Ostashay & Associates consulting P.O. Box 542 Long Beach, CA 562.500.9451
[email protected] Memorandum To: Steve Mizokami, City of Santa Monica Date: 03/07/2018 From: Jan Ostashay, Principal OAC Re: PRELIMINARY HISTORICAL ASSESSMENT: 2906 Santa Monica Boulevard Introduction At the request of the City of Santa Monica Planning Division, Ostashay & Associates Consulting (OAC) has conducted a preliminary historical assessment of the property referenced above for consideration as a City Landmark. As part of the scope of work, a site visit was conducted and relevant archival material on the subject property was collected and reviewed. This assessment includes a succinct discussion of the survey methodology used, a summarized property description, a brief historic context, and a concise preliminary evaluation for potential individual historical significance. Relevant supporting material has also been included, as applicable. In concluding the preliminary assessment it appears the subject property possess sufficient historical importance and architectural merit to recommend further consideration as a potential City of Santa Monica Landmark. Because of its rare Googie architectural qualities and association with noted master architects Armet & Davis the property may satisfy criteria associated with historical architecture. It is also recommended that as part of any additional investigation of the property’s landmark potential, the status of its historical integrity and a more extensive comparative analysis of extant Googie style coffee shop restaurants remaining in the City be completed. Methodology For this preliminary assessment a site inspection, a review of building permits and tax assessor records, and site-specific research were completed to document the property’s existing condition, develop an appropriate themed-based historic context, and assist in evaluating the residence for potential historical significance.