2020 Edition 英語版 Dec. 2019 - Jan. 2021 Supplementary English Version Hachioji City guide for Refuse/Recyclable Items Contents Hachioji City Collection Calendar

Important Notices P2

Supplementary Guide (English Version) English description P3

How to Dispose of Refuse This guide helps readers to understand the calendar. and Materials Please use this guide together with the Japanese calendar. P4 〜 P8 How to Dispose of Bulky Refuse P9 〜 P11 We’re honored to be No.1 in Japan for having the least trash per person per day Diapers and Volunteer Bags P12 "Kururi", (for cities with over 500,000 people). Mascot of Recycling (measured in 2017) Refuse Not Accepted by Help us keep it up by reducing and separating . the City P13

Contact P14 P l ea in s s e e ou join pa r e us ra ffort To make a reservation for collection of bulky refuse, te to garbage. or for other inquiries about refuse and recyclables contact the Refuse General Consultation Center.

If you cannot use Navi Dial, please call ☎042-696-5377. Please throw garbage in the designated garbage bags!! Garbage bags that are not for Hachioji will not be collected

Burnable refuse Non-burnable refuse

Kitchen refuse Used lunch box containers bags for burnable refuse Metal Plastic bags for non-burnable refuse

Cigarettes Plastic toys Glass

Stationeries Shoes / bags / belts Earthenware

For more information, please refer to page 5. For more information, please refer to page 6.

リサイクルマスコット Please purchase garbage bags for 「クルリ」 2020年版 2019年12月〜2021年1月

ご 収 集 カ レ ン ダ ー ご み 協 1 の 力 人 分 く 別 1 だ に 日あたりのごみ排出量の少なさで さい 全国1 Garbage collection dates are different for 2019 combustible trash and incombustible trash 年 P2 日 12 位 Sun 月 引き続きごみの減量・分別にご協力お願いします。(50万人以上の都市)  1 月 December 2 Mon P13 収集地区 1 収集地区1 火 Tue 可燃ごみ 3 専用 可燃ごみ 水 に輝きました。 ごみ・資源物 8 Wed こ の カレ ン ダ ー は 以 下 9 容器包装プラスチ 4 ック の 地 区 の 収 集 日 程 で す。 びん 有害ごみ ダンボール 木 (2017年度実績) (スプレー缶など) Thu 可燃ごみ 10 5 出し方 専用 可燃ごみ 雑 誌・雑 紙・紙 パック 15 金 Fri P14 容器包装プラスチ at a supermarket or convenience store. 6 16 11 可燃ごみ 泉町 ック 専用 土 Sat 古 着・古 布  可燃ごみ 7 可燃ごみ 17 缶 12 小津町 P18 専用 可燃ごみ ペットボトル 22 新聞 容器包装プラスチ 可燃ごみ 13 絹ケ丘1丁目 23 18 専用 ック 不燃ごみ 可燃ごみ 専用 びん 有害ごみ ダンボール 粗大ごみ (スプレー缶など) 不燃ごみ 14 絹ケ丘2丁目 可燃ごみ 24 19 専用 each wards. Please refer to your ward’s 可燃ごみ 雑 誌・雑 紙・紙 パック 29 絹ケ丘3丁目 出し方 容器包装プラスチ 20 30 25 可燃ごみ ック 専用 古 着・古 布 長沼町 可燃ごみ 21 P19 可燃ごみ 31 缶 26 ( 専用 1508番地、1515~1520  可燃ごみ ペットボトル ※電話番号をよくお確かめのうえ、おかけ間違いのないようにお願いします。新聞 番地を除く 容器包装プラスチ 可燃ごみ 27 P21 専用 ) ック 不燃ごみ 可燃ごみ 専用 宮上小学校 4年生作品 南大沢4丁目 粗大ごみの収集予約 年末の粗大ごみの申し込みはお早めに!不燃ごみ 28 ボランティア袋おむつ・ ・ ・ 南大沢5丁目

や、ご み ・ 資 源 物 の 分 別 の 相 談 な ど 美山町 横川町

四谷町 は、 ごみ総合相談センター (八王子泉町住宅 P22 For more information on where to place your garbage, ) 処 理市 で で き な い も の garbage collection calendar (Japanese ver.) へ

