Washington, Friday, July 13, 1945
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* 7 s \jv VOLUME 10 NUMBER 139 Washington, Friday, July 13, 1945 Regulations . CONTENTS The Codification Guide, consist REGULATIONS AND NOTICES ing of a numerical list of the parts TITLE 10—ARMY: WAR DEPARTMENT Agriculture D epartment. S e e of the Code of Federal Regulations also Marketing Services Of Chapter V—Military Reservations and amended or added by documents fice; War Food Administra appearing in this issue, follows the National Cemeteries tion. PaSe table of contents. Fat, edible, or oil product (WFO Part 502—R egulations Affecting Mili 42, Am. 17)______________ 8685 tary R eservations Sugar, primary distributor imported in packages the contents and civilian personnel (WFO 131, Am. 1)________ - 8685 values of which are uniform, or (2) im Alien P roperty Custodian: > Section 502.18 (b) is rescinded and the ported in packages the contents of which Costs and expenses incurred in following substituted in lieu thereof: are identical as to character although certain court actions or pro § 502.18 General duties. * * * differing as to quantity and value per ceedings; Illinois (2 docu- (b) Mess personnel and janitors. (1) package, will amply protect the revenue: ments)______________ 8704, 8707 The employment of civilians as cooks, Brooms. Customs Bureau: bakers, butchers, and mess attendants in Chrom-X. Appraisement; authorization of ¡enlisted messes operated on the field or Life preservers. examination of certain garrison ration is authorized except in Riser-X. packages________________ 8683 Sil-X. F ederal Communications Commis messes of units organized under tables of Tobacco, unstemmed leaf. organization and equipment in which sion: this personnel is provided. Therefore, by virtue of the authority Rules of practice; offices, hours. 8699 (2) Where required, the employment contained in sections 499 and 624 of the F ederal P ower Commission: of civilians as janitors in enlisted bar Tariff Act of 1930, as amended (19 nceuiiigo, ciL.. racks and office buildings is authorized. U.S.C. secs. 1499 and 1624), I do by this Cabot Gas Corp-------------------- 8703 (3) Civilian personnel employed under special regulation permit and authorize Kansas-Nebraska Natural Gas the provisions of (1) and (2) above will a less number of packages than 1 pack Co., Inc________________ 8704 be paid from appropriated funds. The age of every 10 packages, but not less Reynosa Pipe Line Co----------- 8703 use of nonappropriated funds for this than 1 package of every invoice, of the Interstate Commerce Commission : purpose is unauthorized. (R.S. 161; 5. above-described merchandise to be ex Motor carriers, Class I; preser U.S.C. 22) CAR 210-10, 20 Dec. 1940 as amined. vation of records__________ 8699 amended by W.D. Cir. 179,16 June 19451 This special regulation shall not be Potatoes, icing; Long Island, construed to preclude the examination N. Y_____________________ 8704 [seal! Edward P. W itsell, of packages in addition to the minimum Shell eggs, loading at Mentone, Major General, number hereby permitted to be examined Ind________________ 8704 Acting The Adjutant Générât. if the collector or the appraiser shall Marketing S ervices Office: [F. R. Doc. 45-12663; Filed, July 12, 1945; deem it necessary that a greater number Wichita, Kans., marketing area, 10:53 a. m.] of packages be examined. hearing on handling of In view of the foregoing, §14.1 (b), m ilk_____________________ 8700 Customs Regulations of 1943 (19 CPR, N ational Housing Agency : « Cum. Supp., 14.1 (b)), as amended by Housing, veterans’ and service TITLE 19—CUSTOMS DUTIES T.D. 50959 (8 F.R. 15361) and T.D. 51090 men’s distressed families__ 8685 Chapter I—Bureau of Customs (9 F.R. 7743), containing a list of mer Office of Defense Transportation : chandise as to which collectors are espe Certain carriers, coordinated op [T. D. 51269] cially authorized to designate for ex erations : P art 14—Appraisement amination less than 1 package of every Chicago, HI., and Delavan, 10 packages, is hereby amended by in Wis____________________ 8708 examination of merchandise serting in said list in proper alphabetical Columbus, Ohio, and Indian Examination of less than 1 package of position the following: apolis, Ind_____________ 8711 Indiana and Ohio___________ 8709 every 10 packages of certain commodities Brooms. Riser-X. authorized; § 14.1 (b), Customs Regula Iowa, Nebraska, and Mis Chrom-X. Sil-X. souri___________________ 8708 tions of 1943, as amended by T. Ds. 50959 Life preservers. Tobacco, unstemmed and 51090, further amended. leaf. Kansas and Missouri________ 8708 Memphis, Tenn., and Indian It is my opinion that the examination The number of this Treasury decision of less than 1 package of every 10 pack apolis, Ind______________ 8710 ages, but not less than 1 package of every shall be added as a marginal notation to Michigan___________________ 8710 invoice, of the merchandise hereinafter §14.1 (b). New Jersey_________________ 8711 described, if such merchandise is (1) (Continued on p. 8685) (Continued on p. 8684) 8683 / 8684 FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, July 13, 1945 CONTENTS—Continued CONTENTS—Continued