Washington, Friday, July 13, 1945

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Washington, Friday, July 13, 1945 * 7 s \jv VOLUME 10 NUMBER 139 Washington, Friday, July 13, 1945 Regulations . CONTENTS The Codification Guide, consist­ REGULATIONS AND NOTICES ing of a numerical list of the parts TITLE 10—ARMY: WAR DEPARTMENT Agriculture D epartment. S e e of the Code of Federal Regulations also Marketing Services Of­ Chapter V—Military Reservations and amended or added by documents fice; War Food Administra­ appearing in this issue, follows the National Cemeteries tion. PaSe table of contents. Fat, edible, or oil product (WFO Part 502—R egulations Affecting Mili­ 42, Am. 17)______________ 8685 tary R eservations Sugar, primary distributor imported in packages the contents and civilian personnel (WFO 131, Am. 1)________ - 8685 values of which are uniform, or (2) im­ Alien P roperty Custodian: > Section 502.18 (b) is rescinded and the ported in packages the contents of which Costs and expenses incurred in following substituted in lieu thereof: are identical as to character although certain court actions or pro­ § 502.18 General duties. * * * differing as to quantity and value per ceedings; Illinois (2 docu- (b) Mess personnel and janitors. (1) package, will amply protect the revenue: ments)______________ 8704, 8707 The employment of civilians as cooks, Brooms. Customs Bureau: bakers, butchers, and mess attendants in Chrom-X. Appraisement; authorization of ¡enlisted messes operated on the field or Life preservers. examination of certain garrison ration is authorized except in Riser-X. packages________________ 8683 Sil-X. F ederal Communications Commis­ messes of units organized under tables of Tobacco, unstemmed leaf. organization and equipment in which sion: this personnel is provided. Therefore, by virtue of the authority Rules of practice; offices, hours. 8699 (2) Where required, the employment contained in sections 499 and 624 of the F ederal P ower Commission: of civilians as janitors in enlisted bar­ Tariff Act of 1930, as amended (19 nceuiiigo, ciL.. racks and office buildings is authorized. U.S.C. secs. 1499 and 1624), I do by this Cabot Gas Corp-------------------- 8703 (3) Civilian personnel employed under special regulation permit and authorize Kansas-Nebraska Natural Gas the provisions of (1) and (2) above will a less number of packages than 1 pack­ Co., Inc________________ 8704 be paid from appropriated funds. The age of every 10 packages, but not less Reynosa Pipe Line Co----------- 8703 use of nonappropriated funds for this than 1 package of every invoice, of the Interstate Commerce Commission : purpose is unauthorized. (R.S. 161; 5. above-described merchandise to be ex­ Motor carriers, Class I; preser­ U.S.C. 22) CAR 210-10, 20 Dec. 1940 as amined. vation of records__________ 8699 amended by W.D. Cir. 179,16 June 19451 This special regulation shall not be Potatoes, icing; Long Island, construed to preclude the examination N. Y_____________________ 8704 [seal! Edward P. W itsell, of packages in addition to the minimum Shell eggs, loading at Mentone, Major General, number hereby permitted to be examined Ind________________ 8704 Acting The Adjutant Générât. if the collector or the appraiser shall Marketing S ervices Office: [F. R. Doc. 45-12663; Filed, July 12, 1945; deem it necessary that a greater number Wichita, Kans., marketing area, 10:53 a. m.] of packages be examined. hearing on handling of In view of the foregoing, §14.1 (b), m ilk_____________________ 8700 Customs Regulations of 1943 (19 CPR, N ational Housing Agency : « Cum. Supp., 14.1 (b)), as amended by Housing, veterans’ and service­ TITLE 19—CUSTOMS DUTIES T.D. 50959 (8 F.R. 15361) and T.D. 51090 men’s distressed families__ 8685 Chapter I—Bureau of Customs (9 F.R. 7743), containing a list of mer­ Office of Defense Transportation : chandise as to which collectors are espe­ Certain carriers, coordinated op­ [T. D. 51269] cially authorized to designate for ex­ erations : P art 14—Appraisement amination less than 1 package of every Chicago, HI., and Delavan, 10 packages, is hereby amended by in­ Wis____________________ 8708 examination of merchandise serting in said list in proper alphabetical Columbus, Ohio, and Indian­ Examination of less than 1 package of position the following: apolis, Ind_____________ 8711 Indiana and Ohio___________ 8709 every 10 packages of certain commodities Brooms. Riser-X. authorized; § 14.1 (b), Customs Regula­ Iowa, Nebraska, and Mis­ Chrom-X. Sil-X. souri___________________ 8708 tions of 1943, as amended by T. Ds. 50959 Life preservers. Tobacco, unstemmed and 51090, further amended. leaf. Kansas and Missouri________ 8708 Memphis, Tenn., and Indian­ It is my opinion that the examination The number of this Treasury decision of less than 1 package of every 10 pack­ apolis, Ind______________ 8710 ages, but not less than 1 package of every shall be added as a marginal notation to Michigan___________________ 8710 invoice, of the merchandise hereinafter §14.1 (b). New Jersey_________________ 8711 described, if such merchandise is (1) (Continued on p. 8685) (Continued on p. 8684) 8683 / 8684 FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, July 13, 1945 CONTENTS—Continued CONTENTS—Continued Office