美山小学校 4年生作品

P23 how to categorize your trash, etc., please refer to page 4. 問い合わせ先 P24 2 English escription

urnable efuse Plastic Containers Epty Cans ewspapers

可燃ごみ 専用

onburnable efuse Epty PE ottles ottles sed Clothing

不燃ごみ 専用

oic refuse such againes il Carton as spray cans and ther isc. crap Cardboard

3 Please use the bags designated by the city of Hachioji for burnable and ispose on the designated day at the designated place. nonburnable refuse. ny refuse put in other bags will not be collected. Please dispose of refuse according to te separation rules. esignated bags for burnable refuse esignated bags for nonburnable refuse Please dispose of refuse before 0 a.. on the collection day. 750㎜ 750㎜ 600㎜ 600㎜ 500㎜ 500㎜

420㎜ 420㎜ ollection time may be delayed due to traffic conditions or amount of refuse. Refuse disposed after te collection time ill not be collected. 180㎜ 260㎜ 350㎜ 450㎜ 180㎜ 260㎜ 350㎜ 450㎜ our cooperation ould be appreciated. ◎ypes and price of designated bags ※per a pac of 10 bags X-Small (5L) Small (10L) Medium (20L) Large (40L) Place to dispose of refuse 420mm×180mm 500mm×260mm 600mm×350mm 750mm×450mm hose who live in an hose who live in a urnable nly (lue) 0 10 70 70 individual house housing cople onurnablenly (ello) 0 10 70 70

◎ The designated collection bags can be purchased at retail stores with an Please Please indicating sticker or an advertising flag. dispose of dispose of ◎ arge bags 40 are sold individually as well 75bag at some stores. ites inside ites at the For more details, please see official website of Hachioi city, or contact the property designated alongside collection Refuse Reduction Control ection. 八王子市袋取扱店 earch ☎042-620-7256) the road. site. esignated Collection Bag / Rules for Refuse isposal Refuse for Collection Bag / Rules esignated

It is a principle for enterprises to dispose of refuse by themselves Concerning business refuse of sall aount usiness urnable usiness onurnable e office ere te amount of emission is small (ee belo) efuse ag efuse ag usiness refuse ust not be disposed of as household can use te collection system of te city (Registration system). refuse. ingle picup amount reuency of collection Please dispose through aing a contract with a urnable 0litters or less ice a ee collecting copany. onburnable 0litters or less nce eery oic Refuse p to one nonburnable garbage bagful to ees lso burnable nonindustrial refuse can be directly cardboard, magaines, p to to bundles nce eery to ees brought into disposing facilities (refer to page ). paper, paper containers of eac type for eac type Paper Types and price of designated bags ※per a pack of 10 bags isposal cost 0 per 0g nespapers p to to bundles ice a mont

Business Refuse 10 20 or more details, please refer to te acioji ity ebsite, urnable 0 1,00 ※onburnable (industrial refuse) cannot be accepted at the or contact te ras Reduction epartment unicipal disposing facilities. (☎022072) onburnable 1,00

4 Please tae refuse to your designated collection place by 0 a.. of the collection day.

itchen refuse, dhesive andages, Dirty paper, paper with odor, Desiccants, Disposable ody armer, Dispose in the blue bag designated for burnable refuse. eashells anitary Items detergent boes,thermal paper Refrigerant

Paper containers cup noodles, yoghurt, etc. heets for Pets. Paper Cups Plates, wrap cores, etc. ood Pieces and itter Disposal Notes

Major burnable refuse Disposal Procedures ※Drain water from kitchen garbage before disposal. ※tes with waterproofing cannot be recycled as paper. ※Tie up the bag at the top. ※Please make sure that sharp obects such as bamboo skewers do not stick out of the bag. Plastic products without mark, leather products, rubber products, etc. ※eep cats and crows from messing up refuse by putting a net over it. CD, video tapes Toys tationeries eather and Rubber Product ※Items which cannot fit into the collection bag or weigh more than 5 kg are bulky refuse, and are not collected even if they are in the designated bags. Refer to pages 9 to 11

※ ared refuse with unreovable dirt are also included

Tree ranches Tree eaves, eeds, and Grass ince there is a larger aount of refuse 60cm in length Make up a bundle about Put them into a transparent or disposed in the first half of a wee please semi-transparent bag of less Disposal 30cm in diameter and 60cm Procedures dispose of green refuse on a burnable than 45liters in volume. Make in length (each branch must collection day later in the wee if possible. not excess 5cm in diameter.) sure to remove as much dirt as p to 2 bundles can be possible before disposal. p to bundles and bags can be disposed of collected at a time. 30 cm in diameter 2 bags can be collected at a time. at the same time.

