have to write asking the question but if I larly my memory. Eventually, Often I cannot,Cal l andCh justris tgiveine Sprisonands that an appearsd the tote bea atm the on 0how192 it4 feels 868 from911 the inside. everything down now. My vo- was given an answer, I don’t the prison doctor had a brain up or use inappropriate Einm conail- abuforefrontseteam in@ tacklingjordan sdementiasolicito rs.co.uk cabulary has taken a huge hit. remember it. What I can re- specialist from Southampton text. This frustrates me be- and looking after older prison- Andre Pollitt is currently I used to be very articulate, I Write to Neil Jordan House, Wellington Road, Dewsbury, WF13 1HL member, however, is that it is Hospital, one of the foremost yond belief because not too ers, more so than in other resident at HMP Parkhurst loved words, now I can barely not vascular dementia but the in this field, do some tests on communicate what I want to effects are pretty much the me. A month later he did some say in a meaningful way. The same. more tests. That was when he words are there I just can’t asked that I be given an MRI remember them. I am getting COMPENSATION FOR I had been having memory scan. This took place at St upset as I write this because it problems for quite some time, Mary’s hospital across the is so hard to control my along with disturbed sleep road from the prison. The re- VICTIMS OF CHILD ABUSE emotions. patterns and tiring easily. sults came back 6 weeks later Especially if I tried to read for but the doctor here was reluc- Helping victims plan for the future and achieve justice I am lucky in a way as I have any length of time or try to tant to tell me anything, pre- people here who look after me Our specialist team have already helped victims at the following places; learn something new. For ferring to wait for the special- and care about my wellbeing. years, doctors had put this ist to explain it. I had every In Foster Care down to depression because I have an assigned ‘buddy’ Leeds Care Homes Wales Care Homes North East Care Homes ON YOUR SIDE Manchester Care Homes Being on your side is one thing. Fighting your corner is another. We do both. St Williams, East Yorkshire

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smuggled in to prisons is through visits. I get that too but there are in- Under the influence of dogs deed others. The problem I have is that families During my time as a prison visitor, I I receive my belongings back from and friends of prisoners are targeted went through the search procedure the prison officer and go for a pat- more so than any other. The person and was subjected to standing on a down search by another officer who visiting the prison in Scotland was line whilst the sniffer dog did its work. is wearing gloves but does not subjected to a full strip search and One afternoon, the dog indicated that change them when it is my turn to be was forced to bend over and separate there was a problem - with me. I re- searched? I have a job that involves her buttocks in a Police station. They acted by laughing because it was ab- infection control and I know all about found nothing and this traumatic surd! Drugs are a big no, no, for me. I cross-contamination. As soon as I event has left these individuals not have seen the impact they have on walk in to a prison I observe wanting to visit their son anymore. families and the end results are almost everything and there is no doubt in It has humiliated them and has had always devastating ones. The dog my mind whatsoever that the reason a profound impact on their mental handler was quite abrupt with me but why dogs are indicating at innocent health wellbeing. I now have to con- his sniffer dog has one major handi- people is because of human error. sider a few things based on this story. cap when it comes to detective work There are certain illegal substances, A couple of months ago, I wrote an - it is still a dog. It’s just as likely to be cannabis for example, that leaves article for Inside Time titled, distracted by the overwhelming residue. I may have carried residue ‘Dementia in Prisons’. On the basis smells of other animals as any other on my hands from the very moment of that article, and other work I do dog. There are numerous examples I stepped inside the visitors centre! for those suffering with dementia; I but one I clearly remember is the Tia Door handles, taps in the loos, hand was made a Purple Angel Ambassador Sharp case. Four separate searches dryers, trays, you name it. There are for dementia awareness in the UK. I with sniffer dogs failed to detect the so many arguable things wrong dur- support a gentleman with a profes- young girl’s body. As much as we are ing a visit search and I am on to it sional background in sport. He is 52 told that sniffer dogs are highly like the measles. and has frontal-lobe dementia. To trained - they can be a very unreliable source. look at him you wouldn’t know he © Fotolia.com As much as we are has this crippling disease. I also sup- port a lady with frontal-lobe demen- I felt embarrassed and insulted when told that sniffer dogs the sniffer dog and its handler cor- tia. She’s 54 and has a son in prison. Alison Henderson The prison had a drugs intervention nered me. My argument resulted in a are highly trained What would happen if this woman going on and visitors were searched normal visit (not closed) but I had to was subjected to the same humiliat- by the Police and prison officers. I get - they can be a very I thought the insanity had stopped; take my visit sat on a table near the ing treatment as the person in that; because the top and bottom of but it hadn’t. I thought inhumane prison officer’s station. If I’d have unreliable source Scotland? The fact of the matter is; it is; there shouldn’t be drugs in pris- treatment of prisoners families had been subjected to a strip search - all no innocent person should be humil- on. My ex-partner was sentenced to evolved to that of being looked upon hell would have broken loose! iated, especially by a dog’s say so! It with respect; I am deluded. My blog, 7 years in prison for a drugs related Anyway, the email I received off the is not good enough. crime. He robbed a store high on her- person in Scotland turned my stom- Prison Widow UK, is a busy one. I’d I am one of life’s great observers and oin and Diazepam. What was the taken a few years off but I’m back the issues do not lie with a sniffer dog. ach. I was outraged and my raised There are plenty of people who I can point in visiting him and supporting and so is the platform for prisoner’s When I enter a prison along with ump- blood pressure resulted in an email visit in prison so this year’s observa- him to become a good father and cit- families and ex-offenders. I’m an in- teen other visitors; my first port of call to Michael Spurr at NOMS. I com- tional task is to do just that and soak izen when he was using the same dependent bird, I don’t belong to a is to hand over my VO and passport pletely sided with Mr Spurr about in how different prisons conduct substances in prison that got him in charity or organisation; I do my own to the booking clerk. The booking drugs in prison. There shouldn’t be searches. there in the first place? How can the stuff. One thing I refuse to do is paint clerk does not wear PPE (gloves). I any, none at all. For a drug addict to system play the ‘rehabilitation’ ball pretty colours over grey areas. It may then use a locker and lock away my be sentenced to prison for a drug re- I completely understand why search- when there is no linesman? My ex well look better, but the ‘grey’ is still bag, coat and other belongings. I am lated offence only to use drugs whilst es have to be done. But if my house completed some excellent courses lying dormant underneath the sur- using a key that has been used hun- serving his or her sentence makes a was flooded, I would be getting rid whilst in prison - but he was still a face. I tend to leave it grey until dreds of times over. I make my way to mockery out of the whole criminal of the water inside as well as stopping junkie and actively using heroin someone else lightens the colour and the prison entrance and hand over my justice system. The prison estate may it from coming in. You see my point? whilst in there. It was a waste of time, changes take place. VO and passport to a prison officer. as well kit the nicks out with bars for I’m open to offers for a tour bus? money and resources in my opinion They are not wearing PPE (gloves). My alcoholics if that is the case. It is com- because he was released from prison A few weeks ago, I received an email rings, watch and jewellery are then pletely defeating the object and the as an active drug addict. The courts from a person who had been to visit placed in a tray that has been used word resettlement is - well it’s just a Alison Henderson considers herself may as well not have bothered lock- her son in HMP Low Moss; Scotland. time and time again by other visitors. word. One of the ways drugs are an expert by experience ing him up.

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26 Comment www.insidetime.org Insidetime August 2016

to be taken too seriously. And it was The heroin revolution in our prisons, many years, advertised in the classi- only when I moved up to an adult paralleled by a rise in heroin-users in fied section of most magazines and prison that I learned the ‘official’ pris- the outside world, swept through like newspapers. It became popular in oner stance on drugs. In adult prisons a tsunami and left many addicts in prison when it was realised that it did hash-smokers were pretty common, its wake. Prison became much more not show up on MDT’s and could give and the accepted currency in most violent. Where cannabis had been users almost the same high as can- prisons was the ‘half-ounce deal’ - a quite cheap, and the effects left you nabis. Suddenly, it was all over the small piece of cannabis, usually laying on your bed listening to music prison system, and the authorities enough for 2 joints, for which the and eating chocolate bars, heroin was were not happy. buyer would pay a half-ounce of to- expensive, highly addictive, and bacco. This was some years before the could turn those with an unfed habit In order to ‘combat’ the rise of legal advent of Skunk and other more pow- into desperate characters willing to highs, the government sought to out- erful weed. Though cannabis smoking do almost anything for their fix. The law the ingredients, therefore making was very common and those who dealers ruled with an iron fist and it an illegal high. Unfortunately, this partook of the old ‘waccy baccy’ were being unable to pay your drug debts method of operation backfired mas- classed as the norm, this was not the would guarantee you a good kicking sively when the manufacturers got case when it came to heroin-users. at the very least. A survey by the around the law by changing the in- Prison Reform Trust revealed that gredients several times to make it a In the prison system of the 1970’s-ear- 19% of prisoners admitted using her- ‘legal’ substance again. These chang- ly 1980’s I could look around the wing oin for the first time whilst they were es created very dangerous drugs that of any prison and count the heroin-us- in prison. started to affect the users in different ers on the fingers of one hand. They ways. Gone was the fairly harmless were distrusted by ‘real’ criminals and This heroin revolution had huge cannabis substitute of pre-2010, and knock-on effects to prison violence in its place was a psychoactive sub- viewed with a great deal of suspicion and reconviction rates. Prisons be- stance that, in some cases, was lead- and contempt. The main argument came much more violent and those ing to the user’s death. against ‘skag-heads’, as they were prisoners who were being released known, went along the lines of ‘they addicted to heroin had little choice In 2016, our prisons are awash with © Fotolia.com are all grasses-in-waiting’. It was be- but to almost immediately reoffend so-called legal highs. Inside Time has lieved, on the whole, that all the au- in order to get money to feed their received dozens of letters from pris- thorities had to do was force them to newly-acquired addiction. Some pris- oners who have been adversely af- go ‘cold turkey’ (deprive them of her- oners who had become addicted fected by this drug, with little respite Half-ounce deal oin) and they would, in their desper- whilst in prison and were unused to in sight. Every time the ingredients ation for the drug, give up information the strength of street-heroin, were to are outlawed, the makers just change Noel Smith and been witness to the changes in about everyone and anything. Plus, overdose and die on release when them for something else. This way, the drug culture amongst prisoners. heroin was pretty expensive, as com- they took their first real hit. This was the prison authorities cannot devise When I was first incarcerated in 1975, pared to hash, which left most of the a real problem. a drug test for the new substances ‘Almost half of the prison drugs were pretty rare, certainly in heroin-users in prison on their uppers and they remain, within the defini- the juvenile system, and those who and inclined to ‘ponce’ (begging and The introduction of Mandatory Drug tion of the word, ‘legal’. Though they population have an used drugs were classed as oddities. borrowing items) from other prison- Tests into British prisons in 1995 was can no longer be ‘legal’ in UK addiction to drugs. A It was in Rochester Borstal in 1978 ers. So skag-heads were classed as to exacerbate the problem and wipe prisons. majority of addicts in that I met my first drug-user, and, dirty, ponces and grasses. But this out the last remnants of the cannabis though it sounds like a well-worn attitude was soon to change once the culture. As we all know, MDT can So, what can be done? Well, the only prison will be there be- cliché, he was a guitarist in a fledg- ‘real’ criminals became outnumbered detect cannabis in the prisoner’s body way to stop drug-abuse in our prisons cause of crimes commit- ling rock band, sent to borstal for by the ‘skag-heads’. for at least 28 days after it has been is to keep every single prisoner in a ted related to their assaulting a police officer. I remem- smoked. This meant that cannabis hermetically sealed box and allow no ber being fascinated as I watched him Around 1987 I was on remand in smokers were in constant danger of contact with anyone else. And that addiction.’ go through the ritual of putting to- Pentonville and noticed that the her- losing vast amounts of remission for would be impossible. As long as there House of Commons website gether a hash joint. I was mesmerised oin-users had increased in number their vice. On the other hand, heroin are prisons and prisoners with the as I watched him and his mate, a and openness. Instead of a couple of and other opiates can be flushed from wherewithal to purchase drugs, the In recent years, Inside Time has re- punk rocker, ‘toking’ on this strange greasy-looking hippies skulking the body in less than 24 hours, leav- market remains open. The only an- ceived many letters from prisoners roll-up, their faces suddenly draped around the wing, we now had dozens ing heroin as the favourite drug for swer is more security and more vigi- worried about the influx of so-called in oddly-beatific smiles. They offered of addicted heroin-users quite openly any prisoner who fancied getting lance by prison staff combined with ‘legal highs’ in our prison system. It the joint to me, but, to be honest, I on the hunt for their drug. Men, who high but didn’t fancy losing remission better drug education for prisoners, would appear that there is now a major was too frightened to take it. In those I knew personally, who had previous- for it. The heroin revolution was but with staff shortages, budget cuts drug problem in our prisons. But, in days and at that age (I was 16) I knew ly expressed a negative opinion of complete. and massive overcrowding in our my own experience of prison, this has absolutely zero about drugs. heroin and heroin-users, seemed to prisons, this kind of action does not been the case since the early 1980s. be taking pride in the fact that they Then, in 2010, just as I was finishing look likely. If we deal with the drug The only new dimension is the type of The hash-smoking musicians at were now hooked on the drug. In 1987 off my life sentence at HMP Blantyre problems in our prisons then we sure- drugs that prisoners are now taking. Rochester were viewed by the rest of I could look around that prison wing House, I witnessed the quiet rise of ly reduce reoffending at the same the Borstal trainees as somehow ‘ex- and struggle to count the non-hero- ‘legal highs’. At first this drug called time, and in an institution that seems I have served several large prison otic’, more windswept and interesting in-users on both hands. How things ‘Spice’ was merely a legal substitute to be obsessed with targets, surely sentences over the past four decades than the average but not had changed. for cannabis. It had been around for that is a target worth setting?

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Where you could buy a whole That’s almost half of the na- made it a criminal offence to avenue of assistance without the solitude - the loneliness host of products which stated tional figure of NPS deaths produce, import/export, and fear of punishment, this same and boredom - associated in small letters somewhere on accrued during just two years. supply or offer to supply any luxury has not been afforded with imprisonment. the packaging: ‘Warning - And among a population of psychoactive substance likely to men and women in our Something that will shut room odorizer’, or ‘Warning: just 85,000 (rather than 57.4 to be used for its psychoactive custody. down the senses to the indig- Plant food. Not for human million) people. effects. And while mere pos- nities of overcrowding. consumption’. A ‘headshop’ session of NPS did not become Aldous Huxley, the writer, Something that will close jam-packed with what we Not only has the rise in NPS an offence, this rule came once said that if we could down the self to the pains of would now call ‘new’ or ‘novel in prisons been identified as with a specific exception; that “sniff or swallow something indeterminate imprisonment. The Secret psychoactive substances’ (or responsible for this spike in for ‘custodial institutions’, that would, for five or six Through Huxley’s perspec- NPS, for short). Back in my deaths in custody, but - ac- simple possession would be hours each day, abolish our tive, growing use of NPS could day, we just called them ‘legal cording to the new HM Chief Criminologist an offence, and an offence solitude as individuals […] be understood as one of the highs’. Inspector of Prisons - its “dest- punishable, on indictment, of and make life in all its aspects ways in which people in pris- abilising” effect is “making it up to two further years Injecting a large measure seem not only worth living, on attempt to escape the vio- According to the Office for difficult for normal prison life inside. of humanity into the but divinely beautiful and lence, the misery, and the National Statistics, the sort of to continue”. Debt, bullying criminological significant […] all our prob- boredom of the contemporary synthetic stimulants and syn- and rising violence in our pris- I feel that the governmental perspective lems would be wholly solved carceral, and make another thetic cannabinoids I used to ons have all been linked to response has failed to grasp and earth would become day worth surviving. buy from the headshop in my NPS. the nettle here. Instead of NPS: town began to really gain pop- tackling the difficult ques- paradise”. And while this perspective is ularity around 2008-9. Back New psychoac- tions about how and why we judgment and then, they never seemed to be have seen these shifts in While the ‘earthly paradise’ not necessarily the answer to anything but a bit of fun, tive substances drug-taking trends, they part is questionable, some of the NPS question, it is a more recrimination what Huxley says holds water useful response than one when we couldn’t get our have had a opted for the same sort of hands on the real deal. knee-jerk criminalising re- when it comes to prison, I which continues to criminal- not the However, concerns relating to ‘destabilising’ sponse that characterised the think. It seems that there is a ise and only serves to pile more answer the availability of NPS effect, making it creation of the much-ma- growing need for prisoners to punishment on top of pain. amongst the wider populace ligned 1971 Misuse of Drugs ‘sniff or swallow’ (or smoke) In the town where I grew up, have grown in recent years, difficult for normal Act. Again, they chose not to something that can ‘abolish’ The Secret Criminologist there was a shop. (I mean, as an increasing number of prison life to put money into health re- there were a lot of shops - but young people, most frequent- sponses, provision of informa- bear with me). A shop where ly men, have died after using continue tion and education, and acute the shopkeeper used to sit out- them - between 2004 and care/crisis management, but side in a canvas chair, shroud- 2013, there were 76 NPS- The governmental response to to create a culture of judgment ed in a wreath of smoke, and related deaths across England all of this was entirely predict- and recrimination. who was more often stoned and Wales. able - opting for criminalising than straight. Where a glori- in place of understanding. And while the decision not to ous display of technicolour But between 2013 and 2015, And so in May 2016, the criminalise mere possession bongs in the window glinted there were 39 NPS-related Psychoactive Substances Act might leave NPS users outside in the late evening sunlight. deaths in our prisons alone. came into force. This law the prison walls with an open © Fotolia.com

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shred of evidence. He is a VICTIM. My coverage of defendants found not- whole family are now VICTIMS. The guilty is also telling. If Max Clifford police did not investigate the case, would have been found guilty at trial The forgotten victims the accuser was immediately believed of new accusations in July 2016, it and my husband was guilty until he would have hit every news channel, could prove his innocence. as it was his acquittal didn’t even go We are still here, why won’t you help us? Imbalanced as the accuser never had on the headlines of the BBC website. to prove the crime even occurred. The Justice system is destroying so- ciety. The growth in VICTIMS of false Our crime was all fantasy. How do I accusations is becoming an epidem- know, you may ask, because I was ic. How can juries decide, when there there. I know the truth, but the police is no corroborative evidence? Why or CPS did not see fit to interview me are they guessing? Somebody is re- or my stepson or the accusers’ sister, sponsible for this! Who is it? Everyone as we were all present. Instead they is entitled to Justice. decided to create a story, without a shred of evidence and convince a jury Hillsborough took 27 years for justice. that it was true. ALL IN THE NAME How long must we all wait? How long Linda C people who claim to have suffered minded, investigative policing? When OF JUSTICE and our justice system must thousands of innocent people rape or sexual assault, “You will be police automatically believe the ac- allows it. It is legal! It seems it is legal sit in a cell convicted of a fantasy to create VICTIMS. crime in the name of justice? A public The above letter was received in July believed”. In February 2016, Britain’s cuser and immediately refer to them inquiry into the practices of the 2016 following an allegation of sexual top police officer, Bernard Hogan- as a victim and continue to refer to Whilst the police are working within Police and CPS is urgently required. assault and a decision to take no fur- Howe confirmed that the pendulum them as a victim, then why bother a policy of victim focused culture how A police Statutory Code of Conduct ther action. Leicestershire Police state had possibly swung too far and this with a trial? The defendant is pre- does any defendant get a fair trial? for the investigation of sexual assault … “the victim has been advised of the policy may be dropped. However, sumed guilty from the outset. As the potential for miscarriages of offences was debated in the House reasons for this decision”. The use of today Leicestershire Police amongst justice is high in historic abuse cases, of Lords on 30th June 2016. This is the word ‘victim’ to describe the com- other police forces are still referring The police did not the right to a fair trial has particular urgently required. Please write to plainant is not unique to to complainants as victims and thus significance. Allegations must be ro- your MP to obtain their support for Leicestershire Police, examples of pre-judging cases. investigate the case, the bustly investigated, with considera- this inquiry. this letter have been seen across the accuser was immediately ble attention given to the accuracy police force. The use of the word ‘vic- The then Home Secretary, Theresa and veracity of evidence and the po- I, for one, will not allow my family tim’ is acknowledging that the com- May in May 2016 stated at the feder- believed and my lice should approach each case with to be collateral damage of a justice plainant has been harmed or injured ation of police that “victims of abuse husband was guilty an open mind. Why after a false ac- system that is not fit for purpose. I as the result of a crime, however are still being let down and reports cusation has been investigated and am not going anywhere. I will not lie when no crime can be established, are not being taken seriously until he could prove the accused has been told there is no down and accept this. There are thou- why is the complainant still being enough”. This emotive language is case to answer, just as in Cliff sands in my position. We are VICTIMS referred to as a ‘victim’? There is no impacting the entire justice system his innocence Richards’ case is the false accuser still and we need protection from false recognition that this allegation is un- and prosecution is using this lan- called the VICTIM? Media is also fo- accusers and wrongful convictions. founded and thus the defendant guage to influence juries. The justice system as it stands creates cused on the impact of the accuser; We count too! could be the victim of a false accusa- VICTIMS, it created us. My innocent coverage of sexual assault refers to tion. Police policy is still that detec- When will police policy be reviewed? husband has been wrongly convicted Linda C “I am a victim of a false accusers as victims. The lack of tives will automatically believe When will policing return to open of historic sexual assault without a accuser and wrongful conviction”

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Insidetime August 2016 www.insidetime.org Comment 29

enquire about your welfare: of staff will surface smiling. • Business meeting on a ‘would you like a hot drink?’ “Hi!” Thursday at 3.15pm. A journey through the After the usual tedious but essential processing and wait- There are plants all over the With your brain overloaded ing you and your belongings gaff which is nice but at first with information about its will go down to G wing- the quite odd when you’re used to new home, hopefully you’ll be therapy looking glass Assessment and Induction the gloom and doom of HMPs. able to relax and reflect once unit. You might be sat down on one your door is locked. In your induction pack you’ll have Grendon is first and foremost of the sofa chairs having a An officer will chat, and then a yawn and been given a journal. Everyone a category B prison, but, hav- When you go down to the wing greet you with an for the first time you might stretch, and find yourself arm has to keep a journal of their ing said that, trying to com- journey on the assessment think I know I’m in a TC now wrestling with a branch or a pare this place to any other introduction full of unit. Why not get stuck in on because I can’t remember the bunch of leaves. Then a com- prison in this country is im- the first night? You write what friendly calmness last time I shook the hands of munity member might walk possible - there is nowhere like past with a tub of fish food in happened that day and how it so many strangers in one day. it. Over the years, many pris- and enquire about his hand - fish? Ha! made you feel. There will be a It can be a tad overwhelming oners have heard Chinese lot more talking about things your welfare: and even a memory champion Whispers about Grendon More extraordinarily there are that have happened in the might struggle trying to re- being some kind of therapy ‘would you like a usually a few community past and how it made you feel member over thirty names in but the assessment unit is all