Office of P rice Administration— War P roduction B oard—Con. Page federaC ^ register Continued. Glycols (M-300, Sch. 1 5)„___ 8694 '»3* Adjustments and pricing or Hides, skins and leather (M- ders—Continued. Page 310)_______________ 8690 New Jersey Zinc Co~_______• 8712 Priorities system operation: Orsini Cigar Factory___ ___ 8722 Preference ratings after orders O’Sullivan Rubber Co., Inc__ 8724 have been cancelled, use Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, Peeler, J. F., & Sons________ 8713 of (PR 1, Dir. 8)_______ 8687 and days following legal holidays, by the Plotkin, Hyman__ ______ 8720 Preference ratings for manu Division of the Federal Register, the National Raybestos-Manhattan, Inc_ 8724 facturers not obtaining Archives, pursuant to the authority contained Rosa, Pedro_________ 8720 production materials un in the Federal Register Act, approved July 26, Rodriguez, Juap Mendez____ 8715 der controlled materials 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., Rosado, Juan______________ 8713 plan (PR 1 IB)_________ 8688 ch. 8B), under regulations prescribed by the Administrative Committee, approved by the S & S Cigar Co_________ 8723 Stockpiling in anticipation of President. Distribution is made only by the Smeltzer, H. F_____________ 8715 civilian production (PR 1 Superintendent of Documents, Government Stevens, Frank A__________ 8721 Int. 17)_______________ 8687 Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Stewart, Blaine D___ _____ _ 8723 Suspension orders, etc.: The regulatory material appearing herein is Straus Industries___________ 8724 Allyn Appliances___________ 8730 keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, Tampure Cigar Factory-—_8714 Field, Chester L____________ 8730 which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Valdes Cigar Factory___ ____ 8714 Gulf States Plywood Co____ 8696 to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as amended June 19, 1937. Vega, B„ & Co_____________ 8719 McDonald, Mrs. J. G., Choco The Federal Register will be furnished by Warlong Glove Mfg. Co____ 8725 late Co_____ _____ 8687 mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Webster Eisenlohr, Inc____ _ 8713 per month or $15.00 per year, payable in ad White Eagle Cigar Factory_ 8720 CODIFICATION GUIDE vance. The charge for individual copies Zitos & Eva Cigar Factory__ 8717 A numerical list of the parts of thi Code (minimum 15^) varies in proportion to the Bituminous coal (MPR 120, Am. of Federal Regulations amended or added by size of the issue. Remit check or money 143)_______ 8696 documents published in this issue. Docu order, made payable to the Superintendent Building materials and consum ments carried in the Cumulative Supplement of Documents, directly to the Government er^’ goods other than ap by uncodified tabulation only are not in Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. cluded within the purview of this list-. There are no restrictions on the republica parel; manufacturers’ max tion of material appearing in the F ederal imum prices (MPR 188, Am. Title 7—Agriculture: Register. 6 3 )____ 1— _____ ____ 8699 Chapter I—War Food Adminis Footwear (SO 120)___________ 8696 tration (Standards, Inspec Glass containers: tions, Marketing Practices) : Page NOTICE Narrow mouth (MPR 188, Am. Part 47—Rules of practice 87 to Order A -l)_______ 8725 under Perishable Agricul The 1943 Supplement to the Code Wide mouth (MPR 382, Am. tural Commodities Act, 8 ) _______ 8699 of Federal Regulations, covering 1930 (Corr.)______ ____ 8685 Petroleum, crude, and natural Title 10—-Army: War D epart the period June 2, 1943, through De and petroleum gas (RMPR ment : cember 31, 1943, may be obtained 436, Am. 16)_____________ 8699 * Chapter V—Military Reserva from the Superintendent of Docu S ecurities and Exchange Commis tions and National Ceme ments, Government Printing Office, sio n: teries : at $3.00 per book. Hearings, etc.: Part 502—Regulations affect Appalachian Electric Power ing military reservations- 8683 Book 1 : Titles 1-31, including Presi Co—______________— 8727 Title 19-—Customs D uties: dential documents in full text. Federal Water and Gas Corp. Chapter I—Bureau of Customs: Book 2: Titles 32-50, with 1943 Gen and Alabama Water Part 14—Appraisement_____ 8683 Service Co * ___ 2'_„ 8726 T itle 24—Housing Credit: eral Index and 1944 Codification Lake Shore Gas Co. and As-’ Chapter VII—National Housing Guide. sociated Electric Co 8726 Agency: The complete text of the Cumula Mountain States Power Co___ 8729 Part 701—Private and public war housing-:___ 8685 tive Supplement (June 1, 1938— Ohio Power Qo______ ______ 8727 Portland General Electric Co_ 8728 Title 26—Internal R evenue: June 1, 1943) is still available in ten Public Service Co. of Ind.. Inc_ 8729 Chapter IH—Tax Court of units at $3.00 each. Southern Natural Gas Co___ 8729 U. S. : United Light and Power Co. Part 701—Rules of practice__ 8686 et al_________________ 8725 T itle 32—National D efense: CONTENTS—Continued S olid F uels Administration for Chapter IX—War Production W ar: Board: Coke, reclaimed, restrictions on Part 944—Regulations appli Office of Defense Transporta cable to operation of pri tion—Continued.