※Refer to page 4 for the proper place to dispose of the refuse. ※In the event of ecessively strong wind, the refuse, containers and other recyclable items could be blown off and become very dangerous. Please dispose of on the net collection date. 5 Please tae refuse to your designated collection place by 0 a.. of the collection day.

Dispose in the yellow bag designated Non-burnable refuse ※ore than half of the length of your ubrella isposal otes has types! should be covered in a 20 litre garbage bag. for non-burnable refuse. etals including small appliances Glass tablewares Earthenware ※Wrap knives, broken bottles or cups, dishes, etc., in paper and write "KIKEN" (Dangerous Article) on the designed collection bag. Disposal ※Tie up the bag at the top. Procedures ※Items which cannot fit into the collection bag or weigh more than 5 kg are bulky Refuse, and are not collected even if they are in the designated bags. ※ispose plastic products (without ar) vinyl rubber and leather products as burnable refuse. ※pray cans cassette gas bobes carbonic acid gas cartridges lighters are haardous garbage. (Refer to pages 9 to 11.) Major Non-burnable Refuse

he ites below cannot be thrown with a standard garbage bag. Pacs Cups ottles ubes eove dirt Please put it directly into the prepared container. Containers rays ther type of bags

Disposal Check this mark Procedures for a toic item. Dirty plastic containers Plastic products without eather and rubber items and wrapping the identifying mark. brief case, belt, shoes, etc. ※ou ay put it in a transparent or sei transparent bag in case of strong wind. Place in burnable refuse Place in burnable refuse Place in burnable refuse Hypodermic needle is How to eove irt Inection needles should be put in designated containers or special return bottles and returned to medical Dangerous items such as yringe/Hypodermic needle institutions knives and scissors yringe is or pharmacies Rinse off with leftover dishwater pread down paper or piece of For confection bags, etc., where issued. or wipe clean with refuse cloth cloth, invert and drain off oil. tap them lightly to empty of its Plastic Containers (major items) or paper. contents. Place in non-burnable refuse Remove the needle and throw the remainder in burnable refuse Please put it directly into or oft rins iuors and iuid Condients the prepared container. Precautions when disposing of PT items ①Remoe te cap and label. (Remoed Check this mark caps and labels are disposed of as for a PT item. Disposal plastic containers) Procedures ②Rinse te inside. ③Please crus ligtly in oriontal ※o need to peel off labels glued on te entire surface. ※ou may put it in a transparent or semitransparent direction en crusing. Empty PE Bottles bag in case of strong ind. ※Refer to page 4 for the proper place to dispose of the refuse. ※In the event of ecessively strong wind, the refuse, containers and other recyclable items could be blown off and become very dangerous. Please dispose of on the net collection date. 6 ※Collection will still take place on rainy days. Please place recyclable Please take refuse to your designated collection place paper garbage in the same spot as normal, without putting it in a plastic bag. by 30 a.m. of the collection day.

Tie with a rope if you ask collection from news agents, attach the leaflet of the dealer ※You may put nespaper Disposal leaflets out along Procedures it nespapers. ※ort flyers in nespapers as magaines. Newspaper, lyers Newspaper,

ec tis cross section. Cut or bend in sall pieces of app.0c suares and fasten with ropes.

Disposal Procedures Cardboard

※Remoe any adesie tapes.

Precautions when disposing of misc. . oos againes Cooie oes issue o and oilet Paper olls etc. Tie the string crossways, put inside a paper bag and tie crossways. ①Place small pieces of paper into a paper bag or in between pages of magazines. ②Remove the plastic portion at the opening of the Disposal tissue box, and dispose of this with . Procedures ③Remove the plastic film of envelopes with Magaines, windows, and dispose of this with burnable waste. ④When disposing of shredded papers, DO NOT use plastic bags. But place them in envelopes or paper bags and bundle them together with other ※Paper stained it food, etc. must be disposed of as a burnable aste. magazines so that they do not scatter. Misc. Paper ScrapsMisc. Paper

Cartons for il Juice etc. (ncluding those with silver or brown inners etc.) Cut and open Tie the string crossways Precautions when disposing of milk cartons. ①Rinse ligtly. Disposal ②ut open and dry. Procedures ③f tere is a plastic spout, remoe and dispose of it it plastics.