© Fotolia.com ‘nuthouse’ with clientele of a members in the office having hot drink?’ what feels like thirty seconds. certain ilk. It is interesting a general chitchat with staff, about the here and now. I need Harold Mose However, for certain, the to get an early night tonight; how the negatives are usually The day you step off the or maybe just reading the friendliness is disarming. today’s a Thursday so I’ve got zoned in on and the brighter ‘sweatbox’ and walk into re- day’s newspaper. Prisoners+ Many people arrive from tes- staff+office+ Where the hell my first wing meeting tomor- side of this TC isn’t allowed to ception, it is like you are fall- tosterone-fuelled hostile envi- am I? In a TC things are turned row morning. Wonder what Welcome shine in the minds of those ing down a rabbit hole into the ronments with that look on the wing meetings are like? who hear about it. Anyway, upside down. land of Alice and co. What you their faces - ‘don’t mess with to Grendon I’m not here to take sides. would have read and heard me’ - but soon realise that they Inductions are done in the Anyway, stay tuned for the Grendon is what it is. Yet, before arriving at Grendon will can relax more than they usu- evening after dinner; that is next instalment in which I will I am a lifer, currently residing there is so much more to this surely have given you a little ally would. Then another pris- when you are informed of the take you on an expedition of in a TC (therapeutic commu- place than people who have bit of insight, but living it and nity) in HMP Grendon. When oner, a ‘community member,’ assessment wing’s therapy all the things you may encoun- never experienced it think. I seeing it in action is a whole I decided to try and share this might pop in. “Hi, welcome to regime: ter if you ever decide you want hope to bring to light what it new story that may well stick experience the one big ques- G wing, I’m so and so. It’s nice to make the therapy journey. with you forever. An officer tion in my mind was: how can is like progressing through a to meet you. Have you got • Wing meetings Mondays will greet you with an intro- I best describe Grendon? It is TC, taking you on a step by everything you need?” And and Fridays at 9am; step journey through Grendon duction full of friendly calm- • Small group meetings each certainly a lot harder than I just when you think you’ve Harold Mose (nom de plume) from all angles. ness (first name basis) and Wednesday at 9am; imagined it would be. met everyone another member is resident in HMP Grendon Three little words you never want to hear: ‘remanded into custody’

pray that God will protect me. I am put in a I had never been to prison and I didn’t want to I didn’t Skype her on the Sunday, and this truly A year for a holding cell under the courts, there are a few go. All I could think of was Prisoner Cell Block did break my heart. This was my entry into the other women in there. I’m scared to converse H and Badgirls. I was convinced I would end prison I would call home for the next 365 days. first timer in a or even have eye contact with them, but they up somone’s ‘bitch.’ Outside I put on a brave It was definitely all downhill from there. For are harmless. face, stiff upper lip but inside I was running in the next 3 days I couldn’t eat, I lived on ciggys women’s prison circles pulling out my own hair. I kept my head and brews and kept my head down, steeled my After an hour or so and two minutes with my though and acted like everything was cool, like nerves and waited to see what other surprises Kelly Wober brief I was taken up the stairs to the dock. I felt nothing could touch me. HMP had up its sleeve for me. so ashamed and more alone than I can remember, and of course powerless. The charges were read It took a whole hour to be processed and they I stayed on the first night centre for five days I was arrested and taken to Birkenhead Police out, I wished the earth would open up and swal- make you a brew, all you really want is a ciggy, and then I was told to bring my stuff because I station, which incidentally is miles from low me whole, but no such luck. I was sent back and a shower. I had to be seen by the doctor, was going to the wing. I walked with my head Southport where I live. With my usual bad luck down stairs whist they deliberated my future. and then was asked a million annoying ques- down as the other prisoners sized us newbies I was arrested in the early hours of the Thursday tions by a very grumpy nurse. I was then taken up. This walk is the walk of shame and some- before Good Friday. I was put on a 12 hour lie upstairs to my cell where I smoked 3 in a row. thing I never want to go through again. down, so I could get my head straight before I was in purgatory and Finally they shouted us down for our meth, it the interrogation. No detectives were available was only 10 ml but it was a godsend for me. I Next month Kelly tells us what life on the wing on the Friday. I paced up and down, after all the guilt of just vanishing went back to my room and shut the door. I sat was like... what else can you do? I asked to see the nurse from my beloved animals’ down on the floor and started to rock like a and a couple of hours later the nurse arrived. I crazy person, I felt like a crazy person. I knew was in withdrawal but because the police said lives broke my heart my mum would start worrying about me when Kelly Wober is a former resident of HMP Styal I was off my cake the nurse said he couldn’t do anything for me. I started to cry. I felt an icy 15 minutes later I’m back in the dock. The oldest shiver run down my back. I was under a blanket Magistrate stares at me and looks down his We are local to: HMYOI AYLESBURY & HMPs BULLINGDON, that was cold as frost. A million bugs were run- glasses at me. When I hear the words remanded ning up and down my spine. I knew the full into custody, I was too shocked to speak. I was GRENDON, WOODHILL, READING and SPRINGHILL but blown symptoms were just hours away. That remanded until my court appearance which Pickup & Scott Solicitors also cover many other prisons. night I tossed and turned on the hard cell bed, wasn’t going to be for another 3 months. I felt sweating and crying and squeezing my eyes so nauseous, my legs were not my own. The secu- We cover all aspects of Prison Law tight my eyeballs hurt. When morning came rity woman was lovely and brought me a cup • Life Sentences • IPPs • Parole Hearings • Recalls the nurse gave me 2 dihydrocodeine tablets so of tea and returned me to the holding cell. I could sit through the Magistrates’ inquisition. • Adjudications • VPs • Immigration issues I guess that my face told the outcome. One of the Breakfast arrives but I’m too rough to eat it. other ladies in there told me that I would be Contact: Anna DPele Laas Me acroe,n Htaarclte:e na Johal-Basi, Terror has taken root. I’m taken from my cell given tobacco & methadone as soon as we got CMhaarrialo Vttiell aLryicoon oart : and loaded on to a sweatbox. The cuffs are re- to HMP Styal. I cheered up slightly but I was moved and I sit down on the slippery Formica worried sick about my pets, and I couldn’t re- PICKPUICPKU &P &S SCCOOTTT S SOLOICLIITCORITSO RS bench. The graffiti written by previous passen- member my mother’s telephone number in Florida. 6 Bo6u Brobuornbo Snt Sretreete ~t ~ A Ayylleessburryy ~ ~ B Bucukcsk ~s H~P H20P 2R0R 2RR gers helps me to focus. I was in purgatory and the guilt of just vanishing 01296 397 794 from my beloved animals’ lives broke my heart. 01296 397 794 I catch my reflection in the window. I won’t be Members of the Association of Prison Lawyers making a good first impression. All I can do is Forty five minutes later we’re back on the bus. 30 Comment www.insidetime.org Insidetime August 2016

A Britain outside the European Union would have no brake on new populist Prisoners help create demands for harsher punishments record nominations for Denis Macshane

© Fotolia.com Butler Trust Awards

John Pollock and interesting for many readers. A good place to start is the library: one of last year’s winners Brexit and the death penalty was an amazing prison librarian, a bit like Andy This year prisoners have again excelled them- Dufresne in The Shawshank Redemption (only In our June issue former MP and prisoner Denis Macshane argued that if selves by making a third of all prison nomina- with less tunnelling). tions for the 2016-17 Butler Trust Awards. HRH Britain was to leave the European Union, “the way would be open to The Princess Royal - a regular visitor to prisons “These people are remarkable and go restore capital punishment which is currently outlawed by the EU’s - gives the Awards each year, which recognise above and beyond… they have never Charter of Fundamental Rights agreed by the UK and other member outstanding people working in prisons, proba- tion, and youth and community justice. given up on any of us no matter how states in 2000.” ‘Could Brexit bring back the rope?’ pg1. But how likely is challenging we get.” it that those who voted Leave would also vote for the return of the death “In Tina Turner’s words, she’s “simply the The pile of full nominations is a couple of feet best”. In my words, she’s exceptional, penalty? The below excerpt from a briefing by Prof Eric Kaufman of high and literally thousands of pages. The next Birkbeck College gives a sobering indication. outstanding and always willing to go that stage involves an expert panel that will volun- extra mile to help.” tarily sift, whittle, and then argue over them over the summer, before they send their short- Income capital punishment and Brexit More prisons than ever before have taken part list to the judges. The final Awards and this year, and the total number of nominations,

8 Commendations are then announced early in 344, was even more than last year. As someone the New Year. who has spent the last two festive seasons writ- ing up dozens of Butler Trust winners’ profiles “He is an extraordinary and compassion- 6 - a surprisingly fascinating way to escape ate person who I can trust with my life.” Christmas, to be honest, especially if you think Scrooge gets a bad press - I can’t begin to tell I’m not the only one who rates prisoner nomi- you how much I rate the prisoners’ nominations. nations so highly, either. The expert panel and 4 judges often comment on the value, style, and “He is a real gentleman and goes out of importance of this unique point of view. Much his way to help everyone… he has helped of the work these remarkable people do is all me to become the man I am today.” about trying to help improve the lives of pris- 2 oners. So when prisoners give highly positive They’re fascinating and extraordinary for lots feedback, it’s deeply appreciated.

Predicted probability of leaving the EU of reasons. The “prisoners’ eye” view of prisons,

0 and the work that goes on in them, is unargu- “She has listened to me, supported me, ably expert. So taking the trouble to fill out a 1 2 3 4 5 guided me and never judged me… she has nomination to single out an officer, or someone helped me change… she is a true asset to else working in a prison, is really something. Death Penalty appropriate: 1-disagree strongly ... 5 agree strongly the prison service.” “She’s stoic in the face of even the most Low income High income Middle income I was talking to one of last year’s Award Winners irate of patrons here, she simply uses a at St. James’s Palace, just after The Princess smile and common sense - and her had presented the Awards. She’d been incred- The British Election Study’s Political psychologists show a close helpfulness knows no bounds.” ibly nervous the night before and almost de- internet panel survey of 2015- cided not to come. Then she thought about “my 16 asked a sample of over relationship between feeling fearful of The other thing I like, from a writer’s point of guys” - the prisoners who had nominated her 24,000 individuals about their change, desiring certainty, and calling view, is how interesting and tangy their writing - and realised that she had to come because, as views on [the death penalty] is (and in one case, their drawing: a large smiley she put it, “I couldn’t let them down.” and whether they would vote for harsh penalties for criminals and face got added to that particular form). No jar- to leave the EU. The graph discipline for children gon, straight talk, quiet wit - all highly readable. “They make me feel human again… they above, restricted to White Throw in the passion with which many prison- don’t treat me, or any of us, as inmates… British respondents, shows ers make their feelings known, and these nom- we are all respected and treated equally.” almost no statistically signifi- A similar pattern holds in the children. These are people inations are not only a pleasure to read, they’re cant difference in EU vote in- British Values Survey for the who want a more stable, or- often genuinely good writing. Many Award Winners and Commendees who tention between rich and poor. strongly worded question dered world. By contrast, have been nominated by prisoners say the same By contrast, the probability of probing respondents’ desire those who seek change and “Without this woman and her caring and thing - that this is what makes them proudest voting Brexit rises from around to see those who commit sex novelty are willing to embrace compassionate attitude, I don’t know where of all. So, once again, the Butler Trust would 20% for those most opposed crimes ‘publicly whipped, or immigration and the EU. I would be… she has literally saved my life.” like to thank every single prisoner who has to the death penalty to 70% for worse.’ Political psychologists made the effort to get involved with these nom- those most in favour. Wealthy show a close relationship be- Precisely the same relation- In fact there’s growing evidence that writing is inations: it really is truly appreciated. people who back capital pun- tween feeling fearful of ship - based on values rather highly therapeutic, too, so perhaps some more ishment back Brexit. Poor folk change, desiring certainty, than class - characterises sup- of you should take it up? They say you should who oppose the death penalty and calling for harsh penalties port for Donald Trump. ‘write what you know’ - and, if nothing else, John Pollock is the Communications support Remain. for criminals and discipline for your experience inside is itself both unusual Consultant for The Butler Trust Insidetime August 2016 www.insidetime.org Information 31 Chairman of the Parole Board: ‘eliminating the backlog is my priority’

oral hearings. Nick Hardwick Clearly, eliminating the back- We are now in a position to log of outstanding cases is This is my first article for focus much more on the out- vital in order to reduce the Inside Time since becoming comes of the Parole Board’s waiting time and the resulting Chairman of the Parole Board, work and the contribution we anxiety and frustration this and I am writing this as we are can make to wider reforms of causes prisoners. I know that about to publish the Parole the prison system. I have al- the parole review is a crucial Board annual report and ac- ready started developing and period for prisoners and con- © shutterstock counts for 2015/16. consulting on a new strategy cluding reviews as swiftly as which will set out how we in- possible must be a priority. At The report describes the work tend to do this and there are the beginning of 2015, we were of the Parole Board under the four main areas that are im- hearing averagely 500 cases a leadership of my predecessor portant to me: month at oral hearing, but this BehindBras Sir David Calvert-Smith, who has now increased to around left office at the very end of the l Safely eliminate the back- 700 a month, and we are see- Aiming to raise £25,000 in 25 days reporting period. Sir David log of outstanding cases that ing a sustained reduction in successfully guided the Parole are delayed due to capacity the backlog. In January 2015 Board through a very tough constraints; the number of outstanding John Roberts • Create self/employment opportunities for period and I hope that the re- cases was at an all-time high women who have been through the criminal l port captures much of the con- Work with partners to en- of just over 3160. The latest justice system. This is the aim of Barbara Burton, who launches tinuous improvement and sure that the majority of IPP figure for June 2016 is approx- her crowd funding campaign for BehindBras The aim is to “alter the route to the job centre innovations that have taken prisoners can be safely re- imately 2400, so we are mak- leased or have clear plans in Ltd and BehindBras Enterprise Academy CIC for many women leaving prison which all too place over the year, and re- ing steady progress. place that will enable them on the 1st of August. often results in rejection” and surely deserves flects the huge amount of work to succeed. to progress; undertaken by members, staff Over the next few weeks I will When I first spotted what I thought was a typo and partners within the parole finalise the strategy so that the for ‘Behind Bars’ on an email I was intrigued Making it happen l Ensure the Board's remit is process. Board has a clear plan and I to find out more and agreed to meet Barbara in Now it is just the ‘little’ matter of obtaining focused on those cases where But that is looking back on will come back to you with London. Here she enthusiastically presented funding to get the project off the ground and its expertise is of most value; what has already taken place more detail on the work we are her ideas and plans for a very different type of the Kickstarter campaign is the critical element to making this happen if it is to succeed. For and my attention is now on doing in the next edition of social enterprise company and an academy. l Ensure that the Board's those who do not have any knowledge about what is happening this year Inside Time. Barbara has designed a range of lingerie which Kickstarter - all can be found on their website. and beyond to tackle the con- cultural and procedural ap- she hopes will provide genuine education and In a nutshell, Kickstarter is an independent tinuing challenges faced to proach to risk is consistent employment opportunities for women leaving web-based organisation that provides web deliver fair and timely parole with the successful imple- prison. Employment opportunities will come Nick Hardwick is Chairman space for individuals and organisations to raise reviews against unprecedent- mentation of its other strate- through the BehindBras Ltd. Suitable candidates of the Parole Board funds for their projects. It is an ‘all or nothing’ ed and increasing demand for gic objectives. will be given training and a ‘business in a box’ that will enable them to get started in a very process - if people pledge the total amount short timescale. required then it goes ahead. In the same way Our Team of over 25 TVs Dragons Den works, the full amount needs specialist advisors to be offered - it’s a nail biting situation right have a wealth of to the end. No money actually changes hands until the full amount is secured, then the dream experience to offer becomes a reality. you including: Time is therefore critical and if Barbara is to • Parole Board Hearings succeed with Behind Bras she firstly needs the • IPP Sentence Issues necessary backing. Those wishing to offer sup- • Mandatory Lifers port to the project should waste no time in • Discretionary Lifers pledging whatever they can afford. A link to • Automatic Lifers Barbara Burton the Kickstarter campaign can be found at • Sentence Planning Boards www.kickstarter.com/profile/behindbras along • Re-categorisation For those looking to move forward with a career with all contact details. • Category A Reviews in fashion industry in general or perhaps as a As each pledge is made it is added to the total • DSPD Assessments designer with BehindBras, a formal qualifica- recorded on the website and all can see it mov- • Accessing Courses National means near YOU! tion will be available through the BehindBras ing closer to the target amount. In Barbara’s • Parole We can help you in ANY Academy. This will operate in association with case the goal is £25,000. After 30 days (30th • Recall education partners and be part-funded by prof- August) the campaign will close and if enough PRISON in England and Wales, • Independent Adjudications its from sales, donations and bursaries. at ANY TIME. has been raised by then it goes ahead, if not it • Governor Adjudications is too late! Inside Time wishes Barbara all the You can also write to us FREEPOST at: • Challenge of MDT’s Barbara knows only too well the many difficul- luck she deserves and will be following progress. ties facing anyone trying to get their life back FREEPOST RTAB-BATB-HGAU • HDC “Tagging” • Transfer on track and in finding meaningful employment www.kickstarter.com/profile/behindbras Carringtons Solicitors • Judicial Review with a real future after serving even a short time BehindBras, Palladium House, 1-4 Argyll Street, Nottingham • Tariff Representations in prison and wants to make a difference. London W1F 7LD. Telephone: 0208 0033247 NG2 2JR • IPP Sentence Appeals • Police Interviews Barbara has developed a business model that will: Are you sitting in prison with a business idea for Tel: 01150115 958986 34720983 • Create luxurious lingerie for the socially yourself on release? Perhaps running your own conscious; campaign through Kickstarter www.kickstarter.com • Create real qualified training opportunities is worth considering? Ask a friend or family for women who have been to prison; member to download the details. 32 Information // Through the Gate www.insidetime.org Insidetime August 2016

“We have started conversations with the Virgin businesses to encourage employing ex-offenders as part of People with convictions their Diversity and Inclusion agenda, “ and I’d like to see openness across all job categories where we can legal- ly hire ex-offenders,” he responds. “But this must be a structured pro- cess, and I’m happy to see that Virgin need the dignity of work” Trains are working on relevant guid- ance that we can share with the other businesses.” Sir Richard Branson sets out his plans to ‘dramatically increase’ his recruit- Statistically it is just incredible how ment of people with criminal records and hopes other companies will follow few people who are given work when they get out of prison re-offend, says suit. Recently he met one of his special programme’s success stories Branson. “If you’re dumped outside a prison with no money, you hitch- hike home, most companies won’t explains when we meet on one of his take you on because of your prison trains on platform 3 at London’s record, it’s almost inevitable that Euston station. He wants his scheme you’re going to go down the wrong to serve as a model for other compa- path.” nies to use. When he was justice secretary Before we meet, Branson spent twen- Michael Gove gave a firm commit- ty minutes talking with Tammy ment to reforming the prison system Moreton. “She had a really tough and to increasing the use of ROTL upbringing, spent some years in pris- after it had been cut back significant- on and is now working in our fraud ly by his predecessor Chris Grayling, department as a revenue protection so that more prisoners could be al- officer which is great. She’s one of our lowed into the community to work. best employees, an extraordinary He said in May, “In particular, I want person willing to get out and talk to see prisoners spend much more about it. There are some people who time engaged in the sort of purpose- want to keep it quiet and that’s fine.” ful activity which prepares them for He says he hopes the numbers of life on the outside - pursuing worth- ex-offenders employed by Virgin while educational qualifications, or Trains will “increase quite working in an environment that will dramatically”. help them get a satisfying job on re- lease. We know that the three most powerful factors helping to keep If you’re dumped ex-offenders from re-offending are a outside a prison with good job, strong family ties and a stable place to live. Offenders have no money, you hitch- completed plumbing and heating hike home, most qualifications under ROTL and now unblock U-bends for a living. We companies won’t take have turned out gym instructors, you on because of your barbers, chefs, landscape gardeners, builders - even locksmiths and a prison record, it’s almost Parliamentary researcher. The num- ber of prisoners to benefit from ROTL inevitable that you’re has fallen by 40 per cent since 2013. going to go down the So I think now is the time for a wrong path change.” Sir Richard Branson with former prisoner Tammy Moreton © Virgin Trains When asked if the new justice secre- tary Liz Truss would be committing Erwin James “It wasn’t getting me anywhere and Branson of the merits of employing Although Branson has recently said to Gove’s reform agenda a spokes- I really wanted to try and live a prop- ex-offenders. In October 2011, along that Brexit will cause thousands of man said. “We have already made a er life.” In prison she met a mentor with a host of other high profile CEOs job losses, he doesn’t expect it to have significant investment in modernis- When Tammy Moreton sat in her pris- called Marie-Claire O’Brien who went he called on more UK companies to an impact on this scheme. “I’ve long ing our prison estate, and work to on cell after being convicted of arson on to establish her own charity called employ people with criminal convic- encouraged the Virgin businesses to reform it remains a top priority. This in July 2012 her future looked bleak. New Leaf which guided her onto a tions. Prisons, said the letter to the look at ways of providing training and will ensure prisons are places of de- Moreton, 23, was no stranger to transport services course run by the Financial Times, were harbouring, “a employment to ex-offenders and oth- cency and improve public safety by prison. Prince’s Trust and led to her work large number of potential superstars ers from disadvantaged back- reducing reoffending. In her first full experience with Virgin Trains and who get ignored by employers be- grounds,” he says. “Virgin Trains day in office the secretary of state After leaving school the daughter of the eventual offer of an apprenticeship cause of their criminal record. It West Coast has been pioneering the visited HMPs Belmarsh and Isis and a single mum, whose father left home as a customer services operative. makes sense for UK companies to re- concept, and I hope others will fol- met a range of key officials who will before she was born, joined the army. cruit these individuals and to make low. While businesses everywhere be instrumental in delivering her It didn’t work out as she hoped. The training included role playing use of their skills and enthusiasm.” are trying to come to terms with the programme. She will set out her pri- Discharged soon after her passing with ‘customers’ and interaction with He said then that he was determined outcome of the EU referendum, I orities in the coming weeks for reform out parade she says she, “got into the real rail travellers on the platforms that Virgin companies would be ac- don’t see how it will have an impact of the justice system.” wrong crowd, met the wrong people of Crewe Station. Candidates are se- tively seeking to employ suitable on these efforts. An investment in - old friends who were into drugs and lected by their ability, skills and cre- ex-offender candidates. diversity and inclusion is an invest- Kathryn Wildman, Virgin Trains lead alcohol”. A string of convictions in- ativity. Apprentices serve an average ment that will pay off for any recruiter has high hopes for the cluding assault, criminal damage of 18 months. Four and a half years later Virgin business.” Virgin employment scheme and is and harassment followed which took Trains West Coast has a specifically determined to see it expand. “It’s all her in and out of prison. But four It was a visit to a high security geared employment programme for Branson said in 2011 that ex-offenders about giving hope,” she says. “Our years ago she was determined to Australian prison and an encounter reformed offenders which has trained would be considered on merit for any recruits have done their time, paid change. with an Australian transport compa- 25 candidates into full time jobs with job within Virgin companies including their penalty. Now we have to give ny employing former prisoners some the company. “It’s about giving peo- aircraft cabin crew and catering and them a chance. You can’t put a price “I realised it was no life,” she says. years ago that persuaded Sir Richard ple the dignity of work,” Branson cleaning on trains. Is that still the case? on hope.” // Through the Gate

