
European European Urology 46 (2004) 555–558

Review EAU Guidelines on Ejaculatory Dysfunction G. Colpia, W. Weidnerb, A. Jungwirthc, J. Pomerold, G. Pappe, T. Hargreavef, G. Dohleg,* (EAU Working Party on Male ) aAndrology Department, Osp. San Paolo, Milan, Italy bDepartment of Urology, Justus-Liebig-University, Giessen, Germany cDepartment of Urology and , Landeskliniken Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria dDepartment of Urology, Fundacio´ Puigvert, Barcelona, Spain eDepartment of Androloy/Urology, Semmelweis University , Budapest, Hungary fDepartment of , Western General , Edinburgh, United Kingdom gDepartment of Urology, Erasmus University Medical Centre Rotterdam, Dr. Molenwaterplein 40, 3015 GD Rotterdam, The Netherlands Accepted 23 July 2004 Available online 11 August 2004

Keywords: ; Disorders; Diagnosis; Treatment; EAU guidelines

1. Int r o d uc tion sporadic events of or of ejaculation occurring during great emotional excitement unrelated Disorders of ejaculation are uncommon but impor- to sexual activity [3]. tant causes of . Several heterogeneous dysfunctions belong to this group, and may be of either 2.3. organic or functional origin. Delayed ejaculation is the condition wherein an abnormal stimulation of the erected is necessary to obtain an with ejaculation. It may be con- 2. Classification and aetiology sidered a slight form of : both can be alternatively found in the same . The causes 2.1. Anejaculation of delayed ejaculation may be psychological or Anejaculation is the complete absence of an ante- organic, e.g. incomplete spinal cord lesion [3], grade or . It is caused by a failure iatrogenic penile damage [4] pharmacological of emission of from the , the (, antihypertensives, ). and the ejaculatory ducts into the [1]. True anejaculation is usually associated with a normal 2.4. Retrograde ejaculation orgasmic sensation. Occasionally, e.g. in incomplete Retrograde ejaculation is the total or sometimes spinal cord injuries, this sensation may be altered or partial absence of an antegrade ejaculation because decreased. True anejaculation is always connected with semen passes backwards through the bladder neck into central or peripheral dysfunctions or the bladder. experience a normal or decreased with drugs [2] (Table 1). orgasmic sensation, except in paraplegia. Partial ante- grade ejaculation must not be confused with the secre- 2.2. Anorgasmia tion of bulbo-urethral glands. The causes of retrograde Anorgasmia is the inability to reach orgasm and this ejaculation can be subdivided as shown in Table 2. may give rise to anejaculation: its causes are usually psychological. It is often primary. Some patients report 2.5. * Corresponding author. Tel. +31 10 463 31 32; Fax: +31 10 463 58 38. Premature ejaculation is the inability to control E-mail address: [email protected] (G. Dohle). ejaculation for a ‘‘sufficient’’ length of time during

0302-2838/$ – see front matter # 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.eururo.2004.07.020 556 G. Colpi et al. / European Urology 46 (2004) 555–558

Ta bl e 1 2.6. Painful ejaculation Aetiology of anejaculation Painful ejaculation is usually an acquired condition, Neurogenic often related to lower urinary tract symptoms, and sometimes causes moderate sexual dysfunctions. The Cauda equina lesion painful sensation may be felt in the perineum, or urethra Retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy Aortoiliac or horseshoe- and urethral meatus [6]. It can be caused by ejaculatory duct obstruction, all types of chronic /chronic pelvic pain syndrome, , urethrocele, antide- Parkinson’s disease pressant drugs and psychological problems. Autonomic neuropathy ( mellitus)

Drugs-related Antihypertensives 3. Diagnosis Antipsychotics Antidepressants Alcohol Diagnostic management includes the following recommended procedures:

3.1. Clinical history vaginal penetration [5]. Although a universally Diabetes, neuropathies, traumas, urogenital infec- accepted meaning of ‘‘sufficient’’ length of time does tions, previous surgery and drug assumption have to not exist, some patients are not able to delay ejacula- be carefully checked. Particular attention must be paid to tion over a few coital thrusts, or even after vaginal the characters of micturition and ejaculation (presence penetration. Premature ejaculation may be strictly of nocturnal emission, ejaculating ability in given cir- organic (e.g., prostatitis-related) or ‘‘psychogenic’’ cumstances, primitive or acquired disorder, evolution) (i.e., neuro-biologically based), primary or acquired, as well as to the psychosexual sphere (education, partner-related or unselective, and can be associated features of affective relationship, pre-existent psycho- with . Premature ejaculation does logical traumas, previous psychological ). not involve any impairment of fertility, when intrava- ginal ejaculation occurs. 3.2. Physical examination Genital apparatus and rectal examination with eva- luation of the prostate, bulbocavernosus reflex and anal Ta bl e 2 sphincter tone are conducted. Minimal neurologic tests Aetiology of retrograde ejaculation include: sensitivity of , testes and perineum; Neurogenic cremasteric and abdominal cutaneous reflex; leg osteo- Spinal cord injury Cauda equina lesions tendinous and plantar reflexes. Multiple sclerosis Autonomic neuropathy (juvenile diabetes) 3.3. Post-ejaculatory urinalysis Retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy This will determine if there is total or partial retro- Sympathectomy Colorectal and anal surgery grade ejaculation.

