Congressional Record-House House Of

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Congressional Record-House House Of 1932 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 14595 NOMINATIONS NEBRASKA Executive nominations received by the Senate July 5 <legis­ Bessie Freed to be postmaster at Pender, Nebr., in place of lative day of June 30), 1932 E. L. Barker. Incumbent's commission expired December 19, 1931. SECRETARY IN THE DIPLOMATIC SERVICE Lewis Clark, of Alabama, now a Foreign Service officer of NEW YORK class 8 and a consul, to be also a secretary in the Diplomatic Stilson J. Ford to be postmaster at West Winfield, N. Y., Service of the United states. in place of W. R. Fitch. Incumbent's commission expired March 5, 1932. PROMOTIONS IN THE NAVY NORTH DAKOTA Commander Felix X. Gygax to be a captain in the Navy Edwin 0. Moe to be postmaster at Galesburg, N. Dak., in from the 30th day of June, 1932. place of G. A. Soholt. Incumbent's commission expired lJeut. Commander Andrew C. Bennett to be a commander February 17, 1932. in the Navy from the 15th day of April, 1932. TEXAS Lieut~ Commander Anton B. Anderson to be a com­ mander in the Navy from the 20th day of June, 1932. Dayton W. Hanson to be postmaster at Friona, Tex., in Lieut. John A. Rogers to be a lieutenant commander in place of J. A. Guyer, resigned. the Navy from the 1st day of February, 1932. Lieut. Arthur L. Karns to be a lieutenant commander in HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Navy from the 16th day of June, 1932. The following-named lieutenants to be lieutenant com- TUESDAY, JULY 5, 1932 manders in the Navy from the 30th day of June, 1932: The House met at 12 o'clock noon. Thomas G. W. Settle. The Rev. Richard N. Edwards, pastor of the Brookland Ralph A. Ofstie. Methodist Episcopal Church, Washington, D. C., offered the Lieut. (Junior Grade) Francis L. McCollum to be a lieu­ following prayer: tenant in the Navy from the 1st day of May, 1932. Lieut. (Junior Grade) John K. B. Ginder to be a lieutenant Almighty God, who hast made and preserved us a nation, in the Navy from the 1st day of June, 1932. and in whose omnipotent hand are the destinies of na­ Lieut. (Junior Grade) Beverley R. Harrison, jr., to be a tions, we praise Thee for the dawning of a new year in lieutenant in the Navy from the 20th day of June, 1932. the life of our great country, and in the very beginning of The following-named lieutenants (junior grade) to be that new year do we commit unto Thee all things that may lieutenants in the Navy from the 30th day of June, 1932: secure the well-being of our people. Especially would we Charles W. Wilkins. Robert L. Campbell, jr. commit unto Thy divine direction our thoughts, our wills, Eugene C. Rook. Elmer E. Yeomans. our motives, that, being shaped by the higher wisdom and Lieut. (Junior Grade) Maurice M. Bradley to be a lieuten­ moved by a higher love and a boundless sympathy, we may ant in the Navy from the 1st day of July, 1932. bring to bear every influence of our life and labor to help The following-named ensigns to be lieutenants (junior build a better nation and a better world, where bigotry and grade) in the Navy from the 6th day of June, 1932: hate and strife shall give place to catholicity and brother­ Corben C. Shute. William J. Galbraith. hood and peace. In the name of the Prince of Peace. Amen. Henry S. Persons, jr. Royce P. Davis. The Journal of the proceedings of Friday, July 1, 1932, was Harold A. MacFarlane. David J. Welsh. read and approved. Gerald L. Huff. Nickolas J. F. Frank, jr. John R. Moore. Edwin G. Conley. MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Joseph P. Canty. Albert D. Lucas. A message in writing from the President of the United Jacob W. Waterhouse. Cleaveland D. Miller. States was communicated to the House· by Mr. Latta, one Marvin G. Kennedy. Richard G. Visser. of his secretaries, who also informed the House that on the Edward R. Hannon. Charles F. Phillips. following dates the President approved and signed bills and Clayton C. Marcy. Dominic L. Mattie. joint resolution of the House of the following titles: Joseph B. DuvaL jr. Albert F. White. On July 1, 1932: Ensign Jack \V. Ames to be a lieutenant (junior grade> H. R. 11638. An act to amend section 7 of an act entitled in the Navy from the 7th day of June, 1932. "An act making appropriations to provide for the govern­ The following-named assistant surgeons to be passed ment of the District of Columbia for the fiscal year ending assistant surgeons in the Navy, with the rank of lieutenant, June 