Insidetime August 2016 www.insidetime.org Information // Through the Gate 33

immediately. Conditional cau- tions become spent after 3 months. The Hub The Careers Lady your questions answered Exceptions If the job requires a criminal The first step through the door record check and this shows Mark Downes - HMP/YOI Rochester that someone is not suitable Q If a person is on a HDC (Home Detention Curfew) can you to your future for a job because of a spent work or claim JSA (Job Seeker’s Allowance)? conviction or caution, the em- ployer can withdraw a job A If you are on HDC you should still look for work so long as it Great to see Sir Richard been permanently released, end of sentence) for England offer. The employer should tell fits in with your curfew requirements. If you are successful in Branson putting his head high are now employed full time and Wales: the applicant that an excep- finding employment and it clashes with your curfew you should above the parapet in order to within the company. Other tion applies. apply to the prison from where you were released for a revision extol the merits of hiring peo- employers prepared to give Custodial sentence of your curfew. ple who have been through released prisoners a chance 0 - 6 months 2 years Criminal record checks are the criminal justice system include First Direct, The Co-op, 6 - 30 months 4 years carried out by the Disclosure Q If a person was in receipt of DLA (Disability Living and have ‘paid their debt.’ It’s Marks & Spencer and of course 30 months - 4 years 7 years and Barring Service (DBS), Allowance) before coming to prison, but the award date a bold move by him which the Virgin group of More than 4 years never which used to be the Criminal where a fresh medical forms and assessment need to be Records Bureau (CRB). CRB hopefully will have the effect companies. done has lapsed - can the person start applying for DLA or Non-custodial sentence checks are now called DBS of encouraging other potential PIP (Personal Independence Payment) and complete the Community order 1 year employers to follow suit. So what is the official criteria checks. forms and get the process started a few months before Fine 1 year James Timpson, CEO of the situation with regard to com- release? As it can take a few months to get a medical Absolute discharge none Timpson Foundation shoe re- panies employing people with It’s against the law to refuse assessment appointment. pair and key cutting empire convictions? Employers can’t someone a job because they’ve The rehabilitation period is got a spent conviction or cau- and new chairman of the turn someone down for a job A Personal Independence Payments (PIP) were introduced in halved if you were under 18 tion, unless it’s because a DBS Prison Reform Trust has been because they’ve been convict- 2013 to replace Disability Living Allowance (DLA) for new when convicted (except for check shows that they’re a trailblazer in this respect for ed of an offence if the convic- claimants aged 16 to 64. PIP is not a means-tested benefit and sentences of up to 6 months unsuitable. over ten years. Of the 750 or tion or caution is ‘spent’ - un- isn’t affected by earnings, other income or savings. where it’s the sentence period It would seem reasonable that you should be able to fill in the more people he has taken on less an exception applies. Job plus 18 months). only seven, to his knowledge, applicants don’t need to tell Note necessary forms before your release date. A spokesman from In last month’s Inside Time I the charity Turn2Us explained that whilst you are in prison you have re-offended. “I employ potential employers about Scotland and Northern Ireland advised on a number of ways may, if the prison allows, apply in the first instance over the personalities,” he says. spent convictions or There are different rehabilita- to become self-employed - ie, phone on 0800 917 2222. You then request the forms and once cautions. tion periods in Scotland, advertising gardening they are filled in appropriately and returned, the assessment But Branson and Timpson are where a sentence of imprison- services in shop windows etc. process is triggered. Normally an assessment, if necessary, not the only ones actively re- What counts as a spent ment or youth custody or cor- Please remember that any would be done away from a home address. You would have to cruiting people with convic- conviction? rective training for a term ex- earnings you accrue should provide evidence as to why you are unable to attend an tions. Greggs the High Street Convictions with a sentence of ceeding six months but not be declared if you are on JSA assessment. However assessments are not always obligatory if bakers deliver training skills 4 years or less will become exceeding thirty months is ten - and accounts should be kept there is medical evidence to support your PIP claim. Please see a courses; DHL work in prisons spent after a certain period of years for adults and five years so that you are able to pay member of your prison Freshstart team if you need further themselves, allowing prison- time. This is known as a ‘reha- for those under 18 when con- any tax due via a Self- information or ask a friend or relative to contact Turn2US at ers to gain work experience as bilitation period’. Its length victed. Similar requirements Assessment tax form: For www.turn2us.org.uk well as, crucially, a qualifica- depends on how severe the exist in Northern Ireland. more info have a friend or tion. A number of those who penalty was. relative check out the facts on have been through the DHL Cautions self-employment at www.gov. Do you need advice on employment issues? uk/government/organisa- Write in and let us know. Please mark your envelope programme, and have since Rehabilitation periods (from Simple cautions become spent tions/hm-revenue-customs ‘Careers Lady’. ZZMMSS SSOOLLIICCIITTOORRSS Subject to Confiscation Proceedings? Prison Law specialists serving Need advice concerning the Variation or prisons throughout the Midlands Enforcement of a Confiscation Order? We are specialists in Serious Fraud • IPP/LIFER ISSUES • work, enjoying close links with the • PAROLE APPLICATIONS • country’s top financial experts. • CATEGORISATION • “Sources respect IK&P for its high profile caseload covering serious fraud...” Chambers & Partners 2013 Leading Firm • ADJUDICATIONS • Contact James O’Hara or Balvinder Gill • JUDICIAL REVIEWS • Fast track service for on 0207 404 3004 • LICENCE CONDITIONS • those in prison or freephone 0800 012 4498 • RECALLS •

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34 Information www.insidetime.org Insidetime August 2016 MDT and medication

PRISON Ryan Harman done within 48 hours of re- test would not normally be REFORM Advice and Info ceipt of the results. During this requested in this TRUST Service Manager time the prison should consid- circumstance. er the information provided by the prisoner and make checks If there is positive screening Being put on report for some- with healthcare using the pre- result for opiates or ampheta- thing in prison is never a wel- viously signed consent, to see mines which could be due to come experience. But being if the positive result may have prescribed medication there is put on report because your been caused by prescribed the option to delay charging prescribed medication has medication. However, these whilst awaiting the results of triggered a positive result in a checks are only necessary for a confirmation testing, which Mandatory Drug Test is espe- those tests which are also like- will always be requested for cially frustrating. Despite this Award for ‘One to One ly to produce positive results these substances. The PSO you may still be charged and for prescribed medication. leaves this to the judgment of go through the anxiety of at- Staff are also not required to the prison but advises that tending an adjudication hear- do checks for medication if “Laying charges for drug mis- ing, causing disruption to Maths’ Co-founder you have stated categorically use when the screen test is planned activities and possi- that you have not taken pre- expected to be positive due to bly having to endure a couple scribed medication or have prescribed medication is a Alan Crickmore changed the behaviour of prisoners and their of hours in segregation whilst refused to give your consent waste of staff time and an irri- willingness to learn”. waiting. When this was de- for disclosure. tant to the prisoners being scribed to me recently by a charged.” The Queen awarded an MBE in her Birthday currently serving prisoner it John added, “The scheme, once in a prison, The PSO states that ‘if the dis- Honours list to John Sidwell ‘For services to was clear that the experience develops quickly. In just three weeks at closure of medication is clear- If you are charged with admin- prisoners through One to One Maths’, in recog- had been incredibly stressful Oakwood, thanks to the leadership of an inspi- ly consistent with the positive istering a controlled drug it is nition of the work he has done to deliver a user even though he knew he rational maths tutor and the enthusiasm of our test result and was almost a recognised defence under friendly numeracy learning system for prison- would not be found guilty. newly trained mentors, 40 prisoners have certainly due to prescribed the Prison Rules that ‘the con- ers. One to One Maths is currently embedded begun to develop maths skills they thought medication then the prisoner trolled drug had been, prior to in seven prisons, including Featherstone, PSO 3601 contains the rele- were beyond them and from which they see should not be charged’. its administration, lawfully in Hewell, Long Lartin, Oakwood, Parc, Stafford vant information on how many practical benefits - not least making add- Unfortunately, it may be diffi- his possession for his use or and Usk. MDTs should be conducted ing up their canteen spends easier and accu- cult for prison staff to be this was administered to him in the and includes information on rate! One to One Maths is about to start at Rugby certain as sometimes pre- course of a lawful supply of John, who before retirement had a successful this issue. There are a number and Portland. Providing we can recruit enough scribed medication is deliber- the drug to him by another of points in the process where career in industrial management, was a volun- peer mentor volunteers, together with new vol- ately used to try to cover up person’. When the results of the effects of prescribed med- teer with the Shannon Trust Reading Plan at unteers from local communities, to help devel- other substance misuse. The the confirmation test fail to ication should be HMP Gloucester before it was closed. During op One to One Maths, we hope to accelerate our PSO goes on to give guidance prove beyond reasonable considered. his time there he was told by both prison officers work to other prisons over the coming year”. on how disciplinary proce- doubt that you had taken any and prisoners that maths was, for many pris- dures should progress and substance other than the pre- The first is before the collec- oners, even more of a challenge than reading. Of course nothing in life is altogether free and whether confirmation tests scribed medication then this tion of the sample, when you He says, “Then one night I had a eureka mo- the materials, the all important promotional should be requested, both of charge should be amended or should be asked to complete ment when into my head came the idea of One items, which are provided to encourage learners which differs depending upon dismissed. If you want to ap- a medical disclosure form. to One Maths for prisoners.” So with his col- to take that vital first step to ask for help, to- the drugs concerned. peal the result of a governors’ This includes indicating league and friend Don Gillanders, he set about gether with learning aids, including the unique If there is a positive result for adjudication you can do so by whether you have taken med- developing an innovative approach to maths Maths mate, which gives 25 maths tips, have cannabis screening, a charge submitting the DIS8 form ication prescribed in the last learning which is aimed at prisoners who strug- to be paid for. While there have been some should be laid immediately within six weeks of comple- 30 days and giving your con- gle with maths but are reluctant for any number generous donations in the past, finance is a real and confirmation test is only tion of the hearing. sent for this information to be of reasons to engage with formal teaching in challenge. John and Don set up the charity in requested in the event of a ‘not disclosed by Healthcare. It is the classroom. 2014 and they hope that the charitable status guilty’ plead. If a prisoner tests important to complete this as of One to One Maths will encourage people who positive for methadone, ben- refusal to allow disclosure You can contact the Prison By training peer mentors to assist learners, the care about the education of prisoners, those zodiazepines, buprenorphine means that a positive result Reform Trust’s advice team at scheme has brought a new understanding to or barbiturates and has been men and women who have been failed by their can lead to a finding of guilt FREEPOST ND6125 London many prisoners who would otherwise not have prescribed the drug recently, schools or have only now realised the benefits without considering these EC1B 1PN. Our free informa- developed numeracy skills. The key to the suc- the PSO states that usually the of numeracy, to think about giving generously factors. tion line is open Monday, cess lies in the creation of individual learning assumption should be made to enable this work to flourish and expand. Tuesday and Thursday plans delivered by inspirational peer mentors that the positive screen was If the screening returns a pos- 3.30-5.30. The number is who provide feedback at every stage of the due to prescribed medication John is very proud of his MBE award but realises itive result, the prison must 0808 802 0060 and does not learning journey, which in turn generates con- and therefore no charge that the award reflects the efforts and commit- decide if it is appropriate to need to be put on your pin. fidence in learners who can see their progress should be laid. A confirmation ment of so many other supporters saying “I am lay a charge, which must be and so feel ambitious to achieve even more very grateful to HMP Hewell for putting my success. name forward to the Honours Committee and for their tremendous support. The honour is in John says, “Special attention is given to cele- every way a credit to the prison and education PROBLEM? WE CAN HANDLE IT! brating a learner’s success by organising events staff at the various establishments but is, above where learners are awarded their certificates of all, a tribute to the tremendous team of peer achievement and their much coveted One to mentors who make One to One Maths a daily We guarantee a prompt response, friendly advice and thoroughly One Maths mug! These are fun events but have reality and the scores of learners who are will- reliable representation from an experienced team. a serious purpose in recognising self- motivated ing to learn to improve themselves. I can only achievement and to show appreciation for the hope that this award will raise awareness of Parole Hearings, Judicial Reviews, hard work of our peer mentors.” One to One Maths and serve to promote its aims Recalls, Adjudications, & Categorisation Reviews and objectives so that many more prisoners can We are Criminal and Prison Law Specialists His enthusiasm can be seen in the comments reach their full potential. I feel privileged to he has received from successful learners. One have been able to start One to One Maths. It is The latest video link interview facilities are available to speed up the learner wrote, “This is the first time I have been certainly the best job I have ever had!” processes and avoid delay in having your concerns addressed. awarded anything. Thank you One to One Maths for giving me the confidence. I can now even Write to Mark Bailey go into the classroom!” While a peer mentor Bailey Nicholson Grayson Solicitors 0208 418 2909 said,“I believe that One to One Maths has made Alan Crickmore is currently resident in HMP 1B Bourne Court Southend Road For a prompt service throughout the a large impact on the general attitude to learn- The Mount. For more information on One to midlands and the south of England Ilford Essex IG8 8HD ing. As an inmate I have seen how it has One Maths visit www.121maths.org.uk Insidetime August 2016 www.insidetime.org Information 35

Global picture DDN News Round-up There are now more than 29m Inside Drink & Drugs News people classed as ‘suffering from a drug use disorder’ Drink and Drugs News (DDN) is the monthly magazine for those working globally, according to UNODC’s with drug and alcohol clients, including in prisons. In a regular 2016 ‘World drug report’, up bi-monthly column, editor Claire Brown looks at what’s been happening from 27m the previous year. Around 12m people inject lately in the substance misuse field drugs, 14 per cent of whom are living with HIV, says the an adverse childhood experi- reduction’. document. There were 207,000 ence, especially when it may reported drug related deaths in Claire Brown have become muddled or ‘I think we have to be 2014 - an ‘unacceptably high DDN Editor confused, and particularly if pragmatic and acknowledge number’ and preventable with it was a sexual experience,’ that no matter how hard we ‘adequate interventions’ in says Elaine. But she explains try to prohibit drugs, some Dark days place, says UNODC. A recent report called for people will always be how talking about these early More people are buying their drugs on the ‘dark net’, according to drugs to be decriminalised. unwilling or unable to stop life experiences can be the the latest Global drug survey, with MDMA, cannabis and NPS the Reports calling for decrimi- using them,’ says Ed Morrow start of becoming released substances most frequently purchased. Nearly one in ten respond- nalisation are not in them- of the RSPH. ‘We have to deal from the burden - and the real ents reported having bought drugs this way, with 5 per cent saying selves rare, but what’s gaining with the world as it is, rather beginning of the healing process. they’d never taken drugs before buying them from dark net sources. the attention of the substance than how we wish it was, and misuse sector, as well as make sure that if people are With the help of the One in Inside stats Safe site mainstream media, is that going to be using substances Four Survivors’ Voices Project, The Irish government intends Three quarters of people in the ‘Taking a new line on drugs’ to any extent then the amount Gerard explained how being to proceed with plans to open the Takeaway trouble is from two major public of harm being done is abso- sexually abused by his mother UK’s criminal justice system country’s first supervised injection Scottish drinkers could consume health organisations, the lutely minimal and that our made him feel ‘ruined, all the facility this year, health minister have a problem with alcohol, their entire recommended Royal Society for Public health services aren’t having way through me, right to my Simon Harris told the ‘Irish according to researchers at weekly unit limit for just over Health (RSPH) and the Faculty to pick up the pieces later soul. I thought I was the only Independent’ newspaper. The £2.50, according to Alcohol of Public Health (FPH). down the line.’ one. It was something I was Teesside University, while over site will be in Dublin, a city that Focus Scotland. A survey of certain I would never and has seen increasing problems with a third are alcohol-dependent supermarkets and convenience The report calls for personal At DDN magazine we are en- could never speak about.’ But street injecting, while the country stores in Glasgow and Edinburgh possession of all illegal drugs couraged by the focus on health. he did speak about it, and - compared with just 4 per cent has also experienced a spike in found wine on sale at 32p per to be decriminalised, and There are many reasons why with the help of a therapist if of the general population. blood-borne virus transmission. unit, lager at 26p per unit, and wants to see responsibility for people get involved in starting to cope with the stress three-litre bottles of 7.5 per the drug strategy transferred addiction, and incarceration and move on with his life. Admissions up cent cider at just 18p per unit. from the Home Office to the does nothing to get to the root There were 1.09m hospital admissions for an alcohol-related Department of Health, of the problem. In our latest According to Elaine, the key disease, injury or condition in 2014-15, up from 1.06m the previous aligning it more closely with issue, psychotherapist Elaine is to find the right person in year, according to the latest figures from the Heath and Social Care To order copies of strategies for alcohol and Rose highlighted the fact that whom to confide, as ‘our stress Information Centre (HSCIC). Sixty-five per cent of those admitted Drink and Drugs News tobacco. many people who use sub- systems are designed to be were men. Alcohol-related deaths were up by 4 per cent to 6,830, telephone: 020 7463 2085 stances problematically have calmed down with a nurturing 13 per cent higher than a decade ago, and more than 60 per cent [email protected] Instead of being prosecuted, suffered childhood abuse in word or touch from someone were the result of alcoholic liver disease. drinkanddrugsnews.com drug users would be referred some form - one very serious we trust.’ to treatment programmes - example of how the reasons similar to the Portuguese for addiction can become It’s yet another reminder that model - moving from ‘a pre- buried under layers of behind every front of the ‘war dominantly criminal justice consequences. on drugs’ there are people approach towards one based struggling to come to terms on public health and harm ‘It takes courage to talk about with its consequences.