Separate CardboardSeparate Magaines, , Paper cartons Boos Paper ④o not use bags or adesie tapes

Mil Cartons en disposing of tese items.

※Refer to page 4 for the proper place to dispose of the refuse. ※In the event of ecessively strong wind, the refuse, containers and other recyclable items could be blown off and become very dangerous. Please dispose of on the net collection date. 7 Please tae refuse to your designated collection place by 0 a.. of the collection day. Items cannot be reused if they are wet from the rain. Clothes owels lanets etc. Place items in a transparent or semi-transparent bag and Precautions when disposing of used clothing tie the opening shut securely before disposal. ①Wash items that are stained from perspiration, etc. Disposal Procedures ②Torn items are also accepted. ③Do not remove the buttons or zippers from the and Cloth clothing. ④Although collection is conducted on rainy days, dispose of these items on a sub sequential Used Clothing collection day if possible. ※Dispose of etremely soiled items, raincoats, and quilted items as burnable refuse.

Please put it directly into the or rins or ood prepared container. Precautions when disposing of bottles ①Rinse te inside. rus ligtly. Disposal ② Procedures ③luminum and cans do not need to be separated. Empty Cans ④Remoe te cap (dispose plastic caps as plastic, and metal caps as can). ※Dispose of tin foils for pet food, etc., as non-burnable refuse. Separate Empty bottles oxic refuse Empty bottles oxic Separate Please put it directly into the prepared container. or rins or ood or Cosetics Precautions when disposing of bottles ①Remove the caps. (Dispose of plastic caps as plastics and metal caps as non-burnable refuse.) Disposal ②Rinse the inside. Procedures ③Dispose of milky-white bottles and bottles that are difficult to clean (such as nail polish bottles) as non-burnable refuse. roken bottles and glass products can cause ④Dispose of broken bottles as non-burnable refuse. hite bottles with a transparent DNGR inury. Do not put in these bins. ee page 6, Empty Glass Bottles opening are acceptable. Non-burnable Refuse for the disposal method

Please throw away in transparent asily miscategorized items Items not collected by the City atteries utton Cell atteries, Fluorescent amps, mercury thermometers pray cans, Gas Cartridges, Disposable ighters or semi-transparent bags. Rechargeable batteries small rechargeable batteries Disposal Procedures Place in the recycling Incandescent light bulbs D lighting boes found at recycling ※For spray cans, use up all remaining contents, and do not partner businesses

oxic Refuse oxic Items that contain mercury. open a hole in the can before setting out. ※Tape the positive and negative electrodes of button cell batteries to If you are having trouble using up a certain item, please contact the ※For details, contact JRC insulate before disposal. Garbage Collection Consultation Center or the Garbage Collection ffice. ※o not brea Place in non-burnable refuse httpwww.brc.com ※Refer to page 4 for the proper place to dispose of the refuse. ※In the event of ecessively strong wind, the refuse, containers and other recyclable items could be blown off and become very dangerous. Please dispose of on the net collection date. 8 There are two ways to dispose of bulky refuse. 1.Request collection by appointment, and 2. Take to a refuse facility yourself. (Please dont use the designated collection bag in neither case.)

1. Reuest Collection (by appointment only)

pply by Phone pplication by internet ffice Hours 30a.m.~515p.m. ondayFriday including national holidays, ecept year-end and new year period pplications can be submit 24 hours a day ecluding maintenance time. ※It may be hard to connect through telephone on ondays, Tuesdays, Thursday, days following national holidays, and right after starting receiving applications as there may be lots of applicants. earch on the Hachioji City Hoepage irst call the efuse General Consultation Center UR http//www.city.hachioji.toyo.jp/ Give them your name, address, phone number, type of refuse, dimensions, and quantity. Buly Refuse Search through eywords 粗大ごみ インターネット earch ※If you cannot use Navi Dial, Please choose the item to be disposed from the Number of points for bulky refuse chart. please call 042-696-5377 For items not listed on the chart, please apply by telephone. ・For those with0 hearing5 disabilities70 F- 042-692-0900550-530 ・For those receiving public assistance, please consult your case worker beforehand, and then inform us when you call to make an appointment. Temporary Receipt Number will arrive by mail. Refuse General Consultation Center will give you the following information. our application is not finished at this time. ・eference nuber ・otal points (00point) ・Collection date (onday ~ riday including national holidays ecept yearend and new year period) fter performing registration, you will receive a registration completion notice by email. ※They will tell you the closest collection date in the order of application. ou can also make appointment for If it doesnt arrive within 3 days of your Temporary Receipt Number being sent, please contact us your more convenient day if it is later than the date the Center gives you. by phone.