30, 1903, and for other purposes," approved July 1, from the 30th day of June, 1932: 1902, and for other purposes; Harold V. Packard. Henry M. Walker. H. R.l133. An act to provide for the relinquishment by Leon D. Carson. Herman M. Maveety. the United States of certain lands to the city of Coeur Franklin V. Sunderland. Charles R. Wilcox. d'Alene, in the county of Kootenai, -in the State of Idaho; Arthur W. Loy. French R. Moore. H. R. 1931. An act for the relief of Ned Bishop; Albert T. Walker. Joseph W. Kimbrough. H. R. 2606. An act for the relief of Edward Christianson; Thomas Jackson, jr. Theophilus F. Weine~ H. R. 2707. An act for the relief of William Alexander Passed Assistant Dental Surgeon Edwin N. Cochran to be Keys; a dental surgeon in the Navy, with the rank of lieutenant H. R. 3536. An act for the relief of Viola Wright; commander, from the 30th day of December, 1931. H. R. 3725. An act for the relief of the First National Bank POSTMASTERS of Brenham, Tex.: H. R. 3726. An act for the relief of the Farmers State Bank INDIANA of Georgetown, Tex.; Harlan C. Dodd to be postmaster at Charlestown, Ind., in H. R. 3812. An act for the relief of the estate of Harry W. place of J. W. Morrow. Incumbent's commission expired Ward, deceased; March 2, 1932. H. R. 3987. An a.ct for the relief of R. K. Stiles & Co.; IOWA H. R. 4071. An act for the relief of W. A. Blankenship; Otto H. Henningsen to be postmaster at Clinton, Iowa, in H. R. 4233. An act for the relief of Enza A. Zeller; place of L. H. Roberts, retired. H. R. 5007. An act for the relief of Marie E. McGrath; H. R. 5971. An act for the relief of Grover Cleveland MINNESOTA Ballard; · Alice J. Pelland to be postmaster at Northome, Minn., in H. R. 5998. An act for the relief of Mary Murnane; place of C. W. Field, resigned. H. R. 7308. An act for the relief of Amy Turner; 14596 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE JULY 5 H. R. 8398. An act for the relief of John H. Day; S. 88. An act to authorize the Postmaster General to H. R. 9058. An act to authorize the Secretary of War to investigate the conditions of the lease of the post-office accept on behalf of the United States a tract or parcel of garage in Boston, Mass., and ~o readjust the terms thereof. land for park purposes, to the Chickamauga-Chattanooga . The message also announced that the Senate agrees to National Military Park; the report of the committee of conference on the disagree­ H. R. 9349. An act making appropriations for the Depart­ ing votes of the two Houses on the amendments of the ments of State and Justice and for the Judiciary, and for Senate to the bill <H. R. 9699) entitled "An act making the Departments of Commerce and Labor, for the fiscal year appropriations for the Treasury and Post Office Depart­ ending June 30, 1933, and for other purposes; ments for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1933, and for H. R. 10884. An act to authorize the Secretary of the In­ other purposes. terior to adjust reimbursable debts of Indians and tribes of CHESTER G. MAYO Indians; H. R. 12202. An act to extend certain provisions of the Mr. GAMBRILL. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent river and harbor act of March 3, 1899, to the Virgin Islands; to take from the Speaker's table the bill (H. R. 6337) for and the relief of Capt. Chester G. Mayo, with a Senate amend­ H. R. 12443. An act making appropriations to supply de­ mend thereto, and concur in the Senate amendment. ficiencies in certain appropriations for the fiscal year ending The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Maryland asks June 30, 1932, and prior fiscal years, to provide supplemental unanimous consent to take from the Speaker's table the bill bill H. R. 6337, with a Senate amendment thereto, and approp~-ations for the fiscal years ending June 30; 1932, and June 30, 1933, and for other purposes. concur in the Senate amendment. The Clerk will report the Senate amendment. On July 2, 1932: The Clerk read the Senate amendment, as follows: H. J. Res. 443. Joint resolution directing the President of Strike out all after the enacting clause and in lieu thereof the United States of America to proclaim· October 11, 1932, insert the following: "That the Secretary of the Navy be, and he General Pulaski's Memorial Day for the observance and com­ 1s hereby, authorized and directed to pay, out of the appropria­ memoration of the death of Brig. Gen. Casimir Pulaski; tion 'Contingent, Navy, 1932,' to Capt. Chester G.
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