ASN LAW SOLICITORS Anthony Stokoe • Joel Binns • Criminal Defence and Appeals Rasheed Nujeerallee Specialising in all areas of criminal law, from minor Independent Prison Law offences to serious crimes - Murder, Fraud, Expert since 1994 Conspiracy to Defraud, Confiscation Proceedings ‘People Before Profit’ Appeals, Variation and Discharge of Restraint Order Continuing the Fight and Challenge and Money Laundering Despite Legal Aid Cuts • Immigration and Nationality Law No Gimmicks just straight Comprehensive solutions to immigration and British advice/representation nationality issues. for Male and Female Prisoners • Family Law • Adjudications • Lifer/IPP Specialist Divorce - sound advice about your rights and the options available • Recall • Parole • Judicial Reviews • Wills & Probate • Mental Health Law Expert • Human Rights - European & International We cover the London area and Fixed Fee advice for all of the UK on serious matters. • Categorisation • Cat A Reviews Please contact Anthony Mordi or • Pre-tariff Sift/Hearings Michael Okogwu Do not Delay Call/Write Now Mordi & Co Solicitors Suite 8 Vine House 143 London Road Ground Floor Rear, 143 High Street Kingston KT2 6NH Canter Levin & Berg Barnet, EN5 5UZ 1 Temple Square, Tel: (020) 7619 96 66 020 8549 4282 24 Dale Street, 24 Hour Emergency: 07956 923 482 NATIONWIDE SERVICE Liverpool, L2 5RL Information // The Rule Book

36 Information // The Inspector Calls www.insidetime.org Insidetime August 2016 First annual report from the new Chief Inspector of Prisons, Peter Clarke

Inside Time report

l During 2015 there were l Serious assaults have l The number of apparent l There were over 32,000 l A total of 100 self- over 20,000 assaults in risen by 31%, up to nearly homicides between April incidents of self-harm in inflicted deaths between prisons, an increase of 27% 3,000 2015 and March 2016 2015, an increase of 25% April 2015 and March over the previous year rose from four to six on the previous year 2016 a 27% increase

In opening the latest Annual On violence he says; “A large who have ‘self-segregated’ in which both detailed the out- programme on Medway STC is are countless examples of Report Peter Clarke says; “In part of this violence is linked order to escape the violence come of inspections at the also considered in the report. good practice to be found in my first few months as Chief to the harm caused by new caused by these substances, same STC, Rainsbrook. In the all places of detention. All too Inspector I have tried to visit psychoactive substances and I have talked with mem- first inspection, we found sig- In summing Clarke said, often this good practice fails and inspect as many prisons, (NPS) which are having a dra- bers of staff who have de- nificant failings that brought “Despite the troubles that af- to gain the recognition it de- secure training centres, young matic and destabilising effect scribed the terrifying effects into question whether the cen- flict prisons at the moment, serves. I have asked inspectors offender institutions and im- in many of our prisons. The they can have on those who tre could keep children safe. there are large numbers of to pay particular attention to migration removal centres as effects of these drugs can be take them. Some prisons are There had been serious inci- dedicated, courageous, skilful good practice and to make possible. I have found that the unpredictable and extreme. making every effort to mitigate dents of gross misconduct by and experienced staff who specific mention of it in grim situation referred to by Their use can be linked to at- the impact of these drugs by staff, and the poor care we care deeply about the safety reports.” Nick Hardwick in his report tacks on other prisoners and trying to disrupt the supply reported on, some of which of those in custody, who want last year has not improved, staff, self-inflicted deaths, se- routes and lessen demand for involved junior managers, was to improve the conditions of and in some key areas it has, rious illness and life-changing them through education and compounded by poor deci- detention, and are focused on The full report can be if anything, become even self-harm.” targeted interventions. sion-making by senior manag- the rehabilitation of prisoners. downloaded at: worse. This is despite a slight However, in other places the ers.” The BBC Panorama Thanks to their efforts there www.tinyurl.com/jjuxmyo upturn in our assessments of response has been more adult prisons and young of- No improve- patchy, with no clear strategy fender institutions … What I in place.” have seen is that despite the ment since last sterling efforts of many who On the topic of mental Illness work in the Prison Service at annual report, he says that, "a high number all levels, there is a simple and prisons still of people in various forms of unpalatable truth about far too detention are contending with many of our prisons. They unacceptably mental health issues which have become unacceptably require professional assess- violent and dangerous violent and ment, diagnosis and treat- places.” dangerous ment. Often those who cannot be accommodated on a wing, Referring to improved inspec- places either for their own safety or tions at some prisons Clarke that of others, find themselves says; “Any improvement is housed in the segregation welcome, but it is far too soon The report says that while, on unit.” Adding, “No-one could to say whether these improve- a national level, various as- sensibly argue that a segrega- ments will be maintained. pects of the problem are being tion unit is a therapeutic envi- They are, in any event, still at addressed through criminal- ronment or a suitable place to historically low levels, and in ising possession of NPS and hold people with mental all bar one area far below the better use of testing and health issues. These three is- where they were five years ago. detention technologies, there sues of violence, drugs and Year on year comparisons are is as yet no overall national mental health will, on many also notoriously tricky as we strategy for dealing with the occasions, find themselves do not inspect the same insti- problem. Clarke says that intertwined. They are, in turn, tutions each year, and we de- “NPS-fuelled instability has compounded by the perennial liberately skew our inspection restricted the ability of staff to problems of overcrowding, programme towards those get prisoners safely to and poor physical environments places where we assess the from education, training and in ageing prisons and inade- risk to be greatest. These are other activities. The implica- quate staffing.” usually announced rather tions of this for a reform pro- than unannounced inspec- gramme based on enhancing On the subject of children in tions, designed to help the the role of education in reha- custody and Secure Training establishment make improve- bilitation and resettlement are Centres (STCs) for the under ments within a short time- obvious.” 18s the report says, “In this frame. There is thus a risk in reporting period Ofsted, with placing reliance in year on He reports; “During my visits HM Inspectorate of Prisons, year comparisons.” to prisons I have met prisoners published two STC reports, ›› Registered with EMAP ‹‹ Insidetime August 2016 www.insidetime.org Information // The Inspector Calls 37 The Inspector Calls Inside Time highlights areas of good and bad practice, from the most recent Reports published by HM Inspectorate of Prisons

HMP Stafford HMP Frankland Category C training prison A high security prison for category A and B Unannounced Full Inspection: 8-19 Feb 2016 convicted and category A remand male prisoners Safety W W W W Respect W W W W Unannounced Full Inspection: 22 Feb-4 March Purposeful Activity W W W W 2016 Resettlement W W W W Safety W W W W Respect W W W W HMYOI Wetherby HMP Lindholme “Considerable progress” Boys aged between 15 and 18 Category C, designated working prison Purposeful Activity W W W W holding adult male prisoners serving four Resettlement W W W W Unannounced Full Inspection: 22 Feb - 4 Stafford was a safe and stable prison which had years and over March 2016 made considerable progress after changing its “A safe and decent prison, focused on Unannounced Full Inspection: 7-18 March 2016 role to holding people convicted of sexual of- Safety W W W W rehabilitation” Respect W W W W Safety W W W W fences. There is now a much older population, which has produced challenges in health care Purposeful Activity W W W W Respect W W W W Frankland staff provided a safe and decent and finding suitable work, training and educa- Resettlement W W W W Purposeful Activity W W W W environment for prisoners, with good opportu- tion for older men but the new population has Resettlement W W W W nities for work, training and education accord- contributed to a calmer atmosphere. There were “Some deterioration” some concerns however: ing to the latest inspection report from Peter “A mixed picture with some improvements, • health care for the ageing population needed Clarke. He said that progress notes in the last Whilst saying there were many positive things but serious concerns” to improve and there were too many cancelled inspection in 2012 had been sustained. found in the latest inspection of Wetherby in- external hospital appointments; cluding some extremely committed staff Chief Peter Clarke, Chief Inspector of Prisons, said • the management of work, training and edu- • although there had been a recent increase in Inspector Peter Clarke says that inspectors that serious concerns still needed addressing cation was weak, there was no clear learning violence, levels were not high; found deterioration in some areas. The educa- at Lindholme, but its deterioration had been and skills strategy and much of the work for • prisoners in distress generally received good tion on offer at Wetherby was good; although halted and work, training and education had prisoners was unchallenging; support; education outcomes were ‘excellent’ for boys improved, however: • there was no alternative provision for the • the residential accommodation was clean and who completed their learning the cancellation • many safety outcome measures were poor; two-thirds of prisoners who were ineligible for well-maintained; of lessons limited the progress for many. • the level of assaults was almost twice that of the sex offender treatment programme, not • most prisoners had reasonable time out of similar prisons and much higher than during enough places for those who were eligible and cell and were engaged in work, training or ed- Among concerns highlighted in the report are: the previous inspection in 2013; a number of men were released without under- ucation during most of the working day; • documents relating to the use of force were • over half of prisoners surveyed said they had taking any offending behaviour work. • the progress made in providing work, training missing, making it impossible to determine with felt unsafe; and education was impressive; accuracy the level and extent of the use of force; • reported levels of victimisation were very high Peter Clarke said; “Stafford is a prison that, • the Westgate unit provided intensive support • planned interventions were rarely filmed, and recorded levels of self-harm were far higher under energetic leadership, has grasped the to men with personality disorders and was an body-worn cameras were underused and the review than at similar establishments; challenge presented by its change of role, and example of good practice. processes after the use of force were patchy. • since the previous inspection in 2013 there has made considerable progress. The current had been six deaths in custody; governor and team have a shared ambition to In summing up Mr Clarke says; “Overall, the Peter Clarke said; “As it stood at the time of our • the influx of drugs, including NPS, was dest- build a solid basis of safety, stability and respect outcomes for prisoners at Frankland were rea- inspection, there was a clear linkage between abilising the prison and nearly two-thirds of within the prison and to use this as a foundation sonably good or better. Staff managed consid- the failure to deliver a new core day, the lack prisoners said it was easy to get illegal drugs. on which to make further progress. During the erable ongoing risk every day, while maintain- of priority afforded to education and training, inspection I was able to detect a distinct sense ing a safe and respectful regime in which and the consequent declines in outcomes for In summing up Mr Clarke said; “This is a mixed of pride in the prison across all levels of staff prisoners had good learning opportunities. The the young people.” report. That said, it was clear to us that the prison and among some prisoners. There is still much governor had established a business plan which was led by a focused and committed governor work to be done at Stafford, particularly in the aimed to help staff understand the needs of the Among good points picked up was the cleanliness and management team, aided by a much better areas of health care and resettlement, if the long-term population and develop a rehabili- and good maintenance of cells and communal approach now being adopted by the staff. progress that has been made is to be consoli- tative culture. These were essential for the pop- areas. Social workers were now working with Lindholme was a recovering prison and we were dated and built upon.” ulation held and, therefore, from our point of the casework team which helped join up their work. confident that improvement could continue.” view very welcome initiatives.” Full report: www.tinyurl.com/jfggkys Full report: www. tinyurl.com/zrmbg3z Full report: www.tinyurl.com/z7mwy6t Full report: www.tinyurl.com/he796yt

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bicep building and calorie burning. Here are prisoners Yoga and Tai Chi, and noticed huge some examples. benefits.

Ross has played rugby for 34 years, most lately “I heard prisoners say it had helped them deal at HMP The Mount. The sport, he says, has been with custody, had changed their lives; had even a “constant source of joy” in his life, and the saved their lives,” he said. “This wasn’t down opportunity to continue in custody has made to my instructing - but down to the prison ac- a “huge difference” to his experience of prison. knowledging the importance of exercise.”

“Being able to continue playing it in closed The broader benefits of sports were strikingly conditions has been nothing short of miracu- illustrated in a letter from Mark at HMP lous,” he wrote. “The gift of being outside and Parkhurst. Mark, who is in his 40s, came to training two to three times a week, plus the prison overweight but decided he needed to challenge of a league competition from local “do something about it” and so began attending clubs gave such focus to the week. It gave my the gym and playing badminton. When he was teammates and I a sense of camaraderie and approached by a fellow prisoner, ‘Mr Cen’, to achievement that wouldn’t have been there partner up for a tournament Mark said he felt otherwise.” “out of his comfort zone”. ‘Mr Cen’ was from West Africa, and Mark had “barely associated” Exercise has broadened my with anyone of a different race before. But, wrote Mark, “‘Mr Cen’ has a heart of gold and horizons and given me a total a belief that all things are possible”. The en- © Rebecca Radmore, Elio Pena & Prisoners Education Trust stranger for a true friend. I thusiasm proved contagious. The two teamed up, and went on to win round after round of now have a different view and the badminton tournament. Helped by ‘Mr attitude towards diversity, Cen’s’ “perpetual kind words” and the pair’s natural partnership, they claimed victory. Sporting Chances culture and religion “I was very emotional during the ceremony for Coates emphasised the value of sports in cus- Adam, at HMP Nottingham, came into custody several reasons,” writes Mark. “It was my very tody, and challenged the Football Association with a very successful sports career behind him, first time to be called a champion. Exercise has and football clubs to play a more active role running gyms, coaching athletes, and even broadened my horizons and given me a total inside, offering coaching and refereeing cours- holding World Titles in both Tae Kwon Do and stranger for a true friend. I now have a different As a summer of sport reaches its climax in es, for example. kickboxing. Having been used to carefully reg- view and attitude towards diversity, culture Brazil, people are also building up a sweat be- ulating his exercise and diet, the “awful food” and religion.” hind prison walls. Whether on treadmills, foot- Together with The National Alliance of Sports and curtailed gym sessions of prison were a ball pitches or badminton courts, sport can be for the Desistance of Crime, we wanted to hear “huge shock to the system,” he wrote. All contributions were gratefully received and a diversion and a release, as well as providing what Inside Time readers thought about the will feed into the National Alliance of Sports a potential route to employment (see Inside availability of sport in prisons and about its To compensate, he created his own work-out for the Desistance of Crime’s study on sport in Time June issue for information about PET- impact, and put out a call for contributions in regime in his cell, making weights from bottles custody, which will be used to collect better funded fitness courses). In her report on prison the April issue. The responses we received of water, and converting his mattress into a evidence and make a clearer case for investment education for the Government, Dame Sally spoke of a value of exercise that goes beyond punchbag. Later, he began teaching fellow in sports in prison.

garden designer. From forest- Horticulture PET received last ry to floristry, gardening skills month, ‘Pete’, 46, said he are in demand and taking an planned to progress to Level 3 accredited course in horticul- Garden Planning, ture can allow a hobby to blos- Construction and Planning, som into a career. Clive, for and finally complete a certifi- example, now works on a gar- cate in Agriculture so he can den in an old people’s home eventually offer a “fully in Coventry, while other PET rounded” gardening service. learners have gone on to be- “I’ve been in prison for 16 Course come tree surgeons and years and I’ve realised that florists. what’s left of my working life Notes is best given to gardening,” he There’s some- wrote. “It gives me peace, joy, knowledge, exercise, it allows PET provides thing so therapeutic me to be creative and hopeful- funding for over about gardening ly after release it will provide an income from running my 300 types of for me personally. own gardening business.” distance-learning © Rebecca Radmore, Elio Pena & Prisoners Education Trust You see nothing Related subjects: Principles of courses. Every and suddenly you’ll Plant Growth, Health & month we shine see something Applies Propagation, a spotlight on Principles of Horticulture Principles of Garden Planning, break soil, explode Certificate in Arboriculture, one of them. Prisoners up and down the the award-winning restaurant “If I didn’t start a garden I into flower - there’s Forestry, Conservation country are reaping what group. At HMP Wandsworth, think I would have gone back nothing like it Studies, Introduction to they’ve sown thanks to a num- prisoners refurbish broken in the clink,” he says. “There’s Personal Floristry. ber of gardening schemes garden tools, which are then something so therapeutic going on in jails. The Eden donated to local schools and about gardening for me per- Most PET-funded gardening A full PET curriculum is Project, which started by community groups. sonally. You see nothing and courses are accredited by the available from each prison’s transforming a concrete yard suddenly you’ll see something Royal Horticultural Society, education department. If you at HMP Dartmoor to a working For some, gardening helps get break soil, explode into flower which PET’s Advice Manager would like advice or funding to study a distance learning garden, now runs several sim- to the root of mental health - there’s nothing like it.” John Lister says is the “indus- course or tell us about your ilar growth projects. Women difficulties. Clive, who PET try standard” and “what em- experiences of prison at the The Clink’s garden at funded for a Start Gardening Last year, there were over ployers will look for”. education write to FREEPOST HMP Send help produce fruit, and Enjoy Herbs course, says 20,000 Google searches every In an application for Level 2 Prisoners’ Education Trust vegetables and even eggs for gardening “saved his life”. month for a gardener or (PET) or call 0203 752 5680. Insidetime August 2016 www.insidetime.org Legal 39

Advertorial How soon is now? Another Grayling

is a potential remedy which more and they (or their legal Claiming might provide some relief to representatives) did not cause reform bites the dust compensation those prisoners. the delay. In April 2013, the Government announced it make certain laws. These are usually procedural Article 5(4) of the European • Prisoners who were recom- for parole would introduce a residence test for civil legal matters but can sometimes be substantive ones Convention on Human Rights mended for open conditions aid funding under the provisions of the Legal and even, in some cases, amend primary leg- hearing delays provides prisoners who are at their pre-tariff hearing may serving indeterminate sen- be entitled to compensation if Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders islation itself (“Henry VIII powers”). In the Jeremy Pinson tences (lifers or IPPs) with a their hearing was delayed and Act (“LASPO”) 2012. If you were not lawfully boxing ring of constitutional principles, that is right to a speedy review of they (or their legal represent- resident in the UK (or a Crown Dependency or the equivalent of the separation of powers their detention after they have atives) did not cause the delay. British Overseas Territory) at the time of your watching on as parliamentary supremacy aims In September 2013 the served their tariff period. It is likely that they will need application for legal aid, or for the last 12 a knockout punch but only ends up hitting itself Supreme Court decided in the to show that the hearing was months, you would not be eligible for legal aid. in the face. But if the delegated legislation falls case of Osborn Booth and There is also a legal duty to delayed by three months or outside of the scope of the power conferred by Reilly that far more prisoners provide timely pre-tariff expiry more. The Public Law Project (“PLP”) challenged this parliament, the Court will declare it to be ultra should be entitled to an oral hearings for indeterminate residence test on two grounds: (i) the secondary vires. hearing before the Parole sentenced prisoners who are Claims for compensation for Board. Since then, the Parole looking to progress to open breaches of the Human Rights legislation was ultra vires; and, (ii) the test was Board has struggled to ensure conditions. Act will normally need to be unjustifiably discriminatory, and has now been The residence test, set out in a draft order, was that parole hearings can take made within one year of the successful before the Supreme Court in doing purportedly made under the provisions of sec- place on time. Long delays Breach of these rights or legal parole decision letter. so. tion 9(2)(b) of LASPO. PLP argued that the ex- have been experienced by duties may give a right to com- clusion of a specific group of people based on most prisoners waiting for pa- pensation. Prisoners who are Legitimate claims will usually After a topsy-turvy trip through the courts, the a characteristic (their residence status) did not serving indeterminate sen- role hearings. The waiting be settled by the Parole Board case ended up before the Supreme Court who fall within that power; that power concerned game is very difficult to bear. tences whose parole hearings without the need for court announced it had decided the case after day limiting the availability of legal aid based on Many have worked extremely have been delayed may be proceedings. hard to reduce their risk and eligible to make a claim for one of the two-day hearing, and did not need the issue or services involved. to prepare release plans. They ‘damages’ (compensation) Olliers will advise prisoners and to hear the discrimination issue. The judgment, have been left waiting for against the Parole Board. ex-prisoners who believe that written by Lord Neuberger, with whom the The Supreme Court agreed, and declared the months on end for their hear- they have a legitimate claim other six justices agreed, has now been handed draft order to be ultra vires, on simple principles ings to take place, experienc- • Prisoners who were released for damages to pursue their down. of statutory interpretation. ing uncertainty, anxiety and after a delayed hearing need claim and will assist them to do frustration. Many could have to show that it is more likely so. They should write to the The mechanism by which the test was intro- A version of this piece first appeared on the safely been released several than not that they would have Prison Law Department, Olliers, duced was delegated or subordinate legislation. UK Human Rights Blog. It is reproduced here months earlier, freeing up been released if their hearing Freepost NEA13621, Through Acts of Parliament, the Legislature with permission and thanks. UK Human prison places and beginning had happened on time. Manchester, M3 9ZL www.ol- can confer on the Government the power to Rights Blog’: www.ukhumanrightsblog.com their resettlement in the liers.com community. • Prisoners who were not re- leased after a delayed hearing While it is not possible to turn may still be entitled to com- Jeremy Pinson is a Associate back time and to get those pensation if their hearing was Solicitor at Olliers Solicitors months of liberty back, there delayed by three months or Limited


CONTACT: JEREMY PINSON Our London office FREEPOST NEA 13621, 1 Heddon Street MANCHESTER M3 9ZL Mayfair London 0161 834 1515 W1B 4BD 40 Legal www.insidetime.org Insidetime August 2016

Advertorial Sentence calculation... a numbers game What to do if you think that your sentence has been calculated incorrectly

Sentences must be calculated concurrent mixed Act sentenc- release is granted after serving at specific times during a sen- es that were imposed before 3 two thirds of the sentence. tence. A calculation must be December 2012.” undertaken every time a pris- l Criminal Justice Act 1991 oner transfers to a new prison, What happens if the applies to offences committed and further checks should be calculation is incorrect? on or after 1 October 1992, but conducted in the period lead- before 4 April 2005. This piece This means that if a court in- ing up to release. A check is of legislation is also used for correctly calculated time credit undertaken 14 days prior to a sentences under 12 months on remand, the prison may release and must be carried and outlines the provisions on amend this to the correct time out by someone other than the automatic unconditional re- if it is favourable, however if person who initially calculated lease, automatic conditional it is in fact the opposite and a the sentence dates to ensure release, discretionary condi- correction would not be fa- that the sentence calculation tional release and further of- vourable, the original court is carried out independently. fences committed before the direction must remain the An additional calculation is sentence expires. same. All time served on re- made two days before a re- mand will also be taken into lease, and again this should l Criminal Justice Act 2003 account when applying it to be conducted independently. applies to offences committed an overall release date if there © Fotolia.com on or after 4 April 2005. Section are mixed concurrent sentenc- How is the calculation done? 244 states that automatic li- es. If two or more consecutive cence is granted at the halfway Emma Davies When is my sentence the prisoner entering custody. The prison authorities must sentences are received, time point for sentences of 12 and Jennifer Mitchell calculated? It is possible to request access calculate any sentence in ac- on remand will only be count- months or more. Section 33 of to a copy of the release notifi- cordance with PSI 13/2013. ed once, and will not apply to An initial calculation must be the Act outlines release and cation slip which is kept on This not only covers what a each sentence. made within 5 working days licence provisions for sentenc- Sentence calculation can be a of a prisoner’s arrival at a the relevant prison file. If there prison needs to take into con- complicated area. It is essential es of less than 12 months. holding establishment, even is confusion over the sentence sideration when calculating a It should be noted that in order that something as fundamental sentence, but also highlights for remand time to be consid- if this date is provisional pend- calculation or if it is a particu- What should I do if I think as a prisoner’s release date is relevant circumstances that ered you must have served a ing receipt of all the relevant larly complex sentence, meas- my sentence is calculated recorded properly. This article documents. Once a release must be observed. A key ex- “relevant period” on remand. ures must be taken to ensure incorrectly? seeks to look at the sentence date is calculated the prison ample of this is taking account This is predominantly if the that the sentence is sufficiently calculation process and what must notify the prisoner be- for time served on remand. remand to custody is directed In the first instance those who prisoners should be aware of. tween 1 and 5 working days of explained clearly. The PSI states the following: by a court or any period of were legally represented at “The Prison Service will have tagged bail directed by the their court proceedings should the responsibility for automat- court to count against the contact the solicitor who rep- ically crediting periods of sentence. Any remand time resented them when they were relevant remand to custody that was being served at the sentenced. If a sentence cal- towards sentences imposed same time as another sentence culation issue arises within 6 on or after 3 December 2012. of imprisonment, or if there is months of a prisoner’s sentence The courts will no longer have a recalled to custody on an- this will be covered by any the power to direct remand to other sentence will not count representation order that was custody time on or after that as a “relevant period.” in place for the criminal date.” proceedings. Essentially, any time taken This means that after 3 into consideration for sentence If an issue arises after the 6 December 2012 it is the prison’s calculation must be time month period above has responsibility to give credit served on the current case, passed, the Legal Aid funding for time served on remand and and time spent on another is only in place for those who not the courts. If you are con- sentence will not be consid- have exhausted the internal cerned that your remand time ered. Following the introduc- complaints system asking the has not been taken into con- tion of the Legal Aid, prison to correct the issue. If sideration then this is an issue Sentencing and Punishment this has been done, and evi- that is to be raised with the of Offenders Act 2012 (LASPO), dence of this provided, then a Our open, friendly solicitors working prison, or if necessary, a prison days spent in Police Custody prisoner is entitled to ask a lawyer looking into your case. are no longer taken into con- prison law specialist to resolve in Criminal Defence will help you with all The PSI continues to outline sideration when calculating a the issue via Legal Aid funding aspects of Prison Law including: credit for time on remand: sentence. subject to their means. Licence recall • Adjudications “The Prison Service will also How do the prison know If you need help or advice with Parole hearings • IPP queries be able automatically to allow what calculation to do? any prison law issues please the correct number of days contact the prison law depart- In order to calculate sentences Judicial review • Sentence planning issues remand where a court direction ment at Hine Solicitors; effectively it is essential that made prior to 3 December 2012, Telephone - 01865 518973 or the correct laws are applied. is found on or after that date, FREEPOST - RTHU - LEKE - Depending on when the of- Call us on 01865 518971 to be incorrect providing the HAZR Hine Solicitors, Seymour fence was committed, different correction is in the prisoner’s House, 285 Banbury Road, versions of the Criminal Justice or visit www.hinesolicitors.com favour. Where a correction Oxford OX2 7JF. Act apply: would NOT be in the prisoner’s favour, the original court di- l Criminal Justice Act 1967 rection must stand...All re- applies to offences committed mand time whether it was Oxford Freepost address before 1 October 1992 . Release FREEPOST RTHU - LEKE - HAZR court directed or automatically Emma Davies is a Partner at on licence can be applied for Hine Solicitors | Seymour House applied by the prison service Hine Solicitors. after serving one third of the 285 Banbury Road | Oxford | OX2 7JF will be applied to the overall Jennifer Mitchell is from the sentence and unconditional effective release dates of prison law department Insidetime August 2016 www.insidetime.org Legal 41

