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GTA Hoya V001 1920 N017.Pdf (4.8MB) VOL. I GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY, WASHINGTON. D. C, MAY 20, 1920 No. 17 GASTON FIRST IN DID MISGUIDED SENIORS PROPOSE REYNOLDS BEATS DEBATING HONORS THAT NIGHT AT SENIOR PROM? MARYLAND STATE Annual Inter-Society Clash Won By the Gaston Debaters Holds College Park Athletes to Again. Rumor Has It That Five of Them Offered to Endow With All Their One Run, While Team- Worldly Wealth Their Lady Fair—If So, Who mates Score 14. The question, "Resolved, That Equal Suffrage be Granted to Women Other- Accepted Them, and Why? wise than by Amendment to the Consti- There is an old trick among pugilists tution of the U. S.," was hotly contested whereby one fighter hopes to unnerve last Sunday night by the Gaston and his rival by putting in a belated appear- White Debating Societies. Tha Gaston_ While the elements threatened, and the damp, cold weather put warm ance at the ringside. Thus the early ar- Society upheld the negative side of the hearts much in demand, the Seniors got away with a most enjoyable rival, who has cooled his heels for an discussion and was awarded the decision, hour or so, feels his courage oozing drop which, according to the report of the week-end party, starting last Thursday night, inaugurating a custom that by drop as the minutes pass. "Curly" chairman of judges, was very close. bids fair to become an established thing on the Hilltop. Byrd resorted to these tactics yesterday Michael Bruder. '22, Joseph Little, '22, out at College Park in a last desperate and William McGuire, '23, represented And now that it is all over but paying the bills, the question agitating effort to snatch victory from the Blue the White Society, while Gaston de- the minds of many may be stated simply as follows: Did five Seniors and Gray. But the strategy was un- fenders included Jeffery Sullivan, '22, availing. When the game got under Joseph McDonough, '22, and John propose to five Senoritas Friday night at the Prom, or did they not? way, the Georgetown sluggers fell on the O'Neill, '22. Sylvan Pauly, '23, was the And if they did, were they accepted or were they not? Or were any offerings of the Maryland moundsmen, man intended to deliver the opening ad- three of them accepted ? and turned in a 14 to 1 victory over dress for the negative side, but was "Curley's" minions. taken ill the day before the debate. That is the question! Mr. Sullivan filled the vacancy so well, At five minutes before 4 o'clock, it looked as though there would be no -that even if Mr. John S. McCann, the Rumors that several of the cap-and- flask of mine up at the stars. There chairman, had not exhorted us to ex- game, since 3 '30 had been the hour gown crew would put their fortunes to isn't much now. I've just left Paul scheduled for opening hostilities. Coach Icuse "extemporaneous appearance" in the test that evening were prevalent all Page. Well. O Tempora, O Mores, and him. Mr. Sullivan would have been just O'Reilly waited until 4 o'clock, when he about the College Friday. But it was all that sort of thing, if you know what ent the team out on the field. Rey- , as well received by the audience. all very mysterious, and names were I mean." Bruder presented his case in the light nolds threw one ball to Kenyon, Kenyon mentioned only with bated breath. And Further down the hall, Orpheus, who snapped it to Harry Sullivan, and the of a Federal Amendment as unneces- Seniors themselves went about, as per- was once a rather famous musician from ary, while Little pointed out the injus- game was declared forfeited. George- plexed as the rest, each eyeing his friend all accounts, was writhing on the floor town started to the showers, when Mary- tice of such an amendment which would of long standing with the unspoken ques- Davis was playing the Little Love Nest. take away the individual rights of states. land State mad'? its appearance, strolling tion, Is it he? He was carried out, threatening lawsuits. leisurely along the brow of a distant McGuire branded any such amendment Where there is much smoke, there as pernicious, tqr it would be, he said, Henry the Eighth was there, looking hill. Coach Byrd met Coach O'Reillv in must always be a little moonshine. Any in at the beautiful, beautiful ladies. He single combat, and O'Reilly made the case of one state dictating another revenue officer will tell you that. And state's affairs about which it knew noth- was weeping at his helplessness in mak- Maryland menror do some clever grovel- so it would seem that with all the ru- ing up his mind. They were all so ing before the Blue and Gray squad was ing. Sullivan showed that the amend- mors of weddings and such, there must aent spoken of would not be against the beautiful! recalled and the game allowed to proceed. at least have been a little proposal or After that it appeared a pity that State letter of the Constitution, hut rather two. But who proposed, and why, or to "Let's dry our eyes," said Wolsey, accord with it, and O'Neill argued who blew in at the moment. "You had ever showed up at all. It was all whom, is a dark secret. Did any of the Georgetown. that it would likewise he in harmony upper classmen become enmeshed in the needn't cry for these girlies—those lads vith the spirit of that great instrument, are holding onto them too tightly." And Harry Sullivan opened the fray with skein of the husband hunter, and so fall a clean single, and Jimmy Sullivan sacri- since an elected representative, in order an easy victim? Or did another among even as he spoke, the manager asked ficed him to second. A few moments to be called truly a representative, them, who has been nick-named after Paul Rowen to break away. should represent women as well as men. later he was -ailed out at third on a de- the man who keeps the meat market, Oh, it was a lovely party. We shall j Moreover, he called attention to the cision that made even the Marylanders feel so dissatisfied with his present lot, never look upon its like again. The fact that if the suffrage was to be gasp. Georgetown was retired si that like Oliver Twist he asked for wonder is that the whole Senior class "equal," as the question of the evening less, and Reynolds sent the locals back more? These are all well within the isn't on the verge of bankruptcy. Those lead, every woman in every state should in one-two-thiee order. Keane, their realms of possibility, and are suggested favors weren't free gifts from an ad- Be granted the franchise, and this could star hurler, tightened up in the second, here as an answer to the persistent ru- miring engraver. They cost a lot of only be done by a Federal Amendment, stopping Georgetown's attack, and final- mor that five Seniors proposed Friday iron men. as shown by the procrastination and de- 'y opening his team's half of the inning night, that three were accepted, and that feat of the cause in state legislatures. The whole week-end seems to ' with a double to right. He was pushed lcDonough concluded with a speech the other two are drinking Ed Pinaud's met with a great deal of favor. The in large doses. around to third, and went homewards a to convince his hearers that the course troubles started with a theater party moment later. But he came off second ated by the negative was also the At any rate, the Senior Week-end r at the New National Thursday evening, best in a brusn with Kenyon at the plate, only just and expedient one. over, and as Nicky Arnstein would say the Prom came Friday, and the class breaking his leg in the play, and being In the course of the evening's dis- it was great while it lasted. And iud<~ wound up the business with a cozy little so plainly out that even His Umps m one statement was made that ing from the Prom, which was all w dinner party at Wardman Saturday couldn't overlook it. should till with hope every Georgetown saw. the whole affair must have been a night. huge and howling success. The Juniors In the next inning. Georgetown struck pi y who expects to vote. The state- - More than one Senior imported a girl its stride, ami the game degenerated into ment was that sex shall be considered no took one look at the programs and fa- from a far away city, and the consensus vors, and straightway turned a sickly a slugfest, with "C'urley" Byrd sending Impediment at the polls. As one speak- of opinion is that there was never such in his young 'wirlers as fast as he could [er of each side made this statement we green hue. Were they envious? You an array of talent assembled under one tell 'em, patent leather, I'm a dull kill. get them warmed up. John Walsh was feel sure that it is to be believed. roof as there was Saturday night. In- slugging them out every time he came The judges were Mr. Seth Shepard, And the ghost of Nero was there, dividual mention cannot be made.
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