
John Travers, Roman Romero-Ortuno, Jade Bailey and Marie-Therese Cooney

Delaying and reversing frailty: a systematic review of primary care interventions

INTRODUCTION Abstract Frailty has been described as the most Frailty has long been in the lexicon of problematic expression of population ageing Background everyday language. ‘How easily the wind in the context of this considerable growth.3 It Recommendations for routine frailty screening overturns a frail tree’, Buddha reflected has forced fundamental changes in national in general practice are increasing as frailty 1 prevalence grows. In England, frailty identification some 2500 years ago. From such historic health policies. For example, since 2017 became a contractual requirement in 2017. prevalence has come an inherited instinct the new General Medical Services (GMS) However, there is little guidance on the most for recognising frailty. However, it is only contract in England mandates that all effective and practical interventions once frailty primary care practices use an appropriate has been identified. in recent years that frailty has come into focus for more rigorous medical definition tool to identify patients aged ≥65 years who Aim in a shift of emphasis from single-system are living with moderate or severe frailty. To assess the comparative effectiveness and ease of implementation of frailty interventions in conditions to unifying constructs for holistic For patients living with severe frailty, the primary care. patient care. practice must undertake a clinical review, Frailty can be described as a state of provide an annual review, Design and setting A systematic review of frailty interventions in physiological vulnerability with diminished discuss whether the patient has fallen in primary care. capacity to manage external stressors.2,3 the last 12 months, activate an enriched Summary Care Record at the patient’s Method It increases the risks of illness, falls, 2,3 Scientific databases were searched from dependency, disability, and death. request (if not already in place), and provide inception to May 2017 for randomised controlled Frailty is becoming a more common any other clinically relevant interventions.7 trials or cohort studies with control groups on challenge as populations age and life A variety of tools has been proposed primary care frailty interventions. Screening 8,9 methods, interventions, and outcomes were expectancy lengthens. The prevalence of for frailty screening in primary care. A analysed in included studies. Effectiveness was frailty is estimated at 10.7% in adults aged commonly used method is Fried’s frailty scored in terms of change of frailty status or ≥65 years and increases to some 50% in phenotype10 (three or more criteria from: frailty indicators and ease of implementation in those 80 years of age.4 The United Nations exhaustion, unexplained weight loss, terms of human resources, marginal costs, and > time requirements. estimates that the world population of slowness, weakness, and low physical individuals aged >60 years will more than activity, with one or two criteria present Results double from 962 million in 2017 to 2.1 billion defining pre-frailty). The cumulative deficit A total of 925 studies satisfied search criteria and 11 46 were included. There were 15690 participants in 2050, whereas the population of individuals model proposed by Rockwood and Mitnitski (median study size was 160 participants). Studies aged >80 years will triple from 137 million to provides a frailty index based on the presence reflected a broad heterogeneity. There were 17 425 million in the same period.5 In the UK, of deficits as a proportion of total measured. different frailty screening methods. Of the frailty interventions, 23 involved physical activity and the number of individuals aged >65 years There are several other indices, checklists, other interventions involved health education, is estimated to grow from 10.4 million to and indicators.12–14 A general model of frailty nutrition supplementation, home visits, hormone 12.4 million by 2025 and life expectancy at that captures commonly involved domains is supplementation, and counselling. A significant 65 years is set to increase by 1.7 years.6 shown in Figure 1. improvement of frailty status was demonstrated in 71% (n = 10) of studies and of frailty indicators in 69% (n=22) of studies where measured. Interventions with both muscle strength training J Travers, MB BCh BAO, BE, MBA, senior house Address for correspondence and protein supplementation were consistently officer, Department of Geriatric Medicine, St John Travers, Department of Geriatric Medicine, placed highest for effectiveness and ease of Vincent’s University Hospital and Trinity College St Vincent’s University Hospital, Dublin 4, Ireland. implementation. Dublin HSE Specialist Training Programme in General Practice, Dublin. R Romero- Ortuno, Email: [email protected] Conclusion Lic Med, MSc, PhD, MRCP(UK), associate Submitted: 30 May 2018; Editor’s response: A combination of muscle strength training and professor, consultant physician, Global Brain final acceptance: protein supplementation was the most effective Health Institute (GBHI), Trinity College Dublin, 29 June 2018; 18 July 2018. intervention to delay or reverse frailty and the Mercer’s Institute for Successful Aging, St James’s ©British Journal of General Practice easiest to implement in primary care. A map of Hospital, Dublin. J Bailey, research assistant, This is the full-length article (published online interventions was created that can be used to School of Medicine, University College Dublin, 4 Dec 2018) of an abridged version published in inform choices for managing frailty. Dublin. MT Cooney, PhD, MRCPI, consultant physician, Department of Geriatric Medicine, St print. Cite this version as: Br J Gen Pract 2018; Keywords Vincent’s University Hospital, Dublin. DOI: feasibility; frailty; primary care; systematic review.

