Lauren E. Kelly Charter DirectorDirector,, Government AffairsAffairs COMMUNICATIONS October 5,5, 2020 The Honorable Michelle L.L. Phillips, Secretary NYS Public Public Service Service CommissionCommission Three Empire State Plaza Albany, NYNY 1222312223-1350-1350 RE: FranchiseFranchise RenewalRenewal –— Spectrum Spectrum Northeast, Northeast, locallylocally known known asas CharterCharter Communications, Communications, andand the Town of Ogden Dear Secretary Phillips We are herewith filingfiling via email,email, the following: 1. RR-2-2 ApplicationApplication for Franchise Renewal, Channel LineupLineup & Rates 2. Municipal ResolutionResolution grantinggranting renewalrenewal dateddated July 13,13, 20202020 3. Fully executed executed copycopy ofof FraFranchisenchise Renewal Renewal Agreement Agreement dated dated SeptemberSeptember 15,15, 20202020 4. Copy ofof latestlatest annual testtest data compiled for this part ofof thethe DivisionDivision's’s CATVCAN system (on file with Commission) 5. Published legallegal noticesnotices We hereby request approvalapproval by the CommissionCommission of this application pursuant toto Section 222 of the PublicPublic Service Law. Please note somesome filings filings maymay be delayeddelayed duedue toto interruption interruption inin receiving affidavits, otherother documents and reporting due to Covid-19.Covid-19. Sincerely, is< di,07 Lauren E. Kelly Director, Government AffairsAffairs Charter CommunicationsCommunications 100 TOWNTOWN CENTER CENTER DR., SUITE 100,100, ROCHESTER,ROCHESTER, NYNY 14623 14623 O:0: (585) 340-8188340-8188
[email protected] STATE OF NEW YORK PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION In the matter of application of SPECTRUM NORTHEASTNORTHEAST,, LLCLLC,, an indirect subsidiary of Charter Communications, Inc., locally known as Charter Communications for renewal of its Certificate of Confirmation and Cable Television Franchise in ththee TOWN OF OGDENOGDEN,, CountyCounty of Monroe,Monroe, New York.York.