Advertorial Advertorial to get a divorce without the consent of the other party. Anything less will require consent of the Divorce other spouse. Tariff expiry… Divorcing in prison is not necessarily a difficult process, but dealing with the aftermath can be, particularly in relation to agreeing a finan- not your first opportunity for progression cial settlement or arrangements for children whilst in or grandchildren. When facing or filing for adjudications within the last If a prisoner is refused a Pre divorce whilst in prison, and where there are Michaela Henderson-Thynne 12 months are unlikely to meet Tariff Review an appeal assets to consider, an inmate should make and Matthew Smith the criteria for a Pre Tariff Sift. against the decision can be provision for release and try to secure the best made via the internal prison possible settlement. That equally applies to complaints procedure. The prison securing access to and contact with children A Pre Tariff Sift takes place or grandchildren. It is very common for inmates within the prison at a Sentence person who considers the convicted of sexual offences to be made subject Planning and Review Meeting. complaint will be independent Karen Weiner to ancillary orders on sentence such as sexual The prisoner must be notified from the review. In order for a Being an indeterminate sen- harm prevention orders and restraining orders. that the review is taking place prisoner to improve the eligi- tence prisoner can be a daunt- and legal representations can bility for a Pre Tariff Sift and a Being sent to prison can result in the break- The terms of such orders are very often wrongly ing experience, not knowing be submitted on behalf of the Pre Tariff Review it is impera- down of a marriage. This may have all sorts of worded, grossly exaggerated or in quite a few when you are going to be re- prisoner. The prison will con- tive the prisoner is of exem- consequences - issues such as the division of cases simply not necessary. Further, the con- leased can cause extreme con- sider the legal representations plary behaviour and builds assets, access to children and the sale of the ditions can cause extreme complications upon release and can conflict with how a family court fusion and fear for prisoners. to determine the prisoners positive relationships with the family home can arise. For example, being in supervising officers within the prison can mean that access to your children might approach issues of contact. suitability for a Pre Tariff Prisoners serving an indeter- Review based on the likeli- prison. may be more difficult, depending on the cir- minate sentence are unable to cumstances. However, just because one party Further complications whilst in prison may hood of the Parole Board rec- be released into the commu- Where a prisoner is not is serving a prison sentence, does not impact arise concerning the ability to pay maintenance. ommending the prisoners nity until the completion of deemed eligible for a Pre Tariff on the division of assets. Inmates don’t sud- progressive move to open the tariff expiry date and even Review, the prisoner will then denly become devoid of any rights during the Unfortunately, there is no legal aid available conditions. then will only be released by be placed in the Generic Parole divorce process simply because they don’t have for divorce. There should be. Wells Burcombe the Parole Board when the Process which will begin at the their liberty. You still retain an interest in the Solicitors offer advice and assistance to inmates Following the Pre Tariff Sift Board is satisfied that the pris- expiry of the tariff expiry date. family home and any other joint matrimonial facing or contemplating divorce. Our expert Review, the Governor will de- oners risk can be managed in Legal representations should property even if you are not physically living team can advise you on your rights and enti- cide whether the prisoner is the community. in it. tlements and on how best to protect your assets suitable to be recommended be submitted to the Parole and maintain contact with your children or to the Parole Board for a Pre Board to request the case pro- However, indeterminate sen- To obtain a divorce in England and Wales you grandchildren. Tariff Review. If the prisoner ceed to an Oral Hearing. tence prisoners are not guar- must have been married for a year, have a is recommend for a Pre Tariff Following the Supreme anteed regular parole reviews marriage that is legally recognized in the UK Paying privately for legal fees for a divorce and Review a Parole Dossier will Court’s Judgment in the case the consequent financial settlement that fol- until the completion of their and one of you must have resided here for at be compiled and the case will of Osborn and Others [2013] lows can often be one of the most worrying tariff and therefore indetermi- UKSC61, the Parole Board re- least a year before the petition is presented to be considered by the Parole issues about divorce. That is why many regard nate prisoners serve many vised its existing considera- the court. The legal process whether you are Board. Legal representations an initial meeting to discuss such issues as more years in custody before tion of the necessity and suit- in prison or not is the same. can be submitted to the Parole important. Wells Burcombe offer fixed fees for being released. However those ability for Oral Hearing, there Board in order to make an ap- initial meetings for inmates. During these demonstrating an extremely remains no statutory entitle- In order to obtain a divorce, the party bringing plication for the prisoner’s meetings, clients are given a pretty good idea motivated attitude may be el- ment to an Oral Hearing before the divorce (the Petitioner) must prove to the consideration for open of what to expect from divorce and are advised igible for a Pre Tariff Review. the Parole Board and it is court that the marriage has irretrievably bro- conditions. ken down. This is the only ground for divorce. of all rights and entitlements. The cost impli- therefore vital that indetermi- cations ae also discussed in full. Inmates on Michaela Henderson-Thynne nate prisoners contact To do this the Petitioner must show that one of Following the Pre Tariff remand or serving a sentence are eligible to and Matthew Smith of Reeds Solicitors to assist in submit- the following reasons applies: Review, if the Parole Board apply to have the Court fees wavered or at the Solicitors examine this crucial ting representations to the decide not to recommend a l that the other party has committed adultery; very least a fee reduction. parole process. Parole Board to ensure an Oral prisoner for a transfer to open l that there is evidence of unreasonable Hearing and to prepare ade- conditions, the Parole Board behaviour; Divorce is not an easy process for anyone in- Pre Tariff Sifts and Pre Tariff quately for the Oral Hearing. will submit their written deci- l there has been desertion; volved. It can be a very emotional time for all Reviews are two separate pro- sion to the Secretary of State l that you have lived apart for more than 2 concerned. However, it is often a necessity step. cesses. The Pre Tariff Sift is the Prisoners should start think- years and the other party agrees to the divorce or; The important thing is to know your rights and first process which is under- who will set a timetable for the ing about the tariff expiry date l that you have lived apart for more than 5 years. entitlements and to take steps to protect them. taken by the Prison to decide next Parole Review, which will at the beginning of their sen- That includes the things people hold most whether to recommend a pris- usually coincide with the tariff tence because prisoners It is fairly easy to see how some of these can important, loved ones (children) and finances. oner for a Pre Tariff Review. expiry date. However in excep- should complete all sentenc- be said to apply if one spouse is sent to prison. The Pre Tariff Review is the tional circumstances a prison- ing planning targets and en- er mat have a further Pre Tariff However, prisoners wanting a divorce will have Karen Weiner is a Family Law Solicitor at second process, which is un- sure all offence focused work Review prior to the tariff expi- to have lived apart for 5 years or more in order Wells Burcombe LLP dertaken by the Parole Board. is completed in readiness for ry date. A further review will the Pre tariff Sift. All indeterminate prisoners only take place where a fur- Unfortunately, pre tariff sifts/ serving a tariff over 3 years ther assessment has been un- reviews are no longer covered should have their case consid- dertaken or further work has under Legal Aid but Reeds ered at a Pre Tariff Sift, 2 been completed that reduces Solicitors do offer assistance months prior to the parole the prisoners risk. under a fixed fee. Please con- process, however only prison- tact us for more information. Specialists in: Appeals against Conviction & Sentence, CCRC, IPP Appeals ers with an exemplary custody If a further Pre Tariff Review and Parole, Prison Adjudications & Discipline, Criminal Investigations, record will be considered. is recommended it will only Prisoners assessed within the take place if the prisoner is Michaela Henderson-Thynne Confiscation & POCA proceedings. OASys assessment as high risk recommended for a progres- at Reeds Solicitors. of harm, recording of escaping sive move to open conditions Matthew Smith is Head of within the last 2 years, proven during a further Pre Tariff Sift. For advice and assistance anywhere in England & Wales, either in person or the Prison Law Department via video link, please call or head office:5 Holywell Hill, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL1 1EU Reeds Solicitors Freepost RTSX-ETXE-SUKX Telephone: 01727 840900 1 Cambridge Terrace Oxford OX1 1RR 24hr Emergency Number: 07592 034170 Telephone: 01865 260 230 www.reeds.co.uk 42 Legal // Q&A ‘Legal’, Inside Time, Botley Mills, Botley, Southampton, Hampshire SO30 2GB. Insidetime August 2016

SC - HMP Wayland Licence are set out in PSI impossible. Could you forms, I would suggest that 2011 the relevant date would 13/2015. It is important to please advise on how I you would have a strong be 1st April 2005. However in Q I write regarding the note that these provisions should deal with this? complaint. You may wish to exceptional circumstances Early Removal Scheme are the earliest that a seek legal advice on this the prosecution may be able (ERS) introduced in 2015, prisoner may have the A It is strange that two matter, although be aware to go further back, an and want to know how it option to undertake a ROTL different categorisation that you will more than example of this would be if works? Who is entitled to rather than a mandatory forms have been issued with likely be required to pay the prosecution are able to it? How early can a prisoner proviso. A determinate the same decision date but privately for such a service. link a current offence with a

be released? Are the Cat-D sentence prisoner will be different results. I would previous offence. Response provided by Pickup rules same as last year? eligible for RDR either 24 suggest that you have taken & Scott Solicitors Finally, I have heard that months before the effective entirely the right approach Moving to the date for there may be a new GPS by using the COMP1 form release date or once they BH - HMP Dovegate payment of a Confiscation system coming out that will have served half the and that you should continue Order, Confiscation Orders Legal allow offenders home custodial period less half the down this path. Under PSO Q In July 2008 I was are made payable on the day release with up to 15 relevant remand time 2510, paragraph 8.4, if you arrested in connection with that the order is made, but months of their sentence (whichever gives the latest are dissatisfied with this a conspiracy to supply under Section 11 of the Forum left to serve. Is this correct? date). The governor must response you should submit cutting agents. I pleaded Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 then decide the frequency a COMP1A form within 7 days guilty and was sentenced to you can request time to pay A The Early Removal and duration of any release of receiving the response you 5 years. The prosecution any order. The maximum Answers are kindly Scheme is a mandatory although it is common disagree with. started the POCA process time to pay period under the provided by: scheme for all Foreign practice for shorter, less but did not proceed with it. Act is initially a period of 3 Hine Solicitors National Prisoners who are frequent ROTLs to be started. If you are unsatisfied with As a starting point they months. If it can be shown, Reeds Solicitors liable to deportation or Overnight releases do not your response, I would then used July 2002. Sometime that more time is needed to Frisby & Co Solicitors removal from the UK. take place earlier than 9 direct you to the Prisons and later I was charged with the pay the order and any delays Pickup & Scott Solicitors However, a number of months before the release Probation Ombudsman. You supply of cutting agents are not the applicants fault, Olliers Solicitors Foreign National Prisoners date. There have been no will need to keep copies of and a trial date was set for within the 3 month time to Cartwright King Solicitors are ineligible and these are new PSI or PSO documents all your paperwork to submit September 2011. I was pay period an extension, Emmersons Solicitors prisoners: suggesting that there is to be with your letter to the PPO. found guilty and sentenced upon application, of a a change to the HDC policy. You will then be informed to 11 years. On that date, further 3 months may be

Answers to readers’ legal • With an indeterminate whether your complaint another POCA was started given. The maximum Response provided by Hine queries are given on a strictly sentence; should be upheld. However, however they still used the amount of time that will be Solicitors without liability basis. If you • On remand; the PPO requires that all 2002 date. Can they do given to pay any order will propose acting upon any of • Detained under immigra- complaints are attempted to that? In June 2014 they said be 6 months in total from the the opinions that appear, you BH - HMP Highdown tion powers; be resolved within the I owed money and that if by date of the order. So for must first take legal advice. • Subject to further custodial Q I am serving a life establishment to begin with. December 2014 I had not example if your confiscation requirements, outstanding paid, I would be sentenced order is granted on 1st June Send your Legal Queries sentence with a tariff of 19 criminal charges or an I would also ask you to (concise and clearly marked years and already 3 years to a period of 18 months 2015 you will have until the outstanding confiscation order. into it. I was categorised in check the reasons for your consecutive. I was later 1st December 2015 to satisfy ‘legal’) to: David Wells, Solicitor c/o Inside Time, August 2015 and was categorisation. As you are given that sentence. that order. Should you not The Prison Governor can shockingly given a Cat-C. aware under PSI 40/2011, be able to pay the amount, Botley Mills, Botley, also refuse to allow a Foreign Southampton, Hampshire However nearly two months section 3.1., prisoners are A Firstly let’s start with the enforcement proceedings National Offender to be SO30 2GB. later (October 2015) was required to have the lowest date that the Prosecution will commence which may released if there are other given a new category form security category assigned to will use for POCA proceed- result in a default prison reasons to do so, for example For a prompt response, readers stating that I’m Category B. them which ensures that the ings, this is known as the sentence, these proceedings if there is evidence to are asked to send their I decided to match it up perceived level of risk is relevant date and is usually will be in the relevant suggest they have been queries on white paper using with the Category C form safely managed. If the 6 years prior to the date of Magistrates Court.

black ink or typed if possible. planning a further crime. and I noticed the board sat reasons for your categorisa- charge, so for example if you Response provided by Hine The Category D “rules” for on the same date which is tion are the same on both were charged on 1st April Release on Temporary Solicitors Specialist Appeals & Prison Law Solicitors

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• Transfers Prison law Mike Pemberton We also specialise in Immigration and Mental Health Matters. Wigan Investment Centre, Waterside Drive, Wigan, Greater Manchester, WN3 5BA For more information, please contact T: 0203 841 8580 Kathryn Reece-Thomas or Sara Watson call 0333 344 4885 or email [email protected] ReeceThomasWatson, St Marks Studios, 14 Chillingworth Road, London N7 8QJ www.stephensons.co.uk Insidetime August 2016 ‘Legal’, Inside Time, Botley Mills, Botley, Southampton, Hampshire SO30 2GB. Legal // Q&A 43

be made for defendants who do not speak is released he will normally be subject to a li- English or will serve their sentence far away cence with conditions. Licences are frequently from their friends and relations. Reductions in revoked. Licences do not apply to foreign na- Banks my experience are usually not significant and tionals when they are returned home. Foreign it appears that often no reduction is made. nationals are also able to ask to serve their While the sentence is being served it becomes sentence in their own country. Prisons in for- more complicated. The rules below apply where eign countries vary considerably. In some coun- on Sentence the prisoner has no outstanding charges. tries, bribes to people in authority make all the Robert Banks, a barrister, writes Banks on Sentence. It is the second-largest selling difference to the period to be served and the The Public Accounts Committee of the House conditions. criminal practitioner’s text book and is used by judges for sentencing more than any of Commons reported in 2015 that there were other. The book is classified by the Ministry of Justice as a core judicial text book. The over 5,600 foreign nationals in custody who So back to your Russian. I assume he will be book has an app which is for Apple iPads and Windows 8/10 tablets and computers. It had served their sentence and were awaiting automatically deported as his sentence is over costs £95 plus VAT. The print copy costs £108. There is also a discount when the print deportation. The cost of managing and remov- the 12-month threshold for automatic deporta- copy and app are purchased together. If you have access to a computer, you can follow ing these prisoners was estimated to cost tion. He is likely to be released 270 days earlier Robert on Twitter, @BanksonSentence and you can receive his weekly sentencing Alert. £850m. So in one respect certain foreign na- than you and the Scotsman. That means that tionals serve a longer time in custody than you and the Scotsman will serve 3 years and www.banksr.com comparable UK citizens. the other Englishman will serve 2 years 8 months. The three of you will then be released Q I pleaded guilty to robbery and false im- of Appeal should do then. I think it is likely that In 2003 the government introduced the man- on licence. The Russian will serve about 2 years prisonment. At the sentencing hearing a lot it would say that if your account had been true, datory Early Removal Scheme. It was amended 95 days and be returned without being put on of stuff was read out that had not happened. you would have sent a note to your barrister in 2008. It enables foreign nationals serving licence. This means your prison officer is likely I had heard none of the aggravating factors and as you didn’t do so you must have fabri- sentences of 3 years or more to have up to 270 to be proved right. from my barrister. What can I do? Is this fair? cated the complaint since. Alternatively, it may days deducted from their sentence. If the sen- say that even if your account was accepted, the tence is less than 3 years, the period is a quarter sentence was not manifestly excessive. of the sentence. It does not apply to those serv- Asking Robert & Jason questions A I was sorry to read of your plight. Well, it ing a sentence for non-payment of a confisca- certainly is not fair. When a barrister advises a You may think this is all very unsatisfactory tion order or a fine. For extended sentences the Please make sure your question concerns sentence defendant before the sentencing hearing he but I regret to say that I can see no realistic defendant is released between the Early and not conviction and send the letter to Inside should go through the evidence and obtain the solution to your problem, as it is the sort of Removal Scheme eligibility date and the two- Time, marked for Robert Banks or Jason Elliott. defendant’s comments on it. He should then problem the Court of Appeal is not going to thirds point of the custodial term of the Unless you say you don’t want your question and serve a basis of plea setting out what is or is not want to help you with in any way. accepted or tell the prosecution which parts are sentence. answer published, it will be assumed you have no not accepted. The Judge is then told of this. If objection to publication. It is usually not possible this did not happen it is most regrettable. It Q Four of us pleaded to moving drugs. There Under the Tariff Expired Removal Scheme for- to determine whether a particular defendant has would be open for you to appeal the case but were two Englishmen, a Scotsman and a eign nationals serving life sentences or IPP may grounds of appeal without seeing all the paperwork. you would have to make a list of your com- Russian (it sounds like a joke but it wasn’t). be removed at any time after the end of their Analysing all the paperwork is not possible. The plaints about the barrister. He would then give We all pleaded. The other Englishman re- minimum term. Our experience is that the Home column is designed for simple questions and answers. his account and I would not expect him to say ceived 5½ years and the Scotsman, the Office is very keen to remove as many foreign anything that did not protect his position. The Russian and I received 6 years. When we re- prisoners as it can. This means that a UK person No-one will have their identity revealed. Letters solicitors would have to give their file to the turned to prison a screw said that the foreign- who receives the same life sentence or IPP sen- which a) are without an address, b) cannot be read, prosecution and the Court of Appeal. The pros- er would be let out first. Is this right? tence as a foreign national and who is regularly or c) are sent direct, cannot be answered. Letters ecution would no doubt do everything they refused parole may serve three times more than sent by readers to Inside Time are sent on to a could to support your barrister. A This is a very problematic section of law as the foreign national. solicitor, who forwards them to Robert and Jason. it is ill-considered and has been drafted piece- If your solicitor wants to see previous questions and There is no reported case about what the Court meal. Barristers can ask that a reduction should There is another inequality. Once the UK citizen answers, they are at www.banksr.com.

Interpreters Offices Available all across London Specialists in Family We are the largest legal aid firm in the UK. We provide professional advice & Financial Disputes you can trust where liberty is at stake. We specialise in the following areas: • Confiscation Proceedings Last year our 600+ lawyers and support staff successfully provided advice, assistance and representation for over 20,000 clients across 34 offices nationwide. • Matrimonial Proceedings • Cohabitee disputes Prison Law • Property disputes • Child maintenance disputes • Sentence calculation issues • Adjudications under the Tarrant principles • Care Proceedings • Independent adjudications • Parole Board Paper Reviews • Children Disputes • Parole Board Oral hearings Offices in Barking, Romford, Grays and Kentish Town We also have a specialist public law department who can assist with Judicial Review and Human Rights matters with respect to: In the first instance please contact us at: 102 - 106 South Street, • Parole Board decisions • Parole Board delays • Segregation concerns Romford, ESSEX RM1 1RX • Crowded Cells • Re-categorisation decisions • Rule 39 and other correspondence issues Tel: 01708 766155 • Access to courses • Closed visits • Issues for disabled prisoners under the care act • IEP concerns • Independent Adjudication decisions and much more . . . Have your lawyers let you down? We offer competitive fixed fee private rates for the following areas: Do you want Robert Banks or • HDC applications • Licence conditions • ERS/FRS/TERS applications • Transfers Jason Elliott to represent you? Robert is a specialist in criminal Immigration - Foreign national prisoner? Please contact us for unlawful detention claims, asylum applications, bail applications, appeals against sentence. deportation appeals and other issues. Jason is a specialist in criminal Family - Divorce matters • Child contact arrangements • Care proceedings social services involvement appeals, trials and prison law. Contact: Crime - Are you confident of a “Not Guilty” verdict? Contact us David Wells, Wells Burcombe, 5 Holywell Hill, Contact: Client Care Team, 29, Grove Hill Road, Harrow, Middlesex, HA1 3BN t: 020 7923 4020, www.duncanlewis.com St Albans AL1 1EU YOU WON’T SEE ANY SIGNS LIKE THIS IN PRISON...