e61 British Journal of General Practice, January 2019 interventions. The aim of the present study How this fits in was to map their comparative effectiveness Frailty screening is increasingly and ease of implementation, and help recommended in primary care and in some inform practitioners and patients on the cases contractually required, but there most appropriate choices. is a lack of guidance on interventions, once frailty has been identified. This study METHOD outlines both the relative effectiveness A search of PubMed, CINAHL, the Cochrane and ease of implementation of frailty Library Register of Controlled Trials, and interventions in primary care, and these PEDro for English language articles using findings may help the choice of appropriate primary care interventions. the terms ‘primary care’ or ‘community’; ‘screening’ or ‘intervention’ or ‘integrated- care’; and ‘frailty’ or ‘pre-frail’ was conducted. The search was conducted from A common element in frailty tools is inception to May 2017 by one researcher. A a consideration of biological age rather second researcher repeated the search in than chronological age alone. This fits the May 2018 to confirm the results and add biopsychosocial model of primary care, and any further findings. Any clarifications were its use may help identify those who are resolved by two other researchers. at higher risk of adverse outcomes and Studies were selected following an promote equity of access to services.9 The assessment of titles and abstracts. Studies ability of the frailty model to capture risk chosen for inclusion were randomised and biological age in this way has pushed controlled trials (RCTs) or cohort studies the boundaries of care for a population’s with control groups, which assessed most vulnerable patients. This advance interventions aimed at preventing or and the increase in prevalence have treating frailty in a primary care setting, driven international consensus guidance and that quantified outcomes such as to recommend identification of frailty in the measurement of a physical frailty routine clinical encounters.15,16 phenotype, a frailty index, or a similar Identification of frailty was made a established measurement. There was contractual requirement for GPs in England no restriction on age of participants in from April 2017. However, there appears the search criteria. Studies that involved to be a lack of clear guidance on the most secondary or tertiary interventions were effective and practical interventions for excluded; letters, case studies, abstract- frailty once identified. There also appears only publications, and editorials were also to be no consistent approach to how excluded. frailty is dealt with in general practice at The researchers recorded the type of present. It seemed, therefore, both timely study (for example, RCT or cohort), frailty and necessary to conduct a systematic Figure 1. Domains commonly included in frailty screening method (for example, Fried), definitions. review of the evidence on primary care study size, length of study, intervention, outcome measure, and outcome for each study included. Capacity An analytical tool for comparing a set of heterogeneous interventions that was too diverse for meta-analysis was devised by the authors and a scoring system to map Robustness relative effectiveness and relative ease of Energy Power (the capacity to withstand (the capacity to do work: (the rate of doing work: implementation (summarised in Figure 2) stressors: favourable bone grip strength) walking speed) was applied. The tool was designed to map density, muscle mass) interventions in two dimensions, thereby providing a clear graphical differentiation and facilitating patients and practitioners in choosing the most appropriate interventions. Senses Function Organs When analysing relative effectiveness, (sensory loss) (activities of daily living) (systemic condition) an outcome that demonstrated significant improvement of frailty status or prevalence was given 3 points. An outcome that improved frailty criteria but did not amount to a change in status or prevalence was given 2points Incapacity (improvement in Fried’s phenotype [for example, 2 to 1, both pre-frail] or improvement

British Journal of General Practice, January 2019 e62 Figure 2. Comparison of interventions scoring system. AHP = allied health professionals. MDT = multidisciplinary team.