Purchase the bulky refuse processing tickets stickers at the designated stores. Please purchase the sae nuber of ticets (sticers) as reuested at the efuse General The tickets are sold at the retail There are two kinds of bulky refuse processing tickets Consultation Center stores with an indication above. (stickers) of 500yen (five points) and 100yen (one point).

Dispose of bulky refuse on the collection day. or those who live in a house Put the sticer on the buly refuse as instructed leave ites within your property alongside the road. n case of a by the efuse General Consultation Center and housing cople put it at the put it out by 0a.. on the day of collection. designated collection site.

※avi dial ay not be available on soe P phones in situations such as for eaple when nubers start 00. iewise it ay not be applicable to obile phones with discount services such as flatrates or free calls. 9 For items that are not listed on this form, Number of points for buly refuse chart please contact the Garbage Collection Consultation Center 0570-550-530.

urniture isaser, dryer 2 thers tem umber of points Microae tem umber of points ardrobe case, garment case (2 points eac) 2 lectric pot 2 ccordion curtain, blind sade 2 air, legless cair 2 Children’s goods creen door, oji screen, fusuma door 2

Buly Refuse igteigt storage self 2 tem umber of points umidifier, deumidifier 2 Mirror stand, dressing table (it cair), ulllengt mirror 2 nicycle 2 Portable toilet 2 o table ricycle 2 tepstool 2 ofa (1 person) ild seat 2 eelcair (electronic, ecluding battery) 10 ofa (for 2 persons or more) 10 troller, play pen 2 eelcair (ecluding electronic eelcairs) Cupboards:longest side dimension belo 100cm (including racs) aby bed arbage canbo 2 Cupboards:longest side dimension 100cm and aboe (including racs) 10 udiovisual Euipent icycle es, riting des, cildrens des (itout cair) 10 tem umber of points anmoer (ecluding engine poered moers) 2 urniture and carpets ntenna ntenna 2 igting euipment 2 tem umber of points ingle udio euipment 2 opping cart 2 arpets (maller tan tatami mats (appro. 11㎡)) 2 omeuse copying macine Reed screen, bamboo blind 2 arpets ( tatami mats (appro.11㎡) and aboe) Personal computer rac ucboard 2 uton (1 futon 2 points, not including floor cusions) 2 Printer 2 acuum cleaner 2 ed ollapsiblepipe type (all parts) 10 llinone mini stereo set 2 atami mat ed lectric 20 Hobby Goods Pipe anger, futon anger, collapsible laundry anger 2 un bed (all parts) 20 tem umber of points tepladder (etendable) ed mattress (ingle, semidouble) og ouse (for smallsied dogs) 2 tepladder (ecluding etendable ladders) 2 ed mattress (More tan double) 10 lectone (lectric organ, itout cair) 20 eing macine (destop) 2 ed mattress (it no springs) 2 rgan (itout cair) 10 eing macine (ecluding destop macines) 10 ed frame (ingle, semidouble, double) 10 ome training euipment (ycling macine) 10 ed (loor space under 1 tatami (appro. 1.㎡), dissembled) 10 ouseold appliances (air conditioning instruments) ome training euipment (readmill) 20 eds (loor space oer 1 tatami (appro. 1.㎡) and belo 2 tatami (appro. .2㎡), dissembled) 20 tem umber of points ome training euipment (Roing macine) aundry anger pole 2 il eater 10 Musical eyboard 2 ■Items which fit within the designated collection bags, abletype otatsu 10 uitar 2 and are under 5 kg, can be placed out for collection in a Kotatsu (frame only) 2 ooler bo 2 designated collection bag on the normal burnable Kotatsu tabletop 2 olf clubs (2 points for eery pcs.) 2 non-burnable trash days. eater, panel eater, fan eater 2 olf bag 2 ■bove are the number of points needed per bulky refuse ir fan 2 is tan 2 item. If you wish to dispose more than one of the same Household appliances (itchen instruents) uitcase 2 type of item, multiply the number of points with the tem umber of points i (including stocs), noboard 2 number of items. as stoe 2 Massage macine (cair type) 20 ■uantity limits apply to some items. Rice container, microae rac

