Frequently Asked Questions Diamond Transformation

What is self- ? Self- hypnosis combines deep relaxation, trance and in order to permanently transform your conscious and subconscious thoughts, feelings and behaviours. In self- hypnosis the hypnotist is your 'Higher Self', the part within you, that makes life choices from a perspective of deep knowledge, love and empowerment. Any suggestions provided in the training are only given to empower you to learn to do the whole process by yourself.

How does our self- hypnosis training work? When listening to our self-hypnosis recording you will be gently guided into a state of deep relaxation. This is achieved, with your co-operation and permission, by a technique called progressive relaxation, which involves following simple verbal instructions and responding positively to the suggestions you hear. Once you are deeply relaxed into the Esdaile state you will be able to work with self- chosen suggestions (affirmations) or creative visualisation, which will profoundly and permanently alter your thoughts, feelings and behaviours around the chosen topic. Alternatively, you can ask your ‘Higher Self’, the powerful, loving and wise part of yourself, to assists you improving your health and wellbeing, and to develop and achieve your chosen goals. As a result of conditioning, you will be able to access this highly creative and healing inner state of deep relaxation and trance without a recording, just by using two distinct words to trigger this state, whenever you wish. You will be then able to utilise this technique of profound transformation whenever and wherever you wish, completely without assistance. In addition, you will benefit from the health promoting and health protecting effects of deep relaxation.

What makes our self- hypnosis training different? The strong focus on autonomy that allows you those this technique of self- exploration and powerful transformation of self and life just by yourself, without external influences and in the complete privacy of your own mind. The suggestions that are used in this recording train you to achieve very deep relaxation and to access your ‘Higher Self’, which means, that you become your own wise, loving and powerful guide, coach and therapist in this process.

How safe is self-hypnosis? Should I be worried? Self- hypnosis is being practiced by millions of people worldwide and is known to be entirely safe. If you are traumatised, or of you suffer with certain mental health problems, such as mania, depression, psychosis or post-traumatic stress disorder, we advise, not practice self- hypnosis without the guidance of a qualified mental health professional.

What results can you expect from practicing self- hypnosis? You will learn to profoundly relax, which is already very beneficial for your health. You learn to access your ‘Higher Self’ as a source of wisdom, love and power and bring these qualities into your daily life, whenever you require them. You align your conscious, subconscious and superconscious mind to bring about self- designed permanent change in your thoughts, emotions and feelings and in your behaviour. Your health and wellbeing may improve as result of reducing stress, anxiety, low mood and anger and replacing them, where appropriate, with positive feelings and realistic optimism. Relaxation help you to recover from strain and increase your energy and vitality.

© Dr Peter Gruenewald 2019 Frequently Asked Questions Diamond Transformation

Are there health benefits from deep relaxation? On a physiological level deep relaxation leads to a reduction of sympathetic nervous system activity (tension, fight and flight response) and an increase of parasympathetic (rest, digest and recovery). This may show the following benefits: Slowing of heart rate, normalising blood pressure, slowing of breathing rate, improving of digestion, maintaining normal blood sugar levels, reducing activity of stress hormones, increasing blood flow to major muscles, reducing muscle tension and chronic pain, improving concentration and mood, improving sleep quality, improved recovery, lowering fatigue, reducing tension, anxiety, anger and frustration, and boosting confidence to handle problems.

When will I notice results of self- hypnosis? You may notice some improvement in your physical and emotional wellbeing from day 1. The pace with which you will see improvement in daily life will vary but will depend less on the how fast you achieve deep relaxation and trance, but more on how willing you are to embrace change in your life, and how regular you practice. Over 4 weeks of practice with the recording most people will achieve a very deep relaxation and trance; some improvements in wellbeing; a decent level of suggestibility for suggestions (affirmations) to take effect; improved inner guidance and ability to change behaviour, emotional response and thoughts at will and the capacity to access deep sates of relaxation on demand within a few seconds. This will alow you to access deep relaxation and trance immediately anywhere and anytime, for a period of 15 minutes at a time; just by yourself and without the need for the recording.