of P rice Administration— War P roduction B oard—Con. Page federaC ^ register Continued. Glycols (M-300, Sch. 1 5)„___ 8694 '»3* Adjustments and pricing or­ Hides, skins and leather (M- ders—Continued. Page 310)_______________ 8690 New Jersey Zinc Co~_______• 8712 Priorities system operation: Orsini Cigar Factory___ ___ 8722 Preference ratings after orders O’Sullivan Rubber Co., Inc__ 8724 have been cancelled, use Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, Peeler, J. F., & Sons________ 8713 of (PR 1, Dir. 8)_______ 8687 and days following legal holidays, by the Plotkin, Hyman__ ______ 8720 Preference ratings for manu­ Division of the Federal Register, the National Raybestos-Manhattan, Inc_ 8724 facturers not obtaining Archives, pursuant to the authority contained Rosa, Pedro_________ 8720 production materials un­ in the Federal Register Act, approved July 26, Rodriguez, Juap Mendez____ 8715 der controlled materials 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., Rosado, Juan______________ 8713 plan (PR 1 IB)_________ 8688 ch. 8B), under regulations prescribed by the Administrative Committee, approved by the S & S Cigar Co_________ 8723 Stockpiling in anticipation of President. Distribution is made only by the Smeltzer, H. F_____________ 8715 civilian production (PR 1 Superintendent of Documents, Government Stevens, Frank A__________ 8721 Int. 17)_______________ 8687 Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Stewart, Blaine D___ _____ _ 8723 Suspension orders, etc.: The regulatory material appearing herein is Straus Industries___________ 8724 Allyn Appliances___________ 8730 keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, Tampure Cigar Factory-—_8714 Field, Chester L____________ 8730 which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Valdes Cigar Factory___ ____ 8714 Gulf States Plywood Co____ 8696 to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as amended June 19, 1937. Vega, B„ & Co_____________ 8719 McDonald, Mrs. J. G., Choco­ The Federal Register will be furnished by Warlong Glove Mfg. Co____ 8725 late Co_____ _____ 8687 mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Webster Eisenlohr, Inc____ _ 8713 per month or $15.00 per year, payable in ad­ White Eagle Cigar Factory_ 8720 CODIFICATION GUIDE vance. The charge for individual copies Zitos & Eva Cigar Factory__ 8717 A numerical list of the parts of thi Code (minimum 15^) varies in proportion to the Bituminous coal (MPR 120, Am. of Federal Regulations amended or added by size of the issue. Remit check or money 143)_______ 8696 documents published in this issue. Docu­ order, made payable to the Superintendent Building materials and consum­ ments carried in the Cumulative Supplement of Documents, directly to the Government er^’ goods other than ap­ by uncodified tabulation only are not in­ Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. cluded within the purview of this list-. There are no restrictions on the republica­ parel; manufacturers’ max­ tion of material appearing in the F ederal imum prices (MPR 188, Am. Title 7—Agriculture: Register. 6 3 )____ 1— _____ ____ 8699 Chapter I—War Food Adminis­ Footwear (SO 120)___________ 8696 tration (Standards, Inspec­ Glass containers: tions, Marketing Practices) : Page NOTICE Narrow mouth (MPR 188, Am. Part 47—Rules of practice 87 to Order A -l)_______ 8725 under Perishable Agricul­ The 1943 Supplement to the Code Wide mouth (MPR 382, Am. tural Commodities Act, 8 ) _______ 8699 of Federal Regulations, covering 1930 (Corr.)______ ____ 8685 Petroleum, crude, and natural Title 10—-Army: War D epart­ the period June 2, 1943, through De­ and petroleum gas (RMPR ment : cember 31, 1943, may be obtained 436, Am. 16)_____________ 8699 * Chapter V—Military Reserva­ from the Superintendent of Docu­ S ecurities and Exchange Commis­ tions and National Ceme­ ments, Government Printing Office, sio n: teries : at $3.00 per book. Hearings, etc.: Part 502—Regulations affect­ Appalachian Electric Power ing military reservations- 8683 Book 1 : Titles 1-31, including Presi­ Co—______________— 8727 Title 19-—Customs D uties: dential documents in full text. Federal Water and Gas Corp. Chapter I—Bureau of Customs: Book 2: Titles 32-50, with 1943 Gen­ and Alabama Water Part 14—Appraisement_____ 8683 Service Co * ___ 2'_„ 8726 T itle 24—Housing Credit: eral Index and 1944 Codification Lake Shore Gas Co. and As-’ Chapter VII—National Housing Guide. sociated Electric Co 8726 Agency: The complete text of the Cumula­ Mountain States Power Co___ 8729 Part 701—Private and public war housing-:___ 8685 tive Supplement (June 1, 1938— Ohio Power Qo______ ______ 8727 Portland General Electric Co_ 8728 Title 26—Internal R evenue: June 1, 1943) is still available in ten Public Service Co. of Ind.. Inc_ 8729 Chapter IH—Tax Court of units at $3.00 each. Southern Natural Gas Co___ 8729 U. S. : United Light and Power Co. Part 701—Rules of practice__ 8686 et al_________________ 8725 T itle 32—National D efense: CONTENTS—Continued S olid F uels Administration for Chapter IX—War Production W ar: Board: Coke, reclaimed, restrictions on Part 944—Regulations appli­ Office of Defense Transporta­ cable to operation of pri­ tion—Continued.
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