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2230_InsideTime_FullAd_Sign_2.indd 1 21/07/2016 12:31 Insidetime August 2016 www.insidetime.org Jailbreak // Writing 45

the impact. Human nature 1. Did this piece engage me? also brings out that emotion 2. Why - Yes/No? Writer’s Block of not wanting to hurt anoth- 3. Where best? Penfold at Cil-y-Coel Diary of er’s feelings. Having said that 4. Were there gaps? we were all genuinely full of 5. Did it draw me in, do I want There it is again praise for J one’s work, each to go on? Staring at me a Creative of us picking up specific 6. How did we feel about the Empty, but powerful points that impressed us. J pace of the piece? Brilliant white two approached his work in a 7. What was our opinion on Plain completely different way, he the language used? Ordinary Writer wrote in the first person but 8. What emotions am I getting Blank as a female. The group and from the piece? What do I put on it? tutor were a little surprised by How do I start? Pen poised the style but I found it fasci- These questions were for us to Tongue tied nating; his description of the use as guidelines on our writ- Blank page Lucy Forde homework, have you any idea you have an ego the size of the main character’s actions - get- ing and stressed the impor- It sits there how long it takes to read out Albert Hall. We are a small tance of reading and re-read- ting dressed, putting on On my desk loud 2000 words? Writing it group and know that each of makeup, all done with infinite ing our work. Waiting, threatening Lesson Five was a lot easier! I remem- us is at a very different stage care and clearly not based on ASBO potential We had a holiday - three weeks bered, I hope, the importance of our writing journey (oh how me, showed a perception not To round off the evening, we Best seller potential and needless to say I didn’t of not overloading the reader I hate that expression, but expected in an obviously het- were given some tips/general White look at course work until with characters or dialogue nothing else seems appropri- erosexual male. When I asked advice, mainly to read your Immaculate about two nights ago!!! How and I tried to incorporate all ate in this context) and there- him he said that he wanted a work over and over. Check for Untainted easily we slip back into being the senses, but the inflection fore at a different level of con- challenge, it certainly was using the same word/phrase I stare back the recalcitrant teenagers we when reading aloud is quite fidence. J one writes incredibly and also made for a very good too often; beware of below Pen poised have berated our own chil- daunting. descriptive work about a story. I made two of my class standard grammar; shifting Tongue tied dren about - why leave your mythical land with characters mates cry - not the intention, characters; random dialogue; Blank page homework until the last min- We then came to the hard bit who have varying forms of but hopefully it showed that I rushed dramatic action; wan- It hasn’t moved ute; I now understand their of the lesson - self-criticism psychic and intuitive powers; had drawn them into the dering off plot. Quite a lot for Waiting for me responses of ‘Just because!’ and criticism. It is very easy it isn’t a genre I would normal- story. My 2000 words was a us to consider but it made Pleading with me to be self-critical, I think that ly read but hearing it read out stand-alone piece where the sense and hopefully will help Pro social New me We had to present our it’s a natural instinct unless loud by the author added to others had presented part of with further work. A clean sheet their ‘books’. A new start Whoo hoo, no homework - ex- A novel in waiting cept to maybe polish up our Bearing in mind the session A poem in preparing so far we were then given a 2,000 words! A copy of The A play for the stage number of questions to use on Visit is available on request - it Who cares? PRISONERS’ FAMILIES our own work and that of our is too long to publish in the It’s a fresh page! colleagues: paper. AND FRIENDS HELPLINE We’ve all been there, a beautiful fresh page in a Your assignment this month, if you choose, is to write a piece note book or blank screen on of 200 words on a memorable visit - doesn’t have to be a the computer, the words prison visit, anything that stands out in your memory. scrambling around in our minds but we are totally Below are some of the many entries we have so far received in unable to take them and put response to the ‘Diary of a Creative Writer’. Do please keep them in any sort of coherent sending them in; every story published will receive £5. order. Lucy The Letter Non conformity

A E Stewart - HMP Greenock Sarah Baker - HMP Lewes

Having tram lines in your hair, dreaming of a As she finished preparing her meal she PS2 and VOI jeans then worshipping at the quietly sang along with the radio playing in temple of Nike. Not for me love, bruv or guv, the background. Afterwards, she crouched give me a ‘My little pony’ any day so I can ride to stroke the sleeping cat on the way to the away into the sunset with my flailing locks living room. cutting through jail’s fetid air (because I’m worth it). The living room was decorated with the finest upholstery and smelled of lilacs. She sank into I dream of sugar, not spice or a Cosworth car. No Ferrari for me as I see a sweatbox morph the chequered, chestnut brown armchair with CONFIDENTIAL Open Monday to Friday into a pink unicorn that carries me over my her evening meal. A glass of Chardonnay FREEPHONE 10am to 5pm prison’s wall. ‘A cock in a frock’ or ‘Mess in a E: [email protected] chilled on the table. She glanced over at the dress’, I often hear, more or less. Yet I hold no HELPLINE W: www.prisonadvice.org.uk ash heaped from the fire; smoke slithered up grudge as I know how it must feel to be you. the chimney; the letter burnt to cinders. In clothes of grey as your fading hair you brag Later, she stood at the window, thought what to all those near, ‘These trainers cost 95 quid’. to write, and then all of a sudden the cat Boy how everyone giggled when I squealed meowed at her feet. There, on the floor lay her ’95 quid, my arse’. I kept your secret knowing that you chawed ‘em off your cell mate in husband. She hadn’t really bothered to notice Belmarsh before you went on the cucumbers. him since the incident. For a moment she glanced, then picked up the cat returning to The photo on your cell door card makes you her armchair and started to write: “He denied look really hard. You must be really dangerous all knowledge of the affair; but I knew, the seeing as you are in jail for armed robbery on Charity registration number 219278 Company registration number 356443 Pact, 29 Peckham Road, London, SE5 8UA letter told me everything...” an Oxfam shop and you’re normal! 46 Jailbreak www.insidetime.org Insidetime August 2016 When Hilary Yoga Wind Down Met Sally The Prison Phoenix Trust What happened when a former Yoga is a great way to chill out at the end any time you want to relax. As you go of a long day. It calms you down, makes through the movements, focus on the prisoner met his old headteacher your body feel more comfortable and feeling of your breath flowing in and out in prison? You can find out in an puts your mind in a good space to relax. of you. Try it every day for a week and Do this routine at the end of the day, or let us know if it works! extraordinary interview this month on National Prison Radio Happy Cat (breathe in) 5 Stretch 1 Angry Cat (breathe out) Stretch like this for three deep breaths. Burlington Danes Academy - governors should have more Flow between these two which lies in the shadow of responsibility for education and movements, following the breath. Wormwood Scrubs prison and should be able to run their own Do each one ten times. serves one of the most deprived prisons as they want to.” She areas of London - that Dame says education needs to be at Sally made her reputation. the heart of the prison system. Knees to Chest 6 Hug your knees in to your chest for “It was a school out of control,” “I know there’s a huge issue with three long breaths. she says. “People referred to it drugs, but I think some of that as feral. On one day I was walk- is caused by prisoners being ing up a staircase and a group bored, frustrated and angry and of boys threw a chair down the seeing no purpose. If we really stairs at me. On another day opened up education, brought they broke every single window it to the wings, brought better Dame Sally Coates, the author in the school.” teachers in, had in-cell technol- of the influential review into ogy, changed the culture so that prison education and head Goddess On her first day she sent home education was really valued, teacher extraordinaire, is one 7 Pull your feet in as close to your bum 70 of the worst-behaving pupils maybe it would enable people of the guests on this month’s as you can, with your knees splayed and only let them back when to rebuild their lives.” Past, Present and Future on they came for an interview with out to the side. Hold for ten deep National Prison Radio. And their parents. Dame Sally’s interviewer, Hilary, breaths. she’s being interviewed by used to be a prisoner in HMP Hilary - an NPR presenter who But she also made small chang- Brixton. Although he’s been 2 Frog is also one of her former pupils. es with big impacts. “We intro- released, he still works with NPR. Kneel with your knees apart, then Past, Present and Future is the duced outdoor table tennis He says he was both thrilled and sink your chest down between them. programme which discovers tables. Before you knew it, all nervous about interviewing his Stay here for five slow breaths. the story behind the person. the bad boys were playing table former head teacher. tennis instead of having fights.” Dame Sally tells Hilary about “The experience was surreal and learning her trade as a teacher Within a matter of years it had overwhelming at times. Here I Cow Face in the inner-city schools of transformed into one of the was returning to HMP Brixton 8 Hold for five deep breaths each side. London, including in Camberwell best schools in the country - and to add to that I was about If you can’t reach, use a sock to where Hilary was a student. rated outstanding by Ofsted to interview an accomplished connect your hands. inspectors. Dame Sally was Dame whose lifelong passion “We had some really difficult Pigeon knighted by the Queen as a result. to bring out the best in people 3 pupils. I remember a boy in my Tuck one leg across the front of your I had benefited from. English class who got stabbed Last year she was asked to in- body, with the other stretching out behind you. Hold for five slow at a party when he was in year vestigate the state of education “And I really enjoyed listening breaths then repeat on the other side. 10. Luckily the blade just missed in prison. The result - the Coates to some of the classic tracks she his heart. He was back a few Review - was published in May, picked for the show, including months later bandaged up. And and is already leading to big Stevie Wonder, Paul Simon and the following week I found a changes in the way some pris- Frank Sinatra.” thousand pounds in his pocket. ons are being run. He was back dealing drugs even You can hear Dame Sally, and though he’d nearly died from “Just like in a school, you have Hilary, on Past, Present and being involved.” to change the culture so that Future on National Prison Radio Sitting education matters. I suppose on Monday 8th August at mid- 9 Sit like this, relaxed and upright, and But it was as the principal of the the main conclusion is that day, repeated at 6pm. bring your attention back to your Twist breathing. Try to make the out- 4 Have your knees together over your breath longer than the in-breath - so It’s time to have your say… chest and let them fall to one side. if it takes you five counts to breathe Hold for five deep breaths then in, try to breathe out for eight. Do National Prison Radio is your station, so help us make it even better repeat on the other side. this for a couple of minutes then let the control go and just breathe. Sit We want to hear what you think about National (BASS), St Giles Trust Peer Assist and the National like this, focussing on your breath, Prison Radio. In this month’s Inside Time you’ll Careers Service on-air. concentrating on the feeling of it, for find two copies of the National Prison Radio five minutes or longer if you like. Survey - one for you and one to give to a friend. We’re also running a competition to see which prison sends in the most responses. Last year the The survey is easy to complete and shouldn’t take winners were HMP Foston Hall and HMP more than a few minutes. We want to know what Bullingdon, so represent your prison and let us shows you like, what shows you don’t like and know what you think! what you want to hear more about. Once you’ve answered the questions, put the form If you want a free book and CD to Last year nearly 400 prisoners responded to the in an envelope and post it back FREE of CHARGE help you set up a regular yoga and National Prison Radio Survey - you told us you to Freepost Prison Radio Survey. While you’re meditation practice write to The wanted to hear more about employment, leaving sending us the survey, pop a request, shout-out Prison Phoenix Trust, PO Box 328, prison and housing leading us to partner up with or poem into the envelope too. Oxford OX2 7HF. the Bail Accommodation and Support Service Insidetime August 2016 www.insidetime.org Jailbreak // Fitness 47 Cell Workout Get the body you want Inside & Out

came an invite to visit HMP Thameside library to talk to inmates nearly a year ago.

Last year I was invited to the Plank Full Plank Full Plank With Single Knee annual Prison Libraries Group Target Muscle Groups Target Muscle Groups Tuck CILIP conference to speak Primary: Abdominals, Primary: Abdominals, Erector Target Muscle Groups about my time in prison and Erector Spinae Spinae Primary: Abdominals, Erector what encouraged/inspired me Secondary: Deltoids,Triceps Secondary: Deltoids,Triceps Spinae to write the book. From all Secondary: Deltoids,Triceps, those I have met what struck Step 1: face down on the Step 1: Assume the plank me is their dedication and en- floor, with your legs extended Quadriceps thusiasm for the work they do. behind you hip-width apart, position. Place your hands directly under your shoulders, It was when I began writing “Books give a soul to I am grateful for all the sup- with your toes tucked under. Step 1: Lie face down on the with your arms straight to Cell Workout in A2-21 in HMP the universe, wings to the port they continue to offer me. Rest on your forearms and floor, with your legs extended elbows, to form a plank. form a full plank. Pentonville that I ventured mind, flight to the behind you hip-width apart, For me personally, reading into the prison library to re- imagination, and life to with your toes tucked under. has always been a struggle Step 2: Engage your abdomi- Step 2: Engage your abdomi- Place your hands directly search and soon began enjoy- everything” Plato ing spending time there. It was due to dyslexia and something nals. Maintain proper nals. Maintain proper under your shoulders, arms probably the only place in I have always wanted to im- alignment with your body, alignment with your body, thought about how best to get straight, to form a full plank. prison when I didn’t feel like I prove in. If you don’t normally forming a straight line from forming a straight line from it into prisons and began the your head to heels. was actually in prison. Even use the prison library why not your head to heels. arduous task of ringing round Step 2: Maintain proper meeting my loved ones on a go visit and see what goes on all the prisons and was for- Step 3: Continue the alignment with your body, visit was only a reminder of in there, you may be surprised Step 3: Continue the warded on to speak to the li- movement, holding the forming a straight line from where I was, no matter how at the world it opens up. brarians. From those first few position for the desired movement, holding the your head to heels. Engage much I cherished it. position for the desired libraries that wanted to put L. J. length of time, keeping your your abdominals as you bring Cell Workout on their shelves body parallel to the ground. length of time. Release the When the book was finished I one knee in towards your chest. Release the tension slowly. tension slowly.

Tips: When performing any plank exercise, maintain a straight Step 3: Continue the Plank Training Plank Workout line without lifting your hips excessively towards the ceiling or movement, returning the leg letting them sag. Use the strength from your entire core, back to the start position and If you want a great abdominal workout, look Warm Up particularly the abdominals, to hold a steady position. alternate using the other knee. no further than the Plank. It can be as easy or l 5 minute jog on the spot as hard as you want to make it. The Plank is l 5 minute mobilisation exercises an isometric core strength exercise that Workout involves maintaining a position, similar to a A1: Plank press up for the desired amount of time. A2: Full Plank A3: Full Plank With Single Knee Tuck The most common plank is the front plank, Rest: 30 seconds which is held with your body in a near horizontal position by your forearms, elbows A1: Plank and toes taking the body’s weight. A2: Full Plank A3: Full Plank With Single Knee Tuck Although mainly a core exercise, it is also a Rest: 30 seconds full body exercise putting emphasis on your arms, shoulders and glutes as well as your A1: Plank core. A2: Full Plank A3: Full Plank With Single Knee Tuck The workout is aimed for every level of Rest: 30 seconds DOES THE TAX MAN OWE YOU MONEY? fitness with varying duration time of each A1: Plank IF YOU ENTERED PRISON AFTER 6 APRIL 2011 AND PAID TAX YOU MAY BE DUE A REFUND. plank. Perform all 3 plank variations back to A2: Full Plank back for the desired amount of time before A3: Full Plank With Single Knee Tuck ARE YOU RECEIVING TAX DEMANDS OR PENALTIES THAT YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND? resting for 30 seconds. People tend to aim for Rest: 30 seconds ARE YOU SETTING UP A BUSINESS AFTER YOU ARE RELEASED AND NEED TAX ADVICE? how long they hold a plank, but not the quality. You need to focus on the contraction A1: Plank IF THE ANSWER IS ‘YES’ YOU NEED TO CONTACT THE TA X ACADEMY™ of the abdominals through the static exercise, A2: Full Plank whilst keeping a regular breathing pattern. A3: Full Plank With Single Knee Tuck Rest: 30 seconds THE TAX ACADEMY™ Include as much information as possible: Performed 2-3 times a week you will be on Unit 4, Ffordd yr Onnen • Prison number your way to rock hard abs, whatever your Cool Down Lon Parcwr Business Park • Your full name including middle name ability. Good luck. l 5 minute jog on the spot Ruthin • Your date of birth l 5 minute static stretches Denbighshire LL15 1NJ • National insurance number Cell Workout info Training Guidelines • Employment history ISB: 978-0993248009 01824 704535 Intensity: Moderate - High • Contact address/number on the outside Price: £19.99 [email protected] Duration: Beginner 30 seconds 234 pages - 8 x 10inches www.thetaxacademy.co.uk Please advise if you change Prisons after responding. Intermediate: 45 seconds 204 exercises with colour Advanced: 60 seconds photographs Rest Between Sets: 30 seconds The Tax Academy™ is a Social Enterprise created by Paul Retout, a Tax Specialist to help Prisoners with their 10 week programme Frequency: (per week): 2-3 tax affairs in Prison and on the outside. He was recently profiled in ‘The Times’ – ‘Tax Rebates for Cellmates’ having run tax seminars for inmates in HMP Wandsworth. www.cell-workout.com Method: Isometric training 48 Jailbreak // Reading www.insidetime.org Insidetime August 2016 Book Review The Reader Don’t Believe the Type by Charles Salvador ‘A tough life needs a tough language’: Compiled by Lorraine Etherington Price: £17.99 poetry in criminal justice settings Review by: Noel Smith

Cat Millar up a useful piece of self-awareness and self-af- firmation as a natural by-product of being read Charles Salvador is an artist often the author of his own birth name, Michael Peterson, and enjoyed. whose unique and enigmatic misfortune, the hype generat- and his present name, ‘When people say that poetry is merely a artwork sometimes fetches ed by the press and aided and changed officially, Charles luxury for the educated middle classes, or Alongside the benefits of interacting with a high rewards from the art-lov- abetted by ‘prison insiders’ - Salvador. The name Charles that it shouldn’t be read much at school poem as an individual, reading poetry together ing public. He is a generous usually warders looking for a Bronson was his ring-name because it is irrelevant…I suspect that the as a shared experience can bring people togeth- man and has probably donat- bung for their exaggerated when he was boxing and the people doing the saying have had things er in profound ways. For one hour a week, bar- ed more of his own money to tales - was designed to titillate name he was arrested under. pretty easy. A tough life needs a tough riers between prisoners/residents and staff are good causes than Bob Geldof the public and build this man language - and that is what poetry is. broken down as they speak openly and bluntly and Bono combined. Though, into a monster. The good part of this book is about what they see in a poem. That is what literature offers - a language like the truly benevolent, he actually Charles Salvador’s powerful enough to say how it is.’ Reading Thomas Hardy’s ‘Between us Now,’ at does not broadcast his work One amusing artwork, some of which is re- (Jeanette Winterson) HMP Wymott, Prison Officer Tony said he for charity. He is also a witty, headline, from produced in colour. Perhaps thought it was about a man wondering if after intelligent writer with a knack if he had discovered this talent If my own experience led me to agree with this all the years he’d been in a relationship, his for hitting the nail of truth di- The People before embarking on his jour- statement when I first read it in The Guardian, partner still felt the same way. ‘We’ve all been rectly on its sometimes elusive ney of incarceration and in- nothing could have convinced me further than in those relationships where we’re not sure if head. He has many friends and newspaper in sanity things might have been a year reading poetry in criminal justice set- the feeling is still there’ he said (being greeted admirers and an organisation 2008 reads - a lot different. But we do what tings. So what can poetry, some of it written by many nods around the room), before quoting that works tirelessly to support we do and the past cannot be more than 100 years ago, offer prisoners today ‘Jailed nutter eats ‘Is your heart far away/Or with mine still beat- him. And he does all of this changed. The fact that not throughout their rehabilitation? ing?’ as his favourite lines in the poem. ‘You from a cage deep in the stygian his bars’! only has he survived the night- big soft girl!’ shouted prisoner Ben with a mas- bowels of the British prison mare rollercoaster that has When you’re in prison it’s sive grin on his face in response. Tony laughed, system. In an ideal world, Every newspaper headline been his life, but he has also saying ‘I don’t care, it’s true isn’t it!’ resulting not a good feeling to know Charles Salvador’s life would and story about ‘Bronson’ is become a respected artist and in Ben and the rest of the group conceding that the world goes on outside (amongst good-natured laughter) that the feel- be one of galleries, exhibi- reproduced in these pages, writer, is a testament to his ing described was a universal one. tions, shows and all that the and they make for interesting own tenacity and will. I do without you. But when you’re life of a successful artist and sometimes hilarious read- believe that it is about time he worried it’s nice to know that Just one week later, reading ‘Risks’ by Janet brings. Unfortunately, Charles ing. One amusing headline, was given a chance at free- Rand, prisoner Jack re-read the line ‘To weep Salvador was once Charles from The People newspaper in dom. It is obvious that Charles the world goes on, no matter is to risk being called sentimental,’ saying he Bronson. And that is what this 2008 reads - ‘Jailed nutter eats Salvador and the British pris- what’s happening to you could relate to it as ‘being in here, you can’t book is really about. his bars’! The myths that have on system have clashed al- show your feelings to anyone. No matter how surrounded this man are ex- most continuously for over Poetry is often a great source of comfort. In bad you feel you couldn’t cry out on the land- The book covers 30 years of posed for what most of them three decades, but does that every Shared Reading group run by The Reader, ing.’ Another prisoner agreed, saying ‘you’ve media coverage, mainly sen- are, the deliberate fabrication make him a danger to ordinary everything is read aloud and becomes easier to got to keep a mask on until you get back to your sationalist tabloid headlines of outrageous tales. For exam- members of the public or so- relate to the further it is explored by group cell.’ Having previously sat out of the circle of members as a team. Having tackled ‘Wild Geese’ the group silently for almost the whole session, and stories made-up by hack ple, many newspaper reports ciety as a whole? That is by Mary Oliver this way, the residents of Edith the Prison Officer acting as support staff ad- journalists whenever they had describe Bronson as a ‘mur- debatable. Rigby AP in Preston seemed to take great com- dressed the group for the first time, asking if it a slow news week. There are derer’, when, in fact, he has fort from its words. Charlotte quoted the line isn’t actually more of a display of strength to 300 pages packed with news- never killed anybody. All in all, this is a great book ‘No matter how lonely you are, the world offers show your emotions. The prisoners all agreed, paper stories, photos and, of According to the tabloid press for anyone who has an interest itself up to your imagination,’ saying: and began discussing the difficulties of doing course, the art of Charles Charles changed his name to in the manipulation of the so as a group. Salvador. It is interesting to Charles Bronson after the public by the tabloid press. It ‘Often when you have a problem, it’s all in your chronicle his journey from or- American film star who made is also a perfect example of the head, and the world goes on around you just As seen above, poetry has the power to inspire, dinary man to ‘Britain’s Most his name playing tough guy old journalistic adage of never the same…When you’re in prison it’s not a good comfort and move prisoners, probation resi- Violent Prisoner’, and though, roles. In fact, the only two of- letting the truth get in the way feeling to know that the world goes on outside dents and criminal justice staff alike. As a canon no one can deny, Charles was ficial names he has had are his of a good story. without you. But when you’re worried it’s nice of human experience and knowledge it offers to know that the world goes on, no matter comfort and guidance. As inspiration for what’s happening to you.’ thoughtful conversations it facilitates deeper connections between those who discuss it. As SOCIAL SERVICES Reading ‘Mother To Son’ by Langston Hughes an excuse to get together for an hour a week it PROBLEMS ? at the same AP caused a similar sense of com- is a useful and enjoyable intervention that fort, along with an important moment of could be an important part of any prisoner’s CARE PROCEEDINGS? PRISON, APPEAL & REVIEWS self-awareness. Tina re-read the lines rehabilitation. Our Criminal Defence Lawyers will support you in WE SPECIALISE IN the following areas: ‘But all the time Some names have been changed ACTING FOR PARENTS APPEAL & REVIEWS I’ve been a-climbin’ on, (CONVICTION & SENTENCE); And reachin’ landin’s, Ring us to arrange a visit PAROLE BOARD; ADJUDICATION; And turnin’ corners, The Reader Organisation is an award-win- JOINT ENTERPRISE; JR; & RECALLS ETC. And sometimes goin’ in the dark ning charitable social enterprise working to GLP Solicitors connect people through great literature. In Where there ain’t been no light’ 20a Lakeland Court ALL CRIMINIAL COURT weekly sessions, a practitioner reads aloud a PROCEEDING Tina said ‘It makes me think about how you short story or extract and a poem. Anyone in Middleton have to keep going, even if you can’t see the the group may choose to read too: some do, Manchester M24 5QJ IMMIGRATION MATTERS light at the end of the tunnel.’ After a thoughtful others don’t. In this way, connections are pause she added, ‘I need to take my own ad- made with thoughts and feelings; some 0161 PLEASE CALL US ON: vice!’ Where Tina may have had a natural re- people reflect on these privately, others are 0203 609 5595 OR 07917733240 sistance to reflecting on her life and personal more vocal. Either is fine. The emphasis is on 653 6295 ADDRESS: 3-5 RIPPLE ROAD, BARKING, LONDON, IG11 7NP problems if directly prompted, the poem threw enjoying the literature. Insidetime August 2016 www.insidetime.org Jailbreak // Do You Know? 49