What about the Parabola? Inspired stories have a profound effect on our conscious, subconscious and superconscious mind. They are educational, but there imagery also side-passes our critical faculties and helps to profoundly impact on our believes about ourselves, and our cognitive, emotional and behavioural responses. That’s why fairy-tales and social stories play such an important role in our education as children. Even as adults the imagery of good stories impact profoundly on us. That’s why theatre performances, such as the dramas in the Golden Age of the Greek classic and Shakespeare dramas have had such a profound impact on people’s life, if the viewer whished so. This process initiates, was called the catharsis (purification) of the soul, a process that combines reliving of similar past experiences, deeper self- knowledge and inner change. The Parabola is an inspired Rosicrucian alchemistic tale from the seventeenth century, and it originates from a similar source of inspiration as Shakespeare’s dramas and the Grimm fairy-tales. The dramatic illustration of the Royal Wedding is a tale of the balance union of opposites, such as the male and female nature within us, young and old, intellect and action. In the process of embracing and balancing the opposites we learn to marry our ‘Higher Self’ with our human soul. Emotions, such as anxiety, fear, anger, and sadness are lifted up into our consciousness and transformed into higher feelings, such as enthusiasm, love, and compassion. ‘Inner death’ is transformed into resurrection, coldness in warmed, heat is cooled, darkness is enlightened. As a result of this slow process, we increasingly manifest wisdom, love and empowerment of our ‘Higher Self’ into our daily life experience.

What can I gain from regularly listening to the Parabola? In many ways the effect of listening to the Parabola in a state of deep relaxation facilitated by the music and brainwave entrainment technology is quite similar than the Esdaile self-hypnosis, but achieved by very different means. Listening to the Parabola 1x daily may help to improve your physical, emotional and social health and help you to gain more clarity of your life’s goals and your ability to manifest those in your personal and professional life.

© Dr Peter Gruenewald 2019 Frequently Asked Questions Diamond Transformation

Is it better to use a hypnotherapist than practicing self- hypnosis? There are clear advantages and disadvantages. When dealing with complex problems or with mental health problems, the input from a therapist may very well be required. Where this is not the case, the advantage is, that you learn to apply a powerful tool of transformation by yourself, without having to share your concerns with another person nor giving another person too much influence over yourself. Diamond Transformation is a training that teaches you how to practice effective self- hypnosis without the help of a therapist orang further hypnosis recordings. You will learn to simply induce safely a deep state of relaxation, trance and suggestibility, which be entirely under your control. In this state you can effectively use self- chosen suggestions, creative visualisations or mental rehearsing. Alternatively, if you focus on your problem immediately before you go into trance then the deep Esdaile state off self- hypnosis will allow your Higher Self, the part within you, that makes life choices from a perspective of deep knowledge, love and empowerment, to work out the problem without external input. As a result, you will develop new insight, feelings and intentions and bring behaviour change about without much effort.

Does self- hypnosis work for everyone? Everyone who has the capacity to be openminded, can focus, and use imagination can learn to practice self- hypnosis. Self- hypnosis is a natural state of mind, which everybody experiences, when daydreaming, during dreaming, when persuade ourselves in a self- conversation, or when falling asleep or waking up. During these transition states, conscious, subconscious and superconscious mind work closely together. Through self- hypnosis these creative states are deepened, intensified and made available for the guidance of your 'Higher Self', the part within you, that makes life choices from a perspective of deep knowledge, love and empowerment.

Is self-hypnosis suitable for everyone? Should you suffer with serious mental health problems then you should not attempt to learn or practice self- hypnosis without the guidance of a qualified mental health professional or therapist.

Who should not practice self- hypnosis? Please do not practice self- hypnosis while under the influence of mind-altering drugs. Please do not practice self- hypnosis without advice and guidance of a qualified therapist or mental health practitioner, if you suffer with a mental health problem. Please do not listen to the recording, whist driving or operating machines.

Is it safe to use self- hypnosis training during pregnancy? It is safe to practice self- hypnosis during pregnancy. In fact, in hypnobirthing, the pregnant woman is taught by the hypnotherapist, how to actively go into and out of the Esdaile state at will during delivery, which can lead to a significantly reduced awareness of fear, anxiety and pain during childbirth.

Is the self- hypnosis training suitable for children? Training children in self- hypnosis can we very helpful for children. The recordings on this website are designed for adults and should not be used by children under the age of 14 years.