Frailty status or prevalence 3 improvement ness ve effecti Frailty criteria improvement 2 (not amounting to status change) demonstrated

Relati ve

Other relevant 1 improvement

No improvement 0 321 MDT and MDT and no AHP and no marginal cost marginal cost marginal cost or AHP and marginal cost

Relative ease of implementation

in frailty index items not amounting to a sessions versus one-on-one AHP–patient significant change in status). An outcome that activity) was used to refine the relative demonstrated neither of these but improved placement of interventions along the ease relevant dimensions other than frailty, for of implementation axis. example, perceived quality of service or increased endurance, was given 1 point. An RESULTS outcome showing no improvement scored 0. From the database search, 925 studies The relative placement of interventions along were identified using the search criteria. the effectiveness axis was further refined Out of these, 47 full-text articles were using the risk ratios for interventions that selected for eligibility assessment following were directly comparable. For example, review of titles and abstracts. Of these, a discrete cluster of interventions that all 46 studies were included in the systematic involved strengthening exercises was review analysis, with one study excluded as differentiated in this way. its results were included in a subsequent Relative ease of implementation updated study.17–62 The total number of was analysed by examining three key participants in included studies was 15 690 requirements: healthcare professionals, and median study size was 160 participants. money, and time. An intervention that The recent focus on frailty as a medical required multidisciplinary team (MDT) concept was underlined by the fact that only involvement, for example, physician, nurse, four of the 46 studies pre-dated 2010. Japan and/or allied health professionals (AHPs) was the leading country for number of such as a physiotherapist, occupational studies conducted (n = 10), followed by the therapist, or dietician, was given 2 points. US (n = 8), the Netherlands (n = 5), Sweden An intervention that did not need an MDT (n = 5), Spain (n = 3), Taiwan (n = 3), Australia but did require an AHP was given 1 point. (n = 2), China (n = 2), South Korea (n = 2), the An intervention that incurred additional UK (n = 2), Austria (n = 1), Belgium (n = 1), marginal cost, such as new personal Finland (n = 1), and Singapore (n = 1). equipment or consumable, was given The Fried criteria, as a method for frailty 1 further point. The amount of time in screening, was used by 13 (28%) of the minutes per week invested by the patient 46 studies, more than any other method, and the intensity of AHP involvement and six used modified Fried criteria. Four (for example, one AHP leading group used the Kihon checklist, two used a

e63 British Journal of General Practice, January 2019 version of the Kaigo-Yobo checklist, two studies involved home visits by nurses, used the Tilburg frailty indicator, two AHPs, or doctors, with activities including used the Groningen frailty indicator, one safety and falls risk assessment, giving used the cumulative deficit model, and information about support services and 11 used other approaches to screening basic mobility exercises. Four studies frailty that were unique to their study giving focused on hormone supplementation, a total of 17 different screening methods. of which two involved , one Five appeared to have no formal frailty involved (DHEA) screening. and atamestane, and one involved raloxifene and (discontinued). Four studies Interventions for frailty in the included involved counselling, of which one involved studies cognitive behavioural therapy alone, one The studies included in the review involved psychotherapy along with mixed analysis reflected a broad heterogeneity exercises, one involved behavioural change, of interventions. A summary is shown in and one involved life-goal setting. One study Figure 3. Of the 46 studies, 65% (n = 30) focused on acupressure. applied more than one intervention. Of the interventions in the studies, Key findings on relative effectiveness and 23 studies involved physical exercises: ease of implementation 10 involved mixed exercises, for example, a A map of relative effectiveness and ease combination of aerobic, strength, balance, of implementation of the interventions and coordination; six featured strength is shown in Figure 4. Interventions with exercises as the central component; two both strength training and protein featured walking as the central component; supplementation consistently placed two focused on basic mobilising exercises; highest in terms of relative effectiveness one involved tai-chi; one involved robotic and ease of implementation. balance; and one involved use of a Wii. Interventions with mild-intensity mixed Ten studies involved health education exercises or singular exercises such as such as classes on nutrition, , walking or tai-chi placed in the mid-zone falls prevention, and social supports. for relative effectiveness and were easy Eight studies involved intervention with to implement. Educational or health nutritional supplements, of which five used promotion activities typically placed in the both protein and calories with strength or mid-zone for both relative effectiveness mixed exercises, one used protein with and ease of implementation. Interventions strength exercises, one used protein and targeting behavioural change placed low in calorie supplementation alone, and one relative effectiveness and the mid-zone for used calories with testosterone. Eight ease of implementation. Comprehensive Figure 3. Overview of types of interventions for frailty. studies involved medication management, geriatric assessments and home visits a30/46 studies (65%) had more than one six of these as part of a comprehensive tended to place mid–low for both relative intervention. CBT = cognitive behavioural therapy. geriatric assessment (CGA) and two as effectiveness and ease of implementation. DHEA = dehydroepiandrosterone. part of group education sessions. Seven Administration and management of

