Curriculum Vitae Dave Bayer Department of Mathematics 560 Riverside Drive 15H Barnard College New York, NY 10027 Columbia University (212) 864-4235 2990 Broadway MC 4418 New York, NY 10027-6902 Dave Bayer <
[email protected]> (212) 854-2643 A linked vita is available online at Born November 29, 1955, Rochester, New York. United States citizen. Education B.A. with Highest Honors, Swarthmore College, June 1977. Ph.D., Harvard University, June 1982. Thesis advisor: Heisuke Hironaka. Positions Teaching Fellow, Harvard University, 1978-82. Ritt Assistant Professor, Columbia University, 1982-90. Visiting Assistant Professor, Barnard College, 1987-88. Visiting Lecturer on Mathematics, Harvard University, 1988-89. Associate Professor, Barnard College, 1990-1995. Member, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, 1995-1996, 2002-2003. Math Consultant, A Beautiful Mind (feature film), 2001. Professor, Barnard College, 1995-present. Software Macaulay: A system for computation in algebraic geometry and commutative algebra, with M. Stillman. Source and object code available for Unix and Macintosh computers. Patents Method and apparatus for optimizing system operational parameters, with N. Karmarkar and J. Lagarias, United States patent 4,744,027, May 10, 1988. 1 Publications 1. The division algorithm and the Hilbert scheme, Ph.D. Thesis, Harvard University, June 1982. 2. Quantum statistics for distinguishable particles, with J. Tersoff, Phys. Rev. Lett. 50 (1983), no. 8, 553–554. 3. The design of Macaulay: a system for computing in algebraic geometry and commutative algebra Source, with M.