Social Enterprises: Examining Accountability for Social and Financial Performance
SOCIAL ENTERPRISES: EXAMINING ACCOUNTABILITY FOR SOCIAL AND FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE Gloria Astrid Guraieb Izaguirre B.A. Financial Management Principal supervisor: Associate Professor Belinda Luke Associate supervisor: Dr Craig Furneaux Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Business (Research) School of Accountancy QUT Business School Queensland University of Technology December 2015 Keywords Accountability, social enterprise, financial, social, performance, non-profit, third sector, Australia Social enterprises: Examining accountability for social and financial performance i Abstract This study explores the accountability of social enterprises with respect to their dual objectives of social and financial performance. During the last two decades, social enterprises have been subject to increasing public attention and research. This interest derives from the potential role of social enterprises to pursue a social mission through a self-funding commercial business model, rather than relying on philanthropy to survive. However, there is little research exploring how social enterprises exercise their accountability for both social and financial performance. Given that social enterprises seek to balance dual objectives, maintaining financial sustainability for long-term survival while also fulfilling their social mission, it is important to examine how these organisations balance accountability for these potentially conflicting goals. There is limited literature on social enterprise accountability, however, as third sector organisations, literature on accountability of non-profit organisations is a useful point of reference. In the context of non-profit organisations, concerns of mission drift and prioritising accountability to donors (as a main funding source) have been raised, where financial objectives may inadvertently override social objectives. Given the social and financial objectives of social enterprises, these issues are also relevant to their accountability.
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