Along the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast (For Details See Corresponding Numbers in Table 1)

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Along the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast (For Details See Corresponding Numbers in Table 1) All_Short_Notes:SHORT_NOTE.qxd 01.03.2019 17:02 Seite 2 220 sHOrt NOte HerPetOzOa 31 (3/4) Wien, 28. Februar 2019 sHOrt NOte skin glands contain poisons, as seen also in Xerotyphlops vermicularis (Mer- leptodactylids ( Prates et al. 2012). thus, it reM , 1820), along the Bulgarian may well be that beside the size of the prey, the death of the juvenile viper was caused Black sea coast: a compilation of by the frog’s potentially toxic secretions. new and published records the prey type and size of the snake could indicate that juvenile C. d. ruruima are the eurasian Blind snake, Xero - dietary generalists. Moreover, the authors typhlops vermicularis (MerreM , 1820), the recorded here for the first time an amphib - only representative of the snake family ian as prey of C. d . ruruima . typhlopidae (superfamily scolecophidia) in rILLItsCH rILLItsCH aCKNOWLeDGMeNts: the authors are europe ( G & G 1993), is grateful to Priscila azarak (Laboratório de evolução found in the southern parts of the Balkan e Genética animal, Universidade Federal do Peninsula ( GrILLItsCH & G rILLItsCH 1993; amazonas - LeGaL/UFaM) who identified the frog sILLerO et al. 2014). the snake represents species. an element of the turano-Mediterranean reFereNCes: CLarK , r. W. (2004): timber chorotype ( MIzseI et al. 2017), in which all rattlesnakes ( Crotalus horridus ) use chemical cues to populations in the Balkans probably origi - select ambush sites.- Journal of Chemical ecology, nate from eastern anatolian ancestors ( KOr- Ithaca, New York; 30 (3): 607-617. HOGe , a. r. (1965): Preliminary account on neotropical Crotalinae NILIOs 2017). the eurasian Blind snake (serpentes: Viperidae).- Memórias do Instituto Butan - prefers xerothermic habitats with deep, dry tan, são Paulo; 32: 109-184. KLaUBer L. M. (1972): and soft (sandy) soil where it can burrow, rattlesnakes. their habits, life histories and influence on mankind. second edition. Berkeley (University of typically rocky slopes with low, sparse bush California Press), pp. 1536. NasCIMeNtO , s. P. & vegetation, open areas with stones as well as NOrONHa , M. D. N. & M UNIz , e. G. & L óPez -L OzaNO , cultivated fields ( GrIL LItsCH & G rILLItsCH J. L. & a LVes -G OMes , J. a. (2007): Característica epi - 1993). the northeastern edge of the snake’s demiológica e clínica dos acidentes por serpentes peçonhentas no estado de roraima, Brasil.- Mens distribution in the Balkans runs through agitat / academia roraimense de Ciências, Boa Vista; Bulgaria (see BesH KOV & N aNeV 2006; 2 (2): 43-54. Prates , I. & aNtONIazzI , M. M. & stOJaNOV et al. 2011), where it occurs scat - sCIaNI , J. M. & P IMeNta , D. C. & t OLeDO , L. F. & tered at altitudes below 500 m a.s.l. in the HaDDaD , C. F. & J areD , C. (2012): skin glands, poi - son and mimicry in dendrobatid and leptodactylid southern parts of the country, along the warm amphibians.- Journal of Morphology, Malden, etc.; valleys of the struma river (sW Bulgaria), 273 (3): 279-290. sazIMa , I. & M artINs , M. ( 1990): the lower Maritsa river (Harmanli region), Presas grandes e serpentes jovens: Quando os olhos the arda river (eastern rhodope Mts.) and são maiores que a boca.- Memórias do Instituto Butantan, são Paulo; 52 (3): 73-79. VazOLINI , P. e. & the tundja river (Derventski Heights, se raMOs -C Osta , a. M . & VItt , L. J. (1980): rép teis das Bulgaria; Fig. 1a), in which the Mediterra - Caatingas. rio de Janeiro (academia Brasileira de nean climatic influence is strongest ( BesH- Ciências), pp. 161. KOV 1998; s tOJaNOV et al. 2011). after KeY WOrDs: reptilia: squamata: serpentes: more than 100 years, the species was redis - Viperidae: Crotalus durissus ruruima ; feeding ecology, covered in the western rhodope Mts. prey, veterinary medicine (JaBLONsKI & B aLeJ 2015). Besides, there sUBMItteD: February 17, 2018 are historical, no longer confirmed records aUtHOrs: anderson Maciel rOCHa (Corre - of X. vermicularis from isolated localities sponding author < [email protected] > ) 1) ; Cleuner southeast of Burgas city (Black sea coast, PareNte De FreItas 1) & Patrik F. VIaNa 2, 3) eastern slopes of strandzha Mts. (see 1) Faculdade Cathedral de ensino superior, stOJaNOV et al. 2011). Faculdade Cathedral, Laboratório de zoologia apli - to compile the knowledge of records cada de Vertebrados terrestres e aquáticos, avenida of this species along the Bulgarian Black Luis Canuto Chaves, 293, Caçari, CeP 69307-655, Boa Vista, rr, Brasil sea coast, the authors of the present note 2) Laboratory of animal Genetics, Instituto reviewed the available literature ( BUresH & Nacional de Pesquisas da amazônia - Campus II, av. zONKOV 1934; B esHKOV 1956, 1961, 1985; andré araújo, 2936, 69080-971 Manaus, aM, Brazil. PaPsDOrF 1971; B artOsIK 1981; K üHNeMaNN 3) Programa de Pós-Graduação em Genética Conservação e Biologia evolutiva, Instituto Nacional 1981; B UseKe 1982; t HIeMe 1986; Č IHař de Pesquisas da amazônia - Campus