l The population of Britain increased by more than half-a- l Supermarkets are selling l Firms have been told to set Do you know? million in a year, official estimates have revealed. Natural apples that are up to a year aside a room to allow staff to smoke e-cigarettes at work growth - more births than deaths - of 171,800 and net interna- old. Shoppers are unlikely to tional migration of 335,600 helped push the number of people and give them extra break- realise that some varieties living in the country to 65.1 million by the middle of 2015. times for their habit. New While natural change is at its lowest level for ten years, net were picked last year official advice urges employers migration is at its highest for the same period. This has led to because stores are under no to make the vaping devices a an increase of almost 1% over the year of 513,000 and means obligation to label when ‘more convenient option’ to encourage workers to give the population has risen by nearly 5 million in just 10 years. their produce was harvested. The Times up traditional cigarettes, Most apples grown in the which are far more harmful. northern hemisphere are Workers should not be forced l Dozens of state schools l Some people are never picked in late summer and to vape outdoors - in places have introduced “gender satisfied. Anglers who set aside for regular smokers early autumn. Apples are neutral” uniform policies usually have to wait ages for - because this will ‘undermine that allow boys to wear skirts a bite are catching so many kept in chilled warehouses their ability to quit smoking’, and girls to wear trousers. fish they are complaining where they are treated with a the advice says. And, because The 80 schools, including 40 that they don’t know what to synthetic gas called e-cigarettes deliver a smaller primaries, have either do with them. A tidal wave of SmartFresh, which helps to nicotine hit, users should be dropped distinctions allowed extra breaks for the 60,000 rainbow trout has between girls and boys in maintain their colour and ‘frequent interim top-ups’ inundated the River Avon their dress codes or have crispness. The Times they need. Daily Mail actively rewritten their after apparently escaping uniform code to say that from a fish farm. Their pupils as young as five can sudden arrival has ruined dress in the uniform in the experience for dedicated l Thirty people have died by taking selfies so far this year. which they feel most anglers. Fisherman Andy Most of the selfie-related deaths have been due to falling. The comfortable. Daily Express Walker said: “A lot of these next most common is when people are trying to take a selfie, fish are quite wily and and they’re hit by a moving vehicle. India saw the highest l Lewis Hamilton has three anglers enjoy trying to numbers of selfie-related deaths than anywhere else in the Blue Peter badges. He first outsmart them, whereas world, prompting the country to add “no selfie” zones at went on the TV show as a farmed fish like these trout tourist attractions. Selfie deaths have become so rife in Russia remote-control car driver have no sense whatsoever that the government released a guide detailing how not to die aged six, then as a go-kart and don’t think twice about while taking a picture of yourself. In the guide, it is advised driver at 12, and finally a taking your bait. It is very that selfie takers don’t balance on dangerous surfaces or pose l The world’s largest tyre manufacturer is Lego. It makes up Formula A driver at 16. The frustrating.”Because they with loaded weapons, among other tips. Daily Mail Guardian to 320 million tyres a year for its toys, far outstripping are non-native fish, anglers Michelin’s 170 million. Lego tyres are smaller and not full of l One person in every 113 is l Police are choosing not to are banned from putting air, but they’re definitely rubber and they go on the wheels of now a refugee. Almost 1% of enforce new legislation them back into the water, so vehicles. There are more than 60 Lego bricks for every person they are having to take them the world’s population are banning smoking in cars in the world. More than 400 billion have been produced since home and eat them. The 1949. Remarkably, all Lego bricks are fully compatible, refugees, asylum seekers or when children are present, Times whether they were made at the beginning or yesterday. QI have been internally figures suggest. The new law came into force last October, displaced says the UN but only three police forces refugee agency. It says 65.3m in England or Wales have people were affected by since reported incidents conflict in 2015, an increase - and those were dealt with of 5m on the 2014. It equates by verbal warnings. In l Hundreds of bees in to one in every 113 people on theory, perpetrators should London have been fitted the planet. Daily Mail face a £50 fine. Daily Express with brightly-coloured NATIONAL SERIOUS FRAUD AND CONFISCATION TEAM numbered “licence plates”. l They are being released from Children who suck their thumb or bite their nails are less Serious Fraud and Con scation Specialists a city centre location and the likely to develop allergies. The explanation, say the authors public will be encouraged to in the journal Pediatrics, is the hygiene hypothesis - exposure report and photograph them to some germs strengthens the body’s immune system. Largest Legal Aid provider in the UK in city gardens. Researchers l Saddam’s nuclear bunker l When the Mona Lisa was hope “citizen scientists” will Client Care second to none be able to conduct their own and command centre was stolen from the Louvre in experiments into the habits designed by the grandson of of the insects. Evening the woman who built Hitler’s 1911, one of the suspects was Regular visits to all clients Standard bunker. QI Picasso. QI

l For 83 years, Sir Michael Caine has had his birth name Nationwide Presence printed on his passport. It was simple enough... when he was in front of the cameras he was Michael Caine and when he was going through passport control he was Maurice Unrivalled Reputation Micklewhite. But it has now been revealed that Sir Michael has had to change his name to Michael Caine ‘because of ISIS’. Speaking in The Sun, he made the admission after Outstanding Results several hours spent at passport control on the UK border. “I changed my name when all the stuff started with ISIS and all If you want to be represented by an experienced, dedicated and specialist team who that.” “He would say, ‘Hi Michael Caine,’ and suddenly I’d be will take your case as seriously as you do please contact Laurence Grant, Simon giving him a passport with a different name on it. “I could Connolly or Aleem Amin at Duncan Lewis Solicitors on 020 7014 7303 or write to us at stand there for an hour. So I changed my name.” the address below. Interestingly, Sir Michael Caine chose that name when his agent called him one night in 1954, before he became famous. Duncan Lewis Solicitors “One evening my agent said: ‘I’ve got you a job, but you can’t call yourself Michael White, so Spencer House, 29 Grove Hill give me another name’. “I was in a telephone booth in Leicester Square and I was opposite the Odeon and I looked up, and my favourite actor is Humphrey Bogart, and there it was, it said Road, Harrow-on-the-Hill, The Caine Mutiny, so I said, ‘Caine! Michael Caine!’” And that’s where one of the most famous HA1 3BN British faces in Hollywood got his stage name. And now, out of everyone, ISIS has made it DX 4216 Harrow official. What a strange world we live in. Lad Bible 50 Jailbreak // Inside Poetry www.insidetime.org Insidetime August 2016

True Stories, Real Life Star Poem of the Month Bobby Carr - HMP Rye Hill Congratulations to this months winner who receives our £25 prize

I’ve done so many things in life that people don’t like But am trying to turn it round and make everything right Plus, I never really thought that fear would catch up Nonsensical Thoughts But I’m sitting here now and I feel so stook And I open my eyes but I don’t want to look Lying In My Pit Everyone that knows me say I’m losing the plot Tony Joyce - HMP Parkhurst But I don’t really care, cos I know that I’m not Stressed out to the max trying to make it to the top I’ve been working every day non stop Just suppose, rolling back my prison bedclothes I rose from my comatose state, I’ve got shit on my mind and it’s a lot Pressed my nose to the bar less windows and saw there was no gate. I wish it would go away but it’s not Would I have it on my toes? All I can hear is the sound of the clock It’s doing my head in so bad I wish my brain would just pop A question for those Bro’s who pose amongst the crows on the exercise yard, © Fotolia.com Listening to their ‘Bose’ on headphones and looking hard. But my head’s spinning so fast it might just fall off Do they have a life outside; or wives whose lives are full of woes, I’ve got nothing to lose so I don’t give a toss Who visit with ‘ho’s’ and kids in tow, Governor of Oz I do this every day so what Or would they have chose to stay inside with their status quo’s? And if you don’t like me then you better get lost Once, some broke free when bars and wires rose as high as trees; Cos my flows so sweet like toffees from a box Adam Jacobson - HMP Ranby Headed to the sea and froze in ‘sloppy Joe’s’ in winter time; You might find me in Salford setting up shop It’s not the season to escape from time, We’re off to see the governor Since 2004 mate I’ve had it on lock From crime, from ‘wrong ‘uns’ and from liars. The wonderful governor of Oz Growing up in the endz around drugs and crime Follow follow follow follow I can tell you that’s been a part of my life Summer; some are thinking they’d choose to be elsewhere, Follow the guarded brick road But I don’t want to do that anymore mate I can see it in their stare. So I go the studio and pick up the mic Somerset boys, said their ’chro’s’; left me behind, free to choose On my way to see the governor Making music that’s what I like I found some magical red shiny slippers To visit the booze, the zoos, But if you ever see me roll with a knife Leaving me here to contemplate the news of their release. I’m wearing my green and dull jail pants Then you know that I’m ready to take next man’s life With broken golden zippers What of those who really did; not those within, but with kith and kin, Don’t care fam coz they want to take mine Who rarely speak from week to week, so I’m told? So I just tapped my slippers together So I’m doing what I can now to stay alive Those within laugh each day while we’re away; some want to stay; And let the magic begin But I’m only twenty three ’No life outside; I would have died’ some say. Hoppin’ my way there with the officers One day I’m going to die ‘Three square a day; no bills to pay; why oh why, would I want away?’ On my way to another nickin’ But the fact is man I’m not running for my life So, take the bars so I can see stars; take away the gate. We’re off to see the governor So don’t get it twisted and start with the hype Take away obnoxious screws, there’s nothing to lose by keeping me in this state. The wonderful governor of Oz I’ve been stabbed five times and shot at You’ve taken my life. God took my wife; she waits at heaven’s gate. Follow follow follow follow But that ain’t going stop me living my life It’s back to bed to my comatose state. I promise I won’t be late. Follow the guarded brick road The Warmth of You As we carried on with the journey My Mother I seen a man made of tin Davie Norris - HMP Glenochil But the spice got me hallucinating Ibn Al-Yemen - HMP Full Sutton So really it was just a bin Please forgive my sad neglect I held you once So I just pulled myself together To you I owe the utmost respect While the devil held his breath And took note of my surroundings What will it be heaven or hell? And as your mother held her tongue Just jail, walls and barbed wire Allah will ask you if I served you well I weaved your name with whispers More isolated than a mountain To serve you is what Allah has instructed me to do We’re off to see the governor Through these acts I show my devotion to you I let you fall The wonderful governor of Oz How great you must be in the sight of my Into the loving arms of liberty Follow follow follow follow Lord And a I reap my sweet retreat Follow the guarded brick road © Fotolia.com For him to prioritise you over the sword How my cowardice consumes me I will obey your every command When I arrived to see the governor As this is what my Lord demands He told me to take a seat Hammered I dream of all He said ‘Do you know why you are here and B Murphy - HMP Peterborough The countless faces of your ghost What are those on your feet?’ You looked after me when I was weak And weaned me to this healthy physique Your shape now shatters shadows While hammered one morning I started to think You guided me to work hard and pray That haunt my battered bones I told him ‘These are my magic slippers and Would life be that different if it weren’t for the drink I’m trying to find my way home’ Would I wake every morning with a smile on my face And were patient when I rebelled away ‘This place is drivin’ me nuts and Glad to be part of this great human race You explained to me my purpose in life I belong to you I am dressed like a garden gnome’ Or would I awake feeling worse than I do Worship Allah and through this worldly Though my absence remains unknown strife earn paradise After rolling around in the piss and the spew For I’ve become the bleak unspoken He awarded me a piece of paper Searching for dog ends and dregs in the cans You fulfilled your religious duty The truth behind the tears That said twenty extra days After scratching my sores with my yellow stained hands Directing me to his glory I couldn’t believe what I was reading Or would I be famous with fans at the door Then I fell into a crazy dazeee Autograph hunters and groupies galore I could never pay you back I wait for you Or dealers demanding the cash for the gear Words of gratitude I do lack Within this torment without time My slippers tapped together That lasted for minutes but f****d me for years I do love you with all my heart But as I’m seeking no forgiveness There’s no place like home And turned me from handsome to withered and worn In paradise I hope we never part There’s no place like home Regretting each moment the day I was born I shall sing myself to sleep This poem is a belated attempt I mumbled repeatedly So now as I lie in the gutter alone To cover up my lifelong neglect Too weary to crawl to my cardboard box home I held you once Then with a feeble snap! Stepped over by people who look straight ahead So please accept this as a token of my intent Upon the dawning of the damned There was no lookin’ back Too busy to care if I’m living or dead My numerous mistakes I never meant I woke up in my cell surrounded by officers My mind starts to wander and I started to think For today is a brand new day But as the light of foresight faded I’d had a mamba attack! Would life be that different if it weren’t for the drink Reborn, alert and aware So to the warmth of you Insidetime August 2016 www.insidetime.org Jailbreak // Inside Poetry 51 My Vulnerability Voices Suspended Peter Crute - HMP Rye Hill Wayne Williams - HMP Gartree It’s my vulnerability they see Animation I can hear you every night That’s why they pick on me Why aren’t you in my sight George Worraker - HMYOI Aylesbury I clench my fist All the things you tell me to do Blade to my wrist I can’t believe it, are you true? The ferment of my sanity Heart pounds in my chest The entropy of entity Why is it you pester me I tried my best A ghost within society’s machine Just go, leave, let me be free I don’t want to die I want to rage and vent my spleen I take medication so you’re not there Against the fascist bars and laws No more tears left to cry Why me? Why now? It’s just not fair Against the judge, against my flaws What would the Listener say? Sucking cancer from a cigarette ‘It’s your fault’ ‘You’re Be gone and leave me alone Or just let yourself be shown Live a glutton in the kitchenette f**king gay’ Of suffering and hate As the blade cuts, I yelp What? You ask yourself, is it I hear? Something you never see, but always fear Victim of the mocking gate No-one to come to my help Congealing me in prison’s blight I would ring the bell Are you from my future or my past? To fester in my sin and spite My misery ends in this cell Just how long will you last? Sedated by my nation Look what you have done I can also hear you through the day In suspended animation © Fotolia.com Your words hurt like a gun I’ve had enough of everything you say For which I alone can own the blame Like a bullet to my heart You’re my demon, you are my voice With hostility from the start But listen pal, I have a choice The Aesthetics of Silence Please stop bullying me I’m not going to listen to you anymore Anxiety God, I wish I was free You’ll always be there of that I’m sure Liu Hongbin - Prison Supplied Mark Bland - HMP Risley

For the silence that follows He is trying his best to stay calm inside For the time that suddenly slows He better learn quick as there’s laws to abide He slows his breath The silence of time offers you a space Tries to count to ten Anxiety and despair are no longer on your face But it’s too late here comes that feeling again He feels the power If you sit inside silence and meditate And the battle begins On the aesthetics of it and ask... Should he give in or should he fight? The rage, the fury, the fire, the flame What is silence? The wonder, the worry, if he is insane He sucks it in and starts to ten Silence is a pause He smashes that steaming volcano into a pebble again Silence is not a suicide of one’s thought He picks it up and throws it into the sea Silence is a joint The sea of calm Silence is colourless emotion © Fotolia.com The sea of ‘me’! Silence is a boundless stretch of time I’ve been depressed with mental health Silence is to visualise form and emptiness Since my shoes were size seven Silence is hollow My Shoes And it is not a lonely room for your sorrows C Thomas - HMP Lancaster Farms My shoes have no brand Inside silence, there is no yesterday, today or tomorrow No Hurachi or One Tens Silence is tranquillity where you can store your eternity Sometimes I sit and wonder No Nike Air Max or Hugo Boss What else could silence be? How this came to be No Black and Gold TNs Wasting away in my cell My shoes are so embarrassing Silence is a bridge leading to all possibilities Hooked on day time TV They stop me getting friends Silence is the power of soundless music I know I’m only young Prison issue what’s the issue Silence is a blessed, emptied call for your spirit Material’s cheap and soft like tissue Silence is wordless speech I’m only twenty-five Silence is somewhere no language can reach But prison life, prison pumps When they get wet they fall apart Is my reality They felt like old boots from the start

In silence, you feel the music intensified and then being My shoes reflect my life Not fit for purpose, not fit to wear © Fotolia.com Released from your soul Ripped, torn and stinking The prison system does not care Committing crime all the time Now my shoes are dripping wet The beauty and the sound of silence is what a poet would preach Don’t know what I’ve been thinking Need to dry them on the pipes All of a Flutter My shoes are hard to fill I’m sick of wearing these Barry Britton - HMP Rye Hill u We will award a prize of £25 to the entry selected as our Coz they are size eleven Two stripes, my life just isn’t fair. ‘Star Poem of the Month’. I got my budgie finally To qualify for a prize, poems should not have won a prize in any other But had to wait for him a while competition or been published previously. Send entries to: Inside Time, For Her And some things that he gets up to Poetry, Botley Mills, Botley, Southampton, Hampshire, SO30 2GB. They really make me smile Robert Walasik - HMP Nottingham It is very important that you ensure the following details are on Would you Like when he flies around the cell all paperwork sent to Inside Time: YOUR NAME, PRISON NUM- When I’m lying on my bed like to be a There’s not time for weakness BER & PRISON. Failure to do so will prevent us responding to you He always finds a place to perch and your submission being withheld from publication. published We got to be strong So he can s**t down on my head We walk through my sentence But I love him really By submitting your poems to Inside Time you are agreeing that they poet? We carry on He’s a lovely little fella can be published in any of our ‘not for profit links’, these include the But I must confess I’m a bit confused I live in the can, while big world around newspaper, website and any forthcoming books. You are also giving Ain’t it canaries that are yella? permission for Inside Time to use their discretion in allowing other I’m catching benefits, behind iron bars And late at night when my teeth come out Then write to: organisations to reproduce this work if considered appropriate, unless I do education, I do exercise And I place them in a glass ‘Poetry’, Inside Time, you have clearly stated that you do not want this to happen. Any I also read books to be a better man He sits beside them on the shelf Botley Mills, Botley, work reproduced in other publications will be on a ‘not for profit’ You showed me the love It don’t arf make me laugh basis. Please note poems for publication may be edited. When Southampton, You made my heart bright But there’s one thing that really puzzles me submitting your work please include the following permission: Hampshire SO30 2GB You gave me that feeling, which for I can die And I find it quite absurd ‘This is my own work and I agree to Inside Time publishing it Set your No prison or judgement will break me down I know the reason I’m stuck in here in all associate sites and other publications as appropriate.’ But why is he doing bird? thoughts free! One day my darling I’ll be by your side 52 Jailbreak // Prize Winning Puzzles www.insidetime.org Insidetime August 2016 Read all about it! Caption Competition Last Months £25 Winner 1. Who dropped out of the Tory leader race to Andrew Logan HMP Wymott give Theresa May automatic leadership? 2. Who is the new Secretary of State for Justice? 3. The creator of Happy Days, Mork & Mindy Fonesavvy providers of ‘landline type and Pretty Woman died recently, who was he? numbers’ for mobile phones. 4. Which country might be banned from the Rio Olympics due to alleged drugging of their Proud sponsors of Inside Time’s athletes? PRIZE quiz ‘Read all about it!’ 5. Which Roald Dahl story has just been made If you don’t want callers to be disadvantaged into a film? or put off by the high cost of calling your A £25 prize is on offer for the best caption to 6. What does the Scoville Scale measure? mobile - just get a landline number for it. this month’s picture. 7. What is the hottest type measured on that Calls to mobiles don’t have to be expensive! scale? Taylor Swift, Kanye West and Kim Kardashian 8. Who won the British F1 at Silverstone? Full details are available on our main are locked in the biggest celebratory feud 9. Which Olympian said ‘Shoot me if I go near advert in Inside Time and at of 2016. After Kanye released a song with www.fonesavvy.co.uk a boat again’? defamatory lyrics about Taylor Swift 10. What were the French celebrating on the Good luck apparently without her consent. night that a lorry drove through the crowd in picking me out of this Nice? Last Months Winners identity parade Rosalyn Bullman HMP Peterborough (£25) Answers to last months News Quiz: J S Wright HMP Manchester (£5) 1. Jo Cox, 2. Nico Rosberg, 3. Chris Colman, 4. Porche W Stevenson HMP Frankland (£5) 5. Anton Yelchin, 6. Mary Secole, 7. Kazakhstan, 8. £1, CLOSING DATE FOR ALL COMPETITIONS IS 25/08/16 9. Stonehenge, 10. Led Zepplin See box to the right for details of how to enter

Inside Knowledge // All the answers are within this issue of Inside Time - all you have to do is find them! How to enter Please do not cut out any The first three names to be drawn with all-correct answers (or nearest) will 11. What percentage of prisoners are reconvicted within a year of release? of these panels. Just send receive a £25 cash prize. There will also be two £5 runner up prizes. The 12. Who supplies two thirds of prison education in the UK? your entry on a separate winners’ names will appear in next month’s issue. 13. Who founded the Oswin Project? sheet of paper. Make sure your NAME, 14. Who has been a Listener for three years? 1. Who has just retired from the Prison Reform Trust? NUMBER AND PRISON 15. Which PSI relates to books being sent in to prisons? 2. Who is the largest tyre manufacturer in the world? is on all sheets. Failure to 3. How soon should a prisoner be advised of their sentence calculation? do so will invalidate your 4. At which prison do prisoners refurbish garden tools? Answers to Last Month’s Inside Knowledge Prize Quiz entry. 5. Which facility got a 4 star rating for purposeful activity? 1. Over 200, 2. 6, 3. 100%, 4. 60 years, 5. Within These Walls, 6. Kenneth Clark, 7. Ed Tullett, Post to: Inside Time, Botley 8. Freebirds, 9. 41%, 10. 1 in 6, 11. Friday, September 2nd 2016, 12. Rideout, 13. 70.3 miles, 6. Who is the new Chief Inspector of Prisons? Mills, Botley, Southampton, 14. 1852, 15. 1968 Hampshire SO30 2GB. You 7. Which former prisoner now works for Virgin Trains? can use one envelope to The three £25 Prize winners are: The £5 runner up prizes go to: 8. Who launched BehindBras? enter more than one 9. When do Grendon have wing meetings? Nicke Trevor HMP Northumberland John Sadler HMP Stafford David Corrick HMP Stafford J McDonagh HMYOI Stoke Heath competition just mark it 10. Who finished their life sentence at Blantyre House in 2010? James Molloy HMYOI Stoke Heath ‘jailbreak’.