Key interventions Physical Health Nutritional Hormone exercise education supplements Home visits supplements Counselling

Number of studiesa 23 10 8 7 4 4

Types of activities • Mixed exercises • Nutrition • Protein • Falls and safety • Testosterone • CBT • Strength • Medication • Calories assessment • DHEA • Psychotherapy. • Aerobic • Falls • Milk fat • Information • Atamestane • Life-goal • Balance prevention globule giving on • Raloxifene setting • Coordination • Physical membrane municipal • Tibolone • Behavioural • Walking exercise supports (discontinued) change • Tai-chi • Social and • Basic mobility • Mobility community exercises supports • Nurse-led, physio-led, or GP-led

British Journal of General Practice, January 2019 e64 Seino50 Serra-Prat51 strength, mixed exercises protein (strength, Ng45 Kim35 Tarazona54 Luger39 Cesari21 aerobic, strength, strength, mixed strength, walking, balance, balance, balance, exercises, protein, strength coordination) protein, milk protein, calories (More effective) calories calories Takano53 Chan24 Chan23 mixed mixed strength, exercises, exercises, walking, health psychotherapy, balance, diet education health education education Shinkai52 CGA, health promotion Oh46 Kim34 Wolf58 Daniel26 Ozaki47 strength, protein, tai-chi Wii robotic health calories exercises balance education Binder18 Hildreth32 Li36 Fairhall 29 Yuri62 Migliarese42 testosterone CGA, mobility, life-goal Brown20 meds rv, diet, social setting mixed exercises Theou55 health supports testosterone, education, Clegg25 Yamada60,61 calories referrals mobility mixed exercises Relative demonstrated effectiveness Jacobsen33 De Vriendt27 Chan22 Salem49 Yamada59 Makizako40 raloxifene, Monteserin43 health mild mixed walking, health tibolone Tikkanen56 Parry48 education exercises education CGA, health CBT Liu37 education Behavioural Ekdahl28 Granbom30 Gustafsson31 change CGA, home home visits Behm17 visits Looman38 Wilhelmson57 home visits home visit, Bleijenberg19

(Less effective) health CGA, nurse care education Muller44 Metzelthin41 DHEA, home visit atamestane

(Harder) Relative ease of implementation (Easier)

Figure 4. Comparison of interventions for frailty. hormone therapy placed mid–low for (70% [n = 32]) reported the outcome of an CBT = cognitive behavioural therapy. CGA = comprehensive geriatric assessment. both relative effectiveness and ease of intervention on singular frailty indicators DHEA = dehydroepiandrosterone. meds rv = medication implementation. or other criteria, 22 (69%) of which review. An overview of how clusters of key demonstrated significant improvement. interventions compare is shown in Figure 5. Summaries of all the studies analysed are Interventions that feature in the top right available from the authors. quadrant are the most effective and easiest to implement. Strength training and DISCUSSION nutritional supplementation, specifically Summary protein, are most prominent in this This analysis of the evidence available quadrant, whereas mixed exercises and on primary care intervention for frailty health education also feature. suggests that a combination of strength Of the 46 studies, 30% (n = 14) reported exercises and protein supplementation is the outcome of an intervention on frailty the most effective and easiest to implement status, 71% (n = 10) of which demonstrated intervention to delay or reverse frailty. significant improvement. Of the 46 studies, The map of interventions subsequently

e65 British Journal of General Practice, January 2019 Figure 5. Overview of key intervention clusters. CGA = comprehensive geriatric assessments. Strength exercises, nutritional supplements (Mor e effective)

Health education Mixed exercises CGA, home visits

Hormone supplements Counselling Relative demonstrated effectiveness (Less effective)