II, av. andré 1989; G rILLItsCH & G rILLItsCH 1993; s tO- araújo, 2936, 69080-971 Manaus, aM, Brazil. JaNOV et al. 2011) and added their unpub - All_Short_Notes:SHORT_NOTE.qxd 01.03.2019 17:02 Seite 3 sHOrt NOte HerPetOzOa 31 (3/4) Wien, 28. Februar 2019 sHOrt NOte 221 lished data and recent observations from key lie in the vicinity of Istanbul, approxi - several field excursions. Coordinates as - mately 160 km in a southeastern direction. signed to some historical records corre - No recent records are known from the Black spond to assumed closest named places and sea coast of european turkey ( JaBLONsKI & thus, are not accurate (table 1). stLOUKaL 2012; a Fsar et al. 2016), al - Fifteen different observations of X. though, a model of the potential distribution vermicularis , reporting more than 30 ob - of X. vermicularis in turkey (a Fsar et al. served individuals, were published between 2016) roughly identified the whole euro - 1934 and 1989 (for references see table 1). pean part of this country as a suitable habi - all these observations were made in the tat for this species. period of May until august, from mainly Based on the published records, the stony and sandy habitats, at altitudes rang - Bulgarian Black sea Xerotyphlops are cur - ing from 0 to 100 m a. s. l. Most records are rently isolated from the neighboring popula - from Cape “Maslen Nos” (five records be - tions in Bulgaria and turkey. a similar dis - tween 1954 and 1957) and arkutino (four tribution has been observed in the snake records, 1976–1980). Interestingly, the north - species Platyceps collaris (MüLLer , 1878), ernmost record originates from an island and Zamenis situla (LINNaeUs , 1758), which (sveti Ivan) located 1 km off the coast; the are missing in some Black sea regions of southernost is from a small valley between european turkey but found in southeast Bul - the town of ahtopol and the Veleka river garia between ahtopol and Burgas or in (Fig. 1). Moreover, the authors add three their close vicinity ( stOJaNOV et al. 2011 ; recent records obtained during field studies: sINDaCO et al. 2013). In the light of its iso - one adult individual observed near Pri - lated occurrence near the Bulgarian Black morsko town (observed by Nikolay tzaN- sea coast , one cannot exclude accidental in - KOV ) in June 2009; two adults and one juve - troduction of X. vermicularis (e. g., from nile found near arkutino (observed by Greece ) along with soils and build ing mate - andrei stOJaNOV ) in March 2010; and one rials, in ancient times . as is known, ancient adult, not far from the second record locali - towns such as sozopol or ahtopol had ty (observed by thomas reICH ), in June strong commercial and cultural relations to 2017 (Fig. 2). all individuals of these re - cities of ancient Greece. a similar pattern cent records were found under stones in the of accidental historical introduction from immediate environs of two unfinished and Greek territory to other Mediterranean areas abandoned hotel complexes ‟Perla 2” and was described for Chalcides ocellatus ‟zname Na Mira”. Overall, 18 records of X. (FOrsKåL , 1775) ( KOrNILIOs et al. 2010). vermicularis are known from the Bulgarian If the theory of unintentional anthro - Black sea coast to date. pogenic introduction (e.g., from ancient the record localities, which are clos - Greece) is discarded, the present occurrence est to the Black sea records, are situated of X. vermicularis along the Bulgarian Black along the tundzha river (Lesovo village, sea coast is most likely the result of discon - Derventski Heights - stOeV 2000; s tOJa- tinuous peripheral shrinkage of its once NOV et al. 2001), approximately 100 km up - wider and continuous range that had estab - country (Fig. 1a). Between the tundzha lished before the formation of the Bosphorus river valley and the Black sea coast popu - strait, more than 11,000 ybp ( KereY et al. lations there are agricultural fields and the 2004). this explanation is supported by two wooded areas of the strandzha Mts., which facts: (i) the southwestern Black sea coastal both lack suitable habitats for the species. area was less wooded than now ( OraCHeV the authors hypothesize that these two pop - 2012) and, thus more suitable for X. vermic - ulations are currently isolated from each ularis , and (ii) the Island of sveti Ivan near other; however, additional field research is sozopol, record locality of X. vermicularis , necessary to verify this assumption. Both can have been colonized in a natural way populations are probably remnants of ana - since the island was connected to the main - tolian colonization waves that propagated land until 6,000 ybp (when the coastline was along the Black sea coast during the Holo - at least 10 m lower than today; see FILIPOVa - cene. the closest known localities in tur - MarINOVa et al. 2011). All_Short_Notes:SHORT_NOTE.qxd 01.03.2019 17:02 Seite 4 222 sHOrt NOte HerPetOzOa 31 (3/4) Wien, 28. Februar 2019 sHOrt NOte Fig. 1: Distribution map of published and new record localities of Xerotyphlops vermicularis (MerreM , 1820), along the Bulgarian Black sea coast (for details see corresponding numbers in table 1).
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