New Data Reveals The Trump SBA Gave Almost $4.8 Million In Pandemic Relief Funds To 25 Hate Groups, Including Over $50,000 To A Pair Of White Nationalist Organizations

Twenty-Five Organizations The Southern Poverty Law Center Designated As Hate Groups In 2019 Received Taxpayer-Backed Pandemic Aid, And Four Received Funds From Multiple Aid Programs.

ORGANIZATION DESCRIPTION EIDL PPP TOTAL AMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUNT American Family Association Anti-LGBTQ - $1,390,000 $1,390,000 Federation for American Reform Anti-Immigrant $10,000 $683,680 $693,680 Liberty Counsel Anti-LGBTQ $10,000 $428,100 $438,100 Center for Immigration Studies Inc Anti-Immigrant - $364,900 $364,900 St. Michael’s Media, Inc. Anti-LGBTQ - $301,100 $301,100 Center for Security Policy Anti-Muslim - $288,200 $288,200 David Horowitz Freedom Center Anti-Muslim - $265,700 $265,700 Immigration Reform Law Institute Inc Anti-Immigrant $8,000 $234,582 $242,582 Pacific Justice Institute Anti-LGBTQ - $159,000 $159,000 Thomas More Law Center Anti-Muslim - $137,000 $137,000 C-Fam, Inc. (Center for Family and Human Rights) Anti-LGBTQ - $117,100 $117,100 The Remembrance Project Corp. Anti-LGBTQ $75,000 $15,600 $90,600 Christian Action Network Anti-Muslim - $60,300 $60,300 Proclaiming Justice to the Nations, Inc Anti-Muslim - $56,391 $56,391 White Nationalist - $51,600 $51,600 Californians for Population Stabilization, Inc. Anti-Immigrant - $43,175 $43,175 The Ruth Institute Anti-LGBTQ - $37,084 $37,084 American College of Pediatricians Anti-LGBTQ - $18,558 $18,558 American Freedom Alliance Anti-Muslim - $12,500 $12,500 Neo-Confederate $11,000 - $11,000 Cultures in Context Incorporated Anti-Muslim - $10,540 $10,540 Global Faith Institute Anti-Muslim - $7,500 $7,500 Howard Center for Family Religion & Society DBA International Organization for the Family Anti-LGBTQ $2,000 - $2,000 VDare Foundation White Nationalist $1,000 - $1,000 Dixie Outpost, Inc DBA Dixie Republican Neo-Confederate $1,000 - $1,000 TOTAL $118,000 $4,682,610 $4,800,610

1 White Nationalist “Think Tank” New Century Foundation Got $52,000 In PPP Money, Even Though They Host Conferences For “Klansmen, Neo- Nazis, And Other White Supremacists.”

Nearly $52,000 Went To An Organization That Hosts A Conference Attended By “Klansmen, Neo-Nazis, And Other White Supremacists” Whose Founder Was Referred To As A “Leading White Nationalist” And Supported Trump.

May 22, 2020: New Century Foundation Took $51,600 Under The Paycheck Protection Program. More details can be found in the screenshot below. [Accountable.US,, 5/22/20]

[Accountable.US,, 5/22/20]

• The Paycheck Protection Program Was Designed To Help Small Businesses Weather The COVID-19 Crisis. “An SBA loan that helps businesses keep their workforce employed during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis.” [U.S. Small Business Administration, Paycheck Protection Program, Accessed 12/7/20]

• New Century Foundation, Which Publishes American Renaissance Magazine Is Based Out Of Oakton, VA. “American Renaissance and its website are run by , Henry Wolff, Chris Roberts, and Gregory Hood. Our mailing address is Box 527, Oakton, VA 22124 and our telephone number is (703) 716-0900.” [American Renaissance, Accessed 12/7/20]

Southern Poverty Law Center Identified New Century Foundation As A White Nationalist Group That Published The Racist American Renaissance Magazine And “Conferences Every Other Year Where Racist ‘Intellectuals’ Rub Shoulders With Klansmen, Neo-Nazis, And Other White Supremacists.” “Founded by Jared Taylor in 1990, the New Century Foundation is a self-styled think tank that promotes pseudo-scientific studies and research that purport to show the inferiority of blacks to whites — although in hifalutin language that avoids open racial slurs and attempts to portray itself as serious scholarship. It is best known for its American Renaissance magazine and website, which regularly feature proponents of eugenics and blatant anti-black racists. The foundation also sponsors American Renaissance conferences every other year where racist "intellectuals" rub shoulders with Klansmen, neo-Nazis and other white supremacists.” [Southern Poverty Law Center, Accessed 12/7/20]

• 2016: Vox Referred To Jared Taylor, The Founder Of New Century Foundation And Editor Of American Renaissance As “A Leading White Nationalist.” [Vox, 11/21/16] 2

o Vox HEADLINE: “A Leading White Nationalist Says It Plainly: Trump’s Victory Was About White Identity.” [Vox, 11/21/16]

