Acute Stress Disorder, 59 Affect, 30-31, 111 Ageism, 374
Index Acute stress disorder, 59 Delusions, 34-35, 111-·112 Affect, 30-31, 111 Dependent personality disorder, 144-145, 218- Ageism, 374 219 Agoraphobia, 56-57 Drug abuse, 189-208 Alcohol problems, 155-182 case illustration, 201-207 case illustrations, 169-175 description of, 189-191 description oE, 155-158 obtaining information, 192-198 diagnosis of, 175-178 Drug dependence, 190-191 obtaining information, 158-169 Dyspareunia, 212 Amnesia, 348 Dysthymic disorder, 80, 92-95 Anorexia nervosa, 242-243 Antisocial personality disorder, 134-137 Eating disorders, 241-255 Anxiety disorders, 55-74 case illustrations, 247-249 case illustration, 64-72 description of, 241-245 description of, 55-59 obtaining information, 246-247 obtaining information, 59-64 Echolalia, 32 Anxious depressions, 86-88 Echopraxia, 32 Aphonia, 33 Emergency settings, 4-6 Attention, 38 Essential hypertension, 266-268 Avoidant personality disorder, 144 Ethnic considerations, 10-14 Executive functions, 364 Binge eating disorder, 245 Exhibitionism, 214 Bipolar disorder, 80-81, 89-92 Borderline personality disorder, 138-141, 217- Female orgasmic disorder, 212 218 Female sexual arousal disorder, 211 Bulimia nervosa, 243-245 Fetishism, 214 Formal thought disorder, 44-45 Children, 305-324 Flight of ideas, 32 case illustration, 320-324 Frontal lobe syndrome, 363-364 description of disorders, 306-307 Frotteurisrn., 214 obtaining information, 307-319 child interview, 312-313 Generalized anxiety disorder, 59 parental interview, 309-312 significantothers, 311-312 Hallucinations, 36-37,
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