1 a Message of Hope and Glad Tidings to Our Fellow Muslims in Egypt 5
A Message of Hope and Glad Tidings to Our Fellow Muslims in Egypt 5 [Please note: Images may have been removed from this document. Page numbers have been added.] Sheikh Ayman Al Zawahiri -may Allah protect him In the name of Allah, and praise Allah and prayer and peace upon the messenger of Allah, and upon his family, companions and allies. Muslim brothers everywhere: peace be upon you and Allah's mercy and blessings, and thereafter: This is the fifth episode of 'Message of Hope and Blessings for our People in Egypt,' and in the third and fourth episodes I discussed the popular, brave and dignified uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia. And in them I sent greetings for the two righteous populaces in Tunisia and Egypt that have gotten rid of the corrupt and corruptive tyrants, Zain al-Aabideen bin Ali and Hosni Mubarak, and I asked the free, honorable Egyptians that their doctrine and Ummah gain victory through awareness towards deviational attempts in their march or loss of its fruits, and to continue the resistance, steadfastness, jihad and persistence to destroy the corruption and to establish the just system that rules with Sharia, spreads justice, applies the shura, and achieve the country's independence and political freedom and social equality. And I continue my talk today, and I say: In the beginning, I would like to send greetings to the free, honorable ones who are protective of their religion, honors, countries and dignity, from amongst the sons of our Ummah, who rose and keep rising against the injustice, oppression, tyranny, and dependency on the foreign, arrogant infidel that has launched on our Ummah and our Islam the contemporary crusade war in the name of war on terrorism.
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