• 2006: Former Klan Leader Attended The Conference, “Grabbed The Microphone … And Went On A Thinly Veiled Antisemitic Rant.” “Despite Taylor’s best efforts to keep the internal peace, this long-smoldering issue finally burst into the open when David Duke, the former Klan leader and author of an antisemitic autobiography, My Awakening, grabbed the microphone at the 2006 American Renaissance conference and went on a thinly veiled antisemitic rant about “a power in the world that dominates our media, influences our government and that has led to the internal destruction of our will and spirit.” In response, Michael Hart, a Jewish astrophysicist and longtime American Renaissance conference attendee, leaped from his seat and declared, “You f------Nazi, you’ve disgraced this meeting.’” [Southern Poverty Law Center, Accessed 12/7/20]

The VDARE Foundation – Publisher Of White Nationalist Website – Got $1,000 In Economic Injury Disaster Loan Money Despite Routinely Publishing Anti-Semitic And Anti-Immigrant Writers.

$1,000 In Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program Money Went To The White Nationalist Group VDare Foundation.

April 30, 2020: VDare Foundation Took $1,000 Under The Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program.

• The Address Associated With The Loan Was 16 South Street #211 Litchfield, CT 06759. [Accountable.US COVID Bailout Tracker, accessed 12/07/20]

• The VDare Foundation’s Mailing Address Is The VDARE Foundation PO Box 211 Litchfield, CT 06759. [“Fund Into 2021,” VDare Foundation, accessed 12/07/20]

3 “VDARE” Is A Southern Poverty Law Center-Designated And Runs, A White Nationalist Website That Publishes Anti-Semitic And Anti- Immigrant Material.

The VDARE Foundation Runs “The VDare Foundation’s mission is education on two main issues: first, the unsustainability of current US immigration policy and second, the “National Question,” which is the viability of the US as a nation-state. We do this through the webzine and VDARE Books, public speaking, conferences, debates and media appearances.” [, accessed 12/07/20]

• VDare Is Southern Poverty Law Center Designated Hate Group. [“VDare,” Southern Poverty Law Center, accessed 12/07/20]

VDARE.Com Is A “Heavily Anti-Immigration And ‘Racial Realist’ Website” Run By . “Peter Brimelow is “the publisher of the heavily anti-immigration and ‘racial realist’ website VDare and a longtime associate of prominent figures in the white-nationalist far right movement.” [, 09/24/18]

• Brimelow Has Acknowledged That His Website Publishes Writers That Are White Nationalists. “While Brimelow has long personally rejected the label of ‘white nationalist,’ he acknowledged to the Harvard Crimson in 2016 that his website does ‘certainly publish a few writers I would regard as ‘white nationalist’ in that they stand up for whites just as Zionists, black nationalists do for Jews, blacks, etc.’” [Washington Post, 08/21/18]

• VDARE Hosts Anti-Semitic Writers Who’ve Argued That “Jewish People Have Genetically Evolved With The Purpose Of Undermining Non-Jewish People.” “VDare’s contributors include figures like Kevin MacDonald, a psychologist and editor of a “white identity” journal who has argued that Jewish people have genetically evolved with the purpose of undermining non-Jewish people. And he’s cited Holocaust denier David Irving to make unsubstantiated (and wildly-anti-Semitic) claims.” [, 09/24/18]

• Southern Poverty Law Center: “ also regularly publishes articles by prominent white nationalists, race scientists and anti-Semites.” [Southern Poverty Law Center, accessed 12/07/20]

VDARE Publisher Peter Brimelow Was Invited To A Birthday Party For President Trump’s Top Economic Adviser Larry Kudlow—After Kudlow Tried To Dismiss The Association, Brimelow Said “‘Apparently We’re Not Supposed To Have Personal Friends Anymore.’”

Peter Brimelow Was Invited To A Birthday Party For Larry Kudlow, Trump’s “Top Economic Adviser.” “In the midst of a bad news day that didn’t seem like it could get any worse in August, reported that President Donald Trump’s top economic adviser, Larry Kudlow, invited a well-known white nationalist to his birthday party. Kudlow’s friend in question is Peter Brimelow, the publisher of the heavily anti- immigration and ‘racial realist’ website VDare and a longtime associate of prominent figures in the white- nationalist far right movement.” [Jane Coaston, “Peter Brimelow and VDare, the white nationalist website with close ties to the right, explained,” Vox, 09/24/18]

Brimelow Said, “‘Apparently We’re Not Supposed To Have Personal Friends Anymore’” After Kudlow Claimed He Didn’t Mean To Invite Him. “When asked about his association with Brimelow and his work, Kudlow told the Washington Post, ‘If I had known this, we would never have invited him.’ Brimelow responded to the news on Twitter, saying, ‘Apparently we’re not supposed to have personal friends anymore.’” [Jane Coaston, “Peter Brimelow and VDare, the white nationalist website with close ties to the right, explained,” Vox, 09/24/18]