What if I struggle to relax? Deep relaxation is a skill that can be learned and is acquired through practice. This recording will train you deeply relax, completely by yourself and after a while without any aid. The adapted Elman induction or the Esdaile sate is particularly effective to teach you deep relaxation in a relative short

© Dr Peter Gruenewald 2019 Frequently Asked Questions Diamond Transformation period of time. Most people will acquire this skill with the help of this recording within four weeks of once or twice daily practice.

How long is the self- hypnosis training session? The self- hypnosis training session takes 40 minutes.

When will I be able to practice self- hypnosis by myself? We suggest starting to replace the recording with 15 minutes self- induced practice self- hypnosis (with trigger words after 15 minutes) once or twice daily. You can use the elevator technique (level D, E, F etc.) to deepen relaxation or trance of you require to do so. You may then be able to give yourself post-hypnotic suggestions whist in deep relaxation, practice creative visualisation, or explore important life questions, whilst in trance. Alternatively, you can formulate your questions or identify your problems and goals before you go into trance with the intention to surrender to your ‘Higher Self’.

How often do I need to listen to the self- hypnosis recording? We suggest listening to the recording once daily.

Why do I need to listen more than once, if the recordings are so effective? The recording will start working from the moment you start using it. As you are learning a number of new skills, such as deep relaxation and encountering your ‘Higher Self’, you will require regular practice. Once you have acquired the skills, we advise practicing self- hypnosis at least 15 minutes daily, but without the recording, to maintain your life and health enhancing connection with your higher self and to continue reaping the benefits of deep relaxation.

Can I listen to the Self- Hypnosis recording more than once a day? You can listen to the self- hypnosis recording twice daily.

Is there a limit to how many times I should listen in a day? Do not listen to the recording more than twice daily.

When and where should I listen to the self- hypnosis recording? The best time is probably at night or on waking and at night, but this also depends on your individual life circumstances. Find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed, either in a comfortable chair with head support or lying down. You can listen whenever or wherever it is safe and convenient for you to do so. Most importantly, do NOT listen when driving, operating machinery, or when doing something that requires your full conscious attention.

Can I listen to the session in a loop, throughout the night? We strongly advice not to do that as it would impair the quality of your sleep and may as a result impact negatively on your health.

Does it matter if I fall asleep whilst listening? It is generally better if you do not fall asleep when listening. Hypnosis can be a natural bridge into sleep, so it is not uncommon for people to drift off to sleep. Many people like to listen in bed, which is fine. But we tend to associate our beds with sleeping, so if you find that you continuously fall asleep, then we recommend trying a different location or position. You might get better results by listening whilst sitting in a comfortable chair or recliner instead.

© Dr Peter Gruenewald 2019 Frequently Asked Questions Diamond Transformation

Do not worry too much if you fall asleep when listening to our self-hypnosis sessions. The subconscious mind never sleeps, so keep using them for full positive benefit. With time you will also get better staying fully alert and able to remember every detail of your experience, as this is part of the conditioning process of the self- hypnosis training.

Is it common to fall asleep and the wake up towards the end? Yes, this is common. Some people often feel as if they have been sleeping the whole time and then just happen to wake up near the end. The truth is, you were probably not actually sleeping during the session. It is more likely that you were deeply relaxed, and your subconscious mind knew it was time to wake up. With time you will also get better staying fully alert and able to remember every detail of your experience, as this is part of the conditioning process of the self- hypnosis training.

How do I awaken from deep trance? As your depth of trance will slowly grow over weeks, you may achieve the Esdaile state of self- hypnosis, in which you are deeply relaxed, but fully aware of yourself and your surrounding and fully in control. Nevertheless, when being talked to, you may not respond, neither verbally nor with movement. This is because this state of deep relaxation and stillness is so enjoyable full of euphoria and bliss, that you are not willing to disturb or end it to soon, unless you have to or have programmed your mind to do so. Part of the induction into the Esdaile state is therefore to determine and programme the duration and end of the session in advance. With the help of the recording you will over time be conditioned to spend precisely 15 minutes in deep trance. Once conditioned, this duration will be maintained even when you do not use the recording anymore. After 15 minutes you will automatically return into your bright awake consciousness, feeling refreshed, alert and very well indeed. Your organism is an excellent timekeeper! Of course, you can go back into trance for another 15 minutes afterwards if you wish to do so. In the case of external danger, you will be able to always end the hypnosis session immediately, as you are at any stage fully aware of your surrounding and you will end your session prematurely. Nobody has ever stayed in hypnotic trance without coming out of it. Sometimes, especially initially, you may fall asleep during the session. This may particularly be the case when you have been tired and/or sleep deprived. Your body will then be inclined to catch up on sleep first. With more practice, this will be less and less the case.