10 Note for putting the sticer on a buly item Precautions

【Front】【ack】 ・There is no need for witness Fill in either your Put it out on the specified location until 8:30 am. name, or the ・Items that are not listed in the application will not be collected. reference number. Attach the ticket to the bulky refuse with the price stated by the Refuse General × ××××× Consultation Center. When you apply, ×

Buly Refuse please fill in the ・ulky refuse derived from business activity will not be collected by the city. collection date as Only bulky refuse derived from households will be collected. guided. ・Recyclable appliances and computers cannot be collected As for oversized refuse items which can still be used, our city Recyclable Home Appliances like "televisions, refrigerators, washing machines, clothes reprocesses and recycles them. If you do not want your item Keep this until your dryers, air conditioners, etc." and recyclable Personal Computers like "desktop body, to be recycled, please place a in the □. refuse is collected. display, laptops, etc.", cannot be collected as bulky refuse.(refer to page 13)

. In case when bringing into a disposing <Fee> 350yen per 10kg 0 to 10 kg costs 350. For every additional 10 kg thereafter, there will be an etra 350 charge. Do not use designated bags. Place refuse in transparent or semi-transparent bags. facility by yourself. (Reservation reuired) hen bringing in items, you will need documents for identification such as a drivers license to confirm you are a resident of Hachioi.

Tobuki-machi Takiyama Tokyo Junshin School (obui efuse ncineration Plant) obuiach Kaido Road obui Clean Center Tobuki-machi minami Sanyu-machi Shin-Takiyama s of eptember 201, direct drop offs of oversized refuse at the Tobuki Clean Center now require a reservation. Tobuki Yuttari-kan Kaido Road Reservations must be made in advance for drop-offs.

Takao Kaido Tobuki Refuse Tobuki Clean Center Collection Center Tobuki Refuse Incineration Plat Reservations received onday~Friday including national holidays, ecluding endnew year period

Golf Club 16 Road 900 1600 ☎042-696-551 Narahara machi Akikawa Kaido Those with hearing impairments may apply by F 042-691-67

Hongo Yokocho Koshu Kaido Road Direct disposal onday~Friday including national holidays, ecluding endnew year period and Towards Takao Road every month on the fourth unday Hachioji Station 30 1600

Sekiba aa efuse ncineration Plant 2 araida aa shi Oguri River Bridge North Residents of Tama new town district please refer to page 14 may take your Refuse to the Tama Refuse Oguri River Yaen Kaido Road Bridge South Tama New Town Street Matsugaya Tunnel Shimada Ryoiku (Rehabilitation) Center Incineration Plant besides the places listed on the left. Keio Line ffice Hours onday~Friday, ecept national holidays, year end and new year period,

Horinouchi Station Tama Center Station and the 4th unday of each month. Karakida Station Odakyu Line Minami Osawa Station Home center 30 1130 and 1300 1630 Tama-shi Sogo Fukushi Center Tama (Tama City Welfare Center) Minamino One Trunk Route ※Please contact the inami sawa Refuse Collection Center beforehand ☎042-674-0551. Towards Machida hen bringing into the facility on the 4th unday, please make arrangement by the Friday two days before. Otshuma Women's University Tama Refuse Incineration Plant Those with hearing impairments may apply by F 042-677-5971

11 Designated ag for Diapers Designated bag for diapers are available to ・Collection sites and days are the same as those who live in the city including temporary those for burnable refuse. ・o not put other household residents, such as women who return to ・Dispose of filth in the toilet beforehand. refuse into diaper bags. parents home in Hachioi to deliver babies, ・In case of bad odor, put diapers in a Disposal ・o not put sheets for pets and have either babies, elderly persons above transparent or semi-transparent bag Procedures into diaper bags. 65years old, or the individuals between 40 to before putting into the designated bag. 65years old needing Class 1 or higher certified care by the Nursing Insurance ystem. p to 30 Two sizes 20 and 10 are available.

Designated ag for Diapers bags at a time can be distributed per person.

