Vanessa CASADO PÉREZ 559 Nathan Abbott Way Palo Alto (CA) - 94305 (650) 723 21 73 - (312) 662 85 25
[email protected] ACADEMIC POSITIONS Stanford Law School, Stanford Lecturer in Law and Teaching Fellow in Environmental Law and Policy, 2013-present Teach Environmental Law and Policy Colloquium (required class in three quarters). Responsible for all aspects of LLM Program in Environmental Law and Policy, including student advising, admissions, and curriculum. Bill Lane Center for the American West, Stanford University, Stanford Researcher, Water in the West Program, 2013-present Research communal property systems in Mexico, with a focus on efficiency and prior appropriation. Organizer, Uncommon Dialogue Seminar on US-Mexico Transboundary Waters (May 2014). Co-direct research groups analyzing water planning, commons management, and water banks. TEACHING INTERESTS Primary Natural Resources Law and Policy, Water Law and Policy, Environmental Law and Policy, Property Law. Secondary Energy Law, Administrative Law, Torts, Economic Analysis of Law, Public Choice. EDUCATION New York University, New York J.S.D., 2014 Dissertation: Government and Markets: The Case of Water; Committee: Prof. Katrina M. Wyman (advisor), Lewis A. Kornhauser, and Frank Upham. 2012-2013 Rafael del Pino Foundation Fellowship. Research assistant for Prof. Lewis Kornhauser (2012-2013) on responsibility of International Organizations and Economic Analysis of Law. Research assistant for Prof. Ariel Porat, Hauser Global Program (2010) on Tort Law and Economic Analysis of Law. The University of Chicago Law School, Chicago LL.M., 2009 La Caixa Foundation Fellowship. Research assistant for Prof. Thomas Ginsburg, Comparative Constitutions Project (2009-10) on Latin American Constitutions. Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona Advanced Legal Studies Certificate (Diploma en Estudios Avanzados), 2010 LLM in Public Law, 2008 Real Colegio Complutense Scholarship to attend the IV Harvard Course in Law and Economics, Harvard Law School (2007).