What is brainwave entrainment technology? Brainwave entrainment technology entrains the electrophysiological activity of the brain (brainwaves) through acoustic sound like binaural beats and isochronic tones. This brainwave entrainment can the support for example focus and relaxation. In this recording, we entrain brain activity in the Gamma (high focus) and Low Theta (deep relaxation) range. Brain wave entrainment technology has been used for decades to support relaxation, self- hypnosis, and meditative work. In order to get the full effect of brainwave entrainment, please use headphones or earphones.

What can you tell me about the music? The composer and musician Christopher Lloyd Clarke created this music for the use in and meditation recordings. Christopher Lloyd Clarke says about this composition:

© Dr Peter Gruenewald 2019 Frequently Asked Questions Diamond Transformation

“It will come as no surprise to you that I often slip into a nice, deep state of relaxation when I compose this kind of music. I always take it as a good sign when this happens and I take note of how deep I go, and how fast. The first thing I want to tell you about this music is that Wandering In The Warmth took me into a deep state faster than anything I’ve composed before. My hands came to rest on the keyboard and in less than 2 minutes I had slipped into the most profound state of wholeness and quiet. Much of this music flowed from me in one sitting, and very few revisions were made between that first sitting and what you hear now. This shift in my state of mind was so sudden and so deep that it made a real impression on me. Even as I write about it now, the memory of that experience starts to bring back wonderful feelings of relaxation all over again, and it gives me confidence that this music will be of great therapeutic benefit to many people.”

Do I need to listen with headphones, or can I listen with speakers? If you do not have any headphones, then you can listen via speakers. Although, we strongly recommend that you listen with headphones (or earbuds), if you can. Some elements of the brainwave entrainment (binaural beats) only work, when using headphones or earphones. Brainwave entrainment can help to deepen your relaxation and may be quite helpful during the first few weeks. Headphones also help in cutting down on any possible distractions. Remember that concentration is a key factor for self-hypnosis success and your focus can be easily interrupted by outside noise.

Can I change the bit rate of the MP3 compression format? Your MP3 files are recorded and formatted at 320 kps, which allows for a high-quality recording. Do not compress the audio files to a lower bit rate and this would reduce the efficacy of the brain wave entrainment technology impeded in the music.

Are there sample that I can listen to? Yes, you will find the samples for ‘Diamond Transformation’ and ‘Parabola’ in the ‘Try it’ Section of the website.

What is the Dave Elman induction? Dave Elman, 1900- 1967, was a pioneer of contemporary hypnotherapy and self- hypnosis. Although not a doctor, he trained hundreds of physicians and dentists, in hypnotherapy. His highly effective hypnosis inductions have been used by thousands of hypnotherapists for hypnosis and self- hypnosis, as they can safely achieve very deep states of relaxation and trance in a short period of time. Diamond transformation uses an adopted version off the Elman induction for self- hypnosis to achieve the deep Esdaile state. The Esdaile state allows to bring healing transformation about without the active influence of a hypnotherapist.

What is Esdaile state of self- hypnosis? Elman named a deep state of trance, the Esdaile state after a Scottish surgeon, working in Calcutta, who used to perform painless major surgery without the use of aesthetics. One of the characteristics of the Esdaile state is complete natural anaesthesia, which means anaesthesia that is not induced by . Other characteristics of the Esdaile state of self- hypnosis are: deep relaxation and trance; full awareness of oneself and the surrounding; the ability to end the trance state and return to full awareness whenever desired; a strong sense of euphoria and bliss; the ability to bring about deep insights into problems, as well as transformation of emotions, intentions and behaviour with it active use of suggestion. The problem solving takes place form they perspective of one's higher self, influenced by profound insight self- love, self- respect and love and respect for others and a sense of

© Dr Peter Gruenewald 2019 Frequently Asked Questions Diamond Transformation confidence and empowerment. There is a very gradual increase of this experience when practicing self- hypnosis, and the experience of the Esdaile state is deepened with increased practice.

