(English versions below)


Jacques Doillon (Président) est né en 1944 à Paris. Il est l'un des cinéastes français parmi les plus renommés. Au cours de ses quarante années de carrière, il a réalisé plus de 30 films, contribué à l’émergence d’actrices telles que , ou , et a travaillé avec des actrices de renom telles que et . Son dernier film, Rodin (2017), sur le célèbre sculpteur français, mettant en vedette Vincent Lindon, a été son troisième film sélectionné au Festival de Cannes.

Sophie Mousel est née en 1991 au Luxembourg. Après quatre années d’études de théâtre dans la Classe Libre des Cours Florent, Sophie est apparue dans plusieurs films (Nicky Larson, Le Correspondant, Skin Walker) et plusieurs pièces de théâtre (Le jeu de l ' amour et du hasard, Ivanov).

Renata Santoro est, depuis 2010, chercheuse et programmatrice, pour la Giornate degli Autori (Venice Days). Elle a été membre du jury de nombreux festivals et a donné des conférences à Berlin et Cannes dans le cadre du projet ScripTeast.

Adolf El Assal, est né à Alexandrie (Egypte) en 1981. Il a travaillé comme producteur pour Divizionz (2008), présenté au Festival de Berlin. Il signe son premier long métrage, The Notorious Guys en 2014. Sawah (2019) est son dernier long métrage, bien accueilli par la critique comme le public.

Marius Olteanu, est né à Bucarest en 1979. Olteanu a travaillé comme assistant réalisateur pour le film primé Sieranevada (2016) de Cristi Puiu. Après quatre courts métrages primés, Olteanu a réalisé Monsters., son premier long métrage, projeté en première au « Forum » de la Berlinale 2019 et lauréat du Grand Prix au Festival International du Film de Sofia.


Marc Trappendreher a étudié la littérature allemande et le cinéma, en se spécialisant sur l'analyse, la théorie et l'histoire du film. Actuellement, il travaille comme chercheur au Centre national de l'audiovisuel (CNA) et en tant que critique de cinéma pour le Lëtzebuerger Land.

France Clarinval est arrivée au Luxembourg en 1995 et a travaillé comme journaliste indépendante pour plusieurs médias avant de rejoindre l'équipe éditoriale de Maison Moderne en 2011. En janvier 2019, elle a rejoint la rédaction de RTL

Cristóbal Soage est journaliste culture, spécialisé dans le domaine du cinéma. Il a rejoint l'équipe de Cineuropa début 2017, où il écrit des articles, commente et gère la base de données de films européens.



Jacques Doillon (President), born in 1944 in Paris, is one of the most esteemed French auteur filmmakers, as well as a producer, scriptwriter, editor and actor. He began as a documentary film editor in the 1960s and made his debut feature impregnated with the spirit of May ‘68, L'An 01 (1973) together with . Praised by François Truffaut, in 1975 he shot Un sac de billes thanks to his support. Renowned for his intimate and personal films focused on the complexities of romance and many childhood-oriented works, he has directed films such as La drôlesse (1979, Young Cinema Award at Cannes FF), La pirate (1984), La vengeance d’une femme (1990), Le jeune Werther (1993, Blue Angel Award at the Berlinale) or Ponette (1996, FIPRESCI Prize at the Venice FF). In his forty-year-long career, he has directed more than 30 films, helped launch the careers of actresses such as Juliette Binoche, Sandrine Bonnaire, and Charlotte Gainsbourg, and has also worked with renowned actresses like Jane Birkin and Isabelle Huppert. His latest film, Rodin (2017), about the famous French sculptor featuring Vincent Lindon in the lead role, was his third film to be selected at the Cannes Film Festival.

Renata Santoro has been a film researcher and programmer for Giornate degli Autori, the independent section of Venice Film Festival, since 2010, specialising in Central/Eastern European and Asian cinema. Santoro has served as a jury member in many festivals and has been lecturer in Berlin and Cannes for the ScripTeast Program. Besides this, she is a translator of screenplays and films' promotional materials for several Italian production and distribution companies. Before that, for ten years, she was a programme manager in a company specialising in education and training in the audiovisual field for young graduates and professionals and coordinator of eight editions of a European Master for Audiovisual Management. Sophie Mousel was born in 1991 in Luxembourg, where she completed intensive piano studies before moving to Paris in 2010 to study French literature at Paris-Sorbonne University. A workshop at the private drama school Cours Florent made her realise that acting was her real calling. She was admitted to the Classe Libre and completed 4 years of acting studies. Since then, Sophie has appeared in several movies (Nicky Larson, Le Correspondant, Skin Walker) and a number of theatre plays (Le jeu de l'amour et du hasard, Ivanov).

Marius Olteanu, born in Bucharest in 1979, studied Film Directing in Bucharest and received an MA in Fiction Film Directing in the UK. He has worked as an assistant director for the award winning film Sieranevada (2016) by Cristi Puiu. Following four award winning short films: Sunday Afternoon, Why Don’t You Dance, Tie, and No Man’s Land, Olteanu’s first feature-length film, Monsters. premiered in Berlinale Forum 2019 and received Sofia IFF Grand Prix. Besides his work as a writer and director, Olteanu is also a published photographer.

Adolf El Assal, born in Alexandria, Egypt in 1981, grew up in Dubai, and Luxembourg. After graduating with a Master´s in Filmmaking from Kingston University, he won his spurs while working on several video clips and TV shorts, and worked as a producer on Divizionz (2008) which premiered at the Berlin Film Festival and went on to be selected at over 100 festivals. He has since directed a couple of short films including the award-winning La Fameuse Route… (2011) and Mano de Dios (2011). He completed his first feature, The Notorious Guys in 2014. Sawah (2019) is his latest feature film.


Marc Trappendreher studied German literature and cinema - focusing on the analysis, theory and history of film. He currently works as a film researcher at the Centre National de l'Audiovisuel (CNA) and is a film critic for the Lëtzebuerger Land - an independent political, economic and cultural weekly. He also writes articles on film culture for


Forum – Für Politik, Gesellschaft und Kultur in Luxemburg and for the publications of the Institut Grand-Ducal – Section des Arts et des Lettres.

France Clarinval’s second name could be “culturious” because curiosity is her engine and culture is her fuel. She arrived to Luxembourg in 1995 and worked as a freelance journalist for several media outlets before joining the editorial team of Maison Moderne in 2011 where she devoted herself to gastronomy, culture and lifestyle. In January 2019 she has joined the redaction of RTL where she follows cultural, gastronomic and political news. She has been a member of the Luxembourg Film Press Association (ALPC) since its creation.

Cristóbal Soage is a culture and film journalist. After working in different Spanish newspapers, he joined the Cineuropa team at the beginning of 2017, where he writes articles and reviews and manages the European film database and also works in several projects concerning the promotion and dissemination of European cinema.