Refuse collected by individuals, or organizations ・eparate burnable, non-burnable, and ・efuse (including branches and olunteer ag such as town councils from cleaning public sites recycling items, and put a circle around weeds) fro households (detached the relevant indication on each bag. streets, parks, etc. can be put into volunteer house housing cople) offices ・Dispose of the burnable, non-burnable, and and public facilities (schools bags. Distribution at one time is up to 20 bags per Disposal recycling items at the designated collection counity centers etc.) is not person and up to 500 for an organization. The Procedures site on the collection day. applicable to this category. bags can be delivered when ordering 500 bags ・In case of a large amount of refuse due to ・olunteer bags cannot be used for organized clean-up activities, please

olunteer ag one cardboard bo. Please contact the Refuse contact the collection center and request refuse fro events festivals etc. Reduction Control ection. ☎042-620-7256 collection in advance. Refer to page 14 Two sizes 45 and 20 are available.

istribution ite esignated ags for iapers olunteer bags City Hall 2F Refuse Reduction Control ection, all Refuse Collection Centers, all Citizen Division ffices himin-bu, all Community Centers, ttaka Hall, Repairing Centers, all Health and elfare Centers, Regional Children and Family upport Center inamino, Icho Hall, ○ ○ Higashi sakawa Traffic Park, iyokawa Traffic Park, olunteer Centers including inami-sawa ranch, Gymnasium in Fuimori City Hall 4F Child Raising upport ection, City Hall 1F enior Citizen upport ection・elfare for Handicapped ection, City Hall floor ife elfare First Division, Public Health ffice, all Childrens Halls, all municipal nursery schools, ocal municipal childcare facilities some eceptions ,People × with Disabilities elfare Center, ll lderly Relieved Consultation Centers, yako Fureai Hiroba urichan Hiroba Create Hall 1F, yako Fureai Hiroba ○ inami sawa, Regional Children and Family upport Centers oto-Hachioi, inami-sawa, Tate, and Ishikawa, all Tsudoi no Hiroba City Hall 5F Park ection, Consumer ffairs Center Create Hall 1F × ○

ist of istribution ite ※or designated bags for diapers, please consult te plastic containers collection staff. 八王子市 おむつ袋 earch

. ou must bring the animal carcasses into the disposing facility yourself. 2. In case you wish for collection by appointment <Fee> 1,000 per body <Fee> 2,500 per body <Place to bring in> Tobuki Clean Center Tobuki Refuse Incineration Plant <pplication ethod> Call the Refuse Collection Center in your area. see P14 ※Those who live in Tama New Town area should call 1916 Tobuki-machi ☎042-692-539 Tate Refuse Collection Center ☎042-665-2531 <ffice Hours> onday Friday, and the 4th unday of each month. 30 1600 <Telephone Reception Hours> onday~Friday including national holidays,

nial Carcasses ecluding national holidays, year end and new year period ecept year end and new year period 30 1715

12 Items which the city facility neither collect nor accept. efuse General Consultation Center ( 0000) for inuiries. ・Please select one of the following disposal ethods. ir Conditioners Television ets CRT type, Refrigerators, Freezers, ashing achines Clothes ryer ①To be collected by the store where the item was purchased, Plasma type, iquid crystal type Coolerarmer o or where you buy new items. ②Taking it to the place where specified 八王子市 家電リサイクル earch on the Hachioi City HP. ③ake arrangements with a collection company designated by the city. Designated companies anwa ogyo ☎042-691-105, udo hoten ☎042-636-754, Daiichi higen ☎042-644-2103, ankyo ystem ervice ☎042-625-016, Nanei angyo ☎042-636-1113 ・ recycling fee is required for disposal. The fee is listed on the web. ee Recycling Ticket Center for lectric Household ppliances. httpwww.rkc.aeha.or.p

ppliance Recycling aw ppliance Recycling ・ delivery fee for collection might be charged. Please check with

Items designated by Home Items designated your local supplier or the collection center.

How to apply for collection estop PC and estop PC oteboo PC C type onitor ①to each computer manufacturer パソコン3R earch C type onitor Refer to the website of PC 3R Promotion Center . ※ computer without a PC recycle mark needs a recycling fee. Please check the charge at each manufacturers office. ②to Renet Japan Co.,td. リネットジャパン earch In Renet Japan, regardless of PC recycling mark, collection is free of charge for every application of 1 bo, as long as the main body of the computer is present. Check Renet Japan website for more information. ※Packing size and weight has specification. ※If you wish to apply by F, application form is available at City ffice 2F Refuse Reduction Control ection and at every Citizen Personal ComputersPersonal Division ffice.