Why am I asked to count back from 100? This commonly used technique, amnesia for numbers, is part of the Elman induction to induce deep relaxation of mind.

Why do you ask me to imagine riding down on an escalator to floor A, B and C? Going down into lower floors on a escalator has shown to be a very effective way to deepen already well established relaxation and trance into very deep levels. Floor C is described as your basement of relaxation. As you continue practicing tour basement of relaxation will become deeep4r and deeper. Relatively to the end of the recording there will by some quiet time which can be used by you in different ways. If you still wish to deepen your relaxation further, imagine that you go further down on the escalator to levels, D, E, F, G, H etc., doubling your relaxation with every floor you go down. The more you practice going down the escalator, the deeper the level of relaxation and trance.

What are the stages of trance? Please note that suggestions, (post-hypnotic) suggestions and affirmations as well as creative visualisation are effective in any depth of trance or stage. If the suggestions and affirmations are not well crafted and there are unresolved (subconscious) inner conflicts and ambiguities, then the suggestions and affirmations will not be particularly effective, never mind the depth of trance. Usually there are 4 stages of trance described, although there are also other classification systems:

Light trance, apparent somnambulism, true somnambulism, coma/Esdaile, state • In Light Trance you are deeply relaxed and able to focus. • Apparent somnambulism looks like deep trance, when in effect it is not quite as deep., although deeper than light trance. No anaesthesia occurs in this state. • In true somnambulism, body and mind are totally relaxed. Signs of true somnambulism include that all skeletal muscles are profoundly relaxed, the mind is blank and there me some amnesia, for example for numbers. As the mind is profoundly relaxed and blank, there are no thoughts going on, and the critical faculties of the mind are side passed and do not allow to override any suggestions. In the Elman induction, this state of trance is achieved by developing amnesia for numbers (counting backwards and losing the numbers). This state is deep enough to initiate amnesia for minor or major surgical or dental intervention by means of suggestion, dependent on the depth of somnambulism. The hypnotherapist has in many cases been able to replace the anaesthetist. In true somnambulism the person is highly suggestable and receptive for any form of suggestions. • The Esdaile state, also called coma state of trance is characterised by feelings of total bliss and euphoria. Also, the person is completely aware of everything that happens in their surroundings, there usually is a complete unwillingness to communicate with the surrounding or even to move. Although there is usually no external response to the communication attempts with the hypnotherapist, the mind is nevertheless very susceptible for any affirmations or (post -hypnotic) suggestions. In Esdaile state there is complete anaesthesia, and childbirth and major surgery have been conducted painless and without anaesthetics whilst patients were in this state. The Esdaile state has been explored by Dave Elman, who developed a reliable induction for this state, which is based on reaching the so-called basement of relaxation by descending into lower floors whilst riding down on an elevator or escalator. In recent years Ines Simpson has developed a protocol that allows her to communicate with the clients whilst being in Esdaile state.

© Dr Peter Gruenewald 2019 Frequently Asked Questions Diamond Transformation

The Esdaile state is also very useful for self- hypnosis in the strictest sense, as it allows to relate to the ‘Higher Self’ to bring about healing, transformation of self and life, achievement of life goals etc. without actively interfering in this process by using

affirmations or suggestions. The questions and problems can be explored briefly outside self- hypnosis and are formulated immediately before entering hypnosis. The questions, problems, gaols etc, are the surrendered to the activity of the ‘Higher Self’ during the time in Esdaile state. As the relaxation is very deep whist being in Esdaile state, the client usually experiences a much-reduced respiration, a lowered heart rate and is completely motionless, similarly to a state of hibernation. Our training guides you gradually day by day and week by week into Esdaile trance and empowers you to work actively, fully consciously and focused with your life issues whist in Esdaile. You are also being trained to remember everything you have experienced in this state. The depth of relaxation and trance achieved in self- hypnosis depends on the strength of your intention to achieve this state (‘I want it.’), on your expectations and trust into yourself (‘I can do it.’), on the use of your imagination (going down the escalator t the next floor and doling your relaxation, and ‘imagine what it feels like when you are so deeply relaxed that you experience this deep sense of euphoria and bliss’) and your practice (how often you practice. Important is that you trust yourself and confidence, which will gradually grow, as fear of surrendering into your relaxation may stop you from form going deeper into trance.

