Theses Abstracts 2017
Theses Abstracts : 2017 (Post Graduate theses submitted to UAS Dharwad, UAS Raichur, UHS Bagalkot and UAHS Shivamogga) Year of publication : January, 2018 Pages : 246 + 4 Copies : 750 Copy right : University of Agricultural Sciences Dharwad - 580 005, Karnataka, India Compiled and edited by : Dr. S. T. Naik, Dean (PGS), UAS, Dharwad Dr. M. G. Patil, Dean (PGS), UAS, Raichur Dr. N. Basavaraj, Dean (PGS), UHS, Bagalkot Dr. T. S. Vageesh, Dean (PGS), UAHS, Shivamogga Dr. Y. R. Aladakatti, Editor, Publication Centre, UAS, Dharwad Dr. Pramod Katti, Editor, Publication Centre, UAS, Raichur Dr. Y. K. Kotikal, Editor, Publication Centre, UAS, Bagalkot Dr. K. C. Shashidhar, Editor, University Communication Centre, UAHS, Shivamogga Publisher : Director of Education UAS, Dharwad - 580 005, Karnataka, India DTP and Typesetting : DTP Unit Publication Centre, Directorate of Education University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad - 580 005 CONTENTS Sl. No. Particulars Page No. I. Theses Abstracts of UAS, Dharwad 1. Abstracts of Doctor of Philosophy ..................................................................... 01-20 2. Abstracts of Master of Sciences ....................................................................... 21-109 II. Theses Abstracts of UAS, Raichur 1. Abstracts of Doctor of Philosophy ................................................................. 110-118 2. Abstracts of Master of Sciences ..................................................................... 119-157 III. Theses Abstracts of UHS, Bagalkot 1. Abstracts of Doctor
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