The character of growth before ‘modern economic growth’ The GDP of Holland between 1347 and 1807 Jan Luiten van Zanden, Utrecht University Bas van Leeuwen, Warwick University, Utrecht University March 2011 Abstract On the basis of a newly constructed dataset of the national accounts of the province of Holland in the period between 1347 and 1800, we analyze the pattern of growth in this region, which was one of the most prosperous and dynamic parts of the pre modern European economy. We demonstrate that this economy was characterized by almost continuous but highly unstable economic growth caused mainly by exogenous shocks related to international trade and shipping, and harvest fluctuations. The causes of this growth vary over time. Yet, the start of the Golden Age was characterized by the increase of total factor productivity. TFP-growth was an important factor behind growth in the period until the 1620s, was negative during the middle decades of the 17th century, and became positive again after the 1660s. This suggests a surge of technological change during the 1540-1620 period, followed by much more incremental changes in the next two centuries. Keywords: GDP, national accounts, Holland, economic growth, historical development JEL Codes: E01, E24, N13, N53, N63, N73 Corresponding author: Jan Luiten van Zanden,
[email protected] Acknowledgements: This paper forms part of the project “Reconstructing the National Income of Britain and Holland, c.1270/1500 to 1850”, funded by the Leverhulme Trust, Reference Number F/00215AR, and of the Spinoza-premium-project, funded by NWO. We thank Christiaan van Bochove, Oscar Gelderblom, Peter Koudijs, Matthias van Rossum, Christiaan van der Spek, Milja van Tielhof and dr.