What is the 'Higher Self'? ‘Higher Self’ is part of who we are. Our ‘Higher Self’ is a source of goodness, beauty and truth, which we can decide by choice to bring into the world. The ‘Higher Self’ is the ultimate source of power, love and wisdom, that can inspire us and increasingly fill our life. The Higher Self encounters fear, hatred and doubt and is tasked to transform fear into courage, confidence and empowerment; hatred and self- hatred into live and compassion for ourselves and others; and doubt into knowledge and insight. The ‘Higher Self’ is the ‘I Am who I Am; I am, I was, I will be’. Your Higher Self embraces your entire past, presence and future in each moment of your life and brings health, power, love and wisdom into your and other people’s life.

How does the 'Higher Self' relate to the subconscious, conscious and superconscious mind? Our subconscious mind is the part of our existence that connects us with our origin in nature, the animals, plants and minerals. It has been also shaped by our personal and ancestral experiences. Our lower emotions and animalic desires originate in our subconscious mind, The superconscious mind is the transpersonal part of our existence that connects us with the ultimate power, love and wisdom or goodness, beauty and truth. Our conscious mind mediates between our spiritual existence (superconscious) and our natural existence (subconscious). The Higher Self encompasses all three, bringing the subconscious and the superconscious into consciousness, manifesting the superconscious into physical existence and transforming animal nature (subconscious) into humanity.

Why do I need to temporarily suspend the critical mind to enter into trance? In order to reach a deep state of trance and to allow suggestions to be effective, you have to side pass the critical faculties of your mind. Once you have achieved a deep state trance you can align your thought processes with your deeper insights, so that the critical mind turns into a constructive mind, or you allow the critical mind back in to override, what you consider as not appropriate for you. The same process happens during a therapeutic conversation: during listening you suspend judgement to

© Dr Peter Gruenewald 2019 Frequently Asked Questions Diamond Transformation enter into a process of profound listening. Once you have absorbed everything, you let it reverberate within yourself and then only you will pass a judgment on what you have perceived. Carl Rogers described this process a suspending judgement with unconditional regard, The same kind of respectful and transformative activity and you can learn to apply to the revelations of your ‘Higher Self’.

Am I able to think and judge clearly during self- hypnosis? Also, you need to side-pass the critical mind to go into deep trance, your critical mind is not completely asleep. In fact, during self-hypnosis, it is only temporarily suspended, and you can ask your critical mind in any time. You just need to make sure that your critical mind works in alignment with your intuitions and suggestion, once you have acknowledged that it is safe to do so, and not to contradict or override them. You are perfectly capable to pass clear judgement in trance, when you wish to do so.

How do trance, intuition and suggestion relate? Trance is like the earth, in which the seed (intuition or suggestion) is planted to grow a new plant and create a new life cycle. The deeper the trance the more fertile the ground. A suggestion is a thought that is charged by strong feelings and intentions. When thoughts, feelings and intentions are fully aligned, then the suggestion is particularly powerful. Intuitions are emotive and intentional ideas that originate from our Higher Self.

Why Diamond Transformation? Diamond is crystallised coal; coal is a corpse (waste product) of plants. In the darkness of the earth, under the influence if very strong heat and pressure the back, brittle charcoal is transformed into the translucent diamond, the hardest substance on earth. The process of transformation of coal into diamond, the involvement of darkness, heart and pressure to create a precious stone of outstanding resilience, beauty and clarity can be taken as a symbol for human development. The diamond's hardness is an expression for the strength of the human will, the rainbow colours of the refracted light are an expression for the beauty in the realm of human feelings, and the brilliance of the diamond is an expression for the clarity if ham thinking.


© Dr Peter Gruenewald 2019