SF Tube Talk 24 Frames
Fall 2000 ConNotations Volume 10, Issue 3 The Quarterly Science Fiction, Fantasy & Convention Newszine of the Central Arizona Speculative Fiction Society grams that have revolted against their creators. In This Issue SF Tube Talk Other episodes will see the crew 24 Frames encounter a generational Klingon ship Movie News & Reviews by Lee Whiteside that has been travelling from the Alpha News & Reviews Quadrant to the Delta Quadrant for Star Wars Episode II Casting SF Tube Talk SF Tube Talk - 10.3 many years. Rumors about other epi- by Lee Whiteside .................................1 sodes include Tom Paris getting the Star Wars Episode II began filming in 24 Frames.........................................1 On the Star Trek front, there’s not Delta Flyer II into some sort of competi- Australia in late July and with that has FYI................................................2 much new news on the future of the tion ala the Pod Race in Star Wars come a lot of casting announcements CASFS Business Report.............2 franchise. In speaking to the press during Episode One, Seven of Nine dealing with from the official Star Wars web site. As the summer TV Critics press tour, her and the Borg children's human reported last issue, Hayden Christopher AZ Pro News Brannon Braga said that he and Rick imperfections, Tuvok investigating will be taking on the role of the teenaged by Daryl Mallett...............................3 Berman were still in the “early conceptual crimes against Maquis crewmembers, Anakin Skywalker in the new Star Wars Musical Notes stages” of developing a concept for the and The Doctor dealing with the Delta movie.
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