South East Annual Survey of Museums 2018-19 FINAL
South East Museum Development Programme Annual Survey of Museums 2018-19 Summary of findings Response rate Financial operations Workforce – volunteers • 149 (62%) of Accredited museums • £40,822,936 was generated by 87% of • There were 8,254 active volunteers. responded to the survey. A further four of respondent museums in earned income • Volunteers contributed a total of the 12 museums Working Towards (including admissions, retail, catering, 988,416 hours to museums, equivalent Accreditation (WTA) responded to the events, hospitality, educational and other to 599 Full Time Equivalent posts. survey. As a result 153 (60%) of the 253 earned income from trading, e.g. property • Volunteer time was worth £6.5 million Accredited and WTA museums are rental). to museums. considered within this report. • £10,241,915 received by 37% of respondent museums in regular public funding Workforce – paid staff Audiences (including Arts Council England’s National • Museums employed 1,667 paid staff or • There was a total of 6,568,954 visits to Portfolio funding). 992 FTE based on 102 responses. museums based on responses received. • £1,332,207 received in grant project funding • 23% of respondent museums were • Museums held a total of 6,513 activities by 29% of respondent museums. entirely volunteer-run with no paid and events that engaged 219,286 • £6,077,888 received in contributed income staff. participants. (including all money received in donations, friends members/schemes, any sponsorship Educational engagement income, corporate membership, or other • Museums delivered 8,243 formal learning non-earned income) by 88% of respondent and outreach sessions engaging 313,630 museums.
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