Pharmacological 3.4. Microbiological examinations Antihypertensives Initial, mid-stream urine, prostatic expressed secre- Alpha1-adrenoceptor antagonists Antipsychotics tions and/or urine after prostatic massage are cultured Antidepressants for evidence of prostatic . In cases of increased leucocytes in semen, semen culture is also suggested. Bladder neck incompetence Congenital defects of hemitrigone Bladder extrophy 3.5. Further optional diagnostic work-up Bladder neck resection  neurophysiological tests (bulbocavernosus evoked Prostatectomy response and dorsal nerve somatosensory evoked Congenital dopamine beta-hydroxilase deficiency potentials), Urethral obstruction  tests for autonomic neuropathies (i.e. appreciation of Ectopic temperature regulation in the feet),  psychosexual evaluation, Urethral valves or veru montanum hyperplasia  videocystometry, G. Colpi et al. / European Urology 46 (2004) 555–558 557

 cystoscopy, Alternatively, the patient can be encouraged to  transrectal ultrasonography, ejaculate when his bladder is full, to increase bladder  uroflowmetry, neck closure [13].  vibratory stimulation of the penis. collection from the postorgasmic urine for use in assisted reproductive techniques is suggested if:

4. Treatment  the drug treatment is ineffective or not tolerable due to side-effects, The treatment of infertility due to disorders of  when the patient has a spinal cord injury, ejaculation is rarely aetiological, and generally consists  drug inducing retrograde ejaculation cannot of retrieving spermatozoa to be used in assisted repro- be interrupted. ductive techniques (ART). In decision-making, the following aspects must be considered: Sperm retrieval is timed with the partner’sovula- tion. Urine must be alkalinised (pH in the range 7.2–  age of patient and of his partner, 7.8) and osmolarity must be 200–300 mOsm/kg. Then  psychological problems in the patient and his part- the patient is asked to have an intercourse or to ner, masturbate. Within 10 minutes after ejaculation, urine  couple’s willingness and acceptance of the different must be voided and centrifuged, and the pellet resus- fertility procedures, pended in 0.5 ml Tyrode’sorHam’sF-10mediumand  associated , immediately inseminated [14]. As an alternative, a  psychosexual counseling. catheter may be applied to the bladder and 10–50 ml Tyrode’sorHam’s F-10 medium are instilled into it. 4.1. Aetiological treatments The patient must ejaculate, and a second catheterism  interruption of pharmacological treatments interfer- is performed immediately to retrieve spermatozoa. ing with the ejaculation, The latter treatment minimises the contact of sperma-  treatment of urogenital (i.e. in case of tozoa and urine [15]. If the biological sperm prepara- painful ejaculation), tion has not the needed quality to perform intrauterine  Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) for , the couple can be submitted to in-vitro premature ejaculation, fertilisation procedures with fresh or cryopreserved  psychotherapy, spermatozoa.  surgical correction of the urethral if pre- sent, 4.4. Anejaculation  correction of metabolic disorders, like diabetes. Drug treatment for anejaculation due to lymphade- nectomy and neuropathy is not very effective. The 4.2. Symptomatic treatments same statement applies to psychosexual therapy in Premature ejaculation can be treated with topical anorgasmic subjects. In all these cases and in spinal anaesthetics to increase intravaginal ejaculation cord injured men, vibrostimulation is the first line latency time or with SSRIs, like paroxetine and fluox- therapy. etine [7]. In anejaculation, vibrostimulation, i.e. the applica- tion of a to the penis, evokes the ejaculation 4.3. Retrograde ejaculation reflex [16]. Vibrostimulation requires an intact lumbo- In the absence of spinal cord injury, anatomic sacral spinal cord segment. Complete injures and anomalies of the urethra, or pharmacological treat- injures above T10 respond better to vibrostimulation. ments, an attempt to induce antegrade ejaculation must Once the safety and efficacy of this procedure are be made by drug treatment [8,9] (Table 3). assessed, patients can manage themselves in their own home. Intravaginal insemination via a 10 ml syr- Ta bl e 3 inge during ovulation can be performed. If quality of Drug therapy for retrograde ejaculation semen is poor, or ejaculation is retrograde, the couple may enter an in-vitro fertilization programme. , 25–75 mg 3 times a day [10] sulfate, 10–15 mg 4 times a day [8] In case of vibrostimulation failure, electro-ejacula- Midodrin, 5 mg 3 times a day tion is the therapy of choice [16,17]. Electro-ejacula- Brompheniramine maleate, 8 mg twice a day [11] tion is an electric stimulation of the periprostatic Desipramine, 50 mg every second day [12] via a probe inserted into the , which seems not to 558 G. Colpi et al. / European Urology 46 (2004) 555–558 be affected by reflex arc integrity. Anaesthesia is 5. Conclusions required except in cases of complete spinal cord injury. In 90% of the patients electro-stimulation induces Ejaculation disorders can be treated with a wide ejaculation, which is retrograde in one third of them. range of drugs and physical stimulation trials with a Semen quality is often poor and most couples must high percentage of efficacy. Etiological treatments for resort to in-vitro fertilization [17]. ejaculatory disorders, if present, should be offered first, When electro-ejaculation fails or cannot be per- before sperm collection and ART is performed. Pre- formed, sperm retrieval from the seminal ducts may mature ejaculation can successfully be treated with be achieved by sperm aspiration from . In either topical anaesthetic creams or selective serotonin case of failure of sperm retrieval, epididymal obstruc- reuptake inhibitors. Both vibrostimulation and electro- tion or testicular failure must be suspected and TESE ejaculation are effective methods for sperm retrieval in can then be performed [18]. men with spinal cord injury.


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