Sullivan Fights Back Construction Through Tool Co
Your Community Newspaper Yol. tî,,Nò. 57 BELLEVILLE, N. J., FRIDAY, AUGUST 17, 1956 5c per copy Santa Comes To Town' Too Early Dramatics Highlight Town Commission Meeting As Waterline Is Passed; Sullivan Fights Back Construction Through Tool Co. Cap Pistol Is Lethal Weapon Shorts Cause To Benefit Bark Section Curfew Is Important Issue Controversy A t A.general improvement ordinance appropriating $7,506. In a dramatic attempt to prove that his propose d-11:00 ■fo^ construction, of an 8”. waterline through the property of p.m. curfew for teenagers should be passed, James R. GoldA. Eastern Tool Company, was passed Tuesday at the Town Town Meeting en, played detectiVe this week, bringing his evidence to Tues- i Commission meeting after much questioning from James R. Women’s shorts are. \ getting day’s Town Commission meeting. In the midst' of a strong ; Golden, and much explanation from Hugh D. Welsh and shorter and shorter, according to attack on Commissioner Harry J. Sullivan’s alleged indiffer-' Commissioner Kenneth Smith. Rev. Hendeyson E. Goldston, pas ence to the rising- amount of late-night teenage loitering, The main will join #n existing one installed by Eastern tor -of the Second Baptist Church. Golden pulted out a pjstol, and announced that such weapon»- Tool to others in the Bellwood Park .section, now a dead Rev.. Gbldgfon, addressing the Town 'Commission at . Tuesday’s are being/sold by local merchants to teeners. end, Welsh explained. Thi3 was laj h: -, .* had obtained the weapon from a reply to* Golden’s general interro- ’ wseting,. asked for ar.’ ordinance bo be passed-: forblddiMf fee - wear Holding up an ordinary cap gation of the igepibers Of the pistol, Golden explained that tha •commission.
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