(Harder) Relative ease of implementation (Easier)

produced can be helpful to inform choices differentiating relative effectiveness and for managing frailty in ageing societies. ease of implementation, it does not provide absolute values. Strengths and limitations A key strength of this study is that it Comparison with existing literature has provided an evidence-based map of Findings from the present study on strength interventions to delay and reverse frailty exercises and protein supplements in primary care. The resultant model may are consistent with knowledge that be helpful to practitioners and patients interventions to improve frailty include in discussing and agreeing interventions exercise, nutrition, and multicomponent to fit their specific circumstances. The interventions.63,64 A 2017 scoping review of researchers’ analysis seems a timely interventions to prevent or reduce frailty in contribution as frailty screening becomes community-dwelling older adults included mandatory in the UK and more prevalent 14 studies and found that physical activity internationally. interventions reduced frailty indicators.64 There are several limitations to this study: The current analysis included a wide studies analysed were too heterogeneous variety of 46 intervention studies and, to allow for a meta-analysis, although having mapped both effectiveness and meta-analyses of subsections, for example, feasibility, specifically in the primary care physical exercise, could be performed. setting, enabled a choice of complementary Some interventions outlined changes interventions. The importance of using an to individual frailty criteria but did not integrated and holistic approach is described calculate or demonstrably show an impact in the British Geriatrics Society and the on overall frailty status. It is possible that Royal College of General Practitioners Fit they might otherwise have scored higher for Frailty guidance for GPs.65 in demonstrable effectiveness. A minority of studies did not provide details on the Implications for research and practice amount of time required to complete A typical exercise regime that may intervention activities. Although like-for-like be proposed in general practice is: comparisons could be made with other 20–25 minutes of activity, 4 days per studies, this reduced the accuracy of refining week at home, comprising 15 exercises: positions along the ease of implementation three for strengthening arms, seven for axis. Although the map is helpful in clearly strengthening legs, and five for balance

British Journal of General Practice, January 2019 e66 and coordination. Each exercise is repeated simply involve using water bottles or elastic 10 times per minute, progressively reaching bands, engaging in exercises may not 15 times after 2–3 months, with a rest of be possible for patients with debilitating half a minute between each set.2 conditions. Activity prescription needs to be Nutrition or protein supplementation personalised in primary care for individual regimes described in studies included circumstances. Other options, such as appropriate dietary emphasis on daily milk, health education, score in the mid-zone eggs, tuna, chicken, plant-based protein, for relative effectiveness and may be easy or, where preferred, 2 × 200 mL of formula to implement. A toolkit for general practice per day (containing 25 g protein, 400 kcal that could be used for different patient energy, 9.4 g essential amino acids, and needs would be a useful next step to this 34 400 mL water). study. Several studies found that participation This review identified several clusters of rates in physical exercise activities remained common interventions, namely: exercises, as high as 90%,66–68 though some dipped education, nutrition, home visits, hormone to 50%.54 A differentiator appears to have supplementation, and counselling. Further been the level of periodic encouragement to quantitative analysis research of these continue participation by practising medical clusters would outline benefits to a greater professionals. Several studies highlighted level of detail. For example, although that benefits were found 3–6 months after the intervention but to a lesser extent at strength exercises consistently feature 12 months.69,70 This underlines the need strongly in terms of effectiveness and for patients to continue to participate ease of implementation, there are some and medical professionals to continue differences in effectiveness that may be due to encourage appropriate interventions. to different exercise regimes. Meta-analysis The authors suggest that increased use of such a cluster might identify an optimal of technology, including group chats and regimen. bespoke apps, could contribute to higher The new NHS England GMS contractual participation rates, and this may be a practice interventions do not primarily subject for further research. include physical therapy and nutrition.7 The Frailty remains a complex syndrome and results of this review may be helpful in a no single intervention may suit all patients.71 future evaluation and revision of a new NHS Although some strength exercises can contract.

Funding Jade Bailey was supported by a grant from the Irish Health Research Board for the Systematic Approach for Improving Care for Frail Older People (SAFE) study under the Applied Partnership (award grant reference: APA-2016-1857). The work of other authors was not funded by any agency. Ethical approval Ethical approval was not required. Provenance Freely submitted; externally peer reviewed. Competing interests The authors have declared no competing interests. Discuss this article Contribute and read comments about this article:

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