Car atteries ehicle parts Paint ire Etinguishers

ther hese ites reuires special disposing procedure and cannot be dealt at the city refuse disposing facilities. s the anufacturer or other specialists. or ore inforation contact efuse General Consultation Center ( 0000)

13 n case of natural disasters there ay be ties when garbage collection is not available. uring those ties please refer to your city’s hoepage for ore inforation. Garbage Collection ffice in charge of your ward here are any occurrences of people dialling the wrong phone nuber. hen calling pleas chec that you dialled the correct phone nuber.

※If you can’t use Navi-dial, please call versized Pickup reservations should be made through the General Trash Consultation Center regardless of the area 0570-550-530 ☎042-696-5377 instead. Refus Drop off reservations should be made through the Tobuki Clean Center ※Those living in the Tama New Town area can bring items to the ☎042-696-5851 Tama Waste Incineration Plant (see page 11 for details). obui efuse Collection Center n charge of areas north of saawa iver (inai saawa) ☎ 022 (02) atsuicho ~choe shiawaachi uicho nueachi tsuiachi etsuboachi yaachi wadaachi ~choe saiachi tsuachiasuiachi ~2choe anouyaachi aiichibuataachi ai ngataachi aiawaachi awaachi awaguchiachi iyoawacho uboyaacho ~2choe oiyaachi anyuachi hio ngataachi hiroyaate ~2choe uwaachi airaachi airaujiachi aauraachi aatsuiachi aiyaaachi ~2choeangiachi ~choe odoriachi obuiachi aanoaicho ~choe aanosanno ~choe aanoachi agabusaachi araharaachi ishiteraataachi ibuataachi ujiicho aruyaacho itsuidai ~2choe iyashitaachi iyaacho otoHachiojiachi ~choe anoachiooawaachi otsuyaachi

ate efuse Collection Center n charge of areas south of saawa iver ☎ 022 (02222) sahicho uacho enoachi chioshiachi tsunuiachi rataaoachi iwaecho funeachi yoocho adoachi atauraachi ai ugi itanodai ~choe itanoachi inugaoa ~choe unugidaachi obiiachi oyasuachi ~choe andaachi ~choe hio ugi hincho ennincho ~choe aiachi ~choe aaoachi ateachi aachi eradaachi eraachi enjincho aacho aga nuaachi aayaa anauni ~choe aiicho anyodai ~choe ishiasaawaachi ishiataura ~choe Haaaachi Hachiancho Hatsuawaachi Higashiasaawaachi Hyoue ~2choe Hiyoshicho Hiraoacho Horinouchi Honcho Hongocho isaicho idoricho inaiasaa waachi inaishincho inaino ~choe inaicho yojincho ~choe ejirodai ~choe otohongocho ~choe otoyooyaacho ~choe agicho aataachi ariiu oaachi ooyaacho oroucho (cluding ama e on rea)

inaiosawa efuse Collection Center n charge of aa ew own area ☎ 020 (02) tsua ashia ai ugi 2 ~choe oshino hio ugi 2 ~choeHigashinaano essho ~2choe Horinouchi 2 ~choe atsugaya atsugi inaiosawa ~choe ariiu 2choe and a part of ai ugi hio ugi Horinouchi and ariiu

Published by he reoval of trash or recyclable garbage is prohibited llegal uping is a Crie esource ecycling ivision aing away trash or recyclable garbage that has been placed out for collection by individual hoes iolators ay be punished according to the efuse anageent efuse eduction Control ection or at a collection site is forbidden by the ordinance. hose who go against this ordinance ay be and Public Cleaning ct. reported to the police and issued a fine of up to 200000. f you see soeone taing away trash or ndividual iolator prisonent of years or less or a fine of 0 recyclable garbage please do not approach the directly. ae note of the tie place type of trash illion yen or less (or a cobination of both) including an or recyclable garbage taen away and vehicle nuber or details about the person who too away the attepted violator. ites and let us now by contacting the rash eduction epartent (☎02202) Corporative violator fine of 00 illion yen or less. Please consult the above-mentioned cleaning office regarding measures for illegal dumping in public places and collection of combustible, non-burnable and recyclable materials. 14