Answers to last months quizzes PATHFINDER CROSSWORD GENERAL KNOWLEDGE MISCARRIAGE OF JUSTICE? Prime number Across Down 1. Three Algebra 1 Smetana 1 Skopje 2. Po CONTACT Less than 5 Pharaoh 2 Enigma 3. Mesolithic Pythagoras 9 Orion 3 Anne Boleyn Power number 10 Sacred cow 4 Ansel 4. Burgundy ASHLEY SMITH & CO Estimate 11 Jamabalaya 5 Pachyderm 5. Chris Carter Calculus Quadratic 12 Gilt 6 Aged 6. Brazil our experienced and dedicated team are specialistsin Equations 14 Lome Greene 7 Archives 7. 180 18 Larry 8 Howitzer Division 8. Joseph More than Hagman 13 Iron maiden Equals 21 Nice 15 Realistic 9. Mark Knoffler Appeals & CCRC Calculator 22 Biographer 16 Flanders 10. Nose Odd number 25 Ellington 17 Bracelet 11. Mariah Carey Diameter 26 Doris 19 Cheryl Parole Board Representation Fractions 12. True Addition 27 Satanic 20 Crisis 13. 1930 28 Singles 23 Gangs Square root 14. Manchester United Specialist insurance for Independent Adjudications Subtraction 24 Anon Decimals Professional and approachable we offer a Remainder WORD MORPH CATCHPHRASE Cube root non-standard risks hole 1. No one to Blame nationwide service, including full coverage Even numbers 2. Right between the eyes Getting insurance is expensive enough Contact us now for a free Multiply home 3. Jack in the Box in the West and South West Area come without the added burden of a criminal confidential review of all 4. Down Payment comb record, bankruptcy or voided policy to your insurance requirements. For a prompt response call 5. Left Overs disclose. We recognise that your past is 6. Bedspread SUDOKU ANAGRAM SQUARE not necessarily a guide to your future, 0161 969 6040 [email protected] 0208 463 0099 THE RIDDLER whatever your circumstances. 1 S PARK (24 hours) 1. CABDE, 2. Mind, 3. River, Our underwriting authority allows us to 2 P RICE 4. Son, 5. Nine, 6. Ton, provide affordable cover for: 3 E LI TE 7. Keyboard, 8. Death, Car & Van Home & Property Ashley Smith & Co 9. Dandelion, 10. Doll, 4 A LIVE aa 11. Memories aaBusiness Travel Criminal Defence Specialists 5 K REPT Sale Insurance Services Ltd So whether you need business or 15 - 17 Washway Road, 4-6 Lee High Road, London, SE13 5LQ personal cover, or both,we can arrange Sale, Cheshire M33 7AD ANAGRAMS If your prison based problem cannot be publicly funded the right policy at the right price. www.saleinsurance.co.uk MIND GYM 1. False, 2. True, 3. False, 4. True, 5. True, 6. False, we can quote a reasonable fixed fee. 7. False, 8. False, 9. False, 10. True 1. 41, 2. 403, 3. 1179 Authorised & regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority Insidetime August 2016 www.insidetime.org Jailbreak // Just for Fun 53 Crossword Inside Chess The Riddler by Carl Portman 1. An openended barrel, I am 7. I pass before the sun, yet shaped like a hive. I am filled make no shadow. What am I? I am progressing well with my book on chess in with the flesh, and the flesh is prisons and one of the common questions I get alive! What am I? ______is about how to start a chess game. I have in- cluded this in the book but it is worth going over ______8. When asked how old she it here to give people a head start. Simply put, I was, Suzie replied, “in two use the ABCD technique whenever I play any 2. Violet, indigo, blue and years I will be twice as old as I game of chess. These are general guidelines only green, yellow, orange and red; was five years ago.” How old and you’ll have to play the game on its merits these are the colours you is she? depending upon your opponent’s choices. Don’t have seen after the storm has ______just play moves by rote or because the books fled. What am I? recommend something. Let’s go through the ______9. I have two arms, but fingers ABCD letter by letter. A is ‘Activate central pawns’. none. I have two feet, but You don’t need to be thrusting the pawns for- 3. I was carried into a dark cannot run. I carry well, but I ward on the outside wing first. Control of the room, and set on fire. I wept, have found I carry best with centre of the chessboard is very desirable. You and then my head was cut off. my feet off the ground. What have more options available to you from the What am I? am I? centre of the board. B is ‘Bring out your minor pieces’. These are the bishops and knights. Get ______them developed quickly and into the battle. If they stay on their home squares they are not 4. What does no man want, 10. What has a tongue, earning their pay and not doing you any service. yet no man want to lose? cannot walk, but gets around Develop them! Incidentally the rooks and queens a lot? are called major pieces as they are worth more ______than three points/units. C stands for ‘Castle early’ ______and this is a big one. Too many of my students 5. This old one runs forever, forget to castle or cannot be bothered. Chess is but never moves at all. He has 11. What has feet and legs, a battle and as on any battlefield you are going not lungs nor throat, but still a and nothing else? to keep the General safe at all times. Get the king mighty roaring call. What is it? ______safe before you start your attack. If you leave the ______king exposed in the centre of the board don’t be 12. What do you throw out Across Down surprised if he becomes a target for the big guns 6. What can go up a chimney when you want to use it, but opposite. D stands for ‘Develop a plan’. In other down, but cannot go down a take in when you don’t want 1. Magic word used by conjurors (11) 1. Small country in the Pyrenees (7) words, what are you going to do next? A plan chimney up? to use it? 9. A collection of short stories by 2. Redbreast (5) might be something as big as an all-out attack James Joyce (9) 3. Stiffened petticoat or framework of against your opponent’s king or simply improv- ______ing the position of your worst placed piece. It’s 10. African republic with Accra as its hoops for distending a skirt (9) up to you but you need a plan. Your moves Answers to all puzzles are in the next issue. Only Puzzles on capital (5) 4. A document used for a legal transfer should not be made in isolation. The pieces and the ‘Prize Winning Puzzles’ page have prizes for completing. 11. Money demanded for the return of of ownership (4) pawns must work together, as a fighting unit to Katie Marie Matthews A0812AA HMP Dartmoor a captured person (6) 5. Wickerwork or wooden cradle or achieve your aims. Good luck. 12. Osama —, leader of Al-Qaeda (3,5) pram, usually hooded (8) Wordsearch // Gender Dysphoria Gender Dysphoria 13. A musical piece or movement in 6. Spiritual being attendant upon God (5)

slow time (6) 7. King of Belgium from 1951 to 1993 (8) 8 H O R M O N E T R E A T M E N T O D D T 15. Hamlet’s mother in the play by 8. Hitchcock movie starring Sean C L I N I C O L A U X E S S N A R T O R Shakespeare (8) Connery and Tippi Hedren (6) 7 N M F S R G S H A I R O H P S Y D R C O 18. A tube inserted into a body cavity 14. Self-government (8) E Q U A L I T Y U I D E N T I T Y A T P for introducing or removing fluid (8) 16. Bird watchers who try to spot as 6 B S A Q W M E D I C A T I O N Y M N O P 19. “— at Hanging Rock”, a film many rare species as possible (9) 5 G S U R G E R Y Y U I J G F U H Y S R U directed by Peter Weir (6) 17. Victorian poet laureate (8) T E S I O A N D R O G E N N R N P W U S 21. An unimportant or anticlimactic 18. 11 th-century king of England, 4 T R A N S G E N D E R Y U H S F P O J L occurrence (3-5) Denmark and Norway (6) 3 T T R R O P E R A T I O N Z E B A M Q A 23. A finger-shaped cake of choux 20. A funeral procession (7) G S F E Q H O S P I T A L G H F H E D C pastry, usually with cream 22. Hinged attachment to a helmet (5) 2 D I B D Y U N E G O R T S E O B G N F I and chocolate (6) 24. Embellish (5) S D H N T H E R A P Y C V N G X N M V G 26. Large and scholarly books (5) 25. French military cap (4) 1 N H Y E T Y S E T I T S E V S N A R T O 27. A person who loads and unloads A B C D E F G H A S J G A S R D F G B C D J K H Y H N L vessels in a port (9) R R M X C C O U N S E L L I N G F G S O 28. Period of European history marking For this month’s puzzle, white is losing in terms T E S T O S T E R O N E P O I Y N F A H the close of the Middle Ages (11) of material but surprisingly he is able to win. How? A G G A Y Z X S R E S S E R D S S O R C G E N D E R R E A S S I G N M E N T J Y A chess magazine (Donated by Chess & Bridge of M A S T E C T O M Y I K C H A N G E U S London) is your prize if you are first out of the hat. GEF BAD CHI D F S T P L E H L A N O I S S E F O R P Write to me with your answer care of The English Neil Speed is a Androgen Gay Mastectomy Testosterone Chess Federation at The Watch Oak, Chain Lane, Androgen Identity former prisoner Change Gender Medication Therapy Battle, East Sussex TN33 OYD or you can email Change Mastectomy who came up Clinic Gender Nurse Trans me at [email protected] and they will Clinic Medication with the concept Counselling Reassignment Oestrogen Transgender forward it to me. Please note that you should Counselling Nurse of GEF BAD CHI Cross Dressers Happy Operation Transsexual always write to me at the ECF not via InsideTime. Cross Dressers Oestrogen whilst in prison. Distress Hormone Profession Help Transvestites GEF BAD CHI by Neil Speed is DoctorDistress Treatment PsychologicalOperation Transwomen The solution to July’s problem is: 1...Rd8-d1+! published by Xlibris. RRP: DysphoriaDoctor Hospital SupportProfession Help 2.Kg1xf2 [2.Qc1xd1 Qc5xe3 3.Qd1-d4 Qe3xd4 £12.35 Using the letters EqualityDysphoria Identity SurgeryPsychological Support 4.c3xd4 Rf2xf3] 2...Rd1xc1 3.Be3xc5 Rc1xa1. G,E,F,B,A,D,C,H & I fill in the Equality Surgery Winner to be announced. Thanks to Katie Marie Matthews - HMP Dartmoor for compiling this blank squares. Each letter A-I Wordsearch.Gay If you fancy compiling oneTestosterone for us please just send it in must appear only once in maxGender 20 x 20 grid and complete with answersTherapy shown on a grid. If we The winner of June’s puzzle was Duncan from each line column and 3x3 grid. useGender it we Reassignment will send you £5 as a thank you!Trans Remember to include your HMP Buckley Hall name, number and prison with your entry. Happy Transgender Hormone Treatment Transsexual Hospital Transvestites Transwomen

54 Jailbreak // Just for Fun www.insidetime.org Insidetime August 2016 In this month... Mind Gym

1 August 1976 31 +169 / -20 / 10% of this / -8 / ×10 = Austrian racing driver Niki Lauda suffered __ life-threatening burns and was left with 122 permanent disfigurement when he crashed in Half it / ×4 / 75% of this / +17 / -20% = the German Grand Prix. (As a result of this __ accident, the Nürburgring circuit was declared 17 Squared / +11 / -15% off this / ÷5 / -2 = too dangerous to race on. It was rebuilt and shortened.) __ Submitted by Ashley Weston - HMP Manchester. Start on the left with the first number and work your 4 August 1966 way across following the instructions in each cell. If US newspapers and radio stations republished you would like to submit similar puzzles we will pay an extract from a British newspaper article £5 for any that are chosen for print. Please send in a dated March 1966 in which John Lennon of the minimum of three puzzles together with the answer! Beatles said his band was ‘more popular than Jesus’. It provoked widespread protests, with radio stations in many states refusing to play Sudoku // Medium their records.

6 August 1991 8 4 3 2 The first ever website (info.cern.ch) went live. 5 6 The web’s inventor, Tim Berners-Lee, also posted a description of the World Wide Web 3 7 project on the alt.hypertext newsgroup and provided a link to download the first web 6 8 browser, though it could only run on NeXT workstations. 4 9 7 6 5 1 2 4 6 August 2001 U.S. President George W. Bush received a daily 4 1 briefing warning that Osama bin Laden was determined to strike in the USA. (This was 6 7 9 weeks before the 9/11 terrorist attack.)

9 1 7 5 (c) Daily Sudoku Ltd 2016. All rights reserved. 7 August 2006 Daily Sudoku: Sat 2-Jul-2016 Thermae Bath Spa opened. It features an open- air rooftop pool and an indoor pool, a large Anagrams // Bond Films steam room and 20 treatment rooms and is fed by the only naturally hot, mineral-rich spring in 1. A FILMSHOW OR VIRTUES (4,6,4,4) the UK. (It replaced the municipal hot pools 8 5 9 6 4 7 3 1 2 which closed in 1978 after an infectious organism © MW Released life sentenced prisoner was found in the aquifer which fed them.) ______3 7 4 1 2 5 9 8 6

9 August 1936 2.2 EG FOND1 6GIRL8 (10) 3 9 5 7 4 Sprinter Jesse Owens became the first American 1 6 7 4 5 2 8 9 3 to win 4 gold medals at a single Olympic Games. (Hitler was using the 1936 Berlin games ______4 9 3 7 8 6 2 5 1 to demonstrate ‘Aryan supremacy’. Owens, an African American, was the most successful 3.5 OILY8 WEEVIL2 COUNTY3 9 (3,4,4,5)1 6 4 7 athlete at the games and is considered to have Wrongly convicted 6 4 8 5 1 3 7 2 9 singlehandedly crushed this myth.) of a crime? ______17 August 1986 7 2 5 9 6 4 1 3 8 Pixar released its first film, Luxo Jr. The 2 4. HER ENEMY REJECTS STAR’S VOICES (2,3,8,6,7)

9 3 1 2 7 8 4 6 5 (c) Daily Sudoku Ltd 2016. All rights reserved. minute film stars a computer-animated desk lamp. It was the first CGI film to be nominated Daily Sudoku: Sat 2-Jul-2016 medium for an Academy Award. Lost your appeal? ______5. THE DULL BARN (11) 22 August 1986 http://www.dailysudoku.com/ The American energy company Kerr-McGee agreed to pay $1.38 million to former nuclear technician Karen Silkwood’s estate in an ______out-of-court settlement. As a union activist she What next? 6. ANY RED HOT IDEA (3,7,3) had expressed concerns about health and safety at the plant where she worked, and in November 1974 abnormal levels of plutonium ______were found on her person and in her home. She was about to go public with the informa- 7. HUGE LONDONER HITS TWO (3,5,2,3,6) tion when her car left the road in mysterious The CCRC can look again circumstances and she was killed. If you think your conviction or sentence is wrong apply to the CCRC ______23 August 1996 • It won’t cost anything Osama bin Laden issued a fatwa entitled A • Your sentence can’t be increased if you apply 8. COOL EASY RAIN (6,6) Declaration of War Against the Americans • You don't need a lawyer to apply, but a good one Occupying the Land of the Two Holy Places. can help At that time few people knew who he was, so it ______received little attention. You can get some more information and a copy of the CCRC's Easy Read application form by writing to us at 5 St Philip’s Place, Birmingham, B3 2PW. or calling 0121 233 1473 24 August 2006 Answers to all puzzles are in the next Pluto was downgraded to a dwarf planet when Prisoners in Scotland should contact; The Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission, 5th Floor, issue. Only Puzzles on the ‘Prize Winning the International Astronomical Union (IAU) Portland House, 17 Renfi eld Street, Glasgow, G2 5AH. Phone: 0141 270 7030 Email: [email protected] Puzzles’ page have prizes for completing. redefined the term ‘planet’. Insidetime August 2016 www.insidetime.org Jailbreak // Just for Fun 55

Pathfinder Cards Me and you PathfinderLee Theobald HMP Frankland // Romance Did I say that? Romance Champagne Paris Chocolate Party “I will be God of R O G S C H O C O L A T Manchester” Church Presents Cupid Rings Manchester United’s E S N R E N N I D R A E big-name summer signing Dates Romance Zlatan Ibrahimovic S R I C T S E S S T E H Diamonds Roses

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and present the next series of publicity stunt” facts” CatchphraseCards Anagram Square Top Gear. Watch this space! Tom Hiddleston Andrea Leadsom Champagne Chocolate The object is to try to figure out the well-known saying, person, Rearrange the letters in each General Knowledge Quiz place,Church or thing that each square is meant to represent. row to form a word. Write your Cupid answers into the blank grid. Dates The first letter from each word, 1. Which nationality was Christopher Columbus? 7. From which star does the Moon get the Diamonds reading down, will spell the most light? Dinner mystery keyword. ______Engagement ______Hearts 2. What is the largest city in the Sierra Madre Kisses 1 NOGOC mountains? 8. How is 120% expressed as a fraction? Love Me and you Paris 2 IAHTI ______Party Presents 3 YLAIT 3. What do communication satellites and a 9. Which language is spoken by Walloons? Rings modern kitchen appliance have in common? Romance Skirt 4 ALYIB English £ French £ Wallogog £ 5 TYPEG ______o ______10. Which story begins “all children except one grow up”? 4. Name one of the two tiles with the highest 1 score in Scrabble? ______Word Morph 2 ______11. How many digits in a Visa Card number? Can you morph one word into another by just changing one 3 5. By what name was the explorer Cristobal letter at a time? It isn't quite as easy as you think! 12 £ 16 £ 18 £ 14 £ Colon better known? 4 bear 12. Which dictator said, “In war it is not right ______s ______/ 5 that matters, but victory”? ______u ______Thanks to Bradley Thorpe - HMP Josef Stalin £ Adolf Hitler £ Isle of Wight. If you fancy Saddam Hussein £ Mao Zedong £ compiling an Anagram Square 6. True or False?: The Earth and the Moon are door for us please just send it in 5 x 5 the same age. squares, complete with answers Answers to all puzzles are in the next issue. Only Puzzles on shown on a grid. If we use it we will send you £5 as a thank you! True £ False £ the ‘Prize Winning Puzzles’ page have prizes for completing. Remember to include your name, number and prison with your entry. CLARKE KIERNAN Turn to Why use SOLICITORS • Expert Prison Law Team shortlisted for the Northern Law Awards for their success in FIGHTING FOR THE RIGHTS OF INDIVIDUALS IN THE SOUTH EAST helping prisoners. WE ARE A RESPECTED ‘LEGAL 500’ FIRM FRANCHISED BY THE LEGAL SERVICES COMMISSION AND OUR DEDICATED AND EXPERIENCED TEAM IS AVAILABLE 145 High Street, Gosforth, • Michael Robinson, John Griffith (ex of TO HELP YOU IN ANY AREA OF LITIGATION Newcastle NE3 1HA Purdons Solicitors) and Clark Robinson have acted for thousands of clients in your position. PRISON LAW DEPARTMENT CIVIL DEPARTMENT FAMILY DEPARTMENT Catherine McCarthy Tafadzwa Chigudu Jennifer Mundy 0191 284 6989 All aspects of criminal law, including Legal aid available for Housing problems, All aspects of matrimonial and children 52 John Street, Sunderland SR1 1QN • Excellent track record in POCA/Forfeiture cases. Appeals/CCRC/Confiscation Orders. due to your remand or looking forwards disputes, including proceedings involving towards release. Including threat of the Local authority. Don’t waste your next opportunity before the Parole All aspects of prison law, including possession of your home and advice on Divorce, domestic violence, cohabitation 0191 567 6667 adjudications, parole, DLP, eligibility for local authority housing and Civil partnerships. Board CONTACT EMMERSONS NOW and let us categorisation, Judicial Review following release. Registeredemmersons with -solicitors.co.uk get on with preparing your case in